Eat Smart! Be Smart! A “Recipe” for Keeping Your Brain In Shape

Eat Smart! Be Smart!
A “Recipe” for Keeping Your
Brain In Shape
Original written by:
Jodi Stotts, MS
Mary Meck Higgins, PhD, RD, LD
Department of Human Nutrition,
Revised 2011 by MMH
Valentina Remig, PhD, RD, LD, FADA
A “Recipe” for Keeping
Your Brain in Shape
A Recipe for Keeping Your
Brain in Shape:
Dietary Ingredients
• Follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
• Drink plenty of liquids
• Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables,
and more whole grains
• Reduce calories from saturated fats
• Supplement with vitamin B-12
Step 1:
Follow the
The Two Main Tips
in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines:
Focus on eating nutrient-rich foods
and beverages
Achieve, and sustain, a healthy body
weight over time
Let MyPyramid Guide Your Choices
for a Well-Balanced Diet
Let MyPyramid Guide Your Choices
for a Well-Balanced Diet
Activity Time!
•Green beans
•Bell peppers
•Bok choy
•Collard greens
Step 2:
Drink Plenty of Fluids
• Water
• 100% fruit juices
• Vegetable juices
• High-water solid foods
Step 3:
Eat Plenty of
Colorful Fruits and Vegetables.
and More Whole Grains
• Good sources of brain-boosting
vitamins and antioxidants
• 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 cups fruits daily
• 2 to 4 cups vegetables daily
• 3 ounces whole grains daily
Step 4:
Reduce Calories from
Saturated Fats
Avoid trans fats and eat less saturated fats
Eat less bakery products, fried food, fatty
meats, poultry skin, tropical oils,
hydrogenated oils, high-fat dairy products
Choose seafood in place of some meat and
Omega-3 Fat
• Improves mood
• Prevents / relieves
• Prevents / treats heart
disease and some
• Relieves symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis and
inflammatory conditions
Food sources
• Cold-water fish –
salmon, tuna, halibut,
trout, mackerel, sole
• Canola / soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ
• Flax seed meal
• Green leafy veggies
Step 5:
Supplement with Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 helps with memory,
controlling homocysteine levels, and
preventing Alzheimer’s disease
Food sources: meat, eggs, dairy products
Absorption of vitamin B12 decreases with
A “Recipe” for Keeping
Your Brain in Shape
Follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Drink plenty of liquids
Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables,
and more whole grains
Reduce calories from saturated fats
Supplement with vitamin B-12
Consider Other Healthy Choices
 Stay physically active
 Be a lifelong learner
 Be socially engaged
 Use medicines safely
 Seek treatment for pain
 Manage health conditions
 Strive for satisfying sleep
 Relieve stress
 Seek professional help, if needed
Eat Smart! Be Smart!
Be healthy –
physically, mentally, and