Cost Saving Ideas

Cost Saving Ideas
Local Unit Director Training Spring 2013
Use Every Door Direct - mailing with USPS
Email newsletters and publications
Volume buying
Use Adobe Connect instead of conference calls
Mail newsletters from Manhattan
Lease vehicles
Have only 1 Office Professional
Camp out at Annual Conference
No county vehicles
Reduce/eliminate number of newsletters
Use bulk postage
US Community for copy machines
Print pubs only as needed
Quarterly newsletters
Replace copier to eliminate need for color printers
Combine mailings to the same address
Eliminate work cell phones
Email correspondence with boards
Turn lights off in unused rooms
Email or have links to fair forms
Reduce number of 4-H judges for 4-H Day
Price shop purchases over $100
Move salary increase start dates to Jan 1
County pay for internet service
Use state contracts
Recycle ink cartridges (Staples)
Drive vehicles longer
More grants
Limit travel
Recycle activity components for activities
Price compare for office supplies
Reduce number of hours Office Professional works
Change phone plans
Eliminate coffee service
Combine newsletters
Email/text reminders instead of sending postcards
Share internet costs with other offices
Buy bulk fuel
Office Professional on county benefits
Reduce supplies inventory
Shop for better prices for equipment/services (bids)
Charge for plant & insect ID if sent to KSU
Recycle office supplies when possible
Shop for better prices for treasurers’ bond and liability policies
Use county owned vehicles and pay mileage
Review phone plan for cost saving options
Eliminate postage machine, use machine in courthouse
Eliminate part time help
Reduce advertising of events costs
Use 300 dpi instead of 600 to reduce the amount of printer ink
Charging for publications
Keep Office Professional overtime hours to a minimum
Make building more energy efficient
Solar electric system for extension building
Programmable thermostats
Change lights from T-12 to T-8
Energy audit, insulate where needed
Eliminate fax line
Keeping budgets
Using a one-call system
Using store brands for FCS demos
Purchase in quantity
Replace old copy machine
Districts - pay service contracts on all copy machines together annually instead of paying monthly with a lease fee
Combine all insurance to get a better rate
Making meals for meetings, instead of catering
Make flyers in black and white on colored paper
Join local chamber to use their bulk mailing permit
Recycle items that can be used for a craft program
Recycle e-waste - health dept
Work with sheriff’s dept - medicine returned
Use outside accounting company to do payroll for office staff and grant funded programs (billed to grant)
Take advantage of sales
Partner with other organizations to share financial, staff resources
Avoid late fees and finance charges
Design marketing pieces in-house