PUBLIC NOTICE EXTENSION COUNCIL ELECTION(S) COUNTY EXTENSION COUNCIL TO: The Voters of Commissioner District No. 1, Commissioner District No. 2, and Commissioner District No. 3, County, State of Kansas PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with K.S.A. 2-611, as amended, State of Kansas, that on the date and at the time and place mentioned below, the citizens of voting age of the Commissioner Districts mentioned shall meet for the purpose of electing four members, (one each for Agricultural Pursuits, Home Economics Work, 4-H Club and Youth Work, and Economic Development Initiatives) in each Commissioner District as Representatives to the County Extension Council. Commissioner District No. 1 (Date) (Place) Commissioner District No. 2 (Date) (Place) Commissioner District No. 3 (Date) (Place) (Time) (Time) (Time) Consideration shall be given to the Extension Program for the Commissioner Districts of the County. , Chair Executive Board KSU 8-24 (1998)