Friday, January 25, 2008 @ 3:30 pm
233- HUB-Robeson Center, University Park
Gail Hurley, Interim Vice President Student Affairs
Stan Latta, Assistant Vice President Housing & Food Services/Residence Life
Dwayne Hilton, Director of Student Affairs
Chris Rizzo, Director of Student Affairs
Bobby Casiano, CCSG President
Joseph Gyekis, GSA President
Edward Newell, SGA Treasurer, CCSG Representative
Nicholas Borsuk, CCSG Representative, SGA President
Azeem Khan, CCSG Representative
Dan Green, UPAC Chair
Jay Arcuri, Assistant Director, Unions & Student Activities
Cindy Jo Harter, Staff Assistant, Unions & Student Activities
Judy Albin, Co-Interim Senior Director,
Galen Chelko, UPAC Staff Assistant
William Diehl, GSA Faculty Senate Delegate
Hillary Lewis, UPUA President
Paul Russ, UPUA Representative
Update on 2006-2007 SAF Final Report
The SAF final reports are being finalized and the deadline for distribution is at the next
SAF Board meeting scheduled for February 29th.
Update on roles of UPAC, FAB, & SAF
In looking at the roles of UPAC and FAB, Dan Green, UPAC Chair and Ellery Loomis,
FAB Chair have been reviewing the principles of FAB to see how they can incorporate
them into a funding mechanism with UPAC. This will provide only one funding body at
University Park to consider both large budgets and routine budget requests. Some of the
areas of concern are: how big budgets will be done under the new mechanism; what the
process will be; and if safety nets will be established to provide consistency through the
years. They are working out the details to present a model that will be a one-decision
making entity.
SAF funding for Graduate Students
Mealtime and food related funding is being requested as a possible SAF Board
consideration. Feedback has been consistent regarding this topic because networking
with people from the graduate student lifestyle is best done over meals. Funding can be
requested from UPAC each year through a block grant. This topic and other items will
be brought to the table at the next SAF Board meeting.
Update on 2008-2009 projected SAF increase
At the previous Council of Commonwealth Student Government meeting, resolutions
have been formed in a prepared statement. These resolutions were read to the Board by
Bobby Casiano, CCSG President. Although this has not yet been officially approved, it
is hopeful that all resolutions will be approved at the Council meeting this weekend.
The proposed SAF structure resolution highlights are as follows:
Be it resolved, CCSG wishes to keep the three tier system in place to allow the campuses
maximum flexibility while ensuring that students attending the campuses are receiving a
similar and closely rewarding experience.
Be it further resolved that the tier structure will be changed as in Table 1:
Table 1, tier 1 = before $54, after $54 with a zero dollar change; Tier 2 = before $59,
after $64 with a $5 increase; Tier 3 = before $64, after $74 for a $10 increase.
Be it further resolved, these proposed rates are not inclusive of the proposed and
customary increases being discussed by the Student Activity Fee Board and
Be it finally resolved, this legislation should be forwarded and represented to the Student
Activity Fee Board by the CCSG SAF representatives for implementation.
Discussion followed regarding the 3-tier system.
Review General Funds conversion at campuses
The utilization of replacing general funds with SAF monies for professional staffing in
Student Affairs was taken under advisement by the SAF Board. The proposal was
presented by Bobbie Casiano, CCSG President and states, “It should be a multi-year
fixed term appointment as to provide continuity and job security. The contract must state
“in direct support of students’ co-curricular experience.”
Discussion by board members centered on the amount of programming and activities
versus how much money is spent. Dwayne Hilton is to work with his colleagues to
compile figures on how much growth has occurred in student organizations at the
campuses within the last 3 years?
Should SAF money and general funds be allowed for other events such as THON or
Relay for Life?
The Student Activity Fee ad General Allocation Recommendations,
Be it resolved, CCSG makes the following recommendations:
1. Allows SAF monies to supplant the newly expended General funds that are now
absent from the SGAs if the SGAs at their respective campuses choose to expend
their General Funds.
2. Amend the SAF Guidelines to allow for SGAs to receive SAF monies to be
utilized as General Allocation Funds with no restrictions.
3. SGAs choosing to expend their allocated General Funds for Student Affairs
support staff would receive dollar-for-dollar monies equivalent to the General
Allocation Funds at the levels currently funded by the SAF Allocation
Committees $$13,500 and $24,500) plus a fixed rate 4% increase of the total base
monies allocated to defray the cost of inflation.
4. SGAs may request further unrestricted funds from the SAF during lump sum
allocations once but still reserve the right to request monies from the SAF that
will continue to follow the SA Guidelines.
Be it further resolved, this legislation shall be forward and presented to the Student
Activity Fee Board by the CCSG SAF Board Representatives for implementation.
The SAF Board was in agreement that legislation should go forward regarding the use of
general funds for student affairs. Bobby Casiano will email offered resolution to Interim
Vice President, Gail Hurley who will forward to Dr. Spanier for consideration.
Meeting Dates
February 29, 2008
April 11, 2008
*All meetings are from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm in Room 233 HUB-Robeson Center