a Report of the Polk County Agricultural Economic Outlook Conference Dallas, Oregon February 21-22 1928 Containing a suggested Agricultural program for Polk County prepared by representative farmers and the Extension Service of the Oregon Agricultural College co-operating. ... t TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Foreword 4 Report of General Agricultural Economics Committee Report of Dairying Committee 9 Report of Farm Crops Committee Report of Horticultural Committee Report of Poultry Committee Report of Livestock Committee 5 11 15 19 21 Foreword This report is published as a result of a resolution unanimously passed by the general assembly of the Polk County Agricultural Economic Outlook Conference on the concluding day, February 22nd. Funds for the publication of the report were provided by the Polk County Court upon the request of the committee for this purpose, consisting of H. J. Elliott, S. L. Stewart and P. 0. Powell. The Conference was planned and conducted by the General Committee, representing the Polk County Pomona Grange, the Polk County Farmers' Union and the Chambers of Commerce cooperating with the Oregon Agricultural Extension Service and the County Agent. The purposes of the Conference were: (1), To gather accurate and detailed information on the local and national phases of agriculture; (2), To present this information in a concise and definite form, and (3), To draw conclusions and make recommendations from the assembled facts. The recommendations of the Conference constitute a compilation of the best opinions of the committees, supported by local experience and statistical data, t.ogether with results of extensive surveys of State and National Economic conditions affecting production aiid. marketing conditions in Polk County. The various committees put painstaking efforts in the preparation of this conference, notwithstanding this fact, the recommendations herein set forth should not be considered as final and it will become necessary to change them from time to time. It is not assumed that farmers will entirely change their systems of farming to meet conditions, on the contrary, there should be greater stability, more gradual adjustment and less violent fluctuation. SIGNED: Glenn De Haven, Polk County Farmers' Union G. G. Hewitt, Polk County Pomona Grange N. L. Guy, Dallas Chamber of Commerce A. E. Horton, Independence Chamber of Commerce J. R. Beck, County Agent. Report of General Agricultural Economics Committee Your committee has examined the State and Federal Agricul- tural Outlook reports for 1928, the report of the Polk County Economics Conference, and other pertinent data, including information gathered by several sub-committees of this committee, and reports as follows regarding the general situation and outlook, the demand outlook, the trend of cost of import goods and services and marketing costs and other points of interest to all Polk County producers. The General Agricultural Situation Although the general index of farm prices for tne United States as a whole advanced ten points in 1927 and the purchasing power of all farm products in terms of nonagricultural products now stands at about 21 per cent of the prewar average, this was not the resuit of any better demand situation, but rather because of reduced production of cotton, cattle, fruits and vegetables. Forces are not yet in evidence that would indicate any material improvement in the general situation during the next few years over the past three years, except as forward looking farmers may adopt more efficient methods and make further adjustments in the production to market demands. The trend in Oregon appears to be in the direction of an in crease both in total number of farms and gross cash income, al- though the gross income from agricultural production for the entire country appears to have become stabilized during the past three years at 12 to 13 billion dollars. The net movement from the farms, for the country as a whole, reached 649,000 people in 1926. This movement has at most been small in Oregon. In Polk county there has been little tendency for the number of farmers to increase. The number of farms in 1925 was reported by the census as 1850 compared with 1761 in 1929, or only 89 more. This increase was mostly in small farms close to town. Large holdings are not generally being divided but the trend, if anything, is toward larger hold- ings in farming There has been very sections. land few transfers by sale, although more inquiry is reported. A general policy of careful selection of farm enterprises and lowering costs of production wherever possible ap-pears to offer more chance for profit to Polk county farmers than expansion of gross production in 1928. The Demand Situation The general foreign demand situation for farm products from the United States does not appear to be quite so favorable as a year ago. Information developed in the national agricultural outlook report indicates that this is also true with respect to the commodities exported from Oregon, a large part of which is ordinarily sold in one of the four countries United Kingdom, Germany, Japan or China. Agricultural commodities which into foreign commerce from the port of Portland, of which Polk county is a producer, are principally canned fruits and vegetables, canned milk, hops, prunes, wheat and barley. Canned fruit and vegetables go principally to the United Kingdom, although France, Germany and Japan took go 6 AGRICULTURE small amounts last year. Canned milk goes mostly to Japan and China, although Peru took some last year. Hops are marketed largely in Belgium and United Kingdom; prunes to Germany and United Kingdom, although some go to Holland, Belgium, France, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Sweden. United Kingdom and Japan are leading markets for wheat although Germany, Italy, France, Holland, Belgium, Norway and China take some wheat from Portland. United Kingdom takes most of the barley going into chants would prefer to buy local farm products if they are of good quality, packed, properly graded and Polk county producers are likely to continue for some time to depend principally upon out of county markets for most of their products. The importance of standardizing products offered for sale cannot be ignored, however, whether for local or distant market, if these markets are to be held and the demand increased. Agricultural Credit The general agricultural credit situation is improved, if anything, over a year ago, and no material change is anticipated in Oregon in Polk county in 1928. The to be any better than last year. or is toward liquidation of Any increase in total production tendency short term obligations, without would more than offset any prob- much net change in the farm able improvement in domestic de- mortgage situation. mand. Commodities produced in The facilities of the intermediate Polk county which go into inter- credit of Spokane are gradstate commerce by rail or water ually bank becoming recognized and are apples, canned fruits and vegetables, dairy products, dried used, the volume of business done by that institution in 1927 totalexport from Oregon. The domestic demand for agricultural products in the United States as a whole is not expected prunes, hops, onions, seeds, poultry products and wool and mohair. On the other hand, for crops which there is a demand in Oregon or on the Pacific coast, the demand for the 1928-29 crop will probably be as strong and possibly stronger than the demand for the 1927-28 crop. The lumber industry seems to be in a more f avorable position, with more men employed than a year ago, and prospects for some increase in production to supply future orders more out of productions, as stocks of lumber are now reported low. The population is also increasing more rapidly on the Pacific coast than in the country as a whole. rt does not appear, however, that the local markets in Polk county may be expected to absorb much more local produce than a year ago, as the population of the county is increasing quite slowly and industrial activities are not likely to increase materially in 1928. Although a local demand indicates that local mer- ing $5,554,773.85 compared to $3,418,908.12 in 1926. The rate for direct loans to co-operative marketing associations remains unchanged at 4½ per cent. Farm Labor En general, the supply of farm labor is expected to exceed the demand in 1928. This situation is expected also to prevail in Oregon. In Polk county a shortage of labor will probably occur at harvest time unless men are induced to come in as has been done in former years. From present indications, wholesale price of machinery will not differ greatly from the prices of 1927, but the demand for heavy lines of power machinery and harvesting machinery, particularly combines, appears to be strong. In the Willamette valley from 75 to 100 combines have been sold during the last two years, and some of these were used for harvesting clover seed and vetch seed. Farm machinery expense AGRICULTURE appears to be justified for equipment that will lower cost of pro- duction. Fertilizers There may be some seasonal increase in fertilizer prices, but fertilizers are not expected to be much changed in 1928 as compared to last year. From the long time standpoint increasing compe tition in nitrates, as the result of improved manufacturing, may cause a gradual decline. Polk and ocean transportation is downward, if anything. Competition between trucks and railroads on short to medium hauls is becoming keener in Polk county, as elsewhere. There is a trend toward an increase in trucking livestock, cream and other products to market. Farm and Enterprise Accounting The committee finds that some progress has been made in extension work in this division during 1927. One community has county does not use much commercial fertilizer and the soil fer- started a class in farm accounttility can generally be maintain- ing and another arranged for a ed or iiicreased more economic- lecture in farm budgeting. The ally for the crops grown by means recommendations of the farm of rotations, including legumes. management committee in the Purchase of lime for legume pro - Polk County Economic conference duction is justified more gener- report of 1924 are hereby endorsally and some reduction in cost of ed for continued attention by lime is anticipated during 1928 Polk county farmers. The prothrough development of local lime ject records kept by boys and deposits. Soil erosion and con- girls in club work provides basic sequent depletion of fertility training which will increase farm should be guarded against, es- and enterprise record keeping by pecially in some orchard soils by future farm families and we esplowing across slopes, by extens- pecially commend farm account ive water-furrowing to divide the clubs wherever feasible as desirstreams of water and by the use able in promoting this work. of cover crops and the spreading Farm Relief of straw. These things, together with the use of all crop residues The value of our deliberations and manure, are more important to the individual farmer will dethan the use of commercial fer- pend upon their application to tilizer. and adjustment to his own farm. While national farm relief is an Farm Building Materials end to be desired, it is still true The present relationship be- that the quickest farm relief t tween wholesale and retail prices the individual farmer will ge of building materials in the Unit- erally come through his adjus ed States would appear to give ments on his own farm, and reason to expect some decline in remains the type of relief o the general level of retail prices, which he has the most ready but on the other hand, lumber, most complete control. which is a large item in farm Each farm should be organized construction, appears to be in a on a definite basis with definite stronger position and there is no enterprises chosen with regard to particular trend in evidence loc- the size and type of farm; that ally on other materials. adaptabilities of the individual; While the decline in land valthe demand and market outlet ues in Oregon appears to have for the salable product, and the been checked, and there Is a bet- possibilities of economical proter demand for farms and farm duction of the products. leases than at any time since The activities of any individ1920. ual farm should generally be The general trend of rail, truck changed rather slowly both in 8 AGRICULTURE regards to type and volume of omic Conference held in Novem- products, and should be made on ber, 1924, reveals many benefits the basis of probable financial from the deliberations and findreturns as shown by adequate ings of this conference, and farm accounts. If expenditure3 WHEREAS, The Outlook Conferare then made with the aid of a ence just closing has revealed to simple budgeting system, the in- us the need of revision from year dividual will be able to keep his to year of our conclusions as expenses within the safety limit world conditions and markets may and thus lay the basis for the change, and future success of his farming enWHEREAS, The benefit of such terprise conferences is cumulative and the General Recommendations the benefit to be obtained will Realizing that much remains to depend upon similar meetings bebe done before Polk county I arm- ing held from time to time, ers can be fully advised regardTHEREFORE, We, your coming the best procedure to adjust mittee on General Agricultural Ecproduction to probable demand, onomics. would recommend that develop the most efficient market- the holding such a conference ing facilities and standardize pro- each year oroftwo as conditions duction along most profitabl seem to require, be considlines, it is further recommended: may cne of the projects to be unThat the co-operative statistical ered dertaken by our County Agent; and crop reporting work for securing basic data be continued and improved, particularly in other states and nations. That more attention be given to demand studies for Polk county products. Obtain more data on the trend of marketing costs for Polk coun- ty farm products. Investigate the use of the facilities of the Federal interm'dlate credit banks in Polk county also, We recommend that our farm organizations interest themselves in the work of gathering and diss'minating statistical information along the lines of the information that has proven so valuable during this present conference, and We further recommend that efforts be made through our farm organization to obtain an appropriation from the County Court for marketing credit. to provide for the publication of WHEREAS, A survey of the re- the findings of this Outlook Consuits of the Polk County Econference. The General Agricultural Economics Committee G. DeHaven, Chairman J. H. Harland Roy E. Barker S. L. Stewart W. M. Elliott L. H. McBee 0. A. Peterson L. R. Breithaupt Report of Dairying Committee The Situation the county has decreased in the past two years some 1200 head and now stands at about 6,900. The manufacture of butter in tue The cow population of tion is of major importance. There are some 700 to 800 farms in Polk county with from three to ten cows each. Practical dairying has shown It economical to have at least 10 cows per unit. Because of cost of production and feeding value greater use could be made of oats-vetch ensilage on farms having silos. In- county has decreased some 50,000 lbs. in the past two years, some of which is due to the increased demand for fluid milk. There are some 140 head of creased production per cow is rgistered dairy sires in the coun- important and rigid culling by ty and about 30 to 40 grades. the Babcock test is of first imThe average production per cow portance followed by the use of is about 191 pounds of butterfat better sires. with milk testing an average of Improved Herd Sires 4.4 per cent. Prices of butterfat The of the best possible have averaged for the past year sire is use prime importance and 45.6 cents in cream and 54.6 cents in this of a long Step in whole milk to the condensary, would beconnection if all breeders of a decline of 3 cents in the past registered taken stock would only offer three years. for use such sires as they believe The Outlook will produce offspring that will their dam in production. The outlook for dairying in excel use of a proven sire is oria Polk county during the coming The year or two is apt to remain of the surest methods. about the same unless price deCost of Raising Cow pression abroad brings in more To the dairyman raising dairy foreign product. There is a ten- heifers we suggest the following dency for a wide spread between table as representative of high and low score butter in ad- cost costs in bringing a heifjacent markets to which our sur- er up incurred to two years of age: plus is shipped and unless our FIRST YEAR dairymen bend every effort to keep ahead of adjoining states Whole Milk, 540 lbs. at 2c $10.80 2.00 in quality they may lose this Calf Meal, 50 lbs. 2.00 market. The high pricësf beef Hay 2.00 and the demand from other dis- Oats, 100 lbs. tricts for dairy stock of our coun- Pasture, 6 mo. 6.00 ty places the dairyman in a poSECOND YEAR sition to cull his herd without Hay, 1 T $15.00 loss and also sell his surplus at Oats, 200 lbs. 4.00 prices better than the average of Pasture, 6 mo. 9.00 recent years. Recommendations 1. Economical Production Being a surplus producing county and state, economy of produc- TOTAL Labor and miscellaneous REAL TOTAL $50.00 $20.00 $70.80 DAIRYING 10 With these figures in mind and the prevailing demand from outside districts it would seem that the time is more favorable for the production of female stuff than for some time past. Butter Substitutes Campaign showing superior valof butter over substitutes should be continued and all substitutes should be sold as such. 4-A. Assessment Registered Stock In view of the decrease in spread of values between grade and purebreds the ratio of assessment should be decreased to where pure breds are only assessed the same as grades while it now is 100 per cent more. ue and quality Cost of Production The following table reasonably represents the cost of handling a dairy cow for a year and clearly shows the need for increased production per cow and economy of production. Using 191 pounds as the average production per cow it makes an average of 72c per pound. Mill feed, 1 T Hay, 2 T Silage, 2 T Pasture, 5 mos. Labor, at 30c TOTAL $40.00 20.00 14.00 10.00 54.00 $138.00 Disease SituationFuther improvement of the tubercular situation is largely dependent upon cleaning up of tuberculosis in the farm poultry flocks according to investigation by our county veterinarian. Infectious abortion has assumed alarming importance and any plan that will give control to this disease without driving the dairy- man out of business should be supported. The time is not ripe for compulsory testing as in tuberculosis. Calf club work among the boys and girls is of fundamental importance in the dairy industry and those clubs of the county should be heartily supported by all interested in the dairy industry and new ones formed wherever possible. 8. Conclusion Dairying is of fundamental im- portance in the agriculture of Polk county and anything and everything should be done that will increase or maintain its. pres- ent status both in production of milk and breeding or producing stock. Committee G. G. Hewitt, Chairman J. R. Beck, Secretary Claud Hoisington D. Rowland J. Campbell J. De Jong W. Anderson Geo. Dickenson John Loy P. Yungen Sam McKee W. 0. Morrow W. B. Allen Geo. Stewart Report of Farm Crops Committee In view of the tendency to increase the potato acreage in the United States we recommend no increase in the present commercial potato acreage in Polk county. The acreage for commercial potatoes should be largely conmed to those required for local onsumption. An increase in the creage of certified seed to take care of local needs is recommended. Low top Burbanks are the most promising variety for certification and for main crop uses. Bliss Triumph, Irish Cobbler and Earliest of All are recommended as early potatoes for seed and commercial uses. We recommend the more general use of corrosive sublimate treatment for seed and that where seed storage conditions are not good that the seed potatoes be spread out and allowed to green as on a barn floor or mow floor. Quantities of Yakima potatoes are being sold in Polk county, and many of these are low grade and being sold contrary to the labeling law. We recommend thai local growers pay more attention to growing pqtatoes of good qual ity and grading them to meet market conditions and that dealers in Polk county specialize on the sale of Polk county grown potatoes. We recommend that the farm organizations of the county put on a campaign to educate consumers and dealers to the merits of well graded locally grown potatoes. Low grade potatoes should be kept off the market and fed to stock. They are being used very satisfactorily as hog and cow feed. In growing certified seed the work should be carried out by folks using certified seed to start with. It should be planted only on new ground or ground free from potatoes for at least three Since thorough roguing or pulling out of the diseased plants is necessary certification is only suited to a small number of growers. Certified seed usually sells at from 50 per cent to 100 per cent premium over common and standard seed and is usually marketed at 25 to 50 per cent premyears. ium. Small Grains Winter grain is generally recsuperior in production to spring grain. Grain costs are rather high in comparison with returns, making it necessary to reduce cos4s and secure high yields per acre to make production profitable. It is recommended (1) That the grain be grown in rotation with a legume as that tends to produce larger yields. (2) That the seed be treated for smut to avoid loss and dockage. (3) That standard varieties be used in all cases, and (4) That particular attention be paid to the matter of harvest costs. During the past two years the small combine has been given serious consideration in the valley, and cost figures by the Farm Management of the college show that in 1927 grain was harvested at a lower cost per acre and per ognized as bushel by the small combine than by the binder-thresher method. This is in spite of the fact that in the small number of farms studied the yield per acre on the combine harvested farms was approximately 31/i bushels lower than that on the farms where the binder-thresher method was used. Experiences by combine owners indicate that the combines are 12 FARM CROPS well suited to the harvesting of grain and that where the combines are being used the barley acreage is increasing. Combines have been used in the harvesting of clover, seed flax and even kale and rape for seed, although ex- The barley Barley acreage in Polk county is increasing, and barley and oats are recommended for spring planting as superior to spring wheat under average marconditions. 0. A. C. No. 7 periences along this line are lim- ket barley and Hanchen ited and complete practicability Winter Spring barley are recommended is not thoroughly worked out. standard varieties. Barley usCombines as a means for harvest as out-yields all other spring are recommend, but very careful ually in pounds of feed producstudy with the trends indicating grains per acre. It is therefore the that harvesting is cheaper by that ed grain for farm feed producmethod than by the older method. best and the market for it is usIf combines become generally tion ually good. Oregon ships in both used non-shattering varieties al- barley and corn in large quantilowing a longer harvest season ties. More grown barley will be necessary. This will elim- may take thehome of this supinate Kinney, Huston and Min- ply shipped in. place county Hannnesota Wonder wheats. Special chen barley isPolk shipped to the problems associated with combine eastern market each year. harvesting include (1) the collection and disposition of weed Oats seed, which must not be allowed to go back on the land; (2) the There is a substantial demand scattering of straw, that it may for more oats for milling and be plowed under; (3) handling of for feed purposes. In spite of a straw that it will not kill out decreasing horse population the clover under straw rows or make demand for milling oats and for too strawy hay. oats for dairy and poultry feed purposes is greater than the supWinter Wheat ply. While oats are possibly the For fall sowing Jenkin, Rink, poorest paying cereal, they are Helland and Winter Wheat are better suited to some lands of recommended. with the Jenkin low production than either wheat preferred on the more mellow and or barley. Gray winter oats are well-drained lands. Rink is also the best winter variety. a good variety on mellow soils. The acreage for commercial and Ho1land and White Winter are seed purposes may be profitably orobebly better suited to the enlarged. Polk county annually ieavier soils. ships out seed of the Shadeland Climax variety. The acreage of Spring Wheat may also be enlarged subAmong the spring wheats Hus- this Victon, Marquis and Zimmerman stantially for seed purposes. and Three Grain are the have given best returns at the tory yielding spring oat variexperiment station and under av- highest at the experiment statioe., erage conditions out-yield other eties it is recommended that they varieties. It is recommended that and the county agent establish some be introduced into the county. demonstration plantings of ZimCorn merman in the county to comCorn is successfully grown for pare with the Rink and other varieties. While spring wheat is not silage and grain. The Northwest usually a paying crop in Polk annually ships in from 2,000 to county conditions indicate that 2.500 carloads from eastern points. the market for it will justify 1928 Polk county grows sufficiently niantings on lands making good good corn that it might take care of much of its local demand for yields. FARM CROPS corn as grain. 13 With the large fron numbers of prune and hop driers it is thought that corn for grain and seed may be grown and artificially dried in certain cases. If the corn is allowed to cure on the stalk or in the shock until the middle of November or later much of it may be successfully stored in cribs without artificial drying. For commercial shelling and sale artificial drying is necessary and is being practiced in flax selling at $1.90 per bushel would be equivalent to those from wheat selling at $1.30 per bushel. With the same yields flax at $1.60 per bushel would be as profitable as wheat at $1.10. On the other hand, if flax sold at $2.20 per bushel, wheat would have to sell for slightly over $1.50 per bushel to be profitable. Flax is no harder on the soil than a grain crop. With the Duluth cash price guaranteed to two counties. With established Oregon growers in Portland the driers the cost of drying is not crop has great promise. Yields of excessively high and this may 12 to 14 bushels per acre were sehelp to carry the overhead of cured under good flax conditions in 1927. It is especially recomboth hop and prune driers. For grain purposes yellow corn mended on some of the heavier is recommended. Minnesota 13 low land type of soil where drainis an early maturing variety rec- age is good. Like fiber flax, seed ommended for grain. For silage flax does best with early plantpurposes Bloody Butcher, McKay, ing on a firm seed bed. Yellow Dent and in some cases Hay Minnesota 13 are recommended. Flax It is recommended that there be still greater standardization on legume hay. The acreage in red clover is increasing for hay purposes with some surplus being marketed in the coast district by truck. There are now approximately 600 acres of alfalfa in the county, Flax is grown in the county for fiber and seed purposes. Where the haul to the penitentiary i. not too expensive and where good yields of two tons an acre of 30inch or taller flax is secured, it is a paying crop at present contract prices. Where small yields, as and this acreage should be enone to one and one-half tons of larged to care for local needs flax of less than 30 inches are and to provide summer green feed secured it is doubtful if it pays. and pasture for various stock There is little incentive to grow and poultry growers. Grimm alfiber flax except as it may be I aif a is the standard variety and contracted to the state peniten- is suited to well drained bottom Uary. Fiber flax to be successful land and to much of the wellmust be planted on a fine, firm drained upland when limed. Aland well-prepared seed bed, early ¶alf a should be inoculated previas in late March or early April. ous to planting. It is best plantThe outlook for fiber flax is ed on a firm, well-prepared seed limited to the needs of the plant bed in April or May. Owing to at Salem. There is a large mar- the early harvest of the first crop ket for seed flax in the United each year it is recommended that States and in Oregon. There is growers do not attempt too large no possibility of increasing the an acreage until they are accusacreage to the point of flooding tomed to the crop. Since hay making periods in the market. There is active demand for at least 40 tImes our late May and early June are few present production. On reason- we request that the weather burably good land it is a profitable eau broadcast long range forecasts the latter part of May and cror. With average yields of wheat through June advising coming and flax the net returns per acre periods of hay making weather. FARM CROPS 14 We urge the farm organizations to request the Oregon congressional delegation for this service. Vetch is recommended for hay purposes largely as a supplement to clover and on soils where clover is not a very certain crop. Both Hungarian and common vetch are recommended for hay and silage. In various parts of the county common is preferred on the better vetch land with Hungarian for the lower, heavier and more sour soils. Seeds Alfalfa is not recommended as a seed crop as it does not produce paying yields. Red clover for seed is an impor- tant industry, and may be enlarged if we produce the right kinds. It is recommended that for local use for hay purposes that the Oregon type of clover seed be continued, but for the seed that must be marketed in the east we recommend that we standardize the Anthracnose Resistant variety and on the Hardy Hairy Stemmed American red clover types. A good market for the cession. It should not be plant- ed where either wheat, barley or other vetch seed growing is contemplated, as it volunteers badly and may be a pest in those three crops. It is not objectionable in seed flax, oats or hay fields. With the large carry-over of and Hungarian vetch seed it is doubtful if much of either should be saved for seed purposes in 1928 unless there is evidence of an unusual demand, as in case of a serious clover failure from this spring's sowings. common Ladino clover seed offers promirrigated or subirrigated soils free from Alsike or common white clover volunteer. Root Crops and Kale ise as a profitable seed crop on The growing of root crops and kale as supplemental feed is recommended for those soils where large yields may be secured. Both mangels and kale give good yields on well-manured, well-drained land Important varieties of man- gels are Giant Half Sugar, Sut- ton's Prize Winner, Big Cropper, Danish Sludstrup, Mammoth Long Red and Giant Intermediate. More attention should be given temporary and permanent pastures. For irrigation and sub-irrigated pastures, Ladino clover is possibly best. For dry upland and sent back to the eastern summer pasture Grimm alfalfa is Anthracnose Resistant type prevails in the southern half of the Mississippi valley clover belt and the other type is suited to the north half. These clovers should be grown on land free from volunteer that they may be certified markets. Alsike clover is in substantial productive. Precaution against bloat should be taken. very demand and the acreage should Sweet clover makes a good yield of summer pasture on sweet soils be enlarged. Vetch seed - The planting of but is susceptible to stem rot. Hairy vetch may be enlarged to Dwarf Essex rape used as a comabout three times its present acre- panion crop of clover makes an age. The market is in the south- excellent summer sheep pasture. eastern states. The crop should English or common rye grass be produced where it may be planted alone or with clover harvested, cleaned and shipped in makes good temporary fall and early August that it may reach spring pasture. Mixed pastures the southeastern market in time for some of the permanent older for fall sowing. Hairy vetch for pastures are recommended. A seed in Oregon is suited to rath- good upland or stump land mixer heavy low lands without sur- ture is rye grass 6 lbs., tall oat face water and to some of the grass 3 lbs., orchard grass 3 lbs., thin uplands where it may be Kentucky blue grass 3 lbs., red grown for several years in suc- top grass 1 lb., Timothy 2 lbs., HORTICULTURE 15 red clover 3 lbs. and Ladino 1 lb. ence to red clover. Prepared Burn mixtures, beThis mixture sowed at 12-15 lbs. per acre is a good permanent mix- cause they are commonly made ture. For cattle pasture Burr up from waste material, are not clover is recommended in prefer- recommended. CommitteeGeo. A. McCulloch, Chairman George R. Hyslop, Secretary P. 0. Powell, Laird Lindeman, J. B. Lorence Forrest Pence C. D. Nairn C. C. Gardner Ernest Zielesch S. H. Robison Wm. Riddell, Jr. Report of Horticultural Committee A program for the balancing and development of the horticul- tural production of Polk county must be based upon not only what we can grow to advantage, but also what we can market to advantage. Only those varieties of tree and small fruits, nuts and vegetables which are particularly adapted to our soils and climatic conditions are to be included. Our fruit, nut and vegetable plantings must be planted in the location and upon the soils within the county suited for their production. They must be planted in large enough units for Existing ecomonic production. plantings unfortunately located, such as prune orchards upon shallow or poorly drained soils, can be are others, such as red raspberries, cap raspberries, filberts, and some of the canning vegetables, which will stand reasonable expansion. We must produce those things our markets demand in the proportions demandblack ed. Prunes The dried prune production of the United States for 1927 was something more than 400 million pounds, California producing 380 million, and Oregon and Washington approximately 40 million pounds. The total production of these three coast states will easily reach the 500 million pound mark inside of five years, while that of the Northwest alone can pulled at once to the financial be expected to reach the 100 muadvantage of the grower, as well as the good of the industry. Indications are that certain crops, such as prunes, apples, evergreen blackberries, a r e a 1 r e a d y over- planted in the county, while there lion mark. The Pacific coast states have a monopoly upon the dried prune production of the United States. Oregon and Washington combined have a monopoly upon the tart-sweet dried prune production of the United 16 HORTICULTURE States. The total prune production is sufficient to feed the American population at the present consumption rate of one and one-half pounds per person, with 220 million pounds remaining for export trade. When the 500 million pound production is reached in the next five years, unless we increase the average consumption of the American consumer, we shall have over 325 million pounds for export. made they should be on deep, well-drained soils suitable f or prune production. Cultural methods should be improved to increase the average size of our prunes. Good cultural practices and proper selection will reduce the amount of smail prunes, but wiil not eliminate them. Under the most favorable conditions we will have several million pounds of small prunes. These small prunes contain much The prune industry in Polk food value and have cost as much county has developed from 67 to produce as the larger sizes, but acres in 1889 to the present acre- sold on the market bring, in age of 11,000 acres. The ten to many cases, less than packing twelve cents received for the and selling costs, to say nothing prunes in 1889 was responsible of cost of production. Also, the for the first heavy planting, the very fact that these small prunes acreage reaching 1,145 in 1899. sell for a low price has a The dropping of prices to two tendency to reduce the amount and three cents a pound pre- received for the larger sizes, a vented any rapid increase during well as reducing the amount of the more profitable sizes sold. the next ten years, the 1909 acre age standing at 1,214. The six It is suggested that these smili cents received in that year, and could be used as a bythe other good prices during the prunes following years, reaching as high as product in such a way as to conthe food value and at the 20 cents in 1919, was responsible for serve time remove them from the additional new plantings. The same with the larger sizes. total plantings reached 5,181 in competition 1919, and 11,000 at the present To that end we recommend that time, 1928. Conclusions and Recommendations The probable value of a representative acre of bearing prunes, with the necessary buildings and equipment, is $625.00. The average production of dried prunes is not greater than 1,500 pounds per acre. The cost of production is at least seven cents per pound. The average price to the grower will be close to this same seven cents. For this reason, orchards averaging less than this 1,500 pound yield, which cannot be economically made to produce this amount, are better off removed. the prune growers adopt some method to finance research work for finding some use for small prunes as a by-product, and that the chairman appoint a committee to work with a like committee of other prune growing districts to carry out the intent of this recommendation. Dried prunes' water content should be standardized. Number of grades should be re- duced. Oregon prunes are now graded as to size, into 11 distinct com- mercial grades. Two distinct types of prunes are grown, doubling this Then at times old and new crop of prunes of each size and type are sold at the same time, and in addition each type least caught up with production, and size is packed under a uumand prices have reached a higher ber of distinctive brand names, level. When new plantings are This untold multiplicity of sizes, No new acreage should be planted, excepting to fill out economic units, until consumption has at number. HORTICULTURE 17 grades, brands and qualities is, to somewhere down the line of the say the least, confusing to the middlemen and is not to the inconsumer and the trade not justi- terests of either grower or confied by sound business methods sumer. It is the opinion of your comand not conducive to the largest possible consumption of our mittee that the number of comprunes. In the opinion of your mercial sizes of prunes be recommittee this large number of duced from 11 to not exceed 4, sizes is unnecessary. Perhaps no or, by way of illustration, to be other commodity of as near uni- named as follows: Small, Medium, form edible quality is marketed Lrrge, Extra Large. The recommendations of the (1) under so many distinct, though sometimes infinitesimally differ- Production, (2) Grades and Sizes, Advertising and Sales, and ent sizes. Storage, Warehousing and It is apparent that to mer- Finance committees of the Northchandize the successively smaller west Dried Prune Convention are sizes, a substantial difference in approved and highly recommendprice is necessary between each ed. different grade. By making ten Cherries successive substantial reductions, it is evident that an abnormally The cherry acreage in Polk low price must be in effect on county is about 1,000. The aver-medium and smaller sized prunes age production probably is 1500 to move them. To most consumpounds. The approximate value ers such an enormous reduction of an acre of a bearing cherry in price immediately suggests an orchard is around $650.00. The even greater difference in quality, cost of production is not less than cleanliness or edibility of the 9.3 cents. No increased planting of chersmaller prune. This psychology of the consumer's mind still fur- ries is recommended at present. Efforts to increase the yields of ther depresses the price of the smaller sizes to a ruinous price to existing plantings by better culthe grower. Then, the si'i'liPr tural methods, adequate pollinasizes are being by these processes tion and more thorough insect reduced to such a ridiculously low and disease control is urged. No cherries should be permitplane, the consumer as well as the trade naturally wonders why ted to be shipped out of the fresh state unless the larger sizes are so high while state in their the cherry maggot for other prunes apparently just as sprayed and state inspected before shiplarge or at best only infinitesimal- ping. ly smaller, are so much cheaper. Pears This feeling naturally depresses the urice of the large prune also. Polk county grows very few In this way useless multicplicity pears. Her 250 acres produced of sizes creates a trade and con- 20,000 bushel in 1923. This aversumer resistance to prices of both age yield of only 80 bushels is large and small prunes. In the much below a profitable one. It same retail store may be seen a should at least be increased fifty difference of 10 or 12 cents per per cent. pound or even more in the price Winter varieties, such as Anjou, of prunes grown on the same tree Bose and Winter Nelis can be in this county. It is quite appar- satisfactorily grown and may be ent that the grower is not getting advantageously planted, if plant12 cents per pound more for the ed, in large enough blocks to inlarge prune that the small ones, sure car lot quantities for shipand it is quite evident that most ping. Bartlett acreage in Polk of the increase in price is taken county should not be increased HORTICULTURE 18 because of heavy plantings in competing districts. Apples Polk county's 1,100 acres of apples produce about 90,000 bushels annually, an average production of only 90 bushels per acre. The cost of producing and equipping an acre of apples is at least $650. The cost of producing a box of apples is something over $1.00. For these reason orchards which cannot be economically made to produce an average production of 250 boxes per acre should be removed. No new plantings should be made except to fill out an economic unit. Yellow Newtons, red Gravenstems, Grimes goldens, red Delicious, red Romes, red June and yellow Transparent are suitable varieties for this county. Nuts Moderate plantings of walnuts and filberts may be advisable in this county. Plantings should be made upon deep, well drained lands only. Frost free locations are neces- sary for walnuts. Plantings should be made from most satisfactory varieties: Franquette walnuts and Barcelona f iiberts. Walnuts should be grafted to root stalks of Northern California black walnuts. Eleven to sixteen per cent of filbert plantings should be pollenizers. Uniform grades should be established and enforced. Marketing should be through a central agency, devoted exclus- ively to marketing nuts. Small Fruits Red raspberries, e v e r g r e e n blackberries, black cap raspberries, loganberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants can be economically grown in the county. Red raspberries, loganberries, black cap raspberries and Ettersburg 121 may be safely planted as the demand exceeds the supply. Gooseberries, currants, evergreen blackberries and soft strawber- ries should not be increased at the present time. Larger yields and plantings from stock free of all virus diseases is important. Committee C. Ewing, Chairman C. L. Long, Secretary Max Gehlar R. W. Hogg B. I. Ferguson Dr. J. M. Powell A. Schroeder L. W. Plummer Frank Coad T. J. Alsip G. W. Curtiss POULTRY 19 Report of the Poultry Committee The poultry industry of Polk county is a valuable agricultural asset. We rank high in the state of Oregon in value of poultry products. The poultry industry has just experienced one of its most trying years, although well managed poultry or farmers not having surplus labor to invest it is recommended that only a sufficient number of hens be kept to supply the home table, preferably 24 hens or less. At Least 15 Acres Needed for 1000 Hens plants have been able to show a Many established poultry farms, The state of Oregon now pro- successful for a time, have been duces more eggs than its popula- compelled to quit business betion consumes and is, therefore, cause all of the available ground profit. an exporter of eggs. likewise produces Polk county a surplus of eggs which must be shipped out of the county. The poultry industry of Polk county is considered not as a unit in itself, but as a unit in the poultry industry of Oregon. There exists a strong outside buying demand for the surnlus high quality Oregon eggs. With the present marketing facilities and their improvement to meet changing conditions, no difficulty is foreseen in marketing a material increase in eggs of export- able quality. Conclusions and Recommendations space became badly contaminated. Limited acreage is one of the greatest undermining factors in the poultry business. One or two acre tracts purchased for commercial poultry keeping where young stock is to be reared each year must b considered only a temporary and dangerous undertaking. Real estate dealers should be discouraged from exoloiting such small tracts as desirable units for successful and permanent, intensified poultry keeping. It is recommended that commercial poultry keeping should not be attempted on less than 15 acres of tillable land for 1000 hens when young stock is to be reared each year on the farm to that farm flocks too small to be maintain this flock number. considered an important unit of Poultry keeping should not be farm work usually suffer from advocated as a means of reclaimpoor management, a fact which ing logged off land except where results in inferior products, com- the acreage is materially increasplicating the general marketing ed over that of the minimum tillproblem of the state. There are able land recommended. two closely related phases of the Must Raise Disease-Free Pullets poultry industry, namely: first, Success or pouitry Keeping in economical production of a quality product; second, efficient Polk county depends upon the marketing of the product. The ability of the producers to raise greater volume of the aggregate to maturity pullets that are vigproduct is as yet produced by the orous and free from internal pargeneral farm flock rather than asites and malformation. This by well managed economical un- can be done more safely through careful effort to brood chicks on its. For farmers not interested in clean soil each year. Careful study discloses the fact POULTRY 20 farms On where permanent; brooder houses must be used it is recommended that concrete yard the length of the brooder house and 20 feet wide be used. It is recommended that producers endeavor to secure all carry on more experimental work along the lines of proper feeding and brooding. This committee goes on record as being opposed to compulsory B. W. D. testing at this time. Green Feed Is Essential Green, succulent feed is one of the four major classes of poultry feeds necessary to growth and egg production. In Polk county kale and roots should be the main green feed. There are times in chicks for brooding purposes at one time, where only one brooder and one range is available. In terms of financial results, labor and economics it is better to purchase 500 day old chicks at one time to secure 200 pullets than mid-winter when the supply of to attempt to hatch this number kale on some farms is limited, at two or three hatchings from frozen or unfit to feed. smaller incubator capacity. A The summer green feed probuniform lot of chicks implifies the lem even more important, as it brooding, feeding, growing, hous- is theisseason of short supply. It ing and production problems anct is perhaps the important contributes largely towards suc- feed item in the most ration of growcess. ing chicks. This committee esFollow Successful Types Proper poultry houses are essential to successful poultry keeping. There is a tendency to construct laying houses along lines of individual hobbies rather than to pattern after those which through experimentation, have proven successful. It is recommended, therefore, that producers desiring to construct new laying houses be guided by the plans set forth in Station Circular 51, Oregon Agricultural college. One of the serious limiting factors of poultry production in Polk county and the state of Oregon is the increase of poultry diseases. That of coccidiosis, chicken pox, flu, croup and cold are among the worst, and we recommend the poultry veterinarian recommends alfalfa for summer range. This committee recommends that the tariff on eggs be doubled. Cold Storage Law Should Be pecially Repealed Those engaged in the poultry industry believe that the consumption of eggs is reduced by the law which regulates the sale Meats, cold storage eggs. fruits, potatoes, vegetables, butof ter, cheese, etc., are not required to be sold under a cold storage sign. Placing of eggs in cold storage is necessary to care for the surplus eggs during the flush season. The present storage law is not rigidly enforced. There is a nation-wide effort to eliminate the cold storage regulation and sell on size of egg and quality of of the state college to use every egg. The poultrymen, therefore, means at his command to com- recommend that the Oregon legbat these diseases. islature repeal the present cold We recommend that the poultry storage egg law and pass instead department at the state college a law regulating the sale of eggs be allowed sufficient funds to according to size and quality. Committee George Cooper, Chairman W. H. Small F. E. Hennagin Henry Dickenson Wm. Garner Morris Christensen Forrest Martin J. D. Smith T. M. Lamond Albert Schroeder Report of Livestock Committee Sheep It is recognized that sheep have been increasing iu numbers both in Oregon and in the United States. It is further recognized that present favorable prices may not continue indefinitely. It is believed, however, that sheep raising is one of Polk county's most permanent industries and that it has been, and will be, prosperous when taken over any long series of years including both good and bad. Continuation of the sheep business on this basis is recommended. Speculation in sheep is not to be advised. The cost and income from grade ewes in Polk county was estimated as follows: EXPENSES Labor Pasture Salt Shearing Hay Oats Interest Losses Taxes Depreciation TOTAL Lamb $8.05 INCOME Wool, 8 lbs. at 35c TOTAL $1.00 3.00 .05 .15 .75 .45 .90 .60 .15 1.00 $8.00 2.80 $10.80 The above does not include ram costs, housing or incidentals. Beginners in the sheep and goat business together with experienced operators who are increasing their flocks will find it necessary to give special attention to the prevention of parasites. Stomach worms are a constant menace to the sheep industry. Medical treatment is of doubtful value. Sanitation and rotation of pastures are workable means of prevention. Rotation is especially important on highly productive land that carries a large number of sheep per acre. Sheep pastures on such land should be regularly rotated with grain, hay or other crop that is not pastured. Liver flukes may be combatted by draining swamp areas. Infested animals may be treated with reasonable success with carbon-tetrachloride. Angora &oats We do not feel that there is any Immediate danger of over-pro- duction of mohair in view of the fact that its use for manufacturing purposes is expanding. We strongly recommend goats as a means of economical land clearing but urge that the greatest success so far as profits are concerned is had when the goats are turned on stump land and allowed to remain until sprouts are eaten down close. After that they should be taken off and turned onto good pasture. As sprouts grow turn in on them again until eaten down. There are 315,000 acres of lands suitable for goat production in Polk county, capable of carrying The average 3 goats per acre. mohair clip is slightly over 4 lbs. per head and this can be materially increased by the use of good sires. A return of $5.00 per head per year can be expected under intelligent care. We recommend some goats on every farm having some brush land as a means of utilizing waste areas suitable for that purpose. The use of goats will improve pasture conditions for all classes of farm livestock. LIVESTOCK 22 Swine Under present Polk county conditions it is considered safe to Milk Goats The United States imports 80,- 000,000 pounds of Roquefort cheese keep hog production within the annually. There are not milk numbers necessary to utilize the goats enough to supply the deavailable farm wastes. There is mand from hospitals. Therefore, some profit in the business where we believe it will be years before the hogs are kept largely to con- there will be an over-production sume surplus skim milk, cull fruit of milk goat products. The same 315,000 acres in Polk and vegetables and table wastes. that is suited to Angora The present ratio between grain county is suited to milk goats. The prices and pork prices is very goats return per milk goat is unfavorable, but it is believed that average net. There are 400 milk this condition is but temporary. $25.00 in the county. One doe Market statistics show that as an goats two acres of land and in average of the past 18 years 100 requires 300 lbs. of hay each year. pounds of pork live weight has addition recommend some milk goats brought approximately the same onWe every farm having some brush figure as that received by the land a means of utilizing waste farmer for 616 pounds of barley. areasassuitable for that purpose figures Cost presented by Mr. and as a means of replacing some Pence of this committee show a crops are now produced in feed cost of $20.94 for fall pigs surnluswhich quantities. at 200 lbs. and $16.95 for spring Experienced raisers of milk pigs at the same weight. goats here in Polk county state Intestinal worms are a frequent that the handling of this animal source of loss ii Polk county is easily learned and anyone inhogs. These parasites may be terested in this phase of livestock largely prevented by keeping pigs can do so on the type of land off of old infested pastures until referred to with a degree of asthey are at least three months surance. The milk goat will funcold. The pigs must be farrowed tion in the same manner as the in perfectly clean, sanitary quar- Angora as regards land clearing ters and if not already on pas- and pasture improvement. We ture soon moved to pastures that recommend that goat milk be dishave not had hogs on them for posed of in the form of Roqueat least a year. fort cheese. Committee Ronald Hogg, Chairman E. L. Potter, Secretary W. F. Lee D. R. Riddell Robert Pence Joe Staats Frank Farmer Harrison Brandt W. D. Gilliam Jess Walling