l'j\? ,/ V53n OoIGnESs,I HOUSE 43D CONGRESS, HOUSE OF OF REPRESENTATIVES. REPRDSE}TTATIYES. 3d &sswu. lil Nession. | li,nronr 1 REPORT 'f No. rgtS. 1918. 1 Xo. DEEPEIi, WATER WATER,ON DEEPER YAQUINA BAY, OREGON. ON YAQUINA BAy, OREGON. FEBRUARY 22, l895.Comnutted Fnsnulnv 22, 189b.-Oommittod totothe theComniittee House on Comnifiee of Wholo House on the state eteto of the the Whole of Uniou antl of the Union and ortlsrecl ordered to to bo be printed. punted. HERMANN,ffrom Mr. Elnnul,lv\ rom the Committee on on Rivers Rivers and Elarbors,submitted and Harbors, submitted followirrg the thefollowing REPORT: REPORT: [To accompanyH.H R. R 8938] 8938.] [To aocompany The Committee The Committeeon on Bivers Rivers arrd. and Harbors, was referred Elarbors, to whom referred the whom was tho bill Ii.81138) bill (H. K 8938) providing providing tbrthe for the apponitiuieiit of a board board of appointrnerrt of of engineers eugirreers to to consider consider and and report report on on a new pr.oject project fbr for tleelrer deeper water on on the biti bar of Yaquina Rily, in Oregon, Oregou, having Yaquina Bay, having considered considered.the the same samerespectfully respectlully report as asfollows: follows: pro.jectof the prqject 1888,as of 1888, That the as rnodified modifiediuin1892, 1892,requiring requiringthe the rrolth north jebty jetty raised to high tide, groins be to be raised to full l'ull high tide, and aurl that tlrat five five groins be built built from from the south jetty chaniielwards chauuelward.s iu Jetty in ortler order to to prevent prevent the the currents currents undermining uudenniiliug the the jetty, is nearly completed, and )etty, and ititis that said is found produced fbuncl that saidproject has produced lxoject has a depth of 14 feet feet at at low lowwater wateron onthe thebar baratatthe the errtrance entrance to to the the bay, bay, antl tlris and this bar bar depth depth and and Iocation locatioiiofchannelhas been keptuniuterruptedly keptuninterruptedly of channelhas been tluriug the entire year. We find,however, during Wefind, that the however, that theimportance importance of of this thi's bay is bay is such such that that tleeper deeperwater watershould shouldbe beprovidetl piovided on on the bar, bar, with with a view of view of accommodatiug accommodatingthe the deep-draft deep-draft foreign foreign shipping shipping which which is now now off'eredad.ditional offered additionalinducement inducementtotoerrter enterby byreason reason of of the contemplated conternplated extension eastward of of the Oregon Pacific Pacific Railroad, Railroad, which which itit is is proposed, pioposed, proplietorship :iiid under the new management management now now about about to to assume &ssulnepropiietoiship rud control, shall control, shallconuect connectwith witheastern easternterrniuals, terminals,and andthus thus make make aa transtrarrscontiuental railway with with its western continental railway western terminus terminus on the waters waters of of Yaquina on the Bav. Bay. lihis will rsill so preseut traffic, so enlarge the present already large traffic, alr.eady large and increasing aud increasing ^ This lrorn and. greatWillamette from and to the great Willamette Valley, justify and imperatively Valley, as as to toiustifyand iurperatively reeuire deeper require deeper u'ater water than than has has so so far far been obtained by the existing obtained by tbe existing project. Tlte bill now now recommended proposes aa board recomrnendedproposes board of three eugiueer Plgject. The tbree engineer officers of Alrny, under officers of the the United United States under the grade of Strtes Army, lieuteurutthe grade of lieutenantc o l o n e l ,t to o bbe e aappointed colonel, President, p p o i l r t e dbby y tthe he P r e s i d e u t ,and n r r dsuch w, i t l r the the s u c h -engineers, e r r g i n e c r swith Chief ol'INugiueers, of Engineers, shall rnake make aa tlrorougli thorough examirratioriald examination and survey, and report a aproject, report project, with with an estimate water estirnateof lbl obtaining of cost, Ibr obtainitrg deeper deepc'r.u'ttcr on the bar at at the the entrance entranceof of said said Yaquimi Bay. Yaquina Bay. is the tire opinion opinion of ofyour yourcommittee committeeihat thataa pioject project carr can be agreed ou agreed on .- It is t[at will n'ill enable enable the Government that to obtain obtain a& permanent depth of Goverumeut to of water clepth I)ermaneut sufficient totoenable Sufficient enableships shipsengaged engagedininforeign foreignshipping shippingtotoerrter. enterYaquirra Yaquiia Bay Ray without without danger or regardless of oi delay, if a oi tlte a further the deta-y,iegardless extension of fu"tndr extension l[lsent,jetty your committee Present jetty works, and with said bill bill with this this view view your report said committee report (Y, R. (IT. R. SSSsi.back pass 8938) backtrjtotneElouse the Housewith withaarebommendation recommendationthdt that itit do pass witt Withau ananrendment ameijdmentininliues lines5 5and and6 6striking strikingout out the the words one ancl-one worcls ("and civilianltt Civilian;"and. and also alsostriking striking out out the the ys16 word rr6$o, "two" in in line line 4, and inserting as aa substitute as substitute for forsaid saidword word((two, "two" the the word read word .(three.t, so as to read '(three "three offlcrs." ofticers.tt 0