Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: November 03, 2011 Accepted: March 30, 2012 Published: September 01, 2012 An Evaluation of the Operation of a Fixed-Time Signalization Scheme for a Four Leg Intersection in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria Y.A. Jimoh, O.O. Adeleke and A.A. Afolabi Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria Abstract: The study reports the assessment of the performance of the signalisation scheme at an urban intersection with the purpose of reviewing for better and effective management of the junction delays. Maraba intersection in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria, is a 4-legged traffic warden controlled intersection in a typical urban centre of a developing economy with the traffic operating at LOS F at each of the legs. As a result of the congestion at the intersection and in a bid to ameliorate the frustration experienced by motorists at the intersection, a fixed-time traffic signalization was installed at the intersection to replace the manual traffic warden controlled signalization. It was however noticed that the congestion experienced at the intersection has become worse despite the introduction of the fixed-time signalization. A 4-phase fixed-time traffic signalization was therefore proposed to replace the present 5-phase signalization, which if implemented will improve the level of service to D. It was consequently recommended that to achieve the new level of service, the intersection should be redesigned by increasing the number of lanes from the existing 2 to 3 for two of the legs while the only approach with a single lane should be increased to 2 lanes. Keywords: Critical flow ratio, fixed time signalization, intersection congestion, traffic warden controlled INTRODUCTION The prevalent method of controlling traffic at intersections in both medium and small size urban cities, such as a state capital in developing countries like Nigeria is the use of human traffic wardens whose operations have been characterised and found to be comparable to the automatic signalization for Minna, Niger State (Ndoke, 2006) and cost-effective for Ilorin, Kwara State (Adeleke and Jimoh, 2011). In the case of the latter, only 3 of the 37 intersections studied were not traffic warden controlled. However, a major handicap with the traffic warden controlled signalization, especially at multi-legged intersections, is the introduction of many signal phases when it is most convenient to assign exclusive separate movement phases to each traffic leg and the turning manoeuvres; which ultimately would result to higher number of phases than the bench marked number for optimised efficiency (Federal Highway Administration, 2009). There are three distinct movement patterns that are probable at each leg of an intersection, the right turning-, the through-and the left turning traffic (RT, TT and LT). It is only the LT and TT traffic that significantly contribute to safety challenges at the intersections as a result of conflicts of movement at the space sharing intersection. The RT movements are free from interference from the other two movements (TT and LT) for a right hand side driving practice. Besides the human element and bias often exhibi table by the traffic wardens, in-effectiveness in operation and unsafe control at the intersections are also possible ‘(Adeleke, 2010). Hence in recent times, automatic traffic signalization control was introduced by the traffic managers at the major intersections on the first and second priority arterials in Ilorin, Nigeria. Maraba intersection was among the intersections considered where traffic congestion must be ameliorated to ensure the desirable socio economic working of the urban city. It was however observed by the commuters (including the authors) who frequently ply the routes that the introduction of the traffic signal at Maraba intersection has not improved the traffic flow or the operational level of service at the intersection. The commuters continue to be burdened with the growing congestion. Consequently, the study was carried out to evaluate the level of service, identify the militating problems at the intersection with the view of designing improvement strategies for a better service from the signalization. The objectives of the study were: C C C Establishment of operating characteristics of the traffic signalization at Maraba intersection, such as the signal timing/phases, etc. Identification of critical lane groups based on the prevailing flow ratios Designing an alternative for more effective and efficient traffic control at the intersection Corresponding Author: Y.A. Jimoh, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria 2839 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 Table 1: Traffic volume-amilegbe approach Day Left turn movement Through movement Right turn movement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Monday 5891 1191 12 0 1527 851 20 0 60 645 1782 31 0 18 1636 Tuesday 5900 1391 0 154 1418 856 22 0 16 623 2226 21 0 10 1667 Wednesday 5899 1279 0 148 1420 880 18 0 24 614 2039 19 0 14 1684 Thursday 5721 1191 6 150 1423 799 14 0 14 741 1984 22 0 24 1383 Friday 5734 1220 0 194 1486 609 21 0 40 595 2165 27 0 16 1571 Saturday 5619 1039 15 146 1375 874 20 0 22 581 2218 24 0 42 1477 Sunday 5405 1130 3 104 1551 966 22 0 60 628 2495 38 9 36 1278 Left turn movement: Amilegbe-Sango; Through movement: Amilegbe-Sabo Oke; Right turn movement: Amilegbe-Post office Table 2: Traffic volume-sango Day Left turn movement Through movement Right turn movement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Monday 434 17 0 33 461 4753 257 0 148 1384 4896 1261 0 298 2187 Tuesday 400 12 0 16 86 4897 293 9 180 1424 4949 1082 3 106 1809 Wednesday 411 6 0 14 98 5149 356 0 138 1345 4656 1199 15 250 1870 Thursday 403 10 0 14 89 5030 254 0 118 1368 4840 1287 0 204 1994 Friday 263 9 0 16 70 4787 274 0 110 1213 5075 1046 0 144 2008 Saturday 397 28 0 6 88 4570 208 0 110 1223 4929 1163 0 346 1887 Sunday 598 6 3 0 110 6133 155 6 100 869 4225 1125 12 152 1674 Left turn movement: Sango-Sabo Oke; Through movement: Sango-Post Office; Right turn movement: Sango-Amilegbe Table 3: Traffic volume-sabo oke approach Day Left turn movement Through movement Right turn movement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Monday 160 2 0 0 77 1179 59 0 52 607 1896 62 0 16 288 Tuesday 192 9 0 0 84 1194 52 0 40 617 1672 61 0 22 307 Wednesday 157 8 0 0 84 1205 67 9 70 548 1576 59 0 22 265 Thursday 0 0 0 0 0 1159 49 0 36 639 1816 48 0 14 306 Friday 148 6 0 0 94 1204 72 9 80 580 1583 54 0 4 277 Saturday 1455 34 0 38 827 4309 102 0 168 731 185 0 0 0 116 Sunday 345 8 3 0 123 891 48 0 56 589 680 21 0 42 335 Left turn movement: Sabo Oke-Post office; Through movement: Sabo Oke-Amilegbe; Right turn movement: Sabo Oke-Sango Table 4: Traffic volume-post office approach Day Left turn movement Through movement Right turn movement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Luxurious Motor Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Car Bus bus Truck cycle Monday 1441 36 0 38 1018 3785 106 3 136 870 149 0 0 0 100 Tuesday 1386 36 0 38 1040 3770 179 3 118 958 137 3 0 2 111 Wednesday 1354 33 0 28 820 4129 108 0 128 925 178 5 0 0 117 Thursday 1249 30 0 32 821 3329 88 0 74 1198 172 0 0 0 79 Friday 1268 42 0 20 1040 4261 119 0 116 845 141 0 0 0 145 Saturday 285 8 0 2 94 1265 53 0 34 604 1392 57 0 26 382 Sunday 1980 44 0 2 187 5508 264 0 100 804 437 18 0 12 209 Left turn movement: Post office-Amilegbe; Through movement: Post Office-Sango; Right turn movement: Post Office-Sabo Oke Table 5: Peak hour traffic volume, timing and movement at Maraba Vehicle movement pattern --------------------------------------------------------Approach Day and time LT RT TT Amilegbe Tue 8-9 am 829 450 164 Sabo oke Sat 10-11 am 202 42 519 Post office Sun 6-7 pm 220 60 619 Sango Mon 10-11 am 68 823 689 LT: Left turn traffic; RT: Right turn traffic; TT: Through traffic MATERIALS AND METHODS Project area description: Maraba intersection is located on the first priority arterial (Spencer et al., 1982) and as modified by Adeleke (2010) because it connects the township with a number of priority services of educational institutions (e.g., Kwara State Polytechnics), health institution (University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Total hourly volume (pcu/hr) 1443 763 986 1580 (UITH)) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) petroleum depot, Okeoyi. Ilorin metropolis is a typical medium size urban, administrative and political headquarters of Kwara State, one of the 36 states in a developing economy of Nigeria. The intersection is fourlegged with three of the approaches dualised. The approaches include Post office, Sango, Amilegbe and Sabo Oke; Sabo Oke being the only approach not 2840 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 Table 6: Saturation flow rate computation Approach So N fw Amilegbe 1900 2 1 Post office 1900 2 1 Sabo oke 1900 1 1 Sango 1900 2 1 fHV 0.982 0.998 0.977 0.98 fg 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 fp 1 1 1 1 fbb 1 1 1 1 fa 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 fRT 0.70 0.94 0.95 0.56 fLT 0.97 0.99 0.99 1 S 2483 3431 1711 2044 dualised. The intersection is located in a business district area and adjoined by a public transit park for the intra-and inter-city journeys from Ilorin to the northern part of the nation. Data collection and analysis: Observatory method of data collection was used to determine the following characteristics: C C C C Prevailing Level of Service (LOS) at the intersection Existing signal phasing, cycle length and identification of critical lane groups New signal phase design parameters Checks to ascertain the appropriateness of the designed signal timing in relation to the HCM specified LOS criteria. Traffic count and analysis: A 12 h (7 am to 7 pm) classified traffic count, junction origin and destination (O&D) survey and signal phasing studies were conducted for 7 consecutive days in the month of July 2011 with 3 observers at each approach leg. The acquired data were used for the determination of the prevailing traffic volume trend, peak hour timings and flow rate, movement patterns and the traffic signalization characteristics. The outcome is summarised in Table 1-4 for Amilegbe, Sango, Sabo Oke and Post Office legs respectively. Five different vehicle (carrier) types were observed at the intersection; motorcycles, passenger cars, mini/midi buses (12-18 passengers capacity), buses and heavy goods trucks. The traffic movement scenario at a peak period for a typical day of the week and corresponding time of occurrence were analysed and summarised in Table 5. The maximum hourly volumes, as well as the flow movement scenarios were considered and used to derive the critical values of the flow ratio (v/s ratio) for the lane groups in each signal phase and for each approach. The critical lane groups were subsequently identified and used to evaluate the adequacy or otherwise of the existing signal phasing scheme. The data were also employed to design an improvement of traffic control at the intersection. Figure 1 is the schematic diagram of the intersection and the traffic movement patterns at a typical daily peak hour on the intersection. The saturation flow rate for each of the approaches was obtained using the Highway Capacity Manual model shown in Eq. (1) (Highway Capacity Manual, 2000). The results are summarised in Table 6. S = SO N fw fHV fg fp fbb fa fRT fLT (1) Fig. 1:Intersection layout and critical volumes Fig. 2: Existing phase diagran where, S = Total saturation flow rate for lane group (vphg) So = Ideal saturation flow rate per lane (pcphgpl), usually taken to be 1900 pcphgpl N = Number of lanes in the lane group fw = Adjustment factor for lane group fHV = Adjustment factor for heavy vehicle presence fg = Adjustment factor for grade fp = Adjustment factor for parking conditions fbb = Adjustment factor for local bus blockage fa = Adjustment factor for area type fRT = Adjustment factor for right turning vehicles fLT = Adjustment factor for left turning vehicles Determination of critical lane groups and existing signal phasing: During any green signal phase, several lane groups on one or more approaches are permitted to 2841 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 Table 7: Signal phase, actual capacity and group lanes of maraba intersection ilorin Critical volume Saturation Flow Flow ratio (max hourly flow ratio for critical Phase Movt volume)(v) rate(s) (v/s) lane group(v/s)cr 1 Left turning movt 829 2483 0.334 0.334 from amilegbe approach Through traffic 164 2483 0.066 from amilegbe 2 Through traffic 689 2044 0.337 0.337 from sango Through traffic 619 3431 0.180 from post office 3 LT from sabo Oke 202 1711 0.118 0.303 4 5 Through traffic from sabo oke LT from post office LT from sango LT from post office Through from post office C C c = sg/C capacity of lane group Remarks 604 Not OK/ over saturated g/C 0.243 604 40 0.216 442 Not OK/ over saturated 742 40 0.216 370 519 1711 0.303 220 3431 0.064 0.064 20 0.108 371 68 220 2044 3431 0.033 0.064 0.180 40 0.216 221 742 619 3431 0.18 Not OK/ over saturated 370 OK/ under saturated OK/ under saturated 742 move, the lane group with the most intense traffic is considered as the critical lane. The critical lane groups obtained for the study by comparing the flow ratio (v/s) of each lane group, (McShane et al., 1998) during a typical peak period are summarised in Table 7. There were five signal phases at the intersection as displayed in Fig. 2 and shown in Table 7. The actual capacity (c) of each lane group was compared with the corresponding critical volume to determine whether or not the capacity of the lane group can accommodate the maximum hourly volume (Table 6). The comparison shows that: C Existing green time 45 Table 8: Experienced delay and LOS at the intersection for a cycle of operation d2 PF d (sec) LOS Phase g c X d1 1 45 604 1.37 105 177 1 282 F 2 40 442 1.56 86 263 1 349 F 3 40 370 1.40 82 196 1 278 F 4 20 371 0.59 79 191 1 270 F 5 40 742 0.83 69 87 1 156 F Determining existing level of service: In order to determine the LOS at the intersection, the control delay (d) at the intersection was computed using Eq. (2) to (4) (Highway Capacity Manual, 1994). The results are shown in Table 8. In Phase 1, the left turn movement has a volume greater than the capacity of the lane group Phase 2, all the movements have higher traffic volume than the actual capacity Phase 3, the capacity is inadequate for the through traffic flow Evaluation of existing signal timings at the intersection: The signalised intersection has a Cycle length (C) of 185 sec. The critical lane group flow ratio (v/s)cr in each phase was identified, summed up and used for the evaluation of the operational efficiency of the traffic signalization. If the sum of the critical lane group,3 (v/s)cr is greater than 1.00, then the intersection is deficient in providing sufficient capacity for the anticipated or existing critical lane group flows (McShane et al., 1998); either in the facility geometry, phase plan or cycle length specified. The flow ratios for the critical lane groups gave a summation of 1.218 confirming the inadequacy of the signalised control at the Maraba intersection. Since 3v/scri value of 1.218 › 1.0, the geometry is inadequate. A more efficient phase plan and addition of lanes to critical lane groups would be necessary to remedy the situation. d = (d1 * PF) + d2 + d3 (2) g 2 0.5 * C(1 C ) d1 g 1 Min( X ,10 . ) C (3) and d 2 900T ( X 1) ( X 1) 2 8kIX cT (4) where, d1 d2 d3 2842 = Average delay per vehicle due to uniform arrivals in sec/veh = Average delay per vehicle due to random arrivals in seconds = Residual delay, sec/veh, accounts for oversaturation queues that may have existed prior to the analysis period Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 Table 9: Start-up lost time for cycle 1 Cycle 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vehicles in platoon vehicle headway (sec) vehicle headway-1.86 1 2.30 0.44 2 2.08 0.22 3 2.30 0.44 4 2.12 0.26 Start up lost time: 1.36 sec Table 11: Summary of the proposed and existing saturation flows Existing saturation Proposed saturation Approach flow (pcphgl) flow (pcphgl) Sango 2044 3066 Amilegbe 2483 3725 Post office 3431 3431 Sabo oke 1711 3422 L = 2.54+1.41 = 3.95 sec, approximately 4 sec Table 10: Observed clearance lost time for various cycles Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clearance 1.20 1.24 1.25 1.51 1.36 1.54 1.85 1.50 1.36 1.26 lost time (sec) C g X T K = = = = = Cycle length in seconds Effective green time for lane group in seconds Volume Capacity (v/c) ratio for lane group Duration of analysis period in h Delay adjustment factor that is dependent on signal control mode I = Upstream filtering/metering adjustment factor c = lane group capacity, in veh/hr PF = progression factor For pre-timed control and for situation where there is no initial queue at the beginning of the analysis period, PF = 1.0, K = 0.5, i = 1.0, d3 = 0. Determination of signalization operational start-up and clearance lost times: The necessary signal design and operational properties include the saturation headway, start-up lost time and clearance lost times which were determined for the study intersection. The saturation headway (h) was determined by observing the time headway (h) of 10 vehicles in the traffic queue. It was however noticed that the observed headways did not become constant after the first four or five vehicles as expected for a traffic platoon at a signalised intersection. The headway was therefore observed over 10 cycles of signal operation and the average headway of 1.86 sec for all the vehicles in the 10 cycles adopted as the saturation headway. This value of (h) was used to compute the startup lost time from the headway of the first four vehicles on each platoon of the 10 cycles. The resulting start-up lost time for cycle 1 is shown in Table 9 while those for other cycles were similarly determined. The average start-up lost time (l1) for all the 10 cycles gave a value of 2.54 sec as shown in Eq. (5): Average Start up lost time for the 10 cycles = (1.36+2.19+5.56+3.84+2.68+1.22+1.15+2.57+ 2.27+2.52)/10 (5) =25.36/10 =2.54 sec Observed clearance lost time is shown in Table 10. The average observed clearance lost time (l2) is 1.41 s e c . Thus the total lost time (L) is given as: DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND THE NEED FOR A REDESIGN Observations: It was obvious from the preceding portions of the paper that the traffic signal scheme at Maraba junction, Ilorin is not efficient. There was in operation a five signal phasing scheme. The volume capacity ratio was greater than 1 for three of the phases and with all the phases experiencing level of service F. The frustration being experienced by commuters at the junction seems justified. It can therefore be speculated that the plan of the signal abnitio was not driven by the traffic operational characteristics. Hence, improvement strategies must be examined in any or all of the three sub components of a transportation system; the vehicles (carrier), the fixed facility and the operational characteristics (traffic control). The geometry of the fixed facility and operation (traffic control) aspects were considered together in the analysis in order to maximise the benefits derivable from the design. Evaluation of existing geometry of maraba intersection: Sango approach with a road width of 10.73 m has 2 lanes in use. Amilegbe approach with a road width of 10.33 m has 2 lanes in use. The Post Office approach with a width of 9.5 m has 2 lanes in use while Sabo Oke, with a width of 7.3 m has 1 lane in use. From earlier analysis, it was found that 3 v/scri › 1 for the intersection. A suitable geometric design was therefore proposed so as to have a 3 v/scri ‹ 1 for all the phases. A better phasing plan and optimum cycle length were also tried so as to handle the demand flows and reduce the delays, respectively. This involved the addition of one lane to three of the approaches (i.e., Sango approach, Amilegbe approach and Sabo Oke approach) with critical lane groups as follows: Sango approach-3 lanes; Amilegbe approach-3 lanes; Sabo Oke approach-2 lanes. Post Office approach maintains 2 lanes because of the high density of physical development, the cost of demolition of which would be enormous. The saturation flow of the proposed geometric design was computed Eq. (1) and results is summarised in Table 11. Design of proposed phase plan: A 4-phase plan was proposed to replace the existing 5-phase plan with the analysis as shown in Table 12. From Table 12, the sum of the critical flow ratios for the new phase plan is given by: 2843 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 Table 12: Signal phase, actual capacity and group lanes Critical volume Saturation (max hourly flow Phase Movt volume)(v) rate(s) 1 Through traffic 689 3066 from sango Through traffic 619 3431 from post office 2 Through traffic 164 3725 from amilegbe Through traffic 519 3422 from sabo oke 3 LT from amilegbe 829 3725 4 Flow ratio (v/s) 0.225 Proposed green time 24 g/C 0.279 0.180 0.044 C = sg/C capacity oflane group 855 0.152 16 0.186 692 0.223 23 0.267 994 0.064 7 0.081 913 277 3422 3431 0.059 0.064 LT from sango 68 3066 0.022 Y = 0.225 + 0.152 + 0.223 + 0.064 = 0.664. Since = 0.664 ‹ 1, it implies that the proposed intersection geometry is adequate. Determination of optimum cycle length and signal settings: The main consideration in selecting cycle length should be that the least delay is caused to the traffic passing through the intersection. The optimum cycle length (Co) proposed is obtained using Eq. (6) (Kadiyali, 2005): OK/ under saturated 636 0.223 202 220 Remarks OK/ under saturated 957 0.152 LT from sabo oke LT from post office Co = (1.5L+5) /1-Y sec Flow ratio for critical lane group(v/s)cr 0.225 OK/ under saturated OK/ under saturated 248 Table 13: Summary of timings of proposed signalization scheme Phase 1 2 3 4 Green time (sec) 24 16 23 7 Total lost time (sec) 16 Cycle length (sec) 86 Table 14: Level of service in terms of delay for proposed phase plan g c X d1 d2 PF d (sec) Phase v/scr iv 1 0.225 689 24 855 0.81 28.9 8 1 37 2 0.152 519 16 636 0.82 33.6 11.3 1 44.9 3 0.223 829 23 994 0.83 29.6 8 1 37.6 4 0.064 220 7 277 0.79 38.77 20 1 59 LOS D D D E Cycle Length, Co = g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + L = 86 sec = 24 + 16 + 23 + 7 + 16 = 86 sec (6) where, Table 13 gives the summary of the proposed design parameters. Co = Optimum cycle length (sec) L = Total lost time per cycle (sec) Y = y1+ y2 +yn and y1, y2,...,yn are the critical flow ratio for phases 1,2,...,n, thus with L = 16 sec and Y = 0.664: Co = (1.5*16+5)/1-0.664 = 86 sec Appraisal of appropriateness of the proposed signal phasing: Comparison of the road capacity (c) with the critical maximum hourly flow (v) in each phase movements in Table 14 shows that the proposed phase plan is better than the earlier or existing operation. The new level of service is D (Table 14) as against the F now existing (Table 8). The critical v/c ratio for the intersection (Xc) for proposed phase is given as: Xc = 3(v/s)cri*(Co/Co-L) (7) The automatic traffic signal scheme operating at Maraba intersection, one of the intersections on the first priority arterial in Ilorin, Nigeria was evaluated with following conclusions and recommendation: where, Co = Optimum cycle length L = Total lost time C Thus Xc = 0.664*86/(86-16) = 0.82. Allocation of green time to each phase is obtained from Eq. (8) and the result shown in Table 13. g = v/scri*C/ Xc CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS C (8) 2844 The signalised traffic control operate at a five phasing scheme with a cycle length, average start up and lost time per phase of 120, 2.54 and 4.0 sec, respectively The existing traffic signal operation is inadequate because the junction delays at all the four approaches indicated LOS F at peak period Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(17): 2839-2845, 2012 C C The sum of the existing critical flow ratio in each of the five phases is greater than one which implied that the intersection geometry is inadequate There was the strong need to redesign the junction for a more efficient traffic control at the intersection. Consequently, C C C A 4-phase traffic signal control scheme with an optimum cycle length of 86 sec should be used at the intersection for an enhanced LOS D to operate The addition of one lane each to Amilegbe, Sango and Sabo-Oke approaches is recommended while Further studies should be carried out on the signalization schemes in use in other intersections in the metropolis. REFERENCES Adeleke, O.O., 2010. Empirical modelling of delays at traffic warden controlled urban intersections: Case study of Ilorin, Nigeria. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, Unpublished. Adeleke, O.O. and Y.A. Jimoh, 2011. Sampling of intersections for traffic delay study in an African sub region urban city. Epistemics Sci. Eng. Technol., 1(3): 131-137. Federal Highway Administration, 2009. National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD). Washington, D.C., USA. Highway Capacity Manual, 1994. Special Report 209, National Academy of Science. 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