Victor Valley College Annual Update Instructional Each year the programs will submit an Annual Update report that reflects on changes within the Program. The Annual Update should include analysis of Student Enrollment data Student Enrollment Data for future planning and resource allocation. It will also include a Signature Page, Needs Assessment (as outlined in Section 3 of the P.R.A.I.S.E. report) and a Budget Development Worksheet. The Annual Update, Needs Assessment and Budget Development Worksheet will be used for budget and resource allocation. Instructions: Do not change the content or layout of the template. Fill in your text in the field boxes. They will expand as you type, and you can edit in them. You may also insert tables/graphs by pasting directly into the document (but not into a text field). Name your file the following way: Program title (see column A on Program List)_Annual_Update_submission year. o For example: BIOL_Annual_Update_2014 Please submit your file as a Word file Use underscores instead of spaces in the name. Delete these instructions when you have completed your report. Program: Enter program name here Program Review Team (PRT) Members (Note: hand signatures page required; your division dean’s office can help scan and create a file of the document after signing): Handbook definition of PRT: The PRT will be comprised of the following members: Department chair, director, facilitator and/or discipline expert One or more area/subject experts Other faculty and staff as deemed necessary All faculty and staff within a program are encouraged to participate in the program review process. List your Program Review Team Members: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. 1 Submission Year: 20xx (this is the year the report is due) Budget Development Year: 20xx-20xx The mission of Victor Valley College is to cultivate intellectual growth, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, cultural enrichment, and economic development. create exceptional and accessible lifelong learning opportunities that afford students within our expanding communities the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for success in the global economy. embrace difference in our communities by integrating their wealth of multicultural knowledge and wisdom into a cohesive and resourceful learning environment for all. inspire innovative teaching and service with imaginative uses of collaboration and technology, fostering vibrant programs that are measurably effective in addressing student learning and community needs. empower each student to learn by modeling academic integrity, democratic citizenship, and meaningful contribution to society. The goals of Victor Valley Community College are as follows: Fiscal Stability. The College’s financial resources will remain sufficient to support quality programs and services, and the ongoing improvement of all college operations. Student Success. The College’s courses, programs, and support services advance student success. Accreditation Recommendations. All recommendations from the ACCJC will be fully addressed to reaffirm and maintain the College’s accreditation status. Image. The College’s reputation among High Desert residents will be that of a quality institution of higher education. The Vision of Victor Valley College: Victor Valley Community College uplifts the diverse communities we teach and serve by promoting educational excellence, enhancing local prosperity, and ensuring environmental leadership. 2 The Institutional Learning Outcomes for Victor Valley College are as follows: Communication: Read and write analytically including evaluation, synthesis, and research; deliver focused and coherent Student Enrollment dataentations. Computation: Apply complex problem-solving skills using technology, computer proficiency, decision analysis (synthesis and evaluation), applications of mathematical concepts and reasoning, and the analysis and use of numerical data. Creative, Critical and Analytical Thinking: Apply procedures for sound reasoning in the exercise of judgment and decision making; demonstrate intellectual curiosity and a respect for learning; solve problems through analysis, synthesis, evaluation and creativity; identify, evaluate and appropriate use of multiple sources of information. Social and Personal Responsibility: Evaluate the relationship between natural, social and economic systems and the significance of sustainability; demonstrate responsible attitudes toward cultural diversity, citizenship, personal contribution to local and international communities, and the effect of human actions on the environment. Information Competency: Students demonstrate information competency and critical thinking skills through their ability to effectively locate, retrieve, evaluate and utilize use library and information resources within the guidelines of academic standards to meet collegiate and personal information needs. 3 Using the most recent P.R.A.I.S.E. report(s) and current Program Review Elements (obtained from the Office of Institutional Research), answer the following questions. Each numbered section corresponds to the same section in the Program Review Handbook. I. Program Review Framework (see section I. of the PR Handbook) II. The Components of Instructional Program Review (see section II. of PR Handbook) A. Section 1: The Program Overview Program Mission: Click here to enter text. When was the last time the program’s faculty have met to discuss the program’s mission? Click here to enter text. Has the program’s mission been updated since the last Program Review cycle? Yes No If yes, explain. Click here to enter text. Briefly describe any changes in the program’s characteristics, goals, , and outcomes. Click here to enter text. B. Section 2: P.R.A.I.S.E. Report Faculty and Staff Has the staffing structure changed in the past year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, describe the changes and impact it has made on the program. Click here to enter text. Does the program anticipate a change in staffing for the next year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, describe the changes and impact it will make on the program. Click here to enter text. 4 Curriculum and Instruction Have any changes been made to curriculum or course offerings in the past year? Yes No, , refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, explain. Click here to enter text. Does the Program anticipate a change in curriculum and instruction for the next year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, describe the changes and impact it will make on the program. Click here to enter text. Student Success- Program Effectiveness Has course assessment data been regularly submitted for upload into TracDat over the past year? Yes No If yes, explain the progress that has been made in regards to assessment data. Click here to enter text. If no, explain why and when data is expected to be uploaded. Click here to enter text. Is the program on track with its 6-year assessment plan? Yes No If no, explain why. Click here to enter text. NOTE: the information regarding student enrollment data and assessment below will be used to populate the public assessment report for the College. DO NOT include personal information such as employee names, student names/IDs, Faculty IDs, phone numbers, SSNs, etc. Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes Identify the courses that were assessed on the course level (SLO) within the past year (spring through fall). Click here to enter text. 5 Discuss the types of assessment tools that were utilized in the assessments for the various courses (i.e. quizzes, projects, portfolios, assignments). How do these types of assessment tools provide meaningful data/feedback to the instructors? Click here to enter text. Discuss the results of the data collected from course level SLOs for courses assessed. In which courses did the data indicate areas for improvement for the SLOs assessed? In which courses did the data indicate that students have been successful in the SLOs assessed? Click here to enter text. Give examples of courses in which the instructor(s) made a change for improvement based on the results of an assessment. What type of change was made? How and when will the change be implemented? Click here to enter text. Give examples of courses in which loops of assessment have already been closed. Did the outcome of the change implemented in the classroom improve student learning? Click here to enter text. Describe how analysis of assessment results led to identification of new/continuing/increased allocation of resources for the course. Click here to enter text. Enter any information that the above questions do not address. Click here to enter text. Program-Level Program Learning Outcomes List the PLOs for the program: Click here to enter text. Describe how the SLOs for courses offered within the program align with the PLOs identified. Is this alignment evident through mapping of the SLOs to the PLOs? Click here to enter text. Describe the unique (authentic) PLO assessment(s) that the program implemented in the past year. What type of tool was used and how will the results provide the program with meaningful information about student success? Click here to enter text. If no unique (authentic) PLO assessment(s) were implemented in the past year, describe the assessments that are planned, or may have been implemented, in the current semester. Click here to enter text. 6 How has the result of SLO mapping to PLOs and unique (authentic) PLO assessment led to changes within the program to increase student success? Click here to enter text. How have the results of unique (authentic) PLO assessment led to identification of resources needed within the program? Click here to enter text. Discuss how the program engages in discussion of SLO and PLO data for program improvement. Is there a dedicated meeting and discussion time identified for the discussion (such as in department meetings, etc.)? Click here to enter text. Enter any information that the above questions do not address. Click here to enter text. Describe the trends in student retention, success, FTES, etc (see Student Enrollment data) within the program in the past year. Click here to enter text. Facilities, Technical Infrastructure, and Resources Have there been any significant changes in facilities, technology, and/or resources in the program over the past year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, explain. Click here to enter text. Does the Program anticipate a change in facilities, technology, and/or resources for the next year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, describe the changes and impact it will make on the program. Click here to enter text. Service, Community Outreach, and/or Economic Development (optional) Have there been any significant changes in service, community outreach, and/or economic development in the program over the past year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, explain. Click here to enter text. Does the Program anticipate a change in service, community outreach, and/or economic 7 development for the next year? Yes No, refer to the previous PRAISE and Annual Update(s) If yes, describe the changes and impact it will make on the program. Click here to enter text. C. Section 3: Needs Assessment How has the augmentation the program received last year, or the lack of augmentation, affected the program? Click here to enter text. In the following table list (1) the needed augmentation , (2) the current status in relation to the needed augmentation, (3) the page number of the report that the justification(s) (assessment and PRE data) for the needed augmentation can be found. The table will expand as content is entered. Below are, but not limited to, areas that should be considered for augmentation: o Human Resources o Instructional/Service o Research o Technical, Equipment and Other Resource o Facilities o Marketing and Outreach o Other Augmentation Current Status Page # of Annual Update for justification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Checklist for Attachments: Program Review Team Member Signature Page (your division dean’s office can help scan and create a file of the document after signing) 8 ☐ Budget Development Worksheet ☐ Student Enrollment Data (from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research 9