Name of Student Thesis Title

Intake of October 2009 - Part-Time
Name of Student
Thesis Title
Attard Pauline
Is there scope for a derivatives exchange in Malta – an evaluation?
Azzopardi Joseph
The Board Management relationship aspect of Corporate
Governance in Maltese Listed Companies
Bennetti Clint
AIFMD, UCITS IV and their potential successors
– changing regulatory and operational landscapes
Borg Mallia Alison
The tax treatment of swaps under Maltese law and in terms of the
OECD Model Convention.
Name of Student
Thesis Title
Buhagiar Katrina
E-Money and other Relevant Technological Developments: Their
Contribution to the Risk of Money Laundering and their Impact
Casolani Sarah
International direct taxation issues concerning the exploitation of
intellectual property rights, with particular reference to Malta.
Ciappara Caroline
The Application of Ethical Standards within Corporate
Governance – The Case of Companies listed on the
Malta Stock Exchange plc
Cilia Barbara Marouska
Investment Firms – the new white-collar police force and
protector of investors?
Fenech Clayton
The Derivative Action under Maltese Company Law - Time to
Reconsider ?
Name of Student
Thesis Title
Galea Adrian
Sicav Incorporated Cell Companies and Future Developments
Gauci Maistre Austin
The Unfair Prejudice Remedy - Article 402 of the
Companies Act
Gauci Maistre Robert
Insider Dealing: A legal analysis
Micallef Dean
Buying Back Corporate Bonds – The Local Perspective
Sammut David
The Determinants of Capital Structure in Maltese Companies
Name of Student
Thesis Title
Sammut Jonathan
A Critical Analysis of the Developing Role and Responsibilities
of Depositaries of Collective Investment Schemes
Sammut Ruth
The regulatory framework and applicability of share option
schemes in Maltese listed companies
Sciriha Lucio
Personal Liability of Company Officers with reference to
recent judgements
Sultana Francesco
The Legal Framework of the pan-European Pension Scheme
Tanti Keith
Bridging the gap between IFRS 4 Phase II and Solvency II
– identifying synergies, differences, and challenges that
the two regimes present to the insurance industry
Intake of October 2010 - Full-Time
Name of Student
Thesis Title
Abela Mark
Income Derived from Immovable property and its Disposal:
International Taxation and Double Taxation Relief considerations.