Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(9): 1715-1720, 2014 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2014 Submitted: August 09, 2012 Accepted: September 03, 2012 Published: March 05, 2014 Analysis of Nonlinear Discrete Time Active Control System with Boring Chatter Shujing Wu and Dazhong Wang Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China Abstract: In this work we study the design and analysis for nonlinear discrete time active control system with boring charter. It is shown that most analysis result for continuous time nonlinear system can be extended to the discrete time case. In previous studies, a method of nonlinear Model Following Control System (MFCS) was proposed by Okubo (1985). In this study, the method of nonlinear MFCS will be extended to nonlinear discrete time system with boring charter. Nonlinear systems which are dealt in this study have the property of norm constraints ║ƒ (v (k))║≤α + β║v (k)║γ, where α≥0, β≥0, 0≤γ≤1. When 0≤γ<1. It is easy to extend the method to discrete time systems. But in the case γ = 1 discrete time systems, the proof becomes difficult. In this case, a new criterion is proposed to ensure that internal states are stable. We expect that this method will provide a useful tool in areas related to stability analysis and design for nonlinear discrete time systems as well. Keywords: Discrete time systems, disturbance, internal states, nonlinear control system INTRODUCTION Nonlinear control systems are those control systems where nonlinearity plays a significant role, either in the controlled process or in the controller itself. Nonlinear plants arise naturally in numerous engineering and natural systems, including mechanical and biological systems, aerospace and automotive control, industrial process control and many others. Nonlinear control theory is concerned with the analysis and design of nonlinear control systems. It is closely related to nonlinear systems theory in general, which provides its basic analysis tools (Binder et al., 2009). There has been much excitement over the emergence of new mathematical techniques for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems. In addition, great technological advances have bolstered the impact of analytic advances and produced many new problems and applications which are nonlinear in an essential way (Sastry, 1999). Based on genetic algorithms, we propose a practical design method for robust nonlinear controllers of uncertain nonlinear system. We demonstrate its applicability by tackling with the flight control problems of landing in a wind shear (Mori and Torisu, 2000). The fuzzy system is constructed to approximate the nonlinear system dynamics. Based on this fuzzy approximation suitable adaptive control laws and appropriate parameter update algorithms for nonlinear uncertain (or unknown) systems are developed to achieve H ∞ tracking performance (Martin, 2009). An iterative learning control method is proposed for nonlinear discrete-time systems with well-defined relative degree, which uses the output data from several previous operation cycles to enhance tracking performance (Sun and Wang, 2001). Present a control methodology for a class of discrete time nonlinear systems that depend on a possibly exogenous scheduling variable (Raul and Passino, 2003). One of the most important problems in control theory is concerned with system stability, especially with systems affected by external disturbances (Zhong et al., 2004). Finite-time stability of nonlinear discretetime systems is studied. Some new analysis results are developed and applied to controller design (Mastellone et al., 2004). In previous studies, a method of nonlinear Model Following Control System (MFCS) was proposed by Okubo (1985), Wang and Okubo (2008) and Akiyama (1998). In this study, the method of nonlinear MFCS will be extended to nonlinear discrete time system. Nonlinear systems which are dealt in this study have the property of norm constraints: f (v(k )) ≤ α + β v(k ) γ where α≥0, β≥0, 0≤γ≤1. When 0≤γ<1. It is easy to extend the method to discrete time systems. But in the case γ = 1 discrete time systems, the proof becomes difficult. In this case, a new criterion is proposed to ensure that internal states are stable. We expect that this method will provide a useful tool in areas related to stability analysis and design for nonlinear discrete time systems as well. The expression of problems: A controlled object is described in (1), (2) and the accordant model is given in (3) and (4): Corresponding Author: Shujing Wu, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China 1715 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(9): 1715-1720, 2014 + B f f (k , x(k )) + d (k ) (1) D( z ) y (k ) = N ( z )u (k ) + N f ( z ) f (v(k )) + w(k ) = y (k ) Cx(k ) + d 0 (k ) (2) Dm ( z ) ym (k ) = N m ( z )rm (k ) xm (k= + 1) Am xm (k ) + Bm rm (k ) (3) ym (k ) = Cm xm (k ) (4) x(k += 1) Ax(k ) + Bu (k ) w(k ) = Cadj[ zI − A]d (k ) + D( z )d 0 (k ) where, ∂ ri ( N ( z )) = σ i , ∂ ri ( N f ( z )) < σ fi , ∂ ri ( N m ( z )) = σ mi x ( k ) ∈ R n , u ( k ) ∈ R l , f ( k , x ( k )) ∈ R l , y ( k ) ∈ R l , d ( k ) ∈ R n , d 0 ( k ) ∈ R l , xm ( k ) ∈ R nm , rm (k ) ∈ R lm , ym (k ) ∈ R l . The available state is output y (k ). assuming f (v(k )) = f (k , x(k )) , v (k) = C f x (k) and the nonlinear function f(v(k)) is available and satisfies the following constraint: where, f f (v(k )) ≤ α + β v(k ) γ and Γ r ( N ( z )) = N r (Γ r (⋅) is the coefficient matrix of the element with maximum of row degree), as well as N r ≠ 0 . Since the disturbances satisfy (6), then: Dk ( z ) w(k ) = 0 The first step of design, a monic and stable polynomial T ( z ) which has the degree of ρ ( ρ ≥ nd + 2n − nm − 1 − σ i ) is chosen. Then, the R( z ) , S ( z ) can be derived from: (5) where, α≥0, β≥0, 0≤γ<1. ||.|| is Euclidean norm. Assume that [C A B] is controllable and observable. Zeros of C [zI - A]-1B are stable. Disturbance d (k) and d 0 (k) are bounded and satisfy (6): = T ( z ) Dm ( z ) Dk ( z ) D( z ) R ( z ) + S ( z ) where the degree of each polynomial is: (6) ∂T ( z ) = ρ , ∂Dm ( z ) = nd nm , ∂Dk ( z ) = n ∂R ( z ) = ρ + nm − nd − n , ∂D( z ) = D k (z) is a scalar characteristic polynomial of disturbances. Output error is given as below: The output error e(k ) is represented as below: = Dk ( z )d (k ) 0,= Dk ( z )d 0 (k ) 0 e= ( k ) y ( k ) − ym ( k ) ∂S ( z ) ≤ nd + n − 1 (7) T ( z ) Dm ( z )e(k ) = Dk ( z ) R ( z ) N ( z )u (k ) + Dk ( z ) R ( z ) N f ( z ) f (v(k )) The aim of boring control system design is to obtain a control law which makes output error zero and keeps internal states bounded. Design of nonlinear discrete time system with boring charter: We consider shift operator z and the follows are established: + S ( z ) y (k ) − T ( z ) N m ( z )rm (k ) u (k ) = − N r−1Q −1 ( z )[ Dk ( z ) R ( z ) N ( z ) −Q( z ) N r ]u (k ) C[ zI − A] B = N ( z ) / D( z ) −1 C[ zI − A] B f = N f ( z ) / D( z ) − N r−1Q −1 ( z ) Dk ( z ) R( z ) N f ( z ) f (v(k )) − N r−1Q −1 ( z ) S ( z ) y (k ) −1 Cm [ zI − Am ] Bm = N m ( z ) / Dm ( z ) zI − A , Dm ( z= ) (9) Let the right hand side of above equation equal zero, that u (k ) will be described as follows: −1 where, D ( z= ) (8) + N r−1Q −1 ( z )T ( z ) N m ( z )rm (k ) zI − Am . Then the representations of input-output equation are described as followings: (10) where, Q( z ) = diag[ z δi ] , δ i = ρ + nm − n + σ i . Then the state space expression of u (k) is shown as follows: 1716 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(9): 1715-1720, 2014 − H1ξ1 (k ) − J 2 y (k ) − J 3 f (v(k )) u (k ) = − H 3ξ3 (k ) + J 4 rm (k ) + H 4ξ 4 (k ) (11) Here, Q −1 ( z )[ Dk ( z ) R( z ) N ( z ) − Q( z ) N r ] = N r H1 ( zI − F1 ) −1 G1 Q −1 ( z ) Dk ( z ) R ( z ) N f ( z ) = N r ( z )[ H 3 ( z )( zI − F3 ) −1 G3 + J 3 ] Q −1 ( z )T ( z ) N m ( z ) = N r ( z )[ H 4 ( z )( zI − F4 ) −1 G4 + J 4 ] The followings must be satisfied: 1) F1ξ1 (k ) + G1u (k ) ξ1 (k + = (12) ξ 2 (k = + 1) F2ξ 2 (k ) + G2 y (k ) (13) ξ3 (k = + 1) F3ξ3 (k ) + G3 f (v(k )) (14) ξ 4 (k = + 1) F4ξ 4 (k ) + G4 rm (k ) (15) where, |zI - F i | = |Q (z)|, (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). u (k) of (10) is obtained from e (k) = 0. Model following control system can be realized if system internal states are bounded. Boundness of internal states: In this study, γ = 1. System inputs are reference input signal r m (k) and disturbances d (k), d 0 (k) which are all assumed to be bounded. The bounded can be easily proved if there is no nonlinear part f (v (k)). But if f (v (k)) exists, the bounded has relation with it. First, the overall system can represent by state space in below: − BH1 F1 − G1 H1 0 0 − BH 2 −G1 H 2 F2 0 (16) = y (k ) Cx(k ) + d 0 (k ) (17) where, z T (k ) = ( xT (k ), ξ1T (k ), ξ 2T (k ), ξ3T (k )) . ξ 4 (k ) is bounded. Here, necessary part about boundness is considered. System can be simplified as follows: Q −1 ( z= ) S ( z ) N r ( z )[ H 2 ( z )( zI − F2 ) −1 G2 + J 2 ] A − BJ 2C −G J C 1 2 = G2C 0 z (k + 1) BJ 4 d (k ) − BJ 2 d 0 (k ) G J −G J d (k ) 1 2 0 + 1 4 rm (k ) + 0 G2 d 0 (k ) 0 0 z (k += 1) As z (k ) + Bs f (v(k )) + d s (k ) (18) v ( k ) = Cs z ( k ) (19) The contents of A s , B s , C s , d s (k) are shown clearly in (16) and (17). In order to obtain desired conclusion, it is sufficient to prove that z (k) is bounded. Then, we prove that A s is stable. A s and its characteristic polynomial is calculated as follows: A − BJ 2C −G J C 1 2 As = G2C 0 − BH1 − BH 2 F1 − G1 H1 −G1 H 2 0 F2 0 0 zI − As = | Q( z ) |2 Vs ( z )T l ( z ) Dml ( z ) − BH 3 −G1 H 3 0 F3 (20) (21) where, V s (z) is the zeros polynomial of C [zI - A]-1 B = W (z)-1 U (z), that is Vs ( z ) = | U ( z ) | / | N r | . As |Q (z)|, V s (z), T (z), D m (z) are all stable polynomials. Therefore, A s is a stable system matrix. In this case, 𝑣𝑣 (𝑘𝑘) and f (v(k )) are scalars. To use regular transformation 𝑧𝑧 (𝑘𝑘) = T𝑧𝑧̅ (k), (18) and (19) can be transformed to Kalman canonical form: − BH 3 −G1 H 3 z (k ) 0 F3 A11 0 z (k + 1) = 0 0 A12 A22 0 0 A13 0 A33 0 d s1 (k ) B1 B d (k ) + 2 f (v(k )) + s 2 d s 3 (k ) 0 d s 4 (k ) 0 B f − BJ 3 BH 4 −G J G H 1 3 f (v(k )) + 1 4 ξ 4 (k ) + 0 0 0 G3 1717 A14 A24 z (k ) A34 A44 (22) Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(9): 1715-1720, 2014 v(k ) = 0 C2 C4 z (k ) 0 ˆ= (k ) Cz ( k ) z n′ ( k ) = vˆ(k ) [0, , 0,1]= zˆˆˆ (23) where, z T (k ) = [ z1T (k ), z2T (k ), z3T (k ), z4T (k )] . Since As is stable matrix, then Aii (i = 1, 2,3, 4) also (31) Consider system (30), (31), assume that fˆ (vˆ(k )) satisfies the constraint as below: are stable. Obviously, z3 (k ), z4 (k ) are bounded. z2 (k ) can be rewritten as follows: | fˆ (vˆˆ(k )) |≤ β | (v(k )) | + M , β ≥ 0, M > 0 (32) n′ z2 (k= + 1) A22 z2 (k ) + B2 f (v(k )) + d 2 (k ) = v ( k ) C2 z 2 ( k ) + d v ( k ) (24) (25) where, d 2 (k ), d v (k ) are bounded. Subsequently, the transfer function from f (v (k)) to v (k) can be calculated as: H = ( z ) C2 [ zI − A22 ]−1 B2 If the S ≤ ∑ ( β | gi | + | hi |) ≤ µ < 1 , then 𝑧𝑧̂ (k) is bounded. i =1 Lemma: Consider system (30) and (31); assume that fˆ (vˆ(k )) satisfies the constraint as below (32). If the any one following conditions holds, then 𝑧𝑧̂ (k) is bounded: Define: D = def [ d ij ]n′×n′ (26) It can be also calculated in terms of original system parameter: −1 | aˆij |,1 ≤ i, j ≤ n′ − 1 dij = 1, 2, , n′ | aˆin′ | + β | gi |, i = (33) E= I − D (34) −1 H ( z ) = C f [ zI − A] B f − C f [ zI − A] B ⋅[C[ zI − A]−1 B ]C[ zI − A]−1 B f (27) The matrix E is an M-matrix. ρ ( D) < 1 , where ρ ( D) is spectrum radius of D. (28) Proof: Define [·] abs is a operator which take absolute of elements of vector or matrix. Construct Lyapnov function as following: Thus, v (k) can be rewritten as follows: = v(k ) H ( z ) f (v(k )) + d v (k ) V (k ) where d v (k) is bounded. Let 𝑣𝑣� (k) = v (k) - d v (k), we = can get 𝑓𝑓̂(𝑣𝑣�(𝑘𝑘)) = f (v (k)) = f (𝑣𝑣� (k)) + d v (k): H ( z) = = (29) ˆ ˆ(k ) + g fˆ (vˆ(k )) = Az i i r T [ z (k )]abs (35) ∆V (k )= r T [ zˆ (k + 1)]abs − V (k ) ˆ ˆˆ(k )] + [ gfˆ (vˆ(k ))] − [ z (k )] } = r T {[ Az abs abs abs ˆ ˆˆ(k )] + β [ gz (k )] ≤ r T {[ Az The state space observable canonical form of (29) can be written as following: 0 0 −h1 g1 1 0 − h g 2 = zˆˆ(k + 1) z (k ) + 2 fˆ (vˆ(k )) 0 0 1 − h n′ g n′ i =1 where γ i >0 (I = 1, 2, …., n). The difference of V (k ) along the trajectories of the system (30) and (31) is given by: vˆ(k ) ˆf (vˆ(k )) g n′ z n′−1 + g n′−1 z n′− 2 + + g 2 z + g1 z n′ + hn′ z n′−1 + + h2 z + h1 n′ = r | zˆˆ(k ) |) ∑ abs n′ abs + M [ g ]abs − [ zˆ ( k )]abs } ≤ r T ( D − I )[ zˆ (k )]abs + M r = −r T E[ zˆ (k )]abs + M r (36) where, M and M r are positive constants. Because E is M-matrix, there are vectors r T = [ r1 , r2 , , rn′ ] and (30) = qT [q1 , q2 , , qn= 1, 2, , n′) and satisfy: ′ ], qi > 0, (i 1718 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(9): 1715-1720, 2014 r T E = qT (37) Hence, following conclusion can be obtained: ∆V (k ) ≤ − qT [ zˆ (k )]abs + M r ≤ − µmV (k ) + M r (38) where, 0<μ m <1, M r >0. It is similar to (36) to prove that V (k) is bounded. Hence, zˆ(k ) is bounded. From E = I - D, λ (E) = I - λ (D), λ (E) >0 Base on above lemma, the theorem can be described as following. Fig. 1: Responses of the discrete-time system CONCLUSION Theorem: Consider the system: z (k += 1) Az (k ) + Bf (v(k )) + d (k ) (39) = v(k ) Cz (k ) + d 0 (k ) (40) where, z (k) 𝜖𝜖Rn, v (k) 𝜖𝜖R, f (v(k )) ∈ R , d (k) 𝜖𝜖Rn, d 0 (k) 𝜖𝜖 R2. A is a stable system matrix and disturbance of d (k) and d 0 (k) are bounded. The nonlinear function f (v (k)) satisfies the following constraint: We have presented model following control for nonlinear discrete system with boring chatter time delay. The illustrative example and the simulation results show the benefits of this proposed design methods. Topics of future include: the discrete control system for the time-delays and the predictive control of the nonlinear discrete system with boring chatter will be discussed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‖𝑓𝑓(𝑣𝑣(𝑘𝑘))‖ ≤ 𝛼𝛼 + 𝛽𝛽‖𝑣𝑣(𝑘𝑘)‖2 where, α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0 . If the any one following conditions holds, then z (k) and v (k) are bounded. An illustrative example: An example is given as follows: 1 0 0 = x(k + 1) x(k ) + u (k ) −0.2 1.5 1 1 1 + f ([1.5 0]x(k )) + d (k ) 0 1 = y (k ) [ 0.3 1] x(k ) + d 0 (k ) This study was financially supported by the Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (12YZ148), the Project-sponsored by SRF for ROCS, SEM (2011-1568) and the Scientific Research Foundation of SUES (2012-01). 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