Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Forecasting Regional Unemployment Yuwaorn Pradubmook* Udechukwu Ojiako** Alasdair Marshall*** and Maxwell Chipulu****1 This In light of the on-going global economic crisis, unemployment remains a key area of concern to European governments. Most scholars maintain an interest in understanding unemployment drivers due to its multiplier impact and by implication, major social and political consequences. In line with this interest, utilising models, the authors seek to gain a deeper understanding of the determinants of these regional variations on unemployment. To facilitate this study, we employ time series analysis (specifically LES and ARIMA models) to examine factors driving regional unemployment. Our study shows that two factors, GDP and labour force, are important variables impacting unemployment. JEL Codes: Management: Management Science 1. Introduction In Europe, following increasing concern among scholars of the long term effect of the debt crisis on first, the ‗at risk‘ countries such as Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, Greece and Italy (BNP Paribas, 2010; Maurer, 2010), and now an overall concern about the survival of the Euro-zone (Eichengreen, 2007; 2010), the attention of scholars has moved to the question of how the debt crisis may be best addressed (Arghyrou and Tsoukalas, 2011). While this debate has raged, most governments in Europe have sought to enact and implement various policies which in a majority of cases have involved drastic and substantial reductions in the public sector workforce. In the United Kingdom, the story has not been any different. For example, according to earlier projections by the OBR in 2010 (OBR, 2010a, 2010b), cuts in public sector spending which were being designed to reduce the UK‘s public debt would deliver a reduction of the number of public sector workers by 610,000 (between 2010/11 and 2015/16). Perhaps most worrying for the government and scholars is not necessarily that job cuts are being implemented within the public sector, but that the private sector appears unable to create enough jobs to match the number of people being made redundant from the public sector. Scholars such as Elsby and Smith (2010), Elsby et al. (2011), Marinescu (2011) and Smith (2011), point out there are several reasons for this including the fact that the demand for goods and services produced by the private sector has declined as people spend less. Secondly, there are problems of adjustment to structural change, such as a shift in labour supply. To ensure flexibility in labour supply, most European UK government has sought to ensure labour market flexibility primarily through legislation which reduces the cost of firing employees. Governments have however had to balance the need for flexibility against a cold recognition of the political ‗importance‘ of 1 * Yuwaorn Pradubmook, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK; email: ** Dr Udechukwu Ojiako, Faculty of Engineering & IT, British University in Dubai & Hull University Business School, UK; email: *** Alasdair Marshall, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK: email: **** Dr Maxwell Chipulu, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK: email: Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 unemployment in politics (Baxandall, 2002), and arguably, its threat to European democracy. This is because the question of unemployment forms a significant element of the wider question of the prevailing health of a national economy with governments presiding over countries with high unemployment likely to lose political legitimacy and control over their citizens. As Piven and Cloward (199; pp. 6–7) suggest ―mass unemployment serves that bond, loosening people from the main institution by which they are regulated and controlled‖, in effect, according to Baxandall (2002; p. 471), since unemployment ―dilutes social control‖, its effect can destabilize governments because not only are regular ―work routines crucial for maintaining social order‖ (p. 471), however unemployment ―diminishes the capacity of other institutions to bind and constrain people‖ by removing people from conformity to occupational behaviors and outlooks (1993, p. 7). Unemployment is particularly destabilizing because political horizons can be constrained through regular work routines and the framing of private interests (p. 471) due to its perceived benefits. As the recent Arab-spring shows, unemployment has the ability to unseat even dictatorships (Springborg, 2011). At this juncture we highlight that although substantial studies have examined the challenges associated with unemployment, a large number of studies on unemployment utilize ‗average‘ rates which hides perhaps a more difficult challenge with unemployment, that is; how to deal with regional unemployment within an country. It is this question of regional unemployment that is of particular interest to us, especially due to its ability to radically re-shape traditional political clusters and boundaries. From a regional unemployment perspective, we seek in this study to examine not only the factors that may impact on regional unemployment in the UK, but specifically, to examine through correlations, how these factors may be related. We acknowledge the existence of prior works of scholarship that have sought to model unemployment patterns (see Nickell et al., 2002; Elhorst, 2003). These include for example the Beveridge Curve which seeks to explain the relationship between the rate of unemployment rate and vacancy rate (Nickell et al., 2002) and the NAIRU model (see Elhorst, 2003). However, for example, the NAIRU model is limited in that it examines only age and unemployment rate. This paper is organized as follows. In the second section, we undertake a review of prior work on regional unemployment. This is followed by section three which focuses on presenting a range of forecasting models which may be employed in the study. In the fourth section, we undertake the forecasting, in particularly showing the measures of accuracy of each model. We present a brief discussion and conclusion in section five. 2. Literature Review Scholars have historically argued that unemployment is one of the major economic challenges facing national governments (Marston, 1985; Ma and Weiss, 1993; Matthews et al., 2008; Domenech and García, 2008; Ljungqvist and Sargent, 2008; Dutt et al., 2009; Chaudhuri, 2011). In Europe, studies seeking to model unemployment allude to the fact that regional differences exist in unemployment not only among European countries (Demertzis and Hallett, 1998; Balakrishnan and Michelacci, 2001; Munich and Svejnar, 2007), but also within these countries (Brunello et al., 2001; Walsh, 2003; Bande et al., 2008). In general, unemployment trend in Europe appears to suggest high unemployment rates over the last two decades in ‗Southern‘ European countries such as Spain, Italy and Portugal. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Our review of a wide selection of literature on regional unemployment (see Marston, 1985; Brunello et al., 2001; Overman et al., 2002; Walsh, 2003; Bande et al., 2008), does not appear to indicate the existence of a single and generally applied underlying theory that is able to provide explanations to spatial unemployment differences. However, from classical economic literature (see Harris & Todaro, 1970; Blanchard and Katz, 1992), scholars had been able to suggest that regional unemployment was as a result of the failure of policy makers to understand the supply-demand relationship that exist between three fundamental variables (i) wages, (ii) migration and (iii) re-generation. Although it is difficult to articulate a single theory of regional unemployment, its multiplier impact on social factors such as health, education and housing are well documented. We are also aware that although a decrease in regional unemployment may bring about benefits (such as lower inflation rates), its benefits may be diminished because of resultant migration (Epifani and Gancia, 2005; Eggert et al., 2010). In effect, one could argue that unemployment does have a paradoxical impact, thus serving as a rationale why scholars have continued to retain a broad interest in studying this topic. In the United Kingdom (UK), a substantial number of scholars (Elsby and Smith, 2010; Elsby et al., 2011; Marinescu, 2011; Smith, 2011), have focused their attention on the question of regional unemployment. In general, most of these studies suggest that regional unemployment rate in the UK differs considerably with Northern England having the highest rate of unemployment, while the South East and East Anglia have the lowest unemployment rates. We also find a pattern of unemployment in the UK which appears to be closely associated with economic activity. 3. The Methodology and Model Data Sample/collection Seasonally adjusted (to the nearest thousand) unemployment data between January 1993 and June 2010 (210 months) was obtained from Office for National Statistics (ONS). The data was spread again eleven regional areas of mainland United Kingdom (basically, not including Northern Ireland). As an example of the unemployment rate in a time series, a time series is denoted by xt for the value at the time period t, over the period from t = Jan 2010 up to t = n, where n = Dec 2010. The data obtained from the ONS were of two types; monthly (between 1993 and 2001) and quarterly data (between 2001 and 2010). The monthly data had no missing data. However, the quarterly data had three missing vacancy and wages variables. We added an estimated value where the data was missing. Forecasting from the time series Linear exponential smoothing: We used the linear exponential smoothing (LES) method because of the need to autocorrelate a stationary time series model. This involved checking for seasonality. Due to the fact that the data has been seasonally adjusted, thus it can be found that all of the regions are non-seasonal in 11 regions of the UK. Figure 1 shows an example of non-seasonality; checked by the autocorrelation function plots. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Figure 1: Example of Autocorrelation Function Plots Autocorrelation Function (ACF)-London Autocorrelation Function (ACF)-East 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 1 56 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 -0.2 -0.2 Holt‘s (1960) LES method is used for forecasting because of its robustness forecasting non-seasonal data. Holt‘s model is represented mathematically as; Lt = αYt + (1-α) (Lt-1 + bt-1) b t = β(Lt – Lt-1) + (1 - β)bt-1 F t+m = Lt + btm (1) (2) (3) Where α, β = smoothing constants (α > 0, β < 1) Lt = the level of the series at time t b t = the linear trend F t+m = the linear forecast from t forwards Equation (3) can imply that F t+m is a forecast of unemployment in the 12 month (m = 12) period ahead. ARIMA model: In this method, we considered a particular set of models used in advanced forecasting and time series analysis based on the autocorrelation function (ACF), as used with the LES model. The ARIMA modelling commenced with the identification of unemployment data in each region in order to select possible models. Firstly, we made a time plot, and then looked at patterns of data. It was found that time plots were nonstabilize variance and non-stationary because the ACF plots decreased slowly in all 11 regions. Then, we took the first and second differences of data used. After stationary were completed, we observed a pattern of the ACF plot and selected a possible model where the patterns suggested autoregressive (AR) or moving average (MA). Finally, we selected MV models in order to predict the regional unemployment rate in the UK, and a possible identification of model for data used. In the next phase of the ARIMA modelling, we used the X-12-ARIMA program to estimate the parameters of the ARIMA model, i.e. (p,d,q)(P,D,Q), for testing and forecasting the unemployment rate in each region. Then, we forecasted the 12 months ahead (from April 2010 to March 2011). Finally, we used Akaike‘s information criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1974), and X-12-ARIMA to generate generate AIC values for each UK region of ARIMA model processed in order to achieve the lowest AIC. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 AIC = -2logL + 2m Where (4) L = likelihood, m = p+q+P+Q In the last phase, we compared the LES and ARIMA models by considering measures of accuracy. The ARIMA models provided a powerful approach to time series analysis that pays especial attention to correlation between observations. Finally, we chose the best model to forecast the unemployment rate in each region, and then calculated the total unemployment rate in the UK. Forecasting using regression: Regression analysis was utilised to examine the relationships between regional unemployment and explanatory variables impacting on unemployment such as population, minimum wages, migration and GDP. Data was typically quarterly in which seasonal components of uncertain effect were shown. In effect, an indicator variable, Di, for each of the four quarters was employed to represent the effect of categorical variables (See Table 1), thus; Ŷunemployment = β0 + β1 (GDP) + β2 (labour force) + β3 (vacancy) + β4 (wages) Table 1 Description variables used in multiple linear regression Variables Y Description The unemployment rate in the UK The GDP in the UK X1 (million pounds) The labour force X2 (thousands) The vacancies X3 X4 (thousands) The amount of wages (pounds/week) Variables Description β0 Interception β1 β2 β3 β4 Co-efficient, GDP Co-efficient, labour force Co-efficient, vacancy Variable s Description D1 1st quarter D2 2nd quarter D3 3rd quarter D4 4rd quarter Co-efficient, wages Measure of accuracy In order to select the most accurate approach for forecasting unemployment rates, we refer to earlier work by Hyndman and Koehler (2006), by comparing the measures of accuracy of LES and the ARIMA models in order to select the model that provided the lowest error value. We considered the general forecast errors in terms of the mean square error and mean percentage, defined as: et = Yt - Ft (5) Where , Yt = Unemployment values at year t Ft = Unemployment values at year t+1 Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 In equation (5), Ft is estimated by proceeding of Yt -1, so the forecast value (Ft) is predicted by one step forward. Therefore, in this case, Ft is called one step forecast, and et is called one step forecast error. If errors are estimated such et from n values, it will be measure errors as: MSE = (6) Where , MSE = the mean square error And, PEt = (7) MAPE = (8) Where, MAPE = the mean percentage error 4. The Findings Time and Seasonal Plots From Figure 2, the trend of the unemployment data from all eleven regions appears similar. Checking for seasonality, because of seasonal adjustments, we deduce that unemployment data has no seasonal effect. Figure 2 Time plot of unemployment rate in the UK by regions (thousand) Unemployment Rates in the UK by 11 regions 600 London 500 East 400 East Midland West Midland 300 North East North West 200 South East 100 South West 1993 Jan 1993 Aug 1994 Mar 1994 Oct 1995 May 1995 Dec 1996 Jul 1997 Feb 1997 Sep 1998 Apr 1998 Nov 1999 Jun 2000 Jan 2000 Aug 2001 Mar 2001 Oct 2002 May 2002 Dec 2003 Jul 2004 Feb 2004 Sep 2005 Apr 2005 Nov 2006 Jun 2007 Jan 2007 Aug 2008 Mar 2008 Oct 2009 May 2009 Dec 2010 Jul 2011 Feb 0 Scotland Wales York& the Humber Model Selection In Table 2, we show the estimates of alpha (α) and beta (β). It can be found that the smoothing constants are estimated as being between 0 and 1. Most regions have the smoothing constant, alpha (α) that equals to 1, however the estimates of alpha ( α) in the North West, Wales and York and Humber are 0.99908, 0.87523 and 0.97841 respectively. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Table 2 LES selection Values of Parameters Regions α (Alpha) β (Beta) London 1.00000 0.02825 East 1.00000 0.02829 East Midland 1.00000 0.01863 West Midland 1.00000 0.22180 North East 1.00000 0.00000 North West 0.99908 0.03584 South East 1.00000 0.02934 South West 1.00000 0.02465 Scotland 1.00000 0.04032 Wales 0.87523 0.02179 York and the Humber 0.97841 0.02931 In Table 3, we show the results using the appropriate forecasting model. Columns two and three present that the selection model in term of (p, d, q) (P, D, Q) 12 and the Akaike‘s Information Criterion (AIC) on unemployment in each region. Four regions were largely consistent with the model as (0,2,1)(0,1,1) in North East, (0,2,1)(0,1,2) in South East, South West and York and Humber, (0,2,2)(0,1,2) in London, East, East Midlands, North West, Scotland and Wales. The last fitted model is (0, 2, 3) (0, 1, 2) in the West Midlands. This was because these models provided the lowest values of AIC (see Appendix IV). Column 4 shows residuals. Table 3 ARIMA selection Regions (p,d,q)(P,D,Q)1 2 AIC Are residuals white noise? Residuals Justification London (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1426.969 Yes Good Acceptable East (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1246.693 Yes Good Acceptable East Midland (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1203.48 Yes Good Acceptable West Midland (0,2,3)(0,1,2) 1275.869 Yes Good Acceptable North East (0,2,1)(0,1,1) 1156.776 Yes Good Acceptable North West (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1306.51 Yes Good Acceptable Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 South East (0,2,1)(0,1,2) 1330.636 Yes Good Acceptable South West (0,2,1)(0,1,2) 1226.581 Yes Good Acceptable Scotland (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1282.892 Yes Good Acceptable Wales (0,2,2)(0,1,2) 1132.495 Yes Good Acceptable York and the Humber (0,2,1)(0,1,2) 1298.484 Yes Good Acceptable Measurement of Accuracy The mean square error (MSE) which is shown in Table 4 shows forecast error across the eleven regions. By comparing the MSE values of both approaches, the ARIMA models appear to outperform the LES model because of their ability to calculate smaller values over the data period being used for evaluation. For example, the MSE value of ARIMA model in London is 61.67988, which is smaller than the estimated MSE values of LES at 72.14212. We also observe that the MAPE values for the ARIMA model are lower than that of the LES. This enables us conclude that the ARIMA model out performs the LES model in terms of accuracy. Table 4 LES and ARIMA Summary measures Mean Square Error (MSE) Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) Regions LES ARIMA LES ARIMA London 72.14212 61.67988 2.24691 2.04264 East 28.38846 22.63298 2.93441 2.59780 East Midland 22.07552 20.01268 3.14214 3.02490 West Midland 35.42630 27.55003 2.53138 2.32870 North East 16.53110 15.57939 3.30050 3.18110 North West 37.59745 32.68708 2.27820 2.17719 South East 46.74427 35.28771 2.84387 2.46309 South West 26.43936 21.86923 3.48546 3.28565 Scotland 32.60272 28.18887 2.70852 2.51254 Wales 14.67444 14.29529 3.39834 3.38483 York and the Humber 35.85076 34.08104 2.93800 2.88600 Forecasting Values by using ARIMA models Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 The results of the ARIMA modelling show that there are several regions such as London that have a high rate of unemployment (per thousand). Table 5 shows a total number of unemployment rates of ARIMA models when comparing with the actual data used from April 2010 to March 2011 while Table 6 shows a total number of unemployment rates of ARIMA models when comparing with the actual data used from April 2010 to March 2011. Table 5 Forecasting Values of regions in the UK using ARIMA models Regions Forecasting Values (Thousands), ARIMA models APR 10 MAY 10 JUN 10 JUL 10 AUG 10 SEPT 10 OCT 10 NOV 10 DEC 10 JAN 11 FEB 11 MAR 11 London 387.1 386.7 390.5 392.2 398.0 404.9 408.8 406.1 411.8 410.0 414.3 416.7 East 201.6 206.6 210.1 214.0 213.3 214.2 217.0 221.3 222.6 224.9 226.2 228.9 East Midland 170.8 172.7 174.5 177.7 180.0 179.6 180.2 184.0 186.8 189.6 189.6 192.7 West Midland 229.4 237.4 240.6 248.6 255.0 257.6 258.2 260.3 264.9 269.7 276.9 278.6 North East 119.5 120.9 121.2 121.8 121.1 120.9 122.7 124.1 125.3 125.9 127.6 128.4 North West 281.5 285.0 292.0 293.9 295.9 299.5 302.0 302.2 308.2 312.6 319.4 322.2 South East 274.9 277.1 274.0 278.7 278.5 284.2 288.7 292.6 293.2 296.4 301.9 309.6 South West 162.4 165.6 167.3 170.6 174.0 179.8 177.3 180.2 184.2 186.0 187.2 189.7 Scotland 237.8 243.4 249.8 251.0 254.8 258.4 262.9 265.8 270.0 275.2 277.1 278.7 Wales 120.0 122.7 123.2 125.2 125.6 126.0 128.1 128.5 132.6 131.9 134.0 138.5 York and the Humber 249.6 252.7 253.5 257.6 262.0 264.8 265.2 266.2 270.7 277.8 281.6 284.3 Total 31,198.3 Table 6 Comparison unemployment rate between Actual data and ARIMA models Total Unemployment Actual Data ARIMA models April 2010-March 2011 28,941,000 31,198,300 Multiple regression models for forecasting The multiple regression models were used to predict unemployment based on significant independent variables. We first tested the statistical significance of explanatory variables, which are used to explain the behaviour of the dependent variable, Yunemployment. A null hypothesis is put forward: Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 H0 : β1 = β2 = β3 = β4 = 0 H1 : one or more of the regression co-efficients are not zero We show the results of the P- value in Table 8 (P- value = 0.0001), which is lower than 0.5 thus we reject the null hypothesis. We next sought to establish the co-efficient of determination, R2 which explains variation between the dependent and explanatory variables. The result shows that the R2 equals 0.9777, this independent variables (GDP, labor force, wages and vacancy) may explain a relatively high ratio of variation in terms of unemployment. Table 7 Regression Results for Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance Source of Variation SS df MS Regression 5186957.4752 7 740993.9250 Error 118564.8998 32 3705.15312 Total 5305522.3750 39 R2 F-Ratio 199.9900 Pr > F < 0.0001 0.9777 The third stage in the process involved interpretation of the regression co-efficient, βi. The regression model is presented by running regression (shown in Table 7), which can be represented mathematically as; Ŷunemployment= -19496.5-0.0246(GDP) +0.7510(labour force)-0.0928(vacancy)-0.1124(wages) The equation illustrates that unemployment rates can be explained by four independent variables GDP, labour force, vacancy and wages. In other words, the coefficients of βi signify the average change in unemployment rate associated with a unit change in one independent variable when other independent variables are constant. The final stage of the multiple regressions involved examining the significance of explanatory variables from which it can be concluded that there is a regression co-efficient that do not equal to zero (βi ≠ 0). The t distribution is used to determine the hypothesis of individual coefficients, at 0.5 of significant level. The null hypothesis is expressed as: H0 : βi = 0 ; i = 1, 2, 3, 4 H1 : βi ≠ 0 ; i = 1, 2, 3, 4 In Table 8, the results the P- values of GDP and labour force, 0.0001 are lower than 0.5. So, the null hypotheses are rejected. Whereas, the P- values of vacancy and wages are 0.3898 and 0.7536 respectively, which are higher than 0.5 and so that the null hypotheses cannot be rejected. As the results of this, it can be concluded that there are two variables i.e. GDP and labour force that can be used in the regression equation in order to forecast unemployment rate in the UK. Conversely, vacancy and wages variables cannot explain the unemployment in the regression model. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Table 8 Regression Results for Fit of Regression Model Regression Coefficients Variables Coefficients Estimated Coefficients Estimated Standard Deviation t-values Pr > I t I Intercept β0 -1,9496.485 722.2621 - 26.9936 < 0.0001 GDP β1 – 0.0246 0.0015 - 16.4950 < 0.0001 Labour force β2 0.7510 0.0280 26.8465 < 0.0001 Vacancy β3 0.0928 0.1065 - 0.8719 0.3898 Wages β4 0.1124 0.3550 - 0.3166 0.7536 Based on the outcome of the multiple regressions, we posit that an effective regression model for unemployment may be best developed based on four independent variables (GDP, labour force, vacancy and wages), which can be summarised mathematically as; Ŷunemployment= -19496.5 - 0.0246*(GDP) + 0.7510*(labour force) (9) From equation (9), GDP and labour force can be calculated the forecasting values in the first quarter in 2011 using Excel. The values of GDP and labour force are 329,760.66 and 40,142.82 respectively (See Table 9). Therefore, the unemployment rate in the first quarter 2011 can be forecasted as in equation (10). Ŷunemployment = -19496.5 - 0.0246*(329,760.66) + 0.7510*(40,142.82) (10) = 2,538.66 Table 9 Forecasting values of unemployment in 2011 Quarterly Unemployment (thousands) GDP(£ million) Labour force (thousands) Q1 2011 2,538.66 329,760.66 40,142.82 Q2 2011 2,576.54 330,331.67 40,211.96 Q3 2011 2,614.42 330,902.69 40,281.10 Q4 2011 2,652.29 331,473.70 40,350.24 Selection of the best model and the comparison models Based on the outcome of the fitting of the forecasting models shown in Table 10, the ARIMA model is selected for accuracy because its values of error measures are less than the LES model. Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 Table 10 The fitting criterion of forecasting models Model Fitting Criterion (the smallest value) s MSE MAPE LES X X ARIMA Table 11 shows the forecasting values in the first quarter of 2011 between the ARIMA model and regression models. This shows that the unemployment rate forecast value obtained from the regression models is closer to the actual value compared to the ARIMA model. The multiple regression models are adopted to classify factors that impact on the unemployment rate. In addition, we use two significant factors, GDP and labour force, to forecast values. Table 11 Comparing forecasting values between ARIMA and regression models Forecasting values of unemployment (thousands) Quarterly Actual Q1 2011 2,393.33 Regression models 2,538.66 ARIMA models 2,734.70 5. Summary and Conclusions Regional unemployment is a critical economic factor of significant political and social importance. Although a substantial amount of scholarship has been focused on understanding the economic and political ramifications from regional unemployment, its social impacts in terms of factors such as migration and the dismantling of traditional ways of living and local communities, is yet to attract considerable and sustained interest in Europe, perhaps because of the current trend of government to ‗fund‘ unemployment through the benefit and social security systems. However, it is likely that the situation will change, even with the mass redundancies within the public sector. The signs appear ominous, if one considers concerted effort among European governments to reform national pensions. It remains uncertain at present in light of the on-going debt crisis what the true consequences of employment will be on the UK regions. Available data is however not encouraging. For example, according to the North East Public Observatory (NEPHO), the North-East of England, a region traditionally characterised by high unemployment currently exhibits not only prevalence for psychiatric disorder of 17.5% (higher than the English average of 13.2%), but the region has the highest death rates from suicide in England (NEPHO, 2011). In the absence of a single underlying theory that is able to provide explanations to spatial unemployment differences, one is still left with the question of why these regional differences? Certainly, all regions within the UK will be impacted by the current economic climate sweeping through Europe, however as observed, based on major differences (as observed in our findings). We posit that a Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 possible approach to explaining these variations in regional unemployment in the UK could be related to the traditional industrial base. The hard hit areas such as the North East had been an area with deep rooted traditions in steel works, manufacturing and mining, industries which are traditionally associated with family and heritage (Townsend and Taylor, 1975), and therefore less likely to migrate. Not surprisingly, studies by Forrest and Naisbitt (1988), found that regional industrial heritage may significantly impact sensitivity to national economic trends. The viability of application of models to understand socially constructed norms has remained an area of considerable interest to scholars over a number of years. In most cases, scholars have employed such models (see Woodhouse, 2006; Rutten and Boekema, 2007), as a means of rationalising social behaviour which might have otherwise posed considerable challenges to be applied to standard economic models. In the case of generating an understanding of regional unemployment, we observe that the utilisation of such models has played a considerable role in ensuring that policy makers gain an understanding of the supply-demand relationship that exist between key unemployment variables. Our proposition is that despite the severity in terms of importance of the question of unemployment, there appears to be very few empirical studies in this area that have sought to understand the societal impact of regional unemployment. The question then arises as to the implications of this considering that the crucial social impact of unemployment is mainly psychological. Scholars such as Smith (2011) and Blazek and Netrdova (2012), generally tend to share the opinion that unemployment in Europe is high and that associated regional unemployment remains a major cause of societal imbalance and migration. Our study showed that regional unemployment in the UK was driven by four factors; GDP, labour force, vacancy and wages. Generally speaking, the conventional thinking in the various works of scholarship examining regional unemployment (see Blundell and MaCurdy, 2000), is that of a positive correlation between unemployment and labour supply. In effect, that in regions where we experience high unemployment, there is a high supply of labour, and conversely, in regions where there are labour shortages, it is likely that full employment is obtainable. One therefore argues that convalesce will exist between government seeking to ensure that its working population are in employment (and therefore likely to pay tax), and employers, in the form of companies seeking to expand their operations and businesses. The argument could therefore be that such convalesce will deliver on achieving a balance in a more equitable distribution of employment. The impact will therefore be that employers will obtain more readily labour from regions with high supply of labour through increased mobility, not of labour, but of firms and businesses more willing to move their operations to areas with higher unemployment, and most likely, lower wages. The challenge faced by government (in terms of policy), is that national costs in terms of labour generally appear similar across regions, even those across the employment continuum. However, one possible approach that can be adopted to address the question of regional disparities in unemployment may well be to encourage limit the power of labour unions. One possible means of achieving this objective may well be to limit the bargaining powers of unions through legislation. In conclusion, the purpose of this study was to undertake a forecast of regional employment based on available (January 1993 to June 2010). We also sought to identify key factors likely to impact on regional unemployment for which we employed multiple regression modelling. As expected of studies engaged in forecasting, the study was not without limitations of which the most significant being that we did not employ a large Proceedings of 4th European Business Research Conference 9 - 10 April 2015, Imperial College, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-922069-72-6 number of explanatory variables such as migration, interest rates, and house prices in the multiple regression models. 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