IBM & HSBC visit Malcolm Atkinson Director & e-Science Envoy UK National e-Science Centre & e-Science Institute 30th March 2006 Overview Background UK-Science, NeSC & eSI History IBM & e-Science in Scotland Example Projects BRIDGES OGSA-DAI NanoCMOS-Grid Future thinking The e-Science Centres Globus Alliance Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute - UK e-Science Institute Digital Curation Centre CeSC (Cambridge) EGEE, ChinaGrid Geographical distribution of courses Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 30 March 2006 History of a good partnership Nick Donofrio supported our bid May 2001 for NeSC and eSI Provided IT infrastructure Secondment part time of Dr Andy Knox From IBM Greenock August 2001 to December 2004 Started OGSA-DAI project with IBM February 2002 IBM Blue Gene Conference held at eSI March 2002 IBM Donation of a P690 for e-Science Edinburgh February 2003 IBM Strategy Group meeting May 2003 Started BRIDGES project joint with IBM September 2003 IBM supported OGSA-DAI – an OMII-UK node & e-Science Institute 5-year BRIDGES CFG Virtual Publically Curated Data Ensembl Organisation OMIM Glasgow SWISS-PROT Private Edinburgh MGI VO Authorisation Private data Oxford Synteny Grid Service HUGO … RGD Leicester DATA HUB OGSA-DAI Private data data Information Integrator Private data Netherlands Private data London Private data + Slide provided by Richard Sinnott: University of Glasgow Project Partners Powered by …. Funded by the Grid Core Programme OGSA-DAI £3 million, 18 months, from Feb 2002 Three major releases, three interim releases DAIT (DAI-Two) Keep the OGSA-DAI brand name £1.5 million, 24 months, from Oct 2003 Four major releases OGSA-DAI – an OMII-UK node Merger with myGrid & OMII £1.8 million, 3 years from Nov. 2005 GGF DAIS WG Strong involvement. Standardise the interfaces OGSA-DAI to be a reference implementation UK e-Science Presentations China 3rd December 2005 The OGSA-DAI Team EPCC Team, Edinburgh NeSC, Edinburgh Prof Kai Nan Computer Network Information Centre Chinese Academy of Sciences NEReSC, Newcastle Dr Yongwei Wu Department of Computing Science Tsinghua University ESNW, Manchester IBM Development Team, Hursley IBM Dissemination Team © Working with the IBM academy The future of e-Science Advanced models of sustainable, flexible and multi-purpose e-Infrastructures Integrating data and knowledge Dynamic and pervasive systems Persistent functions on evolving technologies Like the global telecommunications systems