Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 ISSN: 2040-7459; E-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013 Submitted: June 28, 2012 Accepted: July 28, 2012 Published: January 21, 2013 Study on Spectral Fatigue Assessment of Trimaran Structure 1 Khurram Shehzad, 1Ren Huilong, 1FengGuoqing and 2Asifa Khurram 1 Department of Shipbuilding Engineering, 2 Department of Materials Science Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China Abstract: This study presents fatigue strength assessment of the trimaran platform by the spectral approach. Spectral fatigue calculations are based on complex stress transfer functions established through direct wave load analysis combined with stress response analysis. In this study, ANSYS software with 3 dimensional linear seakeeping code AQWA is used to compute frequency response functions of the vessel at zero forward speed. Finite element analysis of global trimaran structure is performed in ANSYS software utilizing hydrodynamic wave loads. Hot spot stress approach is used to compute stress transfer functions of the selected critical details. A MATLAB program, based on direct calculation procedure of spectral fatigue is developed to calculate total fatigue damage using wave scatter data of North Atlantic. Damage incurred during individual heading direction is also calculated and presented by means of polar diagrams to study its contribution towards cumulative fatigue damage. Keywords: Finite element, hot spot, spectral fatigue, stress response, trimaran INTRODUCTION Trimaran platform design has gained enormous attention in recent years owing to its superior seagoing performance. The trimaran offers significant advantages in terms of low resistance at high speed, excellent seakeeping characteristics, massive deck space and stealth (Blanchard and Ge, 2007). Due to its unique configuration and high operating speed, trimaran experiences severe structural loads, which include splitting moment, wet deck slamming and stress concentration in the cross deck region. These loads accelerate fatigue damage; hence, evaluation of fatigue strength is vital for trimaran design. The research work focusing on sea keeping aspects of the novel trimaran platform emerged after launching of RV Triton in 2000, being the world’s largest trimaran of that time (Pei-Yong et al., 2002; Varyanik et al., 2002; Xiao-Ping et al., 2005; Fang and Too, 2006; Fang and Chen, 2008; Kang et al., 2008). However, very little material is available on fatigue strength assessment of trimaran structure (Chun-Bo et al., 2012). The fatigue strength of a ship structure is generally assessed either by simplified method or spectral based Method (Bai, 2003). These techniques are categorized based on the method used for determination of stress distribution. In simplified method, long-term stress distribution in structure is specified by Weibull probability distribution, whereas, short term stress range distribution in spectral method is defined by Rayleigh probability density functions for each short term sea state. Application of simplified method for trimaran is complex, since guidelines of the classification societies for fatigue loads, load cases and loading conditions are not available. Moreover, excessive sensitivity of the estimated fatigue damage to the Weibull shape parameters and selection of basic design SN curve confine the use of simplified approach to novel ship structures. Spectral fatigue analysis is a direct calculation method based on linear theory in the frequency domain of a stationary and ergodic but not necessarily narrow banded Gaussian random process with zero mean (Kukkanen and Mikkola, 2004). Spectral method is considered as the most reliable method for fatigue life estimation of ship structure due to its ability to cater different sea states as well as their probabilities of occurrence. This research is focused on fatigue strength assessment of trimaran by spectral method. In this study, frequency response functions representing the ship response to a sinusoidal wave with unit amplitude for different frequencies and wave headings are computed using linear sea keeping code ANSYS AQWA utilizing 3-dimensional potential flow based diffraction-radiation theory. Considering hot spot stress approach, stress transfer functions are calculated by global FE analysis of the trimaran. Finally direct calculation procedure of spectral based fatigue is employed to estimate cumulative fatigue damage of the hot spots. The study also investigates the effect of Wirsching’s rain flow cycle correction factor and contribution of fatigue damage caused by individual heading direction towards cumulative fatigue damage of the hot spots. Corresponding Author: Khurram Shehzad, Department of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China 1015 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 The nth spectral moment mn of the stress response process for a given heading is calculated as follows: LITRETURE REVIEW Spectral-based fatigue analysis is a complex and numerically intensive technique. Theoretical background and method of spectral fatigue are presented in detail in numerous publications (Wirsching and Chen et al., 1988; Sarkani, 1990; Pittaluga et al., 1991; Wang, 2010). In spectral approach, wave loads in regular waves or Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) and corresponding wave induced stresses in ship structural components are computed for a specific range of frequencies and headings to obtain stress transfer functions at the hot spots. Each transfer function is valid for a specified ship velocity, wave heading angle and loading condition. Wave data in terms of a wave scatter diagram and a wave energy spectrum are incorporated to generate stress-range response spectra, which is used to define the magnitude and frequency of occurrence of local stress ranges at hot spots in a probabilistic manner. Fatigue damage from individual sea state is calculated using Rayleigh's probability density function describing the short-term stress range distribution, spectral moments of various orders, S-N curve of the structural detail and zero crossing frequency of the response. Based on Palmgren-Miner linear damage accumulation hypothesis with occurrence probabilities of the different operational and environmental conditions, total or cumulative fatigue damage is determined by combining the short-term damages over all the applicable sea states (Siddiqui and Ahmad, 2001). The analysis procedure of spectral based fatigue is shown in Fig. 1. Mathematically, spectral-based fatigue analysis begins after the determination of the stress transfer function. Wave energy distribution Sη in short term sea state over various frequencies, is modeled by parametric Pierson-Moskowitzwave energy spectrum (DNV, 2010) and expressed as: | , , | , (3) Effect of directional spreading can be included in spectral moment calculation using cosine squared approach 2⁄ cos to model confused short crested sea conditions. Spreading limitation of the cosine squared function is generally assumed from +90 to 90°C on either side of the selected wave heading. Revised spectral moment formulation after inclusion of wave spreading function is as follows: | ∑ ′ ′ , , cos ′ . (4) Assuming the short-term stress response to be narrow-banded, then stress ranges follow the Rayleigh probability distribution (ABS, 2004). Using spectral moments of various orders, Rayleigh probability density function g(s) describing the short term stressrange distribution and zero up-crossing frequency of the stress response f and the bandwidth parameter of Wirsching’s rain flow correction are calculated as follows: (5) (6) 1 (7) Using SN curve of the form N = ASm, the short term fatigue damage Dij incurred in the ith sea-state is given by the relation: Stress energy spectrum Sσ is obtained by scaling Pierson-Moskowitz wave energy spectrum in the following manner: , , where, s : Stress range m0, m2, m4 : Spectral moments (1) where, Hs : Significant wave height Tz : Zero crossing period ω : Wave frequency | | . | | . where, Hσ (ω/θ) : The stress transfer function θ : The heading angle | , (2) ∞ (8) where, f0ij : Zero-up crossing frequency of stress response in Hz T : Design life in sec m & A : Constants of SN curve pi : The probability of occurrence of individual sea state 1016 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 2 Fig. 1: Spectral based fatigue analysis flow wchart Table 1: Mainn characteristics off trimaran platform m Parameters Main hulll Length (m) 154.6 Draught at mid m ship (m) 5.330 10.15 Breadth at waterline w (m) 14.94 Moulded deepth (m) 3 3491 Displacemeent (m ) Cross deck Height (m) 2 Dead weighht (tons) 3627 where, Nload : Total number of o loading conditions consideered pn : Fraction F of dessign life in loadding condition n ns : Total T number of o sea states nh : Total T number of o headings pj : Occurrence O proobability of heading j fijn : The T zero crosssing frequencyy in short term stress c condition i, j coombined with loading condittion n Side huull 41.16 2.940 1.760 12.50 68 Eff ffects of swelll are not accoounted for in above calculaation, as the wave w scatter diagram is ussed to represeent the wave environment. e W Wirsching’s raiinflow correctiion factor is used u to cater sw well effects in shortterm faatigue damage calculation (W Wirsching and Light, 1980). , Fig. 2: Globbal FE model of trimran Substitutinng the value of o g(s) from Eq. E (5) and affter mathematical manipulatiions, above eqquation takes the t form as: 2 2 1 ( (9) ∑ 1 Additioon of Wirschiing’s rain flow correction factor modifiees Eq. (9) and (10) ( as: D .∑ ∑ ∑ 2 2 (110) (11) where, a(m) = 0.926 - 0.033 m b(m) = 1.587 m - 2.323 = Bandwidth paarameter calcullated by Eq. (77) i where, represents gamma functtion. Based on Palmgren Miner rule, th he total or cuumulative fatiggue damage D is calculated by b the linear summation s of the t damage in individual seaa state and is exxpressed as: 1 1 2 2m 1 ∑ ∑ Γ 1 λ m, ε p f (12) , 2 2 (13) Booth Eq. (9) andd (12) can be em mployed to coompute accumuulated fatiguee damage in a specific seaa state. 1017 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 2 Fig. 3: Locaation of hot spotts (a) Connectionn of main hull with w cross deck and a wet deck at front (b) Conneection of wet decck with mainn hull and side hull h Cumuulative fatiguee damage iss converted to expected fatigue fa life Tf by the expressioon: where, Td is i the design liffe of the ship. METH HODOLOGY FE model and hot spots location: Maain particulars of trimaran ship analyzed in this study are presented in Table 1. A 3D FE model of trimaraan based on net n thickness approach a is generated in AN NSYS software as shown in Fig. F 2. Structurre analysis of trrimaran based on direct calcculation proced dure of Lloyd’s Register Rules for Classiffication of Trim maran is perfoormed to identtify location off maximum strress concentrattions or hot spoots (Shehzad et e al., 2012). Following F locattions are selectted to perform m spectral fatigu ue assessment (Fig. ( 3): g connection off cross deck with w Hot Spot 1: Starting h at front main hull Hot Spot S 2: Starting g connection of o wet deck with w main hull h at front Hot Spot S 3: Conneection of mainn hull with wet w deck at a transverse bu ulk head Hot Spot 4: Connecction of side huull with wet deeck at trannsverse bulk heead Considdering the intriicacy of trimarran structure, hot h spot stress approach is used u to calculaate stress transfer function. Therefore, T local fine mesh of size‘t x t’ is ussed at hot spots, whereas rem maining model is coarse meshhed with elemeent size equal to stiffener spaccing (Fig. 4). Response Amplitude Operator O (RA AOs): The maain objective of o motion and d load calculaations in specttral based fatiggue analysis is the determinnation of RAO Os, which are mathematical m representations r s of the vessel Fig. 4: F Fine mesh at hot h spots, (a) Hotspot H 1 and 2, (b) H Hotspot 3 and 4 Table 2: Wave load calculaation parameters Parameter S. No Rannge 1 Frequency ω 0.2~ ~2.0 2 Heading angle θ 00~3300 3 Heading probabbility pj 1/122 Increement 0.1 300 - a sinuusoidal responsses and load effects to unit amplitude waves. In this studdy, wave indduced motions and hydroddynamic pressuure loads at zerro forward speeed are calculaated using linnear sea-keeping code AN NSYSAQWA A, utilizing 3 dimensional and potential flowbased diffraction-rad d diation theory. Parameters used in wave load l calculatioon are summ marized in Tabble 2. 1018 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 2 Fig. 5: Stresss transfer functiion of hotspot 4 Table 3: Cum mulative fatigue damage and expected fatigue life Witho out correction factoor ----------------------------------------------------------Hot spot Damaage Fatigue life (yeaars) 4.5299 4.4100 1 2 1.9708 10.150 3 1.4396 13.900 4 0.0790 253.16 Stress traansfer functiion: Determinnation of streess transfer fuunction is the key step in spectral fatiggue analysis. Stress S range trransfer functioon represents the t relationshipp between the stress at a parrticular structuural location, wave w frequency and headingg. Stress transfer functions at a hot spots aree determined by b FE analysis of global struucture model by y applying ineertial load of shhip motion andd hydrodynam mic pressure onn hull surface. In this study, AQWA WA AVE is used for mapping of hydrodynaamic loads from hydroddynamic modell to global FE model m and stru ucture analysis is performed for f 228 load cases c correspon nding to 19 freequencies and 12 headings. Stress S transfer function of hootspot 4 is show wn in Fig. 5. Fatigue damage d calculation: A MA ATLAB code is developed to calculatte spectral fatigue f damaage according to the mathem matical formullations explainned earlier in this t study. Th he program usees stress transfer function obbtained by fin nite element annalysis and waave With rainn flow correction factor ---------------------------------------------------------------Damagee Fatigue life (yeaars) 3.9240 5.1000 1.6858 11.860 1.2236 16.340 0.0683 292.83 Increase (%) 15.65 16.85 17.55 15.67 scatter diagram dataa as input. In this study, fatigue f damagee is calculateed for one base b vessel looading condition using wavee scatter data of o north Atlanttic and SN currve E of CCS rules. r Only lonng crested wavves are taken into account with the asssumption of equal probability of vessel heading relativve to the directtion of the wavves. Design liffe of the ship is taken as 200 years with 85% 8 durationn at sea. Thhe factor off 0.85 correspponds to the non-operationall time of the ship s at harbor. RESULT TS AND DISCU USSION c ressults of hot spoots and Fatigue damage calculation a compparison of exxpected fatiguue life by appplying Wirschhing’s rain floow correction are summarizzed in Table 3. 3 Cumulative fatigue damagge values of hootspots 1, 2 annd 3 are greatter than one, indicating struuctural nonconnformance of fatigue strenggth criteria at these locationns. Also, addiition of Wirssching’s rain flow 1019 Res. J. Appl. A Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 1015-1021, 2013 2 Fig. 6: Fatiggue damage distrribution caused by b waves at diffe ferent heading anngle correction factor in spectral fatigue calculatiion increases thhe predicted faatigue life of thhe hot spots. Figuree 6 demonstrattes the contribbution of damaage incurred during d individu ual heading direction d towarrds cumulativee fatigue damaage for all hot spots. Statisticcal damage results of hotspo ot 1 reveals thaat waves inclinned at 270, 3000 and 330°C,, respectively cause maximuum damage appproximately equal e to the daamage caused by waves at other o inclinatio on angles. Dam mage distributiion plot of hott spot 2 nearly y exhibits the same s response as that of hott spot 1. For hotspot 3, transsverse waves and a neighborinng 30°C wav ves account for the majjor proportion of fatigue daamage. In case of hot spot 4, waves incclined at 60, 90 and 270°C, respectiveely contribute 75% of the tottal fatigue dam mage. CON NCLUSION This study s presents fatigue assessm ment of trimarran structure by b spectral baased method. Wirsching’s W raain flow cycle correction factor is applied to t include swelll’s f damagee calculation. According to the t effects in fatigue calculationn results it is found f that front connection of cross deckk and wet deck with main hulll and connectiion of main hull h with wet deck at transsverse bulk heead suffer maxximum fatiguee damage. Morreover, predictted fatigue life is considerably less thaan the design life of the vesssel, which inddicates the requuirement to ennhance structurre design at theese particular locations. l Therrefore, fatigue strength assesssment of trim maran cross strructure mmended at innitial design staage. is recom R REFERENCES S ABS, 2004. 2 Guidancee Notes on Speectral-Based Fatigue F Annalysis for Vessels. V Am merican Bureaau of Shhipping, Houstoon. Bai, Y., Y 2003. Marrine Structurall Design. Ist Edn., Elssevier, Amsterrdam, Boston. 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