NC Voting Site Station Guide Revised2015 Our democratic process relies and depends on the dedicated efforts of election workers. Thank you for investing in the future of your community and our great state by serving at the polls. Kim Westbrook Strach Executive Director, North Carolina State Board of Elections CONTENTS Acceptable ID Acceptable Photo ID .............................................................................................................................1 NC Driver License (New) ...................................................................................................................... 2 NC Driver License (Old) ...................................................................................................................... 3 DMV Non-Operator State Identification Card (New) ............................................................................ 4 DMV Non-Operator State Identification Card (Old) ............................................................................. 5 U.S. Passport Book ........................................................................................................................... 6 U.S. Passport Card .............................................................................................................................. 7 U.S. Military ID - Active ....................................................................................................................... 8 U.S. Military ID (Dependent, Civilian Contractor, Retired) ..................................................................... 9 U.S. Veterans Affairs ID (New) ............................................................................................................10 U.S. Veterans Affairs ID (Old) .............................................................................................................11 Tribal Enrollment Card ...................................................................................................................... 12 Out-Of-State Driver License or Non-Operator Identification Card ..................................................... 13 ID Expiration Requirements ............................................................................................................... 14 ID Requirements: Acceptable Only if Unexpired ................................................................................. 15 ID Expiration Exceptions for NC DMV License and ID Cards ............................................................... 16 ID Expiration Exceptions for Military and Veterans ID Cards ............................................................... 17 To determine whether a voter was older than 70 when the photo ID expired ..................................... 18 For voters whose photo ID expires on the date they present to vote: .................................................. 19 Contents|1 Check-in Station Check-in Procedures Law ............................................................................................................. 1 Check-in Procedures .................................................................................................................... 2 Voting Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 3 Voter Does Not Present Acceptable ID .......................................................................................... 5 Voter Indicates Religious Objection ............................................................................................... 6 Religious Objection Not Found...................................................................................................... 7 Natural Disaster ........................................................................................................................... 8 Voter Unwilling to Provide ID ....................................................................................................... 9 Voter Presents Wrong Type of Photo ID .........................................................................................10 Voter Will Not State Name ...........................................................................................................13 Helpful Suggestions if Unable to Locate Voter Record ...................................................................15 Unable to Locate Voter's Name ....................................................................................................16 Name Stated by Voter Does Not Match Voter Record ....................................................................18 Voter Will Not State Address ........................................................................................................ 21 Unreported Move (Incorrect Address) Guidance ........................................................................... 23 Moved 30 or More Days to Address Within County (Unreported Move) ........................................ 24 Moved Less than 30 Days to Address Within County .................................................................... 25 Moved to Address in Another County .......................................................................................... 26 Voter is Unaffiliated (Partisan Primary Election) ............................................................................ 28 Voter Desires to Vote Different Party Ballot than Affiliated Party .................................................... 29 Voter Status Overview ................................................................................................................. 31 Voter is Inactive ........................................................................................................................... 32 Record Indicates Voter Has Already Voted..................................................................................... 33 Contents|2 Check-in Station (cont.) Record Indicates HAVA ID is Required ..........................................................................................34 Voter Has No Eligible Ballot Style .................................................................................................35 Confirm Photo ID Meets Expiration Requirements .........................................................................37 Voter's ID is Expired .....................................................................................................................38 Determining Whether Name is Substantially Equivalent.................................................................40 Voter Name is Not Substantially Equivalent ..................................................................................41 Determining Reasonable Resemblance of Photo ...........................................................................43 If Reasonable Resemblance Cannot be Determined .....................................................................44 Determination of Eligibility ..........................................................................................................46 Statement of Eligibility to Vote .....................................................................................................47 Curbside Station Curbside Voting Law...................................................................................................................... 1 Curbside Voting Identification Requirements ................................................................................ 2 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 1 - Exterior) ................................................................................ 3 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 2 - Interior) ................................................................................ 4 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 3 - Exterior) ................................................................................ 5 Curbside Oath ............................................................................................................................. 6 Help Station Welcome to the Help Station ......................................................................................................... 1 Provisional Voting – General Guidance ......................................................................................... 2 Provisional Voting Reasons ........................................................................................................ 3-6 Contents|3 Help Station (cont.) Provisional Voting Administrative Procedures (Manual) .................................................................. 7 Provisional Voting Administrative Procedures (SOSA/OVRD) .......................................................... 8 Provisional Voter Instructions ........................................................................................................ 9 Election Official Provisional Voting Checklist .................................................................................10 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID (Required Notifications) ..........................................11 No Acceptable ID - Alterative Voting Options (Absentee Request Deadline Has Not Passed) .......12 No Acceptable ID - Alternative Voting Options (Absentee Request Deadline Has Passed) ..............13 No Acceptable ID Provisional Voting Options ...............................................................................14 Vote Provisional Ballot and Present Acceptable ID before Canvass ...............................................15 Complete Reasonable Impediment Declaration and Vote Provisional Ballot ..................................16 Reasonable Impediment Guidance ..............................................................................................17 Reasonable Impediment Reasons ................................................................................................18 Acknowledgment of Voting Options – Absentee By Mail ...............................................................19 Absentee Voting by Mail Option ..................................................................................................20 Voter Chooses Not to Vote Provisionally (Acknowledgment of Voting Options) ...............................21 No Acceptable ID - Religious Objection .......................................................................................22 No Acceptable ID - Nonreasonable Resemblance ........................................................................23 Voter Unwilling to Provide ID .......................................................................................................24 No Record of Registration – If Same Day Registration Allowed ......................................................25 Provisional Voting Reason: No Record of Registration ...................................................................26 Unreported Moves - Address Provided by Voter Does Not Match Address in Voter Record. ............27 Unreported Move Guidance (General) .........................................................................................28 Unreported Move – Precinct Transfer Guidance ............................................................................29 Contents|4 Help Station (cont.) Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Provisional Voting Reason: Unreported Move (New or Central Precinct) ........................................30 Voting Reason: Unreported Move (Old Precinct)...........................................................31 Voting Reason: Previously Removed ............................................................................32 Voting Reason: Unrecognized Address (Geocode Issue) ...............................................33 Voting Reason: Incorrect Precinct ................................................................................34 Voting Reason: Incorrect Party ....................................................................................35 Voting Reason: Voter Already Voted ...........................................................................36 Voting Reason: Jurisdiction Dispute (No Eligible Ballot Style) .......................................37 Voting Reason: Jurisdiction Dispute (Disputed Contests) ..............................................38 Ballot Station Ballot Station Procedures (Optical Scan)......................................................................................... 1 Ballot Station Procedures (Electronic) ............................................................................................ 2 Ballot Issues ................................................................................................................................. 3 Voter Assistance Voter Assistance: Who is Entitled to Assistance? ............................................................................ 1 Voter Assistance: Who May Assist ................................................................................................. 2 Voter Assistance: Improper Assistance ........................................................................................... 3 Contents|5 Acceptable Photo ID NC Drivers License NC DMV State Identification Card U.S. Passport U.S. Military ID U.S. Veterans ID Card Tribal Enrollment Card Acceptable ID |1 NC Driver License (New) • Must have a printed expiration date that is not more than four years before presented. • Address on the ID card does not need to match address in voter record. • Address on the ID card does not need to match address stated by voter. Includes: Driver License Commercial Driver License Limited or Full Provisional License Limited Learner Permit Motorcycle Learner Permit Name Primary Photo Expiration Date Secondary Photos Acceptable ID |2 NC Driver License (Old) • Must have a printed expiration date that is not more than four years before presented. • Address on the ID card does not need to match address in voter record. • Address on the ID card does not need to match address stated by voter. Includes: Driver License Commercial Driver License Limited or Full Provisional License Limited Learner Permit Motorcycle Learner Permit Name Jason Doe Expiration Date Primary Photo Secondary Photos Acceptable ID |3 U.S. Passport Book • Must not be expired. Includes: • Passport Book • Passport Cards Name Primary Photo Expiration Date Acceptable ID |6 U.S. Passport Card • Must not be expired. Includes: • Passport Book • Passport Cards Name Primary Photo Secondary Photos Expiration Date Acceptable ID |7 U.S. Military ID - Active • Must be unexpired if it has an expiration date. • No requirement that it have a printed expiration or issuance date. • May have blue or green horizontal band across it. Primary Photo Expiration Date Branches Include: • U.S. Army • Army National Guard • U.S. Navy • U.S. Air Force • Air National Guard • U.S. Marines • U.S. Coast Guard Name Acceptable ID |8 U.S. Military ID (Dependent, Civilian Contractor, Retired) • Must be unexpired if it has an expiration date. • No requirement that it have a printed expiration or issuance date. Photo Branches Include: • U.S. Army Reserves • U.S. Navy Reserves • U.S. Air Force Reserves • U.S. Marines Reserves • U.S. Coast Guard Reserves Colors Include: • • • • Green: Reserve Blue: Retired Red: Reserve Retired Tan: Active Duty, Disabled, Medal of Honor Recipient, etc. Name Expiration Date Acceptable ID |9 U.S. Veterans Affairs ID (New) • Issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for use at Veterans Administration medical facilities. • Must be unexpired if it has an expiration date. • No requirement that it have a printed expiration or issuance date. ExpirationDate NotRequired Photo Expiration Date Name Acceptable ID |10 U.S. Veterans Affairs ID (Old) • Issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for use at Veterans Administration medical facilities. • Must be unexpired if it has an expiration date. • No requirement that it have a printed expiration or issuance date. ExpirationDate NotRequired Photo Name Acceptable ID |11 Tribal Enrollment Card Federally Recognized Tribes State Recognized Tribes • Must be unexpired if it contains an expiration date. • Must have expiration date. • If no expiration date, must have a printed issuance date that is not more than 8 years before presented. • Must be unexpired. • Must be approved by the NC State Board of Elections. IssuanceDate Photo Expiration Date Name Acceptable ID |12 Out-Of-State Driver License or Non-Operator Identification Card Must be issued by: • another state; • the District of Columbia, or • a territory or commonwealth of the United States Can only be accepted: • if card is unexpired; and • the voter registered within 90 days of the date of the election. Check registration date in voter's record. Acceptable ID |13 ID Expiration Requirements NC DMV-issued Photo ID • Any card issued by the NC DMV, including a driver license, non-operator identification card, learner permit, or provisional license is acceptable. The card may be expired no more than four (4) years before it is presented for voting. Voters over the age of 70 • Voters who are 70 years of age or older may use any acceptable photo ID that has been expired for any length of time, provided the photo ID expired on or after the 70th birthday. U.S. Passport • U.S. passport books and passport cards issued by the U.S. Department of State must be unexpired. Tribal Enrollment Card • Federally recognized tribes: Tribal enrollment cards issued by federally recognized tribes must be unexpired if the photo ID contains a printed expiration date. If the tribal enrollment card does not contain a printed expiration date, it is acceptable if it has a printed issuance date that is no more than eight years before it is presented for voting. • State recognized tribes: Tribal enrollment cards issued by a tribe recognized by North Carolina and approved by the State Board of Elections must be unexpired. U.S. Military ID Card and U.S. Veterans ID Card • U.S. Military ID Cards issued by the U.S. Department of Defense and Veterans ID Cards issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must be unexpired if the card has an expiration date, but such cards without expiration dates are acceptable for voter identification purposes. Acceptable ID |14 ID Expiration Requirements: Acceptable Only if Unexpired The following forms of photo ID must be unexpired when presented. • • • • A U.S. Passport (both the book and the card). A federally recognized tribal enrollment card. *See note below. A state recognized tribal enrollment card. A driver license issued by another state, the District of Columbia, or a territory or commonwealth (acceptable only if the voter registered within 90 days of the election). * A federally recognized tribal enrollment card that does not contain an expiration date must have a printed issuance date, and that issuance date cannot be more than eight (8) years prior to the date it is presented for voting purposes. Acceptable ID |15 ID Expiration Exceptions for NC DMV License and ID Cards The following forms of photo ID may be expired up to four (4) years before the date presented. • NC DMV-issued driver license (including provisional license or learner permit). • NC DMV Non-operator ID card. To determine whether the expiration requirements are met, consider the election date and subtract 4 from the year. If the DMV photo ID expired on or after that date, it meets the expiration requirements. But if it expired before that date, it does not meet the expiration requirements. For example, the current Election Day is November 8, 2016. Subtract 4 from 2016 to get 2012. If the expiration date is on or after November 8, 2012, the photo ID meets the expiration requirements. Acceptable ID |16 ID Expiration Exceptions for Military and Veterans ID Cards The following forms of photo ID are acceptable without a printed issuance or expiration date. However, if there is a printed expiration date, the photo ID must be unexpired when it is presented. • A U.S. Military identification card. • A U.S. Veterans Affairs ID card issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for use at Veterans Administration medical facilities. Acceptable ID |17 To determine whether a voter was older than 70 when the photo ID expired: Voter Over 70 Year of Expiration – Year of Birth Age at Expiration Example 2016 – 1932 84 The voter was 84 years old when the ID expired; the expired photo ID can be accepted. Example 2016 – 1954 62 The voter was 62 years old when the ID expired; the expired photo ID cannot be accepted. Acceptable ID |18 For voters whose photo ID expires on the date they present to vote: Voter Over 70 Same Day Expiration Date – Birth Date Age at Expiration Birthday Day Prior Birthday Day After Nov. 2, 2016 – Nov. 2, 1946 70 Nov. 2, 2016 – Nov. 1, 1946 70 years 1 day Nov. 2, 2016 – Nov. 3, 1946 69 years 364 days The voter's photo ID expired on his 70th birthday and can be accepted. The voter's photo ID expired after his 70th birthday and can be accepted. The voter's photo ID expired before his 70th birthday and cannot be accepted. Acceptable ID |19 GS §163-166.7 Step 9 Checking Registration. - A person seeking to vote shall enter the voting enclosure through the appropriate entrance. A precinct official assigned to check registration Determine whether photo ID meets expiration shall at once ask the voter to state current name and residence address. The voter requirements. shall answer by stating current name and residence address and presenting • Confirm that the in expiration date meets based on itselection, type photo identification accordance with G.S.requirements 163-166.13. In a primary voter's that and voterthe shall also age. be asked to state, and shall state, the political party with which the voter is affiliated or, if unaffiliated, the authorizing party in which the voter wishes to vote. After examination, that official shall state whether that voter is duly registered to vote in that precinct and shall direct that voter to the voting equipment or to the official assigned to distribute official ballots. If a precinct official states that the person is duly registered, the person shall sign the pollbook, other voting record, or voter authorization document . . . before voting. Check-in Station | 1 Check-in Procedures 1 • Ask voter to show acceptable photo ID. 2 • Ask voter to state last name, and then first and middle name. 3 • Search for voter's name on the voter list. 4 • Compare stated name to name on the voter list. 5 • Ask voter to state address. 6 • Compare stated address to address on record. 7 • Ask voter to state party affiliation (only in partisan primary). 8 • Confirm voter status. 9 • Determine whether photo ID meets expiration requirements. 10 • Determine whether name on photo ID is the same or substantially equivalent to name on voter list. 11 • Determine whether picture on photo ID bears reasonable resemblance to voter. 12 • Make determination of eligibility to vote. Check-in Station | 2 Voting Procedures 1 2 3 4 Please present your: PHOTO ID Please state your: LAST, FIRST, & MIDDLE NAME Please state your: RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Please state your: PARTY AFFILIATION* Check-in Station | 3 Step 1 Ask Voter to Show Acceptable ID. • When a voter presents to the check-in station, the election official attending the station must ask the voter to present an acceptable type of photo identification. • If the ID is inside a voter's wallet or ID pouch, the official should ask the voter to remove the ID for ease of viewing. “May I please see your photo ID?” ““ Check-in Station | 4 Voter Does Not Present Acceptable ID “I understand that you do not have your photo ID with you. “We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to our Help Station. The Help Station official will assist you with voting options, including the ability to cast a provisional ballot. “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to cast a ballot now and allow the county board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional vote will be counted before the results of this election are final.” ““ Check-in Station | 5 Voter Indicates Religious Objection If a voter states that he does not have a photo ID due to a Religious Objection, check the voter's record to see if a Religious Objection indicator is noted on the record. “No problem. Let me check to see if there is a Religious Objection indicator on your voter record.” If a Religious Objection indicator is noted, the voter may proceed with voting a regular ballot. If a Religious Objection indicator is not noted, the voter must be referred to the Help Station for purposes of voting a provisional ballot. ““ Check-in Station | 6 Religious Objection Not Found “Your voter record does not indicate a Religious Objection. That's not a problem; you can still cast a provisional ballot. I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station. The Help Station official will provide information about provisional ballots and the requirements for having your ballot counted.” ““ Check-in Station | 7 Natural Disaster A voter will not be required to show photo ID if the voter declares that he is a victim of a natural disaster occurring within 60 days of the election date. The voter must reside in a county that has officially been declared a natural disaster area either by the Governor of North Carolina or by the President of the United States. If the voter declares that he is a victim of a natural disaster, the voter should be given the Declaration of No Photo ID Due to Natural Disaster form to complete and sign. Once the voter has signed the form, an official should proceed with the check-in process. Check-in Station | 8 Voter Unwilling to Provide ID “Thank you for understanding that I am here to carry out the duties required by North Carolina law. Our goal is to accommodate you in a courteous and expedient manner. The law requires that you show us a photo ID to cast a ballot. If you decide not to present a photo ID today, we will be unable to issue you a regular ballot, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you cast a ballot today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “For your provisional ballot to be counted, you must appear in person to the county board of elections office no later than noon on the day before the county canvass and present an acceptable type of Photo ID.” “We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to our Help Station. The Help Station official will assist you with voting options, including your ability to cast a provisional ballot.” ““ Check-in Station | 9 Voter Presents Wrong Type of Photo ID “I'm sorry, but your photo identification is not one of the acceptable types of photo ID for voting purposes. Do you have one of these with you today? “I understand that you do not have any other photo ID with you. We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to our Help Station. “The Help Station official will assist you with voting options, including your ability to cast a provisional ballot.” ““ Check-in Station | 10 Step 2 Ask voter to state name. • The voter must state his name in a manner that can be heard by the election official and by election observers. The election official may ask that the name be stated as last name, first name and then middle name. Time may be given between each question to permit the election official to query the voter registration lists --first by last name and then by first and middle name of the voter. “Please state your last name, first name and middle name.” ““ Check-in Station | 11 Voter Difficulty • If the voter gives his full name in a manner that is difficult to hear or discern, it is permissible to ask the voter to repeat it more slowly or a bit louder. It is also permissible to ask the voter to spell any portion of the name. • If the voter is unable to speak, it is permissible to ask the voter to write his name. • After the voter has stated his name, the election official may reference the photo ID to determine the name spelling for the purpose of locating the voter in the voter list. Voter Uncooperative • If the voter is uncooperative, refer the voter to the Help Station. Check-in Station | 12 Voter Will Not State Name “I understand that you prefer not to state your name. Thank you for understanding that I am here to carry out the duties required by North Carolina law. Our goal is to accommodate you in a courteous and expedient manner.” “Without your cooperation, we are unable to issue a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station.” “Please provide the official at the Help Station with this form. He or she will connect you with the election judges who will be able to assist further.” ““ Check-in Station | 13 Step 3 Search for Voter's Name on the Voter List. • After the voter states his name, the election official should search for it on the voter list. • The official should check that there are no similar names that would result in selecting the wrong voter. • If more information is required to determine the correct voter record, it is permissible for the election official to ask that the voter spell the name and/or to ask that the voter provide date of birth. Check-in Station | 14 Helpful Suggestions if Unable to Locate Voter Record 1 • Ask voter to spell name. 2 • Ask voter if name has changed. 3 • Ask voter if name is hyphenated. 4 • Perform wildcard search with last name. 5 • Perform search by date of birth. 6 • Perform search by voter's residential address. 7 • If still unable to locate voter's name, refer the voter to the Help Station. Check-in Station | 15 Unable to Locate Voter's Name “We are unable to locate a record for you in the voter list. To avoid further delay, let us help you vote provisionally. The provisional process allows the board of elections time to research your registration.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to cast a ballot today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to our Help Station. Please provide the Help Station official with this form. He or she will assist you with voting options, including your ability to cast a provisional ballot.” ““ Check-in Station | 16 Step 4 Compare stated name. • Compare the name stated by the voter to the name in voter record. Check-in Station | 17 If the name stated by the voter does not match the voter's name on record: • Ask the voter if his name has changed. • Confirm that there is not a reasonable variation in the name stated and the name on the voter record. • If the voter's name in the voter record is not current, update the voter's name. • The voter must sign the appropriate section on the vote authorizing document or change of name/address form to have the county board of elections process the name change. Check-in Station | 18 Step 5 Ask voter to state address. • Ask voter to state his voting residence. This should be the address where the voter will have resided for at least 30 days as of the date of the election. “Please state your residential address.” ““ Check-in Station | 19 Voter Difficulty • If a person is unable to state his address due to an impairment, we are glad to make reasonable accommodations including asking the voter to write the address or to confirm the address on the photo ID (if the photo ID has an address and that address is current). Voter Uncooperative •If the voter is uncooperative, refer the voter to the Help Station. Check-in Station | 20 Voter Will Not State Address “I understand that you prefer not to state your address. Thank you for understanding that I am here to carry out the duties required by North Carolina law. Our goal is to accommodate you in a courteous and expedient manner.” “Without your cooperation, we will be unable to issue a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and then direct you to the Help Station.” “Please provide the Help Station official with this form; he or she will connect you with the election judges who will be able to discuss this with you further.” ““ Check-in Station | 21 Step 6 Compare the address stated by the voter to the address in voter list. • The stated address must be used to ensure that you have identified the correct voter in the voter list. After confirming that you have found the correct voter in the voter list, you must confirm that there is an eligible ballot style for the voter at the address given. Check-in Station | 22 Unreported Move (Incorrect Address) Guidance If the address stated by the voter does not match the voter's address on record: • Confirm that you pulled up the correct voter record, according to the voter's name. • If you have the correct voter record, ask voter if he has moved. • If voter indicates he moved, ask voter for his previous address. • If the previous address matches the address in the voter's record, ask the voter for the date of the move. • Determine ballot style based on the address where the voter will have resided 30 days prior to the date of the election. Check-in Station | 23 Moved 30 or More Days to Address Within County (Unreported Move) One-stop •During the one-stop absentee voting period, if the voter moved 30 or more days before the date of the election, the voter's address in the county should be updated and the voter given the ballot style for which he is eligible based on the updated address. If voter presents to NEW PRECINCT, permit voter to be transferred into new precinct and offer a regular ballot or refer voter to Help Station to cast a provisional ballot. If voter presents to OLD PRECINCT, transfer voter to new precinct or refer voter to Help Station to cast a provisional ballot. If voter presents to a CENTRAL PRECINCT, receive transferred voter from old precinct and permit voter to cast a regular ballot. Election Day • On Election Day, the voter may update the address in his new precinct or a central precinct and vote a regular ballot. • Alternatively, the voter may vote provisionally in his previous precinct. If voter with an Unreported Move presents to a voting site other than one of the sites listed above, refer voter to Help Station to cast a provisional ballot. Check-in Station | 24 Moved Less than 30 Days to Address within County One-stop • During the one-stop absentee voting period, if the voter moved less than 30 days from the date of the election, the voter's address should not be updated. The voter should be issued both a ballot based on his previous address in the county and a voter registration form to update his address in the county for future elections. Election Day • On Election Day, the voter's proper precinct is based on his previous address. If the voter presents to vote at the polling place for the precinct based on his previous address, he should be issued a regular ballot. • The voter should be given a voter registration update form to update his address in the county for future elections. If the voter presents to vote at any other polling site, he should be referred to his proper voting site or to the Help Station to vote a provisional ballot. Check-in Station | 25 Moved to Address in Another County Moved More Than 30 Days • Regardless of whether the voter is presenting to vote during the one-stop absentee voting period or on Election Day, the voter is no longer qualified to vote in the county. If the voter insists on voting, the voter should be referred to the Help Station and offered a provisional ballot. Moved Less than 30 Days • The voter's proper precinct is still based on his previous address. The voter is still eligible to vote a regular ballot at the voting site based on his previous precinct. Inform the voter that he should register to vote in his new county for purposes of future elections. Check-in Station | 26 Step 7 Ask voter to state party affiliation (partisan primary only). In a partisan primary election: • the voter shall be asked to state and shall state the political party with which the voter is affiliated; or • if unaffiliated, voter shall state the party in which the voter wishes to vote; or • if unaffiliated the voter may choose to vote a non-partisan ballot (if one is available). Check-in Station | 27 Voter is Unaffiliated (Partisan Primary Election) If voter is registered unaffiliated and presents to vote in a partisan primary election: “What is your primary ballot preference? You may choose a Democratic, Libertarian, Republican, or a non-partisan ballot." • A non-partisan ballot will have non-partisan contests such as judicial contests, non-partisan school boards, or referenda. It will not include the contests for President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Council of State or local contests like sheriff, county commissioners, etc. • Selecting a party ballot will not change the voter’s unaffiliated status. ““ Check-in Station | 28 Voter Desires to Vote Different Party Ballot than Affiliated Party “Your voter record indicates that you are registered as a [party affiliation]. You are only eligible to participate in a primary election of the political party for which you are affiliated.” “If you desire to vote a ballot style for which you are not eligible, I can refer you to the Help Station, where you will be offered a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to cast a ballot today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election with this ballot style, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station. Please provide the official with the form. The Help Station will provide information about casting a provisional ballot and the requirements for having that ballot counted.” ““ Check-in Station | 29 Step 8 Confirm voter status. • Check the voter's record to determine whether there are voter status issues that require the voter to provide additional information or documentation before a regular ballot can be issued to the voter. Check-in Station | 30 Voter Status Overview Active Voter is registered to vote in the county. Voter's voting eligibility is based on the address where he resided 30 days prior to the date of the election. Inactive Voter is registered to vote in the county. There is an address issue. The county board of elections has been unable to verify the voter's address by mail. Ask voter to confirm his address. No special proof of address document is required. Voter's voting eligibility is based on the address where he resided 30 days prior to the date of the election. Removed Denied Temporary Voter is no longer registered to vote in the county. Voter was removed because the county board of elections determined that the voter was no longer qualified to be registered in the county. Voter may only vote a provisional ballot. The voter's registration application was denied either because it was determined that the voter is not qualified to vote in the county or mail verification failed. A failed mail verification means that the county board of elections mailed two voter registration cards to the voter and both were returned as undeliverable by the U.S. Postal Service. Voter may only vote a provisional ballot. Voter is registered as an absent military or overseas voter. Voter may only vote a provisional ballot. Check-in Station | 31 Voter is Inactive “Our voter records show that we must confirm either your residential or mailing address.” “Have you provided us with the address where you will have resided for at least 30 days as of the date of the election, and do you receive mail at this address?” Based on the answer given by the voter, you may have to request that the voter update his address. In any event, the voter must sign the appropriate section on the vote authorizing document or a separate Name/Address Update Form. ““ Check-in Station | 32 Record Indicates Voter Has Already Voted “Our voter records show that you have already voted in this election. It is possible that the record is in error, but we are unable to issue you a regular ballot today. You may cast a provisional ballot if you believe that you have not already voted. Have you already voted in this election?” “Since I am unable to authorize a regular ballot, I am referring you to the Help Station to discuss a provisional ballot. Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to cast a ballot today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote, your vote will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station. Please provide the Help Station official with the form. He or she will provide you information about casting a provisional ballot and requirements for having your ballot counted.” ““ Check-in Station | 33 Record Indicates HAVA ID is Required First-time voters, who at the time of their initial voter registration did not provide their North Carolina driver license number or the last four digits of their social security number, or who provided a number that could not be validated, are required to show identification when they vote. This identification does not have to be a photo ID. The requirement for first-time voters to show identification is a requirement of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, a federal law not unique to North Carolina. Acceptable forms of HAVA ID include: • A current and valid photo identification; or • A copy of one of the following documents that show the name and address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document. First-time voters who are required to show HAVA ID will have been notified of this requirement by their county board of elections. If the voter complies with North Carolina's photo ID requirements, the requirements under HAVA are met. Check-in Station | 34 Voter Has No Eligible Ballot Style “Your voter record lists the election contests in which you are qualified to vote. For this election, there are no eligible contests for which you may vote. If you believe that you are qualified to vote in election contests that are not listed on your voter record and desire to vote, I can offer you a provisional ballot.” “Again, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to cast a vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. A provisional ballot permits the board of elections to research your address to determine your correct voting district.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station. Please provide the Help Station official with the form. He or she will provide you information about casting a provisional ballot and the requirements for having your ballot counted.” ““ Check-in Station | 35 Step 9 Determine whether photo ID meets expiration requirements. • Confirm that the expiration date meets requirements based on its type and the voter's age. Check-in Station | 36 Confirm Photo ID Meets Expiration Requirements Pick up the photo ID and locate the expiration date. Confirm that the expiration date meets the requirements based on its type and the voter's age. If the photo ID is expired and does not qualify for an exception based on its type, the voter's age, or lack of printed issuance/expiration date, inform the voter the reason his photo ID does not meet the expiration requirement and ask whether he has another form of acceptable photo ID. “I'm sorry, but your photo ID does not meet the expiration requirements. Do you have another form of acceptable photo ID?” If the voter indicates that he does not have another form of acceptable photo ID, invite the voter to vote a provisional ballot. ““ Check-in Station | 37 Voter's ID is Expired “I'm sorry, but your Photo ID does not meet the expiration requirements. Do you have another form of acceptable photo ID?” “I understand that you do not have any other acceptable Photo ID with you. We want to help you vote today, so I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station.” “Please provide the Help Station official with this form. He or she will assist you with voting options, including your ability to cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to cast a ballot today and allow the county board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” “The Help Station can provide information about provisional voting and the requirements for ensuring that your provisional ballot will be counted.” ““ Check-in Station | 38 Step 10 Determine whether the name on photo ID is the same or substantially equivalent. • When comparing the name on the photo ID, determine whether it is the same as or substantially equivalent to the name in the voter record. • Make this determination based on the totality of the circumstances, construing all evidence, including any explanation or documentation voluntarily offered by the person presenting to vote in the light most favorable to the person. • Do not ask for evidence or require proof, but give the voter an opportunity to provide an explanation if necessary. Check-in Station | 39 Determining Whether Name is Substantially Equivalent The name appearing on the photo identification shall be considered substantially equivalent to the name contained in the registration record if the totality of the circumstances and available evidence or explanation supports that any differences are attributable to one or more of the following reasons: • omission of one or more parts of the name • use of a variation or nickname rather than a formal name • use of an initial in place of one or more parts of a given name • use of a former name, including maiden name • name variation that includes or omits hyphenation • ordering of names • variation in spelling or typographical errors Check-in Station | 40 Voter Name is Not Substantially Equivalent “Your stated name does not substantially match the name in your voter record.” “I am unable to determine that you have met the reasonable resemblance requirements of this state's photo ID law. Our election judges will help determine whether you may vote a regular ballot today.” “I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station. Please provide the Help Station official with this form. He or she will connect you with the election judges who will be able to assist you further. If one of the election judges can make a determination that the photo ID that you are presenting is acceptable, you will be able to proceed voting a regular ballot.” “Otherwise, you will be given alternative voting options so that you may cast a ballot today.” ““ Check-in Station | 41 Step 11 Determine whether Photo ID depicts the voter. • Make a determination whether the photographic image on the photo ID bears a reasonable resemblance to the voter presenting the ID. • You must make this determination based on the totality of the circumstances, construing all evidence, including any explanation or documentation voluntarily offered by the person presenting to vote in the light most favorable to that person. Check-in Station | 42 Determining Reasonable Resemblance of Photo Perceived differences of the following features shall not be grounds for the election official to find that the photograph appearing on the photo identification fails to depict the person presenting to vote: • weight • hair features and styling, including changes in length, color, hairline, or use of a wig or other hairpiece • facial hair • complexion or skin tone • cosmetics or tattooing • apparel, including the presence or absence of eyeglasses or contact lenses • characteristics arising from a perceptible medical condition, disability, or aging • photographic lighting conditions or printing quality Check-in Station | 43 If Reasonable Resemblance Cannot be Determined “I am unable to determine that the photo on this ID depicts you.” “I will need the assistance of our election judges to determine whether you may cast a regular ballot today.” “I'm going to quickly complete a Help Referral Form and direct you to the Help Station.” “Please provide the Help Station official with this form. He or she will connect you with the election judges who will be able to assist you further.” “If one of the election judges determines that the photo ID that you are presenting does depict you, you will be able to proceed with voting a regular ballot.” “Otherwise, you will be given alternative voting options so that you may cast a ballot today.” ““ Check-in Station | 44 Step 12 Make a determination of eligibility to vote. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Voter has stated name; Voter has stated address; If applicable, voter has stated party affiliation; Voter has provided acceptable photo ID; and The election official has identified, selected, and if applicable, updated the voter's name and/or address. If the foregoing voting procedure requirements have been met, the election official must make the determination that the voter has met the requirements of the check-in process and is eligible to vote. Check-in Station | 45 Determination of Eligibility If the election official determines that voter is qualified and eligible to vote: 1 2 3 The election official must return the voter's ID. The election official must state that the voter is duly registered to vote. The election official must issue the voter a vote authorizing document. Check-in Station | 46 Statement of Eligibility to Vote Election official states the following: “[Voter's full name], who resides at [voter's address], is registered and eligible to vote here today. (If the election is partisan primary): "[He/She]is voting as a [ballot party]." Mr. /Ms. _______________, this is your [One-stop Application] or [Authorization to Vote Form],please: • check your name [point to name] • check your address [point to address] • [If applicable] check your primary ballot preference [point to ballot party] If everything is correct, please sign here [point to signature space on the form].” Direct Voter to Ballot Station ““ Check-in Station | 47 Curbside StepVoting 9 (GS §163-166.9; 8 NCAC.018) In any primary or election any qualified voter who is Determine whether photo ID meets expiration able to travel to the voting place, but because of requirements. age, or physical disability and physical barriers • Confirm that the expiration date meets requirements based on its type encountered and the voter's at age.the voting place is unable to enter the voting place or enclosure to vote in person without physical assistance, shall be allowed to vote either in the vehicle conveying such person to the voting place or in the immediate proximity. Curbside Station | 1 Curbside Voting Identification Requirements Any qualified curbside voter may comply with the voter identification requirements by: • presenting an acceptable type of photo identification, or • presenting a copy of one of the following documents that shows the name and address of the voter: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document. Curbside Station | 2 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 1 - Exterior) 1 • Determine person voting curbside. 2 • Give curbside oath. 3 • Ask voter to state name. 4 • Ask voter to state address. 5 • Ask voter to state party affiliation (if partisan primary only). 6 • Ask voter to show an acceptable photo ID. 7 • Confirm ID meets expiration requirements. 8 • Determine whether photo ID bears reasonable resemblance. 9 • Determine whether ID meets name and address standards. 10 • Return ID to voter. Curbside Station | 3 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 2 - Interior) 1 • Locate the voter record. 2 • Compare record name and address on log to voter record. Update if necessary. 3 • Issue/prepare Authorization to Vote or One-stop Application. 4 • Prepare curbside balloting materials. Curbside Station | 4 Curbside Voting Procedures (Part 3 - Exterior) 1 • Take curbside balloting materials to the voter. 2 • Have voter sign Curbside Affidavit (if not previously signed) and Authorization to Vote or One-stop Application. 3 • Provide voter with voting instructions. 4 • Once voter has completed the act of voting, place ballot into privacy sleeve (or have voter seal ballot in secure curbside envelope) and take ballot into the voting place. 5 • Unless ballot is sealed in a curbside envelope, the ballot should be delivered to one of the judges of election to be placed into the tabulator. 6 • Return to the vehicle and advise the voter that ballot was successfully cast. Curbside Station | 5 Curbside Oath Ask: “May I have the name of the person voting curbside today?” Recite curbside oath and have voter swear or affirm: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm): that I am a registered voter in [county name]; that because of age or physical disability I am unable to enter the voting place to vote in person without physical assistance; that I desire to vote outside the voting place and enclosure, and that I understand that a false statement as to my condition will be in violation of North Carolina law." ““ Curbside Station | 6 Welcome to the Help Station “We apologize for the delay in your voting.” “We would like to help you cast an appropriate ballot today.” “Were you given a Help Referral Form?” “The form will help us expedite your visit with us at the Help Station.” ““ Help Station | 1 Provisional Voting – General Guidance “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to cast a ballot today but allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” ““ Help Station | 2 Provisional Voting Reasons NO RECORD OF REGISTRATION Used when no record of registration for the voter can be found in the voter record. Before using this reason, ensure that you have thoroughly searched for the voter. Try searching by date of birth, variations of the spelling of the last name, etc. UNREPORTED MOVE Used when a voter provides an address within the county of registration that is different than the voter's current registered address and the voter indicates that the move to the new address occurred 30 or more days prior to Election Day. Be sure to ask voter the date of the move. If the move was 30 or more days from the date of the election, you may use this reason. PREVIOUSLY REMOVED Used when it is determined that a voter was previously registered in the county but the registration was cancelled. A voter's registration may be cancelled due to any number of reasons (moved within state; moved to another state; felony conviction; removed due to list maintenance; sustained challenge; deceased, etc.) Do not use this reason unless instructed to do so by the county board of elections. Help Station | 3 Provisional Voting Reasons NO ACCEPTABLE ID Used when voter does not present acceptable identification. When used, you will need to explain all alternative voting options to the voter. NONREASONABLE RESEMBLANCE Used when all judges of election determine that the picture or name on the photo ID presented by the voter does not bear the voter's resemblance. Help Station | 4 Provisional Voting Reasons UNRECOGNIZED ADDRESS (GEOCODE ISSUE) Used when you are unable to locate the address stated by the voter in the county’s street lookup files. Do not use this reason unless instructed to do so by the county board of elections. INCORRECT PRECINCT Used when a voter is requesting to vote at a polling place on Election Day that is not the polling place for the voter’s proper precinct. The voter’s proper precinct is the precinct assigned to the voter based on his address 30 or more days prior to Election Day. You should only use this reason if the voter presents in a voting site other than his proper precinct; however, do not use this reason if the more appropriate reason is Unreported Move. . INCORRECT PARTY Used only in a partisan primary when a voter insists upon voting a ballot for a party other than the party of the voter's affilated party. Do not use this reason for any election other than a partisan primary. Help Station | 5 Provisional Voting Reasons VOTER ALREADY VOTED Used if the voter record indicates that the voter who is presenting to vote has already cast a ballot in the election. JURISDICTION DISPUTE Used if a voter presents to vote and has no eligible ballot style or the voter requests to vote for an election contest that is not in the voter's assigned voting district based on his legal voting residence. VOTED DURING EXTENDED HOURS Used if the hours for voting are extended by the State Board of Elections or a court order. Help Station | 6 Provisional Voting Administrative Procedures (Manual) 1 • Accept Help Referral Form from Voter. 2 • Ask voter for photo ID. If voter does not have acceptable photo ID, explain the options for voting. 3 • Complete Provisional Poll Book. 4 • Complete administrative section of Provisional Voting Application. 5 • Complete administrative section of Reasonable Impediment Declaration (if applicable). 6 • Affix PIN labels to poll book log, provisional application, and provisional instructions. 7 • Ask voter to complete and sign Provisional Voter Application. 8 • Ask voter to complete and sign Reasonable Impediment Declaration (if applicable). 9 • Accept and review all forms from voter. Sign or initial forms where appropriate. 10 • If ID was provided check ID to determine whether the ID is acceptable. Mark the provisional application to show whether the voter provided acceptable ID. 11 • Obtain appropriate ballot and write the word "Provisional" and the PCT/VTD number of the voter's eligible precinct (where the voter has lived 30 or more days) on the ballot. Present voter with ballot, provisional application and envelope and provisional instructions. 12 • Provide voter with verbal instructions on voting ballot in private, placing voted ballot in envelope, and returning voted ballot sealed in the provisional envelope. 13 • Provide voter with any verbal instructions for presenting acceptable photo ID to the board of elections no later than noon on the day before the county canvass and for checking status of provisional ballot. Help Station | 7 Provisional Voting Administrative Procedures (SOSA/OVRD) 1 • Accept Help Referral Form from Voter. 2 • Ask voter for photo ID. If voter does not have acceptable photo ID, explain the options for voting. 3 • Search for voter and select Add Existing to choose an existing voter. If voter cannot be located, select Add New. 4 • Complete the provisional data entry information screens. 5 • Print the Provisional Voter Application (if voter voting provisionally) or the Acknowledgment of Voting Options. 6 • Ask voter to sign Provisional Voter Application, or Acknowledgment of Voting Options. 7 • If applicable, ask voter to complete the Reasonable Impediment Declaration (prints with provisional application)and provide alternative ID for purposes of the reasonable impediment provision. 8 • Accept and review all forms from voter. 9 • Check any ID provided by the voter to determine whether ID provided is acceptable under the law. Mark the provisional application to show whether the voter provided acceptable ID. 10 • Obtain appropriate ballot and write the word "Provisional" and the PCT/VTD number of the voter's eligible precinct (where the voter has lived 30 or more days) on the ballot. Present voter with ballot, provisional application and envelope and provisional instructions. 11 • Provide voter with verbal instructions on voting ballot in private, placing voted ballot in envelope and returning voted ballot sealed in the provisional envelope. 12 • Provide voter with any verbal instructions for presenting acceptable Photo ID to the board of elections no later than noon on the day before the county canvass and for checking status of provisional ballot. Help Station | 8 Provisional Voter Instructions Provisional Voter Instructions. These instructions explain the reason you were offered a provisional ballot.” • “Your Provisional Identification Number or PIN is on these instructions. You should use the PIN to check the status of your provisional application. You may check the status no earlier than 10 days after the date of the election.” 4 • “If you voted provisionally due to No Acceptable ID and you are still required to show a photo ID, you must take acceptable photo ID in person to the Board of Elections office no later than noon on the day before the county canvass and show your ID to an election official.” ““ Provisional Voting Reason County Canvass Day • “Here are your 3 ID 2 Provisional Voting Reason PIN Provisional Voting Reason 1 • “The county canvass will be held 7 days after Election Day (except statewide general election).” • The county canvass will be held 10 days after Election Day.” Help Station | 9 Election Official Provisional Voting Checklist Provisional Voter Application • Voter must sign. • Note whether voter provided ID. • Make additional notations, if necessary. Reasonable Impediment Declaration • Voter must sign. • Voter must provide reason for the impediment. • Voter must provide alternative ID. • Election official must initial form. Ballot • Write "Provisional" on ballot. • Write Precinct/VTD # on the ballot of the precinct in which the voter is eligbile to vote. (Tip: This may not be the precinct in which the voter is casting the provisional ballot. This is the precinct the voter lived at 30 days before election day.) Ballot Envelope • Affix application to envelope. Provisional Voter Instructions • If applicable, provide voter with date and time to present Photo ID to Board of Elections office. • Provide voter with instructions for checking status of provisional application. Help Station |10 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Required Notifications Any voter who does not present acceptable photo ID in accordance with North Carolina law must be notified of the following options: (1) The voter is permitted to vote a provisional official ballot which shall be counted in accordance with G.S. 163-182.1A. (2) The voter is permitted to complete a reasonable impediment declaration, as provided in G.S. 163-166.15, and vote a provisional official ballot which shall be counted in accordance with G.S. 163-182.1B. (3) The voter is permitted to complete a written request for an absentee ballot in accordance with G.S. 163-227.2(b1) until the deadline for submission of requests for absentee ballots provided in G.S. 163-230.1 Help Station |11 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Alternative Voting Options (Use During One-stop Voting Period Only - Absentee Request Deadline Has Not Passed) “I understand that you are not able to present a photo ID today. That's not a problem; you may still cast a ballot today. Once we've reviewed your options, please let me know which option you prefer:” Option 1: “If you forgot to bring your photo ID, you may leave to retrieve it and return to vote a regular ballot.” Option 2: “Alternatively, we can offer you one of two options for provisional voting. I can review those options with you shortly.” Option 3: “You may request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you provided you make the request by the deadline." ““ Help Station |12 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Alternative Voting Options (Absentee Request Deadline Has Passed) “I understand that you are not able to present a photo ID today. That's not a problem; you may still cast a ballot today. Once we've reviewed your options, please let me know which option you prefer:” Option 1: “If you forgot to bring your photo ID, you may leave to retrieve it and return to vote a regular ballot.” Option 2: “Alternatively, we can offer you one of two options for provisional voting. I can review those options with you shortly.” ““ Help Station |13 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Provisional Voting Options 1 2 Vote a provisional ballot and present in person at Board of Elections with acceptable ID no later than noon on day before County Canvass. Present ID Before Canvass Complete a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, vote a provisional ballot and present alternative ID here today. Reasonable Impediment Help Station |14 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Vote Provisional Ballot and Present Acceptable ID before Canvass “You may vote a provisional ballot today, then bring your acceptable photo ID in person to the county board of elections office before 12:00 noon on the day before the county canvass.” “The county canvass is 7 days after the date of the election for all elections except a statewide general election. The county canvass is 10 days after the date of the statewide general election.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” ““ Help Station |15 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Complete Reasonable Impediment Declaration and Vote Provisional Ballot “If you do not have or possess a photo ID due to some reasonable impediment, barrier or obstacle that prevents you from showing a photo ID today, you may indicate or declare the impediment on a special form, then vote a provisional ballot.” “Given your impediment, the law permits you to provide a form of identification alternative to a photo ID.” ““ Help Station |16 Reasonable Impediment Guidance Is your reasonable impediment due to one of these issues? If so, you must declare the reason on a Reasonable Impediment Declaration. In lieu of presenting a photo ID, you may provide one of these forms of identification: Lack of transportation. ID Document Disability or illness. a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document with your name and address; or Lack of birth certificate or other documents needed to obtain photo identification. Work schedule. your Voter Registration Card Family responsibilities. or Lost or stolen photo identification. your Photo identification applied for but not received by the voter voting in person. date of birth and the last Other reason, including a reason that state or federal law prohibits listing the impediment. social security number four digits of your Help Station |17 Reasonable Impediment Reasons “Do you lack a photo ID due to one of these reasons?” Lack of transportation. Disability or illness. Lack of birth certificate or other documents needed to obtain photo identification. Work schedule. Family responsibilities. Lost or stolen photo identification. Photo identification applied for but not received by the voter voting in person. Other reason, including a reason that state or federal law prohibits listing the impediment. ““ Help Station |18 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Acknowledgment of Voting Options – Absentee By Mail (One-stop Voting Period Only) Until the deadline for submission of requests for absentee ballots, any voter who fails to present an eligible form of photo identification must be notified of the option to complete a written request form for an absentee ballot at a one-stop absentee voting location. The voter will be asked to sign a form acknowledging that he was notified of this option to request and vote an absentee ballot. Help Station |19 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Absentee Voting by Mail Option “If you prefer, we can help you request a by-mail absentee ballot.” “If you request and vote a by-mail absentee ballot, you will not be required to show a photo ID.” “You must complete a State Absentee Ballot Request Form.” “The county board of elections will mail your ballot to you. You must vote according to the instructions and return the ballot by the appropriate deadline.” ““ Help Station |20 Voter Chooses Not to Vote Provisionally (Acknowledgment of Voting Options) “I am required to notify you of each of the following: • The option to request an absentee ballot to vote in this election. • The instructions for completing the absentee ballot, along with the deadline for returning the absentee ballot. • The means by which the voter may transmit the executed ballot to the county board of elections, including through delivery in person to an election official at a one-stop voting location.” “Once you have received notice, you must sign a form acknowledging that you were notified of the option to request and vote an absentee ballot.” “Here is an absentee ballot request form. The required instructions are on the back on this form.” “Please acknowledge having received all of the required notices by signing this Acknowledgment of Voting Options form.” ““ Help Station |21 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID (Religious Objection) “I understand that you do not have a photo ID due to a sincerely held religious objection to being photographed.” “North Carolina permits you to execute a declaration before an election official to that effect, after which the declaration will become part of your voter registration record.” “You were required to sign the declaration at least 25 days before the date of the election to have it made part of your record today. Since we did not receive your declaration by that time, you may vote a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to cast a vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened when it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |22 Provisional Voting Reason: Nonreasonable Resemblance “The election official at check-in was not able to determine that the photo ID you presented depicts you [or was not able to determine that the name on your ID is substantially equivalent to the name listed in the voter record].” “This is not a problem that will prevent you from voting today, but we must complete a brief process to ensure that no one else is allowed to cast a ballot in your name.” “To protect the integrity of the elections process, election officials must examine the identification presented by a voter to be sure that it ‘matches up’ to that voter.” “If the check-in official isn't completely certain, the three election judges will make a determination. It seems that the check-in official had some question about the way that the [name or photo] appears on your ID.” “You will have the opportunity to offer the election judges any information or documentation that you think will help clarify the issue, and if there is anyone else here with you who can help, such as a family member, the judges may hear from them as well.” “If any one of the election judges determines that the photo ID that you are presenting bears a reasonable resemblance to you, you may proceed casting a regular ballot.” “Otherwise, you will be given alternative voting options. If you will please wait here for just a moment, I will bring the election judges over to speak with you.” ““ Help Station |23 Provisional Voting Reason: No Acceptable ID Voter Unwilling to Provide ID “Thank you for understanding that I am here to carry out the duties required by North Carolina law. Our goal is to accommodate you in a courteous and expedient manner. The law requires that you show us a photo ID to cast a regular ballot. If you decide not to present a photo ID today, we will be unable to issue you a regular ballot, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “If you decide to cast a provisional ballot, please bear in mind that you must appear in person to the county board of elections office no later than noon on the day before the county canvass and present an acceptable type of photo ID for that ballot to be counted.” “If it can be confirmed that you are eligible to vote in this election, your provisional ballot will be counted before the results of this election are final.” ““ Help Station |24 No Record of Registration (If Same Day Registration Allowed) “We cannot locate a voter record for you, but the law permits you to register to vote and vote on the same day during the one-stop absentee voting period.” “To use Same Day Registration, you must complete a voter registration application and show proof of your residential address in this county. You may use: - Photo ID - a current photo ID with your name and address, or - Identity Document - a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address.” “You will also need to meet North Carolina's voter ID requirements in order to cast a ballot.” “You may cast a ballot today, but your voter registration application will be processed by the board of elections to ensure that you are qualified to vote. This process will include sending you a verification mailing to confirm your address by mail. Your vote will be counted unless the county board of elections determines that you are not qualified to vote at the address provided.” ““ Help Station |25 Provisional Voting Reason: No Record of Registration (If Same Day Registration is Not Allowed) “We cannot locate a record for you in the voter list. To avoid further delay, let us have you vote provisionally. This process will give the board of elections time to research your registration.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to cast a vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. This process will give the board of elections time to research your registration.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |26 Address Provided by Voter Does Not Match Address in Voter Record Unreported Moves Voters with unreported moves more than 30 days are eligible to vote at their new precinct, a central location, or may vote a provisional ballot at their old precinct. If voter presents at a precinct other than proper precinct, offer the voter a provisional ballot. The county board of elections will make the determination as to whether it is appropriate to count the ballot based on current North Carolina law. Help Station |27 Unreported Move Guidance (General) Moved 30 or more days to a new precinct in same county where registered. • Presents at precinct of old address: Transfer voter to new precinct. If voter chooses not to be transferred, offer voter a provisional ballot - Unreported Move. • Presents at precinct of new address: Transfer voter into new precinct. Offer regular ballot only if you inform old precinct and have staff there mark voter as voted in their poll book or offer provisional ballot Unreported Move. Moved less than 30 days ago to new precinct in same county where registered. • Presents at precinct of old address: Offer voter regular ballot. Provide voter with voter registration application to complete for future update. • Presents at precinct of new address: Refer voter to old precinct. If voter chooses not to go to old precinct, offer a provisional ballot - Incorrect Precinct. Moved 30 or more days ago within the same precinct in the same county where registered. • Offer voter regular ballot after completing address update and determining ballot style (which may be different even within the same precinct). Moved less than 30 days ago within the same precinct in the same county where registered. •Offer voter regular ballot based on previous address. Provide voter with voter registration application to complete for future update. Do not update address at this point because ballot style may be affected. Moved into county from another county or state and did not register by deadline: •Offer voter registration application. If voter insists on voting, offer provisional ballot. Help Station |28 Unreported Move – Precinct Transfer Guidance If feasible, the new precinct will contact an "Unreported Move" voter's previous precinct and confirm the following: • Voter is registered in the county. • Voter has not yet voted in the election. If the voter's registration and eligibility to vote is confirmed, the voter may be transferred into the new precinct and given a regular ballot. Be sure to alert staff of the previous precinct to mark the voter's record as transferred. If it is not feasible for the new precinct to contact the voter's previous precinct, the voter should be offered a provisional ballot. Help Station |29 Provisional Voting Reason: Unreported Move (New or Central Precinct) “You must vote a provisional ballot today because your name is not on the voter list in this precinct. Since your registration is still tied to your old address, your name is on the voter list in your old precinct.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote.” “If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |30 Provisional Voting Reason: Unreported Move (Old Precinct) “You moved from this precinct 30 or more days ago. This is no longer your proper precinct.” “Therefore, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot here today. We can either complete a transfer form that you must take to your new precinct so that you may cast a regular ballot there, or you may cast a provisional ballot here today.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method of voting that will permit you to cast a ballot today and allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after election day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote in this election, any contests in which you are eligible to vote will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |31 Provisional Voting Reason: Previously Removed “The county board of elections must research your voter registration issue; although, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot, you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |32 Provisional Voting Reason: Unrecognized Address (Geocode Issue) “We were unable to locate your address in our voter registration system. Since we must have your address to determine your proper voting districts, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot today. You may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. A provisional ballot gives the board of elections time to research your address to determine your correct voting districts.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |33 Provisional Voting Reason: Incorrect Precinct (Election Day Only –Voter has not moved and the voter has presented to vote in a precinct in which voter is not eligible) “On Election Day, you must go to your proper precinct to receive your correct ballot style. Your proper precinct is the polling place for the precinct that is based on the address where you have resided for at least 30 days prior to today. The ballot in your proper precinct will include all of the contests for which you are eligible to vote.” “Since you are not at the polling place for your proper precinct, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |34 Provisional Voting Reason: Voter Already Voted “Our voter records show that you have already voted in this election. We are unable to issue you a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |36 Provisional Voting Reason: Jurisdiction Dispute (No Eligible Ballot Style) “Your voter record lists the election contests in which you are qualified to vote. For this election, there are no eligible contests for which you may vote. If you believe that you are qualified to vote in contests that are not listed on your voter record and desire to vote, I may offer you a provisional ballot.” “Again, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. A provisional ballot gives the board of elections to research your address to determine your correct voting districts.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |37 Provisional Voting Reason: Jurisdiction Dispute (Disputed Contests) “Your voter record lists the election contests in which you are qualified to vote. These eligible contests are on your assigned ballot. If you believe that you are qualified to vote in election contests that are not listed on your voter record and desire an alternative ballot, you may cast that ballot provisionally.” “Again, we are unable to issue you a regular ballot today, but you may cast a provisional ballot.” “Provisional voting is a fail-safe method that will permit you to vote today, yet allow the board of elections to verify your voting eligibility after Election Day. A provisional ballot will permit the board of elections to research your address to determine your correct voting districts.” “Provisional ballots are placed in secure envelopes that will only be opened if it is determined that you are qualified and eligible to vote. If it can be determined that you are registered and qualified to vote here, your ballot will be counted before the results of this election are made final.” ““ Help Station |38 Ballot Station Procedures (Optical Scan) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Receive vote authorizing document from voter. Review carefully. Ensure voter has signed the form. Pull appropriate ballot. If your voting site has more than one ballot style, use VBT scanner to match vote authorizing document with ballot style issued. Record absentee application number on ballot (one-stop voting only). Record precinct/VTD on ballot (if applicable). Sequentially number the vote authorizing document (if applicable). Direct voter to the voting equipment. Ballot Station |1 Ballot Station Procedures (Electronic) 1 Receive vote authorizing document from voter. 2 Review carefully. Ensure voter has signed the form. 3 Take voter to voting equipment. 4 Select proper precinct and ballot. 5 Enter absentee application number for ballot (one-stop voting only). 6 Return vote authorizing document to Ballot Station and sequentially number the form, if applicable. Ballot Station |2 Ballot Issues If a voter returns to the ballot table with a jurisdiction dispute or party dispute • • • • • • Confirm that correct ballot was issued. Place a mark through ballot and write "Ballot Dispute." Locate voter's ATV or One-stop application. If incorrect ballot was issued, issue the correct ballot. If correct ballot was issued, then (write "Ballot Dispute" on form) and refer voter to Help Station. Note: After issuance of a ballot, the voter has begun the act of voting. If voter leaves the voting enclosure without casting a ballot, he cannot be issued another regular ballot. If voter decides not to vote • • • • Accept ballot from voter. Place a mark through ballot and write "Voter Decided Not to Vote." Locate voter's ATV or One-stop application (write "Decided Not to Vote" on form). Note: After issuance of a ballot, the voter has begun the act of voting. If voter leaves the voting enclosure without casting a ballot, he cannot be issued another regular ballot. If a voter makes a mistake on a paper ballot •Place a mark through ballot and write "Spoiled." •Issue voter a replacement ballot. A voter may not receive more than three replacement ballots. •Do not make any changes to ATV or One-stop application. Ballot Station |3 Voter Assistance: Who is Entitled to Assistance? Certain voters may receive assistance from anyone of the voter’s choice except the voter's employer or agent of that employer or an officer or agent of the voter's union. Unable to Enter A voter who, due to physical disability, is unable to enter the voting booth without assistance. Physical Disability A voter who, due to physical disability, is unable to mark a ballot without assistance. Illiteracy A voter who, due to illiteracy, is unable to mark a ballot without assistance. Blind A voter who, due to blindness, is unable to enter the voting booth or mark a ballot without assistance. Voter Assistance |1 Voter Assistance: Who May Assist? Any voter may receive assistance from a near relative: Types of Assistance: • Marking a ballot • Entering and exiting the voting enclosure Near Relative Defined: •Spouse •Brother/Sister •Parent/Grandparent •Child/Grandchild •Mother-in-law/Father-in-law •Daughter-in-law/Son-in-law •Stepparent/Stepchild Voter Assistance |2 Voter Assistance: Improper Assistance May Not Assist A voter's employer or agent of that employer or an officer or agent of the voter's union may not provide assistance to a voter. May Not Induce The person rendering assistance shall not in any manner seek to persuade or induce any voter to cast any vote in any particular way. May Not Keep Records The person rendering assistance shall not make or keep any memorandum of anything that occurs within the voting booth. May Not Disclose Vote The person rendering assistance shall not, directly or indirectly, reveal to any person how the assisted voter marked ballots unless the person rendering assistance is called upon to testify in a judicial proceeding for a violation of the election laws. Voter Assistance |3 Contact Us 441 N Harrington Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: 919-733-7173 Email: