HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 12/13/2013 Meeting Minutes Attendees: Heide Port, Mary Edgington, Cortlyn Hagman, Carlos Wiley, Rich Daly, Ed Sidwell, Antwain Hunter, Pam Watters, Katie Tully, Daiyon Kpou, Yani Mai, Careen Yarnal, Keiwana Jones, Rich Byers, Steffen Blanco HUB Construction Tour Call to Order – Rich Daly Welcome – Rich Daly welcomed everyone to the meeting. Comments from the Public – None. Approval of the Minutes – A motion to accept the minutes from 11/7/2013 was made by Pam Watters and a second was made by Rich Daly. Old Business – Constitution Review – A motion was made by Steffan to approve the revisions to the constitution and a second was made by Katie. All were in favor. Tech Survey Committee Update - Antwain was a one man committee and created a draft survey to be sent to the presidents of the organizations that currently have office space in the HUB. See attachment. This survey is to assess the technology needs of the student groups moving forward. A copy will be sent to the club’s advisors as well. Mary shared that 4 years ago, USA in collaboration with SAIT, computers were purchased for each student office in the HUB and PRCC. These machines are slowly dying and we would like to assess what, if any, computers and computer software is needed. Many students have their own laptops or tablets and we need to know if these machines are being used or not. Currently we don’t have funds to replace them, but this survey will give us a snapshot of a future direction. Mary will share the survey with SAIT prior to sending to the students groups. Keiwana asked if there was any word on whether there would be access to wireless printing for students with laptops. This is in the works for some future time. New Business – Space Allocation Committee – Mary shared that it is time to pull together the Space Allocation Committee. This committee is one of the most important committees of this board. The committee will need to meet a few times in the spring semester to make recommendations to Mary and Carlos for student org space for the 2014/2015 year. Once the recommendations are approved, clubs have the opportunity to appeal their space decisions. The whole board will be a part of this appeal process. If you choose to sit on this committee, you need to be committed. The following individuals have agreed to sit on this committee: Katie, Steffan, Daiyon, Yani, Cortlyn, Rich B., Anand and Kristin. Update from the PRCC – It is the end of the semester and things are winding down in the PRCC. The calendar of events is posted for spring. They will be having HUB expansion renderings, like the one in the staircase on the 2nd floor, added to the PRCC library and other areas on that side of the HUB. The one on the 2nd floor has generated a lot of conversation with students and visitors so it has been decided to expand this marketing and educational tool. Update from USA – Mary asked the group if they liked receiving the FLASH reports. All were in favor of continuing. Next semester there will be a topping out ceremony. One of the large steel beams will be available for students to sign before it is placed in the building. The Senior Class approved the Green Roof as their Senior Class Gift. We are very excited! There are two searches going on in USA right now. Keiwana Jones from FSL is leaving at the end of the semester. Her position is the Assistant Director of FSL and Bob Brouse from Events Management retired the end of October and his position, Operations Manager is open. Searches will continue next semester for these two positions. The HUB will close on Saturday, December 21st at 8 p.m. Heat will be reduced in all buildings which saves the University quite a bit of money. The tower crane is here and is inspected each day by a 3rd party inspector. The crane is the largest tower crane ever to be placed in the center of campus. Good luck on finals!! Safe travel!!! Happy Holidays!!!!! Meeting was adjourned.