MULTIVARIATE GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSI S OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATIO N BY PESTICIDE AND NITRAT E BY JEFFREY D . SMYTH JONATHAN D . ISTOK WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH INSTITUT E OREGON STATE UNIVERSIT Y CORVALLIS, OREGO N WRRI-102 APRIL 1989 MULTIVARIATE GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATE R CONTAMINATION BY PESTICIDE AND NITRAT E by Jeffrey D. Smyth and Jonathan D . Istok Departments of Agricultural and Civil Engineerin g Oregon State Universit y Final Technical Completion Repor t Project Number G1444-004 Submitted to United States Department of the Interio r Geological Surve y Reston, Virginia 22092 Project Sponsored by : Water Resources Research Institute Oregon State Universit y Corvallis, Oregon 97331 The activities on which this report is based were financed in part by the Department of the Interior , U.S. Geological Survey, through the Oregon Water Resources Research Institute . The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Departmen t of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute thei r endorsement by the United States Government . WRRI -102 . FOREWARD The Water Resources Research Institute, located on the Oregon State Universit y campus, serves the state of Oregon. The Institute fosters, encourages and facilitates wate r resources research and education involving all aspects of the quality and quantity of water available for beneficial use . The Institute administers and coordinates statewide and regiona l programs of multidisciplinary research in water and related land resources . The Institute provides a necessary communications and coordination link between the agencies of local , state and federal government, as well as the private sector, and the broad researc h community at universities in the state on matters of water related research . The Institute also coordinates the interdisciplinary program of graduate education in water resources at Orego n State University . It is Institute Policy to make available the results of significant water-related researc h conducted in Oregon's universities and colleges . The Institute neither endorses nor reject s the findings of the authors of such research . It does recommend careful consideration of the accumulated facts by those concerned with the solution of water-related problems . i TABLE OF CONTENT S INTRODUCTION ,t .i • O .** A . #''• J. 0 Cp. '0* EQUATION DEVELOPMENT * 3 RESTRICTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS METHODOLOGY .. , ■''• 41 . . :w -, 11 D .51 ■ its ,ft U■ SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS , NOTATION . :p si O ;qi. • t '•'. '4 .a il'a PM 4,16 i.,ta . nn REFERENCES 1 ? .* .1€Arip s ■ . I.:.I. C* A. f .ilt'(•o; p ' nn w 13 23 39 43 *4:4 Ca: . . ■■ ■ . 0.4 4 11 47 LIST OF FIGURE S Page Figure 1 Location of previously sampled wells 2 Partial degradatiOn pathway for the DCPA molecule .3 4 The study area 0, 14 ,..". : 16 4.4':. * 4 #4g!! 4 Experimental semivariograms, fitted models, and crossvalidation results .1 ;m,0. g' • ■ •t.--l !Lc-Art 6 7 8 .4* 17 24-26 ■IH,r, 5 L4 4-1 Contour map of nitrate laiging estimates, estimation variances, and sample locations 28 Area exceeding Oregon nitrate planning level of 5 ppm (5335 mg/m 2) with 95% probability 29 Contour map of DCPA kriging estimates, estimatio n variances, and sample locations .4 .r . .r . . . . v.* i, .. . 30 Contour map of DCPA cokriging estimates, estimatio n variances and fictitious sample locations 31 Contour map of the difference between DCPA kriging and cokriging estimates and estimation variances 33 10 Contour map of relative gain from cokriging for DCPA 35 11 Reduction in the maximum point error, global error, an d benefit from additional fictitious samples . .. :» ; 9 iii 36-38 LIST OF TABLE S Tabl e 1 Well data from the study area 18 2 Recovery and repeatability of DCPA laboratory analysis 20 3 Repeatability of nitrate laboratory analysis 20 4 Locations of additional fictitious samples and their effects on estimation variances 20 iv ABSTRACT A field study was conducted to determine the applicability of multivariate geostatistical methods to the problem of estimating pesticide concentrations in groundwater from measured concentrations o f nitrate and pesticide, when pesticide is undersampled . Measured concentrations of nitrate-N and the herbicide Dimethyl tetrachloroterepthalate (DCPA) were obtained for 42 wells in a shallow unconfined alluvial and basin-fill aquifer in a 165 km2 agricultural area in eastern Oregon . The correlation coefficient between log(nitrate-N) and log(DCPA) was 0 .74. Isotropic, spherical models were fitted =to experimental direct- and cross-semivariograms with correlation ranges an d sliding neighborhoods of 4 km. The relative gain for estimates obtained by cokriging ranged fro m 14 to 34% . Additional sample locations were selected for nitrate and DCPA using the fictitiou s point method . A simple economic analysis demonstrated that additional nitrate samples would b e more beneficial in reducing estimation variances than additional DCPA samples, unless the costs o f nitrate and DCPA analysis were identical . INTRODUCTIO N Geostatistical methods have been shown to be useful for the estimation and interpolation o f regionalized variables (ReVs) i .e., variables that are distributed in space or time . Univariat e geostatistical analysis refers to the study of a single ReV . The basic tools used in a univariat e geostatistical analysis include the intrinsic hypothesis, the covariance or semivariogram function , and kriging . Multivariate geostatistical analysis refers to the study of two or more coregionalize d variables i.e., ReVs that display cross-correlation . The tools used in multivariate geostatistica l analysis are analogous to the univariate case and include the intrinsic hypothesis, the cross covariance or cross-semivariogram function, and cokriging . These will be reviewed later in the paper. There have been numerous applications of univariate geostatistical analysis in hydrogeology . Aquifer properties such as porosity, transmissivity, and hydraulic conductivity have been estimate d from field measurements [Delhomme, 1979 ; Van Rooy, 1987] . Myers [1982] used kriging to estimate the spatial distribution of geochemicals such as uranium and manganese in the Ogallal a formation, while Flaig et al [1986] used kriging to estimate the distribution of nitrate in soil . Kriging has also been used to estimate radionuclide concentrations in soil at the Nevada Test Sit e [Barnes, 1978 ; Barnes et al, 1980], dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) contamination in soil on roads i n Missouri [Zirschy and Harris, 1986], and dioxin contamination in creek sediments.[Zirschy et al , 1985] . Point estimates and estimates of the total amount of the dissolved' groundwate r contaminants zinc, boron, iron, manganese, barium, and total volatile organic .carbon at the ChemDyne Superfund site in Ohio were made using kriging by Cooper and Istok [1988a,b], and Isto k and Cooper [1988] . There have been fewer applications of multivariate geostatistical analysis in hydro.geology . Hoeksema and Clapp [1987] studied the cross-correlation between the ReVs water table elevatio n and ground surface elevation . Vauclin et al [1983] studied the cross-correlation between the ReV s %sand, %silt and %clay and available water content, while Abourifasso and Marino [1984] use d 1 cokriging to estimate aquifer transmissivity and specific capacity. No attempt to use cokriging in the analysis of groundwater contaminants has been previously published. In many cases of groundwater contamination there is a need to estimate the concentrations o f two or more contaminants . This is frequently the case in agricultural areas when groundwater i s contaminated by agricultural chemicals (i .e., pesticides and fertilizers) . The two agricultural chemicals of interest in this study are Dimethyl tetrachloralterephthalate (DCPA) and nitrate . The cost of measuring DCPA concentration in a groundwater sample in this study was high enough to limit the number of samples that could be analyzed for DCPA . However the cost of measurin g nitrate was low enough to permit a large number of samples to be analyzed for nitrate . An earlie r study had indicated that there is a significant correlation between nitrate and DCPA concentration s in groundwater samples from the study area (Bruck, unpublished data) . The overall objective o f this study was to determine if it is feasible to use multivariate geostatistical analysis to estimat e DCPA concentrations in groundwater from measured DCPA and nitrate concentrations whe n DCPA is undersampled with respect to nitrate. The specific objectives of this study were : 1. To estimate concentrations of DCPA and nitrate in an alluvial and basin-fill aquifer . 2. To compare estimates for DCPA and nitrate obtained by univariate and multivariate geostatistical analyses . 3. To compare the reductions in estimation variance obtained by adding DCPA and nitrat e samples . 4. To estimate the total aqueous mass of DCPA and nitrate in the portion of aquife r studied and to compute the estimation variances . 2 Equation Development The fundamental principles of univariate geostatistical analysis have been well documente d previously [David, 1977 ; Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] and will not be repeated in this paper . In univariate geostatistical analysis, the covariance and direct-semivariogram describe the spatia l structure displayed by a ReV . In multivariate geostatistical analysis the spatial structure of a pair of cross-correlated variables is described by the cross-covariance and cross-semivariogram . Assuming second-order stationarity for two ReVs Zj(x) and Zk(x) the cross-covariance is defined as Cjk (h) = E{ [Z .(x+h) - mi.] [Zk(x)- Mk] } (1 ) where Cjk(h) = cross-covariance for ReVs Zj(x) and Zk(x), h .- distance between the two points x and x+h , mj = E[Zj] , mk = E [Zk] , and E[ ] = expectation operator . Using the intrinsic hypothesis (i .e., that the expected value and the variance of Zj(x) and Zk(x) are not a function of the position in the domain, x) which is implied by the assumption of second-orde r stationarity, the cross-semivariogram for ReVs Zj(x) and Zk(x),'yjk(h) is defined a s 'yjk(h) = E l [Zj (x + h) - Zj(x)] [Zk(x + h) - Zk( x)]} (2) Then the relationship between the cross-covariance and cross-semivariogram i s 2'yjk( h) = 2Ykj( h) = 2Cjk(O) - Cjk (h) Ckj(h). 3 (3) The cross-semivariogram is symmetric (i .e., 'Yjk (h) ='Ykj(h)) and (3) is therefore simplified a s Yjk (h) = Cjk(O ) - [ Cjk(h) + Ckj(h)]. (4) In practice the experimental cross-semivariogram is computed only for pairs of sample point s which have data for both ReVs of interest . The experimental cross-semivariogram for ReVs ZZ (x) and Zk(x) is computed using N(h) Yjk(h ) = 1 ~{ [Zj (xi) - Zj(xi + h)] [ Zk (xi) - Zk(xi + h)]} 2N(h)i= 1 (5) where N(h) = number of pairs of sample points, separated by h, which have measure d values of both ReVs Zj (x) and Z k (x), and xi is a sample point, where i= 1, . . .,n. Note that when there is only one regionalized variable, (5) reduces to the experimental directsemivariogram used in univariate geostatistical analysis : Yj (h) 2N(h) 1 1 [ Zj(xi) - Zj(xi + h)]2} N(h) II (6) where N(h) = number of pairs of sample points, separated by h, which have measured values o f the ReV Zj(x). According to Myers [1982] the most general Use of cokriging is to reduce estimatio n variances for ReVs when all ReVs are fully sampled . A more specific use of cokriging is in . situations where there is a cross-correlation between ReVs and one or more of the ReVs ar e 4 undersampled. In this case cokriging is used to estimate the undersampled ReVs and reduce th e estimation variance. Following Myers [1982], the development of the cokriging system o f equations to estimate an undersampled ReV will be treated as a special case . A linear estimator for m ReVs is n Z (xi) ri (7) Z (x) = [ Z1(x) Z2(x) . . . Zm( x )] , (8) Z ( x) = i= 1 where are the estimates of the ReVs at point x, an d Z( x i) = [ Z 1(xi) Z2(xi) . . . Zm( xi) ] (9) are the measured values of the ReVs at the sample points, and ri = (10) are the sample weights, e.g. = weight attributed to ZZ(xi) in estimating Zk (xi). Note if xo is an unsampled location for the ReV Zk(x), all weights used to estimate the remaining ReVs from Zk(xo) are zero i .e., ~k1 i •••~km i = 0, and, ? 1ki . . .7 mki = O . This requires the k row and column in (10) to be all zeros for the location i, where Z k(x) is unsampled . Assuming the intrinsic hypothesis is valid, the linear estimator (7) is unbiased i f n E ri = i= 1 where 5 I = identity matrix. The cokriging estimation variance, 6o2 is acK = tYar [Zi (x) - Z;(x)]. (12) The estimation variance can be minimized using Lagrange multipliers [Myers, 1982] . This results in the formulation of the cokriging system of equations , UY = D (13) where y(x l, x 1 ) . . . 7(xi,xn) I U= Y(xn,x1) I l, r Y = .. ( 14) I . Y(xn,xn) I 0 (15) rn 7(x i,x) D= (16) 711(xn,xn) y( x n, xn) ... m( x n= xn) (17) _ iml( xn ,xn) Ymm (x m x n ) 6 and µ = a matrix of Lagrange multiplier s Equation (13) can be solved for the weights ri for use in (7). The minimized cokriging estimatio n variance is n _ 6CK = Tr ly(x,xi) ri + Tr µ (18) i = where Tr = trace of a matrix . For the case of the ReVs in this study (5), (8), (12), (14), and (18) can be simplified . Let ZN and ZD represent nitrate and DCPA contaminant densities (mass of contaminant per surface area o f aquifer, see Methodology), respectively . Assume that n sites have been sampled for DCPA, and m sites for nitrate. Further, assume that m > n (i .e., that DCPA is undersampled) . Note that the sample locations for DCPA and nitrate do not necessarily occur at the same points . Under the intrinsic hypothesis three semivariograms exist : the direct-semivariograms fo r DCPA and nitrate ,YDD( h), YNN(h ), and the cross-semivariogram YND( h ) = YND(h) . The three experimental semivariograms are computed using n(h) * YDD (h) = 2n(h) i= 1 L [ZD( xi) - ZD(xi + h)]2 } (19) m(h) YNN( h) YDN( h ) = 2m(h) = 2N(h) i= 1 1 [ZN(xj) - N(h) t t If 1=1 ZN(xi + h)]2} [ZD(xl) - ZD(xl + h)] [ZN(xl) - ZN( xi + h)] } (20) (2 1 ) where n(h), m(h), and N(h) are the number of pairs of sample points, separated by h, which hav e measured values of the ReVs ZD(x), ZN(x), and both ZD(x) and ZN(x), respectively . The linear estimator for DCPA with nitrate support is 7 m m n ZD (x0) = E ~D ZD(Xi) i=1 aN ZN(x) + (22) i= where x0 xDi XNJ ▪ ▪ unsampled location for DCPA , weight assigned to a measured value of DCPA at sample point x i, and weight assigned to a measured value of nitrate at sample point xj. Equation (22) becomes an unbiased estimator if the sum of the weights for the DCPA sampl e points equals one and the sum of the weights for the nitrate sample points equals zer o n m =1 and = O i= 1 (23 ) i= The linear estimator for nitrate with DCPA support i s n ZN( x 0) = m ~D Z D(xi) + i= 4 ZN(xj) (24) = 0 (25) i= with the unbiased condition written a s m E i= n E = 1 and i= 1 The cokriging system for (22) i s n ?DD ( XO, X k) _E2 m YDD( xk,xi) - i= m2 YDN( xk, xj) - P D (26) i= fork=1, . . .,n. n m YDN( XO, X1) _ -~ 4D YDD(X1, X i) i= 1 2 YNN(x1, x) - j= 1 fort=1, . . .,n. and the minimized estimation variance is 8 (27) n 2* 6C K =- i=1 m V a'D YDD(xo,xi) + aN YDN(x0, xj) + I-1 D (28) j= 1 where µD and µN are Lagrange multipliers for DCPA and nitrate, respectively. The 95% confidence interval for DCPA estimates can be written , 4* (X0)95% = ZD*(x0) ± 2 (6D0) (29) where, 6Do is the standard deviation of the DCPA estimate, and ZD * (xo) is the estimate of DCPA [Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] . A similiar equation can be written for the 95% confidence interva l for nitrate . From (18) and (26), the estimation variance is computed using only the location of th e sample points and not the measured value of the ReVs. Consequently, the computed estimatio n variances can be used to optimally locate additional samples using the method of 'fictitious points ' [Delhomme, 1978] . If the objective of the additional sampling is to reduce the maximu m estimation variance, the first additional sample (i .e., the first fictitious point) is placed where th e maximum estimation variance occurs . The cokriging system is solved to obtain the new estimation variances, and the next fictitious sample is placed at the point where the new maximum estimation variance occurs . Additional samples are added until the maximum point estimation varianc e reaches an acceptable level . If the objective is to reduce the average estimation variance, then th e first additional sample is placed in the location that maximizes the reduction in average estimatio n variance . This location can be determined by assuming a position for the sample, solving the cokriging system, and evaluating the average estimation variance . A new sample position i s assumed and the process is repeated until the optimum location is found . Additional samples are added until the average estimation variance reaches an acceptable level . In both cases the relativ e reduction in estimation variance, R(x), is defined as 2 '2 6CK - 6CK R(x) = 2 6CK (30) where 9 o-2cK = estimation variance for the original sampling x = estimation variance with the additional samples . By comparing the relative reduction in estimation variance with the cost of obtaining and analyzing additional groundwater samples, the benefit of additional samples can be evaluated . Thus the method of 'fictitious points' could be used to help design an effective and economical samplin g program. Inherent in the use of cokriging to optimize the placement of additional samples is th e assumption that a real measurement made at the fictitious sample point would not change the typ e of model or the values of model parameters . The validity of this assumption depends on th e number of original sample points used to calculate the experimental semivariograms and on th e number of fictitious samples being considered . 10 RESTRICTIONS AND ASSUMPTION S Several assumptions are required to apply multivariate geostatistical analysis to problems o f groundwater contamination . For a linear geostatistical analysis (i .e., estimators of the form (7) ) the ReVs must be normally distributed . In many cases however, the type of distribution is no t clear due to the small number of data. Luster [1986] notes that when the type of distribution is not clearly defined an assumption about the underlying distribution must be made from knowledge of the physical, chemical, or biological processes involved. The assumption of a lognorma l distribution for groundwater contaminants appears to be valid in some cases [Cooper and Istok , 1988b; Istok and Cooper, 1988 ; Myers et a1, 1982] . Other transformations can be used to improv e the fit of the data to a normal distribution as long as the transformation is completely invertibl e [Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] . Additionally, when using cokriging the ReVs must have joint-normal distributions for h ? 0 [Journel and Huiijbregts, 1978 ; Verly, 1984 ; Luster, 1986] . It is often assumed that if joint normality is observed at h = 0, then the ReVs are joint-normal at h ~ O . This assumption is called the multi-gaussian hypothesis [Verly, 1984 ; Luster, 1986] . Inherent in the multi-gaussian hypothesis is the assumption that the distributions are stationary . Transforming ReVs can make i t difficult to accept the assumption of multi-gaussian behavior, especially when the number of data is small. The linear model of coregionalization [Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] requires that all direct and cross-semivariogram models have the same mathematical form and range i .e., the models are of the form M Yc4 (h) = b p i= a Yi (h) (31 ) where 11 a=ZN, ZD ZN, ZD bap = parameter of the direct- and cross-semivariogram model (e .g., nugget, sill ) for ReV a and 'Yl (h) = a set of semivariogram models with the same mathematical formul a (e.g., a set of spherical models with identical ranges) . The condition of positive-definiteness is required to insure a unique solution for the cokrigin g system of equations [Luster, 1986] . For the case of two ReVs, model parameters are choosen s o that det b~ 4 > 0 (32) 4D N b where det[ ] is the determinant, and bDD > 0 b > 0 The selection of model parameters that insure positive definiteness becomes more difficult as th e number of ReVs increases . 12 METHODOLOG Y The study area is an unconfined, basin-fill and alluvial aquifer in eastern Oregon (Figure 1) . The aquifer consists of sand, gravel, and silt, underlain by a clay layer at a depth that ranges fro m 5 to 20 meters (Gonther, unpublished data, 1985) . Average annual precipitation in the region i s 300 mm. Irrigation supplies approximately 60 0,mm/yr on agricultural land . It has been estimate d that up to 80% of the recharge to groundwater in this region is from infiltrating surface water. The aquifer is in an intensive agricultural production region. Principal crops are onions , alfalfa, potatoes, beans and sugar beets . -Soil nutrients are depleted due to intensive croppin g practices and soil fertilizers are regularly applied . Application of pesticides to inhibit growth of competing species is also a common practice . In onion production it is typical to apply a preemergence broadleaf herbicide known commercially as Dacthal (DCPA) . DCPA is incorporate d into the soil surface before weed seeds have germinated and onion seedlings have emerged . Recommended DCPA application rates on onions are from 6.7 kg/ha to 10.1 kg/ha [Whitson, at al, 1987] . As part of a statewide drinking water evaluation, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sampled domesti c drinking water wells for a variety of chemicals several times from 1983 to 1986 (Figure 1) . 51 of the 108 wells sampled for nitrate exceeded the Oregon planning level of 5 .0 ppm for nitrate a s nitrogen (nitrate-N, referred to as nitrate in the remainder of this paper) (Pettit, unpublished data , 1987). 54 of the 81 wells sampled for DCPA had concentrations above the detection limit ( .05 ppb) . Measured concentration of DCPA approached 500 ppb in some wells, but were far belo w the health advisory level for DCPA of 3500 ppb [EPA, 1987] . The Herbicide Handbook of the Weed Science Society of America [1983] lists DCPA a s having relatively low toxicity (oral Ld 50 of greater than 3000 mg/kg for rats) . Studies of DCP A suggested that the effects on reproductivity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, an d organ toxicity in test animals were all negligible [Extension Toxicology Network, 19881 Aerobi c 13 (7) R45E Figure 1. R46E 5 km Location of previously sampled wells . ! 14 microbial degradation is the main process controlling DCPA persistence in the soil; the half-life of the degradation process is between 45 and 90 days . The solubility of DCPA in water is 0 .5 pp m (log octanol/water partition coefficient of 4 .15). However, the metabolite, tetrachloroterephthali c acid (TTA), is believed to be much more water soluble than the parent compound . 4n water, DCPA and its metabolites are resistant to degradation between pH 5 and 9 [Extension Toxicolog y Network, 1988] . The metabolic pathway of the DCPA molecule is shown in Figure 2 .. Apparently TTA is the dominant form of DCPA occuring in groundwater in this study area . No detailed information on the solubility, half-life, or toxicity of TTA was found in the literature . A thorough site characterization of the study area was performed using soil, geologic, an d topographic maps, published reports, well logs, and field reconnaissance surveys . The goal was to characterize groundwater flow patterns, aquifer properties and geometry, and potentia l contamination sources . Based on the results of the site characterization a smaller portion of th e aquifer (16.5 km2) was selected for detailed analysis (Figure 3) . The eastern borders of the stud y area are the Snake River and adjacent low-lying swamps, assumed . to be groundwater flo w divides . The southern and western boundaries of the study area were selected because of th e presence of numerous deep drainage ditches thought to interupt groundwater flow in thos e directions . The Malhuer River forms the northern study area boundary . The natural extents of the aquifer form the remaining boundaries . For this study, 70 additional groundwater samples were taken from existing domesti c drinking water wells during August and September, 1987 . The drinking water samples were tested for nitrate and DCPA . The location of wells sampled for this study and for the previou s DEQ/EPA study are in Figure 3 . The geographic location, depth of well .and name of the original well owner were recorded and well logs were obtained for some of the wells . Table 1 lists the number, coordinates, and measured nitrate and DCPA concentrations for each well sampled . The coordinates were measured with respect to a point arbitrarily located in th e southwestern corner of the study area . Two separate water samples were taken from each well . Nitrate samples were stored in plastic 100 ml containers and refrigerated at approximately 0° C 15 0 G rs (D O 3 CD -~- c) ro cD rt 0 n C) 0 0 0 0 3 cD cD 0 0 A CD C) ? 't D A t r cD cD C) 16 GROUNDWATE R SAMPLE S • DCPA + Nitrat e o Nitrat e Figure 3 . The study area . 17 TABLE 1 . Well data from the study area. Well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Coordinates X Y km ( ) 22 .36 22 .92 22 .65 23 .23 24 .10 24 .49 23 .29 19 .92 19 .51 20 .04 19 .52 21 .92 21 .79 20 .13 20 .17 20 .96 22 .72 24 .55 20 .29 20 .04 26 .29 24 .60 24 .91 24 .01 23 .62 23 .41 23 .26 23 .69 23 .89 21 .84 21 .57 22 .08 21 .79 21 .46 20 .71 23 .77 23 .81 22 .33 23 .64 20 .77 21 .59 20 .97 21 .04 25 .56 25 .46 25 .65 25 .45 24 .04 27 .54 25 .84 24 .00 24 .02 23 .10 22 .24 22 .58 23 .22 21 .96 19 .45 29 .69 28 .38 24 .44 26 .89 28 .73 28 .91 27 .79 28 .94 28 .78 28 .04 27 .73 27 .23 27 .72 27 .47 26 .79 25 .97 26 .33 26 .28 25 .99 26 .86 25 .20 25 .41 25 .45 23 .48 Concentrations nitrate* DCPA (ppm) 13 .60 17 .70 24 .50 3 .20 12 .60 0 .20 13 .60 1 .00 10 .40 19 .90 18 .00 20 .80 9 .90 21 .60 14 .40 9 .30 0 .41 11 .80 12 .00 12 .00 11 .00 0 .24 6 .20 12 .60 17 .20 16 .00 25 .30 16 .60 9 .80 22 .20 23 .30 32 .00 26 .50 21 .50 27 .40 4 .40 12 .30 30 .60 0 .36 11 .00 16 .50 1 .30 (ppb) 93 .60 24 .40 400 .00 10 .50 18 .90 10 .60 41 .00 4 .40 107 .00 114 .00 50 .50 169 .00 55 .80 103 .00 126 .00 -999 .001' -999 .00 -999 .00 -999 .00 31 .00 5 .10 0 .48 -999 .00 -999 .00 -999 .00 39 .00 431 .00 150 .00 -999 .00 180 .00 188 .00 245 .00 194 .00 316 .00 213 .00 -999 .00 121 .00 236 .00 8 .00 65 .00 46 .00 -999 .00 * Nitrate expressed as nitroge n t Missing samples identified by -999 .00 18 Densities nitrate* DCPA ( mg/m2) 14511 .20 18885 .90 26141 .50 3414 .40 13444 .20 231 .40 14511 .20 1067 .00 11096 .80 21233 .30 19206 .00 22193 .60 10563 .30 23047 .20 15364 .80 9923 .10 437 .47 12590 .60 12804 .00 12804 .00 11737 .00 256 .08 6615 .40 13444 .20 18352 .40 17072 .00 26995 .10 17712 .20 10456 .60 23687 .40 24861 .10 34144 .00 28275 .50 22940 .50 29235 .80 4694 .80 13124 .10 32650 .20 384 .12 11737 .00 17605 .50 1387 .10 99 .8 7 26 .0 3 426 .8 0 11 .2 0 20 .1 7 11 .3 1 43 .7 5 4 .6 9 114 .1 7 121 .6 4 53 .8 8 180 .3 2 59 .5 4 109 .9 0 134 .44 -999 .0 0 -999 .0 0 -999 .00 -999 .00 33 .0 8 5 .44 0 .5 1 -999 .00 -999 .00 -999 .0 0 41 .6 1 459 .8 8 160 .0 5 -999 .0 0 192 .0 6 200 .6 0 261 .4 1 207 .0 0 337 .1 7 227 .2 7 -999 .00 129 .1 1 251 .8 1 8 .5 4 69 .3 5 49 .0 8 999 .00 until analyzed. DCPA samples were stored in 2L glass bottles . The nitrate analysis was conducted using an Alchem RFA autoanalyzer. Calibration was performed using KCI standards of 5, 10 , and 20 ppm . Sensitivity of the analyzer is ± 0 .2 ppm on 20 ppm full scale, and ± 0 .02 on 2 pp m full scale. All DCPA metabolites in a water sample were analyzed using an Electron Capture Ga s Chromatograph (ECGC). Concentrations are reported as DCPA . Percent recovery, measuremen t error, and measurement repeatability were recorded in the laboratory procedures . One DCPA and nitrate sample had multiple analyses performed to determine the magnitude of laborator y measurement variance (Table 2 and Table 3) . To determine the amount of DCPA that wa s recovered in an analysis, known water samples with concentrations of 1 .0 ppb and 10 .0 ppb were analyzed repeatedly (Table 2). Based on average recoveries for ranges of DCPA concentrations , reported laboratory results were adjusted to 100% recovery . No adjustment was required for th e nitrate samples. DCPA and nitrate concentrations were transformed into contaminant densities by multiplyin g contaminant concentrations by the assumed values for contaminated thickness and aquifer porosit y (Table 1). This transformation is required to preserve the additivity of ReVs required by linea r geostatistics [Cooper and Istok, 1988a,b] and is useful for computing global estimates . Well log s provided sufficient information on aquifer depth and screened depth of wells . A contaminate d thickness of 3 .2 m was assumed for all wells . This was the most common screened dept h recorded on the well logs . A standard porosity of 35% was assumed based on the aquife r descriptions in the well logs . The correlation coefficient, pND, [Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] was computed usin g CND(0) Prm = C NN(0) (33) CDD(0) 19 and repeatability of DCPA laboratory analysi s TABLE 2 . Recovery Repeatability (ppb) analysis results analysis result s (ppb) 87 .0 87 .0 86 .0 96 .0 97 . 0 67 .0 78 .0 85 . 0 6. 5 7.6 7. 1 variance (%) 91.0 8.2 mean 10.0 (ppb) (%) 7. 0 Recovery 1 .0 104.0 111 .0 6 .3 7. 1 0 .49 89. 1 16.0 89 .3 144 .0 Table 3.Repeatability of nitrate* laboratory analysis Repeatability (ppm) 1 .0 2.4 2 .7 2.4 24 mean variance 2 .1 8 0 .2 2 * Nitrate expressed as nitroge n TABLE 4 . Locations of additional fictitious samples and their effect on estimation variance vitiate: fictitious X Y samples (km) (km) 0 26.19 2 3 4 25 .60 21 .09 1 .400 28 .90 21.09 24.10 21 .10 22.59 19 .60 24 .39 * Nitrate expressed as nitroge n DCPA 6max 2 6avg 2 log((mg/m2)2) 1 .100 1 .400 1.087 1 .524 1 .094 1 .265 1.345 1 .325 1 .270 1 .083 1.080 1.079 20 2 6avg 2 6max log(( mg/m2)2) 1.524 1 .09 0 1 .359 1 .345 1 .296 1 .252 1 .100 1 .079 1 .072 1.065 1.061 1 where C (0), CDD(O), and CND(0) are the sample variances for nitrate and DCPA and the sample covariance, respectively. If the value of pND < 1/2, then the probability that the two ReVs are no t cross-correlated becomes large . A reduction in estimation variance will still be achieved usin g cokriging [Joumel and Huijbregts, 1978], but the reduction in estimation variance would be smal l and the additional effort required for a multivariate analysis would probably not be justified . Experimental direct-semivariograms were calculated for log(nitrate), and log(DCPA) and an experimental cross-semivariogram was calculated for log(DCPA) and log(nitrate) . Average values of 'y* (h) were computed for groups of pairs of sample points, where each group had 30 pair s [Istok et al, 1988] . Using the linear model of coregionalization, spherical models with simila r ranges were fitted to the experimental semivariograms . The suitability of model semivariograms was assessed using cross-validation (jack knifing) . In cross-validation, measured concentrations are removed one sample point at a time . The concentration at the point is then estimated using kriging or cokriging . The differences between th e measured and estimated concentrations at the sample points are used to compute three statistics, th e average kriging error (AKE), mean squared error (MSE), and standardized mean squared error '(SMSE) [Delhomme, 19781 . Initial estimates for model semivariograms were obtained by visua l inspection of the experimental semivariograms . The parameters were then adjusted by trial-anderror to improve the cross-validation statistics . Cross-validation was performed using the metho d of sliding neighborhoods with a radius of 4 km. The maximum radius for which cokriging can b e performed is defined as one-half the maximum distance between the groups of data pairs i .e., hmax/2. This was calculated to be 5 km for rm, 4 km for 21 rDD , and 4 km for rDN. RESULT S Histograms of the DCPA and nitrate densities suggested that both variables were lognormall y distributed . The probabilities that densities were lognormal was computed using the univariat e Shapiro-Wilkes Statistic [SAS, 1985] . The results were 0 .932 for log(DCPA) and 0 .735 for log(nitrate). Based on these results the univariate distributions for both ReVs were assumed to b e lognormal. It was also assumed that the joint distribution between DCPA and nitrate wa s lognormal. This assumption seems reasonable based on the univariate normality displayed by eac h transformed contaminant, the correlation of the ReVs, and on earlier studies [Cooper and Istok , 1988 a,b ; Myers et al, 1984] that suggested groundwater contaminants are lognormally distributed . The correlation coefficient for DCPA and nitrate, PDN (33), was 0.74, indicating that a reduction in estimation variance would occur if log(DCPA) was estimated with log(DCPA) and log(nitrate) support. The three experimental semivariograms all exhibited a nested structure consisting of nugge t and transition structures (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978) . Theoretically, experimenta l semivariograms should approach zero as the distance between pairs approaches zero . In practic e this rarely occurs due to the presence of measurement error and small scale variability . The effec t of laboratory measurement error on the magnitude of the nugget was assesed using the results of the laboratory measurement repetitions . Using the natural logarithm of the repeatability data i n Table 2, the variance of log(nitrate) and log(DCPA) as contaminant densities were 0 .009 and 0.166 respectively. This corresponded to 1.1% of the nugget for log(nitrate) and 22.4% for log(DCPA). The transition structures were fit with spherical models with sills equal to the sample varianc e or covariance and a range of 4 km (Figure 4) . The existence of a unique solution to the cokriging system was ensured by requiring 'YDD , 'YNN, and TDN to be positive-definite . The determinant s computed using (32) were 0 .55 and 0.02 for the nuggets and sills, respectively of 'YNN, YDN - 23 MD, and X(h)(Elog(mg/m2 n 2 ) < trj w x r-C D a n rt 5 r•f D O • r t a) n N m N N • fD F-' 5 rt rfA < . n rO W n w ) U r. t r t r CD 0 CD N d a A n 0 N N 24 ( 3 [( 2w / 6w) bo])(q), Y(h)(Dog(mg/m 2 11 2 ) 26 The direct-semivariograms for nitrate and DCPA had AKE's of -0 .06, -0.10, MSE's o f 1 .66, 1 .24, and SMSE's of 1 .24, and 0 .94 respectively (Figure 4) . The values of AKE, MSE , and SMSE for the cross-semivariogram were -0 .08, 0 .76, and 0 .84 for the estimation o f log(DCPA), and -0 .03, 1 .36, and 1 .15 for the estimation of log(nitrate) . The AKE and MS E should have values close to zero and one [Delhomme, 1978] . When fitting a model, mode l parameters should be be selected to minimize the MSE while constraining the SMSE to be withi n the interval 1 ± 2{[2/(2n)]1/2 ) [Delhomme, 1978] . For this study, the SMSE range wa s 1 .00±0 .31 for nitrate, and 1 .00 ± 0.35 for DCPA. Point estimates and estimation variances for log(nitrate) and log(DCPA) were obtained by kriging (Figures 5 and 6) . The inverse-transform was performed on the estimates correcting fo r bias using procedures in Joumel and Huijbregts [1978, p 468-471] . The boundaries on the contour maps are straight-line approximations of the actual study area boundaries (Figure 3) . The' maximum point estimate for nitrate densitiy was 2 .87 x 1 04 mg/m2 (equivalent to a concentration of 26 .9 ppm) and the maximum estimation variance was 1.2 x 108 (mg/m2)2 (equivalent to a standard deviation of 10 .26 ppm) . The maximum estimate for DCPA density was 310 mg/m2 (290 ppb) . The maximum point estimation variance was 5550 (mg/m 2)2 (75 ppb)2. The location of the drinking water standard of 10 ppm (10670 mg/m 2) and the Oregon planning level of 5 ppm (5335 mg/m2) for nitrate can be estimated from Figure 5. The shaded region of Figure 6 identifies the area that has 95% probability of exceeding the planning level-for nitrate . The minimum 95% confidence interval for point estimates is calculated using (29) [Joume l and Huijbregts, 1978] . Cokriging was performed on DCPA with nitrate support (Figure 8) . Tho maximum estimate. was 358 mg/m2 (356 ppb) . The maximum estimation variance was 4690 (mg/m 2)2 (64 ppb)2. . None of the estimates or the 95% confidence intervals calculated using (29), exceeded the health advisory level of 3500 ppb. The largest estimation variances for nitrate, kriged DCPA, and cokriged DCPA wer e consistently located along the boundaries of the study area, resulting from the small number o f 27 -1 ia) 0 rt C r• rr N0 C 0 • N 9 X 3 (D r r m q m q rc Dr r, rr uCl r- r • O • 'I I N • (D N rr r- _ CO 0 N 0) 5 A► rr m En , cD N rr r. Dt rr r0 28 w 0 30 28 26 22 20 18 18 20 22 24 X(krn ) 26 Figure 6 . Area exceeding Oregon nitrate plannin g level of 5 ppm (5335 mg/m 2 ) with 95 % probability . 29 30 31 sample data in these locations . These locations also correspond to the location of additiona l samples identified by the method of fictitious points selected (see below) . The maximum estimates for nitrate, and DCPA occured west of the city of Ontario. This region is an area of heavy nitrate and DCPA use, and can be viewed as a concentrated, non-point source . Cokriging had varying effects on the DCPA estimates (Figure 9a) . Estimates were reduce d up to 97 mg/m2 (90 ppb) and increased up to 103 mg/m2 (96 ppb), however estimation variance s were reduced for the entire study area (Figure 9b) . The minimum relativ e.gain , as defined in (30) was 14% and the maximum relative gain was 34% (Figure 10) . Global estimates were made for dissolved nitrate and DCPA in the portion ofsthe aquife r studied using the procedure described in Istok and Cooper [1988] . The global estimate was 2 .478 x 106 kg for nitrate and 21962 kg for DCPA . The EPA Health Advisory for DCPA lists a calculate d partition coefficient for octanol/water of 104.5. If the organic content of the soil and the percent o f maximum solubility of DCPA in the aquifer is known, the equilibrium partition coefficient and th e distribution coefficient could be calculated [de Marsily, 1986] . The distribution coefficient could b e used to estimate the sorbed nitrate and DCPA in the aquifer . However due to the limited amount of information on organic . matter content and extent of maximum solubility, these global estimates onl y reflect the amount of DCPA and nitrate dissolved in the aquifer . Based on recommended DCPA application rates of 10 kg/ha [Whitson et al, 1987] and assuming that 30% of the study area (4 .95 km2) has DCPA applied in any year (i.e ., is used to produce onions), the global estimate of 21962 kg is equivalent to 4 .4 years of DCPA application . A similiar estimate for nitrate was not possibl e due to widely varying application rates. Optimum locations for nitrate and DCPA samples were selected using the cokrigin g estimation variances and the fictitious point method . Maximum estimation variance was used as a basis for the selection of additional sample locations in Table 4 . The location of the selecte d fictitious points are shown in Figure 8b as open circles . The fictitious nitrate and DCPA sample points had similar effects on reducing maximum estimation variances (Figure 1la) . Additional fictitious DCPA samples reduced average estimation variances more effectively than additiona l 32 1N E r.. N O M co N t0 N X 1N ( w )I) A E M N E v x N N 33 0 N • q ,.) • q Q E .~ 4J M 47 fictitious nitrate points (Figure 11b) . This trend is relatively constant through the first 5 additional fictitious sample points . The benefit of additional DCPA and nitrate samples can be expressed as R(x)/CR wher e R(x) is the relative gain (30) and CR is the DCPA : nitrate measurement cost ratio. As the cos t increases to 2.5:1 (DCPA : nitrate) the additional fictitious nitrate samples were more beneficia l than the additional fictitious DCPA samples until the fifth sample (Figure 11c) . At cost ratios of 5:1 and 10:1 additional fictitious nitrate samples were more beneficial in reducing estimatio n variances than additional fictitious DCPA samples through the fifth sample . 34 30 28 26 22 20 18 18 22 24 X(km ) 20 26 Figure 10 . Contour map of relative gain from cokrigin g for DCPA . 35 °_max fD fD rr i r• rr 0 a rr am rrr 5 O X 5 Fr C 1- 5 U) 0 0 rr r• r• C rr rr 36 (% ) O 37 N C) .D r rn (I) 38 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION S Previous sampling of domestic water supply wells in eastern Oregon identified an area nea r Ontario with nitrate concentrations exceeding the Oregon state planning level (5 ppm) and th e federal drinking water standard (10 ppm) . A pesticide, DCPA, was also found in the drinkin g water samples at levels approaching 500 ppb, but not exceeding the EPA health advisory level o f 3500 ppb . For this study a 16 .5 km2 portion of the area near Ontario was selected . Geographical features believed to affect the extent of groundwater contamination (rivers, drainage ditches , aquifer boundaries) were used to define the extents of the study area. Within the study area, DCPA and nitrate concentrations were measured in 70 wells and the concentrations were converted to contaminant densities (mg/m2) assuming a constant porosity o f 0.35 and an average contaminated aquifer thickness of 3 .2 m. The spatial variability of aquife r porosity and contaminated thickness could also be considered. However, due to a lack of data fo r porosity and contaminated aquifer thickness, constant values were assumed . The result of assuming constant values for porosity and contaminated aquifer thickness is that the contaminan t concentration and the contaminant density distributions are equivalent. If non-constant values were used for either parameter it is possible that the contaminant density distribution might not b e lognormally distributed . The small size of the data sets did not allow the type of underlying distribution for contaminant densities to be clearly distinguished, however, the data appeared to be lognormall y distributed. A natural logarithmic transformation was performed on the contaminant densities an d assumed to yield univariate normal distributions . The log(nitrate) and log(DCPA) distribution s were also assumed to be joint-normal. The ,assumptions of univariate normal distributions an d joint-normal distributions for the transformed data are required for calculating the estimatio n variance [Journel and Huijbregts, 1978] . Consequently, if these assumptions were not valid, th e calculated 95% confidence limits and the estimation variances were not valid . The restriction o f having a small number of sample data, assuming constant porosity and contaminated aquife r 39 thickness severely limits the ability to distingush how nitrate and DCPA contaminant densities ar e distributed in groundwater. Many combinations of model direct- and cross-semivariograms had acceptable cross validation statistics, making it difficult to identify the 'best' model to represent the spatial . distribution for nitrate and DCPA . The computed estimates and the estimation variances will vary with different models . The cross-validation statistics are only guidelines for determining th e suitability of the model for kriging and cokriging . In order to make the procedure less subjectiv e more work is needed to develop methods for assessing the quality of semivariogram models . . The kriging estimates for nitrate indicated that a substantial portion of the study area exceed s the 5 ppm nitrate planning level . Using the estimation variances, an area that has 95% probabilit y of exceeding 5 ppm nitrate level was approximately 2 .9 km2 (17.5%) of the study area. As. . estimation variances are used to calulate the 95% probability, the size of this area is a function o f the' validity of the assumption that the transformed contaminant densities have normal and joint normal distributions and on the choice of the direct semivariogram model- for nitrate . Point estimates for DCPA obtained by kriging and cokriging were substantially different o n the outer regions of the study area . These regions had several nitrate samples but few DCP A samples . DCPA point estimates were reduced up to 103 mg/m2 by cokriging . The relative gain from cokriging over kriging was computed using estimation variances . The minimum and maximum relative gains were 14% and 34%, respectively . Global estimates were made of the dissolved portion of DCPA and nitrates in the study area . The global estimate was 21962 kg for DCPA and 2.478 x 10 6 kg for nitrate. Assuming that 30 % of the study area has DCPA applied at a rateof 10 kg/ha each year, the global estimate reflects 4 .4 years of DCPA application that is dissolved in the aquifer. Using the method of fictitious points, the contribution of additional nitrate and DCP A samples to decreasing cokriging estimation variances were compared . In this study there was relatively little difference in the reduction in the maximum DCPA estimation variances obtaine d 40 with additional nitrate or DCPA samples . However, additional DCPA samples reduced the averag e DCPA estimation variance more than additional nitrate samples . When the benefit of an additional sample was considered, additional nitrate samples wer e superior to additional DCPA samples at a DCPA : nitrate cost ratio of 2 .5 : 1 and greater . This relationship held for the first four additional fictitious samples at a ratio cost of 2 .5 : 1, and for the first five additional fictitious samples at cost ratios above 2 .5 : 1 . 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NOTATIO N bNNI structure i (sill or nugget) of model semivariogram, NN Cjk(h) cross-Covariance for Revs Zk and Zj D matrix of semivariogram vectors and a matrix of identity vector s Zk(h) cross-semivariogram for Revs Zk and Zj separated by the distance h k* {h) Zj *(h) {h) experimental cross-semivariogram for ReVs Zk and Zj experimental direct-semivariogram for ReV Zj direct-semivariogram for ReV Zj 'y(x n,xn) semivariograni matrices for the distance separating points x n and xn Ti matrix of X,jki vectors I identity matrix k number of sampled locations for DCP A 1 number of sampled locations for nitrat e A,jki weight in Fi attributed to Zj in estimating Zk at location xi weight attributed to Zj in estimating Zj at location xi mj . mean of regionalized variable Zj mk mean of regionalized variable Zk m total number of ReV s PD Lagrange multiplier for DCPA estimatio n µN Lagrange multiplier for nitrate estimation µ matrix of lagrange multiplier s n total number of sampled locations, xi N(h) number of sampled points separated by the distance h ReV regionalized variable R (x) relative reduction in varianc e Pik correlation coefficient for Zj and Zk 47 (7,1,2 cokriging variance or estimation error <Tar cokriging variance with fictitious point Tr the trace operation of a matrix U matrix of semivariogram matrices and identity matrice s Y vector of I'1 and matrices Z*(x) vector of estimated values for a ReV Z(x i) vector of sampled ReV values at point xi ZD (xi) sampled value of DCPA at xi ZD(xi+h) sampled value of DCPA at distance h from xi ZN (xi) sampled value of nitrate at xi ZN(xi+h) sampled value of nitrate at distance h from x i 48