RSSM: A Rough Sets based Service Matchmaking Algorithm Bin Yu and Maozhen Li Electronic and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering and Design Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, UK {Bin.Yu, Maozhen.Li} notably UDDIe [6] and UDDI-MT [7]. UDDIe extends UDDI with user-defined properties such as service leasing, service access cost, performance characteristics, or usage index associated with a service. UDDI-MT extends UDDI in a more flexible way allowing metadata to be attached to various entities associated with a service. The work of UDDIMT has been utilised in the myGrid project [8] to facilitate Grid service discovery with semantic descriptions [9]. There is also current work in implementing a service registry based on extensions to UDDI, called GRIMOIRES [10]. With the development of Semantic Web [11], services can be annotated with metadata for enhancement of service discovery. One key enabling technology to facilitate service annotation and matching is OWL-S [12], an OWL [13] based ontology for encoding properties of Web services. OWL-S ontology defines a service profile for encoding a service description, a service model for specifying the behavior of a service, and a service grounding for how to invoke the service. Typically, a service discovery process involves a matching between the profile of a service advertisement and the profile of a service request using domain ontologies described in OWL. The service profile not only describes the functional properties of a service such as its inputs, outputs, preconditions, and effects (IOPEs), but also nonfunctional features including service name, service category, and aspects related to the quality of a service. Paolucci et al. present an algorithm for matching OWL-S services [14]. This work has been extended in various way for service discovery, e.g. Jaeger et al. [15] introduce “contravariance” in matching inputs and outputs between service advertisements and service requests using OWL-S, Li et al. [16] introduce a “intersection” relationship between a service advertisement and a service request, Majithia et al. [17] introduce reputation metrics in matching services. Besides OWL-S, another prominent effort to enhance service description and discovery is WSMO Abstract The past few years have seen the Grid is evolving as a service-oriented computing infrastructure. It is envisioned that various resources in a future Grid environment will be exposed as services. Service discovery becomes an issue of vital importance for utilising Grid facilities. This paper presents RSSM, a Rough Sets based service matchmaking algorithm for service discovery that can deal with uncertainty of service properties when matching service advertisements with service requests. The evaluation results show that the RSSM algorithm is more effective in service discovery compared with other mechanisms such as UDDI and OWL-S. 1. Introduction The past few years have seen the Grid [1, 2] is evolving as a service-oriented computing infrastructure. Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) [3], a service-oriented architecture promoted by the Global Grid Forum (GGF) [23], has facilitated the evolution. It is expected that Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) [4] will be acting as an enabling technology to drive this further. It is envisioned that a future Grid environment may therefore host a large number of services exposing resources such as applications, software libraries, CPUs, disk storage, network links, instruments and visualisation devices. Service discovery becomes an issue of vital importance for utilising Grid facilities. UDDI [5] has been proposed as an industry standard for Web service publication and discovery. However, the search mechanism supported by UDDI is limited to keyword matches and does not support any inference based on the taxonomies. To enhance service discovery, UDDI has been extended in such a way that service descriptions are attached with metadata, 1 dispensable properties which will be marked in advertised domain services (step 7). Invoked by the Dependent Property Reduction component (step 8), the Service Matching and Ranking component accesses the advertised domain services for service matching and ranking (step 9), and finally it produces a list of matched services (step 10). [18], which is built on four key concepts – ontologies, standard WSDL based Web services, goals, and mediators. WSMO stresses the role of a mediator in order to support interoperation between Web services. WSMO introduces mediators aiming to support distinct ontologies employed by service requests and service advertisements. The above-mentioned methods facilitate service discovery in some way. However, when matching service advertisements with service requests, these methods assume that service advertisements and service requests use consistent properties to describe relevant services. This is not always true for a largescale Grid system where service publishers and requestors may use their pre-defined properties to describe services. Some properties used in a service advertisement may not be used by a service request when searching for services. Therefore, one challenging work in service discovery is that service matchmaking should be able to deal with uncertainty of service properties when matching service advertisements with service requests. In this paper, we present RSSM, a Rough Sets [19] based service matchmaking algorithm for service discovery that can deal with uncertainty of service properties. Experiment results show that the algorithm is more effective for service matchmaking than UDDI and OWL-S mechanisms. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents in depth the design of the RSSM matchmaking algorithm. Section 3 compares the RSSM with UDDI and OWL-S mechanisms in terms of effectiveness and overhead in service discovery. Section 4 concludes this paper and presents future work. Figure 1. RSSM components. In the following sections, we describe in depth the design of RSSM components. Firstly, we introduce Rough Sets for service discovery. 2.1 Service Discovery with Rough Sets Rough sets theory is a mathematic tool for knowledge discovery in databases. It is based on the concept of an upper and a lower approximation of a set as shown in Figure 2. For a given set X , the yellow grids (lighter shading) represent its upper approximation, and the green grids (darker shading) represent its lower approximation. 2. Algorithm Design RSSM considers input and output properties individually when matching services. For the simplicity of expression, input and output properties used in a service request are generally referred to as service request properties. The same goes to service advertisements. Figure 1 shows RSSM components for service matchmaking. The Irrelevant Property Reduction component takes a service request as an input (step 1), and then it accesses a set of advertised domain services (step 2) to remove irrelevant service properties using the domain ontology (step 3). Reduced properties will be marked in the set of advertised domain services (step 4). Once invoked (step 5), the Dependent Property Reduction component accesses the advertised domain services (step 6) to discover and reduce Figure 2. Approximation in rough sets. Let Ω be a domain ontology. 2 Following the work proposed by Paolucci et al. [14], we define the following relationships between p R and p A : U be a set of N advertised domain services, U = {s1 , s2 ,K, s N } , N ≥ 1 . P be a set of K properties used to describe the N advertised services of the set U , P = { p1 , p2 , K , p K } , K ≥ 2 . PA be a set of M advertised service properties relevant to a service request R in terms of the domain ontology Ω , PA = { p A1 , p A2 , K , p AM } , PA ⊆ P , M ≥ 1 . X be a set of advertised services relevant to the service request R , X ⊆ U . X be the lower approximation of the set X . exact match, p R and p A are equivalent or p R is a subclass of p A . plug-in match, p A subsumes p R . subsume match, p R subsumes p A . nomatch, no subsumption between p R and pA . Algorithm 1. Reducing irrelevant properties from advertised services. X be the upper approximation of the set X . 1: for each property pA used in advertised domain services 2: for all properties used in a service request 3: if pA is nomatch with any pR According to the Rough Sets theory, we have X = {x ∈U : [x]P ⊆ X} (1) X = {x ∈U : [x]P I X ≠ ∅} (2) A 4: then pA is marked with nomatch 5: end if 6: end for 7: end for 8: remove all pA that are marked with nomatch A For a property p ∈ PA , we have For each property of a service request, we use the reduction algorithm as shown in Algorithm 1 to remove irrelevant properties from advertised services. For those properties in advertised services that have a nomatch result they will be treated as irrelevant properties. Advertised services are organised as service records in a database. Properties are organised in such a way that each uses one column to ensure the correctness in the following reduction of dependent properties. As a property used by one advertised service might not be used by another advertised service, some properties may have empty values. A property with an empty value in an advertised service record becomes an uncertain property in terms of a service request. If a property in an advertised service record is marked as nomatch, the column associated with the property will be marked as nomatch. As a result, all properties within the column including uncertain properties (i.e. properties with empty values) will not be considered in service matchmaking. ∀x ∈ X , x definitely has property p . ∀x ∈ X , x possibly has property p . ∀x ∈ U − X , x absolutely does not have property p . The use of “definitely”, “possibly” and “absolutely” are used to encode properties that cannot be specified in a more exact way. This is a significant addition to existing work, where discovery of services needs to be encoded in a precise way, making it difficult to find services which have an approximate match to a query. 2.2 Reducing Irrelevant Properties When searching for a service, a service requestor may use some properties irrelevant to the properties used by a service publisher in terms of a domain ontology. These irrelevant properties used by advertised services should be removed before the service matchmaking process is carried out. 2.3 Reducing Dependent Properties Property reduction is an import concept in Rough Sets. Properties used by an advertised service may have dependencies. Dependent properties are indecisive properties that are dispensable in matching advertised services. Let p R be a property for a service request. p A be a property for a service advertisement. 3 discovery process can be speeded up because of the reduction of properties in matching advertised services. Let Ω , U , P , PA be defined as in Section 2.1. 2.4 Service Matching and Ranking PAD be a set of LD properties of which each is an individual decisive property for identifying advertised services relevant to the service request R in terms of Ω , The Service Matching and Ranking component uses the decisive properties received from the Dependent Property Reduction component to match and rank advertised services in terms of a service request. D PAD = { p AD1 , p AD2 ,K, p AL } , PAD ⊆ PA , D LD ≥ 1 . PAIND be a set of LIND properties of which each is Algorithm 2. Reducing dependent properties from advertised services. an individual indecisive property for identifying advertised services relevant to the service request R in terms of Ω , S is a set of advertised services with the maximum number of nonempty property values relevant to a service request; PA is a set of properties used by the S set of advertised services; PAD is a set of decisive properties, PAD ⊆ PA; IND IND PAIND = { p AIND 1 , p A 2 , K , p ALIND } , PAIND is a set of individual indecisive properties, PAIND ⊆ PA ; PAIND_Core is a set of combined indecisive properties, PAIND ⊆ PA , LIND ≥ 1 . IND _ Core A IND A P be a core subset of P that has the maximum number of individual indecisive properties and the group of these properties in 1: 2: 3: 4: PAIND _ Core are indecisive in identifying advertised services relevant to the service request R in terms IND IND _ Core of Ω , PA ⊆ PA . IND ( PA 5: 6: add p into PAIND_Core; 7: end if 8: end for 9: for i=2 to sizeof(PAIND)-1 IND ) be an equivalence relation also called indiscernibility relation on U . f be a decision function discerning an advertised 10: 11: 12: 13: service with properties. = {(x, y) ∈U : ∀p AiIND ∈ PAIND , f ( x, p AiIND ) = f ( y, p AiIND )} PAD = PA − PAIND calculate all possible i combinations of the properties in PAIND; if any combined i properties are indecisive properties for identifying the S set of services then PAIND_Core = Ø; add the i properties into PAIND_Core; 14: 15: continue; 16: else if any combined i properties are decisive properties 17: then break; 18: end if 19: end for 20: PAD = PA-PAIND_Core; 21: return PAD; Then IND ( PAIND ) PAIND_Core ⊆ PAIND; PAD = Ø; PAIND = Ø; PAIND_Core = Ø; for each property p∈ PA if p is an indecisive property for identifying the S set of services then add p into PAIND; PAIND_Core = Ø; (3) (4) Let The Dependent Property Reduction component uses the algorithm as shown in Algorithm 2 to find the decisive properties used by advertised services. Algorithm 2 uses the advertised services with the maximum number of nonempty property values as targets to find indecisive properties. The targeted services can still be uniquely identified without using these indecisive properties. All possible combinations of individual indecisive properties will be checked with an aim to remove the maximum indecisive properties which may include uncertain properties whose values are empty. In the mean time, the following service Ω , U , P , PA be defined as in Section 2.1. PR be a set of M properties used in a service request R . PR = { p R1 , p R 2 , K , p RM } , M ≥ 1 . PAD be a set of LD decisive properties for identifying advertised services relevant to the service request R in terms of Ω , D PAD = { p AD1 , p AD2 ,K, p AL } , LD ≥ 1 . D 4 service request property and the relationship is out of five generations. Similarly, an advertised service property will be given a match degree of 50% if it has a subsume relationship with a service request property and the relationship is out of three generations. Each decisive property used for identifying advertised services has a maximum match degree when matching all the properties used in a service request. S ( R, s ) can be calculated using formula (5). m( p Ri , p Aj ) be a match degree between a requested service property service property PAj PRi and an advertised in terms of Ω, p Ri ∈ PR , 1 ≤ i ≤ M , p Aj ∈ PAD , 1 ≤ j ≤ LD . v( p Aj ) be a value of the property p Aj , p Aj ∈ PAD , 1 ≤ j ≤ LD . S ( R, s ) be a similarity degree between an advertised service s and the service request R , LD S ( R, s ) = ∑ j =1 s ∈U . 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: PAD, v(pAj) ≠ NULL for each property pRi ∈ PR if pAj is an exact match with pRi then m(pRi, pAj) = 1; else if pAj is a plug-in match with pRi then if pRi is the kth subclass of pAj and 2≤k≤5 then m(pRi, pAj) = 1-(k-1)×0.1; else if pRi is the kth subclass of pAj and k>5 then m(pRi, pAj) = 0.5; Ri , p Aj )) LD (5) We have implemented the RSSM algorithm using Java on a Pentium IIII 2.6G with 512M RAM running Red Hat Fedora Linux 3. jUDDI [20] and mySQL [21] were used to build a UDDI registry. We designed Pizza services for the tests using the Pizza ontology defined by Figure 3 shows the Pizza ontology structure. The approach adopted here can be applied to other domains – where a specific ontology can be specified. The use of service properties needs to be related to a particular application-specific ontology. end if else if pAj is a subsume match with pRi then if pAj is the kth subclass of pRi and 1≤k≤3 Size then m(pRi, pAj) = 0.8-(k-1)×0.1; else if pAj is the kth subclass of pRi and k>3 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: end if 18: end for 19: end for then m(pRi, end if pAj) = 0.5; Pizza has attributes of Price Location Pizzashop Vegetabletopping PAD, for each property pRi ∈ 22: m(pRi, 23: end for 24: end for Delivery Hot Pizza Nuttopping 20: for each property pAj ∈ 21: i =1 3. Experimental Results 1: for each property pAj ∈ 3: ∑ max(m( p Using the formula (5), each advertised service has a similarity degree in terms of a service request. Algorithm 3. Rules for calculating match degrees between requested service properties and advertised service properties. 2: M Fruittopping v(pAj) = NULL has attributes of Vegetarian Pizza Meat Pizza Tomatotopping has attributes of Meattopping Fishtopping PR pAj) = 0.5; Mushroom Veneziana Rosa Caprina Soho Algorithm 3 shows the rules for calculating a match degree between a requested service property and an advertised service property. A decisive property with an empty value has a match degree of 50% when matching all the properties used by a service request. An advertised service property will be given a match degree of 100% if it has an exact match relationship with a property used by a service request. An advertised service property will be given a match degree of 50% if it has a plug-in relationship with a Fiorentina Figure 3: Pizza ontology structure. In the following sections, we evaluate the RSSM algorithm in terms of its effectiveness and overhead in service discovery. We compare RSSM matchmaking with UDDI and the OWL-S matchmaking algorithm proposed by Paolucci et al. [14] respectively. RACER 5 [22] was used by the OWL-S algorithm to reason the relationship between an advertised service property and a requested service property. We implemented a simple reasoning component in RSSM to reduce the high overhead incurred by RACER. 3.2 Evaluating Overhead in Service Discovery We have registered 10,000 Pizza service records in a database for testing the overhead of the RSSM matchmaking. We compare the overhead of the RSSM matchmaking with that of UDDI and the OWL-S matchmaking respectively in service matching as shown in Figure 4. We also compare their performance in accessing service records as shown in Figure 5. From Figure 4 we can see that UDDI has the least overhead in service matching services. This is because UDDI only supports keyword matching. It does not support the inference of the relationships between requested service properties and advertised service properties which is a time consuming process. 3.1 Evaluating Effectiveness in Service Discovery We have performed four groups of tests to evaluate the effectiveness of RSSM in service discovery. Each group had some targeted services to be discovered. Properties such as Size, Price, Nuttoping, Vegetariantopping, and Fruittopping were used by the advertised services. Table 1 shows the evaluation results. Table 1. The results of effectiveness evaluation. UDDI Service Property Keyword Matchmaking OWL-S RSSM Matchmaking Matchmaking Certainty Correct Matched Correct Matched Correct Rate Matching Service Matching Service Matching Service Rate Records Rate Records Rate Records 100% 50% 4 100% 3 100% 3 70% 50% 30% 33.3% 0% 0% 3 1 1 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 1 1 1 Matched In the tests conducted for group one, both the OWLS matchmaking and RSSM matchmaking have a correct match rate of 100%. This is because all services in this group do not have uncertain properties (i.e. properties with empty values). UDDI discovers four services, but only two services are correct because of the use of keyword matching (in this case making use of a categoryBag). In the tests of the last three groups where advertised, services have uncertain properties, the OWL-S matchmaking cannot discover any services producing a matching rate of 0%. Although UDDI can still discover some services in the tests of the last three groups, the correct matching rate for each group is low. For example, in the tests of group three and group four where advertised services have only 50% and 30% certain properties respectively, UDDI cannot discover any correct services. The RSSM matchmaking is more effective than UDDI and the OWL-S matchmaking in tolerating uncertain properties when matching services. For example, the RSSM matchmaking is still able to produce a correct match rate of 100% in the tests of the last three groups. Figure 4. Overhead evaluation in matching services. Figure 5: Overhead evaluation in accessing service records. We also observe that the RSSM matchmaking has a better performance than the OWL-S matchmaking when the number of advertised services is within 5500. This is because the RSSM matchmaking used a simpler reasoning component than RACER, which was used by 6 the OWL-S matchmaking. However, the overhead of the RSSM matchmaking increases when the number of services gets larger, due to the reduction of dependent properties. The major overhead of the OWL-S matchmaking is caused by RACER, which is sensitive to the number of properties used by advertised services instead of the number of services. From Figure 5 we can see that the RSSM matchmaking has the best performance in accessing service records due to its reduction of dependent properties. The OWL-S matchmaking has a similar performance to UDDI in this process. [8] myGrid project, [9] S. Miles, J. Papay, T. Payne, K. Decker, and L. Moreau. Towards a protocol for the attachment of semantic descriptions to grid services. Proceedings of the Second European across Grids Conference, volume 3165 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nicosia, Cyprus, January 2004. [10] L. Moreau, Grid RegIstry with Metadata Oriented Interface: Robustness, Efficiency, Security (GRIMOIRES)., 2005. [11] T. Berners-Lee, J. Hendler, and O. 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