Money Laundering & International Financial Crime FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Banking & Finance in Small States – Issues and policies Workshop organised by the Islands and Small States Institute at the University of Malta MONEY LAUNDERING AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CRIME George Farrugia Senior Financial Analyst - FIAU International Financial Crime FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Crime goes beyond national borders Criminals co-operate & assist each other Governments – established co-operation mechanisms to assist each other Money launderers are often hired professionals Launderers seek globally to find weak jurisdictions Failure to legislate renders country vulnerable What is Money Laundering? FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT “The process by which the proceeds of crime are passed through a series of transactions which disguise their illicit origins, and make them appear to have come from a legitimate source” Grabosky & Graycar (1996) i.e. Turning “dirty money” into “clean money” Money laundering not a new phenomena but attracted attention during 2nd half of 20th century What is Money Laundering? FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Money laundering gathered enough strength that governments could no longer tolerate it Costs of ML and its consequences could affect whole countries especially smaller ones 1990s characterised with continuous global effort to bring all jurisdictions in line with a common minimum standard Effort brought about the FATF and the development of Financial Intelligence Units Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT The Egmont Group definition: A central, national agency responsible for receiving, (and as permitted, requesting), analysing and disseminating to the competent authorities, disclosures of financial information: (i) concerning suspected proceeds of crime and potential financing of terrorism, or (ii) required by national legislation or regulation, in order to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT By the end of the century most countries established their FIU Setting up an FIU is not a luxury but a very useful tool against international crime Money laundering is not a simple local crime Small states became more reliant on foreign investment and now are more exposed Money laundering threatens financial viability and integrity of country Advantages of FIUs in small countries FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Number of subject persons in small countries is smaller and easier to control Closer link between FIU and subject persons Better relations and shorter lines of communication leading to more efficiency Advantages of FIUs in small countries FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Better position to influence their legislative authorities to amend laws and include new issues Easier to act and react to new issues and problems More likely to have a better knowledge of the industries and markets – due to physical proximity Advantages of FIUs in small countries FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Places where criminals can hide their money are limited In small countries it is easier to attract attention “everyone knows each other” Small is beautiful!? Disadvantages of FIUs in small countries FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Lack of resources – financial, technical and human No economies of scale even to have the minimum requirements of an FIU Lack of expertise Small states’ FIUs difficult to be heard and influence decisions Effort hardly recognised even if it is known that resources are few Disadvantages of FIUs in small countries FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Performance of FIUs is measured on same scale as for much larger and resourceful countries Particularly small islands states are branded as offshore tax havens Consequences of inefficient FIUs FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT FIUs have to be effective - legislation and establishing FIUs is not enough Criminal use of financial systems affects any country – but it can be devastating on smaller ones Criminals gain access to government officials, public authorities, regulators and supervisors Laws and regulations cannot be complied effectively Consequences of inefficient FIUs FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Country bad reputation shuns away investment and attracts launderers One incident puts whole country in bad light Country risk viewed higher and credit rating degenerates Higher cost of investment Vicious cycle – economy degeneration hinders development discontentment Capital flight to less risky countries Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Increased Criminality: Criminals enjoy the benefits of their crimes with impunity Criminals can“reinvest” profits to finance further crimes Effect on small states amplified Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Microeconomic Effects: Private sector vulnerable to “crowding out” effect •Unfair competition created •Legitimate businesses cannot compete with businesses financed by other “illicit” sources Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Macroeconomic Effects: Policy mistakes due to measurement errors in macroeconomic statistics; Changes in money demand unrelated to measured or observable changes in economic fundamentals; Volatility in exchange rates and interest rates due to unanticipated transfers of funds; Other distributional effects or asset price bubbles; Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Macroeconomic Effects: Reduced tax revenue and public expenditure due to misreporting and under-reporting of income; Misallocation of resources; Contamination effects on legal transactions due to the perceived potential of criminal association; Loss of confidence in markets Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Macroeconomic Effects: Compromising of bank soundness; Distortion of allocation of resources; Sterile or low quality investments; Re-direction of funds impact negatively on economic growth Consequences of Money Laundering FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Social Effects: Fewer taxes collected & good citizens have to contribute more Unemployment increases due to unfair competition Increased criminality, discontentment and insecurity Increased law enforcement expenses Conclusion FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT International financial crime is not victimless If money laundering prevails – detriment to whole country, especially if small Money laundering is prevented by: •Correct legislation •Effective FIUs – exchange of information •Effective regulatory supervisory and law enforcement authorities •Co-operation between authorities at national and international levels Conclusion FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS UNIT Thank you for your attention and participation. QUESTIONS? Thanks to the Islands and Small States Institute