Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(20): 4235-4243, 2014 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2014 Submitted: November 22, 2013 Accepted: February 15, 2014 Published: May 20, 2014 Hiding Two Binary Images in Grayscale BMP Image via Five Modulus Method Firas A. Jassim Department of Computer Information Systems, Irbid National University, Irbid 2600, Jordan Abstract: The aim of this study is to hide two binary BMP images in a single BMP grayscale image. The widespread technique in image steganography is to hide one image (stego image) into another (cover image). The proposed novel method is to hide two binary images into one grayscale bitmap cover image. First of all, the proposed technique starts with transforming all grayscale cover image pixels into multiples of five using Five Modulus Method (FMM). Clearly, any modulus of five is either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. The transformed FMM cover image could be treated as a good host for carrying data. Obviously, it is known that the pixel value for the binary image is either 0 or 1. Therefore, by concatenating the two binary images, the composite results are 00, 01, 10 and 11. In fact, these concatenated values could be mapped using simple mapping that assigns a positive integer value such as 1 for 00, 2 for 01, 3 for 10 and 4 for 11. Consequently, a new matrix will be constructed that contains a number varying from 1 to 4 only. Fortunately, the four integer values are the same as the previously mentioned reminders of division by 5, hence, adding these four integers to the transformed FMM cover image. On the recipient side, a reverse process will be implemented to extract the two binary images. In terms of PSNR values, the cover image and the two extracted stego images have acceptable PSNR values, which yields that the proposed method is very efficient in information hiding. Keywords: Binary image, cover image, information hiding, statistical steganography, steganography, stego image INTRODUCTION In light of the energetic expansion of computer network and Internet security, there is a pressing demand to create better ways to protect the confidential information from adversaries. As a result, steganography was innovated as a safeguard for secret and personal information. In fact, steganography is a process of concealing confidential information into any kind of unquestionable host media, such as image, video and audio, which are called cover media (Artz, 2001). Linguistically, the derivation of the word steganography is from a combination of two Greek words. The first word, steganos, means “covered” and graphei means “writing” (Kahn, 1983). Hence, the correct translation of the word steganography is the “covered writing”. The essential process of steganography is to send a secret message such that the cognition of its existence cannot be noticed by any opponent (Provos and Honeyman, 2003). Steganography and cryptography must be adequately distinguished because they are closely related. As a matter of fact, the basic difference between steganography and cryptography is that, the aim of cryptography is to keep the contents of the message secret. With cryptography, the opponent knows that there is confidential information inside the cover media. Steganography, on the other hand, aims to preserve the secret existence of the confidential message (Wang and Wang, 2004). Thus, in steganography, the opponent does not perceive that confidential information exists. Occasionally, dispatching an encrypted message will agitate some suspicion, while keeping the secret message unseen will not attract any attention. Dual secrecy might be obtained by combining both steganography and cryptography in the same secret message. In fact, this will make it more difficult for the adversary to dig out the confidential or personal information from the cover media (Abboud et al., 2010). It is well understood that image steganography is the method of concealing a secret message into a cover image in such a way that only the receiver knows about its existence. Nowadays, digital images have become a commonly used as a cover medium for steganography techniques (Lyu and Farid, 2006). According to Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas (2000) there are multifarious image steganographic techniques. These techniques (categories) can be classified as follows: Spatial domain Transform domain Spread spectrum Statistical methods Distortion techniques In spatial domain techniques, the confidential message is embedded into the cover image in a direct manner. Here, the most common and simplest steganographic method is the Least Significant Bits (LSB) method. The LSB technique is one of the most widespread methods for image steganography (Raja 4235 T 7(20)): 4235-4243, 2014 2 Res. J. Apppl. Sci. Eng. Technol., et al., 20005). Technically, in the LSB B technique, the t least signifficant bits of th he image pixels are replaced by the confidential messagee bits. The huuman eye cannnot notice the confidential information within w the covver image (Proovos and Honeeyman, 2003). Another type of steganograaphic category y is the traansform domaain techniquess. The transfform domainn steganograpphy technique is i used for con ncealing a large amount of daata with high security, goo od invisibility and no loss of secret message in transfo orming coefficiients of the covver images (Joohnson and Jajo odia, 1998). Trransform domaain methods hiide messages in i significant areas a of the covver image, whhich makes theem more robusst to attacks. The T most frequuently implem mented transforrmation methoods are the Discrete D Cosine Transformattion (DCT) (C Cox et al., 19996), Discrete Wavelet Trransform (DW WT) (Xia et al., a 1997) and d Discrete Foourier Transform (DFT) (Kiieu and Chan ng, 2009). In spread spectruum steganograaphic techniquees, the confideential messagee is diffused ovver a broader bandwidth thaan the minimuum demanded bandwidth to send a confideential message.. A general fraamework for spread s spectrum m steganograpphy was discusssed by Marveel et al. (19999). In accordannce with statistical techniquees, the cover image i is dividded into blocks and the secrret message biits are hidden in each blockk. More preciseely, this is donne by altering the t cover imaage in such a way that some statisticcal modificatioons are made (Katzenbeisseer and Petitcollas, 2000). Eventuually, concerning distortion techniques, booth the encodeer and the deco oder must agreee on a predefinned cover image to hide the secret image within it. The T confidentiaal information n is stored by b cover imaage distortion (Holub and Fridrich, F 2013). In the sendder part, the encoder e adds some alteratioon to the covver image as a deformation, while on the recipient r side, the t decoder checks c for thee dissimilaritiies between the t original coover image and d the distortedd cover image to extract the secret message. FIVE MOD DULUS METH HOD The Five F Moduluss Method (FMM) was fiirst proposed by b Jassim (2012). It originaated as a methhod for image compression. Its advantage was to make all the neighbor pixels simillar to each otheer, by decreasiing the gap between piixels in thee same blocck. Subsequenntly, a moree general impression i w was introducedd by Jassim (2 2013c) as a method m for imaage transformaation, which was w the k-Moddulus Method, or k-MM. Thhe k-MM wass just a generralization of the t FMM andd could be im mplemented with w any positiive integer k such that k>0 0. Depending on the requirred applicationn or process, one o can decidee on the suitabble value for k. k Mathematically speaking, it is known thhat the moduluus of any posiitive integer k is 0, 1, …, k-1. k Indeed, byy any deep glaance at the k-M MM transform med pixels, onee can easily no otice the distinnct pixels that are a not multiples of k. Afterr that, by takinng their remindder of the divvision by k to extract the hiddden informatioon, L (a) Original Lena (b) FMM M transform of Leena (c) 10-M MM transform of o Lena k methood for image trannsformation Fig. 1: k-modulus the hiddden informatioon can be obttained in confoormity with predefined p process or protoocol for both sides, which are a the sender side and the reeceiver side. Mooreover, it muust be mentionned that, the ocular dissimiilarities betweeen the transform med, either FM MM or K-MM M, are slightly unrecognizable u e by the humaan eye, (Fig. 1). 1 Accordingg to Jassim (2013c), ( the visual differennces are undetectable by sim mple eye mattching. Therefoore, if the transformed cover imagee was examinned by any addversary, then there would be no suspicions at all. Further, F the most m common error metricss demonstrate that the mathematical differrences betweeen the cover annd the transforrmed k-MM im mages are stroongly acceptabble when k is less l than 10 (JJassim, 2013c). MM operator coould be represeented as: The FM ˆ F (1) where, Φ = The T mathemaatical notationn for the orriginal g grayscale bitm map image F = The T Five Moddulus Methodd transform opperator t that can be implemented i in accordancee with a algorithm 1. Lastly, thee resulting FMM t transform was represented ass ̂ : m methood transformaation: Algoritthm 1: Five modulus Input: Grayscale bitm map image (Φ)) of size N×M Outputt: Five moduluus method transform ( ̂ ): 4236 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(20): 4235-4243, 2014 Table 1: 55 random block transformation Original 97 104 98 image 106 102 102 108 112 101 103 97 99 104 96 100 5-MM 95 105 100 transform 105 100 100 110 110 100 105 95 100 105 95 100 10-MM 100 110 100 transform 110 100 100 110 110 100 110 100 100 110 100 100 108 103 102 104 103 110 105 100 105 105 110 110 100 110 110 Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes: 104 102 100 104 100 105 100 100 105 100 110 100 100 110 100 0 , B ( x, y ) 1, We now focus on a single iteration of the algorithm to show how the FMM and the 10-MM methods work. As it can be observed from Table 1, a 55 random block was chosen to make a simple comparison between the original and the transformed blocks. Clearly, the FMM transform more closely resembles the original block than the 10-MM transform. Thus, these small dissimilarities between original and FMM blocks are too small to affect the final cover image quality and consequently will not affect the Human Visual System (HVS). As a result, the k-MM transformation is a new born method and needs a lot of research in terms of its efficiency and performance. Recently, it has been inoculated into some image processing fields. The embedding of FMM into JPEG compression technique has been discussed by Jassim (2013b). Also, in accordance with Jassim (2013a), a novel steganography technique for hiding an image in another image via FMM has been explored. In addition, implementation of FMM to hide text within digital images can be found in Jassim (2013d). As a matter of fact, FMM or k-MM can be utilized as a good carrier for confidential information. PROPOSED TECHNIQUE Binary image representation: Binary images are images that are normally displayed as black and white pixels only. Apparently, binary values have two possible intensity values: 0 for black and 1 for white (Gonzalez and Woods, 2008). In fact, binary images are often created by thresholding a grayscale or color image. The basic idea of thresholding is to separate the object from the background (Stockman and Shapiro, 2001). As a matter of fact, the main benefit of binary images is the small storage, since it stores one bit per pixel. Binary images are usually suitable for images containing simple graphics, text, or line art. Mathematically speaking, binary images are encoded as two-dimensional arrays and can be clarified by the following formula. The entire document should be in Times New Roman or Times font. Type 3 fonts must not be used. for object for Background Proposed hiding algorithm: Formerly, steganography techniques have been implemented in order to hide one stego image into another cover image. But less work has been done to conceal two stego images in one cover image that are of the same size, i.e., both the stego images and the cover image are of the same dimensions (Chakraborty and Bandyopadhyay, 2013). To begin, there must be an explanation for the reason for using grayscale bitmap images. The first reason is that, the bitmap images are extremely suitable for hosting k-MM image transformation (Jassim, 2013c). Indeed, the steady environment for the bitmap image in which it does not change its pixel values during transmission makes it appropriate to preserve FMM specific pixel values from any modification, alteration, or any other distortion process. The second reason is due to the lesser file size for the grayscale bitmap images compared with the color bitmap images. Actually, it is known that, bitmap images are the largest file size in all the commonly defined image formats. Hence, converting the original color bitmap image into a grayscale bitmap image will produce an image approximately one-third of the original file size. Subsequently, in this study, this is the reason of using a grayscale bitmap image. On the other hand stego images must be binary images that consist of black and white sketches. The basic and simple concept for the proposed algorithm starts with concatenating the two black and white stego images together to create a new matrix. Honestly, the resulted matrix consists of dual combinations of zero and one, which are either 00, 01, 10, or 11. Now, a novel combination criterion has been created as a process of converting each dual combination of zero and one into a positive integer number mapping. This novel mapping can be examined in Table 2. Thence, the newly resulted matrix consists of either 1, 2, 3, or 4 for each of its elements, called the stego matrix. Finally, the transformed FMM cover image and the resulting stego matrix will be added together to construct a new cover image that may be transmitted securely through the channel. On the recipient side, a completely reversed process will be exercised to extract the two stego images. The first thing that the recipient must do is to take the reminder of five for each pixel in the received cover image. Clearly, as stated previously, the resulted matrix pixel values will be either 1, 2, 3, or 4. In conformity with Table 2, a converse process can be easily accomplished to extract the two hidden stego images. Accordingly, the best category to describe the proposed approach is the statistical steganographic techniques. 4237 Res. J. Apppl. Sci. Eng. Technol., T 7(20)): 4235-4243, 2014 2 Table 2: Posittive integer transfo ormation for dual binary b representattion Binary combiination Positive integer num mber 00 1 01 2 10 3 11 4 The mathematical m sy ymbolic representation for the t two binaryy images can be examined in the next tw wo formulas: I1 ( xij ) { xij : xij [0,1]} I 2 ( yij ) { yij : yij [0,1]} ij ( x) {xij : xij [0,255]} med image ussing FMM caan be while the transform definedd as: ̂ iji ( x) {xij : xij [0,255], xij mod 5 0} m be stressed that all the images used in i this It must novel steganographiic algorithm are of the same dimenssions, i.e., bothh the cover imaage and the twoo stego images are belong to the ZNM spacee. Ass described inn Table 2, thhe proposed hiding h operatoor can be plainlly expressed ass: for i = 0, 1, …, N; j = 0, 1, …, M Presenntly, we are reaady to gather all a the predefinned facts and symbols in a definitive equation e for the t transmittedd cover image through t the chhannel: ̂ C 1, if x 0, y 0 2, if x 0, y 1 T [C ( x , y )] 3, if x 1, y 0 4, if x 1, y 1 ( (2) where, C is i the obtained d matrix that resulted r from the t concatenattion between th he two binary images I1 and I2, which can be expressed as: a C (II1 || I 2 ) or (in moree details): C ( x, y ) {x || y : x I1; y I 2 } where, || is the matthematical nootation for the t concatenattion operator th hat was used in i this study. As mentioned in section II, Eq. E (1), is the t mathematiccal representattion for the orriginal grayscaale bitmap imaage that can bee defined precissely as: (3) where, xI1 and yI2. Howeverr, for the saake of clearneess, the whole proposed hidinng algorithm can c be examinned in a step-byy-step manner in algorithm 2. Noote that, is the ultimate coover image thaat will be traansmitted throough the chaannel, havingg two confideential black annd white imagees embedded within w it. Grapphically speakiing, both the encoding process and the decoding processs can be dem monstrated as Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. r Algoritthm 2: Hidingg two black and a white images in grayscaale bitmap imaage. Input: Transformed FMM F image ( ̂ ) Input: First black andd white image (I1) Input: Second black and white image (I2) Outputt: Final cover image i ( ): posed technique Fig. 2: Encooding of the prop 4238 Res. J. Apppl. Sci. Eng. T Technol., 7(20)): 4235-4243, 2014 2 posed technique Fig. 3: Decooding of the prop Fig. 4: Encooding process off 55 block Illustraative examplee: To shed lighht upon the prooposed techniqque adequatelyy, an illustrativve example will w be debatedd in details as a a supportinng material. As A the commoonly quoted prroverb says, “A “ picture is worth more than t a thousannd words” (Brrisbane, 1911)). The presentted illustrativee example willl be introduceed and discusssed strictly in Fig. F 4 and 5. Foor the sake of time, t a 55 bloocks from botth cover and stego s images will w be utilizedd instead of thee entire image array. First off all, a 55 bloocks from eachh of the two biinary images will w be consideered. In confformity to Figg. 4, the enccoding processs can be easily observed. Clearly, two 55 blocks b 4239 Res. J. Apppl. Sci. Eng. Technol., T 7(20)): 4235-4243, 2014 2 Fig. 5: Decooding process off 55 block have beenn taken from two t arbitrary black and whhite images. Too the rights off them, it can be seen that the t newly connstructed concatenation maatrix. As statted previously, by applying g the novel positive integger fr matrix wiill be establishhed mapping inn Table 2, a fresh that consissts of positive integer i values that vary from m1 to 4, in particular. Neext, we can add this new wly he ready-made FMM matrix of constructedd matrix to th the graysccale bitmap co over image to give birth to an ultimate traansmitted coveer image. The decoding d proceess can be eassily perceived in Fig. 5. Inittially, the receiived robust covver image will be divided byy five and storee its reminder in i a fresh matrrix, which musst consists of a positive integger varying froom 1 to 4 exacctly. After that,, the simple maapping in Tablee 2 can be appplied oppositelly to retrieve thhe original steego concatenatted matrix, which can be easily partitionedd to put up thee two originall binary 55 blocks b that weere entered in Fig. 4. EXPERIME ENTAL RESU ULTS forcement of the t In ordder to demonsstrate the enfo proposed steganographiic technique, four grayscaale bitmap 512512 test im mages were utilized u as covver Fig. 6). Furthermore, three pairs of steego images (F binary imaages were used d as confidenttial stego imagges that could be embedded d into the prevvious four covver t images (Fiig. 7). In this study, the diimensions of the stego imagges are 51251 12, the same diimensions for the t cover imagges. It is not compulsory thaat the dimensioons of the covver and stego images must match. m Althouugh the dimenssions are not reequired to be iddentical, but thhey must satisffy the following g condition: (a) Lenaa (b) Peppers P (c) Boaat (d) Barbara B Fig. 6: Four F cover images dim m(I 2 ) dim() Praactically speakking, the ocular results thatt were earned by applying the t proposed technique t for image steganoography ensurre that the seent cover imaage is highly secured. Accoording to Fig. 8, the Lena image i along with w the three pairs of was useed as a cover image the steego images. Additionally, to consolidatte the proposeed algorithm,, one of thee most comm monly implem mented error metric m measuress was used, whhich is the Peaak Signal-to-N Noise Ratio (PS SNR) (Gonzaleez and Woods, 2008). The hiigher the valuee of PSNR, the better matical the quuality of the cover image. The mathem formulaa for the PSN NR is as follow ws (Hore and Ziou, 2010): PSSNR 20 log 100 dim(I1 ) dim() 4240 255 MSE Res. J. Apppl. Sci. Eng. Technol., T 7(20)): 4235-4243, 2014 2 (a) Text 1 ( Text 2 (b) ( Text 3 (c) (d) ( Text 4 (e) Text 5 (f) Text 6 p (e) and (f)) Fig. 7: Threee pairs of stego images (first paair, (a) and (b), seecond pair (c) annd (d) and third pair (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) ge (first column)), extracted pair of stego images (middle and lastt columns) Fig. 8: Receeived cover imag 4241 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(20): 4235-4243, 2014 Table 3: Mean Square Errors (MSE) between original and sent cover images First stego pair Second stego pair Third stego pair Lena 14.0889 12.4982 13.9893 Peppers 14.0882 12.5023 13.9879 Boat 14.0429 12.4666 13.9375 Barbara 14.2033 12.6491 14.1288 Table 4: Peak Signal to Noise sent cover images First stego pair Lena 36.4352 Peppers 35.9697 Boat 36.6562 Barbara 36.0441 Ratio (PSNR) between original and Second stego pair 36.8855 36.5981 37.1733 36.5474 Third stego pair 36.4660 36.1104 36.6889 36.0669 REFERENCES where, MSE is the abbreviation for Mean Square Error, which is the basic and simplest error measure between two digital images. In this study, MSE was calculated between the original grayscale bitmap image and the final transmitted cover image. The general form for MSE is: MSE 1 NM N M [ i 1 j 1 ij payload of hidden information. Moreover, the sent cover image has tiny dissimilarities from the original cover image. Through the experiment, we could confirm the validity and efficiency of the proposed approach according to the humble PSNR values. Indeed, the suggested algorithm is quite appropriate in hiding line drawings and sketches that consists of black and white only. In our future work, we will investigate the possibility of concealing more than two binary images using k-Modulus Method. ij ]2 The MSE and PSNR values were computed and presented in Table 3 and 4, respectively. In accordance with Barni (2006), the convenient value for the PSNR that could be acceptable varies from 30 and 50. Therefore, our computed PSNR values are tolerable because all the obtained PSNR values are higher than 30. In fact, this outcome implies that the reached PSNR value in this study is neither bad nor excellent. The best word to describe our obtained PSNR value is humble. It is worth mentioning that, there was no need to calculate the error metrics for the two binary stego images because the extracted binary stego images have zero MSE. In other words, since the transmitted grayscale bitmap cover image does not modify or alter its contents through channel transmission, then the extracted binary stego images are identical to the original embedded binary images. CONCLUSION Nowadays, the widely implemented algorithms for image steganography try to hide one stego image into one cover image. This goal can be achieved by hiding an image either with the same dimensions of the cover image or with lesser dimensions. But in the proposed technique, the hidden information comprises two binary images instead of one image. These two binary images are both of the same dimensions as the cover image. The most important aspect of our study was the high payload of the secret information that could be concealed in the sent cover image. 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