Property Management Companies Waste Reduction and

Property Management Companies
Waste Reduction and
Fact Sheet
This factsheet is designed for property management companies that lease commercial office
space and provide janitorial and waste disposal services for their tenants. The majority of waste
collected for disposal is recyclable. The amount of waste disposed can be reduced by practicing
waste reduction techniques and implementing a recycling program. This factsheet is intended to
help property managers overcome the barriers and start a recycling program. The factsheet also
includes waste reduction techniques for property management companies to implement within
their businesses and to share with tenants to reduce waste before it is generated.
Positive Public Image - The public appreciates businesses that make efforts to reduce waste
More Tenants - Tenants consider recycling programs a plus and patronize buildings that
provide them
Free Publicity - Join Mecklenburg County’s Wipe Out Waste Business Recognition Program
and receive free publicity in local media
Cost Neutral - Cost of recycling service is frequently offset by reduced waste disposal
costs from downsizing solid waste containers and reducing number of pickups
√ Check the boxes that apply to your business.
□ Use E-mail and maintain electronic files instead of paper files
□ Make double-sided copies whenever possible
□ Practice preventive maintenance on equipment to prolong the service life
□ Use reusable items instead of disposable ones
□ Ask suppliers to take back unwanted packaging and pallets
□ Route magazines, reports, and other documents instead of making copies
□ Sell or donate used equipment and furniture instead of discarding
□ Start a recycling program for mixed office paper, corrugated cardboard, aluminum cans,
toner cartridges, etc.
Recycling Program Barriers and Solutions Limited Space
Limited Space
• Use recycling service that allows comingling
• Use smaller recycling containers and more pickups
• Downsize and/or reduce number of waste containers to provide space for recycling containers
• Contact several recycling vendors for service that meets needs and negotiate for best price
• Downsize and/or reduce number of waste containers
• Collect waste and recyclables on alternate days to prevent increase in janitorial service cost
• Ask tenant employees to take paper to common arearecycling collection roll-cart
• Work with tenants to minimize contamination of recyclable materials, thus preventing rejection
of loads by vendor
• Utilize County Recycling Centers
• Practice waste reduction techniques to reduce the amount of waste that needs to be disposed
or recycled
Tenant Participation
• Publicize program
• Work with tenant managers to encourage promotion of recycling to employees
• Post reminders about recycling program
• Publicize all realized benefits
Business Recycling Info Line: 704-432-3200
Mecklenburg County Business & Commercial Recycling Source Separation Ordinance
Property Management Companies
Waste Reduction and
Fact Shee
Educate tenants on benefits of recycling.
Notify tenants that you plan to start a recycling program and ask for their support and participation.
Use educational materials available through the various sources listed on the back page.
Examine current waste disposal needs.
How many exterior or loading dock collection containers are there?
What size are they?
Are containers full by pickup?
How many pickups are scheduled per week?
If the current waste disposal service matches the needs, then removal of paper and cardboard
will typically reduce those needs by at least 50%. Based on a 50% reduction in waste, two 8-cubic
yard containers serviced twice a week could be reduced to a single 8- cubic yard container serviced
twice a week.
Examine your current waste disposal contract.
• If the contract expires soon, contact solid waste haulers and recycling vendors (see Mecklenburg
County Solid Waste Department website for lists)
to negotiate waste disposal and recycling collection services.
• If the waste disposal contract does not expire soon, contact the current waste disposal
company. Ask about including recycling collection at a cost that could be adjusted as solid
waste quantities decrease.
• If using a recycling vendor is not a cost-effective option, collect recyclables and transport
them to one of the County’s Recycling Centers. Locations are listed on the Mecklenburg
County Solid Waste Department website.
Obtain recycling service that fits your needs.
Many recycling service options are available locally. Type of service depends on volume of paper
and cardboard.
Available options include:
• Collection of both waste and commingled recyclables in same container. In office areas, where
the waste is mostly recyclable, clear solid waste bags are used. Dark bags are used in kitchens
and restrooms. The recyclable bags are sorted at the vendor’s facility. This service does not
require additional space for interior or exterior recycling collection containers or changes in the
janitorial service’s contract, and can offer substantial savings. (See Success Story on back page.)
• Separate collection of cardboard. Cardboard is collected at the receiving area or loading dock
and, depending on volume, placed in an outside collection container or merely stacked. An
exterior collection container may require site preparation (e.g., concrete pad, screening, fencing).
Little or no additional interior space is needed for collecting cardboard. Changes in the janitorial
service may be needed. The cost of recycling collection may be offset by the reduction in waste
disposal services.
• Separate collection of paper. Paper is collected in individual offices using desk-side containers
and is then placed in 55- or 90-gallon roll-carts. The carts are rolled to an outside area for
collection. Pickup can be arranged for various service fees, depending on frequency of pickup
and location. This service requires space in offices and/or common areas for the carts and an
outside staging area for pickups. The cost of recycling collection may be offset by the reduction
in waste disposal services. Paper can also be transferred to a larger (e.g., 4- or 8-cubic yard)
exterior collection container for pickup.
• Collection of paper and cardboard commingled in the same container. Removing paper and
cardboard from waste materials allows the size and/or number of exterior waste containers to
be reduced, freeing space for paper and cardboard collection containers. The recycling collection
container(s) can be located in the space formerly occupied by waste containers. Space will be
needed for interior recycling collection containers and janitorial service changes may be required.
The cost of recycling collection may be offset by the reduction in waste disposal services.
Business Recycling Info Line: 704-432-3200
Mecklenburg County Business & Commercial Recycling Source Separation Ordinance
Property Management Companies
Waste Reduction and
Fact Sheet
Work with janitorial staff
Identify any changes needed in janitorial service, based on how recyclables need to be collected
and staged for pickup. Changes may include emptying desk-side recycling containers, use of
color-coded plastic liners or no liners in recycling containers, reporting inappropriate comingling
of recyclables and waste, etc. Make changes in service buildings serving small businesses with
two 8-cubic-yard waste containers serviced twice weekly by different waste disposal companies.
Publicize the program to the tentants
Notify tenants of program start-up and collection and segregation requirements. Post reminders
about recycling program, the do’s and don’ts, and benefits to tenant companies and their
employees. Include benefits such as savings from new waste disposal/recycling program being
used for building maintenance to motivate managers and employees to maximize collection of
recyclables. As benefits are realized, publicize them to tenants to continually encourage recycling.
Determine Total Monthly Waste Disposal and Collection Costs
Example 1 – Large, approximately 450,000 square feet, multi-tenant office building
with one 20-cubic-yard garbage compactor.
Container Rental Cost = $255
Disposal Cost ($38/ton x 38.4 tons) = $1,459
Transportation Cost ($80/pickup x 8) = $640
Total $2,354
A recycling program can eliminate 50% of waste (19.2 tons, about 256 cubic yards) as follows:
Container Rental Cost = $255
Reduced Disposal Cost
($38/ton x 19.2 tons) = $729
Reduced Transportation Cost
($80/pickup x 4) = $320
Subtotal = $1,304
Recycling Vendor Fee = $560
(pickup of two 8-cubic yard containers
4 times per week)
Total $1,864
Estimated monthly cost savings $2,354 - $1,864 = $490
Example 2 – Multi-tenant complex comprised of four office buildings serving small businesses with
two 8-cubic-yard waste containers serviced twice weekly by different waste disposal companies.
Waste Service Fee $325 + $196 = $521
A recycling program can eliminate an estimated 54% of waste (2.7 tons, about 54 cubic yards)
as follows:
Adjusted Waste Service Cost* = $218
(twice weekly pickup of an 8-cubic yard container)
Recycling Vendor Fee = $140
(twice weekly pickup of an 8-cubic yard container)
Total $358
Estimated monthly cost savings $521- $358 = $163
Example 3 – Multi-tenant office building with approximately 70,000 square feet serviced by
two 4-cubic-yard waste containers that are picked up three times per week.
Business Recycling Info Line: 704-432-3200
Mecklenburg County Business & Commercial Recycling Source Separation Ordinance
Places Of Worship
Waste Reduction and
Fact Sheet
Waste Service Fee = $537
A recycling program can eliminate an estimated 66% of waste (4.8 tons, about 64 cubic yards)
as follows:
Adjusted Waste Service Cost* = $109
(weekly pickup of an 8-cubic yard container)
Recycling Vendor Fee = $340
(weekly pickup of roll-carts)
Total $449
Estimated monthly cost savings $537 - $449 = $88
*based on information obtained from Mecklenburg County waste assessments
Other Recycling Program Costs:
• Installation of new or modification to existing container pad sites, screening, fencing, etc.
• Modification of janitorial service contracts
• Acquisition of desk-side collection containers and roll-carts
Recycling Tips
To make a recycling service more cost effective:
Band together with other organizations/businesses in your area. Coordinated efforts can raise
Other Potential Recycling Program Costs:
• Staff time/mileage for transport of recyclables to County Recycling Center
• Modifications of janitorial service contracts
• Acquisition of desk-side collection containers and roll-carts
Morehead Properties, Charlotte, North Carolina
Morehead Properties manages two adjacent commercial properties at 1043 and 1051 East
Morehead St. and has 16 tenants, mostly small and medium-sized businesses. Morehead
provides cleaning services and solid waste collection for its tenants. Tenants and Morehead
management were interested in recycling, but space for collection receptacles both inside and
outside the buildings was considered a barrier to recycling. In August 1998, Morehead
contracted with a local company to provide solid waste and recyclables collection service. The
innovative service provided an exterior collection container for both recyclables and solid waste,
so no additional exterior space was required. Inside the businesses, the same waste receptacles
could be used with only a change in color of the solid waste bags. In office areas, where the
waste is mostly recyclable – mixed office paper, cardboard, and aluminum cans – clear bags are
used. Dark bags are used in kitchens and restrooms. The dark bags are sent to the landfill intact,
but the recycling vendor opens the clear bags for sorting at its facility. Any non-recyclables are
sent to the landfill and recyclables are recovered. The new solid waste/recycling service is
provided to Morehead Properties at an approximate 40 percent cost savings over the previous
solid waste service. The savings on waste disposal have been used for building maintenance,
pleasing the tenants while preserving property value for Morehead. The recycling service is
considered a “big plus” by the tenants and has brought Morehead more tenants. Recycling
collection service gives Morehead Properties a competitive edge and the opportunity to be a
good environmental steward.
Business Recycling Info Line: 704-432-3200
Mecklenburg County Business & Commercial Recycling Source Separation Ordinance