The National Collegiate Conference Association 30 October 2009 NMU in collaboration with Dear Honorable Delegates, Faculty, and Friends, The Osgood Center for International Studies It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome you to the 2009 National Model United NationsU each of you our sincerest welcome to our nation’s capital. recognizes NMUNU DC is, first and foremost, an educational experience. Through this hands-on approach speaking, writing and teamwork skills as well as a global perspective on world problems. The involvement in learning allows students to witness the consequences of their decisions and actio utilize this opportunity to deeply engage with important international issues, learn from each oth examine the current global situation. Throughout the weekend, take time to consider the power its impact on individuals around the world. Most importantly, reflect on the future of the United N an engaged member of the international community. VICTOR VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE representing LEBANON Washington, DC provides a unique environment in which to consider these issues. In addition of the United States government, Washington is home to many influential international bodies, as an the Pan American Health Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. We encourage y all aspects of this conference, including the location, the knowledge of the volunteer staff, and our distinguished guest speakers. DISTINGUISHED DELEGATION Once again, we extend a warm welcome to both new and returning delegates. Although the t daunting to some, we want to reassure you that our staff will provide the respect, attention and assist you. We hope you will leave with a renewed sense of purpose and a greater appreciati We urge you to be proactive this weekend and after, by using dialogue to empower others to in The 2010 National Model United Nations Washington, DC Conference Warmest regards, Michael Aguilar __________________________________ Director-General Michael Aguilar Secretary-General Amanda D’Amico __________________________________ Under-Secretary-General Shelton Williams President - Osgood Center 1 U ÊÃÊëÃÀi`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊ >Ì>Ê i}>ÌiÊ viÀiViÊÃÃV>ÌÊÊ«>À ÌiÀà «ÊÜ Osgood Center for Inter national Studies. Both organizations are 501(c)3 non-profit organizati States. The NCCA-NMUN is also an accredited Non-Gover nmental Organization with the U NMUN-DC wants to issue special thanks for the suppor t and cooperation extended to us by th