Winning Strategies TEAM A2 CONTENTS Theory & Approach of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Waveriders’ Vision Linking BSC with Strategy No 3 Advantages & Disadvantages of BSC BALANCED SCORECARD THEORY & APPROACH What is BSC? The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. THEORY & APPROACHES? Balanced Scorecard helps the organization to manage and view its activities by focusing on four different but equally important perspectives. The Financial Perspective The Customer Perspective The Business Process Perspective The Learning and Growth Perspective (Roberts, 2006) WAVERIDERS’ VISION (2013 – 2017) To be the first choice for clients where luxury meets affordability and set high level standards in the military marine industry. Internal Business Perspective Goal Customer Perspective Measure Target Cycle Time 30 min Percent of products defective at final test 2% Improve Safety Specifications Percent of audits conducted on schedule 97% Reorganize the Sales Team Number of Sales Orders 320 Number of staff reduced annually 1 Number of overtime request forms 40 Percent of financial reports delivered on schedule 96% Goal Efficiency in Manufacturing Reorganize & Reduce HR Team Install New Finance System to Reduce Finance Workload Finance Perspective Goal Increase Profitability Measure ROCE Move C&B Mgr into the Finance Dept. Number of Payroll errors Increase efficiency of using the new technology ROA Install New Finance System Target 0 Estimated Cost £25K (2013) Identify Euro promotional campaigns Cost of Marketing £250k (2013) Continue to Invest in New Technology Cost of Investing £150k (2017) Measure Target Customer Satisfaction Number of follow up calls 700 Improve Safety Specifications Number of customer complaints on Safety Issues 5 Cost of Marketing Campaigns £50k Offer Discounts Number of Discounts per annum 4 Improve Product Specifications Percent of Performance against standards (European Standards) 98% Become the price leader Cost per unit benchmarked against competitors Euros Promotional Campaigns To be the first choice for clients where luxury meets affordability and set high level standards in the military marine industry Learning & Growth Perspective Goal Measure Target Continue to Invest in New Technology Number Of new developments in the product 3 Identify New Distributor who could take on the European Sales Percent of Market Share 30% Gross Margin (%) 15% Percent of Customers who can track order status electronically 20% Install New Finance System for Euros STRATEGY 3 MAP - WAVERIDERS BALANCED SCORECARD TOTAL 19 100% 100% Learning & Growth Perspective Goal Measure Measure Unit Actual Target Implement New Finance System to Decrease Finance Workload Percent of financial reports delivered on schedule (per week) % 61% 96% (2017) Recruit and Retain Qualified Sales Rep Turnover of Sales Personnel % 13% 3% (2017) Internal Business Perspective Goal Measure Measure Unit Actual Target Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing Percent of product parts defective at final test % 10% 1% (2017) Improve Safety Specifications Percent of audits conducted on schedule % 70% 97% (2017) Reorganize the Sales Team Number of Sales Orders Score 260 320 (2017) Reduce HR Team Number of staff reduced annually Score 4 (3 Admins + 1 T&D Mgr ) 1 (per annum) starting from 2014 Move C&B Mgr into the Finance Dept. Number of Payroll errors (Per Annum) Score 10 1 (2017) Percent of Market Share % 15% (5% leisure market + 10% Marine) 30% (10% +20%) / (2017) Gross Margin (%) % 7.75% 15% (2017) Number Of new developments in the product Score 1 3 (per annum) Identify New Distributor who could take on the European Sales Increase Innovation Interventions Customer Perspective Goal Measure Measure Unit Actual Target Become the price leader in the Euro Market Cost per unit benchmarked against competitors £ £3500 (sea spray) & £14900 (sea horse) Increase price by £87.5 (sea spray) & £372.5 (sea horse) (increase of 2.5% by 2017) Improve Relationships with Customers Percent of Customers who can track order status electronically % 0 20% (Per Annum) Percent of New Euro Customers acquisitioned through the campaigns % - 15% (2017) Number of customer complaints on Safety Issues (per month) Score 35 5 (2013) Percent of Performance against standards (Marine European Standards) % 89% 98% (2017) Number of follow up calls (per week) Score 400 700 Identify Successful Euro Promotional Campaigns Provide Best Value of Products to our Customers Provide High Quality Service to our Customers Finance Perspective Goal Increase Profitability Increase the efficiency of using new technology Measure Measure Unit Actual Target ROCE % 9..05% 13% (2017) ROA % 8.3% 11.93% (2017) Balanced Scorecard Objectives Increase Profitability Increase the efficiency of using new technology Become the price leader in the Euro Market Improve Relationships with Customers Action Plan Measurement Target Initiative Budget ROCE 13% - - ROA 11.93% - - Increase the Price - Cost per unit benchmarked against competitors Percent of Customers who can track order status electronically 20% Install New Finance System £12,5k Percent of New Euro Customers acquisitioned through the campaigns 15% Increase Marketing Spend £250k Number of customer complaints on Safety Issues (per month) 5 - - Percent of Performance against standards (Marine European Standards) 98% Provide High Quality Service to our Customers Number of follow up calls (per week) 700 - - Reorganize the Sales Team Number of Sales Orders 320 - - Number of staff reduced annually 1 Applying Redundancy £77k Move C&B Mgr into the Finance Dept. Number of Payroll errors (Per Annum) 1 - - Identify New Distributor who could take on the European Sales Percent of Market Share 30% - - Gross Margin (%) 15% Number Of new developments in the product 3 1% Continue to Invest in New Technology £150k Percent of product parts defective at final test Percent of audits conducted on schedule 97% Percent of financial reports delivered on schedule (per week) 61% Install New Finance System £12,5k Turnover of Sales Personnel 13% Take on new 3 Sales Rep £96k TOTAL BUDGET £598k Identify Successful Euro Promotional Campaigns Provide Best Value of Products to Our Customers Reduce HR Team Increase Innovation Interventions Improve Efficiency in Manufacturing Improve Safety Specifications Implement New Finance System to decrease finance workload Recruit and Retain Qualified Sales Rep ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF BSC Advantages • Gives a clear picture of the future and a path to for getting there. • Gives a balance view of Company’s performance • Gives a balance between short – term and long – term objectives. • Identify cause and effect relationships between the different elements of an organization. • Converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Disadvantages • The cause and effect relationships are problematic. • Not easy to convert into a measurement model. • It focuses primarily on top - down performance measurement. THANK YOU Q&A REFERENCES Balanced Scorecard Institute. (1998). Balanced Scorecard Basics. From alancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx Kanji, G. (2002) Measuring Business Excellence. London: Routledge. Kaplan, S. , Norton, D. (1996) The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press. Kaplan, S. , Norton, D. (2004) Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes. Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press.