Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Efficiency of Innovation Processes Management in the Republic of Kazakhstan Aziza Zhuparova* and Rimma Sagiyeva** The research on development of effective management system of innovative processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out in this thesis. The international experience of development of market economy shows that the stable economic growth, increase in gross domestic product are possible only on an innovative basis, i. e. in case of active use of modern scientific and technical achievements in economy, and also in case of a capability of economic entities to innovative activities and new developments. Today innovation is the only way of a survival in conditions of the global competition of not only separate economic entities, but also national economy in general. In this respect, leading French specialist on sociology of organization М. Korisie noted: «In modern day competition, above all, they compete not for resources and material values, but for the ability to innovate». JEL Codes: F34, G21 and G24 1. Introduction So far a large number of the state programs intended to create conditions for diversification of economic sector and large-scale implementation of innovations is accepted in Kazakhstan. However their implementation in practice didn't bring any tangible results. For effective management of innovative processes it is necessary to make a choice of the most effective management instrumentation of innovative processes at all levels of economic hierarchy, development of the ways increasing their innovative activity. In this respect there is an enduring need for improvement of methods and management systems of innovative processes and developments of the technique based on use of system of indicators – indicators which allow to evaluate the level of innovative development and innovative contribution of each specific of the called subjects at country GNP, and also to reveal the problems interfering implementation of their innovative potential. Experience witnesses that without improvement of management of innovative processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan it is impracticably to solve problems of adaptation of domestic economy to modern global processes, exit from financial and economic crisis, and the quickest modernization. It determines the relevance of this thesis research. _________________________________________________________________________ *Aziza Zhuparova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Email: **Rimma Sagiyeva, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 2. Literature Review Scientific degree of a theme determined by a sufficiently large number of publications focusing on the management of innovation processes on the meso - and macrolevel. In modern scientific literature focuses on infrastructural support innovation; variational methods for assessing and reducing the risks associated with innovation; pathways to the formation of human resources; model formulas to stimulate innovative ideas of designers; thematic issues of participation of public authorities in promoting the development of innovative processes; research methods in consumer demand for innovative products; characteristic lines of measures to improve the organization of innovative products and after studying the responses of consumers; specifics of management of innovative projects at the stage of research and development activities; theoretical aspects of the life cycle of innovation, methods of assessing the impact of the introduction of innovative development, etc. Among the foreign specialists, whose works are of greatest interest for the study of the management of innovation processes should be noted, first of all, G. Schumpeter (1950), C. Prahalad (2006), J. Tidd and J. Bessant (2009), Schein, E.H. (2004), E. Rogers (2003), Dresner (2008), Foxon, T.J., Hammond, G.P., and Pearson, P. (2010), Harzing, A.-W. (2011) and others. These scientists have developed the fundamentals of management of innovation processes. Special attention to the problems of management of innovation processes on economic thought neighboring countries, exemplified in the works of scholars such as I. Balabanov, A. Nikolaev, V. Ivanov, I. Gurkova, V. Novokhatskiy, E.Egorova, Beketov, Vasin , L. Mindeli, V. Fridlyanov, O. Golichenko, P. Zavlina, S. Zangeeva, S. Filin, A. Kochetkov, V. Semenov, Y. Afanasyev, E. Kirichenko, EV Lebedev and others. Topical issues of innovative development in Kazakhstan causes a high interest in this problem many leading Kazakh scientists, among them S. Abdygapparova, Mr. Muthanna, Alshanov R., F. Alzhanova, B. Baymoldaev, W. Baimuratov, J. Davilbekova, V. Dzekunov , F. Dnishev, A. Yesentugelov, K. Kazhymurat, B. Kembali, M. Kenzheguzin, Yu Komlev, D. Mukanov, O. Sabden, S. Satubaldin, J. Adilova, A. Musaev, K. Mukhtarov A . Turginbaeva, S. Kupeshova and others. Detecting a large number of scientific papers and significant achievements in the theory and practice of innovation management, we can not fail to notice a number of issues that remain still a constant subject of discussion. These include, in particular, include: divergent formulas for the construction management of innovation processes in the beginning of the implementation of the general functions of management, the definition of guidelines for analysis and evaluation of innovation and others. The differences arise because of the lack of clarity in the formulation of concepts, classifications number of imperfections in control theory innovative processes. 3. The Methodology and Model Aim of the thesis research is development and substantiation of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on improvement of management system of innovative processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The following list of tasks represents detailed research objectives: 1. Clarify the concept of «effectiveness of management of innovation processes» by pointing out substantial features of this concept; 2. Research national innovation system experiences of the USA, Germany and Japan; Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 3. Systematize international methodology of evaluating effectiveness of innovation processes and devise criterion for measuring innovation that are integral part of management system and adapted to practice in Kazakhstan; 4. Carry out an analysis of status and identify problems at current stage of development of innovation processes in regions of Republic of Kazakhstan based on the suggested methodology; 5. Systematize factors that affect results of innovation activities under contemporary conditions in RK and identify characteristic features of innovation management system in this country; 6. Devise an innovation processes management model utilizing an electronic mapping based on use of system of indicators, characterizing effectiveness of innovation development in Republic of Kazakhstan; 7. Devise recommendations for improving innovation management system on macro level. Object of the research is the innovative processes and features of their development in regions. Subject of the thesis work is the management system of innovative processes in RK. The research methods used in the course of thesis research: comparison, systematization and generalization –are for specification of essential characteristics of the concept «innovation management» (p. 1.1) and developments of an evaluation method of efficiency of innovative processes (p. 1.3); the statistical analysis - is for the analysis of a condition of innovative processes in Kazakhstan and tendencies of development of innovative activities (p. 2.1); technique of abstraction, formalization, specification - is for development of management model of innovative processes with use of the electronic atlas (p. 1.3 and 2.3); induction and deduction - is for identification and analysis of problems of forming, choice, acceptance and implementations of effective management decisions in a management system of innovative processes (Section 3). Scientific novelty of the research. Scientific novelty of received results the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on improvement of management of innovative processes in the conditions of modern Kazakhstan that found the reflection in the following: 1. Content of the concept «effective management of innovative processes» is clarified in the light of specific features of the conducted research. 2. Summarized international experience of development of national innovation systems of such countries as the USA, Germany and Japan, systematized their methods of governmental management, as well as proved their applicability under conditions in Republic of Kazakhstan. 3. With the goal of identifying effectiveness of management of innovation processes, devised an adapted system of indicators for evaluating innovation activities in Republic of Kazakhstan, with the assumption of specifics of its contemporary state on different levels of economic hierarchy. The mentioned criterion constituted a base of an information system «Electronic atlas of innovation development of Kazakhstan «», devised by author in collaboration with group of scientists. 4. Conducted a status analysis and identified problems at current stage of development of innovation processes in regions of Republic of Kazakhstan based on the suggested methodology. Presented a new approach to evaluating results of qualitative analysis of problems of innovation development in Kazakhstan based on data collected through research poll by distributing questionnaires, conducting interviews, collecting statistical data and expert analysis in field (at enterprises, in regions, sectorial authorities), concerning the state and identifying factors of their innovation activities. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 5. Systematized factors that affect results of innovation activities under contemporary conditions in RK, and identified characteristic features of current system of innovation processes management in this country. 6. In order to get quantitative indicators of effectiveness of innovation processes in regions of Kazakhstan that correspond to goals of dissertation of analytical research, author used an electronic atlas as a significant tool of effective management of innovation processes in Republic of Kazakhstan. 7. Devised recommendations on improvement of management system of innovative processes at the macro level are developed. 4. The findings The presented techniques are aimed primarily at assessing innovation processes in developed countries and therefore does not have a corrective purpose, does not take into account a number of factors specific mainly for emerging markets and creating boundaries to promote innovation (for example, the development of innovative legislation, the priorities of the public authorities on innovation development et al.). Here, in addition to traditional indicators, it is useful to view and analyze a number of markers and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of innovative processes and their impact on the socioeconomic development of the country (some regions and enterprises). Based on the above raises the question of the need to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of management of innovation processes in the country, the region, the company, based on the use of indicators - indicators that allow you to assess the level of innovation and innovative contribution of each of these particular actors in the country's GNP, and to identify challenges to realize their innovative potential. Obviously, people need a scorecard indicator, which will assess the level of innovation and innovative contribution of each of these particular actors in the country's GDP, as well as identify problems that prevent the realization of their innovation potential. To implement an effective innovation policy and monitoring the results of innovation processes believe that our proposed method is to solve the following main tasks: - Results-oriented needed to tackle specific national and regional targets; - Take into account the level of financial and intellectual resources; Identify problems and obstacles of innovative development of the subjects of innovation; - Identify key drivers and challenges in each stage; Identify priority trends of innovative development, including identifying the leading and lagging sectors. Our proposed technique innovation performance must be based on the following principles: System that allows you to monitor and adjust the results of innovation at different stages of its life cycle: at the stage of research and development at the stage of commercialization, as well as in the implementation phase of innovation, both at the level of individual enterprises, and at the level of sectors and regions; Comparison of the results of monitoring the implementation of innovative development programs of companies, industries and regions with those of foreign countries; - Embeddability in strategic innovation development. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Methods of assessing the efficiency of the innovative development of the state, the region, the company includes a system of interrelated indicators to assess the results of research and development, the level of market demand and the real effect of sales of innovative products. As an indicator that takes into account the dependence of innovation on the results of research work, we have considered labor productivity of workers in the field of science, including masters and doctoral universities. I1 – performance indicators (performance) research activities. (1) Using this indicator will take into account what the real results of scientific sector workers in accordance with international criteria for the knowledge economy. According to the author's calculations based on data from the National Institute of Intellectual Property Kazakhstan, the figure for 2010 was equal to 3.01%, and in 2011 was 2.98%. This indicator can be comparable with those of other countries. Thus, according to the calculations in Table 6, we can say that in Kazakhstan, the efficiency of research capacity lags far behind the former CIS countries (from Russia more than 3 times, Ukraine - more than 2 times), not to mention developed country (Germany - 23 times). Since the most vulnerable point of innovation activity in Kazakhstan is the process of commercialization of innovations, and the above-mentioned figure reflects only the impact of the research activities, we consider it appropriate to assess the effectiveness of knowledge transfer to the economy of use index I2, reflecting the ratio of sold (commercialized) research and development to the total the number of research and development. Table 1 - Dynamics of performance indicators (performance) research activities in Kazakhstan in 2007-2012 indicators Issued patents (utility models, selection achievements) Number of articles with IF Number of issued patents and articles with IF Number of R & D employees I1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 63 111 126 195 173 957 317 337 343 317 363 693 380 448 469 512 536 1650 17774 16304 15793 17021 18003 20404 2,14% 2,75% 2,97% 3,01% 2,98% 8,09% Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Table 2 - Comparative analysis of efficiency (productivity) research activities in Kazakhstan with other countries in 2009 indicators Russia Ukraine Issued patents (utility models, selection achievements) Number of articles with IF 38564 34309 Number of articles with IF Number of R & D employees I1 72873 742400 9,82% Germany 4814 6431 Kazakhsta n Korea 59583 160482 163 64991 126 343 11245 220065 65154 146800 308939,4 246261,6 7,66% 71,23% 26,46% 469 15793 2,98% (2) In 2011 in Kazakhstan the ratio of sold (commercialized) to the total number of R & D was 0.67. In 2012, the figure was 0.68. To assess the level of efficiency already implemented innovative projects propose to use an indicator of the ratio of the volume of innovative products produced at this stage to implement innovative projects and the cost of technological innovation. The dynamics of this indicator may be an indicator of possible repayment (loss) realized in different regions of innovative projects and allow corrective action. I3 – indicator of the effectiveness of implemented innovative projects (3) Table 3 - Performance indicator of innovative activity in Kazakhstan in 2007-2012 indicators The volume of innovative products and volume of services provided innovative character, mln. Tenge The costs of technological innovation, mln. Tenge I3 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 152501 111531 82597, 4 142167 235963 379005 235502 194991 325639 0,60 1,21 1,16 83523, 4 1,83 113460 0,98 61050, 9 1,35 This indicator is universal for all sectors and levels of economic hierarchy. In terms of sectors and regions, he will reveal the leading and lagging sectors and orient them in accordance with the implemented strategic priorities. At the macro level it reflects the effectiveness of financial resources of the country in the context of the international community. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 The data in Table 3 and Table 4 show that in Kazakhstan received income from innovation is much lower than that in Russia. Based on three indicators, we offer the use of rapid analysis that will identify leading and lagging companies (sectors and regions), based on the final outcomes of different stages of the life cycle of innovation. In particular, the first index I1 to determine the performance level of the stage of research and development of innovations in the number of patents and articles with impact factor accounting for the 1st researcher. The relatively low value of this indicator suggests the need to increase the impact of the use of the intellectual potential of the individual universities and research institutes, as well as the region, sector, country. Index I2 describes the results obtained from the level of commercialization of innovations. This stage of the life cycle of the innovation process is especially important for our country, because, according to foreign and domestic experts, the market valuation (demand), innovation is the most "bottleneck" innovative development of our country at all levels of the economic hierarchy. Table 4 - Performance indicator of innovative activity in Russia in 2008-2012гг. [148] indicators 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sales of innovative products, services, bln. Rubles. (in current prices) 916,1 1 047,0 877,7 1 165,7 1 847,4 4,4 3,8 2,4 3,3 3,9 1 ruble spent on technological innovation, rub. Crucially the transition to a knowledge economy is a process of transformation of knowledge into real financial income. Accordingly, the economic impact of the knowledge produced can be evaluated in terms of market demand for them; the lower the sold (commercialized) innovation, the less innovative competitive economic entity. I3 is a universal indicator, as comparable with those not only in different regions, sectors and countries, but also reflects the real value of innovation funded at a certain stage of their implementation. Low values of this indicator does not always mean inefficiency ongoing innovation, because very often innovative projects are long-term. However, the dynamics of increasing the value of this indicator allow the identification of the positive trends of innovative processes. In general, the proposed system of indicators used in combination, may be the monitoring tool to the strategic objectives of the country's economy. Using the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of an analytical tool to identify problems, obstacles, weaknesses and innovative development includes the development of an appropriate system of measures to address them. The resulting system of indicators can be used in conjunction with an electronic atlas as a tool for effective management of the innovation process. Moreover, international experience demonstrates the success of innovation measurement use electronic atlas as a means of monitoring and management of innovation processes. In the world famous electronic atlas, serve as a tool to improve the system management Known: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 1. Map of open innovation (Open Innovation Map - OIM) is a platform for visualization of key players in the field of open innovation, as well as new creative ecosystems and diversified companies worldwide. 2. Map of innovations in the field of medicine shows innovative model at the state level as well as at the level of medical institutions, where innovative models tested. 3. Environmental Innovation Map (Environmental Innovation Map) is a map that shows the innovative developments aimed at solving environmental problems. In order to develop a system of management of innovation processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the development of foreign researchers in the use of interactive maps for effective innovation management, we have also attempted to create an interactive electronic atlas. The purpose of developing the electronic atlas - improving the system of management of innovation processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the basis of the calculation of the effectiveness of innovation regions of Kazakhstan, using the proposed system of indicators. Electronic atlas of the following tasks: 1. Electronically monitor and promptly submit electronically information on the level of innovation development. 2. Automate processes of innovative development of regions (sectors). 3. To raise awareness of the regions of their own level of development of innovative activity in comparison with other regions. 4. Manage the key indicators of research and innovation regions of the country with a view to promote and create an environment of competition between regions. 5. Provide archiving the history of innovative development of regions (sectors) and recommendations to further enhance its order to analyze the dynamics of innovation processes. The algorithm for calculating the indicator values of innovation development of Kazakhstan regions based on the following stages: 1. For each indicator were collected official statistics for the last year available. Because innovation processes take place in the Republic of Kazakhstan is not as dynamic as well as the lack of sufficient statistical database, calculation of indicators by region for the year 2012 was made. 2. The calculation of indicators in all regions. 2.1. The indicator of efficiency of research activities for the region includes the following categories of data: region, the number of patents, number of scientific publications with Impact Factor (IF), the number of researchers 2.2. The calculation of the efficiency of knowledge transfer to the economy includes the following categories of data: the region, the number sold (commercialized) scientific research (R & D), the number of R & D 2.3. The calculation of the efficiency of implemented innovative projects includes the following categories of data: region, the volume of innovative products, the cost of technological innovation. 3. The obtained data were normalized by the simple average. Thus, the formula for calculating the final indicator is as follows: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Ii – value of the indicator for the innovative development of the region i n – the total number of indicators for which the indicator is calculated Thus, the electronic atlas is a tool aimed at improving the efficiency of management of innovative processes at all levels of the economic hierarchy. Using the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of management of innovation processes based on electronic atlas is an analytical tool to identify problems, obstacles, weaknesses management of innovation processes and provides for the development of appropriate measures to address them. In addition, the electronic atlas allows the analysis of the current state of development of innovative processes in the regions of Kazakhstan, the results of which can be offered advice on the development of science, technology and innovation in accordance with international experience. As a result, the data can be monitored innovation activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Next, we calculated each indicator. The first indicator of the effectiveness of research activities by region is shown in Table 5. Table 5 - Analysis of the effectiveness of research activities by region for 2012 region Number of patents West Kazakhstan Pavlodar Mangistau Kyzylorda Zhamvyl Astana Aktobe Kostanay Karaganda Akmola South Kazakhstan Almaty region Almaty city Atyrau North Kazakhstan East Kazakhstan Number of published scientific articles (WebofKnowledge) Number of researchers The result of the calculation 184 87 111 16 39 97 12 21 94 64 7 4 3 9 4 254 7 4 15 18 516 292 569 192 350 3024 172 268 1189 936 37,02% 31,16% 20,04% 13,02% 12,29% 11,61% 11,05% 9,33% 9,17% 8,76% 73 11 102 17 14 21 318 4 994 415 8644 605 8,75% 7,71% 4,86% 3,47% 5 24 4 7 325 1913 2,77% 1,62% Leaders in the level of development of research and development are the following regions (more than 101% of the average value in brackets shows the percentage of the average of the integral index of the regions of Kazakhstan): 1. West Kazakhstan (125%); 2. Pavlodar (119 %); Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 3. Mangistau (108 %); 4. Kyzylorda (101 %). These areas show a good result in terms of, thanks to the patent, but the number of publications in top journals remains low. In West Kazakhstan region 100 scientists has 36 patents, or almost a third scientist in 2012 received a patent. In Pavlodar region every fourth scientist in 2012 received a patent. East Kazakhstan region showed the lowest rate only 1.62%. So, in this region only every employee has 80 patent or scientific publication in top journal. In the North-Kazakhstan region - every 40 Scientist. Despite the fact that the greatest number of people involved in research are concentrated in Almaty (8644) and Astana (3024), the effectiveness of scientists remains significantly low. In Almaty 20 each worker received a patent or published an article in the magazine top-rated, and in Astana - every 11. In general, the country this figure is 8.09%, or one in 12 of the scientist received a patent or wrote an article that came in top magazine. Germany, a country-leader in innovative developments, here the figure is 28%, ie every 4 workers engaged in the research, got the result. Analysis of the effectiveness of research activities to the following conclusions: 1. Performance indicators of research activity remains well below the global importance. 2. High performance results of scientific and innovative activity in some regions due to the presence of research centers in the regions (West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region). 3. The gap in many regions due to the obsolescence of scientific and technical base. 4. Inefficient order of distribution of research funding. Thus, the grant funding the Ministry of Education and Science is mainly produced major universities of the country, which are concentrated in the city of Astana and Almaty, however, these regions show significant lag not only from the world of values, but also from other regions of Kazakhstan. 5. International cooperation in the field of research a significant impact on the development of science in the regions. Thus, the West Kazakhstan region, where a huge number of foreign scientists and researchers on this indicator exceeded the result the effectiveness of the research activities of scientific personnel Germany. 6. The subjects of research, as a whole, the country is not relevant, this is evidenced by the number of top-rated publications. The next indicator "effective transfer of knowledge to the economy" is analyzed in Table 6. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Table 6 - Analysis of the effectiveness of knowledge transfer to the economy Number of commercialized research region 1 Aktobe Karaganda Almaty region Akmola Kyzykorda Pavlodar Atyrau East Kazakhstan Astana Almaty Zhambyl North Kazakhstan Mangistau Kostanay South Kazakhstan West Kazakhstan 2 39 131 14 64 16 85 16 20 75 78 24 2 34 5 17 31 Number of R &D 3 12 94 11 64 16 87 17 24 97 102 39 5 111 21 73 184 The result of the calculation of the transfer of knowledge in the economy,% 4 325,00 139,36 127,27 100,00 100,00 97,70 94,12 83,33 77,32 76,47 61,54 40,00 30,63 23,81 23,29 16,85 Leaders percentages "effective transfer of knowledge in the economy" are the following regions (more than 106% of the average value in the parentheses show the percentage of the average of the integral index of the regions of Kazakhstan): 1. Aktobe (336 %) 2. Karaganda (151 %) 3. Almaty region (139 %) 4. Atyrau (155 %) 5. Kyzylorda (111 %) 6. Akmola (111 %) 7. Pavlodar (109 %) 8. Atyrau (106 %) Rate of knowledge transfer to the economy in the Aktobe region was 325%. The presence of minerals in the area and their industrial processing operations research structures of industrial enterprises are the main prerequisite for the formation of industrial innovation center. West Kazakhstan region ranked last rated "effective transfer of knowledge to the economy." The main reason for this phenomenon is that the mining companies do not make mandatory contributions from their income on Kazakh scientific research and experimental development (R & D), because there is no body that draws the conclusion that these developments really such. Technopark in average costs exceeded revenues fourfold, from 120 projects received funding only 5 percent. Analysis of the performance indicator of knowledge transfer in the economy leads to the following conclusions: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 1. The lowest rate of commercialization due to the fact that, in general, the country has a low demand for the manufacturing sector of the economy to new domestic developments; 2. in some regions (Aktobe and Karaganda region) there is a trend of commercialization of foreign R & D; 3. somewhere reason is due to the insufficient number of patent services and skilled personnel. In West Kazakhstan region is absent center of technology commercialization; 4. disinterest authors developers research received government contracts, to ensure the legal protection of these results is one of the reasons for the low efficiency of knowledge transfer to the economy; 5. The absence of a centralized monitoring system for subsequent commercialization of patents. Analysis of the effectiveness of implemented innovative projects reviewed in Table 7. The leaders in terms of "effectively implemented innovative projects" are the following regions (more than 145% of the average value in the parentheses show the percentage of the average of the integral index of the regions of Kazakhstan): 1. Pavlodar (1700%); 2. Karaganda (290 %); 3. West Kazakhstan (179 %); 4. South Kazakhstan (145 %). Table 7 - Analysis of the effectiveness of implemented innovative projects The result of the The volume of The costs of calculation of the region innovative technological effectiveness of products innovation implemented innovative projects 1 2 3 4 Pavlodar 97 620,0 5 197,3 1878,28 Karaganda 29 769,7 6 722,9 442,81 West Kazakhstan 30 891,5 9 319,2 331,48 South Kazakhstan 99 332,1 33 393,2 297,46 Mangistau 22 588,7 11 208,2 201,54 Akmola 19 902,1 10 356,4 192,17 Almaty city 12 579,1 8 345,4 150,73 East Kazakhstan 4 399,3 3 053,3 144,08 Zhambyl 19 181,2 18 853,8 101,74 Almaty region 13 288,0 14 971,9 88,75 Kostanay 3 645,0 4 558,2 79,97 North Kazakhstan 6 098,3 13 985,0 43,61 Kyzylorda 3 609,0 9 138,4 39,49 Atyrau 4 772,2 15 838,9 30,13 Aktobe 6 542,4 56 039,6 11,67 Astana 4 787,0 104 657,6 4,57 Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 In 2012, the Pavlodar region named a leader in the production of innovative products. The region accounts for 26 percent of all manufactured in Kazakhstan innovative technologies. In Pavlodar region in 2012, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has approved 34 innovative projects. In this area also put foreign investment, such as construction project on the border of Pavlodar and Akmola region of wind power capacity of 50 megawatts, became interested in the China Development Bank. Within the signed memorandum China undertook to finance the construction cost of 15 billion tenge. According to this rating Astana has lagged behind in all regions. This is due to the fact that the majority of expenditure on innovation in the city are related to social projects. In addition, in Astana new technologies and advances in science are being introduced as part of a largescale project SMART-Astana. In the city implemented 8 projects totaling more than 110 million tenge. We emphasize that all these projects are very expensive, are aimed at improving the enabling environment for the residents of the city, as well as long-term and not immediately give economic effect. Analysis of the indicator "effectively implemented innovative projects" to the following conclusions: 1. High-performance implement innovative projects in some regions due to the fact that the leadership of the region misinterpreted the concept of innovative products. For example, the project "Production of urea-formaldehyde resin and its deep processing products»; 2. bright enough to efficiently realize innovative projects in some regions due to the fact that the region has attracted foreign technology. For example, running Cardiosurgical Center in Pavlodar. Technology operations borrowed from the Novosibirsk Institute Cardiosurgical; 3. The existing funding programs of research in general cover virtually the entire flow of new projects, and the products can be considered innovative only for the country; 4. In some regions of innovative projects are very expensive and generate little revenue (Astana, Aktobe region, Atyrau and Kyzylorda region). 5. In general, in the Republic of Kazakhstan in comparison with previous years, the number of innovative projects has increased significantly due to the fact that the program began Industrialization Map. According to the results of the innovation index, we can say that the leaders in terms of innovation development at the end of 2012 is the Pavlodar, Karaganda and West Kazakhstan region. Integral ratings in all three indicators presented in Table 8. Table 8 - Integral ratings in all three indicators region 1 Pavlodar Karaganda West Kazakhstan Aktobe South Kazakhstan Akmola Mangistau Almaty city East Kazakhstan rating 2 20,07 5,91 3,85 3,48 3,30 3,01 2,52 2,32 2,29 Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Almaty Zhambyl Kyzykorda Atyrau Kostanay Astana North Kazakhstan 2,24 1,76 1,53 1,28 1,13 0,94 0,86 As a result, the card is as follows. * - Analysis of the effectiveness of research activities * - Analysis of the effectiveness of knowledge transfer to the economy * - Analysis of the effectiveness of implemented innovative projects Figure 1 - Map of innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2012. To find the average value of the index, we used the median. Thus, the average value of the integral index was 2,305. All regions that received a value less than this value are considered outsiders, and above this value - Leaders. Regions leaders: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pavlodar Karaganda West Kazakhstan Aktobe South Kazakhstan Akmola Mangistau Almaty city Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Regions outsiders: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. East Kazakhstan Almaty region Zhambyl Kyzylorda Atyrau Kostanay Astana North Kazakhstan Leaders and outsiders do not coincide with the formal adoption of statistical indicators, because we are talking about the impact of ongoing labor and financial costs. We see the real impact of research activities of employees, the commercialization of patents and financial costs. In general, a generalized analysis of the results of innovation activity of Kazakhstan, made with the use of electronic atlas. Electronic atlas has allowed us to analyze the current state of the effectiveness of management of innovation processes in the regions of Kazakhstan, the results of which should be offered advice on the development of science, technology and innovation in accordance with international experience and the following conclusions: 1. indicator of the effectiveness of R & D behind the global importance; 2. commercialization of innovations carried out mainly foreign studies, ie the transfer of knowledge in the economy is not a character, almost no transmission of domestic R & D R & D in the market environment; 3. financing and implementation of projects of foreign developers who are new only in the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, in Kazakhstan there is no presence of the national innovation system, which provides a continuous transmission of new knowledge in the real economy, and innovation are not the driving force behind the national economy. 5. Conclusion 1. Research has shown that they include: availability of new knowledge about processes, occurrences, their components, relationship between them and external environment, possibility of application of new knowledge to obtain economic, technical, technological, social or other effect. 2. Studied experience of evaluating effectiveness of innovation processes management has shown that existing methods are not applicable under Kazakhstani conditions of evaluation of management of innovations, because considered systems of indicators are in large part directed at evaluating innovation capabilities of developed countries and thus do not take into account number of factors endemic to developing markets. 3. Complex analytical evaluation of current state of development of innovation processes in Republic of Kazakhstan, that allowed to reach conclusions on lack of and unevenness of its pace, irrationality of structure and low level of motivation of economic units, is under further improvement. All these requires modernization and enactment of corresponding measures of state intervention into innovation activities of enterprises, use of strategic management of innovation in industry, as well as perspective improvement of innovation management on all levels of economic hierarchy. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 4. With a goal of development of system of innovation processes management in Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account works of foreign researchers in use of interactive maps for effective management of innovation, author created an interactive electronic atlas. Goal of devising the atlas is improvement of system of innovation processes management in RK, based on calculation of effectiveness of innovation activities in regions of Kazakhstan, using three indicators of effectiveness of innovation process management. 5. 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