JULY 5, 2011
7:00 A.M. CST
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of the proceedings.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Am I still connected okay?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes. Yes, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, I'm just checking also at the same time
checking the captioning, thank you, Cindy.
(Thank you!).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra, did you get a chance to talk to Shadi.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea one second, I'm connecting to
GoToMeeting one second, please.
>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. Take your time.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, who is that?
>> MARTIN GOULD: Hello, this is Martin.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, good. We've been wondering where you've
been, Martin how are you.
>> MARTIN GOULD: I'm very good. How are you. Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm better than I was and we've got ten minutes
to wait. You're good that you're early. You weren't on the last
meeting. What I'm going to ask you is we need to have an abdomen
tract of your subject.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Right. I sent that in a short while ago and
Alexandra confirmed received.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I haven't seen it. Actually Alexandra has been
handling quite a lot because I don't know if you know that I've been
going under some surgery and stuff so ->> MARTIN GOULD: Oh, no, I didn't know.
>> ANDREA SAKS: But I'm fine.
>> MARTIN GOULD: You're better.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, yeah, much better. Don't worry.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Excellent.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't have a copy of that. So we'll just make
a note when Alexandra gets back she's working on the GoToMeeting thing
at the moment.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Yes, I understand why. I've got two computers
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah, me, too.
>> MARTIN GOULD: But they are both working.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, mine are, too. I'm just trying to sort out
what I've got here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Who is that.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Hi it's Cynthia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Cynthia.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: How are you? 2.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Much better, thank you. Now have you checked
your e-mail because we have an updated agenda.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes, I notice names are attached.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: oh with an annex. Yeah, got it.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Good morning, Cynthia, this is Martin, how are
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Hi, Martin. Tired.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: It's dark here. But we had a lot of
fireworks last night.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's right. It was the Fourth of July. You
had a good time.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Wonderful. Where are you, Cynthia.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: San Francisco.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Oh my gosh. It is early.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi who just got on.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Hi this is Arun from New Delhi.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi Arun it's Andrea we still have seven minutes
-- a couple minutes to go but we got your presentation abstract you
were a good boy thank you.
>> ARUN MEHTA: I can call back later I was just checking to see
if everything was working on my end.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We're just testing. I mean I'm just letting you
know I'm not starting the meeting until dead on 2.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Yeah, I get that. Okay. See you shortly then.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So Arun will come back. I'm printing out
all of these wonderful presentations -- everybody sort of got their
stuff in in the last couple of days.
>> MARTIN GOULD: We did, didn't we.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah, everybody sort of did it. That's good.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We are ready to go here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Are we ready? But I told Arun that we wouldn't
start until 2:00 o'clock.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, I hear it and we are already here
with the GoToMeeting and agenda in front so everybody can see it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Right.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Hello, everybody, by the way.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Morning Alexandra.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: How are you.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Good. How are you? This is Martin.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Is Arnoud on?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Shoot . . .
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm just printing out peoples presentations.
Ones that just came in a while ago.
So it isn't up yet Alexandra, right.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No, I'm on. The GoToMeeting is on air.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't seem to have it. I mean I have it up
but it's not giving me the normal window yet. Ah, you know why I
always have trouble finding your stuff, Martin.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Why is that.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Your e-mail does not have your name. It just
says Martin 579. I don't relate to that I'm going to have to set
up a situation where I put in my book where your name comes up. That's
why I missed it.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Thank you, Andrea. I have a tendency to hide
under a rock.
>> ANDREA SAKS: File under rock.
>> MARTIN GOULD: No, I have a tendency to hide under a rock.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, you have definitely that. I'm printing it
out now I've got it. All right. Well, we have three minutes and
we'll do a roll call.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Do you want a wait a few more minutes like
a couple of minutes more.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I think we'll wait until we do dead on 2:00
o'clock because I just told Arun that.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes -- sorry; what.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arun was on for two minutes and he said he would
come back.
>> ANDREA SAKS: So I told him 2. But we could start just
everybody saying on the phone who they are. Cynthia you're on the
phone, correct? No, we have lost Cynthia. I don't hear Cynthia.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: She's on the captioning chat box and on
the GoToMeeting chat box, as well.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes. Okay. She's there. She'll be seeing
that. But I don't hear her voice. We have lost phone contact.
GoToMeeting I still don't have up. Log in. Oh, I have to do
something else. Oh . . .
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: You haven't lost me yet. I'm still here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, great. I just needed acknowledgement.
I do not have the proper thing on GoToMeeting. I have e-mail
address and password. That's not the right thing, is it?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: You need to go, Andrea, into the ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: That's correct.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Wait a minute, Cynthia, let me talk to Alexandra.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, please look at the -(Beep) --
>> ANDREA SAKS: I followed the instructions. I will close and
do it again.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I follow your instructions, madam.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Arnoud has arrived.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arnoud is on there?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, great.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Arun Mehta is back on.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Everybody is back on. Let me just get
the GoToMeeting on. I was having a little trouble with that.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Has anybody heard from Gerry Ellis?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: No, he's on vacation.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, well you heard. I didn't know he was on
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes, he sent an -- I reviewed all of the
e-mail for prep and he said he was sorry he wouldn't be able to be
at this meeting because he goes on his family vacation this week.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. What's the password IGF 2011, right.
>> ANDREA SAKS: IGF 2011. Let's see if I'm better at this than
anybody else is . . . okay. Here we go. Ah, here we go. And there
I am. All right. We're all up. Okay. It's 2:00 o'clock. Okay.
Would everybody on the phone just announce who you are the best you
can. Cynthia you start.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Hi it's Cynthia Waddell.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Good morning, this is Martin Gould signing in.
>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. Arun, are you there.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Okay Alexandra Gaspari Secretariat here.
Hello, everybody.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And we have Arnoud.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, Arnoud is here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And Andrea is here. That's it?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: And Arun is also there? But ->> ARUN MEHTA: Yes, I'm sorry I had my mic on mute. Arun.
>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. So we're going to start with what
that is.
First of all, would anybody like to quickly look at the new
agenda which was just sent out because Alexandra very kindly went
over this with me this morning. And we redid it a little bit. And
is the agenda approved or would somebody like to add to that? Okay.
We'll take it as approved. Now we have apologies thanks to Cynthia
because I obviously haven't been able to follow things as closely
as normal we know Gerry is on holiday. Shadi is in a meeting and
may join us later. Nirmita is not able to come to IGF and will not
be able to come -- therefore will not be on the call. I haven't heard
from anybody else that they can't come. I know Hiroshi may join the
call later but obviously he's not on just yet.
Does anybody have any other information on anybody else?
>> MARTIN GOULD: This is Martin and I'll be there.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry?
>> MARTIN GOULD: This is Martin and I will be at IGF.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Good. I was talking about the meeting
today but good I'm glad you're going to be at IGF. Great.
All right. Now, as some of you may have been following I'm
going to move on to No. 2. We had a merge that was communicated to
us in one fashion that we had the three hours and then it was
communicated on the Web that we didn't have three hours that we only
had 90 minutes. We then communicated with Chengetai, Alexandra and
I both did and we got three and a half hours. So we have both our
workshops are back to back on the 20th on the second day. The first
one is 9 to 10:30 and the second one is 11 to 12:30 so we have the
back-to-back workshops.
We do not at present have an allocation for the DCAD meeting.
And we may not have a DCAD meeting in time for the main session which
we (off microphone) which is happening on Day 3 from 11 to 12:30 our
two workshops 136 and 137 are feeding into the main session. You
all must attend this because we're going to be working on something
called the mission statement so we'll get into that a little bit
later. Are there any questions on how we're set up at the moment.
>> PETER MAJOR: Hello, everyone this is Peter I have just
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hello, Peter.
>> PETER MAJOR: How are you? I'm good.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter, did you hear all of that.
>> PETER MAJOR: I just came in and I heard about the first day
that we have some problems.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes we have three and a half hours back to back.
9 to 12:30 then a half hour break from 10:30 to 11 but we have three
and a half hours we could run straight through just depending on how
we choose to do it. But we are back to back. So that's 2.1. We
will feed into the main session.
Now, we have something that I would like Alexandra to explain
which is something that's occurred. One of you did mention that
Abdoulaye Dembele from Mali wanted to give a presentation of some
kind. Because of the fact we're meeting in Africa and it's important
that we do meet -- we do have African representation I don't think
we can say no to this and he said to me personally it was going to
be like five minutes probably ten-minute presentation and Alexandra
has included in the French addition of that. And also another
person, Christophe Oule from Burkina Faso, Christophe Oule interest
Burkina in Mali, also, and this deals with a project I'm going to
turn it over to Alexandra to explain the details and translate
Abdoulaye's presentation.
Go, Alexandra.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, thanks, Andrea.
So the two proposals we received as Andrea was saying one comes
from Mali from Abdoulaye Dembele he's the Mali representative and
he participated in the last IGF meeting. Vilnius and Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm and here he would like to present something that (off
microphone) that is accessible for Persons with Disabilities.
His presentation -- we would do this presentation in French
but the text will be translated. I will take care of this. And so
we will have it in English for the workshop.
This is one.
The second proposal that I came across just last week, I had
a meeting -- we had a meeting with the Burkina regulator and he
proposed to send an expert that I came to know along with Andrea in
'09 in (off microphone). It's Mr. Christophe Oule who is a blind
person. He's a professor. An administrator. And he runs -- he's
a Director of a centre in the capital of Burkina for blind persons
and for persons with visual impairments. And so Mr. Oule would also
present a project about how the UN Convention implemented how ICTs
are helping Persons with Disabilities to be connected, viola. So
these are the two proposals that we would like to commit today for
approval to the document.
For the content of the presentation, they would fit to the
workshop implementing good practices.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So the workshop that Shadi is the
coordinator. So I would like to have comments or would like to ask
comments, if any, about these two proposals. Thanks, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Alexandra. Again, because I would
just like to make a comment. Because we are going to be in Africa,
we're going to be in Kenya, I think it's very important that we have
representation from Africa.
And I did have the pleasure of meeting Christophe and of course
I know Abdoulaye quite well so these are projects which I think will
be very useful.
Now, because Nirmita is not going to present, that does free
up a little bit of time we haven't had the ability yet to communicate
with Shadi about this but in a sense we have a total of three and
a half hours including the break we would have the time to be able
to do that.
So if nobody has any objection I think it would be really a
feather in DCAD's cap to show what work is actually happening with
accessibility to the Internet in Kenya. So that's my comments. How
does everybody else feel. I would like comments from the rest of
the group because we are a democratic group and there were two other
people that joined could you identify yourself, please.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Hi, Andrea it's Fernando here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Fernando.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: I apologize being late.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You won't get a smacked hand. Don't worry. And
who else popped in? Or maybe it was my imagination but I thought
I heard two. Okay.
>> MARTIN GOULD: This is Martin. Is the proposal to have both
speakers from Africa join the group that Shadi is moderating.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Well that's what we felt because it's best
practices and in their projects it's totally open I think we could
divide them put one in one and one in the other. We could do them
during the break. And add an augment. I mean, it really -- I want
feedback. Who was that speaking?
>> MARTIN GOULD: I'm sorry; this is Martin. The proposal is to
add them to the group that Shadi is moderating makes a whole lot of
sense and given that there's a little extra time that has been awarded
to DCAD it should be fairly doable.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Martin. Any other comments?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: This is Cynthia I think it is fine I'm excited
that they both want to present. I've read with interest Abdoulaye's
e-mail when he said he wanted to do this. And he was pleading. He
said I can do it in five minutes. So he's been there at IGF before.
So let's go with it. And I think it's fine. I'm sure it's fine to
be on the good practices panel. Both Shadi and I as moderators we're
really not going to say that much although I may say something
depending on the timing of things. I think it's fine.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Can moderators -- moderators can make comments.
I sure the hell do. So I don't see why you can't make comments and
moderators are also important for tying things together and doing
a summary.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I -- what I meant by that, I'm sorry. I meant
I wasn't going to do a full-blown presentation.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Well how you structure and you're going to be
on next, kid so this is how ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay we'll talk about it there. I think
these two are great and I think yes let's add them to Shadi's workshop.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Fine. I have a question then. Do we have
consensus of the people attending that -- for the proposition that
these two gentlemen join and hopefully Shadi will be fine with it
I don't see any reason why he wouldn't be.
>> PETER MAJOR: Andrea it's Peter. I have no problems to these
two gentlemen joining. However I have one problem just reading the
abstract from this Abdoulaye Dembele. Making the statement about
children will have problems using the Internet or discussing more
Well I have my doubts but probably if we want to have some
kind of controversial presentation then it's fine with me.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: That was on the -- that is under here. The
text that I added, it was only an abstract. So Abdoulaye will develop
the presentation how -- based also on his experience. And then I
also have to add Arnoud commented it's good to have local people
involved with DCAD. So yes let's try to include them. Abdoulaye
and Christophe. So Arnoud would also favor, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you very much, Alexandra, for monitoring
Arnoud. Arnoud you're on my baby computer and I honestly can't read
you very well so I'm going to rely on Alexandra to do that because
I can't increase the font on the chat.
Okay. So basically I'm getting the gist that everybody seems
to be fine with the addition of these two people from Africa to the
DCAD meeting. Am I correct?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I think what we're going to do now we've
spent a lot of time working with Shadi last time so this time we've
put Cynthia first because Cynthia you have the opportunity you have
Peter and Arun Jorge isn't on yet but you have Arnoud. So you can
use this time as an opportunity to kind of decide how you're going
to structure what you're going to do.
Gerry Ellis I believe is going to be doing Cloud Computing.
Is that correct?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: That is the last communication we had from
him. I sent him -- and so yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And we have Arun's abstract and we have Jorge's
abstract and now we have Arnoud's abstract.
So you have a -- and Peter is there.
So basically -- and Arun is there.
So you have the core group. Because Peter, you said they kind
of wanted a panel.
>> PETER MAJOR: Well, at the time ->> ANDREA SAKS: Wait a minute. I'm going to turn the meeting
over to Cynthia. And Cynthia, you go. And you and Peter -- we'll
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. So I want to thank Alexandra for
getting our abstract up of the workshop on the IGF site. And if
everyone read it, we're going to be -- it looks -- one of the concerns
I have was Jorge, which I was going to cover a similar topic that
Nirmita was. But since Nirmita isn't going to be there, I'm not as
worried about that.
Unfortunately -- I'm sorry Jorge is not online. But anyway
->> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Cynthia, Jorge is on the chat.
>> JORGE PLANO: Yes, I am here.
>> JORGE PLANO: I am here I've been here a few minutes only I
was silent.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Great, hello, Jorge. Okay.
So I'll go down the list.
So I'm going to open the -- and I will moderate as Andrea had
mentioned. The top -- as I said I'm not going to do a full-blown
topic and I may come at the end. I'm going to say if I'm going to
do a presentation, it will be at the very end. And it will address
the 21st Century Communications Accessibility Act because of it's
landmark accessibility provisions for the Internet.
But Gerry Ellis said he was going to talk about Cloud
Computing. And so we'll follow up with him on that.
And then now Peter, thank you. I would like to know a bit
more about what you indicate you were going to cover.
>> PETER MAJOR: Well I indicated that I wanted to deal with the
subject from the point of the international -- the activities of the
international organisations, what they are doing or what activities
they have, what impact they have on the accessibility for disabled
topics. And I was just giving some kind of detail of what's going
on and I would like to raise some kind of awareness that these
activities aren't very well coordinated. So we need some more
coordination on this issue.
And I have come to the activities of the ITU which is naturally
the most advanced and also WHO and eventually the European Union and
(off microphone) and problem the list is exhaustive but probably I
won't have time to do all of them but I'm trying to have a real kind
of run-through of what's going on within these organisations.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. So your e-mail said that you would
speak about the roles and activities of the UN specialised agencies
which you listed regarding the implementation of the Convention and
I was going to -- WIPO, are you going to be giving an update on the
visually impaired treaty.
>> PETER MAJOR: I hope so. As far as I know ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I followed that and have a bunch of
information on it so I can give it to you.
>> PETER MAJOR: I would be extremely grateful I have some
information but if you have some direct information it would be much
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. I'm also an observer for WIPO so I
have that. That's why I'm following it. Also so I'm going to go
down the list. I have questions for you.
Regarding who, I'm assuming you know the World Health
Organization, the World Bank have just released the world report on
>> PETER MAJOR: Uh-huh, yeah.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. I just will make a comment. All of
the papers that I wrote for ITU that were to be for ITU were actually
cited in the enabling chapter.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So I was really excited to see that all of
the work that we put in is now being -- is also cited in the paper
so other people will know that there's resources out there. And it's
only just me. All of these other researchers and people that they
put in that world report. So I was really excited to see that.
>> PETER MAJOR: What I suggest you do is eventually I write up
something, I send it to you. And if you think that something should
be added to that or modified or complemented I would be glad to take
your advice and follow it.
>> PETER MAJOR: If you have additional information which I don't
have. Okay?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Right. And also for UNESCO, why -- there's
some things that I have to pass on to you, too so we can do that offline
but I think this is a great idea to give people perspective of all
of this that's going on at all of the agencies.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Can I ask a question, Cynthia, would you
kindly keep the offline stuff, can you keep Alexandra and I in copy?
>> ANDREA SAKS: So we are aware.
>> PETER MAJOR: I'll forward. No problem.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes. Because we want ->> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: We certainly want to tap into your
information, as well. Your being Alexandra and Andrea. Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I wanted to -- I want to just now direct this
to Arun, Cynthia, because in Mali Arun gave a wild, wonderful
presentation which people could actually get involved in using
pictures and showing how autistic children and children with these
mental challenges would actually utilize a computer. And I loved
it, Arun. I don't know if you're going to think about doing that
again. But I don't know, Cynthia, if you have seen that.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: No, I haven't seen the presentation. Is
that -- Arun, is what you're proposing for the workshop the same
>> ARUN MEHTA: No, actually you know what we're doing is
something quite interesting in its own way this time. You know some
of you might remember that Fernando and I, we talked about the need
for software that will work for people who are both deaf and blind.
And so I was able to give that as an assignment to a student and we've
got this software ready now which allows a person who is deaf and
blind to send and receive SMS using an Android-based SmartPhone.
And so that's something that we will definitely be in a position to
demonstrate. And I hope by then we might have some deaf-blind people
who are using it. And we can also try video. And I really would
-- by the way, since I covered this, I would appreciate if you could
put me in touch with the organisations working with deaf-blind people
because we are looking very hard for people to test out our software.
So that's one thing I was wanting to talk about.
Another, with regards to autism in particular what we find
very exciting is to try and use the arts, things like singing as a
way of encouraging people to communicate and singing really seems
to be very, very attractive to everybody. Not just persons with
autism but this might as a way for opening up a speech for non-verbal
cases. Now there's a huge technology possibility here in terms of
how technology can help in the teaching of singing.
So I wanted to talk -- but I really -- one of the things is
really how much time will one have.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We'll get to that in a minute about the timing.
But what I want you to do is exactly what you're doing now, Arun,
is telling us what you see yourself talking about.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Arun, tell me regarding the Android
SmartPhone, are you going to do a live demo? Or a pretend demo?
>> ARUN MEHTA: no, no. A live one this is just sending and
receiving SMS so they send me an SMS and I can reply to them pretending
to be a deaf-blind person.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Right. The concern I had was whether or not
a SmartPhone and all of the features could be used in the venue we're
at. That's all.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Ah, okay. Well, I can -- I mean -- I can -- this
is not a particular brand of SmartPhone that we're talking about.
It's just as if I had written software running on the Windows
platform. It just happens to be a popular platform. Android is not
a particular brand in terms of phone and such so maybe it's less of
a problem but I'm quite willing to leave that open in terms of showing
that. There are other things that I can show. But they would be
running on Windows or Linux or something.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. May I answer in at this point? Technical
details we will handle closer to the time when Alexandra who is going
to take a note of this that we'll have to find out probably from
Chengetai what the Internet and facilities will be like so you might
want to have a mock as well as a real one.
>> ARUN MEHTA: We'll have a video to show that's what we're
currently making a video of the software running.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we have an idea now Jorge is on the
phone, Cynthia, perhaps you need to have Jorge explain what's
happening with his idea.
Jorge are you there.
>> JORGE PLANO: Hello. Yes. Hello?
>> JORGE PLANO: I have a very bad communication really. My
presentation will be about web accessibility regulations in
different countries, the present situation. Hello?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, carry on.
>> JORGE PLANO: Well, this ->> ANDREA SAKS: Are you there, Jorge?
>> JORGE PLANO: Yes, well, this is the central part of -- this
is the central idea of the presentation. Yeah? Okay?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia, ask the questions you want.
>> JORGE PLANO: This is ->> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia, are you there? I think we've lost
Cynthia again. Cynthia has entered the chat, Cynthia, where are you?
We have lost voice communication with Cynthia.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: She's entering the chat again Andrea on
the captioning.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah, I saw that.
Cynthia, can you acknowledge that you are watching what we're
saying? Can you call back in? Can you tell us what the problem is,
please? She's left us. She . . . I was disconnected. Okay.
Cynthia said she was disconnected.
Are you calling back in? I presume yes.
>> JORGE PLANO: Well I'm relieved it wasn't what I said.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We'll give Cynthia a minute while she calls back
in and let me just turn this -- Jorge, we probably want to have a
little more information, Cynthia will probably want to talk to you
in a minute on what you intend to do because Cynthia is the moderator
of your particular workshop. And as soon as she gets back in we'll
let her take over that again.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I know we have Arnoud on as well and I'm just
going to bring up his presentation and he's doing something which
is important because relay services using -- has everybody looked
at Arnoud's presentation?
>> ANDREA SAKS: If not I can quickly read it to everyone so it
goes on the captioning. So Arnoud can carry on here. It says this
is his abstract: Having a disability often leads to social
exclusion. To prevent this it is essential that persons with a
disability have the same rights and opportunities with a focus
on equality with persons without disabilities.
We are moving away from the traditional medical approach of
special needs and rehabilitation where a problem needs to be fixed.
And that's in quotes. To the social participation in all aspects
in life accessible personally and professionally.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That care an attention needs to guarantee the
rights of humans to have a good life and to be a part of and contribute
to society.
He then further says -- I'm going to read this out so Fernando
has the benefit of this. And it's also ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: And this is Cynthia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I know you're back on. I've just moved on just
for a minute and I'm going to put you back in charge in a second.
What I'm doing is reading out Arnoud's presentation. Because that
way he has that and then we'll go back to Jorge and then carry on
with Arnoud so I was just doing that until you could come back.
The next paragraph of Arnoud's presentation says the big
question what many people have now is how do I do that? In this
presentation I will cover the equal communication for persons who
are deaf or hard-of-hearing telecom using a text relay service what
kind of Internet technology could make it possible. How should such
relay services enable the communication between voice and non-voice
users. Participate at meetings, conferences, presentations. In
what ways can text and sign language users participate in such events
where voice dominates? This also applies to remote participation
of such conferences and meetings and conference calls. Video over
Internet. YouTube offering closed captions but many ondemand video
services don't do that yet. For improvement add captions make
captions visible if they are present and not hidden announce clearly
before the video is purchased or downloaded that it indeed has
So that's Arnoud's abstract. He's smiling. He put a smily
that I read this out. So we'll come back to Arnoud's in a minute.
I do want you to go back because I know you have some questions for
Jorge and then you can talk to Arnoud about his. So Cynthia, back
over to you.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay so we were talking with Arun. Arun,
are you comfortable with what you're presenting? I am.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arun, are you there?
>> ARUN MEHTA: Yes, sorry. Can you hear me.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Well, what was the question again, please?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Andrea indicated she liked what you did when
you presented in Africa and she provided input. You provided us more
information about what you were going to do. I'm comfortable with
what you're doing.
>> ARUN MEHTA: Well ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: You know what you're doing.
>> ARUN MEHTA: You know really these are -- the things that I
talked about are things that we've been working on over the last one
year so I'm assuming there's a certain amount of continuity in the
people that come to our events in the IGF. So I thought it would
be nice to talk about something different from what I had talked about
However, I mean, depending upon what works best for the topic
and for the direction we want to take this, I'm quite happy to address
more of the mental challenges aspect in my presentation if that would
be more suited.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Well, I was ->> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead, Cynthia I was just going to say we have
Arun because you're going to refine all of this what we're doing is
getting a clear picture for your workshop so then what you can do
is work with people offline. Jorge was describing what he was doing
before you got cut off. And while you were cut off I read Arnoud's
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes, and I have -- while you were reading
Arnoud's paper, I printed it out. So I'm glad he sent it. I would
like to go back -- I lost all of the captioning, I would like to see
what Arun was doing so the next on the list was Jorge. So Jorge,
how are you?
>> JORGE PLANO: Yeah, okay; okay.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I don't have your -- go ahead.
>> JORGE PLANO: Okay. Sorry but my communication is noisy and
I have an echo. Excuse me.
My presentation would be about web accessibility regulations
in the legal regulation and the technical regulation. I'll discuss
the situation that is currently in different countries. I will try
to paint a global picture about how -- how mandatory web accessibility
is spreading and how it's been adopted or accessible or better updated
technical regulations to the new 2.0 version of the W3C guidelines.
Well, this is the core of the presentation.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Jorge, could I read your abstract -- wait a
minute, Cynthia, one second. I would like to read Jorge's abstract
for Fernando who may not have had a chance ->> JORGE PLANO: Okay.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Let me just read it out. In the last 12 years
a number of countries have been producing legal regulations on web
content accessibility. And have published technical standards
about communication.
The Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web
Consortium is the organisation that produces the technical standards
on web accessibility.
Specifically on web content it published web content
Accessibility Guidelines WCAG Version 1.0 in 1999 and Version 2 in
This presentation will show a global picture on how advancing
worldwide the regulations to make mandatory the web accessibility
and the present stat of regulation in different countries analyzing
their concordance with the WCAG and the pace of adoption of the WCAG
Version 2.0. That's what Jorge has written.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Jorge, I have a number of
suggestions. First of all, I'm pretty sure that you do provide
detail about the Argentina legislation. Because I've been getting
e-mails about it. (Off microphone) whether it's in line with (off
microphone) or not.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia, we have echo. Can you put your computer
on mute, please.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I have no sound (off microphone) that makes
the noise.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You have a callback. Am I correct?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I cannot put it on mute. You won't be able
to hear me.
>> ANDREA SAKS: No, not your phone on mute. Your computer on
mute. We're getting feedback.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I am calling through the computer.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I'm sorry you're getting feedback.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We'll bear with it. It's just I thought
you would use callback through the phone.
>> MALE SPEAKER: May I just say something? I would request
everybody who is not speaking to please put your mic on mute because
somebody is using loud speakers and a microphone. And you're getting
feedback from the loud speakers and the microphone. It could be
anyone so everybody, just please put it on mute.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Good idea.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: That sounds a lot better. Oh, boy. That's
great. Okay.
So Jorge, the first point I wanted to make, be sure that you
do talk about Argentina and what's going on.
The second point is I want you to be sure that you touch base
with Shadi about what you're saying since he is the official
representative from W3C. And then the third point is I want to be
sure that you include information on the European Disability Forum
campaign which they launched this month. They are now riding hard
on the European Commission to have a legal mandate and legislation
and they have even proposed the actual legislation for the EU. I
want to be sure you were aware of that.
>> JORGE PLANO: Okay. Cynthia I'm taking note of your ideas.
This seems okay to me.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Great. Absolutely great. Otherwise I'm
fine with what you're going to do. I think people need to be aware
of WCAG 2.0 and what's going on.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Then I also have stuff I can give you offline
about some other things happening around the world but I think this
is great.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay I'm popping back onto steer you over to
Arnoud who I read out his presentation.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: And I have it. Let me see if he is in the
chat box. And wants to say anything further. Arnoud, is there
anything you would like to add? You can add -- you can say something
in the chat box. I'm following.
There's always a delay in the captioning.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arnoud is saying ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Well ->> ANDREA SAKS: I've got it I'll read Arnoud for you. He's
saying no problem, yes, I am. Well it is possible to move the focus
on how the role of the Internet is on mainstreaming the tools for
equal communications. With an S, there you go.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Arnoud, have you thought of including
Total Conversation in your presentation?
I ask that because Total Conversation is IP based.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, absolutely. That is for relay and remote
interpreter services useful. I think there's more coming.
Well, I think we got a yes on that.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So I think we're pretty much covered -- we
have pretty much covered everything. And as I said, if there's time
on the -- in our workshop, I can add information about the 21st Century
Communications and Video Accessibility Act and how it affects the
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay the next thing we have to do on yours and
we have to be careful of the time because we only have what is it,
45 minutes left is that you're going to have to figure out whether
we have a panel at the end. How many minutes everybody should do.
If people are going to use PowerPoints that they keep them
down only to five slides because that's really all you're going to
have time to do. Because you want a panel at the end.
So if everyone would begin to work with Cynthia on being more
specific of what they are going to do and also we have to go to the
mission statement which we're going to get to a little bit later.
So if that's okay with everybody, Cynthia, do you have any other
thoughts ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I do have a question. What do you mean
panel? We're talking about the format? Are we doing a
question-answer afterwards or what are you suggesting?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Well this is what has to be decided because Peter
would you like to say what they said to you at the open meeting? Peter
Major are you there?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: He may be muted.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Alexandra Peter had to leave. He left
like two minutes ago.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I remember what he said. That they
wanted panel discussions. So the focus was to be on you know what
everybody wants to do. And then have some kind of a panel discussion
or questions and answers later. So what is it, one, two, three, four,
five people. We have 90 minutes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You have ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Then I think -- I think you're right. I
think it needs to be -- then they want it interactive but I think
visuals also make it interesting. I think we can give everybody the
option of up to five slides and now we just have to decide how long
each one would be so we can get to the question and answer period.
I would want to have everyone to submit to me at least three questions
that they would like to answer related to their topic in case we don't
have anyone asking questions then I can ask questions so I would like
three questions from everybody about their content. And then Andrea
this is an hour and a half for the workshop.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, you've got an hour and a half. Now, I have
to steer everybody because Shadi isn't on at the moment. Martin,
I know you're on. And we'll deal with you and Fernando slightly
differently and Hiroshi Kawamura is not on. So we're not going to
spend a lot of time on that particular workshop at the moment because
Cynthia wasn't on last week so we're cementing her workshop a little
bit now.
But we are feeding into the main session.
Now, there are -- on the annex 1 or is it annex 2, there were
questions already there, Cynthia. Annex 1, Access and Diversity.
Could we not use some of those questions? And also I'm going to jump
to No. 4 for just a minute.
We need to begin to prepare that in advance because we do not
have a -- we do not have a DCAD meeting.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Can you clarify for me, Andrea. The Annex
1, is that the questions for the main session that they will be
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Good. Yeah, we'll use similar -- these
questions then we will ->> ANDREA SAKS: What I'm trying to do -- what I want to do is
we worked out the meeting as we could with Shadi not being able to
be on so I'm moving Shadi over and out for just a minute and I'm going
to tie in one thing. I'm going to mention for No. 3 just briefly
the DCAD meeting is not allocated yet so we have to work on the mission
statement in advance so giving the fact you have very timely mentioned
we have to have questions there are questions there. I would like
everybody to kind of look at them and I did say could you do that
last time but I was so grateful we got your abstracts I'm not going
to slap handys on that, either but we need to begin to work on that.
And Cynthia, I'm going to ask you to help me with that and help
Alexandra with that.
Because some of these questions and also it would be we did
the statement before. You remember that we did one in Hyderabad.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Right you're now moving to Item No. 4.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes and the reason why ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Before we do that I just want to make one
statement regarding the workshop. All you guys, look at Annex 1 and
those are very broad questions. If your content covers any of that,
write out an answer to these sub questions. If your content for your
presentation answers any of that, write it out and send it to me and
of course copy Andrea and Alexandra so we know what we're touching.
Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's what I wanted to do. So we've got
a better -- we're moving a bit more forward with Cynthia. This is
kind of what we did last week with Shadi.
So now we've got a clear thing that your vocalizer and
moderator is Cynthia I'm in the background helping and Alexandra is
our big support.
So I think basically if you can begin -- the sooner you get
your slides done and your presentation done, if you can get it done
early, that would be heaven. Because I have to explain that
Alexandra is going on holiday the last two weeks in July.
So you have that time to do that. And we'll get to that in
a minute.
So I want you to consider doing that in that time if you can.
But I want ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Are you saying our slides are due the week
of the 11th?
>> ANDREA SAKS: No. I think because she's away you can do -we're not going to have a meeting the last two weeks of July. We
might have a meeting next week. But I'm not -- I'll come to that
in a minute.
But because it's in September and we lose the last two weeks
of July for any kind of contact.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So now you're talking about scheduling the
next meeting.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Not really. I'm just making a point of you and
your -- I will get there. It's related. But I am talking about you
being aware of that as the moderator and the workshop coordinator
that I'm making a suggestion that you encourage and everybody work
with Cynthia and me, I will be around, to see if we can get something
down formulated. And Arnoud just said before when.
If you take the last two weeks of July as your concentrated
weeks if you can to get your presentations ready I mean you can change
the slides. I mean but just get a rough -- get it together to some
extent so we can see how much time you really do need. And refine
it. Because we're getting better at doing this. And we're getting
more professional at doing this. We are, we are.
>> MALE SPEAKER: I believe you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We're better organised than we've ever been.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. So for my workshop if my -- if my
colleagues would send your slides out by the 25th of July that would
help me.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Even if they are not finished and you can change
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Draft slides.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Five slides.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Draft slides by July 25th. Please.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we've got that down. That's fine.
All right. I need to move to No. 4. We have got 35 minutes left.
Thank you very much Cynthia for taking this particular job on.
Now, the mission statement deals with those questions and also
the outcomes of our workshop. By having the slides in advance, we
can begin after July to start to write the mission statement.
Because Cynthia has asked for questions. The and everybody should
do this anyway. Martin, even though Shadi is not here and your -and Fernando you can look at those questions which is in Annex 1 and
begin to relate to that. The same thing applies to you I would think
even though Shadi isn't here that we get five slides from you, as
well. And Martin. Is that okay you guys?
>> MARTIN GOULD: Sure I think we can address definitely two of
the sub questions from Annex 1 right off the bat.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Andrea, I have an overall question.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Right.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I I'm real sorry if I'm deaf but what do you
mean by preparation of mission statement.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We're going to submit one to the main ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Mission statement are we saying the mission
statement that DCAD would have in the context of IGF and the context
of these questions in Annex 1.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So it's a mission of DCAD.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Because that's how I won our extra 90 minutes,
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Right. Because we didn't get -- we did not
get a time slot for DCAD.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Not yet. And we will probably get a DCAD meeting
slot somewhere but it may be what we do is a recap. And we may -because we will have to write a report of our meeting that we just
had a meeting and blah blah blah and what happened and what we thought
and all of that. But we may not have it in time to do the mission
statement which is what I had hoped but you see I told Chengetai that
you guys would be happier if we had the time for the workshop and
we would do the mission statement somewhat in advance. And we do
have a night before the meeting the following day on Day 3 which is
11 -- what is it? 11 to 12:30. I think that's right. Let me
double-check. It's from 11:00 o'clock to 12:30 and also we have the
names of the moderators. And one of them is Ginger who is our good
friend from Diplo who is a member of DCAD and I'm going to propose
we begin to communicate with her since we know her and begin to
communicate with the other two ladies who are -- let me give you their
I have the paper Theresa Swinehart and Valerie Betancourt.
S-w-i-n-e-h-a-r-t, Theresa. And Valerie B-e-t-a-n-c-o-u-r-t.
And Virginia Paque is the head of Diplo and she is going to
be the remote moderator. It has to be announced who is the moderator
from the Asian and African regions. Now we need a mod raider for
our -- a remote mod -- moderator for our sessions, a remote moderator
for our sessions and I'm hoping there will be funding for Alexandra
to be able to do that from Kenya for our particular sessions.
But this is for the -- the main session and last year there
was confusion and people did not go to the main session only Gerry
and I went and put in our input. You must attend the main session
because you could contribute from the floor.
So please note that in your book or in your diary that you're
going to go ->> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So Andrea, is the main session September 29th
from 11:00 to 12:30.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's correct.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's correct. So where we weren't feeding in
and I went and sat us in any way we are officially feeding in on
diversity -- Access and Diversity. So we have an opportunity to have
some conclusion. And that's why it's important to get your five
slides together. I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record. As
Shadi would say -- Shadi laughs at me I'm so pedantic. So that's
where we are right now.
But we have to start working on it. And if you do the answers
to the questions and Cynthia and I and Alexandra and Shadi and anybody
else we can begin to start drafting something and you can begin to
contribute to it in other words we have to come up with it and that
way when we have a meeting around the 1st of August we'll be able
to cement that together.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Everyone please don't be worried if you
cannot answer all of the questions just answer the questions related
to the content you're presenting on and we'll be fine.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Correct. Thank you very much. Okay. So is
everybody clear on No. 4? That we are going to be preparing the
mission statement for Access and Diversity a bit early rather than
at the DCAD meeting which we don't know when we're getting if we're
lucky enough to get one we can always if we can't meet earlier we
can meeting at the main session to finalize it. We can have a DCAD
party. Or is that okay with everybody? Any more suggestions?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay Martin I do want you to go through and
Fernando to go through yours so everybody knows where you are. Shadi
will have a copy of what you've done. So Martin, since you haven't
been on the phone, the same sort of setup that we're talking about
for Cynthia's will be also applicable to Shadi. That we're doing.
He may want to structure it more as a panel. That was not clear
because we didn't know how much time we had. We had to fight for
some more time. So now that we've got it, let me come to your -would you like to read your own since you're there so Arnoud can follow
what's there and Fernando can follow what's there. Would you like
to read your own presentation.
>> MARTIN GOULD: I'd be happy to. G3ict both recently released
the first edition of the CRPD progress report on ICT accessibility.
This report is a first measurement of the degree to which the treaty
is currently implemented globally the progress report is a benchmark
to make sure that Persons with Disabilities can enjoy in their
respective countries on an equal basis with others access to all new
media, information, and communication technologies and Assistive
Technologies. G3ict has also recently launched the 2011 survey data
collection effort with Disabled Peoples' International and expects
to expand the number of participating countries being surveyed in
keeping with their ever-increasing number of country ratifications
to the treaty. Participation in the survey and compilations will
be done through two questionnaires to prepare the expected 2011
progress report.
G3ict's portion of the presentation will relate a brief top level
review of the 2010 progress report findings around compliance and
best practices while the countries who have participated regarding
the treaty's ICT mandate and we'll also describe the road ahead for
2011 progress report.
The description of the road ahead in addition to responding
to some of the questions highlighted in the annex will also involve
top-level review of the methodological changes to the surveys being
used, the rationale for the changes and the expectations for
capturing the information for country-specific best practices.
We are currently looking to try to work with all ratifying
countries and we'll be -- we'll be relying on the network of Disabled
Peoples' International to help identify pairs of legal experts and
active experts in the ratifying countries. We'll also be working
with select regional coordinators to supplement our joint work with
Disabled Peoples' International. We have identified regional
coordinators in South America and Central America, Europe, North
America, Asia, Russia and I think Africa.
The 2011 questionnaires have been broadened Where they will
include not only responses to items on both questionnaires for
occurrence and non-occurrence but we're also looking to get
responders to tell us about level of implementation of ICT provisions
as well as supplementary information on how implementation for those
provisions is being conducted.
Any questions.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Martin you gave me an idea. Can I interrupt you
at one point this moment.
>> MARTIN GOULD: I'm done, yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Basically we tried to do -- if everybody is
remembering this -- we tried to do a questionnaire and we were ill
equipped to be able to do it we just didn't have the manpower,
expertise or knowledge about how to do it we had talked to Axel about
using his.
Will there be a results page of all of the data that you have
acquired that you can submit along with the mission statement.
>> MARTIN GOULD: We can gladly do that, Andrea, as long as it
doesn't count against our five slides.
>> ANDREA SAKS: If it doesn't count against what, sorry.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Our five slides.
>> ANDREA SAKS: No, don't put it in the slides. Put it in the
-- no, it won't count against your five slides. But we could have
the results of your information. This is an idea. The rest of the
people will have to comment on it. That we actually do publish -but this is something you're going to have to talk to Axel about in
the mission statement the results of the survey. It's something you
may not be prepared to do just yet. It may not be the right time.
But it just occurred to me that -- this is -- we wanted to do one
and we agreed Gerry and some of the others agreed to have Axel do
this which we were doing it anyway so it's something that I don't
know how the others feel. Does anybody else the have any comments
regarding this? Alexandra, you wanted a survey. So do you have any
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I didn't want a survey.
>> ANDREA SAKS: She doesn't want to speak.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No, I said I didn't want any survey but
it's good to have a survey so you see things are really implemented
but can I remind you that we have 15 minutes left, please?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Ah, we only have 15 minutes. Well it's a thought
that we'll talk about the next time you talk to Axel about that.
>> MARTIN GOULD: We'll do, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry?
>> MARTIN GOULD: We'll do.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Just a thought. Now Fernando can you
concisely tell us what you're doing, please, so we have it on record.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Sure. The idea behind my presentation that
80% of Persons with Disabilities live in Developing Countries. And
even in wealthy economies, the vast majority of Assistive
Technologies purchased by governments not by individuals because of
their high costs. So what I will talk about the need for strategies
that rely on technologies that can be scaled. Not just in terms of
their costs being more affordable but also in the sense that these
technologies be the kind of -- have the kinds of licenses that
encourage and make it much more feasible for organisations to
cooperate with one another internationally. Because funding for a
lot of initiative is intermittent. And you know co-operation across
national boundaries and so forth is fairly complicated but if you
have licenses that allow people to share their work, this facilitates
a lot.
So I'll give some examples and you know talk a little bit about
localization which is also important. Languages in African
countries are not always economically interesting for most assistive
technology companies to develop for. So I'll mention some of that,
as well, it all depends on how much time we end up having for each
of us.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, Fernando, yes.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: So does that sound okay.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Sounds great to me. Sounds like you're
talking about OSS.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Yes I'm definitely talking about Open
Source solutions, definitely.
>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Okay. I think we lost Andrea.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: All right.
>> ANDREA SAKS: No I was on mute. I'm here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm going back to the agenda.
So we have to deal with the joint -- the ITU-EBU workshop.
Alexandra, what I would like to do is put that at the end if I may
because we need to actually speak about No. 6, most importantly. Can
you do that really quickly.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, definitely. So we go to Item No. 6
which is update on funding issues okay. So whoever you would like
to apply for funding in ITU there's funds available as you know for
experts to participate as IGF -- only concerned connect connected
with IGF the two criteria that the funds rely on is either the person
is somewhat disabled or the person belongs to a Developing Country
so these are the two criterias.
So if any of you would like to apply for these funds to have
funds, of course we do not answer because it's a committee. It's
a steering committee that analyzes each request based on the criteria
and we'll know the answer maybe in August. Not before that.
But if you would like to apply for these funds, please send
me a note, copy Andrea and Peter or whatever if you want to be
confidential stating your name, your function, your expertise of
course, if you are disabled or not your country and nationality, it's
very important, please. As soon as possible. So I can make a list.
And I will forward as soon as possible to my colleagues.
>> ANDREA SAKS: This is actually a little bit redundant because
some of you already have sent bits and pieces of this already. What
we need for you to do is just double-check.
>> ANDREA SAKS: This is a double-check. So you need a biography,
passport, title, and abstract of the presentation and that's what
we need and function of the coordinators. What is the function of
the coordinators.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: The function of the of the coordinators
is wrong. Sorry; I don't know why it's there.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Take away that. So if you have sent it
to Alexandra already just double-check resend it again she does have
a list already but this is called I may be missing you.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: This is an update of the list that was
already made back in May. But if there are changes people -- if
someone has funds to go or if there are means, okay. But if there's
a need for you to be funded, we have funds that is there and it's
-- I mean it's not -- we cannot ensure you will be funded for sure
because there will be a selection because we've made a request. But
please give yourself a chance. And if you could send me a line with
all of these requirements as soon as possible so I can send the list
to my colleagues.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Again this is the official speak. So it has to
be said to you in that way because we've had some problems in the
past. So the point is would you just double-check with Alexandra
what you have sent her and make sure that your details are in check.
As I say one of the things I want to do is the next conference
>> ANDREA SAKS: There is a possibility that if you're on Shadi's
team we may do a call for Shadi's team next Tuesday or Wednesday.
I'm not sure. I need to talk to Shadi about that and Alexandra and
I will work that out which means we don't have to do the whole thing
again but we may set something up because Shadi needs to know we have
told you five slides and the deadline will be the same as we have
given Cynthia. What was it the 29th, Cynthia? For your slides.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: The 25th. 25.
>> ANDREA SAKS: The 25th. Okay. The 25th. But the next all
of us meeting is either the 3rd or 4th of August. Alexandra will
be away the last two weeks in July now I'm going to be around I'm
not going anywhere so I'm in Geneva not in the UK so you have a live
person on this end but we need to decide which day. Does anybody
have any preference to either the 3rd or the 4th? Okay. What we'll
do is put it out there Alexandra to see if Shadi and some of the people
who are missing today have a problem with either the 3rd or the 4th
and we'll do that by e-mail. Is that okay.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Now, quickly, Alexandra, the joint
ITU-EBU workshop. Do you want to explain that? Going back to No.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah. So ITU is organising jointly with
EBU a workshop on the media and specifically on the newborn Focus
Group on audiovisual media accessibility to it's a workgroup with
broadcasters and IPTV so there will be a workshop on Day 3 so 20th
of September from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock at night. And the experts
will be talking about this Focus Group.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Have you got the experts down? Yes.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We have some ideas. But the point is that
the experts seem to belong to companies and to regulators they don't
have funds to go to IGF. Because IGF, it's not -- you know it's not
the target for the broadcasters, it's another kind of expertise of
people that meet there.
So they are -- they will maybe send -- sorry; they will maybe
present some speakers via teleconference so we are organising that
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm just going to go to the chat box for a minute.
We're not involved in that technically DCAD people but don't worry
we're keeping abreast of it Martin just said I will try to make the
next call for Shadi's group next week but may not be able to join
the call can. I will definitely make the next. Which means -Martin is that correct you're going to make either the 4th or the
>> MARTIN GOULD: Correct.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Got it. Okay. I'm not sure that there will be
one next week but I'm going to talk to Shadi about that. We may
organise one for Shadi to talk to everybody because we haven't got
Hiroshi on and we've got -- Satish has an abstract. So we haven't
got that organised yet so we have to communicate with Shadi and
Alexandra and I will probably work on that this week be and the
beginning of next if nothing else. So we'll let you know by e-mail.
So you've been warned and if you want to join it and you do do it,
that will be there. Also Arnoud said no problem on the two dates
and then Cynthia has said something about being in New York to Martin
which doesn't worry us.
Now, we're down to any other business because we have six
minutes. Cindy has been wonderful, by the way, our captioner.
(Thank you!).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Is there any other business that we need to do?
Any questions? Any thoughts?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Just a comment.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry; go ahead. Hello?
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I don't know somebody else was saying
something. Just a comment. I will be attending the Conference of
States Parties in New York which is the UN Convention meeting of the
ratified countries if there's any significant content that comes out
of that meeting I'll be able to bring it to IGF if I'm going to IGF
and funded for it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm not worried about people being funded at this
moment. I'll be talking to Alexandra probably tomorrow about the
funding issues.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: My point was that I was going to have the
UN Convention content from the States Parties.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Got it. That's great. Got it.
Okay. Any other comments.
>> MARTIN GOULD: This is Martin. Clearly this is a very well
oiled machine that you are all running.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. Thank Alexandra. And thanks to the
>> MARTIN GOULD: Thank you, Alexandra.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Thanks, everybody. Thanks, Cindy.
(Thank you!).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thanks very much, Martin. Let us know and we
can copy everybody on what Axel decides to do about the publication
of his results to be attached to the mission statement. Please give
him our best. And ->> MARTIN GOULD: We'll do.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And anybody else have any comments.
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Arnoud says thanks and bye.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Arnoud, bye and Arun thank you for
joining us from India.
>> MARTIN GOULD: Bye, everyone.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Jorge for joining us from Argentina
thank you Fernando for joining us from Brazil Martin from the U.S.,
Cynthia from the U.S. Who have I left out? I guess that's all of
us really. Thank you so much for joining the call. And I think we're
done? And thank you, Cindy, again for being our wonderful captioner.
(Thank you!).
>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: And thank you, Andrea for running the
>> ANDREA SAKS: you're welcome, guys.
>> MALE SPEAKER: Thank you, Alexandra, Cynthia, see you all next
>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. We'll work on that and let you know,
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, bye bye.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra can you stay on the line for one minute?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah. I'm in meetings all day tomorrow
and Thursday but I'll be online so I can send an e-mail to you and
Shadi if you want to have a call next week but I'm not sure it would
be useful what do you think.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Well I think it might be because he has to chase
Satish Babu, he has to chase Hiroshi we should send him the captioning
so he can read it but actually you could just put the highlights of
how we have structured Cynthia's workshop that we have asked for the
five slides to be ready on the 25th.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea while you were talking I was adding
the agenda and adding the action points so you will have that so what
you were talking to is really alive.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Wonderful. Good job. And I think it's
interesting because the -- if we can get the survey from Axel that
will be fabulous but he may wish to release it at another event of
his own choosing.
(Session ended at 8:27 a.m. CST)
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