Criminal Justice Advisory Group Meeting June 10, 2015 MINUTES

Criminal Justice Advisory Group Meeting
June 10, 2015
Meeting Agenda
Jail Population Trend Report
Fonda Clifton, Franklin Cruz, Darius Deese, David Dufresni, Erika Emerson, Katy Fitzgerald, Yvette Fuller, Nancy Gist,
David Gottlieb, Keith Gregg, Reginald Grier, Michael Griswold, Rick Hestwood, Carol Hickey, Rob Hunter, Bobby
Jones, Joan Kennedy, Stacy Lowry, Hope Marshall, Felicia McAdoo, Bart Menser, Regan Miller, Jeanne Miller,
Andrew Murray, Melissa Neal, Todd Nuccio, Pam Rikard, Kevin Tully, Robyn Withrow and Steve Willis.
Carol Hickey opened the meeting with a welcome on behalf of Chris Peek, Deputy County Manager and CJAG Chair.
Home, Street, Neighborhood, and Community Campaign
Campaign updates were provided by Dr. Melissa Neal.
Home Campaign
The Home Campaign is collecting data that will be used to implement the Offender Focused Domestic Violence
Initiative (OFDVI) thatwas presented in April by Chief Marty Sumner of the High Point Police Department. It was
noted by Chief Rob Hunter that there will be an opportunity to apply for a grant in October that will assist in the
implementation of the OFDVI.
Street Campaign
The Street Campaign is meeting on June 29, 2015 to determine the priorities for the group’s action plan.
Neighborhood Campaign
UNC Charlotte and the Center for Court Innovation are conducting their evaluation of the citizen complaint court
and their final report is due September 30, 2015. Once this report is finalized, the Neighborhood Campaign will
reconvene to discuss their action plan for the review and implementation of the report’s recommendations.
Community Campaign
The Community Campaign was examining possibilities for utilizing the work release center, however the center’s
funding was reallocated in the FY16 budget. The campaign is investigating other possible re-entry center options
and is also working with Re-entry Partners of Mecklenburg, the local re-entry council, to identify five goals to
support county-wide re-entry programs.
Safety + Justice Challenge Updates
Mecklenburg County was awarded $150,000 for the first phase of the Safety + Justice Challenge. In January, the
County will compete again for up to two million dollars per year for two years in order to implement the plans that
will be developed in phase one. There was a planning meeting scheduled for June 10, 2015 following the CJAG
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Criminal Justice Advisory Group Meeting
June 10, 2015
Criminal Justice Technology Needs, Priorities, and Next Steps
Issues related to IT and data sharing needs were raised by CJAG during its Fall 2014 planning process and is being
presented now as a topic of discussion for the purposes of planning and collaboration around these needs. The
County invited the new Chief Information Officer Keith Gregg to listen to the discussion and help the group plan to
address data and IT needs. The follow topics were discussed:
District Attorney Andrew Murray suggested that the County’s Chief Information Officer Keith Gregg should
meet with the state’s Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).
Chief Magistrate Katrina Watson suggested the County investigate the use of a domestic violence “selfservice center,” which would allow an individual to utilize a kiosk/computer to submit a petition for an
emergency protective order. This petition would go directly to a judge and, if issued, a copy could be
printed out.
Judge Miller spoke about a program that would send judges a text message indicating a pending order and
the judge could respond remotely by accessing the order online and approving/denying it. Judge Miller also
stated that the results of the pretrial risk assessment should be available to the magistrates.
Trial Court Administrator Todd Nuccio presented several ideas, including the need for an electronic
submission/approval system for search warrants and the need for a wayfinding system in the Courthouse.
Criminal Justice Data Warehouse and Dashboard Updates
The Criminal Justice Data Warehouse became operational in early May 2015. The data warehouse is a repository of
data from the arrest processing, jail, and court record management systems and allows for the creation and
automatic scheduling of criminal justice reports.
The associated criminal justice system dashboards are nearing completion. The CJAG Executive Committee will
review the dashboards and measures to ensure that they are conveying accurate and relevant information to the
Criminal Justice Services will coordinate and facilitate the creation of any data warehouse report requests. An email
survey will be sent out to CJAG members to gather their feedback regarding desired data elements on the
dashboards and regularly scheduled reports.
Chief Jeanne Miller suggested that CJAG review the final report from the President’s Task Force on 21st Century
Policing in order to determine if there are any best practices or recommendations that CJAG could incorporate.
District Attorney Andrew Murray agreed and recommended that the CJAG Executive Committee review the report.
Next CJAG Meeting
August 12, 2015 @ 8:30am
Government Center
2nd Floor/ Room 280
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