IMPACT OF ESTUARINE BENTHI C ALGAL PRODUCTION ON DISSOLVED NUTRIENTS AND WATER QUALITY I N THE YAQUINA RIVER ESTUARY , OREGON BY, .iONATI-IAN H. GARBER, JOHN L. COLLINS, JR . , AND MICHAEL W. DAVIS WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE . OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY CORVALLIS, OREGON WRRI-112 JUNE 1992 . IMPACT OF ESTUARINE BENTHIC ALGAL PRODUCTION ON DISSOLVE D NUTRIENTS AND WATER QUALITY IN THE YAQUINA RIVER ESTUARY , OREGON by Jonathan H . Garber, John L . Collins, Jr ., and Michael W . Davis College of Oceanography, Oregon State University an d Mark O . Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Orego n Final Technical Completion Repor t Project Number G928-04 Submitted to United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey Reston, Virginia 22092 Project Sponsored by Oregon Water Resources Research Institut e Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 9733 1 The activities on which this report is based were financed in part by the Department o f the Interior, U . S . Geological Survey, through the Oregon Water Resources Researc h Institute . The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of th e Department of Interior, nor does mention of trade names or commercial product s constitute their endorsement by the United States Government . WRRI-112 June 1992 ABSTRACT J 4 I RL Seasonal patterns of sediment community metabolism and ne t sediment-water nutrient fluxes were investigated at two intertidal site s on the south shore of the Yaquina River Estuary in Oregon . Ne t sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium , dissolved organic nitrogen, and phosphate were determined using in sit u metabolic chambers . A fully crossed two-by-two experimental design wa s employed to examine the influences of light and the presence o f sediment-associated macroalgae on community metabolism and nutrien t exchanges . Chambers were deployed at each site five times during th e period from September 1984 to July 1985 . Complex interactions of tides, photoperiod, and climate contribute d to considerable within-site and between-site variability in metabolis m and nutrient exchanges in the the intertidal sediment community . B y convention, negative fluxes indicate net removal of a constituent fro m the water, positive fluxes indicate net flux into the water . Tota l sediment community metabolism, measured as dissolved oxygen flux in th e metabolic chambers, ranged from -10 to 49 mg-at 0 m- 2 h-1 . These rate s of sediment metabolism fall well within the range reported for othe r coastal systems . macroalgae . Net fluxes of dissolved inorgani c nitrogen (DIN = nitrate + nitrite + ammonium) ranged from -380 to 27 0 Ug-at N m- 2 h -1 . Considerable within-site variability in sediment-wate r fluxes could be attributed to the presence of macroalgae on th e mudflats . Phosphate fluxes on the mudflats ranged from -15 to 54 ug-a t Net fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) ranged -1 . 6 P m -2 h-1 . to 2 .5 mg-at N m -2 h -1 and exhibited the least within-site and between site variability . The carbon :nitrogen ratio of intertidal macroalgae at our stud y sites ranged from seasonal lows of 6-7 in mid-winter, to highs of 8-1 0 in fall . The nitrogen content of the macroalgae appeared to reflec t changes in the abundance of inorganic nitrogen in Yaquina Bay waters . At no time, however, did the C :N ratio of the macroalgae indicat e nitrogen-limited growth conditions . As expected, net fluxes of oxygen were strongly correlated wit h light at both sites . Fluxes of nutrients, however, exhibite d significant between-site differences . Variations in fluxes could b e attributed to temperature at one site, while fluxes at the other sit e appeared to be responding more strongly to light and the presence o f macroalgae . Fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus, relative to oxygen, sugges t sinks of both these elements in the intertidal community . Fluxes of I. 3 • . . .r .1 Y• inorganic nitrogen were one-half or less of what would be expected a t the measured rates of oxygen fluxes . Loss of nitrogen via microbial denitrification appears to be the most likely mechanism for the loss o f fixed nitrogen from the intertidal sediment-water system . The mechanism producing high 0 :P ratios in the sediment-water fluxes is not known . Whatever the mechanism, the apparent losses of both nitrogen an d phosphorus resulted in net changes of these elements close to the predicted ratio of 16 :1 . r•' , . ' t" F t" .1 Comparisons of nutrient sources and sinks in the Yaquina Rive r Estuary indicate that intertidal macroalgae can be a significant sink o f inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus during the summer and fall . Our results suggest that during their growth season (June-October) , macroalgae could remove from 40% to 58 times the amount of nitrate, an d from 23% to 218 times the amount of phosphate supplied to the estuar y via riverflow and sediment remineralization . Dissolved nitrate in th e Yaquina River appears to be the major source of inorganic nitrogen t o estuarine waters . A major source of phosphorus in the estuary appear s to be the temperature-dependent flux of remineralized phosphate fro m both intertidal and subtidal sediments . 41 Better estimates of natural and anthropogenic nutrient inputs, subtidal and intertidal sediment-water fluxes, macroalgal biomass, and algal coverage are needed to construct a more tightly-constrained nutrient budget for the Yaquina Estuary . Nonetheless, our calculations % clearly point toward the importance of macroalgae and intertida l sediment-water exchanges as terms to be included in the nutrient balanc e sheet of the Yaquina Estuary . 4 L. •r ' . ,1 r iu_I T j _T 1" JI T-1 y FOREWOR D _ ~, I J - r The Water Resources Research Institute, located on the Oregon Stat e University campus, serves the Stat e of Oregon . The Institute fosters, ; 7 encourages and facilitates water resource s research an d education, .. 1 r involving all aspects of the quality and quantity of water avail a{ u bar ,,+ ,, , beneficial use . The Institute administers and coordinates statewide a ' u if regiona l programs of multidisciplinary research in water and related lan '! p . • resources . The Institute provides a necessary communications an d coordination link between the agencies of Ideal, state and fe d government, as well as tlii private sector, and the broad r :cl community at universities in the state on matters of waiver .elM, dl : research . The Institute also coordinates the interdisciplinary ptiof graduate education in water resources at Oregon State University . 1 .- + 1 J x It is Institute policy to mak e available the results of significant .. • _ 4 water-related research conducted in Oregon's universities and colle 'O ;. -, ~} } The Institute neither endorses nor rejects the findings of'•eITe wtlod:O•ot= such research . It does recommend careful consideration of the- accumulated facts by those conceirred with the solution of water- r► 1 problems . t 1r L ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S We thank Dr . C . David McIntire for the generous loan of th e metabolic chambers and use of the boat Synedra . Many thanks also go t o Lynne Krasnow and Margaret O'Brien for help "above and beyond the call " in the field and laboratory . We thank Doug Introne for additional hel p in the laboratory . We are deeply indebted to Dr . Andrew Carey, Jr . wh o graciously provided office space and use of his computer for dat a analysis and plotting . We thank Jim Butler : without his help in th e laboratory, his computer, software, and grey natter, work-up of ou r nutrient data would have been infinitely more difficult . Hal Batchelde r assisted transferring data between various otherwise incompatabie micro computers .- Assistance with the statistical analyses was provided b y consultant Susie Maresh of the Computer Center at Oregon Stat e University . This work was suLpported by grant number G928-04 from th e Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis , Oregon . 3 K - iV ; TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag e ABSTRACT FOREWARD ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES : i : REGIONAL WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS ADDRESSED ' 1 .1 Eutrophication of Pacific Northwest Estuaries 1 .2 Relation To WRRI Research Priorities 2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES3. RELATED RESEARCH 3 .1 Estuarine Eutrophication 3 .2 Intertidal Sediment-Water Exchange Dynamics 3 .3 Impacts of Macroalgae on Intertidal Sediment Water Fluxes 4. METHODS AND PROCEDURE S 4 .1 Description of the Study Area : , 4 .2 Field Procedures 4 .3 Laboratory Procedures 5. PRINCIPAL FINDING S 5 .1 Seasonal Cycles of Environmental Parameters, . Algal Biomass, and Intertidal Sediment-Water Exchange s 5 .1 .1 Environmental parameters 5 .1 .2 Macroalgal biomass, carbon, and nitrogen ' content 5 .1 .3 Sediment-water fluxes 5 .2 Within-Site and Between-Site Variability : 5 .2 .1 Temperature effect s 5 .2 .2 Summary 5 .3 Nutrient Flux Stoichiometry 5 .4 Influence of Macroalgae on Intertidal Nutrien t Exchanges 5 .5 Nutrient Removal Capacity of Intertidal Macroalgae 6. CONCLUSIONS 7. LITERATURE CITED APPENDIX 1 . Ranges and means of environmental condition s measured during chamber deployments APPENDIX 2 . Mean sediment-water fluxes calculated fro m duplicate treatments during each chamber deployment APPENDIX 3 . Summary of data used in nutrient supply and remova l calculations . .: ii i iv v vi vi i 1. 1 2 5 7 8 1 3 13 1 6 17 20 22 24'x'. 27 33 40 43 47 49 55 57 58 LIST OF FIGURE S Page : Figure 1 . Bathymetry and study sites in YaquinA Bay 1 4 Figure 2 . Environmental conditions at Sites 1 and 2 durin g intertidal flux chamber deployments 1 9 Figure 3 . Seasonal biomass of macroalgae in Yaquina Bay 21 Figure 4 . Changes in ratios of carbon to nitrogen (weight%) i n macroalgal tissue taken from chamber deployments 21 Sediment-water flux of nitrate, ammonium, and DIN in dar k chambers without macroalgae 28 Relationship between dissolved inorganic nitrogen flu x and temperature at Site 1 and Site 2 for all treatments . . 29 Relationship between phosphate and dissolved oxyge n fluxes and temperature with both sites combined 30 Examples of element relationships derived from fluxe s under various conditions 36 Comparisons of net influence of macroalgae on inorgani c nitrogen fluxes 41 Figure 5 . Figure 6 . Figure 7 . Figure 8 . Figure 9 . Figure 10 . River supply of nitrate (A) and phosphate (B) compared t o calculated macroalgal removal capacity 45 LIST OF TABLES Page Unit area production and components of total dail y system production of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphoru s during August and December in two Oregon estuaries 11 Environmental conditions recorded during samplin g from September 1984 to July 1985 18 Table 3 . Sediment-water flux ranges and means 23 Table 4 . Coefficient of variation of fluxes 25 Table 5 . Analysis of variance 26 Table 6 . Correlation matrix for Site 1 sites combined (C) Table 1 . Table 2 . (A), Site 2 (B), and both 31 Table 7 . Ratios of elements calculated from flux measurements 35 Table 8 . Matrix showing the inverse relationship between intertida l community metabolism and the effect of sedimentrassociate d macroalgae on sediment-water exchanges of dissolve d inorganic nitrogen 42 IMPACT OF ESTUARINE BENTHIC ALGAL PRODUCTION ON DISSOLVED NUTRIENT S AND WATER QUALITY IN THE YAQUINA RIVER ESTUARY, OREGO N 1 . REGIONAL WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS ADDRESSE D 1 .1 Eutrophication of Pacific Northwest Estuarie s The availability of fertilizing inorganic nutrients i s unquestionably a first-order natural feature that contributes to th e high productivity of estuarine ecosystems . With continued developmen t of estuarine basins, inputs of nutrients from sewage, agriculture, an d other land uses become increasingly important terms in estuarin e nutrient budgets . The response of estuaries to increasing nutrien t loadings are very poorly understood . Unlike many freshwater system s where responses to dissolved nutrients (phosphorus, in particular) ar e well documented (see e .g, Jaworski 1981, Ryther and Officer 1981, Nixon and Pilson 1983), the ability of estuarine systems to absorb increase d nutrient inputs without the deleterious effects of overfertilization i s not known . Much of the available information on estuarine nutrient dynamics i n the United States comes from East and Gulf coast studies . Relativel y little is known about estuarine systems of the Pacific Northwest . Fundamental differences in regional climate, underlying geology , hydrography, and watershed usage suggest that paradigms of nutrien t loading developed for other coastal regions may be inappropriate i f blindly applied to the systems of the northwest . There are, fo r example, seventeen major estuarine systems along the Oregon coas t (Division of State Lands 1973) . Many of these, including the Yaquina , are relatively small, multi-use water bodies . Nearly all Oregon' s estuaries receive freshwater from streams and rivers that drai n sparsely-populated forested watersheds of coastal mountains . Seasona l patterns of dissolved nutrients in the Yaquina River Estuary (J . Garber , unpub . data) show that large amounts of nitrates-nitrogen are introduce d at the riverine end of the estuary following the onset of the winte r rains . The source and fate of this nitrate are not known . However , considerable research has shown that the primary production of estuarin e and coastal waters is often limited by the availability of inorgani c nitrogen (Ryther and Dunstan 1971 and others) . Thus the influx o f nitrate from coastal rivers, along with other natural and anthropogeni c sources of nutrients may be contributing to the progresq ;i :ve eutrophication of this estuary . The impact of this enr.iohment is no t known . Nutrient enrichment could enhance estuarine primar y productivity, which in turn could support larger populations of finfish , shellfish, and birds . However, it is impossible to predict the • =level of loading that will result in over-enrichment, or eutrophication, .p . the system without quantitative measurements of nutrient sources and sink :. 1 .2 Relation To WRRI Research Prioritie s Intertidal regions (mudflats and sandflats) comprise an average o f about 46% of Oregon's total estuarine area (Oregon Department of Stat e Lands 1973) . This project assessed the role of some typical intertida l areas as sources, sinks, and transformers of dissolved inorgani c nutrients in the Yaquina River Estuary . This research addressed th e following specific problems identified as priority areas for WRRI supported research, 1984-1987 : Protection of bay, estuarine and wetlands resources . Increase d nutrient loading may initially lead to increased biologica l productivity . Eventually, the input must exceed the uptake an d recycling capacity of indigenous estuarine populations . The consequences of eutrophication--anoxic conditions, reduced productivit y of desirable estuarine fish and shellfish, degradation of wildlif e habitat--have been well documented in freshwater and marine systems . Impact of land and ocean use on coastal water quality . We have documented the dramatic increase in dissolved nitrate in the Yaquin a River Estuary that accompanies the increase of streamflow with the onse t of winter rains . Although the source of this nitrate is not known w e hypothesized it originates in the watersheds of the coastal rivers . I f this hypothesis is correct, land use in the watershed could b e contributing to estuarine eutrophication . The impact of this enrichmen t is unclear . This project was designed to assess how much of thi s nutrient loading could be absorbed by the intertidal component of th e estuarine system, thus quantifying one term in the overall nutrien t source-sink equation of the estuary . Evaluating environmental and economic tradeoffs due to development . Pressures for residential and commercial development of the shores an d watersheds of Oregon's estuaries will continue and, if economi c conditions in the state continue to improve, increase in the future . The ability of the estuarine system to absorb increased nutrien t loadings, and perhaps convert the loadings into harvestable species, i s central to the question of wise and balanced resource management . I t may, for example, be possible for an estuarine system such as th e Yaquina to handle increased nitrogen input with no deleterious effects ; the fertilizing effect of the river may actually contribute to th e continued development of commercial oyster culture in the estuary . Bu t the capacity of the system may be overtaxed if the riverine flux i s augmented with a substantial increase of nitrogen loadings fro m wastewater or other sources . The purpose of our proposed research was t o assess the capacity of one component of the estuarine system, th e intertidal benthic community, to transform inorganic nitrogen an d phosphorus into organic matter which may be passed to higher levels o f the estuarine food webs . 2 Survival ofanadromous fishes . Siinenstad and Wismar (1983 ) recently reviewed evidence for the importance of estuarine production i n the survival of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp .) . Juvenile chum , chinook and coho salmon, in particular, feed on small benthic Organism s that occur in great numbers in intertidal mudflats . The prey of juvenile salmon feed on benthic algae and algal detritus . Thus change s in benthic algal production could be passed along estuarine food chain s and contribute to the success of salmonid species . r .ti Fr r 2 . RESEARCH OBJECTIVE S The purpose of this research project was to assess the role o f intertidal sediment communities in the nutrient cycling dynamics of th e Yaquina River Estuary, Oregon . In particular, we were interested i n determining the nutrient uptake capacity of the macroalgae, Ulva an d Enteromorpha species, that often form dense mats over the surface o f intertidal sediments in summer and early fall . We hypothesized tha t macroalgal growth could remove significant quantities of dissolve d inorganic nutrients from estuarine waters thereby transforming inorgani c nutrients into high-quality (nitrogen-rich) organic matter . Thi s organic matter could in turn be passed to higher levels of estuarin e food webs as well as 'contribute to natural biological oxygen deman d (BOD) when it decomposed . We also determined relationships betwee n benthic algal production and the net exchange of oxygen and inorgani c nutrients across the sediment-water interface in these intertida l sediment communities . The specific research objectives guiding this work were : (1) to determine the net fluxes of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium , dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), reactive phosphate, an d dissolved oxygen between estuarine water and intertida l sediment communities ; (2) to measure nutrient uptake capacity of the intertidal benthi c macroalgae found at our study sites ; (3) to examine relationships among intertidal community metabolis m benthic macroalgal production, and net fluxes of nutrient s across the intertidal sediment-water interface ; an d (4) to determine whether intertidal communities act as net seurt•e s or sinks of inorganic nutrients at the current levels o f nutrient loading in the Yaquina estuary . ti A _ 5 _ - 1" .y ti , 1 - 3. 3 .1 RELATED RESEARC H Estuarine Eutrophicatio n Understanding and controlling the fate and effects of pollutants i n estuarine ecosystems remains a problem of global proportions . Althoug h an impressive amount of quantitative data on a host of pollutin g substances introduced into estuaries is now available, our ability t o predict and mitigate adNcerse effects of these substances remain s limited . Case studies, such as those for the Clyde Estuary (Macay an d Leatherland 1976), Burry-Inlet (Chubb and Stoner 1977) in Great Britain , and the Hudson River Estuary in this country (Malone 1984), ampl y illustrate the adverse changes in water quality and biological resource s brought about by anthropogenic inputs of nutrients, toxic chemicals, an d sediments . Such adverse effects include degradation of recreatio n areas, loss of shallow-water fisheries, loss of the estuary as a nurser y for offshore fisheries, and blockage of migratory corridors fo r anadromous fish (Chubb and Stoner 1977) . Evidence for the increased nutrient loading of estuaries an d coastal waters (e .g ., Jaworski 1981, Walsh et al . 1981, Meybeck 1982 , U .S. EPA 1. 982) leave little question about the ultimate anthropogeni c source of the problem . Sewage now accounts for 50% or more of th e inorganic nitrogen loading of Long Island Sound, New York Bay, Rarita n Bay, Delaware Bay, and San Francisco Bay (Nixon and Pilson 1983) . Problems attending the eutrophication of estuaries may b e exacerbated by the retention of riverborne material within the estuary . The notion of estuaries as "filters"' between the land and the sea ha s received a great deal of attention, especially by sedimentologists, an d this very topic provided the focus of a recent symposium (Kennedy 1984) . The combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes tha t occur when fresh and salt waters mix contributes to the trapping o f material within an estuary (Sharp et al . 1984) . For example, riverborn e material may be removed from solution near the head of an estuary b y flocculation in the "turbidity maximum" zone of the salinity gradient . Farther downstream, active uptake of substances from solution b y estuarine organisms may have a significant i-mpact on estuarine wate r chemistry (Kaul and Froelich 1984) . The effectiveness of the estuarin e filter in terms of trapping introduced material is therefore determine d by numerous site-specific physical, chemical, and biological factor s (Schemel et al . 1984) . At the same time, and further complicating an y simple rendition of estuarine function, estuaries are thought to expor t or "outwell" nutrients to offshore waters (Odum 1971) . The disparit y between these two seemingly opposite aspects of estuarine functio n illustrates the limits of our understanding of these systems (Nixon 1981) . ., 7._ rr Although estuaries and freshwater lakes may exhibit some simila r responses to nutrient enrichment, the causes and mechanisms of th e enrichment are often quite different . Algal production in temperat e freshwater lakes is often limited by the availability of phosphoru s (Shindler and Fee 1973) . Eutrophication of these waters can therefor e often be attributed to the introduction of excess dissolved phosphate . Primary production in coastal marine waters, however, is thought b e limited by the availability of inorganic nitrogen (Ryther and Dunsta n 1971, Shindler 1981, Jaworski 1981) . Along the estuarine transitio n from fresh to salt water we might expect to find a parallel transitio n from phosphorus to nitrogen as the primary limiting nutrient . Although this particular aspect of the problem has not received much attention , the productivity of the . more saline reaches . of many estuaries is ofte n nitrogen-limited (Ryther and Dunstan 1971, Smayda 1974) . 3 .2 Intertidal Sediment-Water Exchange Dynamic s Sediment communities, now recognized as integral parts of coasta l ecosystems, are coupled to the surrounding waters by flows of energy al6d nutrients . Secondary production of the benthos is to a large exten t dependent on the primary production of the overlying water (Zeitzs0hel.' 1980) . At the same time, heterotrophic processes in the sediments &e :t to replenish the inorgahic nutrients needed to support pelagic primar y production (Boynton et al . 1980, Nixon 1981) . The significance of such sediment-water exchanges had long bee n recognized in lakes (e .g ., Mortimer 1941) . Investigation of these . a processes in estuaries and coastal waters began in earnest only abow t ten years ago [Nixon 1981 ; Okuda's (1960) remarkable and ofte n overlooked work on Matsushima Bay is a notable exception] . High hate s of metabolic activity, usually measured as sediment oxygen demand. 0040 have been found in many types of coastal marine sediments (Zeitzsehel . 1980) . The connection between benthic metabolism and nutrient .ii lin g has become an area of active research . For example, Nixon (1981) foun d a linear relationship betweai annually-averaged rates of total be rth4 e metabolism and the amounts of organic matter introduced into a variet y of coastal systems . His regression, which predicts that about 25% o f the organic carbon entering an estuarine system is consumed by benthi c communities, has been supported by recent analysis of data fro m Chesapeake Bay (Officer et al . 1985) . , Stoichiometric relationships between metabolic processes and nutrient cycles in seawater and sediment are often presented in . terms o f "Redfield ratios" (Redfield et al . 1963) . This model predicts,i.ttva t aerobic and anaerobic respiration in marine waters and sediments' • l produce carbon dioxide and inorganic ("remineralized") forims, of- TUtr®g n and phosphorus . High levels of sediment m,tabolic activity have been found to be accompanied by the accumulation of remineralized nutrient s in sediment interstitial waters (McCaffrey et al . 1980, Klump an d Martens 1981, and others) . Sediments therefore represent a potentiall y important reservoir of remineralized nutrients . Strong concentratio n gradients between sediment interstitial and overlying waters lead to th e diffusion of nutrients into the overlying water . Burrowing and feedin g activities of benthic organisms also contribute to the flux of nutrient s to the overlying water (McCaffrey et al . 1980) . A useful measure of the contribution of nutrients from sedimen t communities to the nutrient budget of an estuary can be gotten by comparing the magnitude of the benthic flux to the amount of nutrient , usually nitrogen, needed to support annual primary production in th e estuary . A list of such data for diverse coastal systems, compiled by, _ Nixon (1981), shows that benthic nutrient remineralization often accounts for 25% to 50% of the nitrogen required for plant production , in some cases supplying more than the total annual nitrogen requirement . The literature now contains many measurements of sediment communit y metabolism (Zeitzschel 1980) . Reports of sediment nutrient fluxes hav e been reviewed by Nixon (1981) . Most of these studies were restricted t o subtidal sediment communities, and nearly all dealt exclusively with th e heterotrophic components of the sediment system . A few measurements of both sediment metabolism and nutrient fluxes are available for shallo w (less than a few meters depth) marine communities . For example, Nowick i and Nixon (1985a, 1985b) examined sediment metabolism and nutrient flu x dynamics in a shallow temperate marine lagoon . Welsh (1980) attempte d to quantify nutrient exchanges between Long Island Sound waters and a marsh-mudflat system in Connecticut . We know of no work, comparable t o that reported here, dealing with sediment metabolism, nutrient fluxes , and autotrophic processes in an estuarine intertidal community . 3 .3 Impacts of Macroalgae on Intertidal Sediment-Water Fluxe s The functional role of benthic macroalgae in the energy an d nutrient budgets of estuarine systems has not yet been examined in grea t detail (Kemp et al . 1982) . Macroalgal standing stocks in estuarie s range from 100-500 grams dry weight (gdw) m -2 (Conover 1958, McComb e t al . 1981, Owens and Stewart 1983, Thom 1984) . The high biomass o f these plants, coupled with their high potential rates of productio n (Kremer 1981) suggest that they might have significant impact o n estuarine nutrient cycles . A strong link between benthic alga l production and fluxes of nutrients from sediment to the water column ha s in fact been suggested by Welsh (1980) and Kautsky (1982) . Benthi c algae assimilate nutrients during the growing season, acting as a ne t sink of inorganic nutrients while algal biomass is increasing . Locate d at the sediment-water interface, intertidal plants are ideally situated t to intercept the benthic flux of remineralized nutrients . Dissolved an d particulate forms of the nutrients may then add to the total flux o f remineralized nutrients as the algae senesce and die (Owens and Stewar t 1983, Pregnall 1983) . Evaluation of the impact of intertidal macroalgae on estuarin e nutrient dynamics requires knowledge of algal distributions, production , and influences on net sediment-water nutrient exchanges . Previou s research has demonstrated-that that macroalgae are abundant in man y coastal ecosystems (Sawyer 1966, Mann 1973, Fitzgerald 1978, McComb al . 1981, ShMllem and Josselyn 1982), and that the primary productivit y of macroalgal assemblages can reach 1000 g C m -2 y -1 (Ryther 1959, Man n 1973, Thom 1984) . The production cycle of most benthic macroalgae i s strongly seasonal and apparently controlled by complex interactions o f environmental conditions such as light intensity, temperature, an d inorganic nutrient supplies (Conover 1958) . On the global scale, Smith (1981) estimated that that benthic macroalgal production represented a significant carbon sink, amounting to some 10 9 tons of carbon annually , or about 5% of phytoplankton production of the world ocean . et In the Pacific Northwest,- mid-summer biomass of the two most . common estuarine intertidal macroalgal species, Enteromorpha prolifer' a and Ulva expansa, often exceeds 400 gdw m -2 (Davis 1981, Thom 1984) . I t is not known whether the intertidal community, when its effects ar e integrated over an entire growing season, serves as a net source or sik k of dissolved inorganic nutrients . To gauge the potential importance o f macroalgal production we assembled preliminary nutrient budgets tw o Oregon estuaries (Table 1) . We assumed similar daily rates of ne t production in both systems and estimated (by planimetry based on fie d surveys) that 30-40% of the total area of these estuaries represents ;* habitat suitable for macroalgal growth . The calculations summarized , i n Table 1 indicate that benthic macroalgae may be responsible for at leaS:t one half of the total plant production of these systems in summer . I h winter, macroalgal production drops to nearly zero, and the fractiop,o f production attributable to the other producers rises proportionately.: As illustrated in Table 1, benthic macroalgal production coul d represent a significant demand for inorganic nutrients . Assumin g Atkinson and Smith's (1983) average macroalgal composition of 550 :30 : 1 (C :N :P) and a reasonable production rate of 50 moles C m -2 y -1 , w e estimated that macroalgal production represents a demand of some 2 .7 moles N m -2 y -1 , and about 0 .09 moles P m -2 y- 1 . No annually . integrated sediment flux data have been reported for an intertida l community . However, Nowicki et al .'s (19,85a, 1985b) studies of ski tida l benthic nutrient fluxes in a shallow coastal lagoon- provides some basi s for comparison . The net flux of remineralized nutrients from th e coastal pond sediments could supply only 10% or less of the nit r'ogen ' an d phosphorus required for our calculated rates of intertidal . .ma•e .rophyte prodTi tion . - 10- . 0 C) r- r. rn CV M C O .0 L. A U 4O U N w d-) = L O ro .r Cl O O ) 0 t0 .'M 0 co r 4) o O r 0 0 C) CC E r L L3 4-) O C E a) N a•, an r ar C O 0 L. O O 4-) C •r Iv) W L~ C W CO 1 r` N U) O C..) O Cr A ON M a) O C.4 a) C -o C. N CO . N O 3 M L 7 N 0) M CO LC) r C) C) O O O N 1 O E C0 C7 Co CND '.0 LO M r • M r r N . M N ▪ 0 C) O 0) .LC oU v n O I C A so C C O Or4-1 0 C. r J_ r O Cry M M • O CO rO ▪ C) O r r) Cr) C') N O O N C a) L. C a) •r 4-' C 'C C Y +) 4 v r 4- a) ~ v N C W O r d 0 •0 C C') A CO ON V) 4-) a Q 't7 4-) A Sr- S A 0) a) A CT 1W C3 O Co LC) N cT - C) O Q e0 IW W Y N LU Lo VI a C9 C7 ¢ Vy W ¢ W J U J J VI I- I-f-~ Q 0 < >- 4- > ▪ O ^ 1 O = - yw--•. CC -CD I- CC MI 1- a) CD G .0 a •R Q A W t-) ID W a. -CD Cs_ .0 ~.~ 0 Xv<Z v N LUv W ~ 11 - 0 = 4-' L.) -P U 4-) N O rVf ON CO r = C NO n r O 00 A > N L') L[) tD O CC 0 )01 CT C O a s VI r d r C. E A a )'CD r r- A A C q 1-- U •r•- 3 CUA CU r A +' Vt 0L N E r C A w U CU •r C A A 0) r U N A 9a O t .) c O 3E c . N L L VI Q) C T rO V AC w V) r- r CO C) N r L V)' 0 Q 4.fE X LA .-, a C CC') Z) +-) E U O.-1 -o oL -o C.r U t0 r CO C) G) O 0 C) C) 0 0 • C r •r- C -r0•CCl) r v 0 X A •rN CO 0 0 01 4- 4r O • C 4-) 1.0 r. A a) O) •r a a) C) N -c 4--) •r E N r A •Fa 4-' .-NC a .C C . 0 A Ll- O1 4 CS- O ^ M CO U) LU C_) •Q A CI C 44. N VI (Cl Cl) a) O Cr) W L a) •a E 0) CO 0 r - S+s a) r a O +-' ~ A U A U u, OM to Yar+') .- r- a) . .4)U,'s0---. O CT r4.0 LC) Q w A rt3 LC) w r a)L Y N a) C) r F CD S- ra v = c 0 c- i --) CT a) a) U Lr_ M to U an co C) o o CT s C ■+-) rra C A - 4L A L rV re 0 4-) a UtO. C O N - \ 0) 4 ) A i- T .> Z L C a ) o 0 r A a) )-u- L) L) Y Y G rv - U 0 a) 4- Cl 4 LC) O O V Z0- 11 sn 4••) Lea ~OO r X N E • • 4-1 a) rp c r . C)')') M CTLC) r Cr M •~ vim• w M N-r)N'Ol.0ON ON Q' A L[) L-) r- r > LC) a) a) C N A A (0 0 a) +) 0) CT +-1 4- ' 0 r-- r--- -NC I- ra A C = O0AC . L L r •r C .) U C. 0_ A •r 0 W >>° a U r 0-C a) -1-) ) U C N a) A CO L 0 its a) V) ti 4. METHODS AND PROCEDURE S 4 .1 Description Of The Study Are a Our investigations of intertidal sediment-water flux dynamics wer e carried out at two sites located in lower reaches of the Yaquina Rive r Estuary, Oregon (Figure 1) . The Yaquina Estuary lies at the mouth of the Yaquina River, a relatively small coastal Stream that drains a watershed of some 627 km 2 in west-central Oregon . Discharge of Yaquin a River, gauged since 1972 (Friday and' Miller 1984), is strongly seasonal . Peak flows of 1000 cubic feet per second (cfs) generally occur in earl y winter (November-December) while minimum flows Of 10 cfs or less occu r in late summer (August-September) . The ten-year-(1972-1982) mea n discharge of the river was 251 cfs . The estuarine portion of the rive r extends about 30 km inland from the Pacific Ocean . The estuary occupie s an area of 3910 acres, of which about 35% (1353 acres) is classified a s tidelands (Oregon Division of State Lands 1973) . A dredged shippin g channel, 15-20 m deep, extends about 5 km inland from mouth of th e estuary ; mean water depth 'of the estuary as a whole is about 4 m . The estuary is subject -to the mixed, semidiurnal tide of the Pacifi c Northwest coast ; average tidal range near the mouth of the estuary i s 2 .4 m, maximum spring tidal range is 3 .8 m . Tidal exchanges of water far . outweigh the influence of riverflow in structuring the water column . Ratios of freshwater dischargd•to the tidal prism range from 0 .002 t o 0 .3 . The combination of shallow depths, generally low freshwater input , and vigorous tidal mixing produce well-mixed conditions throughout th e estuary during most of the year (Burt 1956, Burt and McAlister 1959) . Temporary vertical salinity gradients occur during winter freshets . Sediment-water flux determinations were carried out at tw o locations on the south shore of the estuary (Site 1 and Site 2, Figur e 1) . Sediments at Site 1, were classified by Kulm (1965) as fine, mediu m and silty sands with an organic matter content of about 3% ; those a t Site 2 were classified as silty sands with very low organic content . Phi medium diameter of the sediments at both sites ranged from 2 .3 t o 3 .6 (Kulm 1965) . Both sites were characterized by luxuriant growths o f sediment-associated macroalgae, and we assumed a priori that Sites 1 and 2 represented ocean-dominated and river-dominated intertidal systems , respectively . 4 .2 Field Procedure s The net flux of inorganic nutrients and benthic productivit y measurements were performed in situ using a stirred "bell jar" approach . Recent applications of this technique were reviewed by Zeitzschel (1980) . Details of the construction of the chambers used in this study wer e described by Davis (1981) . Each experimental set consisted of four chambers (two light and two dark) for each of two treatments : (1) intac t sediment community including naturally-occurring densities o f macroalgae ; and (2) sediment community minus macroalgae -- all visibl e forms of macroalgae either absent or removed by hand . During chambe r deployments we also incubated four 1 :-liter bottles (two light and tw o dark) containing samples of macroalgae in coarse-filtered (50pm) ba y water and four 1-liter bottles (two light and two dark) containing onl y coarse-filtered bay water . The eight bottles were suspended in th e water near the sediment surface so that, like the chambers, they wer e exposed to ambient light and temperature . The chambers were deployed about 2 hours before high slack tide o n days when the higher high tide occurred within one hour of local noon . Each chamber was pressed about 30 cm into tbe-_pediment enclosing 129 c m 2 of sediment surface . Ambient bay water was admitted to the chamber s through a small port in the chamber wall . When full, initial wate r samples were taken from the 5 .7 liters of bay water enclosed in th e chamber over the sediment . This water was replaced with ambient ba y water . The chambers were then sealed . The water over the cores wa s gently stirred during incubation by a battery-powered impeller . Th e chambers were completely submerged during the incubation period . Fina l water samples were taken from the chambers about two hours after hig h slack tide . Water samples for dissolved oxygen were taken in the fiel d in 300 ml or 60 ml BOD bottles and "fixed" immediately for azide modified Winkler titrations (Golterman et al . 1978) . Nutrient sample s were taken in specially-cleaned polyethylene bottles and kept on ice . Macroalgae present in the chambers and bottles were removed at the en d of the incubation periods rinsed with clean bay water, wrapped i n aluminum foil and returned to the laboratory on ice . Mid-winter higher high tides occur at night, rather than during th e day, thus making it impossible for us to carry out the deployments i n the field . Therefore on two occasions (December 3 and January 12) , sediment samples were taken at low tide and carried back in thei r respective chambers to the laboratory in Newport . The chambers wer e placed in large outdoor tanks and supplied with a continuous flow of ba y water . Flux determinations were then carried out the next day usin g procedures essentially the same as those used in the field . Environmental data were collected hourly on site during eac h chamber deployment . Water salinity, temperature, and depth wer e determined using a submersible conductivity-thermistor probe (Montedoro Whitney CTU-3) . Surface and bottom light intensity, measured photo n flux of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), was determined usin g a LiCor integrating quantum photometer with a spherical (4-pi) sensor . ti -15 - 4 .3 Laboratory Procedure s Nutrient samples, returned to the laboratory on ice in dar k coolers, were immediately filtered (Whatman GF/C) and split fo r automated nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate), ammonium, an d dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) determinations . The salinity of th e nutrient split was checked with an American Optical hand-hel d refractometer . Oxygen titrations (Strickland and Parsons 1972) an d ammonium determinations (Solorzano 1969) were carried out within 2 4 hours . The remaining nutrient and DON samples were stored frozen i n acid- and acetone-washed polyethylene bottles for 2 days to 2 week s before analysis . Dissolved nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate were the n determined by standard automated procedures using an Technicon AAI I system (Strickland and Parsons 1972) . DON was determined by persulfat e digestion (D'Elia et al . 1977) modified by us for an automated finish . Samples of macroalgae from the chambers were rinsed briefly i n deionized water, frozen in liquid nitrogen, freeze dried, weighed, an d ground by hand to a fine powder . The carbon and nitrogem conte,mt of the freeze-dried samples was determined by high-temperature combustio n (Perkin-Elmer 240 Elemental Analyzer) . The net fluxes of oxygen and nutrients across the sediment-wate r interface were calculated by differences between initial am-0 fina l concentrations of the constituents in the water over the sediments ._ Negative fluxes indicate net removal of a constituent from the wate r column (presumably into the sediment or algae) while positive fluxe s indicate release of a constituent to the water column . Flux calculations included terms for chamber volume,'sediment area, and ba y water controls . Estimates of net community production and respiratio n were based on oxygen changes in the light and dark chambers , respectively . 5. PRINCIPAL FINDING S 5 .1 Seasonal Cycles of Environmental Parameters , Algal Biomass, and Intertidal Sediment-Water Exchange s 5 .1 .1 Environmental parameters . Variability is a distinguishing characteristic of estuarin e environments . Intertidal estuarine habitats, in particular, are slAWjec t to the interacting diel cycles of sunlight and tides, the longor•peie!io ;d ' cycles in photoperiod, air and water temperature, as well as shifts i n salinity and water chemistry due to variations in riverflow and the' direct effects of precipitation . The intertidal environment = is- , therefore subjected to considerable diel and seasonal ranges of ligb t intensity, temperature, salinity, and nutrients . Some indidators of this variability are reflected in the range of environmental condition s found at our study sites (Table 2, Figure 2) . A complete record o f these data is given in Appendix 1 . Environmental conditions on the tidal mudflats followed typica l temperate patterns . Summer months were characterized by high ligh t intensity, long photoperiod, and warm temperatures . Decreasing riverflow throughout the summer and fall is reflected both in the h-ig4e r salinities recorded over the flats as well as in the ambient dissolved . nutrient content of the water . Freshwater entering the Yaquina Estuary . generally contains high concentrations of nitrate and very littl e phosphate . In contrast, the seawater entering the mouth of the estiza'r y is relatively phosphate-rich and nitrogen-poor . Flow of the Yaquin a River is tightly coupled to the monsoonal rainfall pattern of the Orego n Coast (Friday and Miller 1984) . Winter rains, beginning in late fall _ (October and November) are accompanied by increases in freshwater flo w into the estuary and a concomitant rise in nitrate levels in estuarin e waters . Rains and riverflow generally taper off to near zero in lat e summer (September and October), the salinity of estuarine waters rises , and nutrient levels drop . These patterns are consistent with the timing of maxima and minima of the parameters listed in Table 2 . Th e situations is,-complicated somewhat by coastal upwelling events tha t periodically , introduce anomalously cold, nutrient-rich waters ocea n waters into the bay during the summer and fall . The high levels o f phosphate found during September (Table 2) are probably attributable t o such an event . Differences between surface and near-bottom PAR light intensitie s (Figure 2A), usually 5-4 iE s_1 m-2 , gave vertical extinctio n coefficients (K) between 0 .22 and 0.61 m ` 1 , or light transmission value s of 54-80% m -1 . The waters flooding the mudfl;a .ts were therefore rathe r clear for an estuary . This suggests the influence of relatively clea r ocean waters and sandy sediments -- which are not easily resuspended b y -17 - Table 2 : Environmental conditions recorded during samplin g from September, 1984 to July, 1985 . Eac h numbe r is a mean from one sampling run . Ambien t analyt e concentrations are expressed as uM unles s specified otherwise . Parameter Range Month of Occurrenc e Maximum Minimum Water temperature (degrees ,C ) Salinity Light (water surface) (i'E s -1 m-2 ) Vertical Extinction Coefficient, k (m il ) Nitrate Ammonium Nitrite Phosphate Silicate DON (dissolved organic nitrogen ) Dissolved oxygen (mg-at 0 1 -1 ) 8 .1-17 .9 January Jul y 15 .4-33 .5 2 .6-20 .9 March October Jun e Jun e 0 .22-0 .61 July Decembe r 0 1 0 0 8 3 September Decembe r October January October March De.e.embe a .8-32 .2 .55-4 .80 .19-0 .56 .71-1 .46 .4-99 .6 .6-7 .4 0 .386-0 .889 October -18 - e: r Septembe r Marc h Decembe r D e•e .eAt Jul y 1 E FIELD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION S Light Intensity . Surface and Bottom A. a 30 W a o q surfac e 0 ° x 20 ~' q + C C = o • +bottom q + + 10 q a q q + + + 0 1 I I t t7 r 1 r 1 I T I I 1 I I ~t 4 I I I i B . Photoperio d 15 q 5 I r ► I O q a q O a q I 1 i 1 q I [ I L] I I q I C. Bottom Temperature 20 q q 10 - 0 D T J I F I T C n I T M 1985 A 0 I M I 1 J I 1 J Month t 1 A I I S I I 0 I N T D 198 4 Figure 2 : Environmental conditions at sites 1 and 2 during intertida l flux chamber deployments . Mean light intensity (A) and mean bottom temperature (C) on-site . Photoperiod data (B) wer e calculated from daylength data in Smithsonian Meterologica l Tables Gist 1971) tidal currents and wind waves -- in the lower reaches of the estuary . . There was some indication that the waters flooding the mudflats wer e clearest in early summer and most turbid in mid-winter . In general , however, well over 50% of the incident PAR was transmitted to th e sediment surface at high tide during chamber deployments . 5 .1 .2 Macroalgal biomass, carbon and nitrogen conten t Unfortunately, estimates of total intertidal macroalgal biomass i n the Yaquina Estuary are not available . Davis (1981, and unpub . data ) has documented the seasonal changes'in dominant macroalgal species o n mudflats in Yaquina and Netarts Bay . Davis' data from 1978-197 9 (unpub . •data) recorded Enteromorpha biomass peaking rapidly to 80 0 gdw m -2 in mid-summer (Figure 3A) then declining steadily through th e late summer and fall . Ulva species follow Enteromorpha as the dominant macroalga on the mudflat . Ulva biomass apparently peaks in late summe r or early fall, but it is not uncommon to find the two genera occurrin g together . We estimated total macroalgal biomass per square meter-of m .udfla t from the amount of macroalgae enclosed by our chambers . This was not - a rigorous measure of total biomass due to the small area enclosed by th e chamber and sampling bias . Our selection of chamber placement at eac h site was not stratified or carefully randomized .. Even so, the pLattrnof macroalgal biomass food in the chambers was roughly similar't o Davis' data for Enteromorpha (Figures 3A and 3B) . However, peak,bio•m*as s in the chambers occurred later in the season and all our biomas s estimates were considerably less than that for Enteromorpha alone . On the other hand, we were surprised to find that some macroalgae, usuall y Ulva spp ., were present on the mudflats throughout the winter . The ratio of total carbon to nitrogen (C/N) in macroalgal tissue s is a useful measure of the physiological status of the plants . C/ N ratios over 10 are often indicative of nitrogen shortage, while ratio s around 6, close to that of Redfield's "average marine organic matter, " suggest that the plants have ,an adequate supply of nitrogen (Haniaa k 1983) . The C/N ratio of macroalgae recovered in our chambers range d from mid-winter lows of about 6 .7 to early fall highs around 9 .0 (Figur e 4.4) . Although there is considerable scatter in the C/N data the tren d follows the abundance of inorganic nitrogen in the water . Low C/N ratios occurred during periods of highest dissolved nitrate • T concentrations and vice versa . The relatively low C/N ratios in+dise te d that the plants always had an adequate nitrogen supply regardless of th e season . This, then, is another indication that the 1 atp iaa estuary g s Ai nitrogen-rich system . 1-20 - MACROALGAL BIOMAS S A. 1 a Enteromorpha app . 0 .8-• E p A0 0 .6 0 .4 - 0 . 2-, 0 r B. 140 - a a T T t t i I I T Ulva app. and Enteromorpha app. 120 -c;' E 100 - 80 a 60 - 40 20 0 1 1 F J 1 1 1 M 1 1 A M Q Q r I T J I T J 1 1 A S l I 0 Month 1985 r 1 I N D 1984 Figure 3 : Seasonal biomass of macroalgae in Yaquina Bay . A. Biomas s of only Enteromorpha spp . at Site 1 (from Davis, unpublishe d data) . B . Biomass of Ulva spp . and Enteromorpha spp . foun d in chamber deployments during this study . In both figures , symbols indicate the mean * 1 S .D . Note difference i n biomass scales . MACROALGAL C/ N 6 T J i F 1 1 M 1985 [ { A I S M 1 1 J i T J Month T I A 1 I S ! { 1 0 t•t I 1984 Figure 4 : Changes in ratios of carbon to nitrogen (weight %) i n macroalgal tissue taken from chamber deployments . Point s indicate mean f 1 S .E . { D 5 .1 .3 Sediment-water fluxe s Deployments of sediment-water flux chambers were carried out fiv e times at each of two intertidal study sites in the Yaquina Estuar y between September 1984 and July 1985. Sediment-water flux data acquire d during these experiments is summarized in Table 3 and reported in detai l in Appendix 2 . Not surprisingly, environmental variability on the mudflats wa s accompanied by considerable variability in sediment-water exchanges at each site as well as by significant differences in nutrient exchang e processes between sites . However, some general patterns emerge from the , examination of the mean fluxes for each analyte during the study perio d (Table 3). Additional patterns were revealed by the regression an d statistical analyses discussed in following sections . For convenience in the following discussions, the chambe r treatments will be referred to using the abbreviations : LW = clear chambers containing macroalgae ; LWO = clear chambers without macroalgae ; DW = dark chambers containing macroalgae ; DWO = dark chambers withou t macroalgae . In later sections we will use the following shorthan d notations : L = all clear chambers ; D = all dark chambers ; W = al l chambers containing macroalgae ; WO = all chambers without macroalgae . Examination of the means of fluxes at each site during the study perio d revealed the following : - Net release of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = the sum-o f nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium) to the overlying water occurre d in the DWO chambers . This net nitrogen release was due, i n particular, to the net release of ammonium . Nitrite, . on . th e other hand, was generally removed from the water in the DW O chambers . Nitratefluxes in the DWO chambers were too variabl e between sites to warrant generalization . Net uptake of nitrate generally took place in the LW chamber s at Site 2 and in all L treatments at Site 1 . - Net flux of nitrite was generally from the water into th e sediment or algae regardless of treatment or site . - Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) fluxes-were variable, but ne t release to the overlying water generally took place in th e dark . - Net exchanges of phosphate were also variable but het releas e from the sediment to the water generally occurred in the dar k chambers . 1 1 L Y w S N I I 1 1 I • d m 1 m 4 1 w d 1 9 .0 1 4 6 1 d m L L 1 0 1 u u 1 3 1 q 1 O I 4 d1 I 3 mm 1 1 d d 00 1 uw H 1 1 m U m 1 1 w I 1 1 .I 3 u 1 ..D O 1 m 0 1 I L 1 1 m d Ou 1 0 CI w C 0 9 q O 4 m u 4 j w 0 L G j 1 I 1 1 1 l .In 0 N 10 I In 0 u I+1 CO .. d u w rn I N 1 d I Y I w 1 N I 1 1 E C u 1 m 1 d 1 m 4 4 .4 7 1 ▪ O P 0 O m 1 I • q 0 amo 1 3 1 > 1 O 1 d o O 1 1 4 0 0 1 m to 0 1 m I I mw 1 l u o d 1 I w Ym l I G 0 1 1 O O N m 1 I d m 1 1 L Y 1 mO d m L u 4 I a !n d w I d 00 Z I ^m u w C c d 4d 6 m m Y L am U 1 H • 04 v m N! ! d 1 u! w l h! I ! I 1 d 1 L 1 1 I I d 1 0 I P 4 m m d a C a o m 1 d .•/ 3 E m O u b O c u d m 7 m O 3 7 1 1 I 1 1 C m 4 • u0 d L w G E 4 e m Y O:= q 4 u Y G o C 4 w d Y •0 1 I 1 1 4 1 m d 1 1 q d U 1 •I > I C 0 1 O 3 1 G 6 ..O 1 d 0 1 1 E-+ d 1 Z1 m I d 2 aC 1 V] . . n 1 I d 1 Y I w! CA 1 1 I I 1 1 I .I •O a Cl P .•1 n ^ In .4 N I P1 I•I /. O ID n 01 I n I N 1 ••+ I 0 Y N O .+ 1 1 m l .D^ CO •C N Cr'. 100 .+ n C I u v '0 10 1 0 v Y n .D Y 1 Z1 1 I 1 1 1 I .D 01 d 1 Y 1 . 0. I .I 1 m 1 C 1 6 1 .O I n1 •In Cl • a In /. N 1n N 0 v Y .4 In ID .•I N r". ID CA .+ • 1 ID •C 1 ID u u 0 0 n N N a^ a .0 N N 1a .r^ N 0 0 ID N 0 0 In N N r'. 0. V1 a OD In ~ . 01 O a In 1 In N N 11 .4 0 ID CO .+ N^ N^ l a 0 v u n .r C. N .+N 0 v u Cl I'1 *0 40 IN 0 u a a 0 0 I .+ '-I • CO ION a I v I 0v u OD .1 N 0 •0 CO M CO I .I I 0v u OD In .+ N n .+ .. .1 N 1 •~ 0 u 0 In a 0 v Y a .r O 1 u v n N IO .+ ID CO I N 0 v Y 0 0 0 0 CO d Y w u w Z Y w Z 6 6 .0 O O ^ 0 N CI .+ Z .+ O In O v u 0 u1 .D I'I ^ . co 0 v u I 0 v In N I In Z . 0 F a • 0 ID .a Z 0 O -23- • I N 0 Y1 - 0 Y a 41 ..I In a 0 "-' u e. a Cr. n I CO 0 Y 07 ^ 4 4 N .D N .• .D I 0 Y 10 N ^ ID a N 01 I N O .•a Cl 0 0 • II In .O O r•. • C• m I .• 0 u N .0 m O1n n .+ PI IN Ov Y ID N m N In N CO n ID N 10 I 0 ..+ u P1 0 ID n e•1 In an 1 0 O Y n .D N O\ •In NIA r O 1 .+ 0 v Y N 01 N .4 .4 In N •a 01 • I M 1 ' 0. Y O. N I'1 a IDa fn O.^ n n I'1 CO n I n O v L r1 n 01 I N I 0 v u 01 CO P I .I Cr ^ N ID •O a 0 v Y aD 0 .0 O^ n n^ •a O^ •C1 a 0 N N 0 I•I ^ 0n N 0 0 P1 n N N 1 .+ 1 0 .i Y .' .r ID .•i 1w a D 1 Y v N In 1 N 1 0 u N N .+ Y1 / . .0 .n a . .I IN Ov Y .4 Js. a CO • 01 N 1N 0 Y n N I .4 a O. 0 Y CO n 1 n N 04. NIn 0 .+ V1 I 1 n e'1 I. I 0 v u OD VI MI O .~` u 0 v Y 0 .. .1 .C ID •-I n 1 I a N 1 .D n CO 1 4 1 ID •a 1 .C N ^ a .D • 0 N Cr . n N N In 0v u In v 0 u n PL In 0 v u v Cl N 14 h N N 0 u I WI ^ .1 4W 0 v 0 u d u m 4 u 0 v N ^ .t OD a 4 0 1 Y E 0 w C 4 aD a 1N 0 v III CO CAN 1 ID 01 u v .D 0 v Y 0 • .-1 N Y v a 1 n ^ 0 N I n^ • ID O 10 a I'1 In 00 O I u v In NC Al C1 In 0 v Y V I^ • .D N IN I 0v u .t1 • p1 a N 01 I 11' 1 Om 1 • ID N n 01 N 3 I 0 v Y N a N • 1 1 1 1 l a n I .+ 0 v u I I h ID .' • .D 1 e0 L 1 K 0 Y I • w I Y 3 In O N N 10 IO . CA CO CO 4. NOD 1 1 N N t N 0. 5 Y n fn ..I d I Yi w 1 N I I 1 0V u I'1 i. .40 ! Z Oo 1 m a. ti I d m 1 00 1 G Y 1 m G0 1 4 dO 1 1 .4 I'1 ..1 .r u n n I'1 a 1 O1 0v ID N 0 I 444. I'1 •n ION In • MI n r' . •a0 O^ In N 1 4 a a ~. n Al u1 u N 01 •01 N .4 •a a u w 1 •C I 0' O. /. ID In .-1 1n a 01 uv N 0 t1 1 n O1 0 I .+ 1 0 v Y I'1 .. O. ^ •O 00N N N 1 6 1 N U m l w L 1 ▪ O^ 1 d I u 1 w I N I I 1 0 4 O N •In CO II I Ov u 01 P1 L .+ d u m L a G u d m O 0 Ow Y. 0 K E 0 v m N E 00 1 Net fluxes of oxygen followed expected patterns of ne t production in the clear chambers, indicating exces s photosynthesis over respiration, and consumption in the dar k due to community respiration . 5 .2 Within-Site and Between-Site Variabilit y Total sediment community metabolism, measured as changes in oxyge n concentrations in the metabolic chambers, ranged from -10 to 49 mg-at 0 m-2 h-I (Table 3) . These rates of sediment metabolism fall well withi n the range reported for other coastal systems . Within-site variabilit y was estimated by calculating coefficients of variation for the mean flu x of each constituent for each treatment at Sites 1 and 2 (Table 4) . Greatest variability in oxygen fluxes occurred in chambers tha t contained macroalgae . Net fluxes of DIN (nitrate + nitrite + ammonium ) ranged from -380 to 270 p g-at N m- 2 h-1 , and exhibited the greates t within-site variability . Coefficients of variation for DIN fluxes i n chambers containing macroalgae ranged from 93% to 466 times the mea n flux at Sites 2 and 1, respectively . Phosphate fluxes ranged from -1 5 to 54 Pg-at P m -2 h -1 , and appeared less variable, especially in dar k chambers (C .V ., 100-200%) . This indicates some uniformity in sediment associated phosphorus remineralization at the intertidal sites . Ne t fluxes of DON exhibited the least within-site and between sit e variability, giving C .V .'s for each site that ranged from 44-98% . Analysis of variance using the four chamber treatments as factor s and temperature as a covariate was used to further examine the between site differences in mean flux data reported in Table 3 . Although no t all the probabilities reported in the ANOVA (Table 5) are statisticall y significant, those close enough to merit consideration and further stud y are discussed . The most striking result of the ANOVA is the indicatio n of a strong relationship between temperature and DIN fluxes, includin g nitrate fluxes, at Site 1 . In contrast, DIN fluxes and temperatur e varied independently at Site 2 . This, of course, suggests tha t processes controlling DIN fluxes differed significantly at the two site s and that the primary factor controlling variations of DIN fluxes in th e intertidal communities was not the presence or absence of macroalgae . The ANOVA also revealed that only ammonium of all the various form s of nitrogen seemed to vary in response to the chamber treatments at Sit e 1 . At Site 2 however, nitrate flux appeared influenced by both ligh t and macroalgae, as well as macroalgae contributing significantly t o variations in DIN flux . Phosphate fluxes did not exhibit strong between-site differences . The ANOVA indicated weak covariance of phosphate fluxes with macroalga e at Site 1, with light at Site 2, and with temperature at both sites . Table 4 : Coefficient of variation for fluxes . Arranged b y treatment, by site . Abbreviations as in Table 3 . LW LWO DW DW O Analyte 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------- Nitrate 205 121 160 4270 178 500 146 14 7 Nitrite 395 219 32 209 60 62 45 29 Ammonium 163 204 146 573 244 264 90 175 0 DIN 46600 93 1150 7600 13600 255 414 22 9 TPN 3250 173 99 151 329 155 224 12 6 DON 44 54 96 60 47 89 98 90 Phosphate 410 186 44 1560a 354 171 108 19 2 Oxygen 248 107 147 485 66 338 337 566a a Anomalous variation can be attributed to a single outlie r Table 5 : Analysis o.f Variance - P values are given if theOr- 7 -- ' are not significant, .but are nearly so . Temperature was treated as a covariate . .t (** = P< .01, * = P<- .05) Sti ' ite 1 Site 2 A ----------------------------------------------- Analyte Light Algae LxA Temp Light Algae LicA Nitrate ** 0 .11 0 .0 6 ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ammonium 0 .09 ** DIN Phosphate Oxygen --------- - 0 .07 * 0 .08 * 0 .05 * t. 0.1 0 .14 0 .12 4 4 4 , A' 7 e'' It is gratifying to find'that the ANOVA revealed significan t relationships between light and oxygen fluxes in the chambers at bot h sites . Given that even when flooded the sediment surface was well abov e the compensation depth (the water depth at which net photosynthesi s equals respiration, generally around 1% of surface light intensity) w e would predict a net production of oxygen in the clear chambers and ne t consumption of oxygen in the opaque chambers . That this indeed too k place is revealed both in the net flux data and was clearly discerned b y the ANOVA . 5 .2 .1 Temperature effect s Between-site differences suggested by the ANOVA were also apparen t in plots of inorganic nitrogen flux versus temperature (Figures 5A an d 5B) . DIN fluxes in DWO chambers increased linearly with temperature a t Site 1 but exhibited a parabolic-like response to temperature at Site 2 . Note that nitrate was always removed from the the overlying water a t Site 1 and the net positive flux of DIN at that site was due to th e opposing net positive flux of ammonium . The pattern at Site 2 wa s significantly different : net release of DIN peaked around 13 °c, nea r the mid-range of the temperatures encountered, and both nitrate an d ammonium contributed to the net flux of DIN from the sediment community . Between-site differences in the response of DIN fluxes to temperatur e are also revealed when the data from all chamber treatments are combine d (Figure 6) . The correlation between temperature and DIN flux i s significant at Site 1 while no correlation is apparent at Site 2 . Between-site differences were not as apparent in phosphate fluxe s compared with the obvious differences found in fluxes of various DI N forms . In spite of a number of outliers, the relationships betwee n temperature, phosphate and oxygen fluxes in the DWO chambers (Figure 7 ) were among the strongest to emerge from the regression analyses . The results of regressions of nutrient fluxes against temperatur e are given in Table 6 . Differences between sites are again apparent . A t Site 1, both DIN and nitrate fluxes correlated significantly wit h temperature in most chamber treatments . This contrasts sharply with th e results from Site 2, where the only significant correlations to emerg e were between oxygen and temperature in the opaque chambers . When th e data from both sites are combined, both oxygen and phosphate correlate d with temperature in DWO chambers . 5:.2 .2 Summary ,mot Results of the ANOVA, correlation, and regression analyses revealed ' surprising differences in the nutrient flux dynamics at our t'wo NITROGEN FLUX VS TEMPERATUR E Site 1 A. 30 0 200 - 100 - C] 1 6 10 f 12 i 16 14 16 Temperature (degrees C ) B. 300 7 She 2 200 - x -100 - -200 1 8 10 I 1 12 1 1 14 i r 16 Temperature (degrees C) Figure 5 : Sediment-water flux of nitrate _(Q), ammonium (-f-), an d DIN (C), in dark chambers without macroalgae . Point s indicate means f 1 S .E . Results of correlation analysi s are presented in Table 5 . 18 DIN VS TEMPERATUR E A 30 0 • • 200 - s 100 - 0 I s DIN Flux (umol m- 2 h' 1 ) -532 .4 + 40 .8 Temp . 0 8 r2 R .4 3 10 16 18 16 18 Temperature (degrees C) B 30 0 200 - • • • • 0 I • 0 0 0 0 -300 8 10 12 14 Temperature (degrees C) Figure 6 : Relationship between dissolved inorganic nitrogen flux an d temperature at Site 1 (A) and Site 2 (B) for all treatments . Points are means . Error bars have been omitted for clarity . The regression line is drawn for Site 1 . -29 - P AND 0 VS TEMPERATUR E Both sites 13 12 11-10-8 8 765 43J 2 :.r 1 •- • • • w -2 -3 -4 -5 -+ -6 -7 -8 -9 8 + 1 10 1 k 12 l r 14 r + r 16 i 18 Temperature (degrees C ) Figure 7 : Relationship between phosphate (II) and dissolved oxygen (+ ) fluxes and temperature with both sites combined . Data from dark chambers without macroalgae . Points are means + 1 S .E . Table 6 : Correlation matrix for Site 1 (A), Site 2 (B) , and both sites combined (C) . LW=clear chamber s with algae LWO = clear chambers without alga e DW = opaque chambers with algae DWO=opaqu e chambers without algae L = cle-ar chamb-e s t D= opaque chambers W=chambers with alga e WO=chambers without algae All=all treatment s Numbers in matrix refer to footnotes givin g nearly significant correlation coefficients . (** = P< .01, * = P< .05 ) A . Site 1 LW LWO DW DW•O L D W WO Al l -------------------------------------------------------0 vs Temp 1 2 P vs Temp DIN vs Temp 4 * 5 ** Nitrate vs Temp DIN vs 0 ** Nitrate vs 0 ** Ammonium v s 0 ** 3 * ** * * ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** * * ** P vs 0 Nitrate v s P Ammonium vs P 1 2 3 4 5 : : : : : r*= .812 r*= .868 r*= .600 r*= .827 r*= .771 P .C.05= .87 8 P<.05= .87 8 P< .05= .66 6 P< .05= .87 8 P< .05= .878 B. Site 2 LW LWO DW DWO L D W WO Al l -------------------------------------------------------- 0 vs Temp Table 6 : continued C . Both sites combine d ----------------------------------------- LW LWO DW DWO L D W WO All , q vs Tem p ** * P vs Temp. * * DIN vs Tem p Nitrate vs Tem p DIN" vs 0 ** ** Nitrate vs 0 1 2 ** Ammonium vs 0 * * * P vs 0 Nitrate vs P Ammonium vs P 1: 2: 3: 4: r*= :687 r*= .461 r*= .429 r*= .402 P< .95= .70 7 P< .05 = .46 8 P< .05= .46 8 P< .05= .44 4 -32- 3 intertidal study sites . Taking earlier reports of sediment-water flu x dynamics in subtidal sediment communities (e .g . Nixon et al . 1976 , Boynton et al . 1980, Nixon 1981) as our model, we expected to fin d relatively small between-site differences and generally stron g correlations between sediment-water fluxes and temperature . We als o predicted that the presence of macroalgae on the mudflats would alte r the magnitude of sediment-water nutrient fluxes . This study reveal s that tidal pulsing and the presence of autotrophic organisms in th e sediment community introduce important additional sources of variabilit y into the benthic system . The data collected during this study, althoug h limited, seemingly argues against all three initial hypotheses . First , by nearly every yardstick applied, between-site differences outweig h similarities. Second, the relationships between net sediment-wate r fluxes and temperature (with the important exceptions of phosphate an d oxygen) are generally weak or non-existent when the data from both site s are combined . This may in part be remedied by a more extensive dat a set . These initial results indicate that close coupling of temperature s and sediment nutrient fluxes may be broken when benthic primar y producers are introduced into the system . The relationship between ne t sediment fluxes and these primary producers is clearly not straight forward : both the ANOVA and regression analyses failed to turn up , consistent relationships between the presence or absence of macroalga e and net nutrient fluxes . However, the effect of the macroalgae o n sediment nutrient dynamics becomes clearer when differences betwee n treatments are analyzed (see Section 5 .4) . 5 .3 Nutrient Flux Stoichiometr y Beginning with Redfield's pioneering work in the 1930's (se e Redfield et al . 1963), ratios of changes in oxygen, nitrogen an d phosphorus have been used to examine influences of the formation an d decomposition of organic matter on water chemistry . The Redfield mode] . predicts stoichiometric relationships between oxygen production an d nutrient uptake during photosynthetic production of organic matter . Similar stoichiometric relationships hold between the consumption o f oxygen and nutrient remineralization during respiration . Since oxyge n uptake or release can be converted into units of carbon produced o r respired, the model provides a framework for examining the coupling o f energy flow and nutrient cycling in aquatic systems . Ratios of the net fluxes of oxygen and nutrients were calculate d for various combinations of chamber treatments (Table 7) . Examples o f the strongest relationships are shown in Figures 8A-8G . This analysi s revealed one important pattern . The ratio of change in oxygen relativ e to inorganic nitrogen (29-53) was at least double that predicted b y Redfield's (16 :1) ratios . In other words, the sediment-water fluxes of nitrogen on the mudflats were one half or less of what was expected based on the level of metabolic activity occurring in the sediment . ' community . This result is surprisingly consistent with benthic flu x studies from a variety of subtidal heterotrophic communities (Nixo n (1981) . However, the N/P ratio of fluxes in the other subtida l sediments were generally low giving 0/P ratios consistent wit h Redfield's predicted 212 :1 . In contrast, intertidal fluxes of 0/P-i n Yaquina Bay, like those of 0/N, appear anomalously high . If th e formation and decomposition of organic matter follows Redfield-lik e stoichiometries, the high 0/P ratios of sediment fluxes indicates a sin k of phosphorus, as well as nitrogen in the intertidal system . We are, _ however, left with the perplexing situation in which the overall NI P flux is close to the expected value of 16 :1 . These results point to fundamental similarities, as well as som e differences, between nutrient dynamics in subtidal sediments and . our results from intertidal communities . The net uptake of oxygen in ou r dark chambers (1-3 mg-at 0 m-2 h -1 ) were within the range of sedimen t oxygen demands reported for subtidal communities in Narrangans8tt .Ba y (0 .31-4 .7 'mg-at m -2 h -1 , Nixon et al . 1976), Chesapeake Bay (2 .T-40 mgat m- 2 h- 1 , Boynton and Kemp 1985), and a shallow coastal pond in Rhod e Island (0 .5-5 .9 mg-at m -2 h -1 , Nowicki and Nixon 1985a) . Total metabolism in the mudflat community is therefore similar toy that foi-n d in a variety of coastal marine sediment communities . Seitzinger et al . (1980, 1985), Nixon (1981) and other' hav e attributed the anomaly in 0/N ratio of benthic fluxes to the loss o f fixed nitrogen in estuarine sediments by denitrification . Furthe r evidence (Smith et al . 1985) suggests that denitrification rates in . estuarine sediments are regulated by the nitrate "availability ."Given ' the abundance of nitrate in Yaquina Bay waters, this mechanism offers a plausible explanation-for the high 0/N ratios found in our flu x experiments . Other processes being equal, the loss of fixed .nitroge n would also be expected to be revealed by benthic fluxes lows in nitrogen► relative to phosphorus . Our intertidal fluxes apparently do not follo w this pattern . The combination of diverse chemical, autotrophic an d heterotrophic processes on the mudflats may obscure the cowling betwee n nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics . ' In summary, oxygen fluxes on the intertidal mudflats 100icat e substantial levels of sediment metabolic activity . Denitrificatio n probably accounts for a deficit in inorganic nitrogen relative to oxyge n in sediment-water fluxes/Phosphate flux does not appear to be relate d to nitrogen flux in any straightforward way, and the convergence of N/ P fluxes near the Redfield ratio may be fortuitous . The high'ia.tio o f oxygen to phosphorus fluxes also indicates that processes othe r; than th e direct biological uptake and, remineralization of phosphorusimay b e occurring on the mudflats . k. Table 7 : Ratios of elements calculated from flu x measurements . Symbols and abbreviations as i n Table 6 . Ratios were calculated for al l significant plots and for the linear portions o f plots that were not significant but showed str g linearity . Atkinson & Analytes Signif . Treatment Site Ratio Redfield Smith(1984 ) DIN vs 0 ** ** t* ** * ** ** All L LW WO L LWO LW both 150 both 53 both 38 1 37 1 35 1 29 1 36 Nitrate vs- 0 N .S . N .S . * * ** ** L both 11 0 LW both 75 W 1 10 0 WO 1 68 L 1 66 LW 1 66 Ammonium vs 0 ** ** * ** ** ** * L both 11 0 LW both 67 WO 1 85 L 1 76 LWO 1 57 LW 1 81 D 2 82 P vs 0 WO DW O DW O WO both 2500 both 120 0 1 82 0 2 110 0 DW O WO L LW L 1 2 2 2 both DIN vs P N .S . * N .S . N .S . N .S N .S N .S N .S Nitrate vs P N .S . . . . . -35- 28 10 14 29 6 17 18 J :r 211 55 0 ' i$ )3 0 DIN VS OXYGE N A . Site 1, clear chambers 30 0 ^ .c o 20 0 B 100 0 0 a C CI C -8 T -4 -I 0 T 4 8 q Flux (mg-at m-2 B. 300 • 200 • 100 12 h-i ) DIN VS OXYGEN Site 1, chambers without alga e n a a 0 a a -100-• a a -200 - j -300 f -6 i -4 i I F -2 Z 0 q flux (mg-at m-2 r I 2 a 4 6 ) Figure 8 : Examples of element relationships derived from fluxes unde r various conditions . Points are means . Error bars hav e been omitted . NITRATE AND AMMONIUM VS 0 C. Site 1, chambers without alga e 200 + + 150 0. 6 t N- + 100 Z .►+ a + + 50 + I E Nitrat e + Ammonium 0 T Y + a n p u -50 + T ci Q + c X a -100 z -15 0 n R -200 n -250 -4 -- 6 -2 0 4 2 6 0 Flux (mg-at m-2_ h-1 ) AMMONIUM VS OXYGE N D. Both sites, clear chambers 250 200 150 c n 100 50 n a t 0 Z c c Q -50 -100 -8 Q s s -4 q s 0 Flux (mg-at m- 2 Figure 8 : continue d -37 - 8 4 h ) - 12 AMMONIUM VS OXYGE N E. Site 1, clear chambers 220 200 a 180 160 14 0 r 120 n 10 0 80 60 • • • 40 20 0 -20 - 40 Q -60 - 80 t -100 I -8 i { -4 { F I I 4 q 0 Flux (mg-at m- 2 { 8 1 12 h-1 ) AMMONIUM VS OXYGE N F.Both sites, clear chambers with algae 250 200 a 150 a e Z -5 0 -100 -8 { 1 -4 0 i F 0 Flux (mg-at m- 2 rigure 8 : continued -38 - { 4 { 8 h- 1 ) { F 12 PHOSPHATE VS OXYGE N G . Both sites . dark chambers without alga e n 0 0 0 -7 Figure 8 : continue d 1 -5 -- 0 1 i i -3 -1 0 Flux (mg-at m-2 h-1 ) 5 r 7 5 . 14 Influence of Macfoalgae on Intertidal Nil . T. We were unable to discern any direct rre'llitil'MI'Apis''tiOt! flux of oxygen and nutrients and the presence or absence of r erO1pe in the flux chambers (Tables 5 and 6) . However, our experimental desig n allowed us to compare the fluxes in chambers containing algae to thos e without algae . The difference between these treatments therefore can b e taken to represent a measure of the contribution of macroalgae to fluxe s occurring in the chambers . This, of course, assumes that th e differences between treatments are in fact due to the algae and not t o other sources of within-site variability . This is admittedly a shak y assumption . Use of duplicate chambers did however provide an estimat e of within-treatment variability . Differences between the fluxes of the various forms of DIN in clea r chambers with and without macroalgae (LW minus LWO) are Shown plotte d against temperature at Sites :,1 and 2 in Figure 9 . These figures onc e again indicate significant between-site differences in the balanc e between the net nitrogen uptake and remineralization . At Site 1, ne t remineralization of nitrogen appears to exceed the uptake capacity o f the macroalgae at temperatures above about 13 C (Figure 9A) . At Site 2 , regardless of the temperature, the differences between fluxes in the L W , and LWO chambers was always negative (Figure 9B) . This implies tha t macroalgal uptake of nitrogen (especially nitrate) was greater t hran_th e total flux of remineralized nitrogen from the sediment . The differc e between sites does not appear related simply to differences i n macroalgal abundance at the two sites, but rather to greater net fluxo f remineralized nitrogen at Site 1 . Examination of macroalgal influence s on phosphate and oxygen fluxes revealed no consistent trends or J. differences between sites . Oxygen and nutrient flux dynamics on the intertidal mudflats ar e clearly complex . Our ability to clearly discern the effects o f macroalgae on these processes may be obscured by within- and betwee n site variability . Nevertheless, as shown in Table 8 there appeared to be an inverse relationship between the effect of macroalgae on DI N and oxygen fluxes in the clear chambers . This finding implies that th e net uptake of DIN took place when the intertidal sediment community , taken as a whole, was autotrophic (i .e ., net macroalgal productio n exceeded sediment oxygen demand) . Likewise, net release of DI N proceeded only when the community was heterotrophic (net macroalga l production was less than sediment oxygen demand) . Curiously, our tw o sites seem to separate along these lines . Oxygen fluxes at Site 2 wer e always positive in the LW chambers while at Site 1 net oxygen fluxes i n the LW chambers were generally negative . We take 'this as evidenc e supporting our initial hypothesis that macroalgal nutrient deman d modifies the magnitude of sediment-water nutrient fluxes . NET MACROALGAL INFLUENCE VS TEM P • 14 0 120-100 80-i 60- 40 20 0 -20 -40 -6 0 -8 0 -10 0 -120 + 0 + 0 d 8 10 14 12 16 18 16 18 Temperature (degrees C ^ 40 B + 4. 0 3 • u C • -8 0 -100 -120 -140-160--180 , `v -200 -~ x 3 E O a + + 0 i 0 a -I 10 0 12 14 Temperature _(degrees C) Figure 9 : Comparisons of net influence of macroalgae on inorgani c nitrogen fluxes (C =nitrate, + =ammonium, =DIN) : [mea n flux from light chambers with algae] minus [mean flux fro m light chambers without algae] . At site 1 (A) and site 2 (B) . Points are means with error bars omitted . -41- Table 8 . Matrix showing the inverse relationship between intertida l community metabolism (A02) and the effect of sediment-associate d macroalgae on sediment-water exchanges of dissolved inorganic nitroge n (A DIN) . Plus sign (+) indicates net flux into water, minus sign (- ) indicates net flux from water . Sign in parentheses indicate near-zer o flux . Data from clear (LW and LWO) treatments . Site 2 Site 1 Date ~DIN a °02 9- 9-84 b 'ADIN 02 - + - + 1-13-85 (-) + 3- 8-85 - + + - 9-22-84 10- 6-84 + - (+) (+ ) 10- 7-84 12- 4-84 + (- ) 4-19-85 - + 6-30-85 - + 7- 1-85 a A DIN = Net DIN flux in LW chambers minus net DIN flux in LWO chamber s b A 0 2 = net oxygen change in LW chambers 5 .5 Nutrient Removal Capacity of Intertidal Macroalga e Our initial objective in this study was to assess the role o f intertidal sediment communities in nutrient cycling processes in th e Yaquina River Estuary . In particular, we were interested in determinin g whether the growth of intertidal macroalgae could exert a significan t influence on the amount of inorganic nutrients introduced into th e estuary via the flow of the Yaquina River . To make this assessment w e compared the amounts of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus entering th e estuary via riverflow with estimates of macroalgal nutrient demand an d net sediment nutrient remineralization determined at our study sites . Estimates of daily inputs of nitrate and phosphate were calculate d as the product of the concentration of inorganic nutrients (in moles pe r liter) in river water and the flow of the Yaquina River (in liters pe r day) into the estuary . Nutrient concentrations in the river where i t enters the estuary were determined at monthly or bi-monthly interval s from July 1983 to June 1984 (Garber et al ., unpub . data) . Riverflow o f the Yaquina River was taken from the ten-year averaged data of the USG S gauging station at Chitwood (Friday and Miller 1984) . The amount o f nutrients entering estuarine waters from sediment remineralization wa s calculated by assuming that the net positive fluxes from our study site s were representative of both intertidal and subtidal estuarine sediments . Total daily nutrient loadings, which we termed "supply", were taken t o be the sum of river input and bay-wide sediment remineralization . Daily rates of nutrient removal by the macroalgae associated wit h intertidal sediments was estimated from nutrient uptake data , photoperiod, and estimates of bay-wide macroalgal biomass and coverage . Macroalgal nutrient uptake (moles per gdw per hour) had been determine d by incubating samples of macroalgae in clear and dark bottles of ba y water under in situ conditions during each chamber deployment . Hourl y uptake rates were then multiplied by the number of daylight hours on th e day of incubation (see photoperiod data in Figure 2B) . Davis' s estimates of Enteromorpha biomass (Figure 3A) and coverage were taken t o be representative of bay-wide macroalgal abundance . These calculations (Figure 10 and Appendix 3) indicate that th e uptake of nitrate by intertidal macroalgae can indeed be a significan t sink of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus during the summer and fall . Our results suggest that during their growth season (June-October) , nutrient demand by the macroalgae could remove from 40% to 58 times th e amount of nitrate, and from 23% to 218 times the amount of phosphat e supplied to the estuary via riverflow and sediment remineralization . I t should be noted, however, that the period of peak macroalgal abundanc e (summer and fall) is out of phase with the period of maximum riverin e nitrate input (winter and spring) . On the other hand, the supply o f phosphate to estuarine waters appears to be driven primarily by the flux of remineralized phosphate from the sediments which, as we note d earlier, is a temperature-dependent process . Phosphate supply an d demand therefore appear to. be in phase throughout the year . Unfortunately, our data do not allow a more tightly-constrained annua l budget . For this we need better estimates of riverine and othe r nutrient inputs, more comprehensive measurements of both siubtidal an d intertidal sediment-water fluxes, and better surveys of macroa l biomass and coverage . Nonetheless, our calculations clearly point toward the importance of macroalgae and intertidal sediment-water , exchanges as terms that ought to be included in the nutrient balm- 00 sheet of the Yaquinia' Estuary . _I'+ 1 ' •, S L J r' , 4' 11 150 -- REMOVAL COMPARED TO SUPPLY 140 - 20 0 Nitrate T 130 ^ 120 - -v 110 - q 0 ET 100 - 2' n.r, 80 - 3a ul = ov © N Remova l Su p ply 90 - 70 60 - 0 50 - • E • 40 30 - 5 B 14 Phosphate P Remova l P Supply 0 6 2 7 8 9 Month Figure 10 : River supply of nitrate (A) and phosphate (B) compared t o calculated macroalgal removal capacity . Data used fo r Figures are given in Appendix 3 . -45 - . 4 • 6. CONCLUSIONS I '- r 1 . 1 ,Tr I - .J Seasonal patterns of sediment community metabolism and ne t sediment-water nutrient fluxes were investigated at two intertidal site s on the south shore of the Yaquina River Estuary in Oregon . Ne t sediment-water exchanges of oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium , dissolved organic nitrogen, and phosphate were determined using in sit u "bell jar" metabolic chambers . A fully crossed two-by-two experimenta l design was employed to examine the influences of light and the presenc e of sediment-associated macroalgae on community metabolism and nutrien t exchanges . Chambers were deployed at each site five times during th e period from September 1984 to July 1985 . The intertidal estuarine environment is characterized by extrem e variability introduced by complex interactions of tides, photoperiod , and seasonal climate . It was therefore not surprising to fin d considerable within-site and between-site variations in communit y metabolism and nutrient exchanges . Total sediment community metabolism , measured as changes in oxygen concentrations in the metabolic chambers , ranged from -10 to 49 mg-at 0 m- 2 h -1 . These rates of sedimen t metabolism fall well within the range reported for other coasta l systems . Greatest variability in oxygen fluxes occurred in chamber s that contained macroalgae . Net fluxes of DIN (nitrate + nitrite + ammonium) ranged from -380 to 270 ug-at N m -2 h -1 , and exhibited th e greatest within-site variability . This was particularly evident i n chambers containing macroalgae . Coefficients of variation in DIN fluxe s in chambers containing macroalgae ranged from 93% to 466 times the mea n flux at Sites 2 and 1, respectively . Phosphate fluxes ranged from -1 5 to 54 14g-at p m -2 h -1 , and appeared less variable, especially in dar k chambers (C .V ., 100-200%) . This suggests more uniformity in sediment associated phosphorus remineralization at the intertidal sites . Ne t fluxes of DON exhibited the least within-site and between sit e variability, giving C .V.'s for each site that ranged from 44-98% . jl A. The carbon :nitrogen ratio of intertidal macroalgae at our stud y sites ranged from seasonal lows of about 6-7 in mid-winter, to highs o f 8-10 in fall, perhaps reflecting changes in the concentration o f inorganic nitrogen in Yaquina Bay waters . At no time, however, did th e C :N ratio of the macroalgae indicate nitrogen-limited growth conditions . As expected, net fluxes of oxygen were strongly correlated wit h light at both sites . Fluxes of nutrients, however, exhibite d significant between-site differences . Both nitrate and DIN fluxes a t Site 1 showed significant correlations with temperature and oxyge n fluxes, particularly in the light . We were unable to detect simila r correlations at Site 2 . Fluxes at Site 1 appeared to be dominated b y temperature-sensitive processes . Macroalgal influences at this sit e appeared minimal . Analysis of variance of the sediment flux data I - 47_ i f indicated light and algae, rather than temperature, contributed more t o variations in the fluxes of nitrate, DIN and oxygen at Site 2 . Althoug h we lack convincing biomass data to support the point, macroalgal biomas s appeared greater at Site 2 than at Site 1 . Fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus, relative to oxygen, sugges t sinks of both these elements in the intertidal community . Fluxes o f inorganic nitrogen were one-half or less of what would be expected a t the measured rates of oxygen fluxes . Loss of nitrogen via microbia l denitrification appears to be the most likely mechanism for the loss o f fixed nitrogen from the intertidal sediment-water system . The mechanis m producing high O :P ratios in the sediment-water fluxes is not known . Whatever the mechanism, the apparent losses of both nitrogen an d phosphorus resulted in net changes of these elements close to th e predicted ratios of 16 :1 . Comparisons of nutrient sources and sinks in the Yaquina Rive r Estuary indicate that intertidal macroalgae can be a significant sink o f inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus during the summer and fall . Ou r results suggest that during their growth season (June-October) , macroalgae could remove from 40% to 58 times the amount of nitrate, an d from 23% to 218 times the amount of phosphate supplied to the estuar y via riverflow ' and sediment remineralization . We note, however, that th e period of peak macroalgal abundance (summer and fall) is out of phas e with period of maximum riverine nitrate input (winter and spring) . Th e supply of phosphate to estuarine waters appears to be driven primaril y by the temperature-dependent flux of remineralized phosphate from bot h intertidal and subtidal sediments . Phosphate supply and deman d therefore appear to be in phase throughout the year . Better estimates of natural and anthropogenic nutrient inputs , subtidal and intertidal sediment-water fluxes, and macroalgal biomas s and coverage are needed to construct a more tightly-constrained nutrien t budget for the Yaquina Estuary . Nonetheless, our calculations clearl y point toward the importance of macroalgae and intertidal sediment-wate r exchanges as terms to be included in the nutrient balance sheet of th e Yaquina Estuary . . 1 7, LITERATURE CITL D Atkinson, M .J : and S .U. Smith . 1983 . C :N :P : ratios of beent1Ybic ,in e . 28 plants . Limnol . Oceanogr :5'68-574 . .1 Boynton, W .R . and W .M . Kemp . Nutrient regeneration and oxyge n 1985 . consumption by sediments along an estuarine salinity gradient . Mar . Ecol . Prog . Ser . 23 : 145-55 . Boynton, W .R ., W .M . Kemp, and C .G . Osborne ., 1980 . Nutrient file s across the sediment-water interface in the turbid zome- o& .a 4oe 11 , plain estuary . p . 93-109 . In V .S . Kennedy (ed .) . Estuarine . 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I x,.C I 0 Pa v H a E H 3 co co no P • a) L ~+ 6+- I 4-I o ~• z sa o o .-1 4- 1 o .• w -w 'a .1 a) a) 00 o w a M IQ G 4. • b C) >a b al a) GL + J U • a aiJ ea H I w a) l a G 'ty o 0 o m G ,-1 H U 00 ... •-1 00 C q +1 3 co U z etl c0 a o a+-) a A • ctl cn b ; 4. a) 4I ,-1 I E-4 i. ~+ N n • 00 •7 • .O In .O 4 O. 1. 0 .-1 i N .•e Ir 7 N .-I in .-I 0 .-I N .-1 0 .•1 0 .1 N N In H 0 .-I . Le) N O .-I .0 I. N. O. .O .f in N . in N .t N . .O H . N L 00 .C N ch 0 I N .O N 0 I .O eT N 0 1 00 0 .C 0 1 In .O Ir1 0 I N . 00 c r) 0 1 N .t N 0 1 a) m b) 0 I O N 0 I .SL In 0 .O • I. r. .-I ■-. I Z I • ▪ 04 / . I. ■"• CO 0•'. .O H CO I O. I 0 1 D, .-. rI .. c+) • .O C-1 CO I N IH 00 N O d 1 H I N .Or.. . . V ~U) .t Cr) .-I .t .-• Y 0 I •1• •O. •N •00 • .y' •Iry •• I q i .p v n v 0 .0• ►r1 .• v .-I v N v .-1 v 0 In • .-C N 0 • r1 .--I N n n .--I I N . O. HI .0 v) .t .-1 • .-1 v 1 00 W CO ▪ N .-1 H IW1 CO • • ▪ .7 N .,. N i. N i•. I U 1 .t •'. O. .,N I. 0• . M ra N .t I O . 1 N. 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O, 0 M▪ • • ▪ n 1 n 0 0 . .--I e H .I- I H I N I I N I L0 10 I n HI-O, CO O, 00IN .700NO,,OMN T I- •M • 0 •1- •00 •'.p •1- •O, •N • H • H • 0 • v 00 •v 00 •v 00 •v 0H • H • H v 0 v 0 v H .7 N 0 N 00 O M .7 0 '.0 '.O IH .t • • ▪ • M eN ..ulN i.N .t i.L ) M M• I M I CO 10 I C r I ul I N I H I ,o I L0 I 0,OO,L000 NIN) OLt)0-'1 000ce) O- 00 N •ul •H • .7 •O, •N • 0 • .t •00 •O, • N • M .• .7 • M • H • N • N • - • N • N vCV v s-.0 CV vO vN vH vM vH vN O, n NH O N O, N CO N N M N U'1 N N 0• i. 0• • • 0 's0 .'0r• I d I oI ▪ CO 0I▪ .'0 O, I ,O I O I M I ,O O IN O L.O LO H N to O, N CO N ON M I- N u1 N • H • Ul • .-~ • H • N • N • H •0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • O v 0 v 0 v 0 v 0 v O O v 0 Z W v in I a, H I .t 0 M 1 ,O 1 I H N. e-s M N Cr) v ~• ,0 u'1 H O u B .t M v Appendix 2 : Mean sediment-water fluxes calculated from duplicate treatments during each chambe r deployment . All units are micromoles per square meter per hour except oxygen which i s milligram-atoms per square meter per hour . Abbreviations are as in text . Nitrit e fluxes were not measured for the first two deployments, and TPN and DON fluxes wer e not determined for the last two deployments . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cruis e Date Site Treatment Nitrat e Nitrite Ammonium DIN TPN DON Phosphate Oxyge n 9-9-84 2 LW LWO DW DWO 9-22-84 1 LW LWO DW DWO 10-6-84 1 LW LWO 9 .968209 33 .24003 18 .59206 -22 .7814 0 0 0 0 212 .7735 183 .6116 175 .8498 124 .8684 657 .5889 855 .7609 90 .34309 153 .1679 -76 .9639 41 .15638 42 .81941 98 .5141 222 .7417 1322 .628 1150 .19 216 .8516 -383 .68 -1570 .2 194 .4419 2096 .288 1901 .846 102 .0869 2601 .083 2498 .996 8 .264468 31 .3887 5 8 .128802 -4 .1919 2 16 .31783 -10 .015 8 11 .81032 -8 .416 6 -5 .57973 3 .615009 -8 .38778 -2 .71604 -7 .9985 -5 .0127 -9 .5115 -2 .8305 5 4 6 2 -0 .30310 -14 .8409 -26 .796 168 .1798 -0 .62945 -4 .61391 -46 .3571 -278 .062 -0 .10573 1 .900193 -41 .9213 131 .8237 0 .838611 38 .83638 31 .51292 -244 .303 194 .9758 -224 .746 76 .55179 -275 .816 12 .40657 7 .498301 -9 .2861 8 .672791 5 .41224 2 6 .16151 9 -5 .4075 2 -5 .7026 7 DWO -73 .049 -8 .47447 7 .230287 34 .14123 -9 -3 -4 -0 -261 .749 -166 .353 -493 .435 -442 .779 -14 .6061 4 .246959 40 .56054 53 .65632 49 .1605 7 8 .91083 6 -1 .4397 5 -3 .0142 5 -3 .22324 112 .348 -81 .3715 -13 .3848 74 .04677 -122 .018 -3 .03002 -39 .2059 -172 .132 3 .223244 50 .9454 -114 .81 DWO 2 0 -141 .111 -198 .172 0 -46 .7084 -62 .8248 0 -107 .02 -118 .12 0 -50 .0416 -55 .6947 -11 .652 -39 .3076 -43 .7158 -8 .16207 DW 10-7-84 -57 .0609 -16 .1164 -11 .2006 -5 .65307 LW LWO DW .03129 -121 .547 -203 .627 .83053 1 .715149 -10 .5899 .62495 -1 .11896 1 .48638 .21796 77 .62851 111 .5518 -465 .376 -176 .943 -491 .949 -331 .227 12-4-84 1 LW LWO DW DWO -190 .496 -182 .68 -129 .896 -168 .979 1-13-85 2 LW LWO -4 .03214 -1 .38766 -17 .9581 11 .19574 1 .074523 -15 .0716 12 .26346 -5 .67292 -94 .3737 -20 .0361 -7 .62821 -56 .3715 -23 .3779 -2 .80131 -87 .7831 -84 .0358 198 .1004 221 .4783 -2 .12188 242 .0712 244 .8725 -4 .18635 1855 .281 1943 .064 -1 .01785 2168 .971 2253 .007 0 .0820757 7 .26958 3 7 .30259 4 7 .04489 8 7 .64752 3 DWO -24 .4024 1 .046995 47 .2137 137 .1811 6 .240749 14 .31992 -97 .4447 -15 .7297 -48 .9285 90 .10752 -18 .9036 9 .645544 23 .85829 157 .7417 -162 .103 80 .84944 683 .3497 659 .4914 -2 .59688 449 .6307 291 .889 2 .019793 1138 .421 1300 .524 -0 .189613 1259 .609 1178 .76 -0 .189613 4 .45096 5 1 .96950 5 3 .72219 1 1 .61583 5 DW DWO 3-8-85 2 LW LWO DW 17 .65319 99 .02472 0 .7816585 8 .74886 7 -240 .294 -118 .276 7 .034927 1 .87027 2 -832 .335 -660 .203 3 .126634 -0 .040 4 -136 .658 -21 .8484 2 .866081 -0 .2227 8 4-19-85 1 LW LWO DW DWO -286 .377 -3 .6578 -89 .28 -379 .315 -1390 .11 -1010 .8 -224 .327 -5 .67634 -47 .2314 -277 .235 -1885 .29 -1608 .06 -94 .1581 -11 .5042 -60 .5037 -166 .166 -79 .7005 86 .46543 -33 .3624 -12 .1639 -2 .21116 -47 .7374 -89 .235 -41 .4976 -6 .16579 13 .8880 2 2 .206087 6 .60924 7 -3 .20744 -5 .4608 1 5 .549933 -2 .6207 5 6-30-85 2 LW LWO -257 .144 -113 .287 37 .26291 183 .147 0 .580097 3 .438879 2 .623074 3 .236252 24 .46575 -232 .098 21 .53933 -88 .0086 95 .25901 135 .145 35 .47056 221 .8538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15 .3203 -12 .8837 -2 .03454 -3 .55337 3 .17355 8 -4 .6516 4 -6 .5708 6 -3 .1464 7 96 .55911 34 .07198 43 .32253 -3 .02258 4 .670644 2 .186405 3 .318631 2 .166362 166 .1635 105 .7603 145 .2146 165 .655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 .739459 4 .93169 7 .472868 12 .73725 -2 .4474 9 -2 .1140 1 3 .29093 7 -3 .35791 DW DWO 7-1-85 1 LW LWO DW DWD 267 .3932 142 .0187 191 .8558 164 .7988 Appendix 3 : Nitrate and phosphate supply to Yaquina Bay vi a riverine input and remineralization ; and removal capacit y as calculated for macroalgal uptake . RIVER CONCENTRATIONS IN SAMPLING DISCHARGE RIVER WATER (uM) DATE (1 E-1 ) Nitrate Phosphate 9-9-84 425 31 .9 0 .57 9-22-84 425 29 .4 0 .51 10-6-84 935 24 0 .44 10-7-84 935 24 0 .44 12-4-84 20000 116 0 .54 1-13-85 16200 103 0 .47 3-8-85 11300 91 0 .34 4-19-85 8020 85 .26 0 .28 6-30-85 1420 71 .1 0 .54 7-1-85 1420 71 .1 0 .54 LOADING S (mole d-1 ) Nitrate Phosphat e 1171 .368 20 .930 4 1079 .568 18 .727 2 1938 .816 35 .5449 6 1938 .816 35 .5449 6 200448 933 .1 2 144167 .04 657 .849 6 88845 .12 331 .948 8 59079 .041 194 .019 8 8723 .1168 66 .2515 2 8723 .1168 66 .2515 2 9-9-84 9-22-84 10-6-84 10-7-84 12-4-84 1-13-85 3-8-85 4-19-85 6-30-85 7-1-85 SED REGENERATIO N BAY-WID E RAT E REGENERATIO N (umol m-2 h ) (mole d-1 ) Nitrate Phosphate Nitrate Phosphate 11 .8 0 4474 .56 0 0 8 .7 0 3299 .04 34 .1 53 .6 12930 .72 20325 .12 2 .8 0 1061 .76 0 .1 0 37 .92 90 .1 34165 .92 0 5 .5 0 2085 .6 0 183 69393 .6 12 .7 0 4815 .84 9-9-84 9-22-84 10-6-84 10-7-84 12-4-84 1-13-85 3-8-85 4-19-85 6-30-85 7-1-85 REMOVAL B Y EFFECTIV E MACROALGAE PHOTOPE R (umole h-I gDW -1 ) (h) Nitrate Phosphate -1 .08 -0 .28 10 -8 .8 -0 .41 9 .2 -9 .6 -0 .92 8 .7 -2 .1 -1 .8 8 .7 -3 .6 -0 .11 6 .1 -0 .23 -0 .009 6 .6 -8 .2 -0 .12 9 .2 -12 .5 -0 .55 10 .7 -35 -1 .6 12 .7 -6 .5 -0 .57 12 .3 9-9-84 9-22-84 10-6-84 10-7-84 12-4-84 1-13-85 3-8-85 4-19-85 6-30-85 7-1-85 PERCENT O F SUPPL Y REMOVED BY MACRO REMOVAL FACTOR hitra*_e Phos p hate Ni tra :e Phosphate 1309 .9760 88 .494016 13 1 5834 .8272 15671 .347 58 15 7 1306 .9815 72 .825063 13 0 .72 37 .278352 23 .335406 0 .4 0 .23 0 .0720431 0 .2211910 0 .0007 0 .002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .2406260 1 .4147007 0 .01 0 .01 405 .14247 21837 .748 4 218 1003 .6005 157 .24910 10 1 .6 SUPPLY : LOADIN G +SED REGE N (mole d -1 ) Nitrate Phos p hat e 1171 .368 4495 .49 0 1079 .568 18 .727 2 1938 .816 3334 .58 4 14869 .53 20360 .6 6 200448 1994 .8 8 144167 .0 695 .769 6 123011 .0 331 .948 8 59079 .04 2279 .61 9 78116 .71 66 .2515 2 8723 .116 4882 .09 1 MACRO MACR O BIOMASS COVERAGE (gDW m -2 ) (m 2 ) 3840000 2470000 1640000 1640000 82200 0 0 274000 3560000 4380000 370 315 185 185 80 0 0 20 200 250 REMOVAL B Y MACROALGA E (mole l ) Nitrate Phosphat e 15344 .64 3978 .2 4 62990 .92 2934 .80 4 25339 .96 2428 .41 3 5543 .118 4751 .24 4 144 .4089 4 .41249 6 0 0 0 0 732 .95 32 .249 8 316484 14467 .8 4 87545 .25 7677 .04 5 e REGENERATION 0 Nitrate Phosphat e + + + + + + + + + +