Charlotte Douglas International Airport’s Request for Proposal for

Date: April 17, 2014
RFP Number: 20014-04-003
Charlotte Douglas International Airport’s
Request for Proposal
Airport CityWorks Implementation
April 17, 2014
Issuance of Request for Proposal (“RFP) by
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“Airport”).
April 25, 2014 by 5 p.m.
Submission of Written Questions
May 2, 2014 by 5:00
p.m. EST
Proposal Submission.
May 2 – 12, 2014
Proposal Evaluation
May 27, 2014
Contract Award by Council.
June 1, 2014
Company begins providing the Work.
Section 1: Instructions to Proposers’
Review and Comply. The RFP consists of the following components:
General instructions and special conditions that apply to this selection
process and procurement.
Section 2:
The forms that a Proposer is required to complete and return as its
Proposal (called the “Proposal Response Forms”)
Section 3:
A contract substantially similar to the final contract the successful
Proposer will be expected to sign, including Exhibit A, which details the
entire scope of work falling under this RFP (the “Specifications”).
Each reference to this RFP includes all components listed above as well as any
addenda provided by the Airport. Please review each section carefully. Proposers’ will
be held accountable for having full knowledge of the contents of this RFP and for
performing any due diligence that may be necessary to submit a binding Proposal.
(A) Airport shall mean Charlotte Douglas International Airport
(B) City shall mean the City of Charlotte.
(C) Company shall mean the successful Proposer.
(D) Contract shall mean the terms and conditions under which the Company shall
provide the Work.
(E) RFP shall mean Request for Proposal.
RFP: 2014-04-003
(F) Procurement Manager shall mean the Airport employee identified in Section 1.7 and
who is responsible for the facilitation of this solicitation process.
(G) Project Manager shall mean the Airport or Company employee who is the point of
contact under this Contract.
(H) Proposal shall mean the narrative response to this RFP and completed Proposal
Response Forms.
(I) Proposal Response Forms shall mean the forms attached hereto in Section 2 and
submitted as the response to this RFP.
(J) Proposer shall mean an individual or entity submitting a Proposal to this RFP.
(K) Specifications shall mean the scope and details of the Work that the Company will
provide under the Contract.
(L) Work shall mean the actual products and/or services provided in compliance with the
Specifications and under this Contract.
RFP Not an Offer. This RFP does not constitute an offer by the Airport. No
recommendations or conclusions from this selection process shall constitute a right
(property or otherwise) under the Constitution of the United States or under the
Constitution, case law, or statutory law of North Carolina.
Binding Offer. Each Proposal submitted in response to this RFP constitutes a firm offer
that is binding for ninety (90) days from the start date of the Proposal evaluation and
must comply with all terms, conditions and requirements stated in this RFP, except to
the extent the Proposer takes exception to such provisions in the manner required by
Section 1.13.
Addenda. Any changes to the terms, conditions or requirements of this RFP will be
documented in written addenda issued by the Airport. These addenda will be posted as
detailed in Section 1.7. The receipt of each addendum must be acknowledged using
the space provided on Form 2 in Section 2. The Airport will not consider any Proposal
that fails to acknowledge receipt of each issued addendum.
Questions. The Airport is committed to providing all prospective Proposers’ with
accurate and consistent information in order to ensure that no Proposer obtains an unfair
competitive advantage. To this end, from the start date of this RFP until the time of the
Proposal evaluation, no interpretation or clarification of the meaning of any part of this
RFP will be made orally to any prospective Proposer with the exception of questions
answered at any Pre-Proposal conference. Requests for information or clarification of
this RFP must be made in writing and addressed to the Procurement Manager at the
address, or email listed below, will email being the preferred method of communication.
Questions should reference the RFP page and topic number. All Questions must be
submitted by the dates referenced in the schedule on the first page of this RFP.
Elizabeth Smithers
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
CLT Center
RFP # 2014-04-003
5601 Wilkinson Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28208
RFP: 2014-04-003
The Airport will post answers to timely submitted questions posed by perspective
Proposers’ and other information concerning this RFP on the Airport’s Advertisements
for Bids and Proposals website, located at the address below and on the IPS site. RFP
information can be accessed by searching the website for the RFP name listed on the
first page of this RFP. It is the responsibility of the prospective Proposer to check
the website for any addenda issued for this RFP. The Airport reserves the right to
disqualify any prospective Proposer who contacts an Airport employee, or agent
concerning this RFP, other than in accordance with this Section.
How to Prepare Proposal Responses. All Proposals shall be prepared as follows:
(A) Complete all forms provided in Section 2. All responses must be submitted solely
on these forms. Add additional sheets if necessary.
(B) Proposal responses must be typewritten or completed in ink, signed by the Proposer
or the Proposers’ authorized representative. All erasures or corrections must be
initialed and dated by the person who signs the Proposal forms on behalf of the
(C) Proposals must include all detailed information as requested in Exhibit A of the
Contract, located in Section 3 of this RFP.
(D) All Proposals must include a cover letter indicating the Proposers’ name, address,
telephone number, federal tax ID number, and facsimile number. The proposal must
be signed in ink by an authorized representative of the Proposers’ firm.
How to Submit Proposal Responses. All Proposers’ shall:
(A) Submit their Proposal in an envelope with the following information written on the
outside of the envelope
(1) The Proposers’ company name;
(2) The RFP name as indicated on the first page of this RFP;
(3) Identification of the Work for which the Proposal is submitted as indicated on the
first page of the RFP; and
(B) No Proposer shall submit more than one Proposal unless multiple or alternative
Proposals are requested in Exhibit A of the Contract, located in Section 3 of this
RFP. Any multiple or alternative Proposals must be brought to the Airport’s attention
either during the Pre-Proposal conference or submitted in writing at least five (5)
days prior to the start of the Proposal evaluation.
(C) Mail or deliver one (1) bound in a three ring binder original Proposal signed in ink by
a company official authorized to make a legal and binding offer and three (3) copies
to the address listed below, by the date and time listed in the schedule on the first
page of this RFP. Any Proposal not submitted per the requirements of this Section
will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered.
Mail or Deliver to:
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
CLT Center
5601 Wilkinson Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28208
RFP: 2014-04-003
Attn: Elizabeth Smithers
Guarantor. If the Proposer is a subsidiary of another entity, the Airport requires that the
Proposers’ parent entity provide a guarantee of payment of all of the Proposers’
obligations under the Contract. The Airport also may require from any Proposer a
guaranty from another entity, other than the parent, where applicable, if the Airport
concludes that such guaranty would be beneficial to protect the Airport’s interest. If a
guarantor is required, the Proposer must: (a) identify a guarantor that is acceptable to
the Airport, (b) provide the Airport with the same financial information about the
guarantor that the Proposer is required to provide about itself under this RFP; and (c)
provide the Airport with a signed, legally binding guaranty agreement from the approved
guarantor that is acceptable to the Airport in its sole discretion. Failure to comply with
the foregoing shall be grounds for rejection of the Proposers’ Proposal.
Prompt Payment Discounts. Proposers’ are urged to compute all discounts into the
price offered. If a prompt payment discount is offered, it will not be considered in the
award of the Contract except as a factor to aid in resolving cases of identical prices.
Ownership and Public Record. All Proposals and supplementary material provided as
part of this process will become property of the Airport upon submission. Proposers’ are
advised that all information included in the materials provided may become available to
the public under North Carolina’s Public Records Law. Proposers’ may designate
information confidential that is a trade secret or confidential under North Carolina
Statute. However, improperly designated material in a Proposal may result in the entire
Proposal being disqualified. In submitting a Proposal, each Proposer agrees that the
Airport may reveal any trade secrets or confidential information to Airport staff,
consultants or third parties assisting with this RFP and resulting Contract.
How to Submit an Exception. If the Proposer wants to take an exception to the
Specifications as stated in Exhibit A to the Contract included in Section 3 of this RFP,
the Proposer must clearly identify in Form 2 each of the following:
(A) The number and title of each section of the Specifications that the Proposer takes
exception to;
(B) The specific sentence within such section that the Proposer takes exception to; and
(C) Any alternative provision proposed by the Proposer.
Proposers’ are reminded that a material variance from the terms of this RFP may result
in the Proposal being rejected by the Airport.
How to Submit an Objection. When a Proposer has an objection to the terms and
conditions of this RFP or to the Contract as included in Section 3, the Proposer may
submit such objection by doing the following:
(A) When a Pre-Proposal conference is scheduled, the Proposer should either present
their objection at that time (either verbally or in writing), or submit a written objection
prior to the scheduled Pre-Proposal conference.
(B) When a Pre-Proposal conference is not scheduled, Proposer s must submit
objections in writing no later than the deadline to submit questions as stated in the
scheduled on the first page of this RFP.
(C) Except for objections raised at the Pre-Proposal conference, all objections must be
directed to the Procurement Manager.
RFP: 2014-04-003
(D) Failure to object in the manner specified in this Section shall constitute a waiver of
any objections the Proposer may have to the terms and conditions or to anything that
occurred during this RFP process.
No Collusion or Conflict of Interest. By responding to this RFP, the Proposer shall be
deemed to have represented and warranted that the Proposal is not made in connection
with any competing Proposer submitting a separate response to this RFP, and is in all
respects fair and without collusion
Airport’s Rights and Options. Airport reserves the following rights, which may be
exercised at the sole discretion of the Aviation Director, or his designee:
(A) To supplement, amend, substitute or otherwise modify this RFP at any time;
(B) To cancel this RFP with or without the substitution of another RFP;
(C) To take any action affecting this RFP, the RFP process, or the Work or facilities
subject to this RFP that would be in the best interest of the Airport;
(D) To issue additional requests for information;
(E) To require one or more Proposers’ to supplement, clarify or provide additional
information in order for the Airport to evaluate the Proposals submitted;
(F) To conduct investigations with respect to the qualifications and experience of each
(G) To change the Proposal evaluation dates or any other dates relevant to the RFP;
(H) To waive any defect or irregularity in any Proposal received;
(I) To reject any or all Proposals;
(J) To request the successful Proposer to provide samples of each item requested
under this RFP prior to the award of the Contract. Samples will be retained by the
Airport for comparison with items delivered under the Contract;
(K) To award all, none, or any part of the items that is in the best interest of the Airport,
with one or more of the Proposers’ responding, which may be done with or without
re-solicitation; and
(L) To enter into any agreement deemed to be in the best interest of the Airport, with
one or more of the Proposers’ responding.
Equal Opportunity. The Airport has an equal opportunity purchasing policy that seeks
to ensure that all segments of the business community have access to supplying the
goods and services needed by Airport programs. The Airport provides equal opportunity
for all businesses and does not discriminate against any Proposers’ regardless of race,
color, religion, age, sex, national origin or disability.
City License Requirement. A current City or Mecklenburg County Business License is
required for the successful Proposer who either personally or through agents, solicits
business within the City limits, or picks up or delivers goods or services within the City
limits. All questions regarding licensing should be directed to the Business Tax
Collections Office, 704.336.6315.
Award Criteria. The Airport reserve the right to award a Contract to the Proposer who
in the Airport’s sole discretion best meets the requirements set forth in the selection
criteria. The Airport reserves the right to reject any Proposal, without limitation.
RFP: 2014-04-003
Proposals on All or Part. Unless otherwise specified by the Airport or by the Proposer,
the Airport reserves the right to make award on all or part of the items to be purchased
or the services needed. Proposers’ may restrict their Proposals to consideration in the
aggregate by so stating in the Proposal. However, Proposals restricted to consideration
in the aggregate must also include a unit price on each item Proposal.
Multiple Contract Awards. The Airport reserves the right to award multiple contracts
for the Work required by this RFP if the Airport deems multiple contracts to be in its best
Anti-lobbying Provision. Maintaining the integrity of its RFP process is of paramount
importance to the Airport. To this end, each Proposer is asked to voluntarily refrain from
contracting any members of the City of Charlotte’s (“City") City Council until the award of
the Contract is presented for their approval.
Contract Award by City Council. As soon as practical after opening the Proposals, the
name of the apparent successful Proposer will be submitted to the City Council for final
approval and award. Prior to the recommendation to the City Council, the successful
Proposer must provide to the Airport an executed Contract which will be substantially
similar to the contract in Section 3 of this RFP. Upon approval of the Contract by City
Council, the Airport will execute the documents and send a copy to the successful
Proposer. In the event that Council approval is not received within ninety (90) days after
evaluation of the Proposals, the successful Proposer may request that it be released
from the Proposal.
Post Award Conference. A post-award conference may be scheduled as soon as
practical after the award of the Contract. The Company shall attend the conference
along with the Company’s prospective Project Manager and any anticipated major
subcontractors, and shall provide at such conference a written schedule for the delivery
of any Work for which no delivery dates have been specified in this RFP. The Company
shall provide at least two (2) local telephone numbers that may be used to contact the
Company’s authorized representative in the event of an emergency after normal
business hours.
Notice to Proceed. The successful Proposer shall not commence work or make
shipment under this RFP until duly notified by receipt of the executed Contract from the
Airport. If the successful Proposer commences work or makes shipment prior to that
time, such action is taken at the Proposers’ risk, without any obligation of reimbursement
by the Airport.
Options and Accessories. The Airport may in its discretion purchase from the
successful Proposer options and accessories beyond what is called for in Exhibit A to
the Contract in Section 3 of this RFP, provided that such purchase does not create
unfairness so as to defeat the purpose of the Proposal statutes.
E-Verify. Each Proposal shall be accompanied by an E-Verify Certification in the form
set forth in Section 2 Forum Seven. Proposer understands that E-Verify refers to the
federal E-Verify program operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
verify the work authorization of newly hired employees pursuant to federal law and in
compliance with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina
General Statutes. Proposer is required by federal and state law to comply with the EVerify program and ensure compliance by any subcontractor hired by the Proposer to
perform any portion of the work under this RFP.
RFP: 2014-04-003
Section 2: Proposal Response Forms
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
This Proposal is submitted by:
Company Name: _________________________________________________
Representative (printed):____________________________________________
Representative (signed): _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________
State of Incorporation: _________________________________________________
Business Type:
Sole Proprietorship
Joint Venture
Limited Liability Corporation
Other (Specify)
Mecklenburg County Business License #:____________________
It is understood by the Proposer that the Airport reserves the right to reject any and all
Proposals, to make awards on all items or on any items according to the best interest of
the Airport, to waive formalities, technicalities, to rescind and re-solicit this RFP.
Proposals are valid for ninety (90) calendar days from Proposal evaluation start date.
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
RFP: 2014-04-003
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
Proposal Submission Check List: Confirm by placing a check mark in the space provided
that as the Proposer the information listed below has been reviewed and compiled within the
submission of a response to this RFP.
_____ Addenda acknowledgement. Please contact the Aviation Procurement Manager
to verify the number of addenda issued via email at
Addenda Receipt: The following confirms receipt of any and all addenda
issued for this RFP:
Addendum #
Date Issued
_____ Proposal document has been signed by authorized Proposer official.
_____ Proposal package has been properly labeled per the instructions. (See Section
_____ Proposal Response Forms and Documentation
Proposal Submission - Form One
Addenda Acknowledgement - Form Two
Exceptions Form – Form Three
Pricing - Form Four
Non-Discrimination Certification - Form Five
E-Verify Certification – Form Six
Summary of Company’s ability to meet Required and Desired Items as
described in Exhibit A
8. Description of Training Provided
9. Project Plan & Implementation Schedule
10. Financial Stability as requested in Exhibit A
The signature below certifies the Proposal response complies with the requirements of this RFP
and that the above items A through D have been verified as complete. The Proposer further
represents that it has read and can comply with all terms of the Contract including, without
limitation, the insurance requirements.
Company Name
RFP: 2014-04-003
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
The undersigned Proposer agrees to provide all Work requested in the RFP for the price(s) set
forth in the Form 4, in strict conformance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth
in the RFP (including any addenda or amendments), subject only to the exceptions stated in the
chart below. Exceptions representing material changes to the RFP’s terms are grounds for
rejection of the Proposal. List any exceptions taken to the general specifications provided in
Exhibit A in Section 3 of this RFP. For each exception, provide an explanation. If none, state
RFP Section Number
RFP Section Title
Exception and Proposed Change to RFP
The signature below certifies that: (a) the Proposal complies with the requirements of this RFP;
and (b) that the Proposer takes no exception to the terms of the RFP other than those listed in
the chart contained in this Form.
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
RFP: 2014-04-003
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
Estimated Total Project Cost: $_____________________________________________
Percentage of
Total Cost
The undersigned hereby certifies the Proposer has read the terms of this RFP and is authorized
to bind the firm to the information set forth herein. Further the Proposer certifies that in
connection with this procurement:
1. The prices in this Proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter
relating to such prices with any other Proposer or with any competitor;
2. Unless otherwise required by law, the Proposer has not knowingly disclosed the prices that
have been quoted in this Proposal directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any
competition prior to the evaluation of the Proposal; and
3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or
firm to submit or not to submit a Proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
RFP: 2014-04-003
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
The undersigned Proposer hereby certifies and agrees that the following information is correct:
1. In preparing the enclosed Proposal, the Proposer has considered all proposals submitted
from qualified, potential subcontractors and suppliers, and has not engaged in discrimination
as defined in Section 2 below.
2. For purposes of this section, discrimination means discrimination in the solicitation,
selection, or treatment of any subcontractor, vendor, supplier or commercial customer on the
basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability or any otherwise
unlawful form of discrimination. Without limiting the foregoing, discrimination also includes
retaliating against any person or other entity for reporting any incident of discrimination.
3. Without limiting any other remedies that the City may have for a false certification, it is
understood and agreed that, if this certification is false, such false certification will constitute
grounds for the City to reject the Proposal submitted with this certification, and terminate any
contract awarded based on such Proposal. It shall also constitute a violation of the City’s
Commercial Non-Discrimination Ordinance and shall subject the Proposer to any remedies
allowed there under, including possible disqualification from participating in City contracts or
solicitation processes for up to two years.
4. As a condition of contracting with the City, the Proposer agrees to promptly provide to the
City all information and documentation that may be requested by the City from time to time
regarding the solicitation and selection of suppliers and subcontractors in connection with
this solicitation process. Failure to maintain or failure to provide such information shall
constitute grounds for the City to reject the Proposal and to any contract awarded on such
Proposal. It shall also constitute a violation of the City’s Commercial Non-Discrimination
Ordinance, and shall subject the Proposer to any remedies that are allowed there under.
5. As part of its Proposal, the Proposer shall provide to the City a list of all instances within the
past ten years where a complaint was filed or pending against Proposer in a legal or
administrative proceeding alleging that Proposer discriminated against its subcontractors,
vendors, suppliers, or commercial customers, and a description of the status or resolution of
that complaint, including any remedial action taken.
6. As a condition of submitting a Proposal to the City, the Proposer agrees to comply with the
City’s Commercial Non-Discrimination Policy as described in Section 2, Article V of the
Charlotte City Code, and consents to be bound by the award of any arbitration conducted
there under.
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
RFP: 2014-04-003
PROPOSAL # 2014-04-003
Airport CityWorks Implementation
This E-Verify Certification is provided to the City of Charlotte (the “City”) by the company signing
below (“Company”) as a prerequisite to the City considering Company for award of a City
contract (the “Contract”).
1. Company understands that:
a. E-Verify is the federal program operated by the United States Department of
Homeland Security and other federal agencies to enable employers to verify the
work authorization of employees pursuant to federal law, as modified from time to
b. Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes requires employers
that transact business in this state and employ 25 or more employees in this state to:
(i) verify the work authorization of employees who will be performing work in North
Carolina through E-Verify; and (ii) maintain records of such verification (the “E-Verify
c. North Carolina General Statute 160A-20.1(b) prohibits the City from entering into
contracts unless the contractor and all subcontractors comply with the E-Verify
2. As a condition of being considered for the Contract, Company certifies that:
a. If Company has 25 or more employees working in North Carolina (whether now or at
any time during the term of the Contract), Company will comply with the E-Verify
Requirements in verifying the work authorization of Company employees working in
North Carolina; and
b. Regardless of how many employees Company has working in North Carolina,
Company will take appropriate steps to ensure that each subcontractor performing
work on the Contract that has 25 or more employees working in North Carolina will
comply with the E-Verify Requirements.
3. Company acknowledges that the City will be relying on this Certification in entering into the
Contract, and that the City may incur expenses and damages if the City enters into the
Contract with Company and Company or any subcontractor fails to comply with the E-Verify
Requirements. Company agrees to indemnify and save the City harmless from and against
all losses, damages, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) obligations,
duties, fines and penalties (collectively “Losses”) arising directly or indirectly from violation of
the E-Verify Requirements by Company or any of its subcontractors, including without
limitation any Losses incurred as a result of the Contract being deemed void.
Company Name
Authorized Signature
Please type or print name
RFP: 2014-04-003
Section 3: Contract
Body of the Contract will be provided by way of Addendum
EXHIBIT A: Specifications
1. Purpose. The Airport is seeking firm(s) with specific knowledge and successful experience
in implementing CityWorks in an airport environment. CityWorks is the approved City of
Charlotte Asset Management Tool. The CityWorks tool will act as the tracking system for
the Airport’s asset renewal and replacement program. The overall intent is to have rigorous
financial management, enhanced capacity and reliability, lower operational risk, and more
thorough capital improvement planning.
2. Experience and Qualifications.
a. Required:
i. Experience with successfully implementing CityWorks in an airport
ii. Experience in the overall Aviation/Airport industry.
iii. Thorough understanding of Geographic information Systems including ESRI
iv. Experience in configuring work order systems.
v. Experience/knowledge in configuring inventory and storeroom functions
within CityWorks
vi. Project Management experience and the ability to have local on-site
implementation assistance when needed.
b. Desired:
i. Experience in developing CityWorks for operational needs such as meeting
FAA Part 139 inspections.
ii. Experience in developing business processes related to work order systems
iii. Experience or knowledge in how to develop preventative maintenance
schedules based on telemetry from key assets such as HVAC, Conveyors,
motors, building controls, etc.
iv. Integration with Financial Systems.
3. Financial Stability. As part of the proposal include the following financial information:
a. State whether any contracts to which your Company was a party has ever been
terminated early. If so, identify which ones and provide details.
b. State whether your Company has had a legal claim or lawsuit brought against it by
any client as a result of your Company’s operation of a public service. If so, describe
the issues.
c. State whether your Company, or any entity in which your Company has had an
ownership interest, ever had a bond or surety canceled or forfeited. If yes, state the
RFP: 2014-04-003
name of bonding company, date and amount of bond and reason for such
cancellation or forfeiture.
d. State whether your Company, or any entity in which your Company has had an
ownership interest, ever been declared bankrupt. If yes, state date, court jurisdiction,
amount of liabilities and assets, type (i.e. Chapters 7, 11, 12, etc.), and resolution or
current status.
4. Evaluation Criteria and Weighting. The selection committee will consider all documents,
the response to this RFP, information gained while evaluating responses, and other relevant
information to make its determination. In seeking the best and highest quality of services,
the following criteria will be considered when evaluating proposals. No one criterion or
combination of criteria will be controlling in the selection process. Award will be made to
Proposer who, in City's sole judgment, is most responsive in meeting City's requirements
associated with providing the Services. The following areas of evaluation will be considered:
A. Proposed Service (25%)
 Including the project and implementation plan and training description.
B. Proposed Fees (Section 2, Form Four) (20%)
 The reasonableness of the proposed fees.
C. Experience and Personnel (Sections 3, Exhibit A, #2) (25%)
 Proposers’ demonstrated ability, capacity, and skill to perform or provide the required
 Proposers’ past experience, including that of Proposers’ personnel, in providing the
D. Financial Stability (Section 3, Exhibit A, #3) (25%)
 Proposers’ ability to meet its financial obligations
E. Required Forms (Section 2) (5%)
All required forms must be complete, signed (where signature is requested) and
returned with narrative response to this RFP.
5. Terms of Contract. The Airport intends to enter into a one (1) year contract.
6. Price Adjustment if Not Included as Part of the Proposal. If price adjustments are not
included in your Proposal, the price(s) stated in your Proposal shall apply for the entire term
of the Contract unless the Airport approves a price adjustment in writing in accordance with
the following terms:
a. Price increases shall only be allowed when justified in the Airport’s sole discretion
based on legitimate, bona fide increases in the cost of materials. No adjustment
shall be made to compensate the Company for inefficiency in operation, increase in
labor costs or for additional profit.
b. To obtain approval for a price increase, the Company shall submit a written request
to the Airport’s Project Manager, at the address listed below, together with written
documentation sufficient to demonstrate that the increase is necessary based on
legitimate increase in the cost of materials. The request must state and fully justify
the proposed price increase per unit over the price originally Proposal.
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
CLT Center
5601 Wilkinson Boulevard
RFP: 2014-04-003
Charlotte, NC 28208
Attention: Jerry Schwinghammer
c. No proposed price increase shall be valid unless accepted by the Airport in writing.
The Airport may approve such price increase for the remaining term of the Contract
or for a shorter specified period, in the Airport’s sole discretion. If the Airport rejects
such price increase, the Company shall continue to perform under the Contract.
d. If the Airport approves a price increase pursuant to this Section and the market
factors justifying the increase shift so that the increase is no longer justified, the
Airport shall have the right to terminate the price increase and revert back to the
prices that were in effect immediately prior to the increase. The Company shall
notify the Airport in writing if the market factors on which the Airport granted the
increase change such that the Airport’s reasons for granting the increase no longer
RFP: 2014-04-003