Wind and Wind Wave Sediment Transpor t in Large Lakes and Reservoir s by W .G . McDouga l C .P . Le e Water Resources Research Institut e Oregon State Universit y Corvallis, Orego n WRRI-99 September 1984 WIND AND WIND WAVE SEDIMENT TRANSPOR T IN LARGE LAKES AND RESERVOIR S by W .G . McDougal and C .P . Lee Department of Civil Engineerin g Oregon State University Final Technical. Completion Repor t Project Number G864-0 8 Submitted to United States Department of the Interio r Geological . Survey Reston, Virginia 2209 2 Project Sponsored by : Water Resources Research Institut e Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 9733 1 The research on which this report is based was financed in part by the Unite d States Department of the Interior as authorized by the Water Research an d Development Act of 1978 (P .L . 95-467) . Contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views an d policies of the United States Department of the Interior ., nor does mention o f trade names or commercial products constitute their endorsement by the U .S . Government . WRRI-99 September 1984 ABSTRAC T A rather simple model has been proposed to examine the effect o f wind and wind waves on shoreline erosion . The technique employed fo r estimating waves is that developed by the Corps of Engineers . Th e solutions for the combined wind and wave setup is based on radiatio n stress concepts, as is the generation of the longshore current . Th e sediment transport model is based on energetics . And finally, th e shoreline evaluation model is based on conservation of sediment . Th e methodology and numerical results were produced for the first fou r tasks . Only the methodology was outlined for the fifth task . Without the completion of the fifth task, it is difficult to quantify the effects of wind wave erosion on the shoreline . However, it i s clear that the sediment transport is increased in a narrow band alon g the water line . Whether this sediment transport is of sufficient magnitude or duration to cause significant erosion remains unanswered . FOREWORD The Water Resources Research Institute, located on the Oregon Stat e University campus, serves the State of Oregon . The Institute fosters , encourages, and facilitates water resources research and educatio n involving all aspects of the quality and quantity of water available fo r beneficial use . The institute administers and coordinates statewide an d regional programs of multidisciplinary research in water and relate d land resources . The Institute provides a necessary communications an d coordination link between the agencies of local, state, and federa l government, as well as the private sector, and the broad research community at universities in the state on matters of water-relate d research . The Institute also coordinates the interdisciplinary progra m of graduate education in water resources at Oregon State University . It is Institute policy to make available the results of significan t water-related research conducted in Oregon's universities and colleges . The Institute neither endorses nor rejects the findings of the author s of such research . It does recommend careful consideration of the accumulated facts by those concerned with the solution of water-relate d problems . ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag e INTRODUCTION 1 METHODOLOGY 2 1. Wind Waves 2 2. Water Depth 4 3. Longshore Current 16 4. Sediment Transport 19 5. Shoreline Evolution 23 CONCLUSIONS 24 REFERENCES 25 iii LIST OF FIGURE S Figure Pag e 1. Effective fetch method 3 2. Forecasting curves for wave height 5 3. Forecasting curves for wave period 6 4. Definition sketches for nearshore domain 8 5. Wind stress time coefficient 13 6. Setup profile 15 7. Longshore current profiles 20 8. Longshore sediment transport profiles 22 iv INTRODUCTIO N There are many large bodies of fresh water in the Pacific North west . Significant wind waves may be generated on these bodies of wate r which increase sediment transport along the shoreline . This increase d transport may result in erosion and turbidity . Higher levels of turbidity reduce the environmental and recreational quality of the lake . Increased erosion may result in a terraced shoreline which has reduce d recreational and aesthetic value and is more difficult to manage as a flood control reservoir . A model is proposed to address this problem and involves severa l specific tasks . The first task, estimating wave conditions, employ s existing methods . Next, an expression for the water depth along th e shoreline is developed including the combined effects of wind an d waves . The wind setup is due to a surface stress at the free surfac e while the wave setup is due to the onshore-onshore radiation stress . Longshore currents are also calculated for the combined effects of win d and waves . The forcing mechanisms are similar to those in the setup , but the flow is now resisted by a bottom drag rather than a pressur e gradient . A sediment transport model is presented which is based o n energetics . This model has been widely used in the marine environmen t and the empirical transport coefficient has been determined . The fina l step, determination of the shoreline response due to the longshor e currents and waves, is discussed but no analytical results ar e presented . METHODOLOGY.. The determination of the wind wave effects on sediment transpor t involves several specific tasks . These include : 1) estimating th e waves from the wind speed and duration and the lake depth and length ; 2 ) determining the influence of the wind and waves on water depth at th e shoreline (setup) ; 3) calculating the wind and wave-induced currents ; 4) estimating the sediment transport ; and 5) calculating the change i n shoreline configuration . Each of these tasks is discussed in greate r detail in this section . 1. Wind Wave s The wind waves which are generated in the lake or reservoir are a function of the wind speed and duration, as well as the fetch length an d depth of the lake or reservoir . The fetch length may be determine d using the effective fetch method (U .S . Army,, 1962) . The application o f this method is shown in Fig . 1 . The generation of wind waves for a given wind speed is eithe r limited by the duration of the storm event or by the size of the body o f water . Wave generation is, therefore, referred to as being fetch, o r duration, limited . For wind speeds of interest (greater than 30 mph), a fetch length of 30 statute miles will become fully arisen in a duratio n of less than 4 hours . A body of water with a fetch length of 10 statut e miles will require a duration of less than 2 hours . Therefore, i n smaller bodies of water, it is reasonable to assume that the generatio n of wind waves is fetch limited . Bretschneider and Reid (1953) propose d a model considering the effects of bottom friction and percolation in F" e _ . 155 .46 13 .51 2 -II 51 Units Where based on map scal e One Unit =1714 fee t eff =11 .51 X 52Ig~=3.7MIies X i = Projected radial distanc e (ie X1 = r Cos-c ) 0 I Fig . 1 . 6000 ' 1 Scale In fee t 1200 0 Effective fetch method . 3 the bottom sediments . This technique was modified by Bretschneide r (1965) and Ijima and Tang (1966) yielding the relationships given i n Figs . 2 and 3 for wave height and period, respectively . In Figs . 2 an d 3, g is the acceleration due to gravity (ft/s 2 ) ; H is the wave heigh t (ft) ; U is the wind speed (f t/s) ; F is the fetch length (ft) ; and d i s the water depth (ft) . The forecasting technique assumes that the bottom is flat and tha t the lake is of constant depth . These assumptions may be acceptabl e because the length scale associated with the wind waves is small wit h respect to the length scale of the lake . Also, if the water depth i s more than twice the wave length, the waves are deep water waves and are insensitive to the depth . 2. Water Dept h In the central parts of the lake or reservoir, where the waves ar e generated, the waves tend to be somewhat insensitive to the botto m profile . However, as the waves approach the shoreline and ultimatel y break, they are very sensitive to the bottom profile and water depth . Because of this sensitivity, special care must be taken when estimatin g the water depth near the shoreline . As the wind blows over the surface of the water, a shear stress i s developed . This stress is balanced by a pressure gradient associate d with a setup of water at the shoreline . This wind setup, sometime s referred to as a storm tide, may significantly increase the water dept h at the shoreline, relative to the wave height . There is a second mechanism, which is associated with the win d waves, that also produces a setup of shoreline water levels . This wave 4 -_ !r■ ■ItllI UUI~ ■ , ill Ins w 1J ~U~IIMIrl 11MI II I 111 w~1I ®i ®®= Q I II 1 Lim !®I~ Ela m R I M 1 =FA NUNEZ ill= 3gi T.1 pram -Li ~' ■Ia ® I Him Inamis. t®11'I®®®!® I®I®! 11~®® CC'1r ti 111 I $i®~i\s~ uu ju i • MOE i 1E= r*'YI%ffiU 11'1-, MI = •0'AIRV U11U \7~1 ■UI ~ ® 11 11 10 iai , i i A \11A~ assi■I na4 1BEIR5gs b .~ ® rn l E I1 E x.111 III= RIM 'ICI s..M= : i . . N . .. 1_ ~ ~ i1~11~1h EMI : 1. . aimalll11 ommml I \ i t rims" Ikllt - ES 1 ~i _ 1iIII ® i I M U ■',•kf81B ~ QAl1QU~ i0\1.111UUU• ®~ 1111~~® ®®u■aa®~~►\~rrr~l~ IM d`'M tMI®®1MMIN a®~A 1111 f ~ '~laa! l®aU,ora w ImmassuatmummitmIme !! t o/wtl 5 ± AO ^ b OOOO 00 0 O 0O 0 00 O O O m NM I 0 O O O O O O O O zr/p6 o ,anloA 00o g 000o0 r 1 00.o nn inn w o§ 1 M EMI AMI •~~~ non®n iummm l 0 M MI 8 on o 0 co Al ~i 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 n 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 00 lilYdEaii ~ Ew.® 11111. ... t 111'1MIIM# n MIENMlnn~~ BMEHEM MOM IMIMM IWM IN IA II NM Oa MINE Mi IMMMIUBMI=ME EM M I®~nr M EInn! lllml BIM InMIMEE=UgIM= M g illI ■~'NPR HMi.P11 p „m8BP1I MUM= %iRIMES 1N®amusamun ®®® ° 0 lEI MaIM UMMIMEMMIMMMME ~n MWMIIEI HOME M1n®lillllr® I =MEW tLlfil~ 'J ME ®® 7 WM®MIMI ®Rl; luh1.1j► ®=O n n lin®n~®®m n® n K®®®® Ytlr ?~,1~g1S~T{4j$Ig N 0 MRUIN E N MU =1 . 1 ft E MIErna mN MMIMUMERIMMMI ama E iNn. sti1111111 i U EMMMU O AU UMW= =MUM= MM M WHem NEELLIMIUmm mm mum= z u !IE~® MEN MMMMM R 1)1t~ ~~ IMMMMIMMIM nM ' :11n~e~n = mummommmmmmmia l I 11 jM INN= 1 IN IImumMTh .err =I=M NI&% .00 ma H a ®n®®®®® 1 1 inn®mi n®nn,v imi M 000 lIKEEMIM ,\ IMUMMMUMMME a~. a 1.IMMMII1>nnnMmms MN 11 111111111111M 1111 0000 Ono 0 El0 0 II0 II0 URMIIIIMMMli inn ik'dmoiumIMMMMIM 0 5 . . .' m Wbo setup produces a pressure gradient which balances the change in momentu m flux associated with the waves as they break approaching the shore line . This breaking zone, or surf zone, is the region in which th e effects of the waves are most important in generating turbulence, cur rents, and sediment transport . Definition sketches of the nearshore region are shown in Fig . 4, i n which <n> is the mean displacement of the free surface due to wind an d waves . The brackets denote time averaging over the wave period . Thi s is done to remove the fluctuating component of motion at the wave frequency . The MWL (mean water level) is the time-averaged free surfac e while the SWL (still water level) would be the location of the fre e surface if no wind or waves were present . The SWL is assumed to b e known for the design conditions and it is necessary to determine th e MWL . The still water depth is termed h and the mean water depth (tota l depth, actual depth) is denoted as d and is given by the sum of th e still water depth plus the setup . A general form for the depth- and time-averaged equation of motio n in the surf zone is (cf . Liu and Mei, 1974 ) pwd Dt <u> = <p>Vh - p wgd V <n> + V . (-s + t r + t m ) + Ts IVs l + T b (1 ) in which D/Dt is the material derivative, V is the two-dimensiona l horizontal gradient operator, V . is the divergence operator, <•> is a temporal averaging operation over one wave period, <u> is the depth- an d time-averaged horizontal velocity vector, <p> is the time mean pressure , <n> is the time mean displacement of the free surface due to th e 7 a) C a) 0 a) Q) 0 L c, X PLA N Z PROF/L E Fig . 4 . Definition sketches for nearshore domain . 8 presence of the wind and waves, p w is the water density, g is th e acceleration due to gravity, d is the total depth, s is the radiatio n stress tensor, t r is the integrated Reynolds stress tensor, t m is th e integrated viscous stress tensor, Ts and Tb are the surface and botto m stresses, respectively, and s and b are the material coordinates for th e surface and bottom, respectively . Seeking steady-state solution s (8/8t = 0) and assuming no longshore gradients (3/3y = 0), that the flo w is sufficiently turbulent to neglect the viscous transport of momentum (t m = 0), that the time mean pressure, bottom gradients, and mean fre e surface gradients vary slowly (<p>Vh = 0, IVbl = 1, 'Vs' = 1), and tha t the turbulent stresses are related to the time and depth mean flows b y an eddy viscosity model (t r. = p e d «u>0 + V<u>J), Eq . (1) reduces t o P wgd -dx dx S xy <n> - dx Sxx + +T by T sx +Tsy+dx = 0 (2a ) (ueddxv) = 0 (2b) in which S xx is the onshore-onshore components of the radiation stres s tensor, S xy is the onshore-longshore component, component of surface stress, stress, T by T sy T sx is the onshor e is the longshore component of surfac e is the longshore component of bottom stress, ue is an edd y viscosity, and v is the mean longshore current . The radiation stress terms, the excess flux of momentum due to th e presence of the waves, were given by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1960 ) for a coordinate system relative to the wave . Transforming to coordinates relative to the beach (see Fig . 4), these terms are given by 9 S xx = E [ (2n-1) cos 2 0 + (n-1/2)sin 2 0 ] (3a ) S xy = -E [nsinOcosO ] (3b ) in which E is the wave energy density (E = 1/8 pgH 2 ), a is the loca l wave height, n is the ratio of the group velocity to the local wav e celerity (n = 1/2[1+2kh/sinh 2kh]) provided that k, the wave number, i s determined by 2ir/T = (2k tanh kh ) 1/2 , T is the wave period, and 0 is th e wave angle as defined in Fig . 4 . Inside the breaker line (x < x B ), the water is assumed to be shallow and, due to refraction, the wave angle is small . It is furthe r assumed that the breakers are of the spilling type such that the breaking wave height is related to the local water depth by H = icd . Insid e the breaker line, the radiation stress terms may then be given a s S xx = 3/16 pwg S xy = 1/16 p wg ic 2 d 2 K 2d 2 (4a ) sine (4b ) To determine the total depth profile, Eq . (2a) must be integrated , employing an appropriate value for the surface stress . The only surfac e stress that will be considered is that due to the wind . This stress i s taken to be 2 T sx = Spa c a w cosy (5 ) 10 in which p a is the density of air, c a is a wind stress coefficient, w i s the wind speed, and y is the wind direction relative to the shoreline . The wind stress coefficient was given by Van Dorn (1953) a s The a 1 .1 x 10-6 ; w < 16 mph (6a ) 1 .1x1D 6 + (2 .5x10 6 )(1 - 6 w ) ; w > 16 mph (6b ) term accounts for the unsteadiness in the development of the win d current . In the simplification of the equation of motion it was assume d that only steady-state solutions would be sought . This is a reasonabl e assumption for the wave-generated current because it forms rapidly . However, the wind current develops more slowly . The S term accounts fo r this development and estimates for S may be determined from the one dimensional equation for a wind-generated current without waves , dv_ 1 p w dt d (TS (7 ) Tb) in which v is the mean fluid velocity . The wind stress is given by Eq . (4) without the S term and a simple, linear bottom stress is given b y Tb = ap w c wv (8 ) in which a is a dimensional linearizing coefficient and c w is the flui d stress coefficient . As a first approximation, a may be taken as 3% o f the wind speed . This is based on the observation that the wind drift i s about this fraction of the wind speed (Wu, 1975) . Substitution of Eqs . (5) and (8) into (7) and integrating yield s cw d p c w2 W v= p cosy [1-e ac t w 1 d 11 (9 ) 11 in which it is assumed that the water is initially at rest . The maximum current, v., occurs at very large times . The ratio of the time dependent velocity to v . i s v v = [1- e ac t w - d (10 ) This ratio defines the B given in Eq . (5) . Figure 5 shows this term fo r dimensionless time defined as acw t/d . With all of the terms in the cross-shore equation of motion speci fied, Eq . (2a) may be writte n p wg (<rl> + h) dx <n> - dX (3/16 p wgK 2 d 2 ) + p a c a w2 cosy = 0 ; x < xB A solution to this equation for a planar beach is given by d=ax+b [1n(b+ 1) - 1] + c (12a ) in which a = 3 8+3K b = 2 m 8 p acaw 2 ap wg (12b ) cosy m (12c ) and c is an integration constant . Seaward of the breaker line, the'shallow water assumptions may no t be invoked . However, seaward of the breaker line, energy is conserve d 12 rn U 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 DI ENSIONLESS TH E Fig . 5 . Wind stress time coefficient . 13 0.8 (friction and percolation are small) so that an energy conservatio n equation may be written . The time-averaged Bernoulli equation i s P+u 2 +w 2 p wg 2g <>n B p a caw cosy p wg 2 = ~° 2 + u° 2gw ° + < n° > (13 ) ; x xB in which ( )° denotes a value in deep water . Noting that the waveinduced mean free surface displacement goes to zero in deep water , assuming that the wind setup vanishes at great distances offshore, an d employing linear wave theory yield s 2 ap c w 2 cosy H k a a <n> _ - 8sinh 2kh + p wg ' x xB (14 ) The integration constant in Eq . (12) may be determined by equatin g (12) and (14) at the breaker line, x = x B , K2 c = 40 - 3K2 168+3K2 hB-b[1n( (16 - K 2 ) h B +1)- 1] 16b (15 ) Typical setup profiles are given in Fig . 6 . These setup profile s are very nearly linear . Therefore, assume d = b x + b2 1 (16a ) in whic h b 1 =b (16b ) 1/2d B +b b2=bin( d B +b K2 40- 3K 2 ~ + 16 8+3K 2 14 (16c ) hB It is convenient to define a coordinate transformation such that th e origin is located at the point on the beach where the depth goes t o zero . This is given by d=b 1 x (17a ) x = x + b 1 /b 2 (17b ) where It is also convenient to express the depth in a dimensionles s form . Using upper case letters to denote dimensionless variables defin e D = d/xB (18a ) X = x/x B (18b ) (18c ) B1 = b 1 The dimensionless depth profile, including wind and wave setup, is give n by D= B 1 X 3. (19 ) Longshore Curren t The longshore current due to wind and waves is determined from Eq . (2b) . The divergence of the radiation stress term is determined employing Snell's Law for refraction and assuming conservation of energy i n the offshore . 16 - 51 6 pwgK2 sine ~d) 1/2 d B (d) x < xB (20a ) ; x > xB (20b ) dx 0 The wind stress term is the same as for the onshore equation of motio n except that the sin(y) component is taken rather than cos(y) component . The bottom stress term may be approximated using a linear shallo w water, small wave angle relationship for the waves (cf . Liu and Dalrymple, 1978) and a linear relationship for the wind current (see Eq . (8)) . T by = - - K p w (gd) 1/2 v ap wc wv (21 ) The eddy viscosity is assumed to be proportional to a characteristi c velocity, density, and length . The form proposed by Longuet-Higgin s (1970b) is employed . u e = P w N(gd) 1/2 x (22 ) in which N is a numerical constant . Employing the above relationship in the equation of motion yield s NTrbl d "5/2 dv "1/2 + an px ) - (x 1/2 K K cw dx dx (gb l ) b 5 Tr b1 3/ 2 B ) 1/2 sineB dB x 16 c w K bl(g d p c x ) 1/2 p w cw w (g b l 2siny ; x > xB 17 v = p (gb) ~1 c 1/2 P w cw w 2 siny x < xb (23a ) (23b ) Again, it is convenient to define dimensionless variable s Nit B 1 P1 K __ P2 V (24a ) w a 7t K (gB (24b ) xb ) I/ 2 1 B1 DB P3 P4 C = = (24c ) a P ca 01 Bl l/2 P w cw v/vBL = w2 i nY (24d ) (g xB)vBL s v/[516 c w K (24e ) b l (gd B ) 1/2 sin6 B ] The term v BL is the longshore current due to waves alone which occurs a t the breaker line for the case of no turbulent lateral mixing (Longuet Higgins, 1970a) . It is common to use this for scaling longshor e currents . In dimensionless variables the equation is written a s - P 3 X 3/2 - P4 P d 1 T.( X5/2 dV ( 757,) _ 1/2 (x ; X < 1 (25a ) + P ) V = 2 P4 ; X > 1 (25b ) Boundary conditions are that the longshore current velocity i s bounded at the shoreline and far offshore, and that the velocity an d gradient of velocity match at the breaker line . Equation (25) has bee n integrated analytically in the course of this study . Unfortunately, th e resulting solution is rather complicated and it is more convenient t o 18 just use a numerical integration . Several example profiles are shown i n Fig . 7 for different wind and wave conditions . 4. Sediment Transpor t Bagnold (1963) proposed a sand transport model which assumes tha t the sediment is mobilized by wave motion and wave power is expended t o maintain the motion of the sediment . The presence of a mean curren t transports the sediments . The immersed-weight transport rate per uni t width of surf zone is (McDougal and Hudspeth, 1983 ) i = K' dx (2 pga2Cg) u (26 ) m where K' is a dimensionless coefficient which depends on the degree o f the transport mechanism developed, C g is the wave group velocity . Th e coefficient can be treated as a constant for a particular coast from th e view of long-term climate . Furthermore, it can be considered as a constant in a season or in a storm (Hou, Lee, and Lin, 1980) . Assuming linear shallow-wave conditions exist and that the wav e energy flux and the bottom orbital velocity outside the breaker line ca n be evaluated at the breaker line, Eq . (26) become s ' r (d) pg K d d v x < xb (27a ) ; x > xb (27b ) dx S K' pgK [d d" (d)]dx v In terms of nondimensional variables, the immersed-weight transport rat e becomes 19 In n I r •E a C O Orn In , 0 O N of O q L. N f~ f~f fn CL E a+ n r w v N. 0 N O. 0 en en 0 fn f7 0 , O O O N CO 0 0 0 0 I c3 0 i (q 0 I 1 I I 1 I (~ {i ) ua v KJ. cV 0 0 0 0 C? A 20 0 I 0 0 0 D b dX d dx rr (EL) V (x) X < 1 (28a ) V (X) ; X > 1 (28b ) b X= 1 where i I (28c ) 1 BL 5 1BL __ 8 R p s gKd b S b v BL (28d ) db Sb (28e ) xb and p s is the density of the sediment . For the linear total depth profile given in Eq . (19), the sedimen t transport is XV X < 1 (29a ) V X > 1 (29b ) Dimensional transport profiles are shown in Fig . 8 for the longshore current profiles given in Fig . 1 . The total sediment transport is given b y co IT = 0J I dX = f 1 XV dX + 1f co Vd X o This integral is numerically evaluated . 21 (30 ) N tr) X rn 0 N 0 LC) 0 :r1 0 c.) 0 CD 0 c h') U-) 0 H 22 0 < 0 0 O 0 5. Shoreline Evolutio n Shoreline evolution is based on the net flux of sediment along a given beach . The shoreline is broken into a number of segments o f length AS . The immersed weight dynamic transport given in Eq . (30) ma y be converted to a volume transport rate by dividing by the porosity, n , and the immersed weight density . S = I n( ps-pw) g (31 ) in which S is the volume transport and p s is the density of the sediment . From conservation of the sediment mass, the change sediment i n depth is given a s 1 aE al M at - n(p s -p w )g ax As h N p (32 ) in which E is the normal to the bottom and h Np is the depth to the nul l point . The null point is the maximum depth of wave-induced sedimen t transport . For lakes and reservoirs, this depth may be on the order o f five feet . The change in depth also results in a change in the positio n of the shoreline . This change is given by aR at - m2 + I ) D E 2 ) t a m (33 ) in which R is the shoreline position relative to the initial conditio n and m is the bottom slope . The change in shoreline may be computed using the solution obtaine d for total longshore transport and then solving Eq . (33) numerically . An implicit finite difference scheme may be used in space while the solution is explicitly marched in time . 23 It should be noted that at each change in shoreline configuration , the breaker angle must be recomputed for each segment . This may b e rapidly, but rather crudely, done employing Snell's Law . CONCLUSION S A rather simple model has been proposed to examine the effect o f wind and wind waves on shoreline erosion . The technique employed fo r estimating waves is that developed by the Corps of Engineers . Th e solution for the combined wind and wave setup is based on radiation stress concepts, as is the generation of the longshore current . Th e sediment transport model is based on energetics . And, finally, the shoreline evolution model is based on conservation of sediment . Th e methodology and numerical results were developed for the first fou r tasks . Only the methodology was outlined for the fifth task . Without the completion of the fifth task, it is difficult to quantify the effects of wind wave erosion on the shoreline . However, it i s clear that the sediment transport is increased in a narrow band along the water line . Whether this sediment transport is of sufficient magnitude or duration to cause significant erosion remains unanswered . 24 REFERENCE S Bagnold, R .A . (1963), " Beach and Nearshore Processes, Part 1 : Mechanic s of Marine Sedimentation ." In : M .N . Hill (Editor), The Sea, pp . 507-528 . Bretschneider, C .L . and Reid, R .O . (1953), "Change in Wave Height Due t o Bottom Friction, Percolation and Refraction," 34th Annual Meetin g of the AGU . Bretschneider, C .L . (1965), "Generation of Waves by Wind ; State of the Art," Report No . SN-134-6, National Engineering Science Co . , Washington, D.C . Hou, H .S, Lee, C .P ., and Lin, L .H . (1980), " Relationship Between Alongshore Wave Energy and Littoral Drift in the Mid-West Coast a t Taiwan," Proc . 17th Coastal Eng ., Chap . 76, pp . 1255-1274 . Ijima, T . and Tang, F .L .W . (1966), " Numerical Calculation of Wind Wave s in Shallow Water," Proc . 10th Conf . on Coastal Engeering, pp . 3845 . Liu, P .L-F and Mei, C .C . (1974), " Effects of a Breakwater on Nearshor e Currents Due to Breaking Waves," Ralph M . Parson Laboratory , Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Report No . 12 . Liu, P .L-F and Dalrymple, R .A . (1978), " Bottom Frictional Stresses an d Longshore Currents Due to Waves with Large Angles of Incidence , " J . Mar . Res ., 36 :357-375 . Longuet-Higgins, M .S . and Stewart, R .W. (1960), " Changes in the Form o f Short Gravity Waves on Long Waves and Tidal Currents , " J . Mar . Res ., 36 :357-375 . Longuet-Higgins, M .S . (1970a), " Longshore Currents Generated b y Obliquely Incident Sea Waves, 1," J . Geophysical Res ., 75 :6778 6789 . Longuet-Higgins, M .S . (1970b), "Longshore Currents Generated by Obliquely Incident Sea waves, 2 , " J . Geophysical Res ., 75 : 6790 6801 . McDougal, W .G . and Hudspeth, R .T . (1983), " Longshore Sediment Transpor t on Non-Planar Beaches," Coastal Eng ., 7 :119-131 . U .S . Army, Corps of Engineers (1962), "Waves in Inland Reservoirs , (Summary Report on Civil Works Investigation Projects CW-164 an d CW-165)," TM-132, Beach Erosion Board, Washington, D .C . Van Dorn, W .C . (1953), "Wind Stress on an Artificial Pond, " Jour . o f Marine Res ., Vol . 12 . 25 Wu, Jin (1975), "Wind-Induced Drift Currents," J . Fluid Mech ., 68 :49-70 . 26