Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 What Determines Horizontal Merger Antitrust Case Selection? Ning Gao, Ni Peng and Norman Strong* The U.S. antitrust agencies claim their mission of antitrust enforcement is to protect consumers, promote fair competition, and maintain efficiency. Are antitrust challenges consistent with this claim? If not, what determines the U.S. antitrust intervention? We explore these questions by examining horizontal merger case selection in the U.S. manufacturing sector during 1980–2009 and find no evidence supporting the consumer protection claim. Overall, our findings suggest that foreign import competition, the market concentration hurdle criterion, and certain industry rivals, rather than consumer protection, determine antitrust agencies’ horizontal merger case selection. JEL Codes: G34 G38 1. Introduction Antitrust enforcement has played an important role in the United States for decades. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are authorised to file antitrust complaints against mergers when they believe the mergers would substantially lessen competition and violate antitrust laws.1 To avoid duplication, they coordinate their activities and separate their enforcement areas. Both the DOJ and the FTC may bring civil antitrust cases that violate the Clayton Act, but only the DOJ may bring criminal lawsuits that violate the Sherman Act as felonies. Before taking any preliminary investigation against a merger, each requests clearance from the other (Bruner 2004, p.745). In practice, most business combination complaints are filed against horizontal mergers.2 Despite a considerable literature exploring antitrust regulation efficiency and the determinants of antitrust activity intensity in financial economics, political economy, and law (Long, Schramm, and Tollison, 1973; Ellert, 1976; Stillman, 1983; Wier, 1983; Eckbo and Wier, 1985; Johnson and Parkman, 1991; Eckbo, 1992; Wood and Anderson, 1993; Bittlingmayer and Hazlett, 2000; Ghosal and Gallo, 2001; Aktas, deBodt, and Roll, 2004 and 2007; Feinberg and Reynolds, 2010; Ghosal, 2011), it remains unclear what determines horizontal merger antitrust case selection by the U.S. antitrust agencies at the deal level.3 The main goal of this paper is to model antitrust case selection and examine the determinants of antitrust challenges against horizontal mergers. We draw from the economic theory of regulation and the literature on horizontal merger motives to derive four hypotheses that explain the likelihood that a horizontal merger faces antitrust intervention. First, public interest regulation theory suggests that government intervention corrects market failure and maximises social welfare (Pigou, 1932). It assumes government intervention is active rather than passive, and based on * Accounting and Finance Group, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Email: Ning Gao,; Ni Peng,; Norman Strong, 1 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 identifying market failure. In the context of antitrust regulation, the theory implies that antitrust intervention is based on identifying anticompetitive deals that harm consumers. Therefore, challenges should be more likely for mergers resulting in higher purchasing prices for downstream corporate customers that are likely to pass these on in the form of higher product selling prices (Eckbo, 1983; Fee and Thomas, 2004). We label this rationale the consumer protection hypothesis. Second, the presence of foreign competition increases the supply elasticity of a domestic industry and makes it more difficult to monopolise. Katics and Petersen (1994) show that strong import competition squeezes profit margins and induces domestic companies to merge in order to compete on improved efficiency. Mitchell and Mulherin (1996) find that a significant increase in import competition promotes merger waves in the domestic market for efficiency purposes. Therefore we hypothesise that, with strong foreign competition, it is more difficult for merging firms to exercise market power and the authorities are less likely to challenge. We call this the foreign competition hypothesis. Third, Stigler (1964) notes that horizontal mergers enable merged firms to collude more easily with rivals. Monopoly rents, however, differ across industries. For decades, antitrust agencies have implemented the market concentration doctrine, which posits that the degree of industry concentration proxies for the size of monopoly rents that merging firms can extract (Eckbo, 1988). In addition, Stigler (1968) suggests that monitoring costs of maintaining a collusive agreement are lower in a concentrated market due to higher visibility. Motivated by larger monopoly rents and less free-riding, firms in concentrated industries may be more likely to merge for market power reasons than firms in fragmented industries. As a framework for assessing the potential anticompetitive effects of a merger, the antitrust agencies use the market concentration hurdle, which divides industries into categories by market concentration thresholds. 4 They claim they pay more attention to deals that would result in high concentration and that would substantially increase concentration. Therefore, the market concentration hurdle hypothesis predicts a higher likelihood of antitrust intervention in deals that hit the concentration hurdle criterion. These three hypotheses assume that antitrust agencies act benignly on behalf of society and make dispassionate decisions. In contrast, Stigler‟s (1971) economic theory of regulation assumes that government agencies choose cases to pursue by trading off the costs and benefits of their actions. In other words, other forces can influence antitrust decisions. Regarding the possible forces, previous literature documents an active role for industry rivals in regulation. Baron (1998) documents that firms can affect the stringency of regulation in their favour when a proposed regulation would affect cost structures among industry players differently. Baumol and Ordover (1985) refer to an antitrust strategy to constrain competition. Faced with efficient mergers, to avoid a competitive disadvantage from increasingly efficient peers, industry rivals lobby or pressure antitrust agencies to intervene. Since the lobbying is not cheap, we presume that only the most affected rivals have the incentive to lobby: for instance, local rivals that would lose from sharing a geographical market and less specialised producers that would face a substitution effect. Therefore, if these industry rivals suffer from the deal, the likelihood of antitrust intervention increases. We label the fourth hypothesis the rival influence hypothesis. 2 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 To examine the determinants of U.S. antitrust case selection, we use a sample of 393 public horizontal deals in the U.S. manufacturing sector between 1980 and 2009. We hand-collect data from the FTC and DOJ‟s joint “Annual Report to Congress Pursuant to Subsection (j) of Section 7A of the Clayton Act Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976”, and identify 35 deals that the FTC and the DOJ challenged in the sector during the period. We model the antitrust agencies‟ case selection with probit regressions including customer and rival wealth effects, foreign import competition, industry structure measures, and a range of deal-specific and industryspecific control variables. A univariate analysis shows that unchallenged deals are associated with positive abnormal returns to rivals over a (−2, 2) day window surrounding the initial merger announcement. In contrast, in challenged deals, the price reaction of rivals is not different from zero. This price reaction pattern contradicts the common understanding that antitrust agencies intervene in anticompetitive mergers, from which industry rivals expect to gain monopoly rents. More perversely, challenged deals promise value creation to corporate customers at the initial announcement. These results confirm the conclusion of Ellert (1976) and Eckbo and Wier (1985) that challenged mergers would have been efficient, value-creating, and not anticompetitive. In a multivariate analysis, we find no evidence supporting the consumer protection hypothesis. The stock market reaction of corporate customers to merger announcements does not have a systematic impact on antitrust case selection. Nor do the antitrust agencies consider local customers and customers of the downstream industry that purchase the most from the merging industry, who presumably are affected most by the merger. Instead, we find that the likelihood of antitrust intervention is negatively related to foreign import competition. A 10% increase in foreign import competition reduces the likelihood of an antitrust challenge by about 7.2%. This is in line with Katics and Petersen (1994), who suggest that increasing import competition threatens the domestic industry and constrains market power. It also echoes Mitchell and Mulherin‟s (1996) argument that higher foreign competition reduces the need for antitrust enforcement, and less antitrust intervention increases activity in the market for corporate control. Our findings also suggest that the market concentration hurdle criterion predicts antitrust intervention likelihood. Horizontal mergers that hit the market concentration hurdle criterion are 15.4% more likely to face antitrust intervention. This confirms the previous perception that the antitrust agencies stick closely to the market concentration doctrine. We also find evidence consistent with the rival influence hypothesis. The likelihood of a merger being challenged is negatively related to the wealth effect at the merger announcement of local rivals. A 10% lower wealth effect to local competitors increases the likelihood of an antitrust challenge by 14.5%. Similarly, a 10% lower wealth effect to less specialised industry producers leads to a 10.7% higher likelihood of an antitrust challenge. These results shed light on the use of antitrust to subvert competition (Baumol and Ordover, 1985) and antitrust agencies‟ deviation from their mission of promoting social welfare (Bittlingmayer and Hazlett, 2000). Mechanisms that align the 3 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 interests of particular industry rivals and antitrust agencies include lobbying, campaign contributions (McChesney, 1997), and quid pro quo deals (Tahoun, 2011). Overall, our findings suggest that foreign import competition, the market concentration hurdle criterion, and certain industry rivals, rather than consumer protection, influence antitrust agencies‟ horizontal merger antitrust case selection. Our study makes the following contributions. First, to our knowledge, this paper is the first to model government decision determinants in regulating business combinations at deal level. Previous literature on government antitrust enforcement considers either the aggregate intensity level (Long, Schramm, and Tollison, 1973; Wood and Anderson, 1993; Feinberg and Reynolds, 2010; Ghosal, 2011) or particular cases (Bittlingmayer and Hazlett, 2000). Second, this paper is the first to show that the efficiency of antitrust enforcement is mixed. Past studies of antitrust policy generally conclude that antitrust regulation is inefficient, e.g., Stillman (1983), Eckbo (1983, 1988, 1992), Eckbo and Wier (1985) on U.S. antitrust regulation, Atkas, deBodt, and Roll (2004, 2007) on EU antitrust regulation. We find evidence both of efficiency and inefficiency. The effect of foreign import competition is efficient and, to some extent, using the market concentration hurdle criterion is justifiable (though there are many criticisms of the flawed theoretical grounds of the market concentration doctrine). However, failing to respond to consumer welfare losses and being influenced by interest groups is inefficient. Third, we provide direct evidence against the consumer protection claim, which complements the indirect evidence on benign merger motives from previous studies (e.g., Stillman, 1983; Eckbo, 1983, 1988, 1992; Eckbo and Wier, 1985). We also provide quantitative estimates of the impact of foreign import competition and the widely-applied market concentration doctrine on antitrust case selection. Fourth, our results shed light on which interest groups influence antitrust decisions, enriching our understanding of interest group theories, and adding to the literature on the source of the demand for regulation. The remainder of the paper continues as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant literature and develops the hypotheses. Section 3 describes the sample and construction of variables. Section 4 reports univariate and multivariate results. Section 5 summarises and concludes. 2. Literature review and hypothesis development 2.1 The consumer protection hypothesis Antitrust agencies generally claim that the aim of antitrust intervention is to protect consumers. FTC chairman T.J. Muris claims, “the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) works to ensure that the nation‟s markets are vigorous, efficient and free of restrictions that harm consumers”.5 This claim is consistent with public interest regulation theories starting from Pigou (1932), which suggest that the government should act on behalf of society, and intervene in the market when market failure happens. Previous empirical research, however, contradicts this view with three pieces of evidence. First, efficiency improvements rather than anticompetitive practices drive horizontal mergers; even challenged deals would have been benign (Ellert, 1976; Eckbo, 1983; Stillman, 1983; Eckbo and Wier, 1985). The HSR Act of 1976 enabled the antitrust agencies to obtain more information about a deal and more time to analyse it 4 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 before taking legal action,6 and was supposed to strengthen their ability to choose competitively harmful mergers (Eckbo and Wier, 1985). However, examining a sample of antitrust cases filed after 1978, Eckbo and Wier (1985) fail to find any improvement in antitrust case selection. In recent years, Fee and Thomas (2004) and Shahrur (2005) investigate the upstream and downstream product-market effects of horizontal mergers, and report non-negative stock price reactions of downstream corporate customers to deal announcements, concluding that efficiency considerations drive horizontal mergers. Second, the deterrence effect of antitrust regulation, if it exists at all, is limited.7 To evaluate the deterrence effect, Eckbo (1992) examines Canadian evidence before 1985, and reports that horizontal mergers are efficient even when there is no threat of antitrust intervention.8 Third, some antitrust regulators pursue protectionism, which harms consumers. For instance, EU regulators use antitrust policy to prevent deals by foreign bidders and protect domestic firms (Aktas, deBodt, and Roll, 2007). Though suggestive, the above literature does not directly answer whether consumer protection is a major concern in antitrust intervention. In addition, some of these studies report average customer abnormal returns in response to deal announcements, which does not preclude the possibility that individual cases are anticompetitive. Public interest theories assume that active government intervention is based on correctly identifying market failures and government always “behaves like a benevolent and omniscient dictator on behalf of society as a whole” (Boehm 2007, p.1). In the context of antitrust regulation, this implies that the antitrust agencies can identify truly anticompetitive deals that harm consumers. To discriminate between collusion and efficiency as merger motives, Eckbo (1983) suggests examining the abnormal stock returns to merger related firms.9 For instance, corporate customers would lose to a collusive deal announcement resulting in higher product selling prices. Applying this approach, we examine the relation between the antitrust agencies‟ case selection and the downstream corporate customer‟s stock market reaction to the deal announcement to provide direct evidence on consumer protection. The consumer protection hypothesis predicts that antitrust agencies are more likely to challenge deals that harm downstream corporate customers. Hypothesis 1: A horizontal merger is less likely to face a challenge the higher the announcement wealth effect on corporate customers. 2.2 The foreign competition hypothesis Katics and Petersen (1994) show that changes in foreign competition have a sizable impact on price–cost margins and challenge domestic industry efficiency. Mitchell and Mulherin (1996) suggest that mergers are often the most cost-effective means for industries to respond to changes caused by economic shocks such as changes in foreign competition. In countries with anti-protectionist foreign trade policies, increasing import penetration prompts domestic industries to consolidate to streamline operations and improve efficiency. Therefore, when an industry faces greater foreign competition, it is more likely to be efficiency improvements than monopolistic rents that drive firms to merge. This gives rise to the foreign competition hypothesis, which predicts that antitrust agencies are less likely to challenge deals in industries with higher import penetration. 5 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Hypothesis 2: A horizontal merger is less likely to face a challenge the higher the level of foreign competition in the industry. 2.3 The market concentration hurdle hypothesis For decades, antitrust agencies have retained a focus on increased market concentration when investigating anticompetitive behaviour.10 Since the DOJ‟s 1982 Merger Guidelines, the agencies have used the Herfindahl Index (HHI) to measure market structure.11 The 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines classify several thresholds of industry concentration and changes in industry concentration induced by a merger.12 The guidelines divide industries into three categories by concentration thresholds: unconcentrated (Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) less than 1000), moderately concentrated (HHI between 1000 and 1800), and concentrated (HHI greater than 1800).13 They pay more attention if a) firms merge in a concentrated industry or b) firms merge in a moderately concentrated industry and this would cause a change in HHI larger than 100. These thresholds remained unchanged for 18 years until a revision in 2010.14 The focus on increased market concentration is an application of the market concentration doctrine. As Eckbo (1988) explains, the market concentration doctrine rests on oligopoly models originating with Cournot ([1838] 1927) and Nash (1950), which posit that industry concentration levels relate to the market power that merging firms can achieve, thus proxying for potential monopoly rents. Furthermore, due to the higher visibility of each firm‟s actions and lower monitoring costs, concentrated industries usually suffer less from free-riding on collusive agreements than fragmented industries (Stigler, 1968). These arguments together probably explain the position of antitrust agencies: motivated by larger monopoly rents and less free-riding, firms in concentrated industries are more likely than firms in fragmented industries to merge for market power reasons. There are many criticisms of the antitrust implementation of the market concentration doctrine on theoretical and empirical grounds. Academics believe the authorities should not be so concerned about market concentration when judging an industry‟s market power. As Eckbo (1988) explains, the oligopoly framework that underlies the doctrine rules out possible explanations of healthy competition. For instance, competition from potential entrants serves to police firms‟ behaviour in concentrated industries; therefore high concentration does not necessarily lead to market power. Increased industry concentration may result from markets reallocating resources to respond to new investment opportunities (Eckbo, 1988). Competition forces firms to increasingly specialize in production, which in turn increases industry concentration. Aktas, Bodt, and Roll (2007) also cast doubt on antitrust enforcement‟s heavy reliance on increases in industry concentration, stating that “The problem, of course, is that the theory behind the ex ante approach is deeply flawed. As is well known, one can generate a positive relationship between industry concentration and profitability either via a competitive scale-economies argument, or via a monopoly argument” (Aktas, Bodt, and Roll 2007, p.1118).15 However, since it is difficult to observe the anticompetitive effect of a horizontal merger (especially before deal completion), to precisely identify harmful cases requires investigation, assumption, and analysis. Wood and Anderson (1993) survey previous 6 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 studies addressing resource constraints that shape enforcement, e.g., limited budgets (Lewis-Beck, 1979), economists or attorney professionals (Weaver, 1977). Given the difficulty of measuring anticompetitive effects and antitrust resource constraints, antitrust agencies rely on clear-cut criteria for case selection and to justify their decisions. This probably explains why, despite being heavily criticized for its oversimplification, the market concentration doctrine remains central to antitrust enforcement. In the 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines, the agencies apply a five-step process to assess whether a merger creates market power for the merging firms.16 Compared with other criteria in the guidelines, e.g., whether the merger forestalls entry, whether there are alternative ways to obtain the merger efficiency gains, and whether the merger includes a “failing firm”, the market concentration hurdle criterion is clear-cut and straightforward. Some point out that the antitrust agencies have not always adhered to the concentration criterion.17 They may balance multiple concerns such as social welfare, product innovation, and the variety of product or service choice. Given the measurement complexity, we believe these concerns would weigh more in the later remedy stage (e.g., in consent decree negotiation or litigation process) than in the early investigation and challenge stage. Therefore, we presume that the concentration hurdle criterion contributes in streamlining workload, and has a substantial impact on antitrust case selection in practice. Hypothesis 3: A horizontal merger is more likely to face a challenge if the deal hits the market concentration hurdle. 2.4 The rival influence hypothesis Stigler (1971) proposes an economic theory in which regulation is governed by the laws of supply and demand. The supply side is the legislature or a regulatory agency delegated by the legislature, while the demand side is an interest group that anticipates benefits from the regulatory activity.18 The Stiglerian economic theory of regulation implies that government agencies choose which cases to pursue based on a trade-off between the costs and benefits of their actions. The theory implies that the regulated firms can influence the legislation or regulation. As Stigler (1971) points out, “regulation is acquired by the industry and is designed and operated primarily for its benefits” (Stigler 1971, p.3). Previous studies provide empirical evidence that regulated firms collectively utilise industry regulation to shield them from external entry (e.g., Slovin, Sushka, and Hudson, 1991). Legislation or regulation also can be used to change competition dynamics; firms may actively influence legislation or regulation in their favour to handicap their competitors. Baron (1998) documents that when firms believe proposed legislation affects cost structures among competing firms differently, they adopt nonmarket means (e.g., by providing support to legislators) to affect the stringency of the regulation in their favour. In the context of antitrust regulation, Baumol and Ordover (1985) explain why antitrust can subvert rather than enhance competition. They point out that industry rivals have incentives to lobby the antitrust agencies to block efficient industry mergers. By seeking protection by regulators, affected rivals avoid a competitive disadvantage from efficient merged peers. Antitrust guidelines sometimes enable such protectionism. For 7 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 example, the measures to differentiate legitimate competitive behaviour from harmful monopolistic behaviour are murky, allowing firms to claim that “almost any successful programme by a rival is „anticompetitive‟ and that it constitutes monopolization” (Baumol and Ordover 1985, p.252). Empirical evidence also supports the rival influence argument. Eckbo (1990) documents that Chrysler experienced negative abnormal returns on GM–Toyota‟s joint venture announcement in 1983, which explains why Chrysler lobbied the FTC to stop the deal. In their study of the Microsoft antitrust case, Bittlingmayer and Hazlett (2000) find that Microsoft‟s competitors, Netscape, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Novell, etc., actively promoted antitrust investigations against Microsoft. 19 Eckbo (1983) and Eckbo and Wier (1985) show that rivals realize gains on news releases of peer mergers being challenged, which is in line with the incentive of rivals to influence antitrust intervention. Merger-induced impacts on industry rivals differ, however, since rivals are usually heterogeneous in terms of geographic market occupancy and product or service provision. Furthermore, defending their interests requires investment that is not cheap. A rival is motivated to influence the antitrust agencies only if the expected benefits outweigh the costs. Only the most affected rivals have the incentive to invest in such private use of antitrust. If a horizontal merger proceeds, local rivals lose advantages in the geographical market of the merging firms or existing positions in the local supply chain, whereas distant rivals are affected less. This is in line with Bittlingmayer and Hazlett‟s (2000) observation that the 20 state suits that accompanied the 1998 DOJ suit against Microsoft consistently suggested pressure from local computer companies to state authorities. Therefore, we conjecture that local rivals are more likely to influence antitrust decisions in their favour. Hypothesis 4a: A horizontal merger is more likely to face a challenge when local rivals have worse announcement returns. Similarly, efficient industry mergers put rivals producing less specialised products in a worse position due to a substitution effect, while specialised producers are affected less. Sutton (1991) shows that firms invest in R&D and advertising to attract qualitysensitive consumers, build endogenous entry barriers, and become less vulnerable to competition. Hoberg and Phillips (2011) provide empirical evidence that firms producing more specialised products, proxied by increased spending in R&D and advertising, face reduced competition. These studies suggest a greater vulnerability to a substitution effect from industry consolidation for less specialised producers. Therefore, we predict less specialised rivals are more likely to influence antitrust decisions in their favour. Hypothesis 4b: A horizontal merger is more likely to face a challenge when less specialised rivals have worse announcement returns. 3. Data 3.1 Selection of announced mergers and challenged cases 3.1.1 Horizontal merger sample selection We extract all mergers and acquisitions announced between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 2009 from the Securities Data Corporation (SDC) Mergers and Acquisitions database. We apply the following screening criteria to form our initial sample of horizontal mergers. First, the bidder does not own a majority stake in the 8 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 target before the transaction and is seeking to obtain a majority control through the transaction. Including transactions with a major holding of target shares can bias results against the consumer protection hypothesis, while including transactions seeking minor control can bias results against the rival influence hypothesis. 20 Second, both the bidder and target are publicly listed firms and have data available from the Centre for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) to calculate abnormal returns surrounding transaction announcement. Third, the bidder and target have data available from Compustat at both the firm and segment levels, and they have at least one four-digit segment SIC code in common. Using four-digit SIC codes to define horizontal mergers is in line with previous research on horizontal mergers (e.g., Fee and Thomas, 2004; Shahrur, 2005; Bhattacharyya and Nain, 2011).21 Fourth, the deal value is no less than $10 million (in 1980 dollars). The above criteria are largely consistent with Fee and Thomas (2004). Fifth, we include only transactions in the manufacturing sector (SIC codes 2000–3999) as consistent market concentration data over our sample period from the BEA census are only available for this sector. There are 393 proposed horizontal mergers during 1980–2009 that meet these criteria. The three Fama–French industries (Fama and French, 1997) with the most merger activity are electronic equipment, pharmaceutical products, and medical equipment, accounting for 51% of the mergers in our sample. The average ratio of target firm to bidder firm market value of equity is 38%. There are 321 deals (82%) that were eventually completed. 3.1.2 Challenged case selection We define a deal as challenged if the DOJ or the FTC alleges it violates antitrust laws, and documents it in their joint “Annual Report to Congress Pursuant to Subsection (j) of the Clayton Act Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976”.22 We manually check the joint reports for fiscal years 1980 (4th report) to 2010 (33th report).23 We include the 2010 annual report because investigation decisions are sometimes documented in the year following the deal announcement. In these reports, the antitrust agencies document their antitrust interventions, e.g., issued complaints, the outcome of antitrust investigation or litigation. Most cases end up with one of the following outcomes: a) firms abandon the merger following the complaint; b) firms voluntarily restructure the deal; c) firms enter into a consent decree or order (usually requiring divestiture, grant patent licensing, or other remedies) to satisfy regulatory demands. Table 1, panel A reports the distribution of antitrust horizontal merger cases over the sample period.24 Among the 393 proposed horizontal mergers, the antitrust agencies challenge 35 (9%). This includes 12 by the DOJ and 23 by the FTC. Considerable heterogeneity is evident in the frequency by year for challenged deals. The Clinton administration years 1993–2001 include 54% of the challenged deal sample.25 In panels B and C, we aggregate challenged deals into four-digit SIC industries and into broader Fama–French industries. The three most frequently challenged Fama–French industries are pharmaceutical products, chemicals, and food products, accounting for 51% of the challenged cases in our sample. Appendix 1 lists the challenged deals. 9 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 For robustness, we relax the fifth screening criterion to include horizontal mergers in all industry sectors (except financial or regulated firms: SIC codes 6000–6999, 4000– 4099, 4500–4599, and 4800–4999) during 1980–2009, and derive an expanded sample of 884 mergers, 704 (80%) of which are eventually completed. From this expanded sample, we identify 53 challenged deals, 19 by the DOJ and 34 by the FTC. As explained earlier, we restrict our sample to the manufacturing sector mainly because of the requirement for consistent market concentration data availability from the BEA census. Ali, Klasa, and Yeung (2008) show that concentration measures calculated from Compustat data poorly capture real industry concentration, because Compustat covers only public firms. BEA-based measures, based on all public and private firms in an industry, are a better choice. However, consistent BEA-based concentration measures that cover our entire sample period are only available for the manufacturing sector. Given the importance of concentration measure quality in testing the market concentration hurdle hypothesis, we trade-off sample size against the concentration measure quality, and adopt the BEA-based concentration measures for reported test results. 3.2 Identification of corporate customers and rivals 3.2.1 Corporate customer identification To measure the downstream impact of a merger, we need to identify corporate customers of the merging industry. To account for any contemporaneous crosscorrelation among individual customer returns, we construct a customer portfolio for each deal. Following Shahrur (2005), in the construction of the customer portfolio, we consider only single-segment firms covered by CRSP and Compustat. Largely in line with Shahrur (2005), we restrict our customer analysis to single-segment firms for two reasons. First, this increases test power since many diversified downstream customer firms have segments that are unaffected by the merger. Second, this ensures that we exclude firms with segments operating in the merging industry in the customer portfolio. According to Song and Walkling (2000), merger announcements release industry information, which affects any firm that operates in the merger industry. Including firms that also operate in the merging industry in our customer portfolio would not give a clean downstream effect of the merger. Following Shahrur (2005), we use the Use table from the BEA Benchmark Input– Output (IO) accounts to identify corporate customers. The Use table is a matrix showing estimates of the dollar value of an upstream industry‟s output used by its downstream industries as input for any pair of downstream–upstream industries.26 For each customer–merging industry pair, we calculate a Customer Input Coefficient (CIC), i.e., the merging industry‟s output value sold to the customer industry divided by the customer industry‟s total output value. To account for the low dependence of some downstream industries on the merging industry, we restrict a corporate customer to be any single-segment firm that operates in the downstream industries with an industry CIC no less than 1%.27 The 1% cut-off results in an average of 357 (median of 98) corporate customers in 393 customer portfolios for the deals in our sample. We also follow Shahrur (2005) in separating local from distant customers and reliant from non-reliant customers. Dependence on local supply chains causes local customers 10 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 to be affected more by upstream mergers than distant customers. To account for this asymmetric effect of mergers on customers, we construct a local customer portfolio that includes only local firms with an industry CIC exceeding 1%. To define local customers, we divide the U.S. domestic market into six regions: Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Mideast, Midwest, and West, and assign a firm to a production region according to its headquarter region. Since we do not have information on production location for each firm, we follow Shahrur (2005) and use the headquarter location.28 A corporate customer is “local” if the customer‟s headquarter is located in either the target‟s or bidder‟s headquarter region. This restriction results in an average of 120 (median of 33) local customers in 374 local customer portfolios for our sample deals. For robustness, we replace the region-based by a state-based geographic classification, i.e., we define a customer as local if its headquarters is in either the target or bidder headquarter state, and find results that are qualitatively similar to those reported.29 Similarly, a greater reliance on input purchases from the merging industry implies a greater effect from upstream mergers. To account for this effect, we construct a reliantcustomer portfolio for each merger. A corporate customer is “reliant” if it operates in the downstream industry with the highest CIC. This results in an average of 24 (median of 6) reliant customers in 284 reliant customer portfolios for our sample. If the antitrust agencies factor customer wealth effects into their decisions, we expect them to pay more attention to these two types of customers, who are most likely to be affected by anti-competitive mergers. By design, tests using announcement returns to local and reliant customers are biased towards finding a negative relation between customer returns and the likelihood of challenge. The SDC and Compustat databases and the Use tables adopt different industry classification systems, i.e., the SDC and Compustat use four-digit SIC codes, whereas the Use table use six-digit IO codes. For IO–SIC matching, we adopt different approaches. For the 1982, 1987, and 1992 Use tables, we largely follow Shahrur (2005) and use the conversion tables of Fan and Lang (2000) to directly convert IO to SIC codes. We include an industry only if its SIC code can be unambiguously matched to a unique IO code. But an IO code may correspond to more than one SIC code. For the 1997 and 2002 Use tables, since there is no direct IO–SIC mapping available, we adopt the conversion strategy suggested by Bhattacharyya and Nain (2011). First, we use the IO–North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) conversion tables provided by the BEA to convert IO codes to NAICS codes.30 Then we use correspondence tables provided by the U.S. Census Bureau to convert NAICS to SIC codes. 31 Finally, we match all 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002 Use tables data to merger sample data using SIC codes provided by the SDC. Given that product market relations may change over time, we use the 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 Use tables for proposed deals during 1980–1986, 1987–1991, 1992–1996, 1997–2001, and 2002–2009. We find similar results repeating our analysis using the 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 Use tables for deals occurring during 1980– 1984, 1985–1989, 1990–1994, 1995–1999, and 2000–2009. Our reported results are based on the first matching set of Use tables since this involves no hindsight bias. 11 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 3.2.2 Industry rival identification Following Fee and Thomas (2004), we define a firm as a rival if it reports at least one segment in the year before the merger announcement in the four-digit SIC industry in which the bidder and target overlap. For each merger, we construct a general rival portfolio to account for the correlation of abnormal returns among individual rivals. This approach means the rival portfolio includes both single- and multi-segment competitors, and represents a more complete picture of the competitive environment, which is central to our rival influence hypothesis test. Including only single-segment rivals would rule out many big competitors, leaving mainly small firms in the rival portfolio, which might be less capable of exerting credible pressure on regulation. On average there are 60 rivals (median of 42) identified for 393 deals.32 To avoid confounding problems, we construct an alternative rival portfolio including only single-segment firms for each bidder–target pair (e.g., Shahrur, 2005). On average this identifies 41 rivals (median of 23) for 385 deals. We find that all results are qualitatively similar. Therefore we report our empirical results based on the first approach to constructing rivals portfolios. Abnormal returns of a general rival portfolio only represent an average price reaction of rivals to proposed deals. As section 2.4 explains, when a merger differentially affects competitive positions of industry rivals, their incentives to influence the antitrust agencies differ. Therefore, to better capture this difference in incentives and to test the rival influence hypothesis, we further categorize general rivals by their location and product differentiation. To account for the asymmetric impact of a merger on geographic markets, we construct a local and a distant rival portfolio for each deal and focus on local rivals‟ reactions. Consistent with Shahrur (2005), we define a rival as “local” if its headquarters is located in either the bidder or target headquarter region, otherwise “distant”. On average, we identify 42 local rivals (median of 17) and 63 distant rivals (median of 33) for each deal.33 For robustness, we replace the region-based geographic classification with the state-based one and find results are qualitatively similar to those based on regional classification.34 To account for the asymmetric substitution effect of a merger on rivals, we construct portfolios for rivals producing differentiated products and a homogeneous product separately. Previous literature suggests that firms use R&D and advertising to differentiate themselves from their competitors, to build entry barriers and to reduce competition (e.g., Sutton, 1991; Shaked and Sutton, 1987; Hoberg and Phillips, 2011). Firms invest in R&D to improve product appeal. They rely on advertising to increase brand recognition and attract customers to their differentiated products (Ivanov, Joseph, and Wintoki, 2012). Therefore, we follow Valta (2012) and Klasa, Ortiz-Molina, Serfling, and Srinivasan (2013) and proxy product differentiation by R&D and advertising intensity, which is calculated as R&D and advertising expenditures divided by total sales in the year before the deal announcement.35 A rival is a “differentiated product producer” if its R&D and advertising intensity resides in the top quartile of its four-digit industry, otherwise it is a “homogeneous product producer”. On average, there are 39 rivals producing differentiated products (median of 16) and 73 producing homogeneous products (median of 38) for each deal. 12 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 3.3 Calculating announcement period abnormal returns We calculate abnormal returns using ̂ ̂ , where is the CRSP equally-weighted index return on day t, is firm i‟s actual ̂ return on day t, and ̂ and are parameters estimated using the market model. We estimate market model parameters over 250 trading days starting from day −300 before the announcement date. We require a firm to have at least 100 daily returns available during the estimation period, otherwise we omit the firm. To calculate the combined wealth effect of merging firms (Combined CAR), we value-weight the (−2, 2) day cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) to the bidder and target. The weights are the relative equity market values of the bidder and target before the merger, excluding the value of any pre-merger holdings in the target by the bidder (e.g., Bradley, Desai, and Kim, 1988; Fee and Thomas, 2004). Following previous literature (Eckbo, 1983; Song and Walkling, 2000; Fee and Thomas, 2004; Shahrur, 2005) we estimate the CARs to corporate customers and rivals by forming equally-weighted portfolios. For robustness, we replace equally-weighted CARs with value-weighted CARs, and find qualitatively similar results. 3.4 Industry-level variables 3.4.1 Foreign competition Consistent with Mitchell and Mulherin (1996) and Shahrur (2005), we measure foreign competition as the merging industry‟s total imports divided by its total domestic supply (Import Ratio). Raw data for constructing the foreign competition variable are from the 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002 Use tables of the BEA. Following Streitwieser (2010), we build an import matrix from each Use table and calculate the domestic supply of each industry, where domestic supply is commodity output minus imports, exports, change in private inventories, and sales of scrap and used goods. Following Giroud and Mueller (2010) and Valva (2012) and using industry penetration (calculated as total value of imports divided by total value of imports plus domestic production) as an alternative measure of foreign competition leaves our conclusions about the impact of foreign competition intact. 3.4.2 Market structure The sales-based concentration ratio HHI is a widely adopted measure of market structure. As mentioned earlier, Ali, Klasa, and Yeung (2008) find that concentration measures calculated from Compustat data have only 13% correlations with the corresponding measures from censuses conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. This is because Compustat only covers public firms, whereas the U.S. Census Bureau census covers public and private firms in an industry. Klasa and Young‟s findings suggest that using Compustat-based industry concentration measures to conduct product market research may be inappropriate.36 Therefore, we define the Census Herfindahl Index as the census concentration estimate (census HHI obtained from the national census at the four-digit SIC level conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau) divided by 10000; 37 ∆Census Herfindahl Index is 2 × target market share × bidder market share in the year 13 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 before the merger announcement, where the bidder and target market shares equal their Compustat segment sales divided by census-based industry sales. We define Census Hurdle Dummy according to the criteria outlined in the 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines. Census Hurdle Dummy equals one if a deal reaches the following market concentration thresholds: a) Census Herfindahl Index exceeds 0.18, or b) Census Herfindahl Index is between 0.1 and 0.18 and ΔCensus Herfindahl Index is no less than 0.01, otherwise zero. In the 1982, 1987, and 1992 censuses, the U.S. Census Bureau conducted concentration data surveys only for the manufacturing sector. From 1997 onwards, the census data cover the business service sector. For consistency, we examine only manufacturing sector deals during the sample period in this paper. 4. Empirical results 4.1 Univariate analysis of antitrust case selection Table 2 presents results of a univariate analysis of the factors that may influence the antitrust agencies‟ challenge decisions. We winsorize all variables at the 1 st and 99th percentiles to avoid distortion by outliers. Comparing with unchallenged deals, challenged deals induce higher changes in industry concentration (∆Census Herfindahl Index), face lower import pressure from foreign competition (Import Ratio), have a higher deal value relative to bidder size (Relative Deal Size), and are initiated by a bidder with a larger equity size (Bidder Size). These differences are statistically significant in the hypothesized direction. Table 3 reports (−2, 2)-day CARs to merging firms, rivals, and corporate customers. On average, combined firms have significant positive abnormal returns of 2.02% for the proposed deal sample. Bidder firms experience significantly negative abnormal returns of −2.59%, while targets have a positive abnormal return of 23.14%. Examining the challenged and unchallenged subsamples, these wealth effect patterns hold qualitatively. For the challenged deal subsample, the positive target five-day abnormal return (18.40%) is qualitatively similar to the three-day abnormal returns of 10.5% that Eckbo and Wier (1985) report for their horizontal challenged merger sample during 1963–1981. However, we find bidders experience a negative five-day abnormal return (−3.85%) in the subsample of challenged deals, whereas Eckbo and Wier (1985) report a small positive three-day abnormal returns of 0.8% for bidders. Our general rival sample has a significant five-day CAR of 0.39%, which suggests that rivals benefit from merger announcements on average. This is consistent with past literature. Eckbo (1985) finds that rivals earn a significant positive CAR of 0.58% over a seven-day window. Song and Walkling (2000) report a 0.56% CAR over an eleven-day window. Fee and Thomas report a 0.24% CAR over a three-day window and Shahrur (2005) reports a 0.39% CAR over a five-day window. Local rivals and distant rivals realize 0.55% and 0.38% CARs, while less specialised rivals and specialized rivals realize 0.35% and 0.44% CARs.38 Separately scrutinising challenged and unchallenged subsamples reveals interesting wealth effect patterns: for deals that antitrust agencies challenge, most rivals 14 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 experience abnormal returns not different from zero, 39 whereas for unchallenged deals rivals experience positive wealth effects. While a test for a difference between these two subsamples lacks power, this pattern is not consistent with the common understanding that antitrust agencies intervene in monopolistic mergers that benefit industry peers. 40 Our customer sample shows a positive impact of proposed upstream consolidation. Over a five-day window, the customer CAR is a significant 0.24%, which suggests that merger announcements are good news on average for corporate customers; upstream industry consolidation disseminates positive information to downstream industries in general. Local customers and reliant customers realize insignificant CARs. These results are in line with previous studies. Shahrur (2005) reports that general customers in main and dependent downstream industries experience a significant 0.30% and an insignificant CAR, and local customers in these two downstream industries on average are unaffected. Fee and Thomas (2004) find an insignificant CAR to corporate customers in their sample. Our univariate analysis provides two interesting observations. First, in the challenged deal subsample, customers on average are not harmed by merger news. Second, rivals experience positive abnormal returns in unchallenged deals. These results cast reasonable doubt on the consumer protection hypothesis, and suggest support for the rival influence hypothesis. However, because challenge decisions may be affected by various non-mutually exclusive factors, we conduct cross-sectional tests to disentangle the various factors at play. 4.2 Probit model We use a Probit model to test the consumer protection, foreign competition, market concentration hurdle, and rival influence hypotheses. Our model is, Pr(Antitrust Challenge = 1) = Φ(X′β), where Antitrust Challenge equals one if the DOJ or the FTC challenges the proposed deal, X is a vector of explanatory variables, β is a vector of parameters, and Φ is the cumulative normal distribution function estimated by maximum likelihood. Customer CAR, Import Ratio, Census Hurdle Dummy, and Local Rival CAR and Homogeneous Product Provider CAR are the key explanatory variables for the four tested hypotheses. The HSR Act requires combinations above certain size thresholds to submit information to the DOJ and the FTC in advance of consummating a deal. For example, it requires premerger notification if the buyer‟s assets or sales exceed $100 million, and the target‟s assets or sales exceed $10 million. The information that the agencies collect from pre-merger notification includes data on SIC-based revenues and internal market shares.41 These requirements indicate the agencies‟ concerns. To address the sizerelated concern, we control for Relative Deal Size, Bidder Size, and Census Bidder Market Share for each deal, where Relative Deal Size is the SDC reported deal value relative to the bidder equity market value,42 Bidder Size is the logarithm of the bidder‟ equity market value, and Census Bidder Market Share is bidder sales in the merging sector divided by the census-based merging industry‟s total sales. We measure all firmspecific characteristics at the fiscal year-end before the merger announcement. In addition, as Eckbo, Maksimovic, and Williams (1990) and Aktas, deBodt, and Roll (2004 and 2007) point out, antitrust agencies learn from the stock market reaction to proposed 15 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 deals and see it as an indication of the magnitude of potential wealth creation. Therefore, we include Combined CAR to control for any efficiency or anticompetitive effects due to the merger. Previous studies suggest a role for economic conditions in regulatory enforcement activity, though they reach mixed conclusions. Amacher, Higgins, Shughart, and Tollison (1985) examine FTC enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act and report that it decreases during business contractions and increases during periods of expansion. Their findings suggest that the FTC cushions producers against losses during hard times, and transfers wealth to consumers during good times. In contrast, Ghosal and Gallo (2001) find that antitrust litigation by the DOJ is countercyclical. They explain that this is because antitrust violations increase during business contractions as firms face pressure to maintain profits. To account for any concern over industry cycles in antitrust enforcement, we control for Industry Growth, calculated as the ratio of merging industry median firm sales in the year before the deal announcement to industry median firm sales three years before the deal. We use median values to control for skewness and the influence of outliers (Loughran and Ritter, 1997). As a robustness check we replace the ratio of the merging industry median firm sales with the ratio of the merging industry aggregate sales, without qualitatively affecting our reported results. Previous studies suggest other factors that shape antitrust enforcement, e.g., economic and unemployment cycles (Ghosal and Gallo, 2001), the economist–attorney ratio in the Antitrust Division (Eisner and Meier, 1990), the budget of the Antitrust Division (Lewis-Beck, 1979), interaction among the president, Congress, and the courts (Wood and Anderson, 1993), and presidency administration and regime shift (Ghosal, 2011). We control for year effects to account for these factors. Appendix 2 defines all variables. Table 4 displays a correlation matrix for the variables we use in our hypothesis tests. Most correlations are small and do not exceed 0.5, with a few exceptions: (1) a 0.68 correlation between Customer CAR (local) and Customer CAR (general), (2) correlation coefficients between Rival CAR (general) and sub-rival portfolio CARs, and (3) some correlation coefficients between Rival CAR (less specialised or specialised) and Rival CAR (local or distant). For (1) and (2), we expect high correlations as these variables are alternative measures of wealth effects to downstream and industry competitors at merger announcement. For (3), since local vs. distant rival portfolios and less specialised vs. specialised rival portfolios are formed separately from two distinct classifications to split all rivals, the cross-classification correlations do not affect our regression analysis of rival influence based on one particular rival classification at a time. Overall, we conclude that multicollinearity is unlikely to be an issue. Table 5 reports the results of testing the consumer protection, foreign competition, and market concentration hurdle hypotheses. Table 6 reports the rival influence hypothesis test. For convenience of interpretation, all probit analysis results are presented as average marginal effects. 4.3 Testing the consumer protection hypothesis Table 5, regression 1 regresses antitrust case selection on customer CAR (based on general customer portfolios), import pressure and the market concentration hurdle dummy, controlling for deal- and industry-specific variables and year effects.43 Regressions 2 and 3 replace the general customer portfolio-based customer CAR with 16 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 local and reliant customer portfolio-based customer CARs. The consistent findings of models 1–3 suggest that our results are robust. The consumer protection hypothesis predicts a negative relation between the likelihood of an antitrust challenge and the customer wealth effect of a horizontal merger. Surprisingly, we find no evidence of a negative relation across the three regressions. In regressions with general customer wealth effects we even find a positive point estimate, though not significant at conventional levels. In regressions with local and reliant customers, the Customer CAR coefficient remains insignificant. These results suggest that antitrust cases do not systematically relate to downstream corporate customer reactions. We reject the consumer protection hypothesis. 4.4 Testing the foreign competition hypothesis The foreign competition hypothesis predicts a negative impact of import pressure on antitrust challenge. Table 5 shows a negative impact of import pressure from foreign competition on the likelihood of a horizontal deal being challenged across the three regressions. This supports the foreign competition hypothesis. The impact of foreign competition on antitrust case selection is also economically significant. The average marginal effect analysis shows that a 10% increase in import pressure from foreign competition on the merger industry reduces the likelihood of an antitrust challenge by about 5%. Holding all other independent variables at their mean values, the effect of changing foreign competition from the 10th percentile to the 90th percentile reduces the antitrust intervention probability from 16.6% to 0.5%. A one standard deviation increase in foreign competition leads to a 6% decrease in antitrust intervention probability. 4.5 Tests of the market concentration hurdle hypothesis The market concentration hurdle hypothesis predicts a positive effect of market concentration thresholds on antitrust agencies‟ propensity to challenge a horizontal merger. Table 5 shows a positive coefficient on Census Hurdle Dummy across the three regressions, indicating that antitrust agencies are more likely to challenge deals that hit the market concentration thresholds they define. This hurdle effect is economically large. Regression 1 shows that, on average, hitting the market structure criterion hurdle leads to a 15% increase in the probability of antitrust intervention. This evidence supports the market concentration hurdle hypothesis, confirming that the market structure hurdle remains an indicator of antitrust challenge. The coefficients on other control variables are largely consistent with the univariate results. Relative Deal Size and Bidder Size have the predicted effects, though their marginal effects are smaller in magnitude. Larger deals are more likely to be challenged, which indicates that the antitrust agencies pay more attention to larger deals and larger bidders, which they may believe are either more likely to have a greater impact on the public interest or will attract more public attention. The coefficients on Industry Growth, Combined CAR and Census Bidder Market Share are insignificant, indicating a limited impact of these factors on antitrust case selection. The coefficient on Rival CAR is also insignificant, which suggests a limited impact of industry competitors as a whole, but does not rule out an influence from certain industry rivals on antitrust case selection. We explore this in more detail in section 4.6. 17 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 4.6 Tests of the rival influence hypothesis There are two contrasting effects of a deal on rival shareholder wealth. First, rivals benefit from an increased product price if there are monopoly rents; second, rivals may lose market share to the aggressive expansion of merging firms. For rivals facing a merger-induced competitive disadvantage, our rival influence hypothesis predicts a negative impact from these rivals on the likelihood of antitrust challenge. For rivals whose competitive positions are less affected, a positive wealth effect on these rivals is more likely to indicate expected anticompetitive gains from the merger. The prediction here is therefore a positive effect of rival abnormal return surrounding the merger announcement on the likelihood of antitrust challenge. Table 6, regression 1 regresses antitrust case selection on Local Rival CAR and Distant Rival CAR, and other determinants and control variables, controlling for year effects. Regression 2 examines the impact of Homogeneous Product Provider CAR and Differentiated Product Provider CAR, on antitrust challenge decisions. Regression 1 gives a negative coefficient on local rivals‟ wealth effect, suggesting that the agencies are more likely to challenge a deal if it harms the local competitors of merging firms. A 10% decrease in local rivals‟ wealth at the deal announcement leads to a 14.5% increase in the probability of antitrust intervention. Holding all other independent variables at their mean values, the effect of changing the local rivals‟ wealth effect from the 10th to the 90th percentile decreases the antitrust intervention probability from 9.3% to 1.8%. A one standard deviation increase in the local rivals‟ wealth effect leads to a 3% decrease in antitrust intervention probability. In contrast, there is a positive relation between the propensity for antitrust intervention and distant rival wealth effects, consistent with antitrust agencies taking into account less affected rivals to gauge the market power that a merger may bring about. Regression 2 shows a negative relation between the wealth effect of less specialised product producers and the likelihood of antitrust intervention, suggesting that antitrust agencies are more likely to challenge a deal if it harms less specialised competitors. Although the coefficient is significant only at 10% in this regression, the economic significance is large: a 10% decrease in rivals‟ wealth at the deal announcement leads to a 10.7% increase in the likelihood of a case being challenged. Holding all other independent variables at their mean values, the effect of changing the less specialised rivals‟ wealth effect from the 10th to the 90th percentile reduces the antitrust intervention probability from 7.1% to 2.7%. A one standard deviation increase in less specialised rivals‟ wealth effect leads to a 3% decrease in antitrust intervention probability. The specialised producer wealth effect has an insignificant coefficient in this regression. The weak test power is likely due to the small sample size. It is difficult to reconcile this pattern with anything other than the rival influence hypothesis. As discussed earlier, there are various ways that harmed rivals can influence the antitrust agencies. For example, local rivals can form a local trade association to exert direct pressure on antitrust agencies, lobby against the deal, or exert indirect influence through campaign contributions (McChesney, 1997) or quid pro quo deals (Tahoun, 2011).44 Our evidence is consistent with Bittlingmayer and Hazlett‟s 18 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 (2000) observation on the Microsoft antitrust case that, “The May 1998 suit filed by the DOJ was accompanied by a suit filed by 20 states. As has been widely observed in the press, these states appear to have been the subject of intense lobbying pressure from locally based computer companies”. Our evidence also echoes Posner (1969), who asserts that the FTC‟s antitrust activities face pressure from Congress, and their investigations are initiated “at the behest of corporations, trade associations, and trade unions whose motivation is at best to shift the costs of their private litigation to the taxpayer and at worst to harass competitors” (Posner 1969, p. 88). 4.7 Robustness issues To check whether our findings are generalizable to the whole economy, we test the impact of antitrust intervention determinants using an expanded sample that covers all industry sectors excluding the financial and regulated sectors. In these robustness tests, since consistent BEA-based market concentration data are only available for the manufacturing sector, we use the Compustat-based HHI instead. This analysis shows that the conclusions of this paper are robust. In particular, we find a negative coefficient (−1.199) on the less specialised rival wealth effect, significant at 5%. This finding strengthens our conclusion on the rival influence hypothesis.45 5. Summary and concluding remarks What are the determinants of antitrust intervention in horizontal mergers? In this paper, we systematically model the decision process of the antitrust agencies. In particular, we formulate four hypotheses on the determinants of antitrust case selection based on economic theories. We test these hypotheses using a sample of U.S. horizontal mergers in the manufacturing sector between 1980 and 2009. Consistent with the consumer protection hypothesis, we find antitrust agencies do not systematically respond to customer wealth effects when selecting antitrust cases. Antitrust enforcement practice is inconsistent with the stated aim of consumer protection. Consistent with the foreign competition hypothesis, we find that the likelihood of antitrust intervention decreases with foreign import competition. The presence of strong imports increases the supply elasticity of the domestic industry, promoting mergers for efficiency purposes and making it more difficult to gain market power in an industry. As a consequence, the antitrust agencies are less likely to challenge when imports are greater relative to industrial demand. We also find evidence for the market concentration hurdle hypothesis. In particular, the authorities are more likely to challenge a merger when the deal is in a highly concentrated industry (HerfindahlHirschman Index above 1800) or the deal is in a moderately concentrated industry and would increase the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index by more than 100. Consistent with the rival influence hypothesis, the regulatory authorities are more likely to challenge a deal when local rivals or specialist rivals have worse announcement returns. This finding supports the argument of several previous studies that rivals can influence antitrust decisions through lobbying or other activities (Bittlingmayer and Hazlett, 2000; Duso, 2005; McChesney, 1997; Tahoun, 2011). 19 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 End Notes 1 Wood and Anderson (1993) review U.S. antitrust policy and process. U.S. antitrust laws include the Sherman Act of 1890, the Clayton Act of 1914, the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914, the RobinsonPatman Act of 1936, the Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950, the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act of 1974, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act (The HSR Act) of 1976, and other minor modifications that strengthen the Clayton Act. Despite minor modifications, the core of U.S. antitrust legislation has remained since the early 1900s, with Section 7 of the Clayton Act being the principal antitrust law regulating business combinations. 2 Eckbo (1988) documents that “since 1950, the DOJ and the FTC have filed more than 500 antitrust complaints against firms involved in mergers, on the grounds that these mergers would violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act. Approximately 85 percent of the complaints were filed against horizontal combinations, and most resulted in divestiture or cancellation of the merger”. 3 In the rest of the paper, “antitrust agencies” refers to the DOJ and the FTC, if not otherwise specified. 4 E.g., The 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines, available at Except for minor modifications in 1997, the guidelines remained largely unchanged until a major revision in 2010. 5 A Guide to the Federal Trade Commission, Jan 2002, available on the FTC website, 6 Eckbo and Wier (1985) summarise two ways in which the HSR Act enhanced the antitrust agencies‟ antitrust enforcement capability. First, it empowered the DOJ to issue Civil Investigative Demands to the merging firms and other parties before issuing complaint. Second, it required premerger notifications to firms with sales or assets in excess of certain thresholds before they complete the deal. 7 In one exception, Block and Feinstein (1986) find support for the effective deterrence argument. They examine data on highway construction contracts and the DOJ‟s actions in this industry over 1975−1982, and find that increases in DOJ‟s intervention against bid-rigging reduce subsequent anticompetitive behaviour in this industry. 8 Until 1985, Canada has a relatively unconstrained legal environment for mergers. 9 Eckbo (1983) and Stillman (1983) first developed the approach of using stock price reactions to proxy market expectations about future gains or losses from monopolistic wealth transfers. 10 For the evolution of U.S. horizontal merger guidelines, see Pittman‟s presentation in 2012, available at 11 Previous guidelines (Merger Guidelines of 1968) used market shares (i.e., the four-firm concentration ratio, CR4) to measure market structure. For instance, a market is “highly concentrated” if the shares of the four largest firms amount to approximately 75% or more. The Merger Guidelines of 1968 are available at 12 The 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines are available at 13 The unit of HHI measurement in the official guidelines is consistent with U.S economic census data surveyed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The census-based HHI is the normal HHI (between 0 and 1) multiplied by 10,000. 14 In the 2010 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines, antitrust agencies still use HHI to measure market structure. However, they raise the concentration thresholds for harmful mergers from the 1992 levels to unconcentrated (HHI less than 1500), moderately concentrated (HHI between 1500 and 2500), and concentrated (HHI greater than 2500). The 2010 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines is available at For a comparison between the 1992 and 2010 guidelines, see Weber (2010), available at 15 Eckbo (1992) documents that “the evidence systematically rejects the antitrust doctrine even for values of industry concentration and market shares which, over the past four decades, have been considered crucial in determining the probability that a horizontal merger will have anticompetitive effects” (Eckbo 1992, p.1028). 16 These five-steps are outlined in section 1.51, „General Standards‟, of The 1992 DOJ/FTC Horizontal Merger Guidelines, available at 17 Eckbo (1988) cites Rogowsky‟s 1982 report as evidence that antitrust agencies sometimes intervened in deals that were below guideline thresholds: 20 percent of challenged mergers fell below the 1968 Merger Guidelines’ four-firm market concentration ratio thresholds, and one-third of these violated Section 7 of the Clayton Act. 18 Stigler‟s (1971) work on the economic theory of regulation was further developed by Peltzman (1976, 1989), Posner (1970, 1971, 1974, 1975), and Becker (1983). Stigler (1971) focuses on the role of industry 20 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 firms in capturing regulation, whereas later contributions extend demand side to include other interest groups, e.g., banks, donors, trade unions, politicians, foreign governments. 19 See Bittlingmayer and Hazlett (2000 p.350) for further details. 20 A bidder with a major holding in a target is more likely to pursue the deal to realize full efficiency. In this case antitrust agencies are more likely to intervene due to considerations other than consumer protection. Similarly, a bidder seeking minority control is more likely to be driven by collusion, which benefits existing rivals. Therefore, rivals are less likely to lobby against the deal. 21 The definition of horizontal mergers based on four-digit segment SICs is similar to Fee and Thomas (2004). Shahrur (2005) uses historical primary four-digit SICs to define horizontal mergers. Bhattacharyya and Nain (2011) use primary four-digit SICs to define horizontal mergers. Using their approach to define horizontal mergers leaves our reported results unchanged. 22 Interaction with the antitrust agencies takes place in several ways. Some deals receive information requests from the antitrust agencies, and some receive second requests for information, both of which suggest concern by the agencies. If this concern is resolved in the information analysis stage, or the deals are not documented as an antitrust violation in the FTC and DOJ‟s joint annual report, we do not count the deal as challenged. 23 There are 30 reports covering the 31-year period, 1980–2010. The 10th annual report covers 1986–1987. These reports are available on the FTC website, 24 Our count of challenged horizontal deals gives different totals to those in the DOJ and FTC reports, mainly for two reasons. First, we use four-digit SIC to gauge product market scope, consistent with Fee and Thomas (2004) and Shahrur (2005), whereas the antitrust agencies use “relevant market”, the outer boundary of which is based on cross elasticity of demand. Unfortunately, the components of cross elasticity of demand, e.g., price and demand quantity, are not publicly available. Second, we focus on deals between listed firms, whereas the agencies count deals in both the public and private sectors. 25 This is in line with Ghosal (2011) who finds that the Democrats initiated more civil cases than the Republicans after the antitrust regime shift of U.S. antitrust enforcement in the mid-to-late 1970s, which largely overlaps with our sample period. 26 The 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 Use tables are available at 27 The 1% threshold follows the literature, e.g., Shahrur (2005), Kale and Shahrur (2007). We repeat our analysis for 3% and 5% cutoffs and find qualitatively similar results. 28 Another choice is to use a firm‟s registration location. As Shahrur (2005) explains, using the headquarter location is a better choice because firms may choose their registration location for considerations other than production reasons such as taxation strategy. 29 The following states are in each of the regions. Northeast: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Colombia, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Southeast: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Southwest: Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Mideast: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Midwest: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. West: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 30 The IO–NAICS concordance for 1997 is available in Appendix A of “Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997”, available at The IO–NAICS concordance for 2002 is available in Appendix A of “U.S. Benchmark Input-Output Accounts, 2002”, available at 31 The 1997 and 2002 NAICS–SIC concordance tables are available at For robustness, we include only industries that have unique IO–NAICS matching codes and unique NAICS–SIC codes in order to retain a clean matching pattern for the 1997 and 2002 Use tables, and find that this restriction does not qualitatively change our conclusions. However, this restriction substantially reduces the number of identified 1997 and 2002 upstream–downstream industry pairs. Therefore, we do not apply this restriction. 32 SIC-based rivals do not necessarily overlap with those identified by the antitrust agencies, which is based on the “relevant market”. As Eckbo and Wier (1985) note, the number of rivals identified by agencies ranges from 0 to 7. However, previous studies generally record a larger rival portfolio. For example, Song and Walkling (2000) adopt the Value Line classification to identify rivals and derive an average rival portfolio size of 15. Fee and Thomas (2004) use four-digit SIC codes and obtain an average rival portfolio size of 76. Shahrur (2005) also uses four-digit SIC codes and obtains a mean (median) rival portfolio size of 43 (19). Aktas, deBodt, and Roll (2007) use SIC codes and geography zone classification and get an average rival portfolio size of 38 for proposed deals with European targets. 21 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 33 If we include only single-segment rival firms, we identify 20 local rivals (median of 8) and 25 distant rivals (median of 15) for each deal. Our region-based local rival portfolio size is similar to the one reported in Shahrur (2005). He obtains a mean (median) region-based local rival portfolio size of 19 (7). 34 We identify 26 local rivals (median of 9) and 80 distant rivals (median of 43) for each deal. If we include only single-segment rival firms, we identify 12 state-based local rivals (median of 5) and 32 distant rivals (median of 20) for each deal. Again, this state-based local rival portfolio size is fairly close to the one reported in Shahrur (2005). He reports a mean (median) state-based local rival portfolio size of 13 (4). 35 Following Ivanov, Joseph, and Wintoki (2012), we set advertising expense to zero if it is missing. We similarly set R&D expenditure to zero if it is missing or not reported. 36 Recent studies of mergers and acquisitions have started to use the U.S. Census Bureau census-based concentration measures (e.g., Bhattacharyya and Nain, 2011; Ahern, 2012). 37 Since the census is conducted every five years, it is impossible to derive an accurate concentration measure for each year. We use the 1982, 1987, and 1992 census concentration data, and adjusted 1997 and 2002 census concentration data for deals during 1980–1986, 1987–1991, 1992–1996, and 1997–2001, and 2002–2009. For the 1997 and 2002 censuses, U.S. Census Bureau data are provided on an NAICS basis instead of an SIC basis. Since one SIC code may correspond to several NAICS codes and the matching relation changes over time, we follow Ali, Klasa, and Yeung (2008) and construct our adapted SIC-based Census Herfindahl Index for 1997 and 2002 by summing the sales-weighted HHI for NAICS industries from 1997 and 2002 published census data. All census data is available at 38 We cannot assert that market power exists based on these rival CARs, as they are consistent with either market power or a valuable information dissemination argument (Eckbo, 1988). 39 The insignificant abnormal return to rivals for challenged deals is consistent with Eckbo and Wier (1985). They report insignificant three-day abnormal returns to rivals identified by five-digit SIC. 40 The lack of statistical power is probably due to the small sample size of challenged deals. 41 For more details of the HSR filing obligation and process, see Bruner (2004), p.753. 42 We also use an alternative measure of deal size, the logarithm of the SDC reported deal value, and find qualitatively similar results to those we report. 43 Controlling for year effects reduces the number of observation from 372 to 309. This reduction occurs because there are no challenged cases in our sample in some years. These year dummies predict failure perfectly and so we drop these year dummies and the corresponding observations. 44 Quid pro quo deals are non-contractible agreements between two parties to exchange benefits. Tahoun (2011) finds that US Congress members‟ ownership of firms contributing to their election campaigns is higher than their ownership of non-contributing firms. 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Panels B and C report the distribution of challenged mergers by four-digit SIC and Fama–French industries. Appendix 1 lists the challenged deals. Panel A: Challenged and unchallenged horizontal merger distribution by year Year Announced mergers Challenged mergers Unchallenged mergers DOJ FTC Total Freq. % Freq. Freq. Freq. % Freq. % 1980 2 0.51 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.56 1981 5 1.27 0 0 0 0.00 5 1.40 1982 7 1.78 0 2 2 5.71 5 1.40 1983 3 0.76 0 1 1 2.86 2 0.56 1984 8 2.04 1 0 1 2.86 7 1.96 1985 10 2.54 0 0 0 0.00 10 2.79 1986 8 2.04 0 0 0 0.00 8 2.23 1987 1 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.28 1988 5 1.27 0 0 0 0.00 5 1.40 1989 10 2.54 0 0 0 0.00 10 2.79 1990 2 0.51 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.56 1991 6 1.53 0 0 0 0.00 6 1.68 1992 1 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.28 1993 2 0.51 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.56 1994 13 3.31 0 2 2 5.71 11 3.07 1995 20 5.09 1 1 2 5.71 18 5.03 1996 17 4.33 0 1 1 2.86 16 4.47 1997 25 6.36 0 1 1 2.86 24 6.70 1998 33 8.40 1 1 2 5.71 31 8.66 1999 45 11.45 1 5 6 17.14 39 10.89 2000 29 7.38 3 0 3 8.57 26 7.26 2001 19 4.83 0 2 2 5.71 17 4.75 2002 8 2.04 1 1 2 5.71 6 1.68 2003 20 5.09 1 0 1 2.86 19 5.31 2004 14 3.56 0 1 1 2.86 13 3.63 2005 19 4.83 1 2 3 8.57 16 4.47 2006 15 3.82 1 0 1 2.86 14 3.91 2007 20 5.09 1 0 1 2.86 19 5.31 2008 13 3.31 0 0 0 0.00 13 3.63 2009 13 3.31 0 3 3 8.57 10 2.79 Total 393 100 12 23 35 100 358 100 28 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 1 (continued) Panel B: Challenged horizontal merger distribution by SIC industry SIC SIC Industry 2011 Meat Packing Plants 2026 Fluid Milk 2041 Flour and Other Grain Mill Products 2051 Bread and Other Bakery Products, Except Cookies and Crackers 2621 Paper Mills 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations 2836 Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances 2844 Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations 2851 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products 2869 Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not Elsewhere Classified 2873 Nitrogenous Fertilizers 2899 Chemicals and Chemical Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified 2911 Petroleum Refining 3312 Steel Works, Blast Furnaces & Rolling Mills (Coke Ovens) 3357 Drawing and Insulating of Nonferrous Wire 3674 Semiconductors and Related Devices 3728 Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified 3731 Ship Building and Repairing 3812 Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments 3841 Surgical and Medical Instruments and Apparatus 3845 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Total Panel C: Challenged horizontal merger distribution by Fama–French industry Fama–French Industry Pharmaceutical Products Chemicals Food Products Electronic Equipment Medical Equipment Petroleum and Natural Gas Shipbuilding, Railroad Equipment Steel Works Etc. Aircraft Consumer Goods Business Supplies Total Freq. 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 % 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 25.71 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 8.57 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 8.57 5.71 2 1 35 5.71 2.86 100 Freq. 10 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 35 % 28.57 11.43 11.43 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.57 5.71 2.86 2.86 2.86 100 29 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 2 Descriptive statistics Summary statistics for independent variables in a study of horizontal mergers in the manufacturing sector (SIC 2000– 3999) during 1980–2009. All data are from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) IO accounts, SDC and COMPUSTAT consolidated and industry-segment tapes. Appendix 2 defines all variables. A t-test (Ranksum test) tests mean (median) differences between challenged and unchallenged deals. A Pearson test tests dummy variable frequency differences between challenged and unchallenged deals. Variable Mean Median Std. Dev. Obs. Census Herfindahl Index Overall 0.077 0.057 0.053 375 Challenged deals (A) 0.080 0.055 0.054 33 Unchallenged deals (B) 0.077 0.057 0.053 342 p-value (A – B = 0) 0.74 0.58 ∆Census Herfindahl Index Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) 0.072 0.199 0.060 0.00 0.001 0.044 0.001 0.00 0.260 0.398 0.241 375 33 342 Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) 0.184 0.125 0.190 0.00 0.177 0.136 0.193 0.00 0.114 0.087 0.114 393 35 358 Industry Growth Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) 1.274 1.145 1.287 0.32 1.125 0.883 1.128 0.19 0.805 0.768 0.809 389 35 354 Relative Deal Size Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) 0.568 0.739 0.551 0.09 0.396 0.610 0.366 0.01 0.622 0.624 0.620 393 35 358 Census Bidder Market Share Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) 0.302 0.391 0.293 0.37 0.061 0.208 0.053 0.00 0.593 0.595 0.592 375 33 342 7.641 8.906 7.517 0.00 7.574 8.996 7.438 0.00 2.153 1.712 2.154 393 35 358 Import Ratio Bidder Size Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) p-value (A – B = 0) (%) Census Hurdle Dummy Overall Challenged deals (A) Unchallenged deals (B) Pearson test p-value (A – B = 0) 16.00 27.00 15.00 0.06 Obs (Dummy=1) 60 9 51 30 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 3 Announcement wealth effects to merging firms, rivals, and customers Abnormal returns (%) to the combined firms, rivals, and customers in challenged and unchallenged horizontal merger samples during 1984–2009. Appendix 2 defines all variables. Mean Diff. is the difference in mean abnormal returns between the challenged and unchallenged deal samples. The t-statistics in parentheses are based on a test for the equality of means. *, **, and *** denote significance at 10%, 5%, and 1%. Firm Portfolio Overall Sample Challenged Deals Unchallenged Mean Diff. Deals (t-stat) N Mean (%) N Mean (%) N Mean (%) (t-stat) (t-stat) (t-stat) Merging Firms Combined firms 393 2.015*** 35 1.580*** 358 2.057*** 0.477 (4.64) (1.32) (4.45) (0.31) Bidder 393 −2.589*** 35 −3.847*** 358 −2.463*** 1.383 (−5.67) (−3.12) (−5.07) (0.86) Target 393 23.144*** 35 18.395*** 358 23.608*** 5.213 (18.08) (4.80) (17.45) (1.16) Rivals (single- and multi-segment) General rivals 393 Local rivals 383 Distant rivals 392 Less specialised rivals 392 Specialised rivals 393 Customers General customers 393 Local customers 374 Reliant customers 284 0.392*** (3.48) 0.551*** (3.44) 0.376*** (3.02) 0.353*** (2.92) 0.443*** (2.65) 35 0.244** (2.16) −0.098 (−0.69) 0.210 (0.81) 35 34 34 35 35 33 25 0.289 (0.85) 0.038 (0.09) 0.601 (1.60) 0.089 (0.25) 0.810* (1.84) 358 0.859** (2.07) −0.273 (−0.65) 0.018 (0.02) 358 349 358 357 358 341 259 0.402*** (3.37) 0.601*** (3.51) 0.355*** (2.69) 0.379*** (2.96) 0.407** (2.28) 0.183 (1.57) −0.081 (−0.54) 0.251 (0.84) 0.113 (0.28) 0.564 (1.00) −0.246 (−0.56) 0.291 (0.68) −0.403 (−0.69) −0.676* (−1.71) 0.192 (0.38) 0.233 (0.23) 31 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 4 Pearson correlation coefficients Correlation matrix for all variables in our sample of manufacturing sector horizontal mergers (SIC 2000–3999) during 1980–2009. Appendix 2 gives the definition of all variables. Variable Cus. Cus. Cus. Rival Rival Rival Rival Rival Comb. Census Import Industry Rel. Census CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR Hurdle Ratio Growth Deal Bidder (Gen.) (Local) (Rel.) (Gen.) (Local) (Dist.) (Less (Spec.) Dummy Size Market Spec.) Share Antitrust 0.089 −0.017 −0.014 −0.014 −0.051 0.028 −0.035 0.035 −0.015 0.096 −0.163 −0.050 0.086 0.047 Challenge Customer CAR 0.679 0.359 0.219 0.247 0.137 0.205 0.123 0.048 −0.068 0.020 0.029 −0.045 0.107 (General) Customer CAR 0.331 0.208 0.252 0.158 0.182 0.157 −0.004 −0.055 −0.034 −0.042 −0.046 0.041 (Local) Customer CAR 0.152 0.244 0.058 0.150 0.066 0.120 −0.014 −0.003 −0.062 0.036 0.030 (Reliant) Rival CAR 0.742 0.853 0.916 0.647 0.292 −0.031 −0.080 0.045 0.042 0.029 (General) Rival CAR 0.383 0.684 0.498 0.244 −0.097 −0.145 0.012 0.069 0.004 (Local) Rival CAR 0.768 0.574 0.216 −0.026 −0.059 0.072 0.035 0.061 (Distant) Rival CAR 0.303 0.305 −0.017 −0.082 0.056 0.034 0.051 (Less Specialised) Rival CAR 0.109 −0.072 −0.054 0.003 0.015 −0.024 (Specialised) Combined CAR −0.070 −0.167 −0.003 0.179 −0.002 Census Hurdle Dummy Import Ratio Industry Growth Relative Deal Size Census Bidder Market Share 0.278 Bidder Size 0.184 0.028 0.019 −0.053 0.025 −0.017 0.021 0.056 −0.032 −0.120 −0.005 0.025 0.127 0.083 −0.070 −0.098 −0.044 −0.030 −0.032 0.034 −0.028 −0.209 −0.379 0.471 32 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 5 Probit regressions of antitrust case selection on customer wealth effect, foreign competition, and market concentration hurdle dummy The table reports average marginal effects (AME) of Probit regressions of antitrust case selection on customer wealth effect, foreign competition, and market concentration hurdle dummy. The sample includes only manufacturing horizontal mergers (SIC 2000–3999) during 1980–2009. The dependent variable, Antitrust Challenge, equals one if the DOJ or FTS challenges a deal and zero otherwise. Appendix 2 defines all variables. Standard errors are corrected for heteroskedasticity. Z-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, and *** denote significance at 10%, 5%, and 1%. Dependent Variable: Antitrust Challenge Relevant customer definition General customers Local customers Reliant customers Independent Variable 1 2 3 Customer CAR 0.931* −0.150 0.230 (1.89) (−0.39) (0.70) Import Ratio −0.716*** −0.754*** −0.809*** (−4.27) (−4.33) (−3.70) Census Hurdle Dummy 0.154*** 0.154*** 0.132** (2.74) (2.68) (2.05) Rival CAR (General) −0.664 −0.500 −0.327 (−1.03) (−0.72) (−0.44) Industry Growth −0.016 −0.022 −0.040 (−0.76) (−0.96) (−1.37) Combined CAR −0.196 −0.174 −0.087 (−1.02) (−0.89) (−0.37) Relative Deal Size 0.069*** 0.076*** 0.062** (3.10) (3.38) (2.21) Census Bidder Market Share −0.047 −0.049 −0.020 (−1.13) (−1.20) (−0.54) Bidder Size 0.037*** 0.037*** 0.035*** (4.13) (4.02) (3.07) Year Effects Y Y Y Log pseudo-likelihood Wald Pseudo Observations −75.58 83.75*** 0.28 309 −70.58 70.59*** 0.38 291 −51.94 56.99*** 0.27 197 33 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Table 6 Probit regressions of antitrust case selection on local rival and less specialized rival wealth effects The table reports average marginal effects (AME) of Probit regressions of antitrust case selection on local vs. distant rival and less specialised vs. specialised rival wealth effects. The sample includes only manufacturing horizontal mergers (SIC 2000–3999) during 1980–2009. The dependent variable, Antitrust Challenge, equals one if the DOJ or FTS challenges a deal and zero otherwise. Appendix 2 defines all variables. Standard errors are corrected for heteroskedasticity. Z-statistics are in parentheses. *, **, and *** denote significance at 10%, 5%, and 1%. Independent Variable Dependent Variable: Antitrust Challenge 1 2 Rival CAR (Local) −1.446*** (−2.85) Rival CAR (Distant) 1.360** (2.20) Rival CAR (Less Specialised) −1.065* (−1.65) Rival CAR (Specialised) 0.407 (0.92) Customer CAR (General) 0.777* 0.783 (1.73) (1.54) Import Ratio −0.728*** −0.713*** (−3.97) (−4.32) Census Hurdle Dummy 0.133** 0.157** (2.17) (2.84) Industry Growth −0.019 −0.015 (−0.87) (−0.72) Combined CAR −0.196 −0.129 (−1.11) (−0.66) Relative Deal Size 0.076*** 0.067*** (3.15) (3.00) Census Bidder Market Share −0.062 −0.051 (−1.53) (−1.31) Bidder Size 0.037*** 0.038*** (4.09) (4.31) Year Effects Y Y Log pseudo-likelihood Wald Pseudo Observations −70.86 77.50*** 0.29 300 −74.82 82.69*** 0.29 308 34 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Appendix 1: Summary of challenged deal details (manufacturing sector) Challenged cases used in this study. It lists the bidder name, target name, their overlapping operating segment, the antitrust agency that files the challenge and the complaint issuance documented in the FTC and DOJ‟s joint “Annual Report to Congress Pursuant to Subsection (j) of Section 7A of the Clayton Act Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976”. No. Announcement Bidder Name Target Name SIC FF_IND Agency Record from Agency Report Year 1 1982 ConAgra Inc Peavey Co 2041 FOOD FTC FTC Consent agreement accepted July 19, 1982. Documented in 1982 annual report. 2 1982 Gulf Oil Corp Cities Service Co 2911 OIL FTC Civil Action No. 82-2131 (D.D.C. filed July 29, 1982). 3 1983 LTV Corp 3312 STEEL DOJ Cv. No. 85-0884 (D.D.C. filed March 21, 1984). Texaco Inc Republic Steel Corp(LTV Corp) Getty Oil Co 4 1984 2911 OIL FTC 1994 IVAX Corp Zenith Laboratories Inc 2834 DRUGS FTC FTC Consent agreement accepted July 10, 1984. Documented in 1984 annual report. Docket No. C-3565, issued March 27, 1995. 5 6 1994 Boston Scientific Corp SciMed Life Systems Inc 3841 MEDEQ FTC Docket No. C-3573, issued April 28, 1995. 7 1995 Interstate Bakeries Corp 2051 FOOD DOJ Cv. No. 95C4194 (N.D. Ill. filed July 20, 1995). 8 1995 Kimberly-Clark Corp Ralston-Continental Baking Company Scott Paper Co 2621 PAPER FTC Cv. No. 3:95CV3055-P (N.D. Tex. Filed December 12, 1995). 9 1996 Lockheed Martin Corp Loral Corp 3812 CHIPS FTC Docket No. C-3685, issued September 19, 1996. 10 1997 Lockheed Martin Corp Northrop Grumman Corp 3812 CHIPS DOJ 11 1998 Suiza Foods Corp Broughton Foods Co 2026 FOOD DOJ DOJ complaint issued March 23, 1998. Documented in 1998 annual report. 99-CV-130, DOJ complaint issued March 18, 1999. 12 1998 Medtronic Inc 3845 MEDEQ FTC Docket No. C-3879, issued June 3, 1999. 13 1999 Rhone-Poulenc SA Physio-Control International Corp Hoechst AG 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-3919, issued January 28, 2000. 14 1999 Pfizer Inc Warner-Lambert Co 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-3957, issued July 28, 2000. 15 1999 Dow Chemical Co Union Carbide Corp 2869 CHEM FTC Docket No. C-3999, issued March 16, 2001. 16 1999 Rohm & Haas Co Morton International Inc 2899 CHEM FTC Docket No. C-3883, issued July 13, 1999. 17 1999 General Dynamics Corp 3731 SHIPS DOJ Civil No: 1:01CV02200, filed October 23, 2001. 18 1999 Litton Industries Inc Newport News Shipbuilding Inc Newport News Shipbuilding 3731 SHIPS DOJ DOJ complaint issued July 9, 1999. Documented in 1999 35 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Inc annual report. 36 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Appendix 1 (continued) No. Announcement Bidder Name Year 19 2000 Smithfield Foods Inc Target Name SIC FF_IND Agency IBP Inc 2011 FOOD DOJ Agency Report Civil Action No. 1:03CV00434 (HHK), filed 28 February, 2003. Docket No. C-3995, issued January 26, 2001. 20 2000 Valspar Corp Lilly Industries Inc 2851 CHEM FTC 21 2000 JDS Uniphase Corp 3674 CHIPS DOJ 22 2001 Valero Energy Corp E-Tek Dynamics Inc(Summit Partners LP) Huntway Refining Co 2911 OIL FTC C.V. No. C 00 2227 (THE) (N.D. Cal. Filed June 22, 2000). Docket No. C-4031, issued February 19, 2002. 23 2001 General Dynamics Corp 3731 SHIPS DOJ No. 1:01CV02200 (D.D.C. Oct.23, 2001). 24 2002 Pfizer Inc Newport News Shipbuilding Inc Pharmacia Corp 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C- 4075, issued May 27, 1999. 25 2002 Northrop Grumman Corp TRW Inc 3728 AERO DOJ No. 1:02CV02432 (D.D.C. filed Dec.11, 2002). 26 2003 Cephalon Inc CIMA Labs Inc 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4121, issued September 20, 2004. 27 2004 Genzyme Corp ILEX Oncology Inc 2836 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4128, issued December 20, 2004. 28 2005 IVAX Corp 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4155, issued January 20, 2006. 29 2005 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Procter & Gamble Co Gillette Co 2844 HSHLD FTC Docket No. C-4151, issued September 29, 2005. 30 2005 Boston Scientific Corp Guidant Corp 3841 MEDEQ FTC Docket No. C-4164, issued July 21, 2006. 31 2006 Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc Andrx Corp 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4172, issued October 31, 2006. 32 2007 CommScope Inc Andrew Corp 3357 STEEL DOJ No. 1:07-CV-02200 (D.D.C. filed Dec.6, 2007). 33 2009 Pfizer Inc Wyeth 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4267, proposed order issued Oct.14, 2009. 34 2009 Merck & Co Inc Schering-Plough Corp 2834 DRUGS FTC Docket No. C-4268, proposed order issued Oct.29, 2009. 35 2009 Agrium Inc CF Industries Holdings Inc 2873 CHEM FTC Docket No. C-4277, proposed order issued Dec.23, 2009. 37 Proceedings of 9th Annual London Business Research Conference 4 - 5 August 2014, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-56-6 Appendix 2: Variable descriptions Definitions of variables. Variables are in alphabetical order. All variables are measured at the end of the fiscal year before the merger announcement, unless noted otherwise. Variable Definition Antitrust Challenge Equals one if a merger is challenged by the DOJ or FTC, and documented in the FTC and DOJ‟s joint “Annual Report to Congress Pursuant to Subsection (j) of Section 7A of the Clayton Act Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976”, zero otherwise. These reports are available on the FTC website, Bidder Size The logarithm of the bidder equity market value in $millions. Census Bidder Market Bidder sales in the merging sector divided by census-based total sales of the Share merging industry. Census data is available at Census Herfindahl Index The U.S. Census Bureau estimate of the industry Herfindahl index divided by 10000. Census data is available at ∆Census Herfindahl Index Equals 2 × percentage of bidder sales in the merging sector over the merging industry‟s census-based total sales × percentage of target sales in the merging sector over the merging industry‟s census-based total sales. Census data is available at Census Hurdle Dummy Equals one if a) the Census Herfindahl Index exceeds 0.18, or b) the Census Herfindahl Index is between 0.1 and 0.18, and ∆Census Herfindahl Index is no less than 0.1, zero otherwise. Combined CAR A value-weighted market-adjusted returns in a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of the bidder and target. Customer CAR (General) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of all corporate customer portfolio. A general corporate customer is defined as any Compustat single-segment firm in an industry whose production depends on the takeover industry‟s output with the proportion of its inputs from the merging industry greater than 1%. The input purchase relation from upstream industries is derived from the 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002 Use tables of the BEA, available at Customer CAR (Local) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of local corporate customer portfolio. A customer firm is a local customer if it is located in the same region as the bidder or target. Customer CAR (Reliant) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of reliant corporate customer portfolio. A customer firm is a reliant customer if it operates in the downstream industry with most dependence on merging industry‟s product as input. Import Ratio The takeover industry‟s total imports divided by its total domestic supply. Total domestic supply is commodity output minus imports, exports, change in private inventories, and sales of scrap and used goods (Streitwieser, 2010). Raw data for import ratio construction is from the 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002 Use tables of the BEA, available at Industry Growth The ratio of industry median firm sales in the year before the merger to industry median firm sales three years before the merger. Relative Deal Size The ratio of deal value to the bidder market value of equity. Rival CAR (General) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of general rival portfolio. A general rival is defined as any Compustat firm operating in the same four-digit SIC as the merging firms‟ overlapping segment in the year before the deal announcement. Rival CAR (Distant) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of distant rival portfolio. A rival firm is a distant rival if it is not located in the same region as the bidder or target. Rival CAR (Local) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of local rival portfolio. A rival firm is a local rival if it is located in the same region as the bidder or target. Rival CAR (Less An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the Specialised) announcement date of less specialised rival portfolio. A rival firm is a less specialised rival if its R&D and advertisement expenditure in the fiscal year before th the deal announcement is below the 75 percentile of the sample. Rival CAR (Specialised) An equally weighted market-adjusted returns over a (−2, 2) day window around the announcement date of specialised rival portfolio. A rival firm is a specialised rival if its R&D and advertisement expenditure in the fiscal year before the deal th announcement is above the 75 percentile of the sample. 38