VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE SYLLABI SUBMISSION PROCESS INSTRUCTIONS FOR UPLOADING SYLLABI Before getting started save syllabi’s in a Word or PDF format, then make sure your files are named in the following naming convention: Only use Courses/Number-Year/Term-SYLLABUS-Section Number Ex: ALDH139-2015SP-SYLLABUS-22222 Internet Explorer as your browser, then go to the VVC Website 1) Click on Institutional Excellence from the Quick Links listed on the VVC homepage. 2) 3) 2) Click on “Course Syllabi Submissions” from the Navigation Options 1 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE SYLLABI SUBMISSION PROCESS 5) Once you clicked your upload location, you will be directed to the SharePoint Login 3) Ensure that your files are properly named according to the format samples Ex: ALDH139-2015SP-SYLLABUS-22222 a. “HSPS” has been selected to us as an example – Now use your VVC email login and password 4) Once your file is named and ready to upload, select the appropriate division to upload your syllabus 5 a) 3 5a 4 2 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE SYLLABI SUBMISSION PROCESS 6) You are now logged into SharePoint - this is where you will upload your syllabus for your division and semester chosen. At this point you can click “Browse” to locate your document on your computer 7) Select your document to upload and click “Open” 1. a. You can also select “Upload Multiple Files” to upload at one time (See blue link in the above screen shot that is only available using Internet Explorer) 3 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE SYLLABI SUBMISSION PROCESS 8) The “Name” field will now be populated with your file information. Now click “Ok” or click “Browse” if you made the wrong document selection 9)Once you see, “The document has been uploaded successfully”, you have sucessfuly uploaded your syllabus. Click “Save” or you can close the portal by clicking the “back arrow” in the top left corner of the internet window. (Department Chairs, Dean Offices and the Office of Instruction will have access to the folders in SharePoint Syllabi Submissions - All Documents) If you encounter any technical difficulties, email to submit in a work order on your behalf or contact your dean’s office. This webpage and portal is managed by the Office of instruction under SLOAC Committee. Revised 02/23/2015 4