Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(9): 835-837,2012 ISSN: 2041-0492 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: June 23, 2012 Accepted: July 28, 2012 Published: September 20, 2012 Levels of Radionuclide Contents in Stream Waters of Some Selected Rivers in Ogbomoso Land, South West Nigeria J.O. Ajayi, O. Adedokun and B.B. Balogun Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria Abstract: The study aims at providing a base-line data for the effective monitoring of unforeseeable radioactive fall-out in the investigated areas. Attempts were made to investigate the radionuclide concentration levels from ten selected streams spread around the five local governments of Ogbomoso land, South-Western Nigeria during 2010/2011 stream flow season. The stream water samples collected from these selected streams were then analyzed using gamma spectrometry with sodium iodide (NaI) detector connected to a multi-channel analyzer. All the stream water samples from these streams were found to contain permissible levels of radionuclides with mean activity values of 100.13±26.82, 6.03±2.10 and 5.54±1.76 for 40K, 238U and 232Th, respectively. The mean absorbed dose rate of the water samples was found to be 0.10 mSv/year which is very low when compared to the International Commission on Radiological Protection’s (ICRP) recommended limit of 1 mSv/year and therefore pose no radiological hazard to the public. Keywords: Gamma spectrometry, radionuclides, South western Nigeria, water streams or anthropogenic including biological, chemical, physical and radiological impurities such as industrial and commercial solvents, heavy metals, acid salts, radioactive materials and so on. Contaminants in drinking water that have adverse health impact include Inorganic Chemical Contaminants, Organic Chemical Contaminants, Microbiological Contaminants, Radiological Contaminants and Turbidity Contaminants. This study presents an assessment of the level of contamination of stream water by radiological contaminants. For this purpose, the radioactivity from three natural radionuclides was determined in water samples collected from stream waters in the five local government areas of Ogbomoso land with a population of about nine hundred thousand people from ten different locations. INTRODUCTION For the human race, water is as essential to life as air to breath. Thus, the importance of investigating the level of radionuclide element in stream water is very important. This is particularly so in an area such as Ogbomoso land where more than 90% of water for domestic usage comes from streams, lakes and rivers. Water can pick up radioactive materials as it flows through rocks, soils or cracked cement surrounding a water source therefore contaminating the water source. The study of radio-nuclide concentration in underground and spring water has been going on with great efforts in many countries of the world by many investigators (Tokossa et al., 1999; Haukson, 1981; Wallenberg et al., 1985). According to Avwiri et al. (2007), studies were carried out on water samples collected from bore-holes in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria to check the natural radionuclide concentration. Also Vandenhove et al. (2006) in part of their work reported on the radioactivity of bore-hole water in their study area while Awodugba and Tchokossa (2008) reported on the natural radionuclide concentration present in water supply from bore-holes in Ogbomoso land. Stream water does not exist in a pure form for any appreciable length of time in nature. Even while water fall as rain, water picks up small amount of contaminants from the atmosphere and more as it filters through the ground. These contaminants maybe natural MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted in Ogbomoso metropolis, South West Nigeria, during 2010/2011 stream flow season of the various rivers. Ten stream water samples were collected from 10 streams spread over the five local government areas of Ogbomoso land. Odo Attenda and Odo Wota in Ogbomoso North local government; Odo Alapata, Odo Ora, Odo Alalubosa and Odo Sunsun in Ogbomoso South local government; Odo Kinnira and Odo Oba in Orire local government Corresponding Author: J.O. Ajayi, Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria 835 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(9): 835-837, 2012 Table 1: Streams and location of water samples in Ogbomoso land Stream name Local government Odo Attenda stream Ogbomoso North Odo Alapata stream Ogbomoso South Odo Wota stream Ogbomoso North Odo Oba stream Orire Odo Ora stream Ogbomoso South Odo Ope stream Surulere Odo Oje stream Ajaawa Odo Alalubosa stream Ogbomoso South Odo Kinnira stream Orire Odo Sunsun stream Ogbomoso South while Odo Ope is in Surulere local government and Odo Oje in Ajaawa local government respectively. These and other relevant details about the samples are given in Table 1. The stream water samples were collected from each of the selected streams by dipping the containers in the stream water and fetching them into the container manually. Containers for the samples were washed with a solution of detergent and then rinsed with freshly distilled Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to remove any inorganic material that might have stuck to the walls of the container before the samples were collected. About 2 L of each water sample were taken and 20 mL of 1 MHCL added immediately. This is necessary to fix the radioactive elements in the samples. The containers were sealed tightly and wrapped with thick vinyl tapes around their screw necks. Some 250 mL of each water samples in tightly covered cylindrical containers were stored for 4 weeks to reach secular equilibrium between 238U and 232Th and their respective progeny (Schotzing and Debertin, 1983; El-Tahaway et al., 1994). Gamma-ray activity measurement: Activity measurements were performed at the Centre for Energy Research, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria with a gamma-ray spectrometry system based on a NaI detector (Jibiri et al., 1999; Islam et al., 1990). The analysis was performed using a Canberra S 100 computer analyzer. All the samples were counted for 25200 sec because of the low gamma counts in the water and a Canberra Pb shield, 10 cm thick and cylindrical in shape was used to reduce the gamma-ray Table 2: Radionuclide concentration in the water samples Stream name Mean activity Odo Attenda stream Odo Alapata stream Odo Wota stream Odo Oba stream Odo Ora stream Odo Ope stream Odo Oje stream Odo Alalubosa stream Odo Kinnira stream Odo Sunsun stream background (Gilmore and Hemingway, 1995; Knoll, 2000). Background spectra were collected also for 25200 sec/week and the counts subtracted from the respective region of interest (Debertin and Helmer, 2000). The counting time was optimized to accommodate the operating conditions and it was used in order to minimize the statistical errors. The efficiency calibration for the different energy peaks different energy peaks was measured using the IAEA reference samples. The energies of 1764.49, 1460.75, 1120.3, 911.07, 609.31, 583.19 and 351.92 keV were used for the determination of the radionuclides present in the water samples being 238U, 232Th and 40K (EPA, 2000; IAEA, 1989; ICRP, 1983; UNSCEAR, 2000). The absorbed dose rates D, at 1.0 m above the ground were calculated using the Beck et al. (1972) relationship: distrupt; D(nGy/h) = 0.048Ck±0.046Cu±0.662Cth where, Cu, Cth and Ck are the activity concentrations of U, 232Th and 40K, respectively in the water samples. 238 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The 238U, 232Th and 40K activities measured in the stream water samples are presented in Table 2. The possible sources of radionuclide contaminants of the water from the streams are uncertain and may be due to natural processes. The mean activity of 40K, 238U, 232Th are 100.13±26.82, 6.03±2.10 and 5.54±1.76 Bq/L, respectively while the calculated absorbed dose rate D in mSv/year is shown in Table 3. The absorbed dose rates as evident from Table 3, were highest for Odo Kinnira stream water sample followed by Odo Attenda, Odo Alapata, Odo Wota, Odo Oba, Odo Ora, Odo Ope, Odo Oje, Odo Sunsun and Odo Alalubosa in that order. The mean absorbed dose rate for all the area is 0.10 mSv/year. This value when compared with the ICPR standard value of 1 mSv/year is very low, hence, it can be concluded that the radionuclide concentration of stream water in Ogbomoso land is negligible and poses no radiological hazard to the public. K-40 100.37±23.47 75.44±18.97 132.38±34.56 87.23±27.39 63.15±17.98 133.53±31.09 90.49±27.38 22.05±8.09 225.25±52.97 71.35±26.32 100.13±26.82 836 U-238 9.044±3.11 14.46±5.12 1.72±0.98 8.78±0.34 5.03±1.87 7.35±2.12 3.70±1.23 3.16±1.40 5.55±2.02 1.52±0.69 6.03±2.10 Th-232 2.28±0.57 6.78±2.13 7.26±1.98 8.43±3.01 3.57±1.11 6.47±1.62 8.01±1.99 4.56±2.00 4.29±1.76 3.72±1.43 5.54±1.76 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(9): 835-837, 2012 Table 3: Absorbed dose rates in water samples in mSv/year Absorbed dose rate Stream name (mSv/year) Mean dose Odo Attenda stream 0.10 Odo Alapata stream 0.10 rate Odo Wota stream 0.10 Odo Oba stream 0.10 Odo Ora stream 0.10 Odo Ope stream 0.10 Odo Oje stream 0.10 Odo Alalubosa stream 0.04 Odo Kinnira stream 0.12 Odo Sunsun stream 0.10 0.10 CONCLUSION The study of the radionuclide concentration levels in stream water samples from ten streams spread across Ogbomoso land, South Western Nigeria has been carried out. The mean absorbed dose rate of 0.10 mSv/year was obtained. This value is lower than the ICPR standard value of 1 mSv/year and thus do not pose any health or radiological danger to the populace of the host community. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to appreciate the effort of Dr. Pascal Tchokossa in taking the measurements at the Center for Energy Research, Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U), Ile-Ife, Nigeria. REFERENCES Avwiri, G.O., P. 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