Victor Valley Community College District Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Date: June 17, 2015 Place: Victor Valley Community College Board Room 18422 Bear Valley Road Victorville, CA 92395-5850 1.0 WELCOME, ROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER The Victor Valley Community College District Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee met on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in the Board Room of Victor Valley Community College. Mr. Edward Rodarte, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM. Roll Call: Edward Rodarte (CBOC), Larry Hoover (CBOC), Don Nelson (CBOC), and Diane Uli (CBOC) were in attendance. Absent: Marshall Kagan (CBOC), Dawn Serbus (CBOC), and Cassandra Walters (CBOC). Present: Steve Garcia (VVC Director, Facilities/Construction); and Shirley SnellGonzalez (VVC Administrative Assistant). Four (4) committee members were present. Quorum established. 2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the American flag was led by Larry Hoover. 3.0 INTRODUCTIONS None were needed. 4.0 AGENDA REVIEW There were no changes made to the agenda. 5.0 PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments were expressed. 6.0 ACTION ITEMS 6.1 Election of Chair – Mr. Rodarte yielded the floor to Mr. Garcia who stated that Mr. Greenwood termed out of office in April, leaving the chair position vacant. He then called for nominations for the position of chairperson. Mr. Rodarte nominated himself with Mr. Hoover seconding the nomination. Additional nominations were requested. A vote was called and Mr. Rodarte won the election by consensus. June 17, 2015 CBOC Meeting Minutes Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Page 1 of 4 ACTION: Mr. Rodarte moved to nominate himself as chairperson of the CBOC with a second from Mr. Hoover. Motion passed. Due to Mr. Rodarte being appointed chairperson, his position as ViceChairperson became vacant. Mr. Garcia entertained a motion for nominations for the Vice-Chairperson position. Ms. Uli readily volunteered to serve as the Vice-Chair. ACTION: Ms. Uli moved to nominate herself as Vice-chairperson of the CBOC with a second from Mr. Rodarte. Motion passed. The floor was yielded to Mr. Rodarte. 6.2 Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2015 – the minutes were presented for review and approval. ACTION: Mr. Nelson moved to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2015 meeting with a second from Ms. Uli. The minutes were approved as presented. 7.0 REPORTS/DISCUSSION 7.1 Bond Project Updates and Expenditures – Steve Garcia presented the 2015 Facilities Workshop power point presentation. He stated that the state requires an annual report be submitted by June 30th. The presentation included the Master Plan update, the campus-wide 5-Year Capital Construction Plan, as well as a stadium and conference center proposal. Please reference for more detail. Mr. Garcia presented this information at the June Board of Trustees meeting and is awaiting their response. Mr. Garcia also distributed the quarterly Measure JJ Bond Program Budget Summary Report as of March 31, 2015. (Mr. Rodarte left the meeting at 2:10 PM.) meeting. Ms. Uli assumed presiding over the 8.0 COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ COMMENTS – None were expressed. 9.0 OTHER 9.1 Review of CBOC Constitutional and Legal Basis – Mr. Hoover provided a handout regarding the basis for the Citizens’ Bond Oversight committee establishment. He became interested in serving on the community due to an understanding that the college was experiencing a structural deficit. He was appointed to this committee approximately one year ago. Another member asserted that VVC was misspending the bond funds. Mr. Hoover met with a former VVC Vice President as well as heard conversation from an attorney regarding this topic and ultimately felt stronger about the misspending. Four topics were listed in the handout. First: California Proposition 39 was approved in 2000 to make it easier to raise funds for capital improvements by reducing the threshold required to pass local school district bond issues from two-thirds June 17, 2015 CBOC Meeting Minutes Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Page 2 of 4 to 55%. Mr. Hoover proposed that there are two provisions that check against abuse of wrongful spending, i.e., a mandatory bond oversight committee (to assure compliance with the law), and the permitting of suing a district if there is a law violation, described in the Bond Waste Prevention Act. Second: the California Education Code, 15278 (c) provides that the CBOC ensures that “…bond revenues are expended only for the purposes described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution.” Also, ensuring that funds are not used for teacher or administrative salaries or other school operating expenses. Mr. Hoover stated that the California Education Code is the basis of, and authority for, the CBOC. That section of the Code charges CBOC members to oversee spending of all bond proceeds to assure compliance with the law and protection of taxpayers’ interests. Third: a Mission Statement and Statement of Purpose for the California League of Bond Oversight Committees was provided. Mr. Hoover explained that the League was formed by CBOC members in California attempting to find ways to better prepare/train CBOC members to perform their duties according to the law. The last item was a copy of an article entitled, “Could Waste and Fraud be Happening in your School District?” Mr. Hoover stated that the article hints that fraud could be happening in our school. He then asked for comments from other members. Ms. Uli stated that she understood that a lawsuit had been filed, therefore there was no need for debate. Mr. Nelson had no comment. 9.2 Discussion of Committee Meeting Dates - Mr. Hoover explained that Mr. Kagan would like to have more meetings for discussion purposes of the bond fund spending. As there was no longer quorum, action could not be taken on this topic. This item will be placed on the next meeting agenda. 9.3 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Dr. Reddy Health/Science Building – this event is scheduled for Friday, August 28th at 10:00 AM in Building 22. Invitations will be sent to the CBOC members via the Public Information Office. 10.0 NEXT CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16, 2015. 11.0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM. 12.0 Tour - Following the meeting, Mr. Garcia invited the members to tour the Dr. Prem Reddy Health/Science Building. June 17, 2015 CBOC Meeting Minutes Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Page 3 of 4 Documents referenced in these minutes are available on the Victor Valley College web site,, Bond Measure JJ - Bond Oversight Committee. June 17, 2015 CBOC Meeting Minutes Measure JJ Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Page 4 of 4