Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: 2016 RFP Review

Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: 2016 RFP Review
Reviewers Scoring Tool
Put Total Score Here
(Total of 25 possible points)
The information listed below serves as guidelines for completion of this scoring tool.
When reviewing and scoring an application:
 Score each section by listing in the designated area the point value related to each descriptor (“All
Required Info Included”; “Some Required Info Included”; or “None of Required Info Included”)
 Use only whole numbers when assigning scores.
 Checkmark each bullet point with each question if the information is addressed in the narrative. If
the information is not included, do not checkmark the bullet point.
 The questions have a simple grading system consisting of the following:
- 2 points awarded if all required information is included (based on the bullet point criteria in the
RFP and on the related scoring tool)
- 1 point awarded if some of the required information is included (based on the bullet point
criteria in the RFP and on the related scoring tool)
- 0 points awarded if none of the required information is included (based on the bullet point
criteria in the RFP and on the related scoring tool.)
Reviewers will score NCDPS Program Agreement Section IV: Project Narrative questions 1 – 7 using a 1-point
scale for each of the yes or no questions. (Yes = 1 point and No = 0 points)
Reviewers will score all other sections of the NCDPS Program Agreement using a 2-point scale (2 points if all
required info is included; 1 point if some of required info is included; 0 points if none of required info is
All Required Information Included (2 points): The applicant organization explicitly addresses all
bullets in the question by providing comprehensive descriptions and thorough details.
Some Required Information Included (1 points): The applicant organization explicitly addresses some
of the bullets and provides adequate descriptions and sufficient details. However, one or more bullets do
not include comprehensive and detailed information to completely answer the question.
None of Required Information Included (0 points): The applicant organization does not explicitly
address the bullets. The applicant organization states the question, but does not elaborate on the
response. The applicant organization skipped or otherwise ignored the question. As a result, the answer
is completely deficient in addressing the question.
Program Name:
NCDPS Program Agreement Section III: Project Narrative
1. Statement of the Problem: In concise terminology, describe how the program will address continuum
need(s) in the county.
o Narrative describes the local need(s) for the proposed service
o Narrative provides qualitative and quantitative data to support the identified need that the
proposed services will address
o Narrative provides detailed description of the proposed service
o Narrative provides detailed description of how the proposed service specifically addresses the
identified need
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
2. Target Population: Describe the target population, including age, and the steps taken to insure that the
target population is served.
o Target population is clearly identified, including age
o Narrative provides qualitative and quantitative data to support the selection of the proposed
program to address the identified need in the identified target population
o Narrative clearly outlines how the proposed program will insure that the target population is
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
3. Program Goal(s): Provide a brief statement to describe the overall purpose of the program.
o Narrative includes at least one clearly stated and measurable goal
o Narrative provides detailed description of how the proposed program serves the identified target
o Narrative provides qualitative and quantitative data supporting the effectiveness of the proposed
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Program Name:
o Narrative clearly describes how the proposed program will impact both the identified local need
and the identified target population
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
4. Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms (%) the intended effect of the program on specific
undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. Example: anticipated reductions in court referrals, runaway
behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic
achievement. These objectives must include impact on participants.
o Narrative lists at least one short term and one long term objective, and how and when progress
will be measured
o Narrative lists a minimum of two process measures, and how and when data will be gathered
o Narrative lists a minimum of two outcomes measures, and how and when data will be gathered
o Narrative describes measurement tools that are used
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
5. Elevated Risks and Needs: Describe how you will address one or more of the Elevated Risk and Needs
of adjudicated juveniles listed in the local JCPC Request for Proposal.
o Narrative identifies at least one of the Risks and Needs listed in the JCPC Request for Proposal
that will be addressed by their proposed program
o Narrative describes how the proposed program specifically addresses the identified Risks and
o Narrative uses qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate how the proposed program
addresses the identified Risks and Needs
o Explanation of when and how data will be used to adjust/update/improve the program
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
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Program Name:
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
NCDPS Program Agreement Section IV: Project Narrative
Location Listed
Program Operation Schedule Described
Staff Positions Described
Service Type SPEP Identified
Admission Process Described
Termination Process Described
Referring Agency Interaction Described
Yes _____
Yes _____
Yes _____
Yes _____
Yes _____
Yes _____
Yes _____
No _____
No _____
No _____
No _____
No _____
No _____
No _____
One point per each of the Questions 1 – 7 listed above (1 if addressed; 0 if not addressed)
8. Intervention/Treatment: Describe specifically what the component will do to redirect inappropriate
youth behavior or how the component will address the identified needs of the youth and family. What
interventions will typically be utilized in this component and how will parents/guardians be involved?
o Narrative describes what the program will do to prevent or redirect inappropriate youth behavior
OR how the program will address the needs of the youth and family
o Narrative describes what interventions will be utilized and how parents/guardians are involved
o Narrative uses qualitative and quantitative data (and cites sources) to support the selection of the
proposed intervention/treatment
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
9. Best Practice Model: Describe what model or evidence-supported/best practice the program is based
o Narrative identifies an evidence-based / best practice model
o Narrative identifies the resource/agency/methodology that confirms the proposed model is
evidence-based / best practices
o Narrative demonstrates how the identified best practice model meets the data driven needs of the
target population and will bring about desired outcomes
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
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Program Name:
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
NCDPS Program Agreement Section VI: Budget
The Budget must include the following information:
o A 12-Month Budget to include requested funds and matching funds
o Local Match Rate requirement is met
o Budget appears relevant and applicable to proposed project needs (i.e. expenses match
implementation needs)
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
Additional Criteria
Place check mark next to the listed required item if it is included.
o Program is in one of the needed program areas
o Program services address risk or protective factors for delinquent behavior, and are outcomes
based, evidence based and have an evaluation component.
o Services are compatible with research that has been shown to be effective with juvenile
o No Over Due Tax forms, required for private, non-profit applicants
o Conflict of Interest Statements, required for private, non-profit applicants
o Agency Conflict of Interest Policy, required for private, non-profit applicants
o Proof of 501(c)(3) status, required for private, non-profit applicants
o Documentation of one month’s worth of operating expenses, as identified in Section V, 3 of this
o Documentation of the program’s long-term sustainability plan, including additional financial
resources of the program and plans for generating additional revenue throughout the year to
supplement any JCPC funds awarded.
o Proposal includes a 30% match, and provides documentation of the in-kind contribution and how
it was calculated.
o Cultural Competency is demonstrated in program delivery and staffing
o Disparities are identified with a clear description of how they are addressed by the program and
o Proposal is completed online in NC Allies by deadline
o ONE hard copy of the proposal is delivered to the County Manager’s office by deadline.
All Required Information is Addressed = 2 points
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Program Name:
Some of Required Information is Addressed = 1 point
None of the Required Information is Addressed = 0 points
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