International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Ricochet Angle for Armament Shapes Vijayalakshmi Murali1, S. D. Naik2, 1 Department of Engineering Mathematics, MESCOE (Wadia), University of Pune, India. Applied Mathematics and Reliability Group, Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Pune, India. 2 Abstract Research has established a critical angle determining water ricochet of projectiles. The first part of the paper deals with the formulation of an analytical model to estimate the critical ricochet angle, and applying it for real world armament shapes. The shapes under consideration are Power Series (0.5 and 0.75), HAACK Series and Elliptical Series. The effect of nose shape on ricochet angle is studied and simulation is done by varying different parameters like mass, diameter and geometry of the projectile and the critical angle is found to vary as a dimensionless parameter μ. Keywords: Ricochet, Projectile, Critical angle and nose shape. 1. INTRODUCTION May 1943 can be considered as the start of a new era in warfare when the British attacked the German dams. The British had researched and identified that the valley of Ruhr and Ruhr dams as a strategic point to attack. It was the heart line of that area providing water and power. The most important one was the Mohne Dam protected by two anti torpedo nets and anti aircraft guns on the shore and on each side of the tower, which made it difficult to attack. Sir Barnes Wallis came up with the idea of bouncing bombs to breach the dams. The attack by the Royal Air Force was carried out during the period when the reservoir was completely full and they breached the upper part of the dam. The flooding through the breach caused enormous damage to the people and the surrounding areas. Wallis’s bouncing bombs were based on the concept of ricochet and caused more destruction than a direct attacking missile. Ricochet, is the rebounding of the projectile from any surface, which leads to the round missing its intended target. Because of the unpredictable nature of ricochet, accidents tend to take place, being dangerous to bystanders. However, with thorough study of this subject it can be utilised effectively in warfare to cause more damage or to avoid calamities and casualties. Landing of spacecrafts applies ricochet to reduce its high velocity gradually before touching earth’s surface, called as skip re-entry. Forensic science relates to investigating and solving the criminal cases using biological information. Ballistic techniques are involved in cases where firing has taken place, to identify weapons used, direction of fire, and nature of wounds and gather other useful information to help solve the criminal cases. In the Warren Commission enquiry of the assignation of President John.F.Kennedy and wounding of Texas Governor John Connally it was proved by the Wound Ballistics department of U.S. army that the cartridge and fragments recovered from the accident sight indeed caused the injuries to both of them. Ricochet analysis is very useful in crime investigations. T.W.Burke, W.F.Rowe both former police officers have studied the effect of bullet ricochet in relation to exchange of firing between officers and criminals [1]. Police investigations of any crime and solving the case is the need of our modern society. Investigators try to reconstruct the shooting scene and predict the nature of shot and the trajectory of the bullet. During a mission or on duty, ricochet of bullets can be hazardous to law enforcement officers who are dealing with armed suspects. Safety is also a prime concern for them. When shooting with a shotgun chances of a ricochet are multiplied by the number of pellets in the cartridge that is used. It takes only one pellet to cause serious injury or death. Contrary, controlled ricochet of the artillery rounds can prove beneficial in situations where it can be used to increase their range. Bullets can ricochet from any surface wall, glass, concrete and from water and even soil. It is unexpected and can be fatal. A few real life cases of ricocheting of bullets from different surfaces are listed below. a. A commercial fisherman suspecting a man stealing fish out his nets waited during the night to catch him. When the person started to take the fish out of the nets, the fisherman shot into the water to scare him. The bullet glanced up and killed the man. The shooting was ruled accidental after the tests showed it had indeed hit the water first. b. During a pursuit of a man fleeing from the police, the officer's face was grazed by a ricochet bullet. The bullet ricocheted after hitting the rim of the tire of the vehicle in which the accused was attempting to flee. c. Lt. Robert A. Dibb, was killed when a rocket fired at 30 degree and a speed of 280 knots ricocheted 500 feet into the air and took off one wing of his F6F Hellcat. The rocket body struck him from above carrying away the right wing hinge fitting causing the right wing to come down. Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Page 86 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 d. Lt. Donald Kirkpatrick beginning to climb the aircraft was struck by a ricocheting projectile which pierced the engine cowling. The engine failed completely, short of the emergency strip and he made a full stall landing in bumpy desert terrain, which collapsed the landing gear resulting in strike damage to the aircraft [2]. W. Goldsmith has given an overview of ricochet in his review of non-ideal impacts on targets [3]. In his review, he has classified the targets as liquid target, soft target and metallic target. Impact of a body striking the water was studied by Leon Trilling [4]. Much experimental work and research has been conducted to understand the ricocheting bullets and its consequences. I.M.Hutchings modified Birkoff’s formulae by Rayleigh’s pressure formulae for finding critical angle of ricochet for spheres and spinning cylinders [5]. In the late seventies W.Johnson, G.H.Daneshi and Reid did extensive work on water ricochet of spheres and G.Wijk analyzed the ricochet of conical nose shaped projectiles [6, 7, 8, 9]. Johnson has classified water impacts as bouncing, broaching, penetration and ricochet. He specifies ricochet as the water entry where the body is never completely immersed in water. This characteristic of ricochet is used in almost all analysis. In our present work, a model is developed to find the critical angle of ricochet of some important nose shaped projectiles. 2. WATER RICOCHET MODEL Ricochet of bullets in water is similar to skipping of a stone. A bullet’s interaction with the surface of water, however, is different as compared to its trajectory in air. The equation of motions of skipping stone was derived and interpreted by L. Bocquet [10]. Park, et al., studied the impact forces using numerical methods [11]. The nature of impact depends on the angle of impact, the impact velocity, the geometry of the projectile, mass and the density of the projectile and that of the target. Projectile Shape is one of the major factors in water ricochet as the force exerted by the target on the body depends on the immersed area. The critical angle gives the limiting impact angle determining the occurrence of ricochet. This is obtained by balancing the momentum of the forces acting on the body [12]. As the projectile enters the water surface, the lift force acting on it is proportional to its wetted area in water. The lift force is calculated by taking into consideration the actual projected wetted area on the water surface times the square of its velocity. 2.1. Methodology A projectile with mass ‘m’, and diameter of the cylindrical rear end of the nose ‘d’, impacts the surface with an initial velocity ‘v’ making an angle ‘α’ with the normal to the water surface. We define θ as the ratio where L is the length of the nose and R is the radius of the nose end or d/2. Figure 1 Projectile entering the water surface. The projectile depth at any time t is denoted as ξ and its depth ξ* when the front tip of the bullet just touches the water surface is derived as, (1) . The areas of the projection of the wetted portion of the projectile on the water surface are considered, (Fig 2.), B(ξ) the projected area of the nose part and C(ξ) the projected area of the back cylindrical part of the projectile. Calculations are done by taking the individual governing equations of each shape and integrating it. The total projected wetted area is (2) Figure 2 Projected areas The momentum N in the normal upwards direction to the water surface due to the lift force corresponding to dynamic pressure is: (3) Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Page 87 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 The maximum depth of cut ξ# for a given projectile is obtained when N, momentum due to the retarding force of the projected area D(ξ) on the water surface is balanced with I, impending projectile body momentum along the normal to the water surface. The immersed area changes with the nose shape of the projectile. The most essential condition for a projectile to ricochet is that the projectile must impact the water laterally or the front tip should not touch the water surface first. In such cases, the lift force due to the projected area is able to overcome and sustain the weight of the projectile. The critical angle analysis is based on the fact that the projectile will ricochet only if its depth ξ in water is less than ξ* the depth when the front tip makes contact with water [9, 15, 18]. The determining condition for ricochet to take place is ξ# has to be less than ξ*. A threshold for the critical angle for ricochet α* is obtained by equating ξ# and ξ* for a projectile of given dimensions [12]. We find an expression for critical angle for Power series, elliptical and hack series nose shape and compare it with our previous results of conical and ogive nose shape projectile. 3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND EQUATIONS OF ARMAMENT SHAPES The geometry of the nose shape can be governed by a mathematical equation. We consider the symmetrical cross section of the nose cone. The equation is obtained by taking the origin at the tip of the nosecone, x-axis along the axis of the nose cone, y is the radius at any point x, as x varies from 0 at the tip to L, where we define L as the overall length of the nosecone, and R as the radius of the base of the nosecone. There are exact equations to define the 2-dimensional profile of the nose shape. The full body of revolution of the nosecone is formed by rotating the profile around the centreline (C/L) Figure 3. Cross section of nose shape. 3.1 Power Series The power series nose shape follows the power law to formulate a polynomial that is characterized by a rounded nose tip. There is always a discontinuity at the nosecone body joint which gives a distinct non aerodynamic look to the component, which is modified and smoothened out [13]. This shape is obtained by rotating about the axis the equation (4) The base of the nose cone is parallel to the latus rectum of the parabola and the bluntness of the shape is controlled by the factor ‘n’, . The value of n less than 0.7 results in blunt nose and above which it becomes sharp and as given below. n = 1 for a cone n = 0.75 for a ¾ power n = 0.5 for a ½ power (parabola) n=0 for a cylinder The equation of 0.5 power series is 0.5 x y R L . (5) As the projectile impacts the water surface the complete area of the projection of the wetted portion of the projectile is given by (6) The momentum N in the normal upwards direction to the water surface due to the lift force corresponding to dynamic pressure for the above is got by substituting is D(ξ) in equation (3). I is the downward momentum due to penetration and is given as (7) A balance between the momentum N and I is achieved and the corresponding maximum depth of cut ξ#, is obtained by solving N = I, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Page 88 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 (8) Ricochet takes place for all values of ξ# < ξ*. The critical angle is found as the intersection of the two curves ξ# and ξ*. The graph gives the critical angle as the intersection of the straight line ξ* and the curve of ξ#. Figure 4 Graph showing intersecion of ξ# and ξ*. Similarly, we derive the projected area for 0.75 power series by taking the corresponding equation and the projected area in water is, (9) Comparison between N and I gives the maximum depth of cut for 0.75 power series parabola as (10) The maximum depth of cut for a conical nose shaped projectile when n=1 is given as (11) The areas of the projection for ogive nose shaped projectile are calculated by taking into consideration the ogive equation (12) where γ is the radius of the circle that forms the ogive and is called the Ogive Radius and it is related to the length and base diameter of the nose cone by the formula (13) Simulation is carried out for finding the critical ricochet angle for different mass and diameter and using the condition # has to be less than ξ*. Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Page 89 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 3.2 Elliptical Series The elliptical series nose is formed by incorporating one-half of the ellipse, with the major axis being the centreline and the minor axis being the base of the nosecone. The rotation of the half ellipse about the major axis is called as prolate hemispheroid. Note also, that if R equals L, this shape is a hemisphere. The curve is governed by the equation: (14) The complete projected area is given as, (15) Comparison between N and I reduces the equation to (16) where z =ξ/d. The equation is solved using the MATLAB solver and simulations are done to get the critical angle for varying mass, diameter and tip angle θ. 3.2 HAACK Series The HAACK series shapes are not characterized as the previous shapes based on geometry, instead are derived by mathematical formulations with the purpose to minimize drag. The formulation contains a variable C that determines the outcome of the HAACK shapes. However two particular values of C are important; that is when C=0, also known as ‘LD’ which signifies minimum drag for a given length and diameter, and C=1/3 also known as ‘LV’ indicating minimum drag for a given length and volume. It is governed by the equation: (17) Where (18) The results for C=0, and C=1/3 are similar for small values δ. Correspondingly, we get the projected areas for HAACK series as (19) N = I give the roots as: (20) 4. SIMULATION AND RESULTS Taking a sample of projectiles of standard dimension, we conducted parametric simulation analysis on the above said shapes and the following results were obtained. It was observed that there exists a dimensionless parameter for a target of given density which affects the critical angle of the projectile directly. In our analysis of water ricochet since density is constant we found that for same values of µ for different mass and diameter the critical angle is same to be true for all the above said nose shapes. Simulations were carried out for all nose shapes and the results are given in Table 1. 4.1 Table1: Critical angle for different nose shapes for same value of µ. Mass In Kg. Diamete r Critical angle α* Cone ogive 82.3797 α*-ogive 83.1818 In 0.9084 6 metres. 0.0604 4.12282588 4 Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Power Series0.5 Power Series0.75 Elliptic Shape Haack Series 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 Page 90 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 1.3602 8 4.12281806 8 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.0691 1.8133 9 4.13095476 7 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.076 2.7195 7 4.11571957 8 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.0871 4.0809 1 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1 4.08091 5.4426 9 4.12281375 3 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1097 8.1649 9 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1256 4.12084936 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1382 4.12460627 5 82.3797 10.887 14.515 7 4.12525633 7 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1521 29.030 6 4.12088146 1 82.3797 83.1818 81.9786 81.4056 80.8327 81.0046 0.1917 5. RESULT: The critical angle was found to be same for projectiles of different mass and diameter having the same value µ for each nose shaped projectiles. For projectiles of varying mass and diameter but of constant ratio µ the critical angle is same for all nose shapes. The elliptic nose shaped projectile has least critical angle or more range of ricochet and the ogive nose shaped projectile has the least range of ricochet. From Table 2 it can be seen that for projectiles of same mass as the diameter increases the critical angle decreases or the range of ricochet is increases. We validate this relation between critical angle α* and µ, by finding the correlation coefficient between them which is very close to1 as shown in Table 3, which implies α* is proportional to µ a dimensionless parameter. A graph depicting the relation between µ and α* is also shown. Table 2: Critical angle for projectiles of same mass but varying diameter Critical angle α* Ma ss m in Kg . Diam eter d In metr es Cone ogive α*_cone α*-ogive Power Series0.5 Power Series0.75 Elliptic Shape Haack α*_ps.5 α*_ps.75 α*_ellipse α*_haack Series 0.0 02 0.005 16 84.51106 432 86.03513 206 84.21885 585 84.006861 46 83.812055 81 83.76048 961 0.0 02 0.005 45 12.3549 4 84.13291 218 85.57103 624 83.82351 497 83.571413 54 83.296393 8 83.29066 422 0.0 02 0.005 7 10.7995 4 83.93237 695 85.31320 524 83.61152 058 83.336500 84 83.015644 48 83.03856 279 0.0 02 0.006 4 83.38806 704 84.60273 757 83.04429 237 82.700517 69 82.259340 19 82.34528 386 0.0 03 0.005 63 16.8111 84.57981 926 86.12107 573 84.29334 036 84.087075 55 83.909458 64 83.84643 328 0.0 03 0.006 4 11.4440 9 84.01832 062 85.42779 679 83.70319 383 83.439633 25 83.135965 61 83.14742 477 7.62939 5 Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 Page 91 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Table 3: Correlation coefficient between µ and critical angle α*. Nose shapes Correlatio n coefficient µ and cone α* µ and ogive α* 0.956091 537 0.942402 961 µ and elliptical α* µ and power series 0.5 α* 0.954389 665 0.954086 964 µ and power series 0.75 α* 0.950014 294 µ and haack series α* 0.949935 262 . Figure 5. Relation between dimensionless parametr µ and critical angle α* 5. Conclusion Critical angle of ricochet is found to vary with µ a dimensionless parameter. µ is an important parameter for ricochet studies at the design level. It can predict the dimension of bigger projectiles for the given ricochet angle with the help of available previous data. References [1] Burke, T.W. and Rowe, W.F. “Bullet Ricochet: A comprehensive Review,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, Vol. 37, No. 5,September 1992, pp. 1254-1260. [2] [3] Goldsmith W. Non-ideal projectile impact on targets. Int J Impact Engg. 1999; 22: 95-395 [4] Leon Trilling, “The Impact of a Body on a Water Surface at an Arbitrary Angle,” J. Appl. 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