Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: November 21, 2011 Accepted: January 04, 2012 Published: July 01, 2012 A Method for Defuzzification Based on General Translation R. Saneifard and S. Khodaei Department of Applied Mathematics, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Oroumieh, Iran Abstract: The problem of defuzzification is examined in this study from a broader perspective as a special way of dealing with the general problem of retranslation. The study includes an overview of different formulations of the problem of defuzzification, as well as an overview of methods that have been suggested in the literature to deal with the problem. Our own approach to defuzzification, which is described in the study with details, is based on relevant measures of uncertainty-based information. This study is a companion to our recent study that addresses the general problem of retranslation in calculating concepts. Another application of this defuzzification noticed at the end of this article. Key words: Correlation, defuzzification, fuzzy intervals, fuzzy sets INTRODUCTION The emergence of computer technology in the second half of the 20th century opened many new possibilities for machines. These possibilities have been discussed in various contexts quite extensively in the literature. One aspect of considerable interest has been a comparison of existing and prospective capabilities of machines with those of human beings. An overall observation at this time is that the range of machine capabilities has visibly expanded over the past years, from numerical computation to symbol manipulation, processing of visual data, learning from experience, etc. Moreover, machines have become superior to humans in some specific capabilities, such as large-scale processing of numerical data, massive combinatorial searches of various kinds, complex symbol manipulation, or sophisticated graphics. Some important new areas have emerged due to these machine capabilities, such as fractal geometry, cellular automata or evolutionary computing. In spite of the impressive advances of machines, they are still not able to match some capabilities of human beings. Perhaps the most exemplary of them are the remarkable and very complex perceptual abilities of the human mind, which allow humans to use perceptions in purposeful ways to perform complex tasks. Although current machines are not capable of reasoning and acting on the basis of perceptions, a feasible research program for developing this capability was recently proposed by (Zadeh, 1999). The crux of this program is to approximate perceptions by statements in natural language and, then, to use fuzzy logic to represent these statements and deal with them as needed. This approach, to develop perception-based machines, is referred in the literature as computing with words, which is a name suggested also by (Zadeh, 1996) previously. Approximating statements in natural language by propositions in fuzzy logic may be viewed as a translation from natural language to a formalized language. Alternatively, it may be viewed as a linguistic approximation of the first kind. As it is well known, this translation (or approximation) is strongly context dependent. Once it is accomplished in the context of a given application, all available resources of fuzzy logic in the broad sense can be utilized to emulate the ordinary (commonsense) human reasoning that pertains to the application (Yager et al., 1987; Bezdek et al., 1999). It is quite obvious that any relevant background knowledge should also be utilized in the reasoning, regardless of the nature of the reasoning process; its consequents are fuzzy propositions, of which involves one or more fuzzy sets. In order to connect these fuzzy propositions to perceptions (i.e., to convey appropriate perceptions), we need to approximate them by statements in natural language. This means, in turn, that we need to express each of involved fuzzy sets with a linguistic expression in natural language that has an understandable meaning in the given context. These issues pertain to the second kind of linguistic approximation, which may conveniently be called a retranslation. While the problem of translation has been extensively studied and discussed in the literature, the problem of retranslation is far less developed. Prior to the late 1990s, this problem had been recognized only by a few authors, among them (Eshragh and Mamdani, 1979; Novak, 1989). More recently, the problem has been addressed more substantially by Dvorak (1990), Yager (2004), Delgado et al. (2006) and Saneifard (2009a). In our previous study (Allahviranloo et al., 2011), we discuss the retranslation problem and explore some approaches to dealing with it. In this study, our primary objective is to look at the well-known problem of Corresponding Author: R. Saneifard, Department of Applied Mathematics, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Oroumieh, 1850 Iran Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 defuzzification as one way, perhaps the simplest one, of dealing with retranslation. BASIC DEFINITIONS AND NOTATIONS In this study, we assume that the reader is familiar with basics of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic in the broad sense. For the sake of completeness, we introduce in this section only those concepts that are relevant to our discussion of the retranslation problem. We denote all fuzzy sets in this study by capital letters. Classical sets are viewed as special fuzzy sets, called crisp sets and are thus denoted by capital letters as well. For simplicity, we consider only numerical linguistic variables, states that are expressed by normal and convex fuzzy sets which are defined in some given closed interval, X = [x1, x2], of real numbers. These fuzzy sets, usually referred as fuzzy intervals, are viewed as concave functions from X to [0, 1] whose maxima are 1. Definition 1: (Novak, 1989). For any fuzzy interval A:X÷[0, 1], its "-cut, A", for each "0[0, 1] the closed interval is as follows: A" = {x0X*A(x)$"} Definition 2: (Novak, 1989). For each given fuzzy interval A, the canonical form is as follow: a L ( x ), where x [a , b) 1, where x [b, c] A( x ) a ( x ), where x (c, d ] R 0, otherewise C f ( 21 ) 0 C f (0) f (1) 1 1 C f ( )d 0 T" = [a+(b!a)", d-(d-c)"] where a"L and a"R are the inverse function of aL and aR, respectively. The crisp sets: (3) Every trapezoidal fuzzy interval T is thus uniquely characterized via the quadruple T = (a, b, c, d). A special case in which b = c, that is called a triangular fuzzy interval, is also employed in this study. An important concept for dealing with the problem of retranslation is the degree of subsection, s(AfB) of fuzzy set A in fuzzy set B (both defined on the same interval X), which is expressed by the formula (Zadeh, 1999): s( A B ) (2) 1 2 In most examples in this study, we use trapezoidal fuzzy intervals, T, in which "L and "R are linear functions. That is, aL(x) = x-a/b-a and aR(x) = d-x/d-c. Then, for each a0(0, 1] there is: (1) where x0X = [x1, x2] and ", b, c, d are real numbers in X such that a#b#c#d, aL is a continuous and increasing function from aL(a) = 0 to aL(b) = 1 and aR is a continuous decreasing function from aR(c) = 1 to aR(d) = 0. For each value of "0[0, 1], the a-cut of A, A", is a closed interval of real numbers defined by the formula: A" = [a"L, a"R] ") = f(1/2+") for all "0[0, 1/2], which reaches its minimum in 1/2, is called the bi-symmetrical weighted function. Moreover, the bi-symmetrical weighted function is called regular if: min{ A( x), B( x)}dx A( x)dx (4) The minimum operator in this formula represents the standard intersection of fuzzy sets. As it is well known, this is the only intersection of fuzzy sets that is cut worthy in the sense that(A1B)" = A"1B", hold for all "0[0, 1]. To deal with the retranslation problem, we also need to measure the non-specificity and fuzziness of the fuzzy sets involved. Definition 4: For any given normal and convex fuzzy set A, we define a well-justified measure of non-specificity, NS, as follow: Supp(A) = {x0 X|A(x)>0} Core(A) = {x0 X|A(x) = 1} 1 NS ( A) are called, respectively, a support of A and a core of A. Clearly, Supp(A) = (a, d) and Core (A) = (b, c). Definition 3: (Grzegorzewski and Mrowka, 2005) A function f:[0, 1]÷[0, 1] symmetric around 1/2 i.e., f(1/2- f ( ) Log [1 L 2 m ( A )]2 d (5) 0 where f:[0, 1]÷[0, 1] is a bi-symmetrical (regular) weighted function (Grzegorzewski and Mrowka, 2005). One can, of course, propose many regular bi-symmetrical 1851 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 weighted functions and hence obtain different bisymmetrical weighted distances. Further on we will consider mainly a following function: 1 1 2 , where [0, 2 ] f ( ) 2 1, where [ 1 , 1] 2 (6) Example 1: Let G be a fuzzy number with membership function as follow: X = [-10, 10]: x when x [0,2) 2, 2.4 0.7 x , when x [2,3) G ( x ) 0.3, when x [3,4) 15 . 0.3x , when x [4,5) otherwise 0, 15 10 ], when (0, 0.3] [2 , 3 G [2 , 24 10 ], when (0.3, 1] 3 a (7) 2 0.3 Definition 6: The degree of validity of choosing a standard fuzzy interval A that has a linguistic interpretation for representing a given convex fuzzy set G, v(F|G), as the degree to which G is contained in F, define as follow: X min{G( x), F ( x)}dx G( x)dx (11) There is: NS (G ) Clearly, f(A) = 0 if and only if A is a crisp (classical) set and the maximum degree of fuzziness is obtained for the unique fuzzy set in which A(x) = 1-A(x) = 0.5 for all x0 X. Two criteria that are considered in this study as essential are valid and informative. v( F | G) (10) Clearly, Definition 5: Given a convex fuzzy set A, its fuzziness, F(A), can be measured by the overlap of A and its complement. Using standard operations of complementation and intersection of fuzzy sets, we have: X min{ A( x), 1 A( x)}dx (9) Clearly, if i(F1)$i(F2) then F1 is preferable to F2 according to informativeness. In Eq. (5), Lm(A") denotes for each "0[0, 1] the Lebesgue measure of A". In this case, Lm(A") is the length of the interval A" for each "0[0, 1]. The reason for choosing logarithm base 2 in this formula is to measure ambiguity in a convenient measurement unit: NS(A) = 1 when Lm(A") = 1. Calculating ambiguity is more complicated for fuzzy sets defined on Rn when n>1, but this is beyond the scope of this study. Function NS is a special case of a more general measurement of nonspecificity (applicable to convex subsets of the ndimensional Euclidean space), which is called a Hartleylike measure (Yager, 2004). f ( A) NS ( F ) Log 2 [1 Lm ( X )] i( F ) 1 (8) X For any pair of standard fuzzy intervals, F1 and F2, that compete for representing a given fuzzy set G, clearly, if v(F1|G)$v(F2|G) then F1 is preferable to F2 according to validity. Definition 7: The degree of informative of F, i(F), is concerned and is define as the normalized reduction of non-specificity with respect to the non-specificity of X as follow: 0 15 16 Log2 1 d 3 1 Log21 (24 24 ) d 2.6317 2 0.3 and i (G) 1 NS (G ) 0.4008 Log2 (21) DEFUZZIFICATION (AN OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED METHODS) The term “defuzzification”, as we use it in this study (i.e., as a replacement of a given fuzzy set by a representative crisp set) firstly employed by Recasens et al. (1999). Although this study corrected the terminology in some sense and attracted attention to the problem of representing fuzzy sets by crisp sets, this problem was already addressed in a special way more than ten years earlier by Bezdek et al. (1999) in their research about the interval-valued mean of a fuzzy interval. Given a fuzzy interval A with its "-cut A" = 1852 a L , aR for all "0[0, 1], the interval-valued mean of Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 A is, according to Bezdek et al. (1999), the crisp interval N(A) = [nL, nR]. where, n L a L d and nR [ 0,1] a R d . [ 0 ,1] Since N(A) is based on viewing A as a random set, it is sometimes referred to as expected interval of A (Hong et al., 1995) or a probabilistic mean interval (Saneifard et al., 2007). It is significant that the interval N(A) was also obtained by (Hung et al., 2002) Saneifard (2009b) by computing the average level of A via the Novak (1989) interval and by Grzegorzewski and Mrowka (2005) as the best crisp approximation of A in terms of the minimum Euclidean distance between N(A) and A. Recognizing the defuzzification via the Aumann integral is a kind of averaging procedure, Delgado et al. (2006) try to identify reasonable requirements for averaging operations in this context for prospective defuzzification procedures on this basis. Carlsson et al. (2005) further discuss the requirements and argue that a continuity-type requirement is also needed. Zadeh (1999) shows the interval N(A) that nR-nL = IX A(x)dx and asks the question: is N(A) well placed in relation to A among other crisp intervals with the same length is N(A)?. He then calculates the crisp interval H(A) = [hL, hR] such that hR-hL = nR-nL and minimized the Hamming distance between A and H(A). An alternative crisp interval, B(A), for representing a given fuzzy interval A was introduced by (Carlsson et al., 2005) and further investigated by Yager (2004). This interval, B(A) = [bL, bR], where bL = 2I[0, 1] a"L"d" and bR = 2I[0,1] a"R"d", is based on possibilistic interpretation of A and it is called a possibilistic mean interval of A. Its left and right endpoints are called, respectively, the possibility-weighted averages of the minima and maxima of the "-cuts of A. In a study that well surveys the literature on crisp interval and point representations of fuzzy intervals, Saneifard (2007) introduces, in addition to the intervals N(A) and B(A), the concept of a median interval of A, M(A) = [mL, mR], where, mL b A( x )dx a mL mR d c mR A( x )dx , A( x)dx A( x)dx and a, b, c, d are the real numbers employed in the canonical form of A expressed by Eq. (1). In addition, she defines the concept of a central of A, C(A)=[cL, cR], as: C(A) = N (A)1B(A)1M(A) investigates percentile characterizations of "-cuts in connection with three properties of each given fuzzy set, its height, width and cardinality. One study which its title contains the term “defuzzification” (Bezdek et al., 1999) is actually dealing with neither defuzzification nor disambiguation, but with the problem of standardization discussed in our previous study (Saneifard, 2009a, b). A method is introduced in this study for converting a general fuzzy set on X to the symmetric triangular fuzzy number that is nearest to the given fuzzy set according to a specific metric distance. Ambiguity-preserving defuzzification: In the context of the retranslation problem, defuzzification (as viewed in this study) is a very special way of standardization in the sense introduced in our previous study (Saneifard et al., 2007). The aim of defuzzification in this context is to eliminate linguistic uncertainty (fuzziness) while preserving information-based uncertainty (ambiguity). That is, given a fuzzy set G , we want to find a crisp set F (a defuzzification of G) such that the ambiguities of G and F are equal. That is, we require that NS(F) = NS(G), where NS is defined by Eq. (5). When G is fuzzy interval, this equation has the form: f ( ) Log2 [1 Lm ( F )]2 1 f ( )Log [1 (G )] d 2 0 where the right-hand side is a constant. While the length of the sought crisp interval F is determined by solving this equation for Lm(F), the location remains undetermined. To determine by it, we need to employ some additional criteria. The most important among these criteria is the criterion of validity. We define the degree of validity of F with respect to G, as the degree to which G is contained in F Formally, (8). The crisp interval F can be viewed as a fully valid approximation of G if only if F contains G and, hence, V(F|G) = 1. However, requiring full validity of F with respect to G would need that F be the support for G and this implies that Lm(F)>Lm(G). In order to satisfy Eq. (12), clearly, we need to sacrifice some validity, but it is desirable to sacrifice as little of it as possible. This results in a two-stage defuzzification procedure: C C or, alternatively, CL(A) = max [nL, bL, mL], CR(A) = min [nL, bL, mL] In her more recent study, Saneifard (2007) focuses an approximation of fuzzy sets by their specific "-cuts. She (12) 2 Determine Lm(F) by solving Eq. (12). Determine the location of crisp interval F whose length is Lm(F) for which v(F|G) is maximized. This procedure can be implemented in slightly different ways depending on G. Let us examine some of 1853 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 them. The proposed defuzzification procedure is particularly easy to implement when the canonical representation of the given fuzzy interval, expressed by Eq. (1), is such that function ""L is strictly increasing and function a"R is strictly decreasing. In this case, there exists an "-cut of G, G"*, such that, Lm(G"*) = Lm(F), where Lm(F) is obtained by solving Eq. (12). Moreover, among all crisp intervals whose length is Lm(F), G"* is the only one with maximal validity. In the discussed case (when ""L and "dR are strictly monotone) A"* can be determined more directly by solving the " equation: when functions a"L and a"R in the canonical representation of a given fuzzy interval A are not strictly monotone, no "-cut of A may exist that satisfies Eq. (13). This is due to discontinuities in the "-cut representation. In this case, the defuzzified interval F with the length Lm(F) determined by Eq. (12) and maximum validity can be found at one of the levels of discontinuity and may not be unique. These issues are further discussed in the context of the following example. Example 3: Consider a fairly complex fuzzy interval A defined by the following "-cut representation: f ( ) Log2 [1 Lm ( Aa* )]2 1 f ( )Log2[1 ( A )]2 d . ], when [2.5 , 13.3 17 [0.8 , 13.3 17 . ], when Aa 125 2 5 6 [ . . , ], when [ 35 . , 6 ], when (13) 0 [0.0, 0.2] [0.2, 0.6] [0.6, 0.8] . ] [0.8, 10 for ". This is illustrated in the following example. Example 2: Let us consider a fuzzy interval A discussed in Ralescu (2000, 2002), where, when x [0, 0.5] 2 x, 2 A( x ) 4( x x ), when x [0.5,1] 0, otherwise and A [ 0.5 , 0.5(1 1 ) 0.5 ] To obtain the "-cut that has the same ambiguity, we first calculate the integral on the right-hand side of Eq. (13) to obtain Lm(A): Using Eq. (5), we determine that NS(A) = 2.15621. Solving Eq. (13) for each of the four range of the "-cuts of A gives a solution that is outside the respective range and, hence, is not valid. Solving now Eq. (12), we find that Lm(F) = 3.45742. This value must fit into one of the three "-cut discontinuities, at " = 0.2, " = 0.6 or " = 0.8. It fits only in the discontinuity at " = 0.6. At this level, the left-hand plateau is the smaller one and has the range [3, 3.25]. In order to maximize validity, the left-end point of F, fR, is then equal to fL+Lm(F). That is, fR = fL+3.45742. Hence all crisp intervals in the range from [3, 6.45742] to[3.25, 6.70742] are acceptable defuzzifications: they all preserve the ambiguity NS (A) and maximize the validity v(F|A). A choice of a unique defuzzification from this range may be based on additional criteria. If no additional criteria are employed, it is reasonable to consider as a defuzzification average of the whole range, F"vg. In this example: Favg 1 Log 2 [1 0.5(1 1 ) 0.5 ]2 d 235833 . 0 Applications: In this section, the researchers introduce some of applications of the central interval approximation of fuzzy numbers. These indices can be applied for comparison of fuzzy numbers namely fuzzy correlations in fuzzy environments and expert’s systems. we solve the equation: Log 2 [1 0.5(1 1 ) 0.5 ]2 235833 . for ". The solution (obtained by Mathematica) is " = 0.559462. The "-cut of A for this value of A, Ad*, is then taken as the defuzzification of A: F(A)A"* = [0.274781, 0.835573] ([3,6.4574] [3.25,6.7074]) . , 6.58] [315 2 Correlation between fuzzy numbers: In many applications, the correlation between fuzzy numbers is interested. Several authors have proposed different measures of correlation between membership functions, intuitionistic fuzzy sets and correlation (Ezzati and Saneifard, 2010; Bustince and Burillo, 1995; Hung and Wu, 2002) defined a correlation by means of expected 1854 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 interval. They defined the correlation coefficient between fuzzy numbers A and B as follow: ( A, B) E* ( A) E* ( B) E *( A) E *( B) E*2 ( A) E *2 ( A) E*2 ( B) E *2 ( B) numbers such that for large values of k this article has: lim D ( A, B) k (14) a a 32 b22 b32 Moreover if A and B be two triangular fuzzy numbers, whenever k÷4, we have: where, 1 1 [ E* ( A), E * ( B)] L A ( )d , R A ( )d 0 0 (15) D ( A, B) This correlation coefficient shows not only the degree of relationship between the fuzzy numbers, but also whether these fuzzy numbers are positively or negatively related. The researchers extend (14) by interval H(A) = [H*(A), H*(A)] instead of (15), then: D ( A, B) H* ( A) H* ( B) H * ( A) H * ( B) H*2 ( A) H *2 ( A) H*2 ( B) H *2 ( B) (16) Proof: The proof is obvious. Example 4: Let A" = ["1+( "2- "1) ", "4 ( "4- "3) "] and B" = [b1+(b2-b1) ", b4(b4-b3) "] be two trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and f(r) = (k+1) "k, k = 1, 2, … is the weighted function. Then: PD ( A, B ) ( k 1)a2 a1 )(( k 1)b2 b1 ) (( k 1)a3 a4 )(( k 1)b3 b4 ) a 2 b2 , a 2 , b2 0 5x , 0 x 0.2 1 5x ,0 x 0.2, G6 G7 2 5x , 0.2 x 0.4 0, 0.2 x 1. 0, 0.4 x 1 0 x 0.2, 0 x 0.4 0, 0, 5x 2, 0.4 x 0.6 5x 1, 0.2 x 0.4, G8 G9 4 5x , 0.6 x 0.8 3 5x , 0.4 x 0.6, 0, 0, 0.6 x 1. 0.8 x 1 0, 0 x 0.6, 0 x 0.8 0, G10 5x , 3 0.6 x 0.8, G11 x , 5 4 0.8 x 1 5 5x 0.8 x 1. Proposition 1: For any fuzzy numbers A and B0F we have: DD(A, B) = DD(B.A) If A = B then DD(A, B) = 1 If A = cB for some c>0 DD(A, B) = 1 |DD(A, B)|#1 a 2 b2 Example 5: Yen (2002) used to six grade levels (6thgrade to 11th-grade) as student’s mathematical learning progress. He assigned the linguistic values G6, G7, G8, G9, G10 and G11, respectively to these grade levels, respectively and transferred these linguistic values to corresponding reasonable normal fuzzy numbers G6, G7, G8, G9, G10 and G11, respectively with triangular membership functions as follows: DD (A, B) is called the weighted correlation coefficient between two fuzzy numbers A and B . This correlation coefficient lies in [-1, 1] and gives us more information compared to correlation coefficient in (Bustince and Burillo, 1995; Yu, 1993) and some others, which lie within[0, 1]. It has all mentioned properties from correlation coefficient that introduced in Yu (1993), the researchers review properties DD(A, B) as follow: C C C C a 2 b2 a 3b3 2 2 The researchers use the weighted correlation coefficient to compute DD(G6, Gi),i = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The result of comparison is summarized in Table 1. This example shows that DD(G6, Gi), is decreasing in i, intuitively. But the methods of (Hong and Hwang, 1995; Murty et al., 1985; Sahnoun and Dieesare, 1991) have not decreasing behavior. For our method weighted function f interact on correlation value between two fuzzy numbers. Hence, there is reasonable advantage in using the proposed formula (16). CONCLUSION 2 2 (( k 1)a2 a1 (( k 1)a3 a4 ) (( k 1)b b )2 (( k 1)b b )2 2 1 3 4 The above example shows the parametric function interacts on the correlation coefficient between two fuzzy The correlation coefficients computed in this study, which lie in [-1, 1], give us more information than the correlation coefficients computed by Hong and Hwang (1995), Murty et al. (1985) and Sahnoun and Dieesare 1855 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1850-1856, 2012 Table 1: Comparative results of example 5 DD(G6, G7) Method Hong and Hwang (1995) 0.852 Murty et al. (1985) 0.667 Sahnoun and Dieesare (1991) 0.224 Proposed method with k = 1 0.949 Proposed method with k = 2 0.894 DD(G6, G8) 0.778 0.500 0.000 0.857 0.814 (1991). The correlation coefficients computed by our method which show us not only the degree of the relationship between the intuitionist fuzzy sets, but also the fact that these two sets are positive or negative related, which are better than the correlation coefficients from other methods, they review only the strength of the relation. REFERENCES Allahviranloo, T., S. Abbasbandy and R. Saneifard, 2011. A method for ranking of fuzzy numbers using new weighted distance. Math. Comput. Appl., 2: 359-369. Bezdek, J.C., D. Dubois and H. Prade, 1999. Fuzzy Sets in Approximate Reasoning and Information Systems. Kluwer, Boston. Bustince, H. and P. Burillo, 1995. Correlation of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Set. Syst., 74: 237-244. Carlsson, C., R. Fuller and P. Majlender, 2005. On possibilistic correlation. Fuzzy Set. 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