Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Role of Customer Focused Information Technology in Building Customer Satisfaction in Housing Finance Institutions Santhosh P. Thampi* and Krishnakumary M.R ** Information Technology (IT) and Technology based services are getting wider acceptance in the society today. Information Technology plays an important role in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices of Organisations. The objective of this paper is to explain the effects of Customer Focused Information Technology on Customer Satisfaction of select Housing Finance providers in Kerala, which is a federal state in India.. Customers of selected Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Institutions were included in the study. A detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the customer focused IT services such as user friendly website and IT enabled communication services on building customer satisfaction are included in this paper. A structured questionnaire was administered among 90 customers of the selected Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Institutions from three districts (Trivandrum, Ernakulum and Kozhikode) of Kerala. A five point scale was used in the questionnaire. Judgment sampling method was used to identify the respondents. Data collected were analysed using statistical tools with the help of SPSS software. From the findings of the study, it can be inferred that Customer Focused Information Technology plays an important role in Building Customer Satisfaction. The findings of the study will help the Housing Finance Institutions to understand the customer opinions about their websites and IT enabled communication services. This in turn will give them insights to formulate new strategies to enhance the level of Customer Satisfaction through improved IT enabled communication services. Field of Research: Marketing – E- Marketing Key words: Information Technology (IT), Customer Satisfaction, Housing Finance Institutions 1. Introduction Information Technology (IT) and IT enabled communication services are vital parts of financial service organisations. Technology is an enabler in managing the pace and quantum of change. It is considered to an effective tool in managing relationship with customers in Housing Finance Industry. The promise of one to one relationships, customer value analysis and mass customisation are now brought to reality by unprecedented advances in IT, transforming the traditional approach to Customer Relationship Management and to an integrated web enabled approach, featured by tools like customer information systems, automation of customer support processes and call centres (Ghodeswar, 2001). * Dr. Santhosh P.Thampi, Associate Professor, School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. Email: ** Krishnakumary.M.R, Research Scholar, School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. Email: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 In the Housing Finance market of Kerala, the key players are Commercial Banks (CB) and Housing Finance Companies (HFC). These players can together be called as Housing Finance Institutions (HFI). These Housing Finance Institutions compete with each other to increase their market share through grabbing maximum number of customers. IT helps the organisations to achieve competitive advantage over other organisations and there by attracts large number of customers. IT enabled communication services are less costly than any other means of communication and is suitable for making lasting relationship with customers. This kind of communications will lead to increased customer retention, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customer satisfaction has long been recognized as a central concept and a critical goal of all business activities. It is often defined as a judgment based on one or a series of customer service interactions. Managing customer interactions through IT and IT based communication services is an emerging trend in the current business scenario. User friendly websites and IT enabled communication services such as E-mails, SMSs, Instant Messaging System and system generated service calls are making Housing Finance Institutions more customer friendly and making the customer more convenient in doing business with the Housing Finance Institutions. 2. Literature Review In current days Information Technology and communication services are used as the tool for organizational communication, knowledge management and strategies (Laudon & Laudon, 2002). Likewise technology is an important tool of an organization to attain success in Customer Relationship Management application (Makie, 2001). IT has long been recognised as a radical tool for redesigning business process to remarkably improve organisational performance (Davenport & Short, 1990). The Technology allows the Financial Service Institutions to achieve greater communication and better service at lower cost (Sin et al., 2005). IT helps the Financial Institution to gain greater insights into customer needs, behavior and expectations by developing and maintaining interactive one to one relationship with customers. Technology plays an important role in Customer Relationship Management in adding to firm intelligence (Boyle, 2004). The advances in IT equip enterprises with the capability to collect, store, analyse and share customer information in ways that greatly enhance their ability to respond to the needs of individual customers and thus to attract and retain customers (Butler, 2000). The one to one relationship with customer becomes possible through an integrated web-enabled approach featured by tools like customer information system and automation of customer support processes (Ghodeswar, 2001). Many customer centric activities are possible through appropriate use of IT. IT facilitates changes to work practices and establishes innovative methods for linking the organisation with its customers. In the financial service sector, the use of technology to implement CRM and enhance customer relationship is not a new thing. Customer relationship Management Technology is an important strategic tool of an organisation to attain success in CRM applications (McKie, 2001). It helps an organisation to provide more tailored offerings to its customers. The concept of CRM when seen in the context of e-business or transactions over an electronic medium, it translates into e-CRM which essentially deals with managing customer interactions over the web (Mittal, 2001). After the adoption of Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 internet and availability of electronic channels of communication, it is becoming possible to capture customer related information intelligently at the interaction stage itself. Adopting e-CRM, it is generally less costly for any service firm to maintain and develop an existing client relationship (Berry, 1983). From the website, the customer will get the better information than from the staff of the Housing Finance Institutions. Internet as a service delivery channel shifts the control of transactions from Financial Service Institution’s staff to the customers (Mittal, 2001). The new technologies have enabled the Financial service Institutions to clearly identify and distinguish every customer and to serve accordingly. Satisfaction with the delivered services has been suggested and empirically documented as affecting the customer decision to continue a relationship (Ndubisi, 2003, Anderson, 1984; Fornell, 1992; Hirchman, 1970). The confirmation/disconfirmation theory of Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Oliver, 1980, explains that satisfaction is achieved when expectations are fulfilled. Customer focused Information Technology dimension applies IT to collecting customer data and delivering personalised services to maximise the value of each customer (JaShen Chen, 2009). According to Hirchman (1970) and Richins (1983) when customers are satisfied, the likelihood of exit from the relationship and negative word of mouth will reduce greatly. In other words customer satisfaction has a direct effect on customer continuity. 3. Research Methodology 3.1. Objectives of the Study Information Technology based customer relationship practices is an emerging trend in the Housing Financial Institution’s (HFI) Business. The Housing Finance providers in Kerala are also making use of IT as a tool for building and maintaining better relationship with customers. The Websites of HFIs play an important role in building and maintaining customer relationships. In the case of Housing Finance providers especially Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Companies, their websites have an important function of dealing with customer queries. They have given information relating to Housing Finance in website so that the customers can understand the details relating to Housing loan from the website itself. In the case of existing customers, personalized Emails, Short Message Services (SMS) and other Group information systems are important IT based services given by the Housing Finance providers. This study is conducted to know the role of Customer focused Information Technology on improving customer satisfaction of select Housing Finance providers in Kerala. 3.2. Variables Identified for the Study To conduct this study, mainly two variables were taken in to consideration. They are user friendly websites and other IT based services. Based on the review of literature, several sub-variables were identified and they are given below: Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Table 1: Variables considered for the study User friendly Website IT based services Simplicity of design E-Mails Easy understanding of the contents Short Message Services Navigation efficiency (SMS) Reliability of information Instant Messages Level of accuracy of information Completeness of information Security of information Frequency of content updates 3.3. Hypotheses On the basis of objectives of the study, five hypotheses were formulated. Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference between select Housing Finance Providers with respect to customer satisfaction on website. Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference between select Housing Finance Providers with respect to customer satisfaction on IT enabled communication services. 3.4. Data collection For the Study, four Banks were selected from among the Commercial Banks (One each from SBI and associate Banks, Scheduled Banks, Regional Rural Banks and from Private Banks) and two Housing Finance Companies were selected based on the number of customers availed housing loan. The Banks selected were State Bank of Travancore (SBT), Union Bank, Federal Bank and Kerala Gramin Bank. The Housing Finance Companies selected were HDFC Home Finance Limited and LIC Housing Finance Limited. The data for the study were collected through a structured questionnaire from 90 customers of these selected Banks and Housing Finance Companies from three districts (Trivandrum, Ernakulum and Kozhikode) of Kerala, which is a federal state of India. The questionnaire was prepared by taking into consideration, the variables identified for the study. A five point scale: (i) strongly agree, (ii) agree, (iii) uncertain, (iv) disagree, and (v) strongly disagree was used to collect customer data regarding the customer perception. Judgmental sampling was used to identify respondents. Data collected were analysed using statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation and ANOVA. Before making the actual collection of data using the questionnaire, it was tested by collecting data from 18 customers of the above mentioned Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Companies. The reliability of the questionnaire was checked using Cronbach’s coefficient of alpha and the alpha values were above 0.720. It showed that the questionnaire is a reliable one. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Diagram 1: Relation between Customer Focused Information Technology and Customer Satisfaction of Select Housing Finance Providers in Kerala CFOC User friendly website Simplicity of design Easy understanding of contents Navigation efficiency Reliability of information Accuracy of information Completeness of information Security of transaction Frequency of content updates Customer Satisfaction IT enabled Communication Services Emails SMSs Instant Messages 4. Analysis and Findings The analysis of the collected data was done using SPSS software. The following table shows the satisfaction score summary of selected Banks/HFCs with respect to their IT satisfaction level. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 Table 2: Satisfaction Score Summary of Different Bank/Hfcs With Respect to Website and IT Enabled Communication Services Report Satisfaction with the Satisfaction with IT enabled content of the communication services Bank’s/HFC's website provided by the Bank/HFC 3.87 4.13 15 15 .640 .516 Sum 58 62 Mean 3.73 3.73 15 15 .594 .704 Sum 56 56 Mean 3.87 3.87 15 15 .516 .516 Sum 58 58 Mean 3.73 3.20 15 15 .258 1.033 Sum 56 48 Mean 3.87 3.93 15 15 .915 .458 Sum 58 59 Mean 4.07 4.07 15 15 .704 .458 Sum 61 61 Mean 3.89 3.97 90 90 Std. Deviation .626 .644 Sum 350 357 The institution from which the loan is availed by the respondent SBT Mean N Std. Deviation Union bank N Std. Deviation Federal Bank N Std. Deviation Kerala Gramin Bank N Std. Deviation HDFC HFL N Std. Deviation LIC HFL N Std. Deviation Total N It is evident from the table that, mean score is highest for SBT with 4.13 and the lowest score is for Kerala Gramin Bank. This means that customers are more satisfied with the Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 IT and IT based communication services of SBT than any other Financial Institutions. In the case of design of the website, easy understanding of content in the website, navigation efficiency of the website, reliability, accuracy, completeness and security of the information, SBT scored more than other Banks/HFCs. Respondents opined that SBT’s IT enabled communication services like E-mails, SMSs and Group information systems are also efficient than others. In the case of Kerala Gramin Bank, their website is not that customer friendly and their IT enabled communication services are not that much effective. Table 3: Satisfaction on content of the website and IT enabled communication services in respect of different Housing Finance providers in Kerala ANOVA Table Sum of Squares Df Square F Sig. .889 5 .178 .439 .820 .405 .811 .545 Satisfaction with the Between content of the Groups Bank/HFC's website * Within Groups 34.000 84 Total 34.889 89 1.700 5 .340 .419 The institution from which the loan is (Combined) Mean availed by the respondent Satisfaction with the IT Between (Combined) enabled Groups communication Within Groups 35.200 84 Total 36.900 89 services provided by the Bank/HFC * The institution from which the loan is availed by the respondent Table 3 shows the customer satisfaction on content of the website and IT enabled communication services provided in respect of select Housing Finance providers in Kerala. It is observed from the table that, for satisfaction with content of the website, the ‘p’ value is 0.820, which is more than the significant level of 0.05. Hence we accept the null hypothesis. ie, there is no significant difference between select Banks/HFCs with regard to customer satisfaction on content of the website. In the case of satisfaction with respect to IT enabled communication services provided, the ‘p’ value is 0.545, which is also more than the significant level of 0.05. Here also we accept the null hypothesis. ie, there is no significant difference between select Banks/HFCs with regard to customer satisfaction on IT enabled communication services provided. Proceedings of 11th International Business and Social Science Research Conference 8 - 9 January, 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE. ISBN: 978-1-922069-70-2 5. Managerial implications The study revealed that Customer Focused Information Technology factors such as user friendly website and IT enabled communication services of Housing Finance Institutions have a greater impact on building Customer Satisfaction. Findings of this study will help the Housing Finance Institutions to understand the customer perception about their website and Information technology enabled communication services and to fine tune their strategies to improve the customer acquisition and retention efforts. The Housing Finance Institutions with lesser customer satisfaction level should take necessary measures such as concentrate more on the contents of the website, and should implement effective communication methods and should formulate strategies to achieve competitive advantage over other Housing Finance Institutions. Customer feedback need be taken frequently and planning has to be done on the basis of this. By this way, the Housing Finance Institutions can improve the level of their customer satisfaction and loyalty. 5. Conclusion In the Housing Finance Sector of Kerala, there exists strong competition among different Housing Loan providers, especially between the Commercial Banks and Housing Finance Companies. Different players are trying to adopt new strategies to get maximum number of customers and try to satisfy them to ensure customer retention. From this study it is apparent that, the Information Technology factor is a main contributor to the customer satisfaction. IT and IT enabled communication services help the Financial Institution to serve customers according to their expectations. From the study it is very much clear that among the Commercial banks, SBT is having high customer satisfaction in respect of Information Technology services. Among the Housing Finance Companies, LIC Housing Finance Limited is having the highest satisfaction level in respect of customer focused Information Technology. Even though there is no significant difference among the customer satisfaction levels of different selected CBs/HFCs, in respect of their IT and IT enabled communication services, IT is contributing a lot to the Customer Satisfaction of these Financial Institutions. 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