This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from 1998 ␣␣␣KANSAS␣PERFORMANCE␣TESTS␣WITH␣␣␣ SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS ␣␣REPORT␣OF␣PROGRESS␣827␣␣ Kansas␣State␣University Agricultural␣Experiment␣Station ␣␣and␣Cooperative␣Extension␣Service CN RA DC NT PL SM JW RP WS MS NM BR DO SH TH SD GH RO OB MC AT CD PT RL CY JA JF WA LG GO TR EL RS LC OT WB DK GE SA GL WH SC LE NS RH RC HM KE HG FI ST GT FO HS JO FR MN MP CS MI CF AN LI WO AL BB WL NO CR MG LB PN SF RN GY DG LY BT ED KW HV WY OS MR EW LV SN GW BU SG PR KM EK MT SV SW ME CA CM summer fallow BA HP dryland SU CL CQ irrigated CK This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Test Objectives and Procedures ................................................................................................ 1 Data Interpretation......................................................................................................................... 1 RESULTS: 1998 SUNFLOWER PERFORMANCE TESTS NORTHWEST KANSAS .......................................................................................................3 Thomas County, on falllow .................................................................................................. 3 Table 1, oilseed performance test results ....................................................................... 4 Table 2, confectionary performance test results ............................................................. 6 Table 3, seed size distribution ....................................................................................... 7 Thomas County, irrigated ...................................................................................................... 8 Table 4, oilseed performance test results ....................................................................... 9 Table 5, confectionary performance test results ........................................................... 11 Table 6, seed size distribution ..................................................................................... 12 NORTH CENTRAL KANSAS .............................................................................................13 Republic County oilseed, dryland ........................................................................................ 13 Table 7, oilseed performance test results ..................................................................... 14 SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS ..............................................................................................16 Reno County oilseed and confectionary, dryland , continuous crop .........................16 Table 8, oilseed performance test results ........................................................17 Table 9, confectionary performance test results ..............................................18 WEST CENTRAL KANSAS ..............................................................................................19 Greeley County oilseed and confectionary, dryland .................................................19 Table 10, oilseed performance test results ......................................................20 Table 11, confectionary performance test results ............................................22 ENTRANTS AND ENTRIES IN 1998 PERFORMANCE TESTS ............................................. 23 Excerpts from the UNIVERSITY RESEARCH POLICY AGREEMENT WITH COOPERATING SEED COMPANIES" Permission is hereby given to Kansas State University to test our varieties and/or hybrids designated on the attached entry forms in the manner indicated on the test announcement. I understand that all results from Kansas crop performance tests belong to the University and to the public and shall be controlled by the University so as to produce the greatest benefit to the public. It is further agreed that the name of the University shall not be used by the company in any commercial advertising either in regard to this agreement or any other related matter. *This agreement must be signed by an authorized individual before results involving the company's entries can be published by the Experiment Station. Except for the limitation that the name "KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY" cannot be used in advertising (you may use something like "official state tests" or "state yield trials"), this does not preclude the use of data for advertising, if done in a fair manner. Contribution No. 99-248-S from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. -i- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from 1998 KANSAS PERFORMANCE TESTS WITH SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS INTRODUCTION Days to half bloom is number of days from date of planting to date when 50% of plants were in bloom. TEST OBJECTIVES AND PROCEDURES Sunflower performance tests were conducted in 1998 by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station to provide farmers, extension workers, and private industry with unbiased agronomic information on many of the sunflower hybrids marketed in the state. Tests were financed in part by entry fees from private companies. Companies known to be developing and marketing sunflowers were invited to participate and enter hybrids on a voluntary fee-entry basis. So, not all hybrids grown in the state were included in tests, and hybrids were not grown uniformly at all locations. Lodging percent is based on counts of lodged and total plants in harvested areas at all locations. Five test locations in 1998 included Republic County and Greeley County– dryland; Reno County–dryland, continuous crop; and Thomas County–irrigated and fallow sites. Oilseed entries were grown at all locations. Confectionary entries were included in all tests except Republic County. Oilseed and confectionary entries were planted separately in all tests. Entries were planted in four-row, replicated plots at all locations. To ensure uniform and adequate stands, all tests were planted at a high seeding rate and hand thinned after emergence to desired stands. Seed size percent analysis for confectionary-type entries was performed at the Northwest Research-Extension Center on cleaned samples submitted from each of the tests. Separation by seed size was made by screening a weighed sample through a series of six sieves (22/64, 21/64, 20/64, 19/64, 18/64, and 16/64-round holes) secured on a Ro-Tap mechanical shaker. Oil percent was obtained from samples submitted under code number to the Kansas State Grain Inspection Department for analysis and is reported on a 10% moisture basis. Samples for all tests were derived by compositing replications by entry for each location and subsampling. Oil yields are reported as net lbs oil/a. Statistical analysis Conducting perfect tests is virtually impossible, because soil fertility, moisture, and other environmental factors vary. Therefore, small differences in results may have no real meaning. To help interpret data, we applied a statistical technique, analysis of variance, wherever possible. Such analysis requires repeating whole sets of varieties or treatments several times and placing individual varieties or treatments as they would be placed by chance alone. Results of the analyses are reported in terms of least significant differences (LSD). If two means differ by more than the LSD (.05), such a difference would be due to chance variation only 5% of the time. So, it's 95% probable that the Environmental factors affecting test results and cultural practices are discussed individually for each of the test sites. Test results for 1998, as well as period-of-years average data, are included in Tables 1-11. Entrants and entries in 1998 tests are listed at the end of the report. DATA INTERPRETATION Yields are reported as lbs seed/a adjusted to 10% moisture content. 1 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from difference was due to treatment. If means do not differ by as much as the LSD, then little confidence can be placed in the importance of varietal or treatment differences. The coefficient of variability (CV) represents an estimate of the precision of replicated yield trials. CVs ranging from 10 to 15% are usually acceptable for performance comparisons. CVs greater than 15% provide only a rough guide to hybrid performance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cooperation of Research Center personnel who performed many of the field operations is sincerely appreciated. Technician John Jones aided in planting and harvesting the plots; Vicki Struckmeyer, secretary, assisted in preparing this report; and temporary workers Joel Kniep, Shelby Moses, and Nadia Fercha helped with seed counting and plot thinning and maintenance. Mary Knapp at the Weather Data Library provided climatological data and Bob Cochrane, agricultural technician, provided weather charts. Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, give credit to the author(s), name of work, Kansas State University, and the date the work was published. 2 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from NORTHWESTERN KANSAS FALLOW SUNFLOWER TESTS-OILSEED AND CONFECTIONARY PEST CONTROL: Treflan, May 4; Asana, Aug. 17 POPULATIONS: Double-planted and thinned to desired stands: Oil (O) 17000 plants/a Confectionary (C) 14900 plants/a TEST YIELDS: Avg. (lbs/a): (O) 2895, (C) 3181 Range: (O) 2268-3651, (C) 2660-3570 LSD (lbs/a): (O) 398, (C) 488 CV (%): (O) 12, (C) 13 GROWING CONDITIONS: A favorable growing season produced some very good yields. Diseases did not cause problems. LOCATION: Northwest ResearchExtension Center, Thomas County COOPERATOR: Pat Evans, research technologist TEST SITE: Keith silt loam Grain sorghum 1996, fallow 1997 FERTILIZATION: 86 lbs N/a spring 1998 PLANTING DATE June 10, 1998 HEADING DATES: Aug. 5-13, 1998 HARVEST DATE: Oct. 9, 1998 PRECIPITATION 8 Planting 50 Bloom Harvest 7 6 40 5 4 3 30 1998 20 Normal Daily 10 0 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct Daily Cumulative (inches) 60 2 1 0 DAILY TEMPERATURES 100 Degrees (F) 80 Maximums 60 40 Freeze Line 20 0 Minimums 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr GROWING DEGREE DAYS Month 6 1998 5 4 29-Jun P recipitation 7 Thousands 30-May 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct G R O W ING-SEA S O N W E A T H E R S U M M A R Y Normal 1998 Normal Average Temp. 1998 Normal GDD 1998 Normal April 1.7 1.8 47 49 0 0 May 3.1 2.9 63 60 876 781 1093 June 1.5 3.1 69 70 1042 3 July 7.9 3.0 77 76 1328 1317 2 August 2.4 2.2 74 74 1246 1241 Sep. 0.5 1.5 71 65 1114 928 Oct. 1.1 1.1 54 53 631 574 18.0 15.6 65 64 6236 5934 1 0 02-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep Season 29-Oct Totals 3 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 1. Thomas County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Fallow, 1996-1998 Yield as % of test average Brand and hybrid Yield, lbs/a 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 avg avg Oil, % 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 1998 avg avg Oil yield, lbs/a 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3430 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3470 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP4193 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill X 3210 Cargill X 3272 Cargill X 6007 Croplan Genetics CL 757 Croplan Genetics CL 810 Croplan Genetics CL 815 Croplan Genetics CL 821 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Eureka Seeds Inc ST2115 Eureka Seeds Inc ST2135 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Novartis Seeds NK231 Novartis Seeds NK278 Novartis Seeds T45-L2 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6300 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) 2374 2210 1704 2292 2096 3133 3004 1465 3069 2534 2691 2391 1741 2541 2274 2928 2682 2002 2805 2537 3076 2426 1689 2751 2397 3091 2812 2135 2952 2679 2835 ---- ---- ---- ---2593 ---- ---- ---- ---3134 2510 ---- 2822 ---2268 2496 1848 2382 2204 2993 2944 1820 2969 2586 2855 2552 ---- 2704 ---2926 2667 1891 2797 2495 2671 2335 1830 2503 2279 2647 ---- ---- ---- ---2388 2297 2181 2343 2289 3274 2602 ---- 2838 ---2790 2556 2086 2673 2477 3542 ---- ---- ---- ---2505 2838 ---- 2672 ---2665 2787 ---- 2726 ---2630 2382 ---- 2506 ---3197 2467 1804 2832 2489 3273 2532 1963 2903 2589 2946 ---- ---- ---- ---3336 2857 1959 3097 2717 2675 ---- ---- ---- ---3007 ---- ---- ---- ---2893 ---- ---- ---- ---3379 2713 2029 3046 2707 3236 2953 1883 3095 2691 2298 2790 ---- 2544 ---2794 ---- ---- ---- ---3154 3020 2281 3087 2818 2815 ---- ---- ---- ---2876 2647 1757 2762 2427 2961 ---- ---- ---- ---3651 3303 ---- 3477 ---2829 2921 ---- 2875 ---2477 ---- ---- ---- ---2895 2605 1835 2750 2445 398 291 309 ---- ---- 82 108 93 101 106 107 98 90 108 78 103 99 101 92 91 82 113 96 122 87 92 91 110 113 102 115 92 104 100 117 112 79 97 109 97 99 102 126 98 86 100 ---- 931 884 819 1241 1221 1007 1136 1047 946 1186 1113 1014 1243 1111 972 1196 1155 1061 1154 ---- ---1074 ---- ---1348 1185 ---953 992 928 1248 1208 1067 1250 1148 ---1147 1099 987 1154 1064 975 1149 ---- ---996 946 934 1297 1143 ---1169 1093 1020 1488 ---- ---1035 1113 ---1109 1134 ---960 937 ---1317 1153 1007 1407 1227 1096 1173 ---- ---1198 1119 1004 971 ---- ---1302 ---- ---1096 ---- ---1267 1135 1059 1336 1287 1113 905 1004 ---1213 ---- ---1296 1261 1174 1087 ---- ---1251 1187 1038 1267 ---- ---1475 1401 ---1095 1099 ---971 ---- ---1067 1056 960 ---- ---- ---- 85 115 92 103 93 108 ------96 96 113 98 102 90 ---88 100 98 ---109 107 91 95 97 ---110 ---------104 113 107 ---116 ---102 ---127 112 ---100 ---- 93 80 95 109 92 112 ---------101 99 ---103 100 ---119 ---114 ------------98 107 ---107 ---------111 99 ------124 ---96 ------------100 ---- 39.2 39.6 42.2 40.5 40.4 38.7 40.7 41.4 43.0 42.0 41.7 43.8 39.2 43.2 43.4 41.7 39.6 41.9 42.0 41.3 41.6 36.5 41.2 43.0 39.8 35.9 36.3 43.3 37.9 37.5 41.3 39.4 43.4 41.1 38.6 43.5 42.8 40.4 38.7 39.2 40.7 ---- 38.6 39.8 41.2 39.7 40.4 39.2 ------41.9 41.7 40.7 42.4 39.3 42.5 ---40.4 38.8 40.9 ---41.7 41.6 37.5 40.7 42.2 ---36.2 ---------37.3 41.6 39.5 ---40.9 ---43.0 40.3 38.3 ---40.4 ---- 39.2 39.7 41.7 40.0 40.6 39.7 ---------42.2 41.5 ---39.7 42.8 ---40.8 ---41.2 ------------40.3 42.3 ---37.3 ---------39.7 41.3 ------41.8 ---42.7 ------------40.9 ---- continued 4 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 1. Thomas County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Fallow, 1996-1998, continued Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3430 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3470 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP4193 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill X 3210 Cargill X 3272 Cargill X 6007 Croplan Genetics CL 757 Croplan Genetics CL 810 Croplan Genetics CL 815 Croplan Genetics CL 821 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Eureka Seeds Inc ST2115 Eureka Seeeds Inc ST2135 Interstate PaycoSeed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Novartis Seeds NK231 Novartis Seeds NK278 Novartis Seeds T45-L2 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6300 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Days to ½ Plant height Lodging (%) Test wt (lbs/bu) 200 seed wt (g) bloom (in) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 59 60 61 60 57 60 58 60 60 60 60 62 59 58 58 59 60 60 61 61 63 62 60 60 62 62 61 58 61 58 60 60 58 61 58 60 56 60 62 59 60 1 60 60 62 61 58 61 ------61 60 61 63 60 58 ---59 61 61 ---62 65 63 60 60 ---63 ---------59 61 61 ---62 ---61 ---60 63 ---61 ---- 59 59 61 60 57 60 ---------59 60 ---59 57 ---58 ---60 ------------59 59 ---62 ---------58 60 ------61 ---60 ------------60 ---- 65 66 67 58 59 56 59 61 61 71 64 67 66 66 66 60 65 62 63 65 74 65 70 66 71 69 67 68 66 64 67 72 72 73 66 60 63 71 72 62 65 4 5 60 60 60 54 53 54 ------56 63 58 61 61 58 ---53 58 56 ---58 66 59 62 60 ---63 ---------58 62 63 ---67 ---56 ---63 63 ---59 ---- 58 58 58 52 52 52 ---------62 56 ---58 56 ---51 ---54 ------------60 57 ---60 ---------56 59 ------65 ---55 ------------58 ---- 4 4 4 1 3 2 7 8 1 9 5 7 3 4 3 6 3 7 2 1 6 6 9 2 5 1 6 9 4 0 1 4 3 2 4 5 10 7 4 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 ----1 5 3 4 2 3 --3 2 4 --1 3 3 5 1 --1 ------1 1 2 --2 --3 --4 3 --2 --- 3 4 3 1 3 1 ------4 3 --2 4 --4 --3 --------5 2 --1 ------2 3 ----1 --2 --------5 --- 28.3 27.8 30.3 28.0 29.6 28.2 30.3 28.0 28.9 28.6 28.7 28.9 27.1 30.4 30.6 29.8 27.8 27.7 29.0 26.8 30.3 28.7 28.4 29.8 27.6 29.4 28.4 29.2 29.1 29.6 28.4 30.2 27.6 30.1 29.4 28.5 30.0 28.9 28.1 29.2 28.9 0.8 27.8 28.1 29.5 27.6 29.4 27.4 ------28.1 28.6 28.3 28.2 26.9 29.9 ---28.5 27.6 27.2 ---27.1 30.6 28.3 27.5 29.1 ---29.6 ---------29.2 28.1 30.0 ---30.3 ---28.1 ---29.0 28.2 ---28.6 ---- 27.6 28.1 29.2 27.4 29.3 27.1 ---------28.6 28.2 ---26.8 29.7 ---28.0 ---27.0 ------------27.1 28.8 ---29.6 ---------29.1 28.0 ------30.3 ---27.9 ------------28.2 ---- 11.9 12.6 12.4 11.7 13.0 11.8 12.4 12.2 11.4 11.2 12.7 12.5 12.3 10.9 12.1 11.2 12.0 11.8 12.2 12.1 12.4 13.0 13.6 12.9 11.9 13.5 12.2 11.9 11.4 10.4 12.0 11.8 11.2 12.6 12.3 11.4 12.9 13.4 11.9 11.3 12.1 0.7 12.5 13.1 13.5 11.4 13.3 11.9 ------11.2 11.2 13.5 12.1 12.1 11.1 ---11.5 12.0 12.0 ---12.5 12.2 12.7 12.5 13.1 ---13.1 ---------10.0 12.6 11.7 ---12.7 ---11.6 ---14.1 12.4 ---12.3 ---- 11.0 11.0 11.9 9.9 11.7 10.5 ---------9.3 11.7 ---10.7 9.2 ---10.3 ---10.8 ------------10.8 11.3 ---11.8 ---------9.0 11.3 ------11.6 ---11.1 ------------10.8 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 2. Thomas County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Test Results–Fallow, 1996-1998 Yield (lbs/a) Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD.05 Days to 1/2 bloom 1998 1997 1996 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 1998 1997 1996 3182 3281 3223 3250 3422 3163 3255 3078 3190 2897 3156 3122 3501 3196 3159 3295 2715 3181 488 2027 1926 ------------2167 2140 2017 2103 ---------1914 2737 2560 1685 2062 355 ------------------1249 ---1167 1217 ---------1208 1053 ------1174 283 2605 2604 ------------2711 2609 2604 2500 ---------2555 2948 2928 2200 2622 ---- ------------------2224 ---2125 2072 ---------2106 2316 ------2139 ---- 100 103 101 102 108 99 102 97 100 91 99 98 110 100 99 104 85 100 ---- 98 93 ------------105 104 98 102 ---------93 133 124 82 100 ---- 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 60 60 60 61 57 61 61 61 62 62 61 62 61 57 61 61 61 60 1 60 60 ------------62 61 62 62 ---------60 63 62 61 60 ---- ------------------61 ---62 62 ---------59 62 ------60 ---- ------------------106 ---99 104 ---------103 90 ------100 ---- 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 200 seed weight (g) 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 73 72 70 75 72 70 73 72 74 76 67 73 72 71 74 74 71 72 4 63 62 ------------64 64 64 66 ---------62 65 65 61 62 ---- ------------------61 ---61 63 ---------59 63 ------60 ---- 5 0 6 5 3 15 8 15 10 14 9 14 0 3 6 7 17 8 6 3 1 ----4 8 5 7 ---2 3 4 9 4 -- ------4 -6 6 ---5 4 --5 -- 20.6 19.6 20.0 20.0 21.2 20.3 20.1 19.6 19.8 19.1 20.2 20.1 20.9 20.1 19.7 19.7 19.0 20.0 0.6 20.6 18.9 ------------19.0 19.2 20.2 18.6 ---------19.1 19.5 19.4 18.6 19.3 ---- ------------------18.9 ---20.0 18.6 ---------19.3 19.3 ------19.2 ---- 24.5 22.2 24.5 24.1 24.9 27.0 24.6 24.4 19.2 22.5 20.9 25.8 23.3 19.4 23.5 21.9 23.0 23.3 ---- Plant height (in) Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD (.05) Yield as % of test avg Lodging (%) ÿ Test weight (lbs/bu) 25.2 24.1 ------------23.9 22.3 15.6 21.9 ---------19.7 23.3 23.3 22.5 22.8 ---- ------------------22.5 ---16.0 20.4 ---------18.6 21.8 ------21.4 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 3. Seed Size Distribution for Thomas County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Tests–Fallow, 1996-19978 Seed size distribution (%) 1998 2-year average 3-year average 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 Abov to to to to to Belo Abov to to to to to Belo Abov to to to to to Belo Brand and hybrid e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w 22/64 16/64 22/64 16/64 22/64 16/64 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average 40.0 32.0 29.9 28.7 20.9 12.8 17.7 22.9 26.2 34.3 11.7 38.8 19.3 17.3 19.1 24.8 24.6 24.8 22.3 20.3 20.4 17.7 24.3 15.3 15.6 24.1 13.3 17.0 15.4 18.6 17.6 12.2 19.6 21.3 25.5 18.9 16.0 14.9 17.7 22.3 20.6 15.9 22.2 18.5 14.2 13.0 17.1 13.3 19.5 16.0 22.8 20.5 21.4 18.0 10.8 13.5 11.8 15.6 17.5 22.1 21.6 17.9 14.8 11.7 17.8 11.9 20.0 17.9 20.4 15.5 16.2 16.3 4.4 7.1 8.3 7.2 7.7 10.5 10.8 6.6 10.7 9.4 11.9 7.1 10.7 12.4 8.3 7.4 4.5 8.5 4.7 7.9 7.3 5.2 6.7 17.1 9.8 8.2 13.2 11.0 18.2 6.6 10.4 17.8 7.1 8.6 5.2 9.7 1.8 4.4 1.2 3.2 2.5 6.3 2.2 2.0 7.8 3.6 8.2 3.9 2.5 6.7 2.8 2.3 2.4 3.8 53.4 49.7 ------------37.8 26.7 25.4 40.5 ---------28.9 34.0 45.1 37.9 37.4 18.7 15.1 ------------15.6 21.1 13.0 15.5 ---------14.3 19.3 17.3 21.3 17.0 11.5 11.3 ------------15.0 17.0 12.7 10.8 ---------14.1 17.7 14.3 16.3 14.1 7.5 3.1 3.3 2.4 8.8 4.8 5.0 5.4 ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---14.2 7.3 6.7 3.4 15.8 6.2 7.9 5.3 13.9 10.4 14.1 10.7 10.0 7.9 10.0 5.3 ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---14.4 8.9 11.5 8.0 14.5 5.7 4.6 4.3 10.2 4.7 5.9 2.6 11.2 4.2 5.1 3.9 12.2 6.5 7.6 5.2 ------------------28.5 ---22.4 33.5 ---------22.7 25.3 ------29.6 ------------------17.2 ---13.3 14.2 ---------13.3 18.1 ------16.0 ------------------17.8 ---12.4 11.2 ---------13.7 19.7 ------14.7 ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---16.7 8.7 8.0 3.2 ---- ---- ---- ---14.4 10.4 16.1 11.0 11.9 9.2 13.3 6.7 ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---15.6 10.4 15.2 9.3 17.7 7.9 7.2 4.2 ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---14.5 8.7 10.7 5.8 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from NORTHWESTERN KANSAS IRRIGATED SUNFLOWER TESTS-OILSEED AND CONFECTIONARY IRRIGATIONS: (3") July 21, Aug. 18, 1998 PEST CONTROL: Treflan, May 18; Asana, Aug. 17 POPULATIONS: Double-planted and thinned to desired stands: Oil (O) 23000 plants/a Confectionary (C) 17000 plants/a TEST YIELDS: Avg. (lbs/a): (O) 2246, (C) 2836 Range: (O) 1504-2906, (C) 2177-3324 LSD (lbs/a): (O) 436, (C) 579 CV (%): (O) 17, (C) 17 GROWING CONDITIONS: Excellent stands were established, but rabbits did damage in some plots. Insecticide seemed to control head moth, and diseases did not cause problems. LOCATION: Northwest ResearchExtension Center, Thomas County COOPERATOR: Pat Evans, research technologist TEST SITE: Keith silt loam Soybeans 1996, Corn 1997 FERTILIZATION: 110 lbs N/a 4/21/98 PLANTING DATE June 9, 1998 HEADING DATES: Aug. 2-11, 1998 HARVEST DATE: Oct. 10, 1998 PRECIPITATION 8 Planting 50 Bloom Harvest 7 6 40 5 4 3 30 1998 20 Normal Daily 10 0 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct Daily Cumulative (inches) 60 2 1 0 DAILY TEMPERATURES 100 Degrees (F) 80 Maximums 60 40 Freeze Line 20 0 Minimums 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr GROWING DEGREE DAYS Month 6 1998 5 4 29-Jun P recipitation 7 Thousands 30-May 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct G R O W ING-SEA S O N W E A T H E R S U M M A R Y Normal 1998 Normal Average Temp. 1998 Normal GDD 1998 Normal April 1.7 1.8 47 49 0 0 May 3.1 2.9 63 60 876 781 1093 June 1.5 3.1 69 70 1042 3 July 7.9 3.0 77 76 1328 1317 2 August 2.4 2.2 74 74 1246 1241 Sep. 0.5 1.5 71 65 1114 928 Oct. 1.1 1.1 54 53 631 574 18.0 15.6 65 64 6236 5934 1 0 02-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep Season 29-Oct Totals 8 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 4. Thomas County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Irrigated, 1996-1998 Yield (lbs/a) Brand and hybrid AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 3430 AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 3470 AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 4193 Asgrow Seed Co AS 3211 Asgrow Seed Co AS 5101 Asgrow Seed Co AS 5303 Asgrow Seed Co AS 6305 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill SF3210 Cargill SF3272 Cargill X6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Yield as % of test average Oil Oil yields (%) (lbs/a) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 avg avg 1998 1997 1996 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 2029 2688 1793 2359 2170 1996 3020 1733 2508 2250 1876 2617 1894 2247 2129 2333 2960 ---- 2647 ---2419 ---- ---- ---- ---1504 ---- ---- ---- ---1576 ---- ---- ---- ---2484 3379 1843 2932 2569 2372 3001 2109 2687 2494 2285 3048 2034 2667 2456 2477 ---- ---- ---- ---2411 ---- ---- ---- ---2669 2923 ---- 2796 ---2243 2748 1242 2496 2078 2400 ---- ---- ---- ---2355 3112 1595 2734 2354 2471 3156 ---- 2814 ---2251 2926 1932 2589 2370 2205 ---- ---- ---- ---2396 2639 ---- 2518 ---2608 2761 1814 2685 2394 2410 ---- ---- ---- ---1960 3093 1831 2527 2295 1763 ---- ---- ---- ---2492 ---- ---- ---- ---2358 ---- ---- ---- ---2783 3462 3445 3123 3230 2457 ---- ---- ---- ---2190 2862 1697 2526 2250 1655 3183 ---- 2419 ---2906 3196 ---- 3051 ---1876 2903 ---- 2390 ---1914 ---- ---- ---- ---2246 2888 1765 2567 2300 436 381 456 ---- ---- 90 89 84 104 108 67 70 111 106 102 110 107 119 100 107 105 110 100 98 107 116 107 87 78 111 105 124 109 98 74 129 84 85 100 ---- 93 105 91 102 ---------117 104 106 ------101 95 ---108 109 101 ---91 96 ---107 ---------120 ---99 110 111 101 ---100 ---- 102 98 107 ------------104 119 115 ---------70 ---90 ---109 ------103 ---104 ---------195 ---96 ------------100 ---- 39.0 40.1 41.3 40.8 42.3 42.3 41.9 40.4 41.1 39.4 40.5 41.9 43.8 43.0 43.9 42.7 40.6 41.7 43.3 35.4 42.6 40.5 35.8 34.8 42.8 37.7 40.7 38.2 43.2 41.8 40.0 37.7 39.3 40.6 ---- 40.4 40.9 42.5 41.8 ---------41.3 42.0 40.8 ------44.4 43.8 ---43.1 40.7 42.3 ---38.4 43.2 ---37.4 ---------41.7 ---44.3 42.6 41.4 39.4 ---41.8 ---- 40.3 39.7 42.4 ------------40.9 41.3 40.4 ---------42.7 ---42.2 ---41.2 ------42.3 ---36.7 ---------41.5 ---43.8 ------------41.3 ---- 791 956 878 800 1030 902 775 959 906 952 ---- ---1023 ---- ---636 ---- ---660 ---- ---1004 1181 1034 975 1088 1006 900 1055 973 1003 ---- ---1010 ---- ---1169 ---- ---964 1040 861 1054 ---- ---1006 1130 967 1003 ---- ---939 1043 948 955 ---- ---848 ---- ---1111 1115 988 976 ---- ---702 900 817 614 ---- ---1067 ---- ---889 ---- ---1133 1278 1324 939 ---- ---946 1086 966 692 1035 ---1162 1365 ---707 1190 ---752 ---- ---914 1079 956 ---- ---- ---continued 9 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 4. Thomas County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Irrigated, 1996-1998, continued Brand and hybrid AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 3430 AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 3470 AgriPro Seeds Inc AP 4193 Asgrow Seed Co AS 3211 Asgrow Seed Co AS 5101 Asgrow Seed Co AS 5303 Asgrow Seed Co AS 6305 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill SF3210 Cargill SF3272 Cargill X6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Days to Plant height Lodging Test weight 200 seed 1/2 bloom (in) (%) (lbs/bu) weight (g) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 59 58 61 41 57 58 62 61 56 59 57 58 60 58 57 59 62 61 62 62 59 62 62 62 57 61 62 57 61 57 59 62 60 59 6 58 57 60 48 ---------61 56 59 ------59 57 ---58 60 60 ---61 59 ---62 ---------61 ---60 56 58 61 ---59 ---- 57 57 59 ------------60 55 58 ---------56 ---57 ---59 ------58 ---61 ---------60 ---59 ------------58 ---- 64 72 75 81 79 75 74 66 68 60 64 63 71 70 72 66 71 62 65 67 70 82 81 76 77 72 77 73 66 69 79 76 69 71 5 67 71 73 79 ---------66 66 63 ------70 69 ---65 69 63 ---66 69 ---78 ---------77 ---66 67 75 75 ---70 ---- 10 67 69 70 ------------64 65 63 ---------68 ---64 ---64 ------68 ---77 ---------76 ---65 ------------69 ---- 3 8 12 6 6 13 4 4 3 7 7 3 5 5 4 7 8 8 9 4 5 5 5 10 12 6 2 8 3 14 5 8 8 6 5 5 14 11 17 12 23 6 ------- ------- ------- ---5 25 4 8 7 8 ---- ------- ---5 ---8 24 ---- ---8 19 9 ---10 13 ---- ---7 ---6 12 ---- ---7 10 ---- ------- ------- ---9 7 ---- ---7 14 11 ---6 ---13 ------- ---8 16 ---- ---- 28.1 29.0 30.2 29.4 29.2 28.1 29.4 29.0 30.0 28.4 31.7 29.5 30.1 31.8 31.6 31.2 28.9 29.0 30.0 28.8 30.9 28.9 29.3 29.2 30.6 30.0 29.7 29.8 28.7 29.8 29.6 28.7 29.9 29.6 1 29.1 29.9 30.7 30.3 ---------29.3 30.0 28.6 ------30.2 31.7 ---31.0 29.3 29.7 ---29.3 30.7 ---30.1 ---------30.2 ---29.0 30.2 30.5 29.5 ---30.0 ---- 28.4 28.7 29.9 ------------28.1 29.2 27.4 ---------30.9 ---30.2 ---28.7 ------29.6 ---29.6 ---------30.1 ---28.5 ------------29.6 ---- 12.3 12.8 11.8 13.2 11.5 12.2 14.4 13.7 13.9 ---12.1 ---12.4 ---11.3 11.5 12.5 12.6 11.9 12.1 12.1 ---11.9 ---11.7 11.2 12.1 11.5 12.2 ---11.6 11.6 12.2 12.0 13.4 12.6 12.1 ---13.2 12.5 13.5 12.9 12.4 ---13.1 14.3 13.1 ---12.6 ---12.5 ---14.0 13.0 13.4 ---13.5 12.3 13.6 12.9 14.0 14.1 13.9 13.0 13.5 ---12.7 12.4 ---- ---- 11.8 12.1 11.3 ------------11.1 12.0 11.2 ---------10.8 ---10.9 ---11.8 ------12.6 ---12.6 ---------11.6 ---11.2 ------------11.6 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 5. Thomas County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Test Results–Irrigated, 1996-1998 Acre yield (lbs) Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH 3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc. RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD (.05) 1998 1997 1996 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 3012 2825 2869 3324 2906 2464 2743 3169 2656 2178 2465 2610 2887 2853 2991 2995 3263 2836 579 2557 2536 ---------2866 2699 3080 2717 2779 ---------2544 3185 3078 3001 2776 387 ------------------1127 ---988 1104 ---------1234 1034 ------1125 347 2785 2681 ---------2665 2721 3125 2687 2479 ---------2699 3088 3037 3132 2806 ---- ------------------2190 ---2120 2020 ---------2210 2403 ------2246 ---- Plant height (in) Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH 3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc. RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD (.05) Yield as % of test avg. 1998 1997 1996 106 100 101 117 102 87 97 112 94 77 87 92 102 101 105 106 115 100 ---- Lodging (%) 92 91 ---------103 97 111 98 100 ---------92 115 111 108 100 ---- Days to 1/2 bloom 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 57 58 58 58 56 59 59 58 58 59 58 60 59 57 59 59 59 58 1 61 62 ---------64 65 63 63 65 ---------62 64 64 65 57 ---- ------------------62 ---61 62 ---------59 61 ------61 ---- ------------------100 ---88 98 ---------110 92 ------100 ---- Test weight (lbs/bu) 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 1998 2-yr avg 3-yr avg 200 seed weight (g) 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 75 78 75 77 74 76 76 77 79 78 74 75 77 76 80 79 76 76 3 73 73 ---------70 71 73 74 74 ---------72 75 73 72 72 ---- ------------------70 ---71 75 ---------69 71 ------71 ---- 3 8 10 3 11 14 10 5 12 20 13 8 6 8 0 3 12 9 6 2 5 ---------9 9 3 8 12 ---------5 2 2 8 6 ---- ------------------15 ---23 24 ---------18 14 ------14 ---- 22.3 21.7 22.5 21.2 22.3 22.5 21.6 21.7 21.4 21.3 22.7 21.8 22.5 22.1 21.7 21.2 21.5 21.9 0.6 22.0 20.8 ---------21.7 20.5 21.2 21.2 20.6 ---------21.2 21.0 20.8 20.8 22.0 ---- ------------------20.1 ---20.2 19.8 ---------20.8 20.4 ------20.4 ---- 23.9 24.5 25.1 23.9 26.9 21.7 26.1 26.0 20.9 21.1 21.8 24.5 24.5 20.7 24.5 24.2 26.0 23.9 ---- 11 22.6 23.5 ---------23.6 24.8 23.0 20.5 21.1 ---------20.4 23.8 23.9 24.6 23.1 ---- ------------------22.9 ---19.5 20.2 ---------19.4 22.6 ------21.7 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 6. Seed Size Distribution for Thomas County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Tests–Irrigated, 1996-1998 Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. RH3701 Agripro Seeds Inc. RH 3733 Agway, Inc. RH 2073 Agway, Inc. RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed 49097 Mycogen Seeds 9490 Red River Commodities 2211 Red River Commodities 2213 Red River Commodities 2331 Red River Commodities 3531 Red River Commodities 9490 Red River Commodities EX2412 Red River Commodities EX2413 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average Seed size distribution (%) 1998 2-year average 3-year average 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 18/64 16/64 Abov to to to to to Belo Abov to to to to to Belo Abov to to to to to Belo e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w e 22/64 21/64 20/64 19/64 19/64 w 22/64 16/64 22/64 16/64 22/64 16/64 31.4 29.1 32.3 33.7 30.1 9.5 22.6 27.2 24.8 17.6 13.5 35.0 24.5 17.3 20.4 27.5 26.4 24.9 18.4 20.4 18.3 16.5 19.8 12.1 21.2 23.7 15.0 14.9 12.4 19.9 21.6 13.7 17.3 21.1 20.6 18.1 17.4 14.4 18.4 16.7 18.2 13.6 20.4 17.9 14.7 14.9 15.3 14.7 15.4 12.5 20.6 17.5 21.5 16.7 14.1 11.2 13.0 14.7 16.1 20.2 15.7 16.0 15.3 17.4 23.6 12.6 14.4 13.4 19.3 15.8 16.5 15.8 6.0 8.7 7.5 7.1 6.5 13.5 7.6 6.6 8.5 10.5 12.7 6.8 10.2 12.9 9.4 7.1 5.6 8.7 8.6 4.5 10.0 6.5 7.1 3.7 7.4 4.1 6.1 3.6 20.9 10.2 10.1 2.3 5.3 2.5 12.3 9.7 16.8 7.7 16.6 5.6 6.6 4.2 9.9 3.6 19.5 10.7 9.3 3.1 8.7 2.4 5.9 3.0 10.7 5.1 32.7 38.7 ---------21.1 33.9 24.0 20.8 21.4 ---------22.5 21.6 31.0 27.5 28.2 12 21.0 19.1 ---------17.0 20.3 20.6 14.3 16.1 ---------16.6 19.5 22.6 20.2 18.2 16.4 13.8 ---------14.3 16.8 18.1 14.3 15.7 ---------14.6 19.8 15.4 21.2 16.2 12.9 5.5 9.8 6.9 ---- ------- ------- ---15.7 9.7 11.1 5.8 16.1 8.9 15.2 9.0 15.6 9.9 ---- ------- ------- ---13.9 10.5 17.9 9.2 14.2 6.5 15.0 7.4 14.3 8.0 6.7 5.1 6.8 5.2 ---- ------- ------- ---14.8 7.3 8.1 3.7 8.2 3.8 15.8 10.8 14.5 6.6 ---- ------- ------- ---13.9 8.2 7.9 3.9 7.9 2.7 5.5 3.0 9.7 5.3 ------------------26.5 ---20.2 19.9 ---------17.2 15.9 ------22.5 ------------------17.0 ---13.4 14.2 ---------14.8 16.8 ------16.1 ------------------15.9 ---13.3 13.4 ---------15.5 18.7 ------15.4 ------------------15.7 ---15.5 15.3 ---------16.1 21.7 ------16.2 ------------------9.3 ---9.9 11.6 ---------11.7 11.3 ------10.3 ---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---11.4 3.9 ---- ---16.6 11.1 18.1 7.3 ---- ------- ------- ---15.9 8.9 11.2 4.0 ---- ------- ---13.5 5.8 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from NORTH CENTRAL KANSAS DRYLAND SUNFLOWER TESTS-OILSEEED PEST CONTROL: Prowl, May 18, 1998 Warrior, Aug. 9 & 18 POPULATIONS: Double-planted and thinned to desired stands: Oil (O) 22000 plants/a LOCATION: North Central Kansas Experiment Field, west of Belleville in Republic County COOPERATOR: Barney Gordon, agronomist TEST SITE: Crete silt loam Grain sorghum 1996, soybeans 1997 FERTILIZATION: 90-30-0 spring PLANTING DATE June 6, 1998 HEADING DATES: Aug. 3-8, 1998 HARVEST DATE: October 20, 1998 TEST YIELDS: Avg. (lbs/a): 2036 Range: 1655-2597 LSD (lbs/a): 181 CV (%): 8 GROWING CONDITIONS: Uniform stands were established in all plots, and growing conditions remained favorable with nearly ideal rainfall throughout June and July. August and September were very hot and dry. No significant disease outbreaks occurred. PRECIPITATION 8 Planting 50 Bloom Harvest 7 6 40 5 4 3 Normal 30 20 1998 10 Daily 0 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct Daily Cumulative (inches) 60 2 1 0 DAILY TEMPERATURES 100 Degrees (F) 80 Maximums 60 40 Freeze Line 20 0 Minimums 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr GROWING DEGREE DAYS Month 6 1998 5 Normal 4 29-Jun P recipitation 7 Thousands 30-May 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct G R O W ING-SEA S O N W E A T H E R S U M M A R Y 1998 Normal Average Temp. 1998 Normal GDD 1998 Normal April 4.2 2.5 51 53 0 0 May 0.7 4.0 67 64 1006 902 1188 June 3.9 4.6 73 74 1172 3 July 4.8 3.8 79 79 1384 1398 2 August 1.4 3.7 78 77 1359 1335 Sep. 0.1 3.9 73 67 1167 1004 Oct. 2.3 2.0 58 56 733 678 17.3 24.5 68 67 6819 6505 1 0 02-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep Season 29-Oct Totals 13 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 7. Republic County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Dryland, 1996-1998 Yield (lbs/a) Brand and hybrid Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290NL Cargill SF3210 Cargill SF3272 Cargill X6007 Croplan Genetics CL 757 Croplan Genetics CL 810 Croplan Genetics CL 821 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Oil Oil yields (%) (lbs/a) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 avg avg 1998 1997 1996 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 2380 2323 1858 2439 1965 1861 1906 1862 2037 1721 1833 2064 1810 2130 2120 1873 1907 2439 2010 2404 1834 2597 1840 1655 2036 181 Yield as % of test average 2589 2349 2485 2439 117 109 107 2794 2042 2559 2386 114 117 93 2920 2548 2389 2442 91 122 117 ---- ---- ---- ---- 120 ----- -------- ---- ---- ---97 ----- ----1831 ---- 1846 ---91 77 ----1893 1919 1900 1906 94 79 88 2379 ---- 2121 ---91 100 ----2356 2104 2197 2166 100 99 96 2042 1850 1882 1871 85 86 85 ---- ---- ---- ---90 ----- ----2119 1542 2092 1908 101 89 71 2438 ---- 2124 ---89 102 ----2456 2317 2293 2301 105 103 106 ---- ---- ---- ---- 104 ----- ----2266 ---- 2070 ----92 95 ----2085 2371 1996 2121 94 87 108 2298 2424 2369 2387 120 96 111 ---- ---- ---- ---99 ----- -------- ---- ---- ----- 118 ----- -------- ---- ---- ---90 ----- ----2716 ---- 2657 ---- 128 114 -------- ---- ---- ---90 ----- -------- ---- ---- ---81 ----- ----2386 2187 2211 2203 100 100 100 184 584 ---- ------- ----- ----- 38.7 41.2 36.9 38.5 39.4 40.3 40.1 40.5 39.2 40.9 41.3 39.6 38.3 38.9 40.4 36.1 39.9 40.5 39.5 38.0 39.8 40.4 38.7 37.5 39.3 39.4 40.4 41.8 40.0 ------41.9 41.6 41.8 41.3 42.3 ---41.5 40.3 41.2 ---39.8 41.3 41.8 ---------41.4 ------41.1 ---- 40.8 921 1006 995 41.7 957 1071 997 40.7 686 972 1005 ---939 ---- ------774 ---- ------750 772 ---42.0 764 789 800 ---754 889 ---41.1 799 911 892 42.4 704 797 795 ---757 ---- ---41.6 817 867 794 ---693 861 ---41.4 829 948 955 ---856 ---- ------676 831 ---41.7 761 826 887 42.0 988 988 1002 ---794 ---- ------914 ---- ------730 ---- ------- 1049 1100 ------712 ---- ------621 ---- ---41.4 800 912 915 ------- ---continued 14 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 7. Republic County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results–Dryland, 1996-1998, continued Brand and hybrid Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290NL Cargill SF3210 Cargill SF3272 Cargill X6007 Croplan Genetics CL 757 Croplan Genetics CL 810 Croplan Genetics CL 821 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Days to Plant height Lodging Test weight 200 seed 1/2 bloom (in) (%) (lbs/bu) weight (g) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 62 58 60 59 60 61 60 60 59 59 58 59 61 61 62 62 60 60 62 61 58 59 62 61 60 1 61 57 59 ------61 60 60 60 58 ---59 60 61 ---60 60 59 ---------60 ------59 ---- 60 56 58 ---------59 ---58 57 ---58 ---59 ------59 58 ------------------59 ---- 61 75 81 82 74 76 78 85 85 86 79 82 81 78 76 85 83 76 88 89 78 85 86 85 80 1 58 65 68 ------67 71 72 74 72 ---69 70 67 ---69 70 67 ---------72 ------70 ---- 15 56 61 63 ---------69 ---69 67 ---64 ---64 ------67 65 ------------------66 ---- 3 11 10 11 9 10 8 10 9 12 7 10 11 8 9 9 8 9 10 13 9 10 12 10 9 3 4 12 9 ------9 17 12 9 21 ---16 13 12 ---11 14 11 ---------10 ------14 ---- 3 9 7 ---------30 ---27 16 ---31 ---13 ------15 8 ------------------15 ---- 29.4 29.8 29.1 30.6 29.3 29.1 29.9 30.7 28.9 31.0 30.4 30.9 29.1 29.1 30.9 30.4 29.2 30.8 30.0 30.9 30.0 31.4 30.9 31.2 30.1 0.9 29.7 30.8 30.0 ------29.9 30.5 30.7 29.4 31.3 ---31.2 30.2 30.0 ---30.5 29.9 31.0 ---------31.3 ------30.5 ---- 29.0 14.6 14.2 12.5 30.3 11.8 13.0 11.7 29.3 12.3 13.4 12.1 ---- 12.2 ---- ------- 11.6 ---- ------- 11.4 12.1 ---30.1 11.5 12.4 11.4 ---- 11.0 11.9 ---28.7 11.4 12.6 11.6 30.6 10.8 12.2 11.1 ---- 11.0 ---- ---30.4 11.3 12.3 11.2 ---- 10.1 11.9 ---29.1 10.8 12.4 11.6 ---- 10.8 ---- ------- 11.3 11.7 ---29.6 10.9 12.0 11.1 30.2 11.2 12.1 11.3 ---- 10.3 ---- ------9.8 ---- ------- 10.8 ---- ------- 11.0 12.1 ------- 11.9 ---- ------- 10.6 ---- ---29.9 11.3 12.4 11.4 ------- ---- ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from SOUTH CENTRAL KANSAS DRYLAND, CONTINUOUS CROP SUNFLOWER TEST--OILSEED AND CONFECTIONARY PEST CONTROL: Treflan 6/9, Prowl 6/30, Bythroid and Lorsban 8/21 POPULATIONS: Double-planted and thinned to desired stands: Oil (O) 22000 plants/a Confectionary (C) 22000 plants/a TEST YIELDS: Avg. (lbs/a): (O) 1606, (C) 1907 Range: (O) 1133-2117, (C) 1755-2086 LSD (lbs/a): (O) 235, (C) 368 CV (%): (O) 12, (C) 14 GROWING CONDITIONS: Good stands were established, and favorable growing conditions continued until flowering when the weather turned hot and dry. High winds (6070 mph) and heavy rain caused some lodging in the last part of September. LOCATION: South Central Kansas Experiment Field, Hutchinson, Reno Co. COOPERATOR: William Heer, agronomist TEST SITE: Ost silt loam Oats 1996, wheat 1997 FERTILIZATION: 117-40-0/a spring PLANTING DATE June 29, 1998 HEADING DATES: Aug. 15-22, 1998 HARVEST DATE: Oct. 26, 1998 PRECIPITATION 8 Planting 50 Bloom Harvest 7 6 40 30 5 4 3 Normal 20 1998 10 Daily 0 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct Daily Cumulative (inches) 60 2 1 0 DAILY TEM PERATURES 100 Degrees (F) 80 Maximums 60 40 Freeze Line 20 0 Minimums 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct G R O W ING-SEA S O N W E A THER SUMMARY GROWING DEGREE DAYS P recipitation 7 Month 1998 Normal Average Temp. 1998 Normal GDD 1998 Normal Thousands 6 5 Normal 1998 4 April 1.9 2.6 52 56 0 0 May 1.2 3.9 68 65 1033 940 1234 June 3.6 4.3 76 75 1271 3 July 4.7 3.4 80 81 1440 1454 2 August 0.3 3.1 81 79 1445 1385 Sep. 3.7 3.3 77 70 1294 1072 Oct. 3.8 2.5 60 58 798 748 19.1 23.1 71 69 7280 6833 1 0 02-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep Season 29-Oct Totals 16 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 8. Reno County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results, 1996-1998 Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. AP4193 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill X 3210 Cargill X 3272 Cargill X 6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Mycogen Seeds Cavalry Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Yield as % of test average Yield, lbs/a 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 avg avg Oil, % 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 1998 avg avg Oil yield, lbs/a 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 1413 ---1881 1472 2117 1381 1451 1633 1604 ---1662 ---1625 1326 1488 1430 1464 ---1617 1289 1358 1494 1490 1435 1738 ---1702 1060 1133 1126 1386 1669 1573 ---1781 ---1629 ---1614 1618 1431 ---1986 1719 1907 ---1505 ---1606 1450 235 246 88 117 132 90 100 103 101 93 91 101 85 93 108 106 71 86 98 111 101 100 89 124 119 94 100 ---- 602 779 946 573 640 700 670 635 625 679 566 633 756 628 475 606 667 773 663 754 622 850 795 597 676 ---- ---835 683 809 ---------841 ---672 ---811 ------------------------------------763 266 ---1677 1749 1542 ------1476 1459 ---1453 1426 1463 ---1381 1130 1528 ---------1616 ---1853 ------1528 ----- ---1396 1394 1298 ---------1253 ---1193 ---1245 ------------------------------------1273 ----- ---102 95 113 ------91 99 ---89 103 99 ---73 78 115 ---------112 ---119 ------100 ---- ---109 90 106 ---------110 ---88 ---106 ------------------------------------100 ----- 42.6 41.4 44.7 39.5 39.9 42.1 41.2 42.7 42.7 42.0 41.7 42.5 43.5 36.9 41.9 43.7 42.4 43.4 40.7 46.7 43.5 42.8 41.7 39.7 42.1 ---- ---39.0 42.0 38.6 ------39.8 41.8 ---40.3 39.4 40.2 ---37.3 40.2 42.1 ---------44.3 ---40.5 ------40.4 ---- ---39.5 41.8 39.7 ---------42.7 ---40.9 ---41.1 ------------------------------------41.0 ---- ---658 744 594 ------589 610 ---588 560 588 ---513 454 641 ---------715 ---753 ------616 ---- ---438 413 477 ---------479 ---390 ---446 ------------------------------------439 ---- continued 17 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 8. Reno County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results, 1996-1998, continued Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. AP4193 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill X 3210 Cargill X 3272 Cargill X 6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate PaycoSeed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Mycogen Seeds 8372 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Mycogen Seeds Cavalry Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) 1 Lodging data not taken in 1997. Days to ½ Plant height Lodging (%) Test wt (lbs/bu) 200 seed wt (g) bloom (in) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 52 53 51 51 48 52 53 52 51 51 53 52 53 54 52 53 54 49 52 52 49 51 53 52 51 1 ---53 51 51 ------52 52 ---51 52 52 ---53 52 52 ---------52 ---51 ------51 ---- ---55 52 53 ---------53 ---53 ---54 ------------------------------------53 ---- 55 55 64 57 55 56 54 57 57 55 56 57 58 59 63 60 67 61 63 62 57 65 68 59 59 3 ---56 62 58 ------55 56 ---54 57 57 ---57 64 60 ---------63 ---65 ------59 ---- ---54 57 54 ---------55 ---53 ---55 ------------------------------------56 ---- 7 2 6 5 3 5 11 5 3 5 19 11 7 5 11 10 7 5 15 5 20 5 13 9 8 9 --5 5 8 ------7 --10 --9 ------------------------9 --- --------------------------------------------------- 28.5 29.1 31.0 27.3 28.7 28.6 27.2 29.8 28.3 28.4 29.5 27.3 28.2 28.1 27.4 29.6 27.2 30.0 29.1 30.3 26.7 30.7 28.7 28.9 28.7 1.6 ---28.0 29.5 27.3 ------27.4 29.9 ---28.9 29.0 27.5 ---27.9 27.4 29.4 ---------30.4 ---29.8 ------28.6 ---- ---28.9 30.0 28.3 ---------31.0 ---29.5 ---28.4 ------------------------------------29.4 ---- 14.0 11.8 12.5 10.8 11.0 10.4 9.7 10.6 11.0 10.3 10.4 10.0 10.7 12.4 10.1 11.8 10.7 9.6 9.9 11.1 14.0 13.1 12.4 11.4 11.2 ---- ---12.4 11.6 10.9 ------9.7 10.3 ---10.2 10.4 10.0 ---11.2 10.2 11.5 ---------10.5 ---12.2 ------10.9 ---- Table 9. Reno County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Results, 1998 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD (.05) Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average Yield lbs/a Days to ½ bloom Height In Lodging % 2086 1755 1881 1907 368 49 53 53 52 1 68 71 71 70 3 4 7 7 6 6 Above 22/64 21/6422/64 16.3 7.9 6.7 10.3 14.1 10.7 13.1 12.6 Test weight lbs/bu 22.6 21.6 23.1 22.5 1.9 Seed size distribution (%) 20/6419/6418/6421/64 20/64 19/64 15.5 13.6 14.8 14.6 18 16.8 20.6 17.9 18.4 13.7 13.4 15.1 14.1 200 seed weight (g) 22.4 20.5 19.7 20.9 ---- 16/6418/64 Below 16/64 17.4 24.5 23.5 21.8 6.1 9.4 8.6 8.0 ---11.0 10.7 10.3 ---------9.4 ---9.4 ---9.6 ------------------------------------10.1 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from WEST CENTRAL KANSAS DRYLAND SUNFLOWER TESTS-- OILSEED AND CONFECTIONARY PEST CONTROL: Prowl---3pt/a, June 10 POPULATIONS: Double-planted and thinned to desired stands: Oil (O) 17400 plants/a Confectionary (C) 17400 plants/a TEST YIELDS: Avg. (lbs/a): (O) 2143, (C) 1796 Range: (O) 1448-2846, (C) 925-2876 LSD (lbs/a): (O) 549, (C) 537 CV (%): (O) 22, (C) 24 GROWING CONDITIONS: Excellent stands were established. Conditions were drier than normal from April through June but wetter than normal in July. LOCATION: Southwest ResearchExtension Center, Tribune Branch, Greeley County COOPERATOR: David Frickel, research associate, Alan Schlegel, agronomist TEST SITE: Richfield & Goshen silt loam grain sorghum 1996, fallow 1997 FERTILIZATION: 80 lbs N/a as UAN PLANTING DATE May 29, 1998 HEADING DATES: (O) July 22-Aug. 5 HARVEST DATE: Oct. 8 & 9, 1998 PRECIPITATION 8 Planting 50 Bloom Harvest 7 6 40 5 4 3 30 20 1998 10 Normal Daily 0 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr 30-May 29-Jun 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct Daily Cumulative (inches) 60 2 1 0 DAILY TEMPERATURES 100 Degrees (F) 80 Maximums 60 40 Freeze Line 20 0 Minimums 01-Nov 01-Dec 31-Dec 30-Jan 01-Mar 31-Mar 30-Apr GROWING DEGREE DAYS Month 6 1998 5 4 29-Jun P recipitation 7 Thousands 30-May 29-Jul 28-Aug 27-Sep 27-Oct G R O W ING-SEA S O N W E A T H E R S U M M A R Y Normal 1998 Normal Average Temp. 1998 Normal GDD 1998 Normal April 0.9 1.3 47 50 0 0 May 2.5 2.4 63 60 876 786 1093 June 0.9 2.5 68 70 1024 3 July 6.5 2.5 77 76 1335 1307 2 August 1.1 2.2 73 74 1220 1231 Sep. 0.6 1.3 70 65 1094 944 Oct. 4.3 0.7 53 53 574 597 16.9 12.9 65 64 6122 5958 1 0 02-May 01-Jun 01-Jul 31-Jul 30-Aug 29-Sep Season 29-Oct Totals 19 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 10. Greeley County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results, 1996-1998 Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3470 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP4193 Asgrow Seed Co. AS 3211 Asgrow Seed Co. AS5101 Asgrow Seed Co. AS5303 Asgrow Seed Co. AS6305 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill X3210 Cargill X3272 Cargill X6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Mycogen Seeds Cavalry Novartis Seeds NK 231 Novartis Seeds NK 278 Novartis Seeds T45-L2 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6300 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Yield ,(lbs/a) Yield as % of Oil, (%) Oil yields, (lbs/a) 2-yr 3-yr test average 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 1997 1996 avg Avg 1998 1997 1996 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1972 2148 1584 2639 2274 1633 1958 1856 2642 2019 1857 2058 1929 1528 2141 2290 2370 1900 2288 2060 2846 2206 2194 1807 2285 2580 2648 2308 1887 2352 1448 2458 2212 2439 2289 2013 2190 2143 549 ------1973 ---------2628 1583 1807 ------1733 1755 ---1635 1844 2383 ---1822 1572 2127 2106 2642 ------2292 1709 1871 1904 ---------------1932 ------1840 451 ------------------1187 1024 1037 ---------947 ---823 ---1085 ------665 957 ------------1059 958 710 ---------------------------896 333 ------1779 ---------2293 1720 2225 ------1896 1842 ---1888 2067 2377 ---2055 1816 2487 ---2418 ------2436 2179 2090 1896 ---------------2111 ------1992 ------------------1924 1488 1829 ---------1544 ---1533 ---1946 ------1432 1977 ------------1977 1772 1630 ---------------------------1626 92 100 74 123 106 76 91 87 123 94 87 96 90 71 100 107 111 89 107 96 133 103 102 84 107 120 124 108 88 110 68 115 103 114 107 94 102 100 ---- ------107 ---------143 86 98 ------94 95 ---89 100 130 ---99 85 116 ---144 ------125 93 102 103 ---------------105 ------100 ---- ------------------132 114 115 ---------106 ---92 ---121 ------74 107 ------------118 107 79 ---------------------------100 ---- 39.9 40.9 40.9 40.5 42.7 42.2 36.7 37.3 37.9 38.1 39.6 41.9 41.4 41.9 41.0 37.6 40.1 42.5 34.9 41.4 39.5 38.3 35.4 36.7 35.8 43.6 38.9 39.4 38.4 42.5 39.4 37.1 39.4 40.9 40.1 36.2 38.0 39.4 ---- ------40.8 ---------37.9 38.6 39.3 ------42.0 41.7 ---41.4 39.1 40.7 ---39.7 41.2 40.3 ---37.1 ------42.1 38.7 40.2 38.6 ---------------40.5 ------40.0 ---- ------------------40.3 40.9 41.7 ---------43.4 ---42.9 ---42.8 ------42.8 42.3 ------------42.8 39.9 41.9 ---------------------------41.9 ---- 787 879 648 1069 971 689 719 692 1001 769 735 862 799 640 878 861 950 808 799 853 1124 845 777 663 818 1125 1030 909 725 1000 571 912 872 998 918 729 832 845 ---- ------724 ---------872 661 868 ------795 767 ---781 805 966 ---771 748 999 ---901 ------1028 844 838 732 ---------------854 ------799 ---- ------------------760 596 740 ---------659 ---646 ---815 ------601 814 ------------841 698 666 ---------------------------670 ---- continued 20 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 10. Greeley County Oilseed Sunflower Performance Test Results, 1996-1998, continued Brand and hybrid Agripro Seeds Inc. AP3470 Agripro Seeds Inc. AP493 Asgrow Seed Co AS 3211 Agrow Seed Co AS5101 Asgrow Seed Co AS5303 Asgrow Seed Co AS6305 Cargill SF187 Cargill SF270 Cargill SF290 NL Cargill SF3210 Cargill SF3272 Cargill X6007 Dekalb DK 3790 Dekalb DK 3806 Dekalb DK 3868 Dekalb DK 3875 Dekalb DK 3881 Dekalb DK 3900 Interstate Payco Seed Hysun 449 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6077 Interstate Payco Seed IS 6767 Interstate Payco Seed IS 4049 Kaystar 9501 Kaystar EX 88900 Mycogen Seeds 8488NS Mycogen Seeds Cavalry Novartis Seeds NK 231 Novartis Seeds NK 278 Novartis Seeds T45-L2 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6300 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6338 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 63A51 Pioneer Hi-Bred International 6451 Triumph Seed 540 Triumph Seed 562 Triumph Seed 573 Triumph Seed 642 Average LSD (.05) Days to Plant height Lodging Test weight 200 seed 1/2 bloom (in) (%) (lbs/bu) weight (g) 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 2-yr 3-yr 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 1998 avg avg 59 63 57 57 57 63 62 55 61 57 58 60 58 58 61 62 62 65 62 59 61 63 63 62 62 63 57 62 62 60 63 58 63 57 60 63 68 60 1 ------57 ---------61 56 61 ------60 57 ---59 61 61 ---61 59 60 ---63 ------63 58 61 61 ---------------60 ------60 ---- ------------------61 57 61 ---------57 ---59 ---62 ------59 60 ------------62 59 61 ---------------------------60 ---- 64 60 69 67 65 69 56 58 58 60 60 56 63 63 57 63 63 60 62 67 64 71 71 73 68 72 62 67 70 65 69 66 63 64 71 67 54 54 4 ------64 ---------53 55 53 ------50 56 ---52 55 56 ---56 61 58 ---67 ------66 55 60 62 ---------------64 ------59 ---- 21 ------------------50 51 50 ---------53 ---50 ---52 ------58 55 ------------61 52 56 ---------------------------55 ---- 8 7 12 14 7 7 4 14 3 13 10 9 16 13 16 9 14 8 11 10 8 4 13 15 11 6 4 18 10 9 6 11 5 11 13 16 9 10 7 ------8 ---------2 9 2 ------6 13 ---16 7 11 ---9 9 6 ---7 ------4 4 10 10 ---------------8 ------7 ---- ------------------3 10 4 ---------13 ---16 ---9 ------10 7 ------------5 6 11 ---------------------------8 ---- 31.1 31.2 30.7 29.8 30.5 31.5 28.8 30.5 30.3 31.0 30.4 30.6 31.6 31.4 30.6 29.7 29.8 30.6 29.3 29.6 30.4 30.0 30.3 31.9 29.7 32.0 32.1 29.6 33.0 29.9 30.7 30.4 28.2 30.1 31.9 28.9 29.2 30.5 1.5 ------31.8 ---------29.9 31.5 29.8 ------30.5 32.1 ---31.5 30.2 30.6 ---30.5 29.7 31.3 ---31.5 ------32.7 31.9 30.1 33.0 ---------------32.4 ------31.0 ---- ------------------28.7 30.8 28.9 ---------31.4 ---30.8 ---29.7 ------29.1 30.2 ------------31.2 30.7 29.3 ---------------------------30.3 ---- 15.2 12.2 14.3 15.0 15.5 13.0 11.9 14.4 13.8 13.3 15.2 12.2 11.2 13.3 11.7 13.5 12.3 14.2 13.5 13.0 13.0 12.3 11.8 13.8 11.6 12.7 12.2 14.3 12.7 12.3 13.0 14.3 12.1 13.9 16.2 13.0 14.7 13.3 ---- ------13.8 ---------13.2 13.9 13.9 ------12.7 11.7 ---12.0 13.6 12.9 ---12.9 13.6 13.2 ---12.7 ------14.0 13.1 13.9 12.8 ---------------15.5 ------13.5 ---- ------------------12.4 12.9 12.8 ---------11.2 ---11.7 ---12.4 ------12.7 12.3 ------------13.3 11.7 13.2 ---------------------------12.7 ---- This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from Table 11. Greeley County Confectionary Sunflower Performance Results, 1998 Agway RH 2073 Agway RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average LSD (.05) Agway RH 2073 Agway RH 2373 Interstate Payco Seed IS 49097 Triumph Seed 520C Triumph Seed 760C Triumph Seed 765C Average Yield lbs/a Days to ½ bloom Height In Lodging % 1874 1308 1775 1909 1848 2060 1769 537 62 62 57 62 61 60 61 1 63 67 67 63 61 63 64 5 6 8 6 11 7 7 7 8 Above 22/64 21/6422/64 40.4 46.0 39.5 39.8 45.0 34.9 40.9 22.4 22.4 21.4 20.7 24.7 25.6 22.9 Test weight lbs/bu 23.8 22.3 24.6 24.0 23.3 23.6 23.6 1.4 Seed size distribution (%) 20/6419/6418/6421/64 20/64 19/64 14.3 14.4 15.7 14.9 13.5 15.9 14.8 22 11.4 9.5 12.9 13.6 9.1 12.9 11.6 5.8 4.0 5.4 6.5 4.9 6.4 5.5 200 seed weight (g) 28.8 27.5 29.8 27.1 28.4 28.0 28.3 ----- 16/6418/64 Below 16/64 3.8 3.0 3.5 3.9 2.0 3.7 3.3 1.8 0.8 1.8 0.9 1.3 1.2 1.3 This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from 1998 Kansas Sunflower Performance Tests Entrants and Entries in 1998 Sunflower Performance Tests Entrant Brand Hybrid AgriPro Seeds, Inc. 23959 580th Avenue Ames, IA 50010 AP 3430, 3470, AgriPro 4193, 3733, RH 3701 Agway, Inc. PO Box 169 Grandin, ND 58038 Agway Entrant Kaystar Seed Co PO Box 947 Huron, SD 57350 Brand Kaystar Hybrid EX 88900, 9501 Royal Hybrid 2073, 2373 Mycogen Seeds 1340 Corporate Center Curve Mycogen St. Paul, MN 22121 Cavalry, 8372, 8488NS, 9490 Asgrow Seed Company Asgrow PO Box 1945 Plainview, TX 79073 AS 3211, 5101, 5303, 6305 Novartis Seeds 2702 Cobblestone Ct. Fargo, ND 58103 NK 231, 278, T45-L2 Cargill Hybrid Seeds 1401 41st Street N.W. Fargo, ND 58102 Cargill SF 187, 270, X 3210, 3272, 290NL, 6007 Pioneer Hi-Bred, International Pioneer Suite C-150 Brand 1616 S. Kentucky Amarillo, TX 79102 6338, 63A51, 6451, 6300 Croplan Genetics Box 1291 Minot, ND 58702 Croplan CL 757, 810, 815, 821, Red River Commodities, Inc. RRC 1320 East College Drive Colby, KS 67701 2211, 2213, 2331, 3531, 9490, Ex 2412, 2213 Dekalb Genetics 3100 Sycamore Road DeKalb, IL 60115 Dekalb DK 3790, 3806, 3868, 3875, 3881, 3900 Seeds 2000 Box 101 Breckenridge, MN 56520 Seeds 2000 Kodiak Eureka Seeds RR 2 Box 186A Moorhead, MN 56560 Eureka ST2115 (exp), 2135 (exp) Triumph Seed Co., Inc. PO Box 1050 Ralls, TX 79357 Triumph Interstate Payco Seed Co IS 6077, 6767, IS Interstate EXP 33204, PO Box 338 West Fargo, ND 58078 54454MO, 49097 23 Novartis 540, 562, 573, 642, 520C, 760C, 765C This publication from the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service has been archived. Current information is available from CONTRIBUTORS Pat Evans, Research Technologist, Colby (Senior Author) David Frickel, Research Associate, Tribune Barney Gordon, Agronomist, Belleville William Heer, Agronomist, Hutchinson Kraig Roozeboom, Assistant Agronomist, Manhattan Alan Schlegel, Agronomist, Tribune NOTE: Trade names are used to identify products. No endorsement is intended, nor is any criticism implied of similar products not named. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Manhattan 66506 SRP 827 January 1999 It is the policy of Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to its educational programs, services, activities, and materials without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Kansas State University is an equal opportunity organization. These materials may be available in alternative formats. 3.2M