ITU/CITEL Workshop on “Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste” (Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013) e-Waste: The importance of indicators and metrics in policymaking and monitoring Alexandre F. Barbosa Manager, Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 AGENDA e-Waste: context Challenges to policymaking Importance of indicators and metrics in policymaking and monitoring Multistakeholder approach in producing ICT-related statistics in Brazil Challenges for producing internationally comparable data Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 2 E-waste: context Increasing amount of electronic and electrical devices put on market every year; Concern over the problem of used EEE and end-of-life electronics; Lack of awareness on e-waste: recycling, management and processing; Poor and insufficient data and statistics on e-waste; Need of e-Waste policy and legislation which consider environmental impacts. Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 3 Challenges for policymaking Smart Societies I&KS Public Services Environmental Education Smart Buildings e-Waste ICT Transport and Mobility Energy Manegement Waste Management Water Management Policymaking and Monitoring Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 4 Challenges for policymaking e-Waste Environmental Impacts Reliable and internationally comparable data Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 Political Agenda e-Waste Policies and Legislation Sustainable development; 3R Principle: Reduce, reuse & recycle Sustainable consumption and production (SCP); Consumption of natural resources; Energy efficiency. Framework Indicators and metrics 5 Challenges for policymaking How to design effective policies to address the challenges posed by the discarded used electrical and electronic equipment and end-of-life electronics? Measurement matters: evidence-based ! Methodology matters ! Specific indicators are needed ! Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 6 Importance of statistics in policymaking and monitoring “Good policy requires good statistics at different stages of the policymaking process.” (Scott, 2005) ICT-related statistics Survey data in policymaking Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 “The impact of policy can be measured with good statistics. If policy cannot be measured it is not good policy.” (Othman, 2005) Reliable Policy relevant Timely (to inform policy decisions) Accessible to all key stakeholders Cost-effective Interdisciplinary enough to address cross-cutting issues 7 Importance of statistics in policymaking and monitoring Challenges Legal framework: policy & legislation; Stakeholders engagement; Administrative data vs sample survey data; Methodological & statistical issues: Sample design / sample size; Rigor in data collection / field control; Internationally comparable data. Data dissemination & communication. Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 Opportunities EVIDENCE-BASED POLICYMAKING INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARKING AWARENESS RAISING & EDUCATION 8 ICT Survey Models: internationally agreed core indicators International common framework: methodology, core indicators definition, questionnaire. ICT Households and Individuals ICT Enterprises ICT E-Government ICT in Education ICT in Health Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 9 Initiatives for measuring environmental impacts: concepts and indicators e-Waste (WEEE - waste electrical and electronic equipment) e-Waste recycling Green ICT Green growth and sustainable development Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 10 Environmental regulations to account for used EEE and end-of-life electronics Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal. The Basel Convention entered into force in May of 1992, 2006 (Nairobi Declaration) and 2011 (Cartagena Decisions). Three stated objectives: 1. To minimize the production of hazardous waste; 2. To encourage the local handling of hazardous waste; 3. To minimize the export of hazardous waste from developed to developing countries. 11 Sustainable Development Indicators: SDI EU Sustainable Development Strategy Themes: Socio-economic development SDIs are used to monitor the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (published by Eurostat). Sustainable consumption and production Social inclusion Demographic changes Public health 100 indicators. Climate change and energy 11 indicators have been identified as headline indicators. Natural resources São Paulo, Brazil, 30 July 2013 Sustainable transport Global partnership Good governance 12 ICT statistics in Brazil: a multistakeholder approach Brazilian Internet Steering Committee Brazilian Network Information Center Regional Centre of Studies for the Development of the Information Society Latin America and Portuguese speaking African countries Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 13 Engaging stakeholders: Government, academia and civil society ICT survey process Expert Group: q Academic researchers q Government 2 1 ICT SURVEY PLANNING (Objectives, survey frame, sample design, indicators, questionnaire design) Survey Procedures Manual q Non-gov’t organizations q Research institutes 3 FIELD DATA COLLECTION (PAPI & CATI) Field Control Report Methodological Report 4 DATA PROCESSING (Data consolidation, validation and coding) Collected data (tables & transcripts) Raw data tables 5 DATA DISSEMINATION DATA ANALYSIS AND DATA PRESENTATION Preliminary Data Analysis Report (ICT indicators and historical data) Publication (Analysis and ICT Indicators) Book Website Data collection instruments: questionnaires, interview scripts, etc. Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 14 Engaging stakeholders: Government, academia and civil society Data dissemination and use 1 2 ICT SURVEY PLANNING (Objectives, survey frame, sample design, indicators, questionnaire design) 3 FIELD DATA COLLECTION (PAPI & CATI) 4 DATA PROCESSING (Data consolidation, validation and coding) 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND DATA PRESENTATION DATA DISSEMINATION (ICT indicators and historical data) Recipients ICT Suvey Projects Data visualization tools Dynamic tables Government: q Input for public policy formulation and instrument for policy evaluation Academia: q Academic research projects Microdata base: q SPSS q Data dictionary q Indicators construction syntax Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 15 Pillars of CETIC’s survey process Articulation of productive partnerships Government & Int’l Organizations Academic Organizations Non-profit Organizations “Good policy requires good statistics at different stages of the policymaking process.” (Scott, 2005) Planning Dissemination & Use “The impact of policy can be measured with good statistics. If policy cannot be measured it is not good policy.” (Othman, 2005) 200 Experts 58 Organizations Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 16 Matrix of ICT survey’s stakeholders Level of interest and insertion Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 17 VERY HIGH (competencies, skills, innova on) Relevance for ICT policies on ICT use Matrix of relevance for ICT policies Use of ICT survey data on policymaking ICT EDUCATION ICT ENTERPRISES ICT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ICT HEALTH ICT E-GOV q q q q q Ministry of Science, Technology and Innova on Ministry of Educa on Ministry of Health Ministry of Planning, Management and Budget Ins tute for Applied Economic Research - IPEA ICT KIDS ONLINE HIGH ICT PUBLIC ACCESS CENTERS ICT HOUSEHOLDS MODERATE q q q LOW VERY LOW q q Ministry of Communica ons Ministry of Planning, Management and Budget Ins tute for Applied Economic Research - IPEA Na onal Telecom Agency Presiden al Cabinet ICT ISP PROVIDERS 5 200 VERY LOW LOW MODERATE HIGH VERY HIGH Relevance for ICT access policies (ICT Infrastrucutre) 18 Policies based on ICT survey data Relevance for ICT policies 2005 Policymaking and monitoring Tax Exemption Program for Computers (Computer for All Program) Broadband National Plan Low Cost Broadband Program (1Mbps at USD 15) Act 12.715/2012: Tax exemption for telecom services in rural areas Broadband for Rural Areas Program (450 MHz-2014) Smart Cities Telecentres Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 2013 Tax Exemption Programs (Internet and smartphone) Proinfo (Computer Labs in public schools) Broadband in Schools Program UCA (one laptop per child program) E-Gov Action Plan ICT Skills development programs ICT impact assessment in the health sector 19 Measuring e-Waste: benchmarking Challenges for producing int’l comparable data Framework for measuring e-waste Definitions, indicators and data collection instruments Which approach? Policies Producers Consumers Indicator 1 What should be measured? Dimensions Indicator 2 . . . Indicator n Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 20 Thank you !’s ICT surveys are available for download at Mendoza, Argentina, 9 October 2013 21