The European Commission Plans to pilot Methodologies Pierre Chastanet Policy Officer ICT for Sustainable Growth European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General Overall objective • Assure a robust measurement framework to capture energy consumption and GHG emissions of ICTs: – applicable to the ICT industry as a whole – cover whole supply chain – through international agreement • ICT has its own specificities – so methodology must be appropriate Digital Agenda for Europe Key Action 12: ‘Assess by 2011 whether the ICT sector has complied with the timeline to adopt common measurement methodologies for the sector's own energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions and propose legal measures if appropriate’ Progress Today • ICT Industry is working through Standardisation Organizations and related initiatives to deliver methodologies • DG ENV effort on a generic measurement framework is ongoing for a cross-industry method (not ICT-sector specific) – Importance of ‘forward’ compatibility • Coherence and complementarity between all efforts is vital Major Initiatives under way ITU-T SG5/Q18 IEC 111/204/NP ETSI WRI/WBCSD Green Grid GSMA PAIA (MIT, USA) EU: DG INFSO EU: DG ENV L.1400 incl. Environmental impact of ICT goods, networks and services, also for organisations, with drafts aimed for end September 2011 Quantification methodologies of GHG emissions for electrical and electronic products and systems LCA assessment of telecommunication equipment and service (draft Technical Specification of LCA) Guidelines for accounting and reporting GHG emissions of ICT products & services under the GHG Protocol, originally for corporate GHG emissions (with GeSi and Carbon Trust) Data Centre performance metrics Benchmarking of energy efficiency of mobile networks Product Attribute to Impact Algorithms Project: methodology and model for environmental impact of ICT equipment, for USA/EPA (next Energy Star) Assess the existing and co-ordinate the proposed measurement methodologies to promote energy efficiency and GHG footprint of ICT products, services, components, networks, processes, etc, all sub-sectors of ICT industry. Call for pilot projects to test draft methodologies for ICT products and services. Call for pilot projects to test draft methodologies for Product and Corporate Environmental Footprint (all sectors) Hierarchy of Methodologies Methodo. for Countries Methodology for ICT Organizations Aggregation of impact of ICT goods and services or organizations at country level Aggregation of impact of ICT goods and services at company level Methodology for ICT Projects Methodology for ICT Goods and Services Cost-benefit analysis of targeted deployment of ICT solutions in other sectors Results of the LCA of individual products and services Expected Roadmap (1) • Summer time: editors compiling contributions to finalize draft methodologies • September 5th, Joint ITU-EC Workshop – During the ITU Green Standards Week – 5-9 September, Roma – Expectation to have all standardisation and related industrial initiatives joining – Key milestone to check on progress of draft methodologies • Publication of ETSI LCA methodology in September • Chapters of the ICT specific guidance document on the GHG Protocol ready for review in September Expected Roadmap (2) • ITU-T Study Group 5 meeting in Seoul, Korea, 20-28 September – Draft methodologies expected to be submitted for consent • October: start of the piloting phase to road-test the compatibility of the different methodologies • December: draft IEC methodology available for the quantification GHG emissions for electrical and electronic products and systems • December: industry’s response to the Commission Key Action on the Digital Agenda • January 2012: Assessment by the Commission Piloting of Methodologies Key Objectives • Focus on the methodologies for capturing the energy consumption and carbon emissions arising from the intrinsic use of ICT products and services. • Basic aim is to test the compatibility of these different methodologies when applied by actual practitioners on: i) specific ICT products and services; and ii) ICT organizations. • Ultimate objective is to establish a common methodological framework which could be broadly adopted by the ICT industry. • The pilots are expected to be conducted by the ICT industry itself (either by industrial consortia or individual industrial organisations) without financial support from the Commission. Pilot Testing: Overall guiding principles (1) • Testing of methodologies for capturing the enabling effect of ICT - while no less important - will not be considered at this stage (possibly at a later one). • Include very specifically the supply chain aspects of the different methodologies and the organisations within that supply chain • The tests will not seek to benchmark individual results from specific products, services or organizations. • The confidentiality of data relating to individual items hardware, software, and services will be fully respected. • The EC encourages companies to form consortia so that the methodologies can be tested across industry verticals and across similar value chains. Pilot Testing: Overall guiding principles (2) • Testing ‘compatibility’ can be: 1) using 2 methodologies on the same ICT products or services and check if they deliver results within the same margin of error or uncertainty 2) checking along the value chain that the metrics, data, perimeters, scope, boundaries are coherent – It may be that not all methodologies cover everything, but are excellent for some specific industry segments, e.g. components or consumer electronics. – This can be done using different chapters of the same methodology or different methodologies, but at least 2 methodologies need to be tested in the process. Pilot Participation • The pilots will be voluntary industry projects, without EC funding • The EC will launch: 1. A call for volunteers for individual companies or consortia to apply 2. A call for tender for one company or consortia (ideally not from the ICT sector) to provide a support/expert service to pilot participants • Thus the results of the pilots will be in terms of – e.g. compatibility, ease of use – also any gaps – and where each is most suited, among the various ICT industry segments and across the product/service life cycle. Methodologies to be considered: •Phase 1 from September 2011 - ITU-T SG5 Q18 L Methodology Goods networks and services part of “Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT goods, networks and services” and L Methodology ICT in organizations - ETSI LCA assessment of telecommunications equipment and services - GESi /Carbon Trust. ICT guidance on WRI/WBSCD product and value chain standards • Phase 2 from January 2012 - IEC TC 111 IEC/TR 62725, Quantification methodology of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) for electrical and electronic products and systems Framework Support Project Pilot 1 Pilot 2 •The pilots will have a support project to develop testing and evaluate results via an independent third party (call for tender June /July 2011) Pilot 3 ….Pilot x To guide testing & evaluate results •There are no set limits on number of voluntary pilots Aim is to encourage participation from all Sectors of ICT Telecoms Services (Mobile & fixed) ICT Sector Software & Services (incl. Systems Integration, online services & data centres) Equipment Manufacture & Supply Chips and Components Manufacture Computing, Consumer Electronics Office & Industrial Control Equipment (Servers, Storage, LANs, PCs, Printers, Screens, Copiers…) Telecoms Equipment 16 Indicative time table • Call for tender for independent 3rd party support June – July 2011 • Call for Volunteers for pilots ends September 2011 • 1st Tests begin • 1st Tests conclude October 2011 By January 2012 • 2nd tests begin • 2nd tests conclude End January 2012 April 2012 • High Level Conference April 2012 Further Information • Policy ivities/sustainable_growth/index_en.htm • Contact