Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 7(12): 966-970, 2015

Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 7(12): 966-970, 2015
ISSN: 2042-4868; e-ISSN: 2042-4876
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2015
Submitted: ‎
November ‎30, ‎2014
Accepted: January ‎8, ‎2015
Published: April 25, 2015
A Hybrid Fresh Apple Export Volume Forecasting Model Based on Time Series and
Artificial Neural Network
Lihua Yang and Baolin Li
School of Economics and Management, Hubei University of Automotive Technology,
Shiyan 442002, China
Abstract: Export volume forecasting of fresh fruits is a complex task due to the large number of factors affecting
the demand. In order to guide the fruit growers’ sales, decreasing the cultivating cost and increasing their incomes, a
hybrid fresh apple export volume forecasting model is proposed. Using the actual data of fresh apple export volume,
the Seasonal Decomposition (SD) model of time series and Radial Basis Function (RBF) model of artificial neural
network are built. The predictive results are compared among the three forecasting model based on the criterion of
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The result indicates that the proposed combined forecasting model is
effective because it can improve the prediction accuracy of fresh apple export volumes.
Keywords: Artificial neural network, forecasting, fresh apple, time series
forecasting methods and quantitative forecasting
methods. Time series model has been typically used in
sales forecasting. In fact, fruit sales or export volume
are affected by many factors, such as state policy, price
change, income and so on. These complicated factors
cause the fluctuation and non-linear characteristics of
the historic data and some intelligent algorithms such as
ANN (Wang et al., 2010) are applied to solve the
problems. Support vector regression was applied to the
newspaper or magazines sales forecasting is a superior
method (Wang et al., 2010). However, the single model
has its own limitation, which can only use some certain
effective information. Therefore, the combination
forecasting model was proposed by Bates and Granger
Fresh fruits are more concerned with sales
forecasting due to their special characteristics, such as
the short shelf-life, the need to maintain high product
quality and the uncertainty and fluctuations in
consumer demands. As fresh fruit can only be sold for a
limited period of time, both shortage and surplus of
goods can lead to loss of income (Doganis et al., 2006).
Different models are selected for grape sales
forecasting aiming at different seasonal features in
different months, the given results show that the
forecasting model is feasible and valid (Ma et al.,
2013). However, most of the existing research is lack of
the forecasting of fresh fruits. This shows that the
combination forecasting on fresh fruit export volume
have important significance. Here, we take fresh apple
export volume of China as an example. The statistics
analysis software of SPSS16.0 is used for data analysis.
In this study, we apply a novel hybrid model to
solve the problem of forecasting the monthly export
China has the highest total quantity of apple yield
in the world. With the development of market economy
in China, the yield advantage and the price advantage
led to the export volume of China's apple have being
improved in recent years. According to statistics, from
1990 to 2008, the increase of China's fruits export
volume averaged annually 14.33%. However, various
factors lead to the market of the Chinese fruits has
changed from “the long-term in short supply” into
“supply exceeds demand”, the oversupply market push
down the fresh fruit price and depress the increase of
farmers revenue, seriously damaging the interests of
fruit growers. These have hindered China’s fruit
industry sustained and healthy development. To solve
the problem of fruits slow selling, different media have
called on people to buy “love fruits”, some
governmental officials also take action to help fruit
growers promote their products (Yang and Hu, 2013).
After joining WTO, it has to face the international
market competition pressure. Therefore, it is significant
to accurately predict the fresh fruit export volume,
which can make reasonable planning of fruits planting;
the fruit growers can appropriately determine their
planting scale and the supply chain can also be
Forecasting is very important. An efficient
forecasting can reduce inventories, increase profits and
enhance the responsive ability to the changes of the
environment. A lot of experts and scholars had made
some research about the forecasting. Generally, the
forecasting methods can be divided into the qualitative
Corresponding Author: Baolin Li, School of Economics and Management, Hubei University of Automotive Technology,
Shiyan 442002, China
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 7(12): 966-970, 2015
In the Fig. 2, we can find that the autocorrelation
function of first difference shows a significant peak at a
lag of 12 and a lag of 24, which exceed the confidence
interval. The output implies that the underlying
periodicity is 12.
volume of fresh apple. The new hybrid model combines
neural network algorithm and time series method. The
radial basis function neural network and seasonal
decomposition method for constructing the time series
model are applied. Different models are compared
based on the MAPE criterion. The results illustrate the
efficiency and accuracy of the proposed model.
Time series model: A time series is a sequence of data
points, typically consisting of successive measurements
made over a time interval, which is used in many field,
such as statistics, signal processing, pattern recognition,
forecasting and so on.
Time series model can be classified into linear or
nonlinear models depending on the nature of the data.
From the above analysis, we know that the monthly
export volumes of fresh apple exhibit obviously
seasonal fluctuations and long-term growth trends.
Therefore, the seasonal decomposition model of time
series can be applied. In commonly, a time series can be
decomposed into four components: the long term Trend
(T), the Seasonal component (S), the cyclical
component (C) and the Irregular component (I).
Seasonal decomposition model can be divided into
multiplicative model and additive model. According to
the relations between the four components,
multiplicative model and additive model can be
respectively represented as follows:
Data selection: In the study, the monthly export
volume of fresh apple is selected from agricultural
statistical data (Yu et al., 2013). The forecasting models
are constructed based on monthly export volume from
January 1992 to June 2002, a total of 126 samples. In
order to compare different models, the models are
tested using the monthly data, from July 2002 to
December 2002, a total of 6 samples. Time series are
commonly plotted via line charts. The line charts of
monthly export volume are shown in Fig. 1.
In the Fig. 1, we can know that the time series
exhibits obviously seasonal fluctuations and long-term
growth trends. The annual regularity is from low to
high and from high to low. Therefore, the time series
probably has an annual periodicity. We can also notice
that this output appears to grow with the upward series
trend, which implies a multiplicative model should be
adopted. To obtain a more quantitative conclusion
about the underlying periodicity, we can calculate the
autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations of a time
Y = T + S + C + I , Y = TSCI
Here, the multiplicative model is applied. The
procedure of Seasonal Decomposition is as follows:
Fig. 1: Time series of monthly export volume
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 7(12): 966-970, 2015
Fig. 2: Autocorrelation analysis of first difference
Fig. 3: Curve fit chart
Seasonal adjustment: We can get the moving average
series from the original series by using the moving
average method, which weight is all points equal. The
seasonal decomposition procedure can creates four new
variables: Seasonal Factor (SAF), Seasonally Adjusted
Series (SAS), Smoothed Trend-Cycle Series (STC) and
Irregular or Error component (ERR). Where SAF
represents seasonal variation; SAS represents the
original series removing seasonal variations; STC
represents a smoothed series that shows both trend and
cyclic components; ERR is the residual component of
the series.
Curve estimation: Select STC as the dependent
variable and select time as the independent variable.
We find that the relationship between the dependent
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 7(12): 966-970, 2015
of the first sample in training datasets. Similarly, the
other data samples in the training datasets can be
determined on the basis of this method. Therefore, the
training datasets consists of 114 records, monthly
export volumes from July 2002 to December 2002 are
assigned to the holdout sample. The holdout sample is
another independent set of data records can be used to
verify the final RBF neural network. The architecture of
RBF is 12 neurons in the input layer according to the
number of independent variables, likewise, there is 1
unit in the output layer and there are 2 units in the
hidden layer. The best number of hidden units is
automatically computed according to the smallest error
in the training dataset, the activation function for the
hidden layer is normalized radial basis function and
activation function for the output layer is identity
variable and the independent variable is not necessarily
linear, so the curve fitting is applied. The curve fit chart
gives us a visual assessment of the fit of each model to
the actual values. From this plot, it appears that the
cubic model better than linear model, then we select
cubic as model to estimate, the R square of cubic model
is 0.833. The curve fit chart is as follows (Fig. 3):
Artificial Neural network model: Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) can simulate human brain’s nerve cells
by using network nodes, which is distributed and
parallel. ANN has the ability of nonlinear processing,
self-adaption and self-learning. Back Propagation (BP)
neural network is relatively mature and commonly used
in different fields. RBF neural network is better than BP
neural network in approximation capability, fault
tolerance and adaptation.
RBF neural network is a special artificial neutral
network, the architecture of it consist of three layers,
which are an input layer, hidden layer and an output
layer, each layer contains a number of neurons. The
input layer is used to connect the network to its
environment. The hidden layer adopts a nonlinear
transformation to the input variables by using a radial
basis function. The output is usually a simple linear
function. RBF network is supervised in that the
predicted results can be compared with actual values of
the samples. RBF training algorithm is to determine the
structure and the parameters of the network, so that the
error between the actual values and the predicted output
values in the training set is minimized. The
minimization optimization problem can be expressed as
J ( L, c j , w j ) = ∑ ( yi − yˆ i )
Single models forecasting: The predictive results of
two single models are shown in Table 1.
Where the unit of export volume is tons, From the
Table 1, we can see that different model can obtain
different predicted value. Here, we use MAPE as the
criteria to evaluate the forecasting precision of different
models. The formula is expressed as follows:
1 n yˆ t − yt
n t =1 yt
ŷt = The predicted value of the t time period
yt = The actual value of the t time period,
n = The total number of prediction samples
i =1
Combined forecasting: Because single models can
take advantage of different information of the data,
Bates and Granger (1969) firstly proposed the
combined forecasting model. The research about
combined forecasting has become the hotspot in the
forecasting field. The key step of constructing
combined forecasting is how to allocate appropriate
weight to single model, many scholars proposed
different calculation method, which can be divided into
fixed weight and dynamic weight. In the fixed weight
calculation process, the combined forecasting model
can be expressed as followings:
yˆ i = ∑ w j f ( xi − c j ), i = 1,2,...K
j =1
In the above equations
f = The radial basis function
L = The number of nodes in the hidden layer
c j = The center of the j th hidden node
w j = The connection weight between the j th hidden
node and the output node
||.|| = The Euclidean norm
Y = W1Y1 + W2Y2
From the above analysis, we can know that
seasonal periodicity of the monthly export volume is 12
months. Monthly data from January 1992 to December
1992 are selected as the input nodes of the first sample
in training datasets. The consequently monthly data of
January 1993 is selected as corresponding output node
Y 1 = The predictive value of SD model
Y 2 = The predictive value of RBF model
Y = The predictive value of combined forecasting
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 7(12): 966-970, 2015
Table 1: The forecasting results of three single models
Export volume
S.D.: Standard deviation
Table 2: The calculation of the weights
forecasting model based on the above two single
models is proposed, the weight calculation and the
comparison of different models are in terms of the
criterion of MAPE. The MAPE values of combined
model is the smallest, the corresponding values of RBF
neural network is the largest, so the new combined
model based on seasonal decomposition and RBF
neural network are feasible and valid. The results
indicate that the proposed combined model is
applicable for forecasting fresh fruits export volume
and it is also significant to forecasting in other fields.
The weight can be calculated via the following formula:
The authors are very grateful to the reviewers for
their detailed comments and suggestions that improved
the quality and presentation of this study.
The paper has been supported by the project for the
Department of Education, Hubei Province of China
(NO. B20092306) and by the project of Hubei
University of Automotive Technology (No. 2012 X
Wi = M i−1 / ∑ M i−1 , i = 1,2,, m
i −1
i = The number of model
W i = The weight of the ith model
M i = The mean absolute percentage error of the ith
In the traditional inverse variance method, M i
represents the sum of square error of the ith model.
In the Table 2, we can know that the model of the
smaller mean absolute percentage error should have a
higher weight. Based on the above weights, we can
derived the formula of combined forecasting is as
Bates, J.M. and C.W.J. Granger, 1969. The
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Wang, J.H., Y. Xing, F.H. Qin, T. Ma and H. Liang,
2010. Grey-neural network combination forecast
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Y = 0.63Y1 + 0.37Y2
Then, the predictive results of combined
forecasting model can be obtained via the above
formula. The MAPE of combined model is 0.32, which
is lower than the two single models. Therefore, the
accuracy of combined model is the highest and
accuracy of SD model is better than RBF neural
In this study, firstly, we analyzed the regularity of
real data. Secondly, the Seasonal Decomposition model
of time series and Radial Basis Function model of
artificial neural network are constructed based on the
actual export volume of fresh apple. Thirdly, a hybrid