Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013

Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013
ISSN: 2042-4868; e-ISSN: 2042-4876
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013
Submitted: July 9, 2013
Accepted: August 03, 2013
Published: December 05, 2013
Study on the Complexity of Closed-loop Supply Chain Based on Price Difference between
New and Remanufactured Products
Bin Chen and Junhai Ma
College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract: This study studied a more realistic closed-loop supply chain model, which is based on price difference
between new and remanufactured products and it contains manufacturers, two recyclers and customers. In this
model, assumed that new and remanufactured products have price difference, first we build a decision-making
dynamic system model of the manufacturers, two recyclers and customers and then analyze the possibility of the
existence of the system equilibrium points and their stability. Through numerical simulation, we use bifurcation
diagram, Maximum Lyapunov index variation diagram and chaos attractor to estimate the complexity and chaos of
the system comprehensively, observe the profit trends of the manufacturers and recyclers when system change from
stability to chaos and analyze the system initial value sensitivity. The conclusion of the numerical simulation has a
lot of guidance and reference value to the decision-makers in a closed-loop supply chain.
Keywords: Complexity, closed-loop supply chain, price difference, remanufactured products
The application of game theory and complexity
theory in supply chain, using it to guide the decisionmakers, is intensively concerned by scholars home and
abroad. The equilibrium selection problem in a
nonlinear duopoly game with adaptive expectations is
studied, proved that the iteration results was sensitive to
the initial value (Bischi and Kopel, 2001). An output
game model based on various decision rules and the
stability of its equilibrium were discussed (Yali, 2012).
A supply chain model which is constrained by
forbidden returning and limited supply capacity was
build and its bifurcation phenomenon was discussed
(Jing and Xun, 2012). A duopoly game model with
bounded rationality and time delayandits complexity
were analyzed (Elsadany, 2010). Aduopoly advertising
model and its chaos control based on heterogeneous
expectations were studied (Juan et al., 2012). The price
game model for four oligarchs with different decision
rules and its chaos control were analyzed (Junling and
Junhai, 2012). A supply chain output game model and
its chaos and initial value sensitivity were discussed
(Guanhui et al., 2011).
Meanwhile, scholars apply game and complexity
theory to various economic environment successfully,
such like pollution abatement (Dragone et al., 2010)
and so on. In the field of closed-loop supply chain, a
closed-loop supply chain model with uncertain demand
was build and studied (Huiling, 2012); a duopoly
manufacturers recycling game model was build and its
chaos and initial value sensitivity when recovery price
and adjustment rates vary were studied (Yuehong et al.,
Based on the former work, to be more realistic, this
study introduces the assumption that new and
remanufactured products have price difference into the
closed-loop supply chain model which is consist of
manufacturers, recyclers and customers. After building
the decision-making dynamic system model of the
manufacturers and recyclers, this study analyzes the
possibility of the existence of the system equilibrium
points and their stability. Then through numerical
simulation, we use bifurcation diagram, Maximum
Lyapunov index variation diagram and chaos attractor
to estimate the complexity and chaos of the system
comprehensively, observe the profit trends of the
manufacturers and recyclers when system change from
stability to chaos and discuss the system initial value
sensitivity. At last, we summarize and put forward the
direction of further research.
Model description: At present, the research about
closed-loop supply chain is mostly focused on the
analysis of Nash equilibrium point in price and output
model and mostly only concerned the recycling market;
seldom used complexity theory to study closed-loop
supply chain and rarely combined the new product
market and recycling market together. To be more
realistic to the product market, this study concerns such
a situation: new products and remanufactured products
are the same in performance, but different in customer
Corresponding Author: Bin Chen, College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013
approval degree, then builds a three-tier closed-loop
supply chain model, which contains manufacturers,
recyclers and customers. In this model, the only
manufacturer produces remanufactures and sales the
products, two recyclers are in a duopoly state and
recovery products.
For this model, assumed that:
The manufacturer M and the two recyclers R1, R2
are independent decentralized decision-makers, at
the discrete time periods t = 0, 1, 2, …, they all
maximize their own profit (Fig. 1)
The recovery quantity is only relevant to the
recovery price, manufacturer must recovery them
all from the recyclers and it can recycle all of them,
no waste
New and remanufactured products have price
Price reduces when output rises
The amount of remanufactured products is less
than demand, so it can sell out
q1  (e1r1  f1r2 ) p0
q2  (e2r2  f2r1) p0
So, the profit function of manufacturer M and
recyclers R1, R2 at period t is:
  m  t    pn  t   cn  Q1  t  
 pr  t   p0  t   cr  Q2  t 
  r1  t    p0  t   p1  t   q1  t 
 r 2  t    p0  t   p1  t   q2  t 
  m
 Q
  m
 p 0
  r 1
 r
 1
  r 2
 r2
Manufacturer M: market price of the new
products pn , market price of the remanufactured
products pr , manufacturer recovery price p0 , new
product cost per unit c , recycling cost per unit cr
Recycler R1: Recovery price p1  r1 p0 , r1 is the
price transfer ratio of R1
Recycler R2: Recovery price p2  r2 p0 , r2 is the
price transfer ratio of R2
Model and description: For manufacturer, the price
function of new and remanufactured products is:
 pn  a1  b1Q1  d1Q2
 pr  a2  b2Q2  d 2Q1
 (e2  f1 ) r2 (t )) p0 (t )  cn
 ( a2  ( d1  d 2 )Q1 (t )  2b2 ((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )
 (e2  f1 ) r2 (t )) p0 (t )  2 p0 (t )  cr )
((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )  (e2  f1 ) r2 (t ))
 p02 (e1  f1r2  2e1r1 )
 p02 (e2  f 2 r1  2e2 r2 )
 m
Q1  t  1  Q1  t   v1Q1  t  Q
 m
 0  2 0 
 0
 r  t  1  r  t   v r  t  r1
3 1
 r  t  1  r  t   v r  t   r 2
4 2
 2
ai  0 , bi , d i  0(i  1,2)
 q1  k1  e1 p1  f1 p2
q2  k2  e2 p2  f 2 p1
 a1  2b1Q1 (t )  ( d1  d 2 )((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )
As in real economic world, no participants can
have complete information, so based on the assumption
that decision-makers are limited rational, their decision
way at period t  1 is:
are the replacement ratio
between new and remanufactured products, Q is the
amount of new products, Q is the amount of
remanufactured products, Q2  q1  q2 .
For recyclers, the recovery amount function is:
The decision variables of manufacturer M are
recovery price p0 and new products amount Q1 , the
decision variables of recyclers R1, R2 are ri (i  1, 2) , then
we got the marginal profit function:
The parameters in this model are denoted as follows:
vi  0 i  1, 2,3, 4  are the adjustment speed of Q1 ,
p0 , r1 , r2 respectively.
Synthesize Eq. (1)-(6), we got the discrete dynamic
system model:
ki  0i  1,2 is the environmental protection index,
is the recovery quantity when recovery price is zero,
ei  0(i  1,2) is the customers’ recovery price sensitive
coefficient, f i  0(i  1,2) is the recyclers’ competition
coefficient, ei  f i i  1,2 . Since recyclers can’t decide
the environmental protection index, so here assumes
ki  0 , then the function between qi and ri , p0 is:
1567  Q1 (t  1)  Q1 (t )  v1Q1 (t )( a1  2b1Q1 (t )  ( d1  d 2 )
((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )  (e2  f1 ) r2 (t )) p0 (t )  cn )
 p (t  1)  p (t )  v p (t )(( a  ( d  d )Q (t ) 
2 0
 0
2b2 ((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )  (e2  f1 ) r2 (t )) p0 (t ) 
2 p0 (t )  cr )((e1  f 2 ) r1 (t )  (e2  f1 ) r2 (t )))
 r1 (t  1)  r1 (t )  v3 r1 (t )( p02 (e1  f1r2  2e1r1 ))
 r2 (t  1)  r2 (t )  v4 r2 (t )( p0 (e2  f 2 r1  2e2 r2 ))
Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013
Model analysis: Through the above analysis, we have
built the discrete dynamic system model (7) of the
manufacturer M and recyclers R1, R2, now we will
solve the equilibrium of the system and analyze the
stability of the equilibrium points.
Solve the discrete dynamic system model (7) and
the equilibrium points are:
E1  (0, 0, 0, 0), E2  (
a1  cn
, 0, 0, 0),
E3  (0, R, 0, 0), E4  (0, 0, R, 0)
a c
E5  (0, 0, 0, R), E6  ( 1 n , R, 0, 0),
E7  (
a1  cn
a c
, 0, R, 0), E8  ( 1 n , 0, 0, R)
E9  (0,
a2  cr
, , 0),
2  b2 (e1  f 2 ) 2
E10  (0,
E12  (
a2  cr
, 0, ), E11  (0, 0, R, R )
2  b2 (e1  f 2 ) 2
2 A2 (a1  cn )  A1 ( d1  d 2 )(e1  f 2 ) A1 1
, , , 0)
4b1 A2
A2 2
2 A ( a  c )  A1 ( d1  d 2 )(e2  f1 ) A1
E13  ( 3 1 n
, , 0, ),
4b1 A3
E14  (
a1  cn
, 0, R, R )
E15  (0,
E16  (
a2  cr
e f  2e1e2 e1 f 2  2e1e2
, 2 1
2(b2 A4  1) 4e1e2  f1 f 2 4e1e2  f1 f 2
A5 (a1  cn )  A1 A4 ( d1  d 2 ) A1 e2 f1  2e1e2 e1 f 2  2e1e2
, ,
A5 4e1e2  f1 f 2 4e1e2  f1 f 2
2b1 A5
A1  (a1  cn )(d1  d 2 )  2b1 (a2  cr )
A2 
( d1  d 2 ) 2 (e1  f 2 )  2b1 (b2 (e1  f 2 )  2)
A3  (d1  d 2 )2 (e2  f1 )  2b1 (b2 (e2  f1 )  2)
A4 
(e1  f 2 )(e2 f1  2e1e2 )  (e2  f1 )(e1 f 2  2e1e2 )
4e1e2  f1 f
A5  A4 ( d1  d 2 ) 2  4b1 (b2 A4  1)
J (Q1, p0 , r1, r2 ) 
1 v1(a1  4bQ
1 1
(d  d )((e 
 1 2 1
 f2 )r1  (e2  f1)
r2 ) p0  cn )
 v2 (d1  d2 )
 ((e  f )r 
 1 2 1
 (e2  f1)r2 ) p0
v1(d1  d2 )((e1  f2 )r1
(e2  f1)r2 )Q1
1 v2 ((a2  (d1  d2 )
Q1  4b2 ((e1  f2 )r1
(e2  f1)r2 ) p0  4 p0
cr )((e1  f2 )r1  (e2
 f1)r2 ))
2v3r1 p0 (e1  f1r2
2v4r2 p0 (e2  f2r1
2e2r2 )
(e1  f2 )Q1 p0
(e2  f1)Q1 p0
v2 (e1  f2 )(a2  (d1  v2 (e2  f1)(a2  (d1  
d2 )Q1  4b2 ((e1  f2 )r1 d2 )Q1  4b2 ((e1  f2 )r1 
(e2  f1)r2 ) p0  2 p0 (e2  f1)r2 ) p0  2 p0 
cr ) p0
cr ) p0
1 v3 p02 (e1  f1r2
v3 f1r1 p0
1 v4 p02 (e2  f2r1 
v4 f2r2 p0
4e2r2 )
v1(d1  d2 )
v1(d1  d2 )
Calculate the Jacobian matrices of the 16
equilibrium points separately; judge their stability
according to the value of the eigenvalues of their
Jacobian matrix. Take equilibrium point E1 as an
example, its Jacobian matrix is:
1  v1 ( a1  cn )
J1  
0 0 0
1 0 0 
0 1 0
0 0 1
Solve the matrix and the Eigen values are:
according to the
assumption before, v1  0 , a1  cn  0 , so 1  1, then E1
is unstable. As the same, E 2 , E3 , , E15 are all unstable
equilibrium points, E16 is a local stable Nash
equilibrium point.
1  1  v1 ( a1  cn ) , 2  3  4  1 ,
In order to study the properties and characteristics
of this system better, we will use certain value data to
simulate the dynamic system. Assume the parameters
values as follows:
a1  9 , a2  6 , b1  1.3 , b2  0.8 , d1  0.5 , d 2  0.6 ,
cn  5 , cr  1 , e1  2.3 , e2  1.9 , f1  1.4 , f 2  1.2 .
In the study, we’ll use bifurcation diagram,
Maximum Lyapunov index variation diagram and chaos
attractor to study the dynamic properties of the system,
observe the influence on all the participators’ profits
when the adjustment speed of decision variables change
and analyze the initial value sensitivity of the decision
Bifurcation and chaos numerical simulation: In this
part, as the situation of v2 is like v1 and v4 is similar to
E1 ~ E15 are boundary equilibrium points, E16 is the
v3 , so we’ll only research v1 and v3 . First, we study the
Nash equilibrium point.
bifurcation and chaos phenomenon of the system: when
The stability of the equilibrium point depends on
v2 = 0.3, v3 = 0.45, v4 = 0.5, the trends of Q 1 , p 0 , r1 , r2
the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of system (7).
when v1 changes are showed in Fig. 2 and
The Jacobian matrix of system (7) is:
1568 Adv. J. Food Sci. Tecchnol., 5(12): 1566-1572,
Fig. 1: The CLSC structure
Fig. 2: Bifurrcation when v1 increases
Fig. 4: v1-maximum Lyapunov index
Fig. 3: Bifurrcation when v3 increases
3 shows thhe trends of Q1 , p0 , r1 , r2 whenn v3 changes and
v1 = 0.25, v2 = 0.18, v4 = 0.5.
From Fig. 2 and 3,, we can see that
when v1 , v3
increase, thhe decision vaariables of the system ( v1 : Q1, p0 ;
v3 : Q1 , p0 , r1 , r2 ) will chhange from stabbility to the fiirst
Bifurcationn and then to
o period-doublling, at last innto
chaos. If adjust
n variables too fast, the markket
will be chaotic and the decision will be veery
Besidees, in this model, withoout consideriing
customers’’ environmentaal protection coonsciousness, the
adjustmentt speed of neew products amount Q1 and
p0 by maanufacturer wiill only cause the
recovery price
chaos of itsself, it has no influence
to thee stability of the
Fig. 5: v3-maximum Lyapunov index
the adjustments
peeed of
recycleers’ decision; however,
price trransferratio ri by there cycllers will in fecct both
of them
Neext, we’ll meaasure the propperty of the system
throughh the Maxim
mum Lyapunoov index varriation
m, the Maximuum Lyapunov index is show
wed in
Fig. 4 and
a 5 when v1 and v3 changee.
Wee can see thhat the variaation status of
o the
mum Lyapunov index in Fig. 4 and 5 fits well
w the
situatioon of bifurcatioon and chaos inn Fig. 2 and 3,, when
v1 and v3 vary. Whenn vi is small, the Maximum
1569 Adv. J. Food Sci. Tecchnol., 5(12): 1566-1572,
Fig. 6: Attraactor when systeem is in chaos caaused by the
increeasing of v3
Lyapunov index is less than
zero; withh the increase of
vi, the sysstem appears bifurcation phenomenon,
Maximum Lyapunov ind
dex equals zeroo; when vi is too
big and thhe system beccomes chaoticc, the Maximuum
Lyapunov index is greateer than zero.
Value that::
v1 = 0..85, v2 = 0.3,
v1 = 0..25,
Fig. 8: Profits
when v1 increases
Fig. 7: Attraactor when sysstem is in chaos caused by the
increeasing of v3
v3 = 0.45, v4 = 0.5
v2 = 0.18,, v3 = 0.7, v4 = 0.5
in both vaalues, the Max
ximum Lyapunnov index of the
system is greater
than zerro and the systtem is chaotic, as
the chaos attractor
confirrmed in Fig. 6 and
a 7.
The siituation in Fig. 6 and 7 is acccordant to the one
in Fig. 2 too 5.
Influence of DVAS on
n profits: Profit S is the key
factor of an
a enterprise, how would prrofits vary whhen
Decision Variables Ad
djustment Speeed (DVAS) vi
increases? The trends of the profits are showed in Figg. 8
when v1 inncreases, in Fig.
9 when v3 increases. As
before, thee trend of v2 iss similar to v1 and v4 is neaarly
the same as
a v3. In the piccture,  m ,  r 1 ,  r 2 ,  total staand
for the profits of the man
nufacturer, recyycler R1, recyccler
R2 and thee sum of them, respectively.
Fig. 9: Profits
when v3 increases
In Fig. 8, when v1 increases and reach a critical
point, the profits off the manufaccturer, recycleer R1,
recycleer R2 and the total profit alll begin to falll. The
critical point value is also the bifurccation point in Fig. 2
and the point whenn the Maximuum Lyapunov index
equals zero in Figg. 4. This means
that, if
i the
too faast, the
manufaacturer adjusts its decision variable
system becomes chaoos, the profits of all the onees will
decreasse and it’s bad for the whole system.
In Fig. 9, when v3 increases and reach a critical
point, the
t profits of the
t manufacturrer, recycler R1
R and
the totaal profit all fall,
fa but the prrofit of recycller R2
increases. The criticaal point value is also the one where
system changes from
m stability to chaos. This means
recycleer R2 can profit from markket disorder, but
b the
others’ behalf will bee harmed. This phenomenon claims
the neecessity of contract
coorddination and it is
Initial value sensitivvity: Figure 10 to 13 showeed the
initial value
sensitiviity of the system variables, in the
iteration process, v1 = 0.25, v 2 = 0.118, v3 = 0.75 annd v4 =
Froom Fig. 10 too 13 we can see
s that, the system
variables are highly sensitive
to thee initial value. Set up
two grroups of initiaal values, each variable only differs
1570 Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013
Fig. 10: Q1-initial value sensitivity
Fig. 13: r2-initial value sensitivity
difference of 477.5 times; the value of r2 differs
0.2824, it means a difference of 282.4 times. This
phenomenon is the characteristics of chaos movement,
as time goes on; the adjacent orbital has a great
deviation. This gives the enterprises a useful advice that
chose your initial value carefully, or it may cause huge
This study assumed that new and remanufactured
products have price difference, discussed the market
situation of a three-tier supply chain, which is consist of
the manufacturer, two recyclers and customers.
Through numerical simulation, the conclusions are:
Fig. 11: p0-initial value sensitivity
When the decision-makers adjust their decision
variables too fast, the market will become
disordered; however, without considering the
consciousness, the manufacturer and the recyclers
have different influence
If the manufacturer adjusts its two decision
variables too fast, all the members’ profit of the
supply chain will decrease; while any of the
recyclers adjusts its decision variable too fast, for
one of the recyclers, its profit increase, the profit of
the rest in this supply chain would fall. This claims
the necessity of contract coordination
All decision variables are sensitive to initial values
Fig. 12: r1-initial value sensitivity
0.001. After about twenty times iterations, all the values
of the variables had significant differences. After about
fifty times iterative operation, the value of Q1
differs0.2198, it means a difference of 219.8 times; the
value of p0 differs 0.1416, it means a difference of
141.6 times; the value of r1 differs 0.4775, it means a
The model and methods in this study would help
the manufacturers and recyclers make more reasonable
decisions, improve the stability of their profits and the
market and have theoretical guidance and practical
reference value. The price or output models of multiple
manufacturers and products, with one period delay or
even more, the retailers are involved and so on, are the
direction of further research in future.
1571 Adv. J. Food Sci. Technol., 5(12): 1566-1572, 2013
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