Neural mechanisms of human memory for events and spatial locations Space and Memory Lab: UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & UCL Institute of Neurology Spatial memory in MEG and iEEG Opposing effects of emotion on memory Rodent studies suggest that spatial memory function relies on the hippocampal formation and is mediated by theta and gamma band oscillations, phase- and phase- amplitude coupling. We examine MEG recordings from healthy volunteers and iEEG recordings from epileptic patients performing a spatial memory task to ascertain if these findings can be translated to humans. The formation of associations between items in memory relies on hippocampaldependent mechanisms that go beyond supporting memory for a single item. We show that negative affect can faciliate item memory through amygdaladependent processes. In contrast, negative affect can disrupt associative memory relating to reduced activity in the hippocampus. Methods & Behavioural Results The Task Recognition Memory Participants encode the location of four visible objects within a virtual environment with distal cues for orientation. They are subsequently cued with the image of an object, placed back in the environment, and must retrieve the location of that object and make a response. 1.0 Our findings demonstrate a significant increase in mPFC 4-8Hz theta power during the cue period (A) compared to a baseline period of quiet fixation. There is also a significant increase in theta phase coupling between mPFC and right medial temporal lobe (B), and increased theta phase gamma amplitude coupling between mPFC and parietal / occipital regions (C) during this time period. These results suggest that mPFC may co-ordinate spatial memory retrieval through oscillatory coherence between multiple cortical regions, including the hippocampus. A C B Movement Onset - iEEG Data Interictal Spikes and Performance Our findings demonstrate a significant increase in theta power on depth electrode contacts placed in the hippocampus at movement onset in the virtual environment, specifically during encoding trials. Epileptic EEG recordings exhibit interictal spike (IIS) activity that reflects the transient, abnormal discharge of large neural populations. We find that the frequency with which IIS events occur on depth electrode contacts placed in the hippocampus during the cue period is negatively correlated with spatial memory performance. 1.0 p = 0.07 p = 0.001 Proportion Correct p < 0.001 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 Cue Period - MEG Data Associative Memory Participants encoded neutral and negative images presented as pure neutral, mixed or pure negative pairs. At test, participants were cued with a neutral or negative image and required to retrieve the paired associate originally presented with the cue. Cue Neutral Target Neutral Neutral Negative Negative Neutral Negative Negative 0.0 p < 0.001 p < 0.05 Neutral Neutral Neutral Negative Negative Neutral Negative Negative Recognition was enhanced for negative cues. Associative memory was reduced for pairs that included a negative image at encoding. In addition, retrieval of a negative target associate was enhanced relative to being cued with a negative image to retrieve a neutral target Encoding Examination of encoding trials, irrespective of memory performance, showed greater activity in the left hippocampus for pure neutral pairs supporting the observed decrease in associative memory and disruption of normal hippocampal function during negative affect. Bilateral hippocampal activity at encoding predicted subsequent memory for retrieving the correct associate. Retrieval Illustrative results from one patient At retrieval, accurate recognition of a previously seen negative image compared to neutral images was associated with bilateral amygdala activity. Associative memory hits when cued by a neutral image were predicted by hippocampal activity further supporting reduced function by negative stimuli. Accurate associative hits for negative target images were associated with bilateral amygdala activity supporting its role in facilitating negative item retrieval. Pattern completion in the hippocampus Episodic memories are thought to be retrieved by a process of pattern completion in the hippocampus. We Retrieval provide behavioural and fMRI evidence that multi-element events are encoded by separate cortical regions and bound together within the hippocampus. At retrieval, the reinstatement of all event elements in the neocortex is initiated by the hippocampus. Behavioural Dependency Encoding (A) Multi-element events were encoded as pairwise associations. Events were either encoded within closedloop structures (C) or open-loop chains (D). Memory was tested for all associations (B). Dependency was calculated for each event using contingency tables and compared to dependent and independent models. Events encoded within a closed-loop structure showed greater behavioural dependency. Increases in dependency positively correlated with retrieval of the non-target associate during test. We identified specific cortical regions associated with each class of event element during encoding. A greater subsequent memory effect was observed in the hippocampus for closed- versus open- loop conditions during the third encoding trial of each event (when the loop was closed in closed-loop events). Event elements were reinstated in the neocortex during retrieval. Events encoded within a closed-loop structure showed greater cortical reinstatement for the non-target element compared to events encoded as open-loop chains. The difference in hippocampal BOLD response between retrieval of closed and open loop events was correlated with activity in neocortical regions for non-target elements, suggesting that the hippocampus initiates cortical reinstatement.