Brain's Building Blocks: Psychology Module 3

Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Module 3
Brain’s Building Blocks
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Alzheimer’s Disease
– results from excessive buildup of toxic substances
which destroy neurons that receive/transmit
electrical signals
– What’s a good test to identify the possibility of
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Central Nervous System
– made up of neurons located in the brain & spinal
• Peripheral Nervous System
– made up of nerves that are located throughout the
body, except in the brain & spinal cord
– nerves in the peripheral nervous system have the
ability to regrow, regenerate, or reattach if severed
or damaged
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Neurotransmitters
– dozens of different chemicals that are made by
neurons and then used for communication
between neurons during the performance of
mental or physical activities
Example: Dopamine
A deficiency in the neurotransmitter, Dopamine, can
cause some Parkinson’s symptoms
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
p55 alcohol
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• GABA Neurons
– GABA neurons have chemical locks that can be
opened by chemical keys in the form of the
neurotransmitter, GABA
• GABA Keys
– alcohol molecules so closely resemble those of
the GABA neurotransmitter that alcohol can
function like GABA keys and open GABA
– when GABA neurons are excited, they decrease
neural activity
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Reflex
– unlearned, involuntary reaction to some stimulus
– neural connections underlying a reflex are
prewired by genetic instructions
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Reflex sequence
– sensors
• sensors trigger neurons that start the
withdrawal effect
– afferent neurons
• carry information from the senses to the spinal
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
– Interneuron
• relatively short neuron whose primary task is
making connections between other neurons
– Efferent neuron
• carry information away from the spinal cord to
produce responses in various muscles and
organs throughout the body
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
p56 reflex
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Parkinson’s Disease
– includes symptoms of tremors and shakes in the
limbs, a slowing of voluntary movements, and
feelings of depression
– as the disease progresses, patients develop a
shuffling walk and may suddenly freeze in space
for minute or hours at a time
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Parkinson’s Disease
– It is caused by destruction of neurons that produce
– L-dopa is a medication that boosts the levels of
dopamine in the brain
– eventually the drug causes involuntary jerky
– after prolonged use, L-dopa’s beneficial effect may
be replaced by unwanted jerky movements
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• Sterotaxic procedure
– fixing a patient’s head in a holder and drilling a
small hole through the skull
– the holder has a syringe that can be precisely
guided into a predetermined location in the brain
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
• To date, about 150 Parkinson’s patients have been
treated with fetal tissue transplants
– about 30 to 60% showed substantial
improvement, but none have been completely
– patients under 60 showed most improvement,
while those over 60 reported little or no
improvement in symptoms
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition, Rod Plotnik
Module 3: Brain’s Building Blocks
Thinking & the Speed of Neural Transmission
• Even simple mental processing takes a measurable amount of time
• Neural transmission is a physical process within our bodies
• We are measuring reaction time/the amount of time to:
– Perceive a stimulus
– Select a response, and
– Execute a response
• Part I: Hand squeeze--Stand up in rows of 10; Have another student
stand in front of each row; Hold hands; Close eyes
Repeat twice
• Part II: Opposite shoulder squeeze (a small increase in complexity
involves more circuitry) Repeat twice
• Does thinking take time? Thinking is a physical process