ADDENDUM NO. 2 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Request for Qualifications

Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Request for Qualifications
Terminal Lobby Expansion
Addendum #2 April 21, 2016
This Addendum is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications of the above
referenced project. All other requirements of the original plans and specification shall remain in effect in
their respective order. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by inserting its number and date on the
cover page of your proposal.
The following question was received and answered.
Q. Please clarify the submittal page count - are we allowed 25 sheets, printed double sided (50 pages
total) OR are we allowed 25 pages TOTAL?
A. You are allowed 25 sheets of paper printed double sided for 50 pages total.
Q. Does the 25 page count maximum include cover, cover letter, tab dividers, requested forms, and
A. No
Q. Will the Airport be handling wayfinding and signage using their own consultants or should teams
include wayfinding and signage within their scope?
A. Signage/Wayfinding all related work shall be included in the scope of work for the project. The
airport’s Wayfinding consultant will coordinate with the design team and prepare the signage Bid
Q. Should we provide a Geotechnical consultant within our team to cover any of the scope of work
defined in the RFQ?
A. Geotechnical should be included on the qualified team.
Q. Should we provide a Survey consultant within our team to cover any of the scope of work defined in
the RFQ?
A. Surveying should be included on the qualified team.
Q. For the following two items, do you intend that we propose a solution? Or illustrate our
approach/past experience?
Model passenger throughput for arrivals and departures
Incorporate existing infrastructure (i.e.- roadway, tunnels, loading dock, etc…)
A. Provide past experience and/or describe proposed approach.
Q. Are the following items included or excluded from the response 25-page limit?
Cover Page
Cover Letter
CBI Form 3
Commercial Non-Discrimination Certification
Tab Dividers
A. Yes, all the above are excluded from the 25 page limit.
Q. Does the 25-page limit refer to number of sheets of paper, or number of actual printed pages?
A. The 25-page limit refers to the number of sheets of paper.
Q. The instructions specify that “Qualifications Packages should use double-sided copying and be bound
with tab dividers corresponding to the format requirements specified above.”
If the required tab divisions necessitate that the backside of a preceding page is blank, does that blank
page count towards the 25-page limit?
A. Yes
Q. If the Cover Page is a single sheet of paper with printing on only one side followed by Tab 2, does the
blank back side of the Cover Page count towards the 25-page limit?
A. The cover page is excluded.
Q. The instructions state that “Appendices for certain technical or financial information may be used
where appropriate.”
What Appendices are allowed/required/desired?
Key Staff Resumes?
Relevant Project sheets?
A. Appendices should be used to avoid repetition of identical information in several sections of your
qualifications package.
Q. Item 5 requests that we supply the following information as part of our bid or proposal: “a list of all
instances within the past ten years where a complaint was filed or pending against Firm in a legal or
administrative proceeding alleging that Firm discriminated against its subcontractors, vendors, suppliers,
or commercial customers, and a description of the status or resolution of that complaint, including any
remedial action taken.”
Where shall we include this information? Will it count towards the 25-page limit?
A. If applicable, proposer shall provide a list, and insert it behind the Commercial Non-Discrimination
Certification, this will not count towards the 25 page limit.
Q. A. Selection Criteria, page 5: ”Model passenger throughput for arrivals and departures.”
Does CLT expect the qualifications package to include actual passenger throughput modelling,
or rather demonstrated experience in providing passenger throughput modelling?
A. The qualifications package is not expected to include passenger throughput modeling, but it should
demonstrate the ability to provide this during the design process.
Q. Can you please clarify the page limit? The RFQ states that Packages should use double-sided copying,
not to exceed 25 pages. Does this mean 25 double-sided sheets of paper totaling 50 pages, or 13
double-sided sheets of paper totaling 25 pages?
A. 25 sheets of paper doubled sided printing with a combine total of 50 pages.
Q. Charlotte Business Inclusion Program (“CBI Program”), page 4
We understand that the CBI participation goal will be negotiated with the selected firm. Would the
Airport be willing to share the overall program goal as a percentage, or range of percentages, of which
this project will be a part? This would allow us to tailor our proposed services to ensure we include as
many local small business as are likely to be utilized.
Will there be one goal shared by both Phase I or II, or might there be different participation goals for
each phase?
A. A goal is established on a per contract basis, regardless of the number of phases within a project.
Each contract is evaluated individually. For example, if this RFQ results in one contract, CLT will
negotiate one goal for it. If it results in two contracts, CLT will negotiate a goal for each of these two
Q. RFQ Submission Requirements, B. Submission Instructions, pages 8-9
The instructions call for 5 copies not to exceed twenty-five 8-1/2” x 11” pages, printed double-sided,
bound with dividers. Please clarify, is this requirement a limitation of a) 13 sheets for pages numbered
1-25 printed double-sided or b) 25 sheets for pages numbered 1 up to 50?
Appendices are to be used only for certain technical or financial information, referenced in the other
sections of the proposal. Are appendices counted within the total 25 page limit and must be in 12 point
text, or are appendices considered supporting information above and beyond the proposal itself?
Appendices should be used to avoid repetition of identical information in several sections of your
qualifications package.
A. It will be 25 sheets of paper total with double sided copying for a total of 50 pages. Appendices are
not counted within the total 25 pages, appendices are considered as supporting information.
Q. Charlotte-Douglas International Airport // Form of Agreement for Professional Services, pages 1527
We understand from the form of contract included in the RFQ provides a reasonable basis for finalizing a
contract if our team is awarded the project. There are a few provisions that we would like to discuss and
adjust during negotiation to ensure that all parties are adequately protected. We would like to clarify
terms and schedule references that are more appropriate to construction contracts. Are there any other
standard forms of agreement the City of Charlotte also uses that proposers should be aware of?
A. The selected firm(s) will be required to sign the Professional Service agreement located within the
RFQ. At this time there are no other further agreements that proposers should be aware of.
Q. Charlotte-Douglas International Airport // Form of Agreement for Professional Services / 9.5
Confidentiality, pages 21-22
And // Exhibit B – Confidentiality Requirements, pages 34-37
The scope of this project likely entails work with Security Sensitive Information (SSI) related to the TSA
and the Airport security protocols. If the Airport and the City have any special protocols for transmitting
SSI during review, and for controlling that information that may be distributed in bidding documents for
procuring construction contracts, will the general requirements be available during this proposal period,
or reviewed during negotiation with the selected firm?
A. Company is expected to follow the requirements set forth in Section 9.5 and Exhibit B, to the extent
this project will require more specific procedures, and those will be discussed with the selected firm.
Q. Charlotte-Douglas International Airport // Form of Agreement for Professional Services / Exhibit E –
CAD Standards, pages 42-44
Is the Digital CAD Standards 2 pages long only? Page 43 is blank in the PDF we received.
Digital files are requested as two-dimensional drawing files in AutoCAD R2013 format or newer. We
typically collaborate with our design teams using a Revit 3D model. Can the Airport utilize Revit files or
will conversion from modeling software into AutoCAD readable R2011 two-dimensional files be
A. The CAD Standards are 2 pages. The Airport does not have the ability to open or use Revit files. The
Airport uses AutoCAD 2015 and will accept all previous versions that are two-dimensional drawing files.
Q. Project Scope, pages 46-47
Phase II references Sustainability and energy efficiency improvements for the Terminal Lobby Expansion
Project. Are there specific programs (LEED or City of Charlotte) and target goals already set for this
program, or being pursued through other projects on the Airport?
A. The Airport will not be pursuing LEED or any other specific sustainability program for this project.
Q. Phase II references additional exit stairways to meet building code requirements. Is a focused lifesafety study needed as part of this project, or has a study already been performed that identified a
potential need for additional exit stairs? Can any previous studies be provided for review by proposers
or only after selection?
A. Yes, a life safety study will be required as part of this project. All previous life safety studies will be
provided to the selected firm for their use once the design is awarded. There are no life safety studies
required for submission for this proposal.
Q. Phase II references seismic improvement strategies and Airport seismic resiliency recommendations
and guidelines. Can any previous studies and the seismic resiliency guidelines be provided for review by
proposers or only after selection?
A. This information will be provided after selection.
Q. Phase II references concessions infrastructure and suggests an analysis of landside meeter/greeter
concessions. Is there an existing concessions master plan or target that has been performed? Will
analysis and specialty consulting on concessions be required as part of this project or provided through
the Airport from other consultants as part of other projects?
A. There is a concessions study underway and the findings will be shared with the selected firm once the
Airport has the information.
End of Addendum.