ImpliedVolatilityGrid: Grid Based Integration to Provide On Demand Financial Risk Analyisis Brian Conlon, Jonny Press, Felix Lungu Gordon Macleod, Paul Donachy, Terence J. Harmer, Ron H. Perrott Belfast e-Science Centre, Queen’s University of Belfast {g.macleod,p.donachy, t.harmer,r.perrott} Abstract Implied volatility is a calculation used within the financial sector. It is highly computationally expensive both in terms of calculations and required data. This paper discusses the grid enabled proof of concept Implied Volatility Grid project. An overview of the architecture will be presented; Sun Grid Engine, JGrid and the Globus Toolkit (version 3) combine to form the backbone of the system. In addition, this paper will detail the performance gains from grid enabling the implied volatility calculation. It shall conclude by discussing the future direction of the grid application, in particular the transformation from Globus Toolkit version 3 to version 4. 1. Introduction Within the stock market, stock and stock options can be purchased. Stock signifies an ownership position within a corporation. Options represent an option to buy or sell a set amount of stock from/to a third party at a set price in the future. An option is purchased from a third party and if it is profitable on the maturity date (for example, the strike price of a call option is less than the current value of the stock, allowing the holder of the option to buy the stock more cheaply than would otherwise be possible) it will be exercised – otherwise it will be left to expire. When the stock market is open, stock and option prices are constantly being updated. Stock options are normally priced using the Black Scholes [1] model. This equation contains a volatility parameter which cannot be observed in practice. There is a one-to-one relationship between the theoretical price of a stock option and its volatility. Unfortunately there is no closed form solution for implying the volatility from the stock option price. If the volatility is known, trades can be executed to take advantage of volatility spikes. The implied volatility First Derivatives plc, {bconlon, jpress, flungu} must be calculated using a numerical method; a NewtonRaphson [2] iterative process is normally used, which is computationally expensive. Figure 1. The implied volatility formula The financial sector currently depends heavily on such calculation and data intensive computations to deliver competitive advantage. The calculation of implied volatility is an example of this, as are risk management calculations (analysing the risk of a portfolio of stocks, bonds). Such applications command high peak data rates for fast access to market data sources and high availability is essential for trading and pricing. Non-availability means absence from the market. The quantity of available market data is vast and response times are required to be as fast as possible as time is critical in financial applications. At present such tasks are largely performed onsite within a closed network. ImpliedVolatilityGrid is a proof of concept project, developed at the Belfast e-Science Centre, Queen’s University Belfast, in conjunction with First Derivatives, a recognised service provider in the capital markets technology sector, who are based in Newry, Northern Ireland. The project focuses on grid enabling a calculation used in the financial sector, namely implied volatility. Implied volatility is an extremely apt grid example as it captures the computationally and data intensive (but inherently parallelisable) nature of many financial calculations. 2. ImpliedVolatilityGrid Architecture ImpliedVolatilityGrid is a three-tier architecture with five of the main components being found in the grid middleware and cluster tiers. These five components, namely IVGrid Service, IVGrid RMI Server, IV Implementation, JGrid RMI Server and the Sun Grid Engine Node will be discussed individually in more detail below. 2.1 IVGrid Service The ImpliedVolatiltyGrid service is deployed in Globus (version 3). This accepts the HTTP service calls from the client and passes these onto the IVGrid implementation, via the IV RMI server, as a KJob. The KJob contains the options configured by the client for the job and also status information that is sent back from the IV implementation. Initially, this status information contains the start time of the entire job. 2.3 IV Implementation The ImpliedVolatilityGrid implementation primarily consists of a KJob class. When the IVGrid RMI server is requested by the service to process the job, firstly the data for the tasks is retrieved from the Kdb [3] database, using the K java based interface. According to the number of tasks to be run, the data is split evenly among these tasks, which are then created with the data retrieved. Each task is then added to the pool of tasks for that job. When the job is run, a thread for each task in the pool, in the Kjob instance, is created in succession. The task thread then connects to the JGrid RMI server and submits the task to be run to the JGrid implementation and hence the grid itself. The JGrid RMI server is polled every 500ms, in the thread, to check the status of the task. Once the status of the task is complete, the results of the task are retrieved via a K_IO object and the status (JobStatus instance) of the KJob is updated accordingly, notifying completion of a task for that job. 2.4 JGrid RMI Server The JGrid component allows jobs to be submitted to Sun Grid Engine via native Java calls. It enables live Java objects to be submitted to the grid and live objects to be received in response. JGrid has 3 main components: Figure 2. ImpliedVolatilityGrid Architecture 2.2 IVGrid RMI Server The IVGrid RMI Server accepts ImpliedVolatility calls from the service and allows the service to query the status of running jobs for notification to the client. The IVGrid RMI server consists of a ComputeInterface interface and a ComputeImpl class. When the service has been run, it makes the connection to the IVGrid RMI server and passes the Kjob it created. It then calls methods on the remote interface (ComputeInterface) to initiate the creation of the tasks, start the job as a separate thread, and subsequently retrieve the status of the job and its associated tasks. Once all tasks are complete, the service retrieves the completed KJob. • The Java Compute Server, that uses smart RMI proxies to intercept RMI calls, in this case from the ImpliedVolatility implementation, and feed them through the grid. • The Native Peer, a native binary (in C) that connects to the agent and requests the ImpliedVolatility task (a Ktasklet instance) to be run. • The Agent, a Java server that runs on each execution host (grid node). The Native Peer contacts the agent via a custom protocol (JCEP: Java Compute Engine Protocol) and sends the task request. The agent then executes the requested task and returns the results to the server via RMI. The server can then return those results to the client (the ImpliedVolatility implementation). Whenever the task has finished completion on the node, the results are serialised and sent back to the JGrid RMI server. 2.5 Sun Grid Engine Node Once the ImpliedVolatility task (KTasklet object) has been sent to the grid node for execution, it is executed via the compute method implemented from the JGrid interface. The JGrid component specifically looks for this method in the object it has been passed and initiates execution in this way. The KTasklet then connects to the locally installed K daemon (using the GetKInstance class) via a specified port number and using the Java-based interface to K, sends it the command and data to execute. If the K daemon is already running, an attempt is made to connect to the existing instance. Once the K daemon is finished executing, the results are returned to the KTasklet instance and hence back to the JGrid RMI server for notification to the ImpliedVolatility service and finally the client. 3. will be achieved through the use of Globus Toolkit version 4. An “intelligent” middleware will be created that will include several components (see Figure 4). A registry will allow for services and resources to be managed, monitored and discovered, with support for Multi-Cluster Grids. The ability to provide replication of the registry and grid services will provide a more robust middleware. Administration of middleware components will be facilitated through the utilisation of a grid portal. This will also serve as a central access point for all users of the application. Results Preliminary results gathered from running the ImpliedVolatilityGrid application can be viewed in Figure 3. The results found are unsurprising, due to the inherently parallelisable nature of the calculation used. Figure 4. Revised ImpliedVolatilityGrid Architecture 4.2 Figure 3. Running times for various node configurations More in depth results will be readily available at the All Hands 2005 conference. 4. Future Direction 4.1 Framework Enhancements Although ImpliedVolatilityGrid focuses specifically on implied volatility calculations, it is a vision for the future that many types of different services will be provided. Initially the focus will be on implied volatility calculations, data feeds (for example, from Reuters, Bloomberg) and data storage. It will be possible to add new services, providing access to different kinds of financial calculations. It is planned to migrate from OGSA to WSRF based grid services. The current implementation has been achieved using Globus Toolkit version 3.0.2. WSRF compliance Business Uses ImpliedVolatilityGrid has great potential within the financial sector. While it was designed and developed as a proof-of-concept project, future enhancements will enable it to evolve into a marketable real world business solution. Within merchant banks, traders, analysts and risk managers are a few of the people who could make use of an Implied Volatility service. The service could be supplied in a variety of formats: 1. 2. 3. The service has access to market data (which can itself be exposed as a service). This could be supplied from a provider such as Reuters or Bloomberg. As the market data changes the service sends updates to the client, providing real-time implied volatilities. The service accepts stock and option data from the client. It calculates the implied volatilities and returns the results to the client. The service has access to its own market data. It accepts queries from clients in the form of an option ticker. The service itself would most likely maintain the implied volatilities as up-todate as possible, so this would merely be a database lookup. The client supplies a query; the service does a lookup and returns the implied volatility. As a marketable service, the first service would probably be the most likely due to the reduced latency. Merchant banks already receive observable market data from external feeds, so calculated data is a possibility. There is also the issue of how the users of a service will pay for its use. In the case of the first option, a subscription service may be viable. The subscription would either cover a certain time period or the number of times the service could be accessed (before requiring a new subscription). With regards to services 2 and 3, a pay per use system would be more appropriate. 4.3 Use Cases Several use cases have been identified as a starting point to the refinement of the application. The use cases outlined below have been written at a high level so as not to refer to any particular finance grid service. 4.3.1 Publish Service A financial service wishes to expose itself to potential customers by being published in a registry. The registry publishes the service based on service descriptors provided by an administrator. Potential descriptors will vary depending upon the services to be contained within the registry. 4.3.2 Discover Service A client wishes to locate a financial service that has been published within the registry. The invoker provides parameters in order to determine the type of service it wishes to discover. The Registry performs a lookup on services based on parameters and returns a list of matching services to client. 4.3.3 Subscribe to Service Invoker contacts the registry, providing usage and/or subscription type. The registry contacts the authentication resource to determine if the invoker should be allowed to access the requested service. A payment resource service is contacted in order to process usage/subscription charge. The registry contacts a subscription resource in order to register invoker’s interest in the service. Finally, service connection details are sent to the invoker. 4.3.4 Invoke Service A client wishes to invoke a service and retrieve an output from the service. The invoker passes any required parameters. The service validates any inputs, processes the job and returns results to the invoker. 4.3.5 Registry Service Check The registry has to maintain connections to all the services which have registered. Each service is ‘pinged’, to determine whether it is still ‘alive’. If a service does not respond then its details can be removed from the registry. 4.3.6 Registry Backup A replicated registry needs to subscribe to the main registry in order to maintain an up-to-date set of service data. It should then maintain a connection to the registry. 5. Conclusions The ImpliedVolatilityGrid proof of concept project has successfully demonstrated the appropriateness of utilising a grid infrastructure within the financial sector in order to process computationally and data intensive calculations. Results observed through this project are encouraging. The planned future enhancements to ImpliedVolatilityGrid will serve to further justify the appropriateness of the grid in the financial sector. References [1] Black, Fischer and Myron S. Scholes (1973), “The pricing of options and corporate liabilities”, Journal of Political Economy, 81 (3), 637-654. [2] Eric W. Weisstein. "Newton's Method." From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource. [3]