Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 Dynamic Effects of Unemployment and Crime Shocks on Internal Security Budgets in Developing Economies: Evidence from Nigeria R. K. Ayeni In view of the unfolding reality, coupled with the protracted debate on the issue of crime and unemployment, this paper, which draws heavily from theoretical foundations, examines the combined effect of unemployment and various categories of criminal activities classified as serious crimes, minor crimes and minor offence on expenditures to maintain internal security in Nigeria. The following research questions were specifically considered: What are the magnitudes of impacts of unemployment and crime on internal security? Are the effects immediate or delayed? Do they emerge slowly and then sustained? Are there initial effects that go away after a few periods or distributed? The study used data on unemployment rate, crime rates and expenditures on maintaining internal security for the period 1970-2013. ARDL Bound Testing Cointegration method was used to determine the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables. The short-run dynamic relationship and shock transmission among the variables were determined using the variance decomposition and impulse distribution functions of the VAR. The findings of the tests provide evidence of the existence of long-run equilibrium relationship between internal security and the set of independent variables. There also short-run dynamic relationship inform of shock transmission among internal security, unemployment and total crime cum subcategories of crime in Nigeria. Unemployment rate and crime rate do cause unproductive expenditures on internal security thereby hindering the growth of the economy. The paper suggested amongst others that the policy makers should address adequately the problem of unemployment by creating and expanding job facilities, equipping and fortifying crime preventing agencies and the direction of the resources of the country to sector like agriculture where majority of the poor exist. Keywords: Total Crime Rate, Unemployment Rate, Internal Security, ARDL, Impulse Response Field of Research: Economics Introduction The relationship between unemployment and crime seems obvious to most people. The problem of unemployment, criminal and violent behavior has posed a great challenge to both developed and developing countries. In spite of the fact that crime has resulted not only to loss of property, lives, misery and also severe mental anguish, they also discouraged entrepreneurial activities that causes growth. Both crime and unemployment has remained an issue that continues to receive attention in developing countries, especially those in Africa where high-level unemployment with stagnated growth. High levels of unemployment can __________________________________________________________________________ AYENI, R. K. (PhD), Department of Economics, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, E mail:, 1 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 dramatically increase crime. However, high rate of crime can undermine the security of property rights and confidence in the rule of law. Egunjobi (2006) quoting Becker’s economic theory of crime, opined that “unemployed people are deprived of legal income and thus they tend to derive some income from illegal activities. Crime includes not only some forms of corruption but also a wide range of other activities such as murder, manslaughter, felony, armed robbery, extortion, burglary, larceny, rape, arson, perjury, drug possession, gambling, tax evasion, breaching of peace and so on. Daniel (2003) in Egunjobi (2006) finds that if unemployment rate goes up, the legitimate earning opportunities decline and crime tends to increase, because the costs of crime go down for the unemployed. The grave consequences of crime are no longer news. Intuitively, unemployment and crime should have a negative impact on economic growth. This is because some models of crime suggest that the unemployed and individuals with low wages face a strong urge to commit crime (Egunjobi, 2006). In view of the unfolding reality, coupled with the protracted debate on the issue of crime and unemployment, this paper, which draws heavily from theoretical foundations, examines the relationship between unemployment and various categories of criminal activities classified as serious crimes, minor crimes and minor offence. This in a bid to ascertain the implications of the linkages for the design of credible policy measures for economic growth and development with the particular reference to Nigeria. The main objective of this study is to analyze the dynamic effects of temporary and permanent shocks to crime and unemployment on internal security. The design of the study is a causal design of the time series model. That means the study considers not only how much effect unemployment and crime have on internal security, but when they have the affects. This called for the dynamic analysis of the short-run and long-run impacts of unemployment and crime rates on internal security. The following research questions were specifically raised: i. What are the magnitudes of impacts of unemployment and crime on internal security? ii. Are the effects immediate or delayed? iii. Do they emerge slowly and then sustained? iv. Are there initial effects that go away after a few periods or distributed? The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Following this introduction is section 2, which dwells on the theoretical foundation and conceptual issues. Section 3 describes the descriptive statistics, while section 4 explains the empirical results. Section 5 draws the summary and conclusions and gives the recommendations. Theoretical and Conceptual Issues The theoretical foundations on the relationship among crime, unemployment and internal security vary and are inconsistent. Some studies argue that there exists a positive relationship between crime 2 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 and unemployment while some studies found negative relationship, still, some revealed mixed results, or insignificant relationship. Disparity in the possible explanations for cross country differences may be adduced to the fact that definition of crime is whatever the state seems a crime to be. As a result, what is considered a crime in one country is not necessarily considered a crime in other cross-country data, time series, and panel, aggregate and regional empirical studies. As for the relationship between unemployment and crime, many of the results are mixed. For example, Papps and Winkelmann (1999) revealed some evidence of significant effects of unemployment on crime both for total crime and for some subcategories of crime in their analysis that covered sixteen region over the period 1984 to 1996 in New Zealand. In a related study, Fajnzylber, et al (2002), examined a model of criminal gangs and suggest that there is a substitution effect between property crime and violent crime. They further explained that unemployment increases the relative attractiveness of large and less violent gangs engaging more in property crime. Also, Agell and Nilsson (2003), and Papps and Winkelmann (1999) are examples of studies which found strong positive relationship between unemployment and crime, while Coomer, (2003) reiterated that there is ambiguity in the empirical studies of crime economics regarding various income variables used to proxy the expected net gains from crime and as a result empirical findings are often mixed or contradictory to one another In addition, Loto (2011) opined that the impact of national security on economic growth in Nigeria is positive but not statistically significant. This implies that expenditure on national security does not contribute meaningfully to economic growth in Nigeria. Also, Chiricos (1987) finds that unemployment has a statistically significant positive effect on property crime in 40 per cent of the studies, while the effect on violence is only statistically significant positive in 22 per cent of the study. Furthermore, Thonberry and Christenson (1984) revealed that unemployment has significant instantaneous effects on crime, while crime has significant but lagged effects on unemployment. Also, Land et al (1995) found a lagged positive relationship between unemployment and crime in post-war United States. Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) however, argued that the relationship between unemployment and crime is very insignificant, while Pyle and Deadman (1994) thought that unemployment may be less important to crime than other indicators of economic activity. In a related study, Weatherbum et al (2001) found no relationship between unemployment and crime in a study of the effect of an Australian recession on ‘break, enter and steal and motor vehicle theft’. While there are significant number of studies linking unemployment to crime such as Allen (1996), Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) Field (1999), Chamlin and Cochram (2000), and so on, this paper would attempt to trace crime to unemployment rate and the cumulative effects of the two on internal security in Nigeria. Data and Descriptive Analysis 3 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 The data for the aggregated crime and disaggregated subcategories of crime, for the corresponding period (1970- 2013) was obtained from annual statistical publications of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). NBS classified total crimes (TCRM) into three: Serious crime (SRCRM), minor crime (MNCRM) and minor offences (MNOFF). INTSEC is internal security proxy by the budget expenditure on police affairs; Unemployment rate (UNEMPL) was obtained from Statistical Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria. All crime variables are measured in number of cases, unemployment is measured in rate while internal security is measured in naira. To standardize the variables for further analysis, all data were transformed into natural logarithm. The statistics of the main variables (Appendix I), Total crimes (comprises of serious crimes, minor crimes and minor offences) averaged 245818.8 per cent, varying from 124752.0 per cent to 816603.2 per cent, with a standard deviation of 131851.1 per cent. The statistics further revealed that the level of unemployment averaged 5.9769 per cent and varies between 1.8 per cent and 18.1 per cent, with a standard deviation of 3.5985 per cent. Internal security also averaged 12571. The trend in the main variable is shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 1: TREND IN UEMP, INTSEC & TCRM A UEMP 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 UEMP Linear (UEMP) 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931333537394143 A look at the trend lines in Figure 1 A, B and C indicates that the three variables follow the same positive trend. Unemployment and internal security show upward trend; that is over time the high rate of unemployment had increased expenditure on internal security. On the other hand the downward trend in total crime rate suggests that total crime rate increases but at a diminishing rate due to internal security measures. However this descriptive analysis is not conclusive. 4 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 B INTSEC 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 INTSEC 20000 Linear (INTSEC) 10000 0 -10000 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 -20000 C TCRM 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 TCRM 400000 Linear (TCRM) 300000 200000 100000 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 Model Specification and Estimation 5 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 The study employed two estimation techniques ARDL and Variance Distribution Function of the VAR. The first step in our empirical ARDL analysis is to determine the direction of causality among the variables. This is done by conducting Granger Causality test on the variables. The result of this test also determines the level of exogeneity of the variables thereby helping in the model specification. A. Pairwise Granger Causality Test The result of the pair wise Granger causality test is shown in Appendix II. The test is sensitive to the lag length, the choice of lag was 2, this was made using the iterative method, that is gradually increasing the lag length until there is no further improvement in the decision making (Gujarati, 2007). The idea behind causality test is that, although regression analysis deals with the dependence of one variable on the other variable, it does not necessarily imply causation. In other words the existence of a relationship either the dynamic or equilibrium, between variables does not prove causality or the direction of influence. The decision whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis is made based on the probability of the F – statistics. Wherever the null hypothesis is rejected it implies the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. At 0.05 level of significance the following inferences are drawn from the causality result. (i) There is a unidirectional causality running from unemployment rate (UNEMPL) to internal security (INTSEC). (ii) There is a unidirectional causality running from minor crime rate (MNCRM) to internal security (INTSEC). The implication of this result is that unemployment and minor crime rate has weakened the strength of internal security in Nigeria making the government to spend more on internal security. Also internal security variable is identified as a strong exogenous variable. The model for this study is specified as follows: INTSECt 0 1UNEMPt 2 MNCRM t 3 MNOFFt 4 SRCRM t 5TCRM t ut .....1 To test for stationarity of the variables in equation 1 the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philip Peron (PP) unit root tests were conducted on each series. Accordingly the null hypothesis in each case is that there is a unit root in each series that is each variable is non-stationary. The result is presented in Table 1 6 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 B. Time Series Properties of Variables Table 1: Unit Root Test ADF STATISTIC Level Prob 1ST Diff. Prob. Integration UEMPL -2.76959 0.0725 -6.8033 0.0000 I(1) INTSEC 1.205973 0.9976 -6.3133 0.0000 I(1) MNCRM -2.29369 0.1792 -6.18991 0.0000 I(1) MNOFF -2.20368 0.2085 -4.27441 0.0018 I(1) SRCRM -3.44833 0.0154 I(0) TCRM -3.22139 0.0266 I(0) PHILIP PERON STATISTIC Level Prob 1ST Diff. Prob. Integration UEMPL -2.86677 0.059 -6.88413 0.0000 I(1) INTSEC 1.520623 0.9991 -6.34168 0.0000 I(1) MNCRM -2.3448 0.164 -7.3444 0.0000 I(1) MNOFF -2.01144 0.2809 -4.27441 0.0018 I(1) SRCRM -3.49269 0.0138 -9.8949 0.0000 I(0) TCRM -3.22139 0.0266 -10.6039 0.0000 I(0) The results of the two tests in Table 1 show that the variables are not integrated of the same order. Four of the variables are integrated of order one while two are stationary at their levels. This implies that the condition for cointegration using the Johannsen method is not met by the series. We resort to the Bound Testing method of Cointegration using the ARDL approach. The result of the Granger causality test suggests that INTSEC is more of an endogenous variable. Based on this the equation 1 is re-specified for the ARDL analysis as follows: int sec t 0 j int sec t 1 1 unempt j 2 mncrmt j 3 mnoff t j ....... ...... 4 srcrmt j 5 tcrmt j 0 int sec t 1 1unempt 1 2 mncrmt 1 ...... ....... 3 mnoff t 1 4 srcrmt 1 5 tcrmt 1 et .........2 Equation 2 is the ARDL model, which is also known as the “unrestricted ECM”. The appropriate lag length is determined using one or more of Akaike (AIC), Schwarts (SC) and Hannan-quin (HQ) criteria. A key assumption in the ARDL/Bound Testing methodology of Peseran et al. (1999) is that the errors of the equation must be serially independent. We use LM to test this hypothesis. The Bound test is conducted on the unrestricted ECM to test by conducting the F statistics of the hypothesis, H 0 : 0 1 2 0 against the alternative. As a check we perform a “Bounds” t-test” of H 0 0 , if the t-statistic for int sec t 1 in equation 2 is greater than the “I(1) bounds” tabulated by Pesaran et al., 7 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 this would support the conclusion that there is a long-run relationship between the variables. Pesaran et al. supplied bounds on the critical values for the assymptotic of the F – statistics. If the computed F – statistic falls below the lower bound we would conclude that the variables are I(0), so no cointegration is possible, by definition. If the F- statistics exceeds the upper bound, we conclude that we have cointegration. Finally if the F – statistics falls between the bounds, the test is inconclusive, we may rely on the result of Granger causality and/or the short-run analysis. C. Results of the ARDL Model Equation 2 was estimated using a 1-equation Unrestricted VAR method. To implement the information criteria for selecting the lag-length in a time-effect way the lag structure was estimated. The result is presented Table 4. Looking at the LR, FPE, SC and HQ values, a maximum of 1 lag was suggested for intsect-1, while the AIC suggests 2 lags. But the LM test of serial correlation conducted showed the presence of serial correlation at one lag. At maximum of two lags the LM test rejects the hypothesis of serial correlation as shown in Table 2. Table 2 :VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Endogenous variables: INTSEC Exogenous variables: C UEMP MNCRM MNOFF SRCM SER01 Lag LogL LR 0 -389.2886 NA 1 FPE AIC SC HQ 3.79E+08 22.58792 22.85455 22.67996 -348.7793 64.81490* 39738561* 20.33024 20.64131* 2 -347.7355 1.610376 39748679 20.32774* 3 -346.9899 1.107744 40475664 20.34228 * indicates lag order selected by the criterion 20.68325 20.74223 20.43763* 20.45047 20.48034 Table 3: VAR Residual Serial Correlation LM Tests Lags LM-Stat Prob 1 3.618723 0.0571 2 1.748629 0.0186 3 1.487509 0.2226 Therefore ARDL(2,1,1)was preferred. The result is presented in Table 4. 8 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 Table 4 : Unrestricted ECM, ARDL(2,1,1,1,1,1,) Dependent Variable D(INTSEC) Coefficient Std. Error D(INTSEC(-1)) -0.03391 -0.15148 D(INTSEC(-2)) -0.162815 -0.15128 D(UEMP) -984.5943* -366.392 D(MNCRM) 0.011391 -0.08832 D(MNOFF) -0.038842 -0.09929 D(SRCM) -0.004005 -0.05573 D(TCRM) 0.004573 -0.05725 UEMP(-1) 749.0908** -369.819 MNCRM(-1) -0.075008 -0.0952 MNOFF(-1) -0.039766 -0.08866 SRCM(-1) 0.035858 -0.08217 TCRM(-1) -0.048897 -0.08421 INTSEC(-1) t - Stat. -0.22386 -1.07626 -2.68727 0.12897 -0.39120 -0.07187 0.07988 2.02556 -0.78789 -0.44853 0.43638 -0.19338* -0.58064 -0.08469 -2.28338 9261.113 -4976.18 1.86109 C R-squared Adj. R-squared F-statistic Log likelihood 0.632172 0.448258 * significant at 5%; ** significant at 10% 3.437324 -401.624 The result in Table 4 portrays both the short-run and long-run relationship. Our interest is to test for the presence of cointegration. To do this, the Bound test is conducted on the unrestricted ECM by conducting the F statistics. The result of the Wald Test is presented in Table 5 Table 5 : Wald Bound Test for Cointegration Test Statistic Value F-statistic Df (6, 3.945378 31) Chi-square 23.67227 Peseran Critical Value Probability 0.0048 6 I(0) 0.0006 I(1) 5% 2.32 3.50 1% 2.96 4.26 9 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 The value of our F-statistic is 3.9453, and we have (k+1) = 7 variables in our model. The critical lower and upper bounds of the Pesaran et al. (2001) for the unrestricted intercept no trend is also presented in Table 5. As the value of our F statistic of the restricted ECM exceeds the upper bound at 5% significant level, we conclude that there is evidence of a cointegration relationship in our model. We can therefore extract the long-run multiplier from the ARDL result. The long-run coefficient for the respective variables is derived from the following equation: i 0 Where i represents the long run coefficient of ith variable in the ARDL model and 0 is the coefficient of INTSEC(-1) in the ARDL model. The long-run multiplier for the individual coefficient is shown as follows. UEMP(-1) INTSEC(-1) 1 3873.6725 MNCRM(-1) MNOFF(-1) -0.3878 -0.2056 SRCM(-1) 0.1854 TCRM(-1) -0.2528 We therefore confirm a positive long-run multiplier effect of unemployment on internal security and serious crime. An increase in unemployment rate leads to a more than proportional increase in expenditure on internal security in the long - run. Also a unit increase in the rate of serious crime leads to about 18% increase in expenditure on internal security in the long-run. The ARDL test also established that there is a significant positive short-run and long-run relationship between UNEMP (unemployment rate) and INTSEC (internal security). This is significant at 5% and 1% level of significance respectively. This implies that high rate of unemployment tend to increase the expenditure on internal security. The long-run coefficient of INTSEC is also significant implying a feedback effect of poor security on the economy. The overall performance of the model is good. The R2 is 0.63, signifying that even though all the marginal effect of individual variable are not significant, about 63% of the changes in internal security can be explained by joint variations in unemployment and crime variables in the model. D. Short-run Shock Transmission Analysis A major objective of this paper is to decompose the impact of crime rate and unemployment into their disaggregated variables. The next analysis is the short-run shock transmission between the variables. This analysis is done using the variance decomposition and impulse response which are measures of short-run dynamics of the VAR. The shock transmission is discussed for the variables that show short – run causality with the dependent variable. That is for the unidirectional causality the 10 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 magnitudes of the impact of the three variables; UNEMPL, MNCRM and INTSEC on one another are discussed. I. Impulse Response Functions of UNEMPL, INTSEC and MNCRM Table 6: Impulse Response Function Response of UEMP: Period UEMP INTSEC MNCRM MNOFF SRCM TCRM 1 3.237702 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.024135 0.899553 -0.03708 0.443592 0.321688 -0.44815 3 1.088328 0.559653 0.195773 0.255754 -0.16042 -0.71239 4 0.428719 0.366866 -0.08785 0.149965 -0.14499 -0.38397 5 -0.04984 0.267473 -0.14415 -0.06943 -0.31162 -0.22125 6 -0.10536 0.193164 -0.09027 -0.22715 -0.23296 -0.10559 7 -0.07527 0.255514 -0.10776 -0.34861 -0.18139 -0.06377 8 -0.00939 0.306131 -0.07539 -0.40934 -0.1238 -0.05763 9 0.068663 0.345028 -0.06312 -0.4237 -0.07502 -0.06998 10 0.116805 Response of INTSEC: 0.371517 -0.07112 -0.40504 -0.04362 -0.08121 Period UEMP INTSEC MNCRM MNOFF SRCM TCRM 1 -1159.66 4112.937 0 0 0 0 2 1808.781 3243.931 707.8025 -1058.57 -966.335 -387.46 3 2245.199 4580.097 -1641.36 -1158.68 -714.44 -770.042 4 1693.912 5219.097 -2674.6 -1767.72 -1314.89 -1281.71 5 2044.497 5433.377 -3194.02 -2447.57 -1025.66 -1257.7 6 2389.658 5927.316 -3618.92 -3223.73 -843.354 -1235.94 7 2843.424 6255.267 -3578.37 -3859.04 -550.564 -1277.34 8 3293.077 6504.691 -3494.75 -4292.58 -256.642 -1362.69 9 3573.418 6633.412 -3386.11 -4506.8 -26.4721 -1434.3 10 3732.433 6597.972 -3244.02 -4538.32 149.8841 -1480.17 Response of MNCRM: Period UEMP INTSEC MNCRM MNOFF SRCM TCRM 1 -622.085 -4111.71 16797.92 0 0 0 2 2371.531 -4754.01 13048.67 681.0509 -274.502 -717.515 3 -3952.53 -2877.21 7363.313 2256.16 -2751.46 -718.742 4 -6228.86 -4318.04 5985.926 2586.606 -3845.14 -587.345 5 -6219.94 -3940.5 3299.872 2185.287 -3478.89 306.7505 6 -5787.88 -2855.61 1959.673 1153.073 -3352.84 685.8516 7 -4296.83 -1812.92 1468.282 82.98355 -2690.85 654.9505 8 -2907.14 -499.161 834.3583 -829.657 -2115.81 426.4041 9 -1812.95 577.9417 437.3629 -1499 -1674.07 130.718 11 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 10 -898.75 1386.964 88.47311 -1936.66 -1291.22 -138.417 Impulse response function is a method of analyzing the short run dynamics of relationships among a set of endogenous variables. Table 6 presents the results. Impulse Response Function traces the effect of a one standard deviation shock to one of the innovations on current and future values of the endogenous variables. For example a shock to ith variable say MNCRM, directly affects the variable, and is also transmitted to all of the endogenous variables through the dynamic structure of the VAR. It is another way of saying how a particular variable does responds to shocks in other variables. Granger causality may not tell us the complete story about the interactions between the variables of a system. In applied work it is often of interest to know the response of one variable to an impulse in another variable in a system that involves a number of further variables. Of course if there is a reaction of one variable to an impulse in another variable we may call the latter causal for the former, this type of impulse response is called dynamic multiplier. Since the variables in our study have different scales, we consider innovation of one standard deviation rather than unit shocks. The impulse responses are zero if one of the variables does not Granger cause the other variables taken as a group. In Table 6 it is revealed that initially UNEMP, INTSEC and MNCRM show no response to the shocks in other variables except their own lags. In the case of mutual shocks UNEMP responded positively (an increase) to shocks in INTSEC. Internal security responded positively to unemployment, that a shock in unemployment leads to extra expenditure to maintain internal security. Also minor crime rate responds negatively to shocks in unemployment and internal security. That is increases in unemployment rate worsen the rate of crime in Nigeria. II. Variance Decomposition of Shocks to UNEMP, IMTSEC and MNCRM The variance decomposition in Table 7 analyses the decomposition of the shocks received by each variable to its constituent sources. It is another way of describing causes and sources of variations or shocks to the variables. The 36 years period under study is summarized into a quartile, a four year period. Variance decomposition provides a different method of depicting the system dynamics. Impulse response function traces the effects of a shock to each of the variables on one another. By contrast variance decomposition decomposes variation in one variable into the component shocks to each of the other variables. 12 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 Table 7: Variance Decomposition of UEMP Period S.E. UEMP INTSEC 1 3.237702 100 0 2 3.986414 91.74612 5.092007 3 4.24572 87.45241 6.226559 4 4.30618 86.00512 6.778761 5 4.334613 84.89374 7.070889 6 4.354589 84.17518 7.202933 7 4.382181 83.14802 7.452491 8 4.414659 81.92959 7.824104 9 4.450506 80.63887 8.299591 10 4.487347 79.38798 8.849326 Variance Decomposition of INTSEC: MNCRM 0 0.008652 0.220246 0.25572 0.362962 0.402615 0.458026 0.480472 0.492878 0.509941 MNOFF SRCM TCRM 0 1.238234 1.454467 1.535193 1.540772 1.79877 2.40905 3.233504 4.08799 4.83586 0 0.651185 0.716841 0.810214 1.316449 1.590594 1.741955 1.79506 1.794671 1.774772 0 1.2638 3.929475 4.614996 4.815189 4.82991 4.790455 4.737274 4.685995 4.642116 Period S.E. UEMP INTSEC 1 4273.298 7.364416 92.63558 2 5895.873 13.28059 78.93641 3 8119.082 14.65034 73.44812 4 10472.72 11.42142 68.97983 5 12735.99 10.29973 64.84193 6 15125.37 9.798716 61.33061 7 17482.05 9.980388 58.71261 8 19782.3 10.56541 56.66425 9 21953.27 11.22863 55.14141 10 23932.06 11.88088 54.00061 Variance Decomposition of MNCRM: MNCRM 0 1.441212 4.846866 9.435386 12.66929 14.70729 15.19904 14.99079 14.55155 14.08208 MNOFF SRCM TCRM 0 3.223585 3.736513 5.094863 7.138172 9.603654 12.06168 14.12823 15.68653 16.79581 0 2.686327 2.190895 2.893162 2.604801 2.157725 1.714372 1.355693 1.100966 0.930351 0 0.431874 1.127269 2.175339 2.44608 2.401997 2.331907 2.295637 2.290911 2.310261 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MNCRM 94.22528 90.66714 85.82938 76.90469 70.27194 65.86374 63.73918 62.76407 62.16695 61.60887 MNOFF SRCM TCRM 0 0.09295 0.940883 1.735834 2.16134 2.168954 2.091685 2.134263 2.362567 2.753756 0 0.0151 1.295242 3.179886 4.385346 5.410684 6.041027 6.442891 6.690384 6.813567 0 0.10317 0.174726 0.195121 0.186734 0.229414 0.270037 0.285952 0.28503 0.284575 S.E. 17305.01 22338.53 24296.22 26559.41 28062.06 29086.34 29624.26 29872.07 30020.31 30156.18 UEMP 0.129228 1.204615 3.664809 8.567064 12.58699 15.67578 17.21545 17.87812 18.06669 17.99308 INTSEC 5.645497 7.917028 8.094964 9.417403 10.40766 10.65142 10.64262 10.4947 10.42837 10.54615 13 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 From Table 7 it is clear that the magnitude of shocks transmitted to UNEMP, INTSEC and MNCRM from all the variable fluctuates over the periods. The greatest of the shocks came from feedbacks from previous problems from each variable respectively. Apart from this the following are observed: Internal security is the major source of shocks to unemployment. It contributed about 8% of the problem of unemployment. Minor offences and total crimes are products of unemployment rate Shock to internal security come from high rate of unemployment and crime rate. Also minor crime rate is increased when there are shocks to unemployment and internal security. Conclusion, Policy Implications and Recommendations The main thrust of the study is to identify and examine the impact of unemployment and crime on internal security in Nigeria. The results of the study revealed that unemployment promotes crimes in Nigeria. In response to high crime rate government expenditure on internal security increases tremendously. This evidence tends to confirm earlier conclusions reached by Small and Lewis (1996) for New Zealand and McDowell and Webb (1995). Specifically, the following conclusions have been drawn from the results: analyzed data shows that the total crime remains significantly affected by the unemployment rate; unemployment and minor crime were found to have weakened the strength of internal security in Nigeria making the government to spend more on internal security. The result of causality affirmed the proposition that unemployment causes crim;. Papps and Winkelmann (1999) reached similar conclusion. Furthermore, this study indicates several possibilities for further research. In particular the introduction of additional regression that may explain crime, for example income equality and sex variable may alleviate any remaining omitted variable. From the foregoing discussion, the following recommendations are suggested to prevent crimes and reduce expenditure on security in Nigeria. a. The policy makers should address adequately one of the major economic determinants of crime such as unemployment by instituting palliative measures for the unemployed and creating and expanding job facilities. b. The planning strategy should focus on social and economic justice that will minimize excessive spending on crime prevention and control. c. Crime rate could be reduced if resources of the country are directed to those sectors where majority of the poor exist like agriculture sector as well as empowering artisans. d. Economic and Financial Crime Commission, Independent Corrupt Practices Commission and other crime fighting agencies in the country should be well funded and fortified with modern hardware and communication equipment to curb crime rate in the country . 14 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 REFERENCES Agell, J., Lindh, T., Ohlsson, H. (2003). 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Observations MNOFF 29778.55 17534.5 108478 8114 27747.43 1.906909 5.209755 SRCM 173697.2 142125.5 747901 14457 129506 2.958746 12.54683 SER01 245818.8 214832 816603.2 124752 131851.1 2.726047 11.40739 32.13461 15.26457 3.200646 30.76135 199.7513 158.9818 0 0.000485 0.201831 0 0 0 227.124 477719.1 479.1262 38 1479098 1131585 6600494 9341114 1.55E+10 1.96E+10 2.85E+10 6.21E+11 6.43E+11 38 38 38 38 38 16 Proceedings of 30th International Business Research Conference 20 - 22 April 2015, Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE, ISBN: 978-1-922069-74-0 APPENDIX II: Pairwise Granger Causality Tests Null Hypothesis: INTSEC does not Granger Cause UEMP UEMP does not Granger Cause INTSEC MNCRM does not Granger Cause UEMP UEMP does not Granger Cause MNCRM MNOFF does not Granger Cause UEMP UEMP does not Granger Cause MNOFF SRCM does not Granger Cause UEMP UEMP does not Granger Cause SRCM TCRM does not Granger Cause UEMP UEMP does not Granger Cause TCRM MNCRM does not Granger Cause INTSEC INTSEC does not Granger Cause MNCRM MNOFF does not Granger Cause INTSEC INTSEC does not Granger Cause MNOFF SRCM does not Granger Cause INTSEC INTSEC does not Granger Cause SRCM TCRM does not Granger Cause INTSEC INTSEC does not Granger Cause TCRM MNOFF does not Granger Cause MNCRM MNCRM does not Granger Cause MNOFF SRCM does not Granger Cause MNCRM MNCRM does not Granger Cause SRCM FObs Statistic 36 1.60656 4.77543* 36 0.01541 1.93357 36 0.16119 0.47484 36 0.31444 0.04619 36 0.4753 0.01068 36 4.51352* 0.92685 36 0.28156 0.65638 36 0.08877 0.44256 36 0.36245 0.3912 36 0.04648 0.0949 36 1.05135 0.30991 17 Prob. 0.2168 0.0156 0.9847 0.1617 0.8518 0.6264 0.7325 0.9549 0.6262 0.9894 0.019 0.4065 0.7565 0.5258 0.9153 0.6464 0.6989 0.6795 0.9547 0.9097 0.3616 0.7358 Decision Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept