


Charles F. Delzell, Chmrman

Vanderbilt University

Permanent Directors

No. 9 APril 1973

H. Stuart Hughes

Harvard University

Forrest C. Pogue

George C. Marshall Research Foundation

Terms expiring 1973

All members are asked to consider participating in the conference scheduled for the National Archives, Wash-

George Baer

University of California at Santa Cruz ington, D. C., June 14-16, 1973. Printed, detailed programs and registration forms will be sent out early in


Albert A. Blum

Michigan State University

Hans Gatzke

Yale University


Stanley Hoffmann

Han:'ard University

Max Salvadori

Smith College

Louis Snyder

City College of New York

Warner Warmbrunn

Pitzer College

Gordon Wright

Stanford University

Terms expiring 1974

Martin Blumenson

Naval War College

Harold C. Deutsch

National War College

Stanley L. Falk

Industrial College of the

Armed Forces

Thursday, June 14.

Secretariat and Newsletter

Arthur L. Funk, Secretary

Department of History

University of Florida

Gainesville, Florida 32601

American Committee is affiliated with:

Comite International d'Histoire de la Deuxieme

Guerre Mondiale

32, rue de Leningrad

Paris VIlle, France

Afternoon and evening. Films on the Second World War, arrs,nged by the National ArcMves •

Friday, June

Conference on World war I I


Morning session, 9:00-12 :00: status, Problems, and Needs of

1-vorld War I I History: an Area and Service APproach.

Chairman: Charles F. Delzell, Vanderbilt University

Maurice Matloff

Office of the Chief of

Military Hi"tory

Ernest May

Harvard University

Louis Morton

Dartmouth College

George Mosse

Uuiversity of Wisconsin

Gerhard Weiuberg

University of Michigan

Terms expiring 1.975

Gen. J. Lawton Collins vVashingtan, D. C.


War in the Air: Alfred F. Hurley, USAF Academy

T.rlar at Sea: Dean C. Allard, Navy Department Naval History Div.


The Pacific:

David Kahn

Louis Morlon, 'Dartmouth College

The Mediter~anean: Robert Beitzell, University of Maine

Eastern 'Europe: Earl Ziemke, University of Georgia

\-Vestern Europe: stephen E. Ambrose, Louisiana state, New orleans

Robert Divine

University of Texas

William M. Franklin

Department of State

Robin Higham

Kansas State University

Col. A. F. Hurley

Air Force Academy

Raymond O'Connor

University of Miami

Harrison Salisbury

New Yark Times

Robert Wolfe

National Archives

Lunch. 12: 00-2 : 00 •

Afternoon session, 2~OO-5:00: status, Problems, and Needs of

World liar II History: a Topical Approach.

Chairman: Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall Foundation



Oral History:



Janet Ziegler, Reference Librarian, UCLA

Trevor DuPUY. Historical Evaluation and

Research Organization

John !E. Wickman, Dwight D. Eisenhower Libra:r:r

William B: • Cunliffe, NationalA.!"chi.ves h1illiam Franklin, Department -/Sf-State

Maurice Matlo!f, Office of the Chief of Military

History r - - - - - - - - - - -


Buffet Reception, 5:30-7:30. National ~rchives

Saturday. June 16.

Morning session, 9:00-11:00: The "Home Front:" The American People and the War.

Chairman: Arthur L. Funk, University of' F'lorida



D. Doenecke, New College, ~arasota.

"Non-Interventionism of the


Lert: The 'Keep America out of t.,rar Congress. 1938-1941.!f w. steele, Califorlua State ~niversity, ~an Diego. "Franklin

Roosevelt and Public Opinton during Horld tJlar II."



Paul A. C. Koistinen, California stl'l,te University, Northridge

Richard Polenberg, Cornell University

Business meeting, 11:00-12:00. Agenda to include dlscussion of

IORS meeting in San ll'rancisco in 1975.

Registration fee will be prlnted program, or

$5.00 paYable in advance upon receipt of the

$6.00 at the registration desk, National A.rchives.


The AHA Program Colltl'l1ittee has approved the Commi.ttee's proposal for a joint session at the meeting next December, at San ~ancisco.

The program:


Delzell; Papers: Howard L. Boorman, Vanderbilt; Willlarrt 1i'ranklin. state

Department; William Roger LOUis, Texas; Commentator: Akira Iriye, Chioago.

The Institut Universitaire d'Etudes Europeennes, through its secretar,y general, Gustavo Mala.n, has requested the American Committee to notity its members that it is undertaking studies of I!,uropean Resistance loJovements and invites cooperation. Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele 83, Turin, Italy.

CirCUlated with Newsletter you '",zill find the January 1973 issue of the "News Bulletin" of the International Committee for the History of the

Seoond r;"1orld War. It may be possible that in the future this bulletin could be sent directly to Americanmembersrrom Milan. If you would like to receive it. please communicate with the American secretary and he will determine .f'rom ~;fr.

Rochat, the Internat:i.onal secretary. whethe1" this is feasible.


A. Biblio~!:ehies.l

Documents, ..

~nd Res~arc.hj,ids

The Complete Presidential Pre~s Conferences of Franklin Delano Roosevelt,

1933-1945. Intro. by Jonathon Daniels. 12 vols. Da Capo Press, 1972.

The Foreign Affairs 50-year Bibliography: New Evaluations of Signif'icant

Books on International Relations, 1920-1970. PP. 298-338 on the

Second T;~lorld liar. CounclJ. on Relations, 1972 ,- __



Historical Materials in the 'Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. National Archi'''es and Record ~ervice, Abilene, Kansas, 1972. 45 Pp.

Marine Corps ora.l History Collection Catalog. Compiled by Benis M.

Frank. Historical DiVision, U. 8. Marine Corps, t?ashington, D. C.

Recent accessions and opel".ings of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. listed in prolo~.

the jonrnal of the National Archives, Fall, 1972.

World tNar II U.S. Government Civilian Agency Histories. A mi.crofi.lm collection of over 400 histories prepared during and after the war.

Available from Research PublicRtions Inc., P. O. Box 3903, New

Haven, Conn. 06525.

World War II Histories and Historical Reports in the U. S. Naval History

Division. A partial check-list prepared b,y the operational Archives,

Naval History DiVision, Navy Department, Washington, D. C., 1972.

B. Histories of t~e War

Calvocoressi, Peter. and Guy Wint. Total ',far. Pantheon, 1972.

Howe. Quincy. Ashes of Victory: \oforld War II and its Aftermath. Simon and Schuster, 1972.

Payne. Robert. EyEnol-i tness: A Personal Acoount o.f a Turoultuous Decade,

1937-1946. Doubleday, 1972.


Eubank. Keith. The Road. to World \~ar II: A Documentary History. crowell, 1973.

'l"riedrich, otto. Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920's.

Harper and Row, 1972.

Lubasz. Heinz (ed.'. Fascism: Th!'oo ~ajor Regimes. tlliiley, 1973.

~ith, Geoffrey S. To Save a Nation: American Counter-SUbversives, the

New Deal, and the Coming of t.I/'orld llliar II. Bastc Books. 1972.


Blumens on ,Martin. Eisenhower. Ballantine. 1972.

Du Pre, Flint. Hap Arnold: Architect of American Air Power. Macmillan. 1972.

Leuchtenburg, William E. (ad.). FrarJ<lin D. Roosevelt: A. Profile.

Hill & liang, 1972.

Nicholson. Nigel. Alex: The Ufe of Field Marshal Earl Alexander o.f

Tunis. Atheneum. 1973.

Payne, Robert. The Life and Death of' Adolf Hitler. Praeger. 197J.

Pogue. Forrest ·C. George C. Marshall: organizer of Victory. 1943-1945.

Viking. 1973.

Schoenfeld. Maxwell. The War Ministry of Winston Churchill. Iowa state University Press, 1972.

_ _ _ • Sir Winston ChurchilL Holt, 1973.

B. Polit~c~Land DiElomat~e A~Eects

Beitzell, Robert. The Uneasy Alliance: America, Britain. and Russia.

'1941-1943. Knopf, 1973.

Buhite. Russell D. Patrick J. Hurley and Americ~.n

Foreign Policy.

Cornell University Press, 1972.

Maddox, Robert James. The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War.

Princeton University Press, 1973.

Middleton. Drew. Retreat from Victory: A Critical Appraisal of American Foreign and ~.ilitary

Folicy from 1920 to the 1970's.

Hawthorn. 1973.

O'Connor, Raymond G. li'orce and Diplomacy: Essays YJilitary and Diplomati c • University of Miami Press. 1972.

Hose, Lisle. After Yalta: America and the Origins of the Cold War.

Scribners', 1973.

Sachar. Abram L. The Course of OUr Times. Knopf, 1972.

Wheeler-Bennett, John, a..nd Anthony Nlcholls. The Semblance of Peace:

The Political Settlement arter the ;~econd tl1'orld t.Tar. Macmillan, 1972.

Burdick, Charles B. Unternehmen Sonnenblume: Del' Entschluss zum Afrikafeldzug. Neckargemunde: Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1973.

Chew, Allen F. The White Death: The Epic of the Soviet-Finnish Winter

""rar. Michigan state Un.'i.versity Press, 1971.

Hansell, Haywood S. The Air Plan that Defeated Hitler. Atlanta, Ga.:

Higgins-McArthur, 1972.

Ruston, J. A. out of the Blue. Purdue University studies, 1973.

Infield, Glenn. The Poltava Affair: A Russian Warning, An ~merican

Tragedy. MaCmillan, 1m.

Mueller, Norbert. ~Jehrmacht und Okkupation, 1941-1944. Berlin:

Deutscher Milit~rverlag, 1971.

Pack, S.


C. Night,_Action off' Cape Matapan. Allan. 1972. strawson, John. The ..tiattle for the Ardennes. Bats ford , 1972. strawbridge, Truman R., and George W. Garand. operations in the western

Pacific. Vol. IV of "History of the U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II." Washington, D.

C.: Marine Corps Historical

Branch, 1972.

Thomas, David A. Nazi Victory: Crete 1941. stein & Day, 1973. tNhaley, Barton. Codeword Barbarossa. MrT Press, 1973.

1tYhiting, C. Battle of the RuhI' Pocket. Pan., 1972.

D. Services. Intelligence


Te~hnical ~speets.

Re~istance, etc.

Connery. R. H. The Navy and the Industrial Mobilization in World

\olar II. Da Capo Press. 1972.

Herring, George C. Jr.~id to Russia 1941-1946: strategy, Diplomacy, the

~crae, origins of the Cold lllar. Columbia University Press. 1972. stuart. Winston Churchill's Toyshop. 1'lalker, 1972.

Michel, Henri. The Shadow T/lar: Resistance in Europe, 1939-1945.

Deutsch, 1972.

Pesce. Giovanni. And No Quarter. Ohio University Press, 1972.

SMith. M. J. Dachau. University of New Mexico Press, 1972.


Auphan. Paul. Histoire elEfmentaire de Vichy. Paris: France-Empire, 1971.

Kemp, Tom. The French Economy, 1913-'39. st. Martin's, 1972.

Flannel', Janet. Paris was Yesterday, 1925-39. Viking, 1972. ordioni, Pierre. Tout eommence a

Alger, 194o_l~.

Paris: stock, 1972.

Paxton. Robert O. Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944.

Knopf, 1972.

Sarigny, Alain de. Echoes d'Alger. Paris: Presses de la Cite~, 19_7_2__•



Bu11itt, Orvi111~ (ed.). For the President: Personal and Secret. Correspondence o.f Roesevelt and William C. Bullitt. Houghton-Mifflin. 1972.

Perrett, Geoffrey. Days of Sadness, Years of Triumph. Co"....ard. McCann, 1973.

Young. R. A. Congressional olitics in the Second TrJorld l~Tar.

Da Capo, 1972.
