LATTA PL A N TAT ION NAT URE PRE S E RVE S C H E M A T I C Pre p are d for : Me ck l enbu rg C ou nt y Park and R e c re at i on Me ck l e nbu rg C ou nt y Ass e t & Fac i lit y Man age me nt D E S I G N Prep are d by : 25 FEBRUARY 2016 Nove m b e r 2 0 1 5 Be ies att rd Fo Ro ad 9 10 6 1 2 5 3 4 7 Sa m pl e Ro ad 8 1 Historic Latta Plantation 2 Picnic Area, Canoe & Segway Rental, Restrooms 3 Boat House 4 Carolina Raptor Center 5 Maintenance Facility 6 Equestrian Center 7 Visitor’s Center 8 New Canoe Launch 9 Trails 10 New Visitor’s Center 1 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 1 Historic Latta Plantation HISTORIC LATTA PLANTATION 2 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 2 Picnic Area, Canoe & Segway Rental, Restrooms RESTROOMS & PICNIC AREA NEW PICNIC SHELTER ad Ro ad e Ro pl rd Fo m ies att Sa Be 3 Boat House 3 BOAT HOUSE 4 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 4 Carolina Raptor Center CAROLINA RAPTOR CENTER 5 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 5 Maintenance Facility MAINTENANCE FACILITY 6 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 6 Equestrian Center EQUESTRIAN CENTER 7 Be ies att rd Fo Ro Sa m pl e Ro ad ad 7 Visitor’s Center VISITOR’S CENTER 8 Be ies att rd Fo Ro ad Sa m pl e Ro ad 8 New Canoe Launch NEW CANOE LAUNCH ad Ro ad e Ro pl rd Fo m ies att Sa Be 9 Trails 9 TRAILS L AT TA PLA N TAT ION NAT URE PRE S E RVE preferred option Employee Parking Overflow Parking To Latta Plantation Trails Service Area To Carolina Raptor Center Exhibits Outdoor Classroom Ampitheater Nature Play Bus Parking Bus Drop-off Area Gathering Area PARKING SUMMARY Sign 86 Main Lot 6 Employee 60 Overflow 152 SAMPLE SITE PLAN 50 0 50 Total ROAD 100 200 NATURE TRAILS COLOR LEGEND ADMINISTRATION NATURAL PLAY / NATURE AREA LINE OF OVERHANG ABOVE BUILDING SYSTEMS CIRCULATION RAPTOR CENTER EDUCATION/EXHIBIT OUTDOOR EXHIBIT 4774 SF ENTRY/RECEPTION OUTDOOR EDUCATION RESTROOMS MEN 297 SF MULTIPURPOSE 1542 SF VC DIR 149 SF CRC DIR 149 SF 6'x6' WORKSTATIONS CONF 149 SF CLASSROOM 697 SF STOR A 240 SF CLASSROOM 697 SF STOR B 240 SF OFFICE/STOR 140 SF RR VESTIBULE 154 SF JANITOR 43 SF GIFT SHOP 420 SF OPEN OFFICE/WORK 1149 SF ELEC 88 SF WORK 104 SF KITCHEN 196 SF 20' - 0" STOR 69 SF IT 92 SF MECH 111 SF ANIMAL CARE 196 SF 10' - 0" CRC MAN 101 SF STAFF RR 128 SF BREAK 291 SF CONF 235 SF SECONDARY ENTRY 20' - 0" CRC MAN 101 SF WOMEN 339 SF 10' - 0" INDOOR EXHIBIT 4326 SF 13,250 SF FLOOR PLAN RECEPTION 53 SF MAIN ENTRY LINE OF OVERHANG ABOVE VIEW FROM ENTRY ROAD APPROACH MAIN ENTRY OUTDOOR EXHIBIT SPACE W/ RAPTOR CENTER TRAIL VIEW FROM PARKING TO MAIN ENTRY VIEW TO SOUTHWEST CORNER SCHEDULE ITEMS: o Accessible Boat Launch o Trail Improvements o Maintenance Compound Improvements o Restroom Replacement o Picnic Shelter Replacement o Barn Renovations o Boat Dock / Fishing Pier Repairs o Visitors Center Mecklenburg County Asset & Facilities Management - Steve Sweat, Project Manager Park & Recreation - Lee Jones, Division Director, Capital Planning Services Park & Recreation - Chris Matthews, Division Director, Nature Preserves and Natural Resources Park & Recreation - James Williams, Planner BB+M Architecture - Heath Wickline, Project Manager All comments shall be emailed to James at