Doc 31Rev.2 ICT&CC Joint Coordination Activity (JCA- ICT&CC) English only

ICT&CC Joint Coordination
Activity (JCA- ICT&CC)
Doc 31Rev.2
English only
STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012
Original: English
Chairman and Co-Chairman, JCA-ICT&CC
Draft Agenda and Call for input to the Fourth Meeting of JCA on ICT and Climate
Meeting of JCA- ICT & CC
25 November 2010
14:00 – 16:00 Geneva time
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1. Background
TSAG at its first meeting of the study period 2009-2012 (Geneva, 28-30 April 2009) established a
Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC). The Terms of Reference
were drafted. See document TD 121 (GEN/5).
2. The fourth meeting..
is scheduled for Thursday 25 November (14:00-16:00). This is an open meeting. ITU members and
non-members are welcome to participate.
3. Contributions are invited under the following headings
3.1. Specific Tasks (see TD 121 (GEN/5))
Maintain a list of contacts for ICT & CC in each Study Group.
Maintain a list of designated contacts within the external ICT & CC bodies.
Co-ordinate with any proposed new and revised Questions in the ICT & CC area.
Motivate and advise on the work in the individual SGs to complete and update their
checklists, where appropriate, to promote reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions by making changes to new and existing Recommendations.
Promote use of ICTs, as applied to other relevant sectors, to reduce the impact of their
operations on climate change, for instance by substituting for travel
Promote a coordinated approach towards standardisation in the areas of three major
relationships according to the Rationale above (direct emissions, mitigations,
Advise in the overall planning of tutorials and seminars/workshops
Coordination of activity with recognised SDOs and forums, including periodic
discussion of work plans and schedules of deliverables.
3.2. Coordination needs with internal ITU-T-R-D,
3.3. Coordination needs with external bodies
3.4. Timetable for face to face meetings (e.g. with SGs/tutorials) and teleconferences
5. AoB
4. Draft Agenda
(Timing 5 minutes per item unless otherwise indicated. Some items may be shifted in time to allow
for time zone/availability)
Opening and introduction of participants
Approval of the meeting Agenda
Chairman’s report JCA and SG5 Mr Ahmed Zeddam
Update of the membership list (any updates to the list of contacts for ICT & CC)
Working method (any updates)
Reference Documents for this meeting (brief review)
i. TSAG Report, Feb 2010
ii. TD 121rev1 (GEN/5) Terms of reference for JCA on ICT&CC
iii. Call for input to the Fourth Meeting of JCA on ICT&CC
7. Appointment of Coordinators (e.g. additional ITU SGs, BR Radiocommunications Sector).
-38. Discussion topics for this meeting
a. Brief reports from JCA coordinators (written or verbal)
i. Editor for the document of record of this JCA activities (Doc 13): Mr. Franz Zichy
ii. Coordinator for UNFCCC: Mr. Jean-Manuel Canet (France Telecom)
iii. Liaison Officer for OECD: Ms. Catalina McGregor (UK)
iv. Liaison Officer for EC/EU: Ms. Catalina McGregor (UK)
v. Coordinator for ITU-D: Mr. Nabil Kisrawi (ITU-D SG2 Chair)
vi. Coordinator for ISO/IEC JTC1: Mr. Yong-Woon Kim (ETRI)
vii. Coordination with IEEE (Universal power adapter within P1823) :
viii. Coordinator for ITU-T SG2: Marcos Perez Garcia (ETECJA, Cuba)
ix. Coordinator for ITU-T SG11: Mr. Yong-Woon KIM (ETRI)
x. Coordinator for ITU-T SG13: Mr. Chae-sub Lee (ITU-T SG13 Chair)
xi. Coordinator for ITU-T SG15: Mr. Yoichi Maeda (ITU-T SG15 Chair)
b. Input documents from BR and other SGs and external ICT & CC bodies: e.g.
i. GeSI coordination
ii. Dynamic Coalition on ICT and Climate Change (DCICC) Doc26 Dave Faulkner
iii. Regional SDO Coordination (e.g ETSI) Doc 32 CEN/CENELEC and ETSI
Coordination: SG5 ETSI Liaison Officer Paolo Gemma
iv. Green Touch: Dan Kilper
v. GSMA “Mobile Communication Networks: Energy Efficiency & Green Power”
Jack Rowley GSMA
vi. Carbon Trust-Update on activities on ICT and CC Andie Stevens
vii. European Codes of Conduct Coordination: Paolo Bertoldi, JRC, Ispra, Italy
viii. GeSI, Daniela Torres and John Smiciklas Research In Motion
ICT4EE Coordination
ix. Key National SDO coordination
9. Summary of Actions e.g. Outgoing Liaison and Work Plans
10. Timetable for face to face meetings (e.g. with SGs/tutorials) and teleconferences
11. Any other business
12. Close