Smart sustainable cities ICT projects in Brazil

ITU Workshop on
“Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin America”
(São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013)
Smart sustainable cities ICT projects
in Brazil
Eduardo Hiroshi Murakami
Specialist on Regulation
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Study Cases;
Governance Actions;
Final Considerations.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Latin America is one of the most urbanized region in the
developing world. So there is great potential for sustainable
development in cities of Latin America. Approximately 80%
of Brazil's population (currently 194 million – IBGE, 2011)
live in cities. This urbanization is forcing cities in Brazil and
other countries to make their infrastructure more efficient
and sustainable in ICT areas.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Study Case: CET
CET is the São Paulo city’s traffic enginnering authority in charge to
plan and implement, in the roads and streets of the city, the operation
of the road system, in order to ensure greater safety and traffic flow. In
CET’s website it’s possible to check:
 Slowness on the main roads;
 Incidents in traffic;
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: CET
São Paulo’s CET website
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: EMTU
The Metropolitan Urban Transport Company of São Paulo (EMTU / SP)
is a company controlled by the State Government of São Paulo, linked
to the Department of State Metropolitan Transportation (STM) which
oversees and regulates the metropolitan transport of low and medium
capacity in metropolitan region of São Paulo. In EMTU website it’s
possible to check informations about bus routes, bus schedules and
prices by:
 City;
 Number of route;
 Streets;
 Others.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: EMTU
São Paulo’s EMTU website;
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: Municipal Infoway
 The municipal information highway has been becoming an effective
tool to expand the access to the broadband services and to the
world computing network by the population;
 The Municipal Info-Highway is a communication public environment
(network) aiming to meet the needs of interconnection of municipal
governments and get ready for universalization and digital inclusion
for all the inhabitants of the municipal area.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: Municipal Infoway
The Municipal Information highway stands for an alternative at lower
cost to the final user and allows the construction of a
universalization model which propitiates the modernization of public
administration, digital inclusion in all levels, social inclusion of the
citizens, enhancement of local digital economy, cost reduction of
communication services and the general economic reinforcement of
the municipality.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: Municipal Infoway
Municipal Information Highway benefits
Digital inclusion;
Democratization of telecommunications services;
Electronic delivery of information and services;
Modernization of public administration;
Transparency in budget execution and public accountability;
Management of health services;
Web TV and Web Community Radio;
Improvement of the relationship between government and
 Social inclusion.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Case Study: Municipal Infoway –
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Governance Actions
Radio frequencies bids
404 MHz SMP
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Governance Actions
Resolution 04/2010, from CONMETRO, approves the
Brazilian Program for the Evaluation of the Life Cycle
CONMETRO – Brazilian National Council of metrology,
standardization and industrial quality / Ministry of
Development, Industry and Foreign Trade
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Final considerations
CET’s website (
EMTU’s website (
Paper 105410: Municipal Open Access MAN and Democratization
of Broadband Access in Brazil presented at IEEE Latinccom 2012
(4th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications 2012,
Cuenca, Equador);
Resolution nº 558 (Anatel), approve the destination of radio
frequencies from 450 to 470 MHz;
Resolution nº 544 (Anatel), approve the destination of
radiofrequencies from 2.170 to 2.182 MHz and from 2.500 to
2.690 MHz.
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013
Thank you
São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013